path: root/src/testdir/test_winfixbuf.vim
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 3286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_winfixbuf.vim b/src/testdir/test_winfixbuf.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04043f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testdir/test_winfixbuf.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,3286 @@
+" Test 'winfixbuf'
+source check.vim
+" Find the number of open windows in the current tab
+func s:get_windows_count()
+ return tabpagewinnr(tabpagenr(), '$')
+" Create some unnamed buffers.
+func s:make_buffers_list()
+ enew
+ file first
+ let l:first = bufnr()
+ enew
+ file middle
+ let l:middle = bufnr()
+ enew
+ file last
+ let l:last = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ return [l:first, l:last]
+" Create some unnamed buffers and add them to an args list
+func s:make_args_list()
+ let [l:first, l:last] = s:make_buffers_list()
+ args! first middle last
+ return [l:first, l:last]
+" Create two buffers and then set the window to 'winfixbuf'
+func s:make_buffer_pairs(...)
+ let l:reversed = get(a:, 1, 0)
+ if l:reversed == 1
+ enew
+ file original
+ set winfixbuf
+ enew!
+ file other
+ let l:other = bufnr()
+ return l:other
+ endif
+ enew
+ file other
+ let l:other = bufnr()
+ enew
+ file current
+ set winfixbuf
+ return l:other
+" Create 3 quick buffers and set the window to 'winfixbuf'
+func s:make_buffer_trio()
+ edit first
+ let l:first = bufnr()
+ edit second
+ let l:second = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ edit! third
+ let l:third = bufnr()
+ execute ":buffer! " . l:second
+ return [l:first, l:second, l:third]
+" Create a location list with at least 2 entries + a 'winfixbuf' window.
+func s:make_simple_location_list()
+ enew
+ file middle
+ let l:middle = bufnr()
+ call append(0, ["winfix search-term", "another line"])
+ enew!
+ file first
+ let l:first = bufnr()
+ call append(0, "first search-term")
+ enew!
+ file last
+ let l:last = bufnr()
+ call append(0, "last search-term")
+ call setloclist(
+ \ 0,
+ \ [
+ \ {
+ \ "filename": "first",
+ \ "bufnr": l:first,
+ \ "lnum": 1,
+ \ },
+ \ {
+ \ "filename": "middle",
+ \ "bufnr": l:middle,
+ \ "lnum": 1,
+ \ },
+ \ {
+ \ "filename": "middle",
+ \ "bufnr": l:middle,
+ \ "lnum": 2,
+ \ },
+ \ {
+ \ "filename": "last",
+ \ "bufnr": l:last,
+ \ "lnum": 1,
+ \ },
+ \ ]
+ \)
+ set winfixbuf
+ return [l:first, l:middle, l:last]
+" Create a quickfix with at least 2 entries that are in the current 'winfixbuf' window.
+func s:make_simple_quickfix()
+ enew
+ file current
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call append(0, ["winfix search-term", "another line"])
+ enew!
+ file first
+ let l:first = bufnr()
+ call append(0, "first search-term")
+ enew!
+ file last
+ let l:last = bufnr()
+ call append(0, "last search-term")
+ call setqflist(
+ \ [
+ \ {
+ \ "filename": "first",
+ \ "bufnr": l:first,
+ \ "lnum": 1,
+ \ },
+ \ {
+ \ "filename": "current",
+ \ "bufnr": l:current,
+ \ "lnum": 1,
+ \ },
+ \ {
+ \ "filename": "current",
+ \ "bufnr": l:current,
+ \ "lnum": 2,
+ \ },
+ \ {
+ \ "filename": "last",
+ \ "bufnr": l:last,
+ \ "lnum": 1,
+ \ },
+ \ ]
+ \)
+ set winfixbuf
+ return [l:current, l:last]
+" Create a quickfix with at least 2 entries that are in the current 'winfixbuf' window.
+func s:make_quickfix_windows()
+ let [l:current, _] = s:make_simple_quickfix()
+ execute "buffer! " . l:current
+ split
+ let l:first_window = win_getid()
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ let l:winfix_window = win_getid()
+ " Open the quickfix in a separate split and go to it
+ copen
+ let l:quickfix_window = win_getid()
+ return [l:first_window, l:winfix_window, l:quickfix_window]
+" Revert all changes that occurred in any past test
+func s:reset_all_buffers()
+ %bwipeout!
+ set nowinfixbuf
+ call setqflist([])
+ for l:window_info in getwininfo()
+ call setloclist(l:window_info["winid"], [])
+ endfor
+ delmarks A-Z0-9
+" Find and set the first quickfix entry that points to `buffer`
+func s:set_quickfix_by_buffer(buffer)
+ let l:index = 1 " quickfix indices start at 1
+ for l:entry in getqflist()
+ if l:entry["bufnr"] == a:buffer
+ execute l:index . "cc"
+ return
+ endif
+ let l:index += 1
+ endfor
+ echoerr 'No quickfix entry matching "' . a:buffer . '" could be found.'
+" Fail to call :Next on a 'winfixbuf' window unless :Next! is used.
+func Test_Next()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, _] = s:make_args_list()
+ next!
+ call assert_fails("Next", "E1513:")
+ call assert_notequal(l:first, bufnr())
+ Next!
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+" Call :argdo and choose the next available 'nowinfixbuf' window.
+func Test_argdo_choose_available_window()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [_, l:last] = s:make_args_list()
+ " Make a split window that is 'nowinfixbuf' but make it the second-to-last
+ " window so that :argdo will first try the 'winfixbuf' window, pass over it,
+ " and prefer the other 'nowinfixbuf' window, instead.
+ "
+ " +-------------------+
+ " | 'nowinfixbuf' |
+ " +-------------------+
+ " | 'winfixbuf' | <-- Cursor is here
+ " +-------------------+
+ split
+ let l:nowinfixbuf_window = win_getid()
+ " Move to the 'winfixbuf' window now
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ let l:winfixbuf_window = win_getid()
+ let l:expected_windows = s:get_windows_count()
+ argdo echo ''
+ call assert_equal(l:nowinfixbuf_window, win_getid())
+ call assert_equal(l:last, bufnr())
+ call assert_equal(l:expected_windows, s:get_windows_count())
+" Call :argdo and create a new split window if all available windows are 'winfixbuf'.
+func Test_argdo_make_new_window()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, l:last] = s:make_args_list()
+ let l:current = win_getid()
+ let l:current_windows = s:get_windows_count()
+ argdo echo ''
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, win_getid())
+ call assert_equal(l:last, bufnr())
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+ call assert_equal(l:current_windows + 1, s:get_windows_count())
+" Fail :argedit but :argedit! is allowed
+func Test_argedit()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ args! first middle last
+ enew
+ file first
+ let l:first = bufnr()
+ enew
+ file middle
+ let l:middle = bufnr()
+ enew
+ file last
+ let l:last = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("argedit first middle last", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ argedit! first middle last
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+" Fail :arglocal but :arglocal! is allowed
+func Test_arglocal()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ argglobal! other
+ execute "buffer! " . l:current
+ call assert_fails("arglocal other", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ arglocal! other
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :argglobal but :argglobal! is allowed
+func Test_argglobal()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("argglobal other", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ argglobal! other
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :args but :args! is allowed
+func Test_args()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, _] = s:make_buffers_list()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("args first middle last", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ args! first middle last
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+" Fail :bNext but :bNext! is allowed
+func Test_bNext()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ call assert_fails("bNext", "E1513:")
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ bNext!
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Allow :badd because it doesn't actually change the current window's buffer
+func Test_badd()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ call s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ badd other
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+" Allow :balt because it doesn't actually change the current window's buffer
+func Test_balt()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ call s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ balt other
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+" Fail :bfirst but :bfirst! is allowed
+func Test_bfirst()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("bfirst", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ bfirst!
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :blast but :blast! is allowed
+func Test_blast()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs(1)
+ bfirst!
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("blast", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ blast!
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :bmodified but :bmodified! is allowed
+func Test_bmodified()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ execute "buffer! " . l:other
+ set modified
+ execute "buffer! " . l:current
+ call assert_fails("bmodified", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ bmodified!
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :bnext but :bnext! is allowed
+func Test_bnext()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("bnext", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ bnext!
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :bprevious but :bprevious! is allowed
+func Test_bprevious()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("bprevious", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ bprevious!
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :brewind but :brewind! is allowed
+func Test_brewind()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("brewind", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ brewind!
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :browse edit but :browse edit! is allowed
+func Test_browse_edit_fail()
+ " A GUI dialog may stall the test.
+ CheckNotGui
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("browse edit other", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ try
+ browse edit! other
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E338:/
+ " Ignore E338, which occurs if console Vim is built with +browse.
+ " Console Vim without +browse will treat this as a regular :edit.
+ endtry
+" Allow :browse w because it doesn't change the buffer in the current file
+func Test_browse_edit_pass()
+ " A GUI dialog may stall the test.
+ CheckNotGui
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ try
+ browse write other
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E338:/
+ " Ignore E338, which occurs if console Vim is built with +browse.
+ " Console Vim without +browse will treat this as a regular :write.
+ endtry
+ call delete("other")
+" Call :bufdo and choose the next available 'nowinfixbuf' window.
+func Test_bufdo_choose_available_window()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ " Make a split window that is 'nowinfixbuf' but make it the second-to-last
+ " window so that :bufdo will first try the 'winfixbuf' window, pass over it,
+ " and prefer the other 'nowinfixbuf' window, instead.
+ "
+ " +-------------------+
+ " | 'nowinfixbuf' |
+ " +-------------------+
+ " | 'winfixbuf' | <-- Cursor is here
+ " +-------------------+
+ split
+ let l:nowinfixbuf_window = win_getid()
+ " Move to the 'winfixbuf' window now
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ let l:winfixbuf_window = win_getid()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ let l:expected_windows = s:get_windows_count()
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, l:other)
+ bufdo echo ''
+ call assert_equal(l:nowinfixbuf_window, win_getid())
+ call assert_notequal(l:other, bufnr())
+ call assert_equal(l:expected_windows, s:get_windows_count())
+" Call :bufdo and create a new split window if all available windows are 'winfixbuf'.
+func Test_bufdo_make_new_window()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, l:last] = s:make_buffers_list()
+ execute "buffer! " . l:first
+ let l:current = win_getid()
+ let l:current_windows = s:get_windows_count()
+ bufdo echo ''
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, win_getid())
+ call assert_equal(l:last, bufnr())
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+ call assert_equal(l:current_windows + 1, s:get_windows_count())
+" Fail :buffer but :buffer! is allowed
+func Test_buffer()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("buffer " . l:other, "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ execute "buffer! " . l:other
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Allow :buffer on a 'winfixbuf' window if there is no change in buffer
+func Test_buffer_same_buffer()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ call s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ execute "buffer " . l:current
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ execute "buffer! " . l:current
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+" Allow :cNext but the 'nowinfixbuf' window is selected, instead
+func Test_cNext()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first_window, l:winfix_window, l:quickfix_window] = s:make_quickfix_windows()
+ " The call to `:cNext` succeeds but it selects the window with 'nowinfixbuf' instead
+ call s:set_quickfix_by_buffer(winbufnr(l:winfix_window))
+ " Make sure the previous window has 'winfixbuf' so we can test that our
+ " "skip 'winfixbuf' window" logic works.
+ call win_gotoid(l:winfix_window)
+ call win_gotoid(l:quickfix_window)
+ cNext
+ call assert_equal(l:first_window, win_getid())
+" Allow :cNfile but the 'nowinfixbuf' window is selected, instead
+func Test_cNfile()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first_window, l:winfix_window, l:quickfix_window] = s:make_quickfix_windows()
+ " The call to `:cNfile` succeeds but it selects the window with 'nowinfixbuf' instead
+ call s:set_quickfix_by_buffer(winbufnr(l:winfix_window))
+ cnext!
+ " Make sure the previous window has 'winfixbuf' so we can test that our
+ " "skip 'winfixbuf' window" logic works.
+ call win_gotoid(l:winfix_window)
+ call win_gotoid(l:quickfix_window)
+ cNfile
+ call assert_equal(l:first_window, win_getid())
+" Allow :caddexpr because it doesn't change the current buffer
+func Test_caddexpr()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:file_path = tempname()
+ call writefile(["Error - bad-thing-found"], l:file_path)
+ execute "edit " . l:file_path
+ let l:file_buffer = bufnr()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ edit first.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term bad-thing-found"])
+ edit! other.unittest
+ set winfixbuf
+ execute "buffer! " . l:file_buffer
+ execute 'caddexpr expand("%") .. ":" .. line(".") .. ":" .. getline(".")'
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ call delete(l:file_path)
+" Fail :cbuffer but :cbuffer! is allowed
+func Test_cbuffer()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:file_path = tempname()
+ call writefile(["first.unittest:1:Error - bad-thing-found"], l:file_path)
+ execute "edit " . l:file_path
+ let l:file_buffer = bufnr()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ edit first.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term bad-thing-found"])
+ edit! other.unittest
+ set winfixbuf
+ execute "buffer! " . l:file_buffer
+ call assert_fails("cbuffer " . l:file_buffer)
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ execute "cbuffer! " . l:file_buffer
+ call assert_equal("first.unittest", expand("%:t"))
+ call delete(l:file_path)
+" Allow :cc but the 'nowinfixbuf' window is selected, instead
+func Test_cc()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first_window, l:winfix_window, l:quickfix_window] = s:make_quickfix_windows()
+ " The call to `:cnext` succeeds but it selects the window with 'nowinfixbuf' instead
+ call s:set_quickfix_by_buffer(winbufnr(l:winfix_window))
+ " Make sure the previous window has 'winfixbuf' so we can test that our
+ " "skip 'winfixbuf' window" logic works.
+ call win_gotoid(l:winfix_window)
+ call win_gotoid(l:quickfix_window)
+ " Go up one line in the quickfix window to an quickfix entry that doesn't
+ " point to a winfixbuf buffer
+ normal k
+ " Attempt to make the previous window, winfixbuf buffer, to go to the
+ " non-winfixbuf quickfix entry
+ .cc
+ " Confirm that did not change the winfixbuf-enabled window
+ call assert_equal(l:first_window, win_getid())
+" Call :cdo and choose the next available 'nowinfixbuf' window.
+func Test_cdo_choose_available_window()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:current, l:last] = s:make_simple_quickfix()
+ execute "buffer! " . l:current
+ " Make a split window that is 'nowinfixbuf' but make it the second-to-last
+ " window so that :cdo will first try the 'winfixbuf' window, pass over it,
+ " and prefer the other 'nowinfixbuf' window, instead.
+ "
+ " +-------------------+
+ " | 'nowinfixbuf' |
+ " +-------------------+
+ " | 'winfixbuf' | <-- Cursor is here
+ " +-------------------+
+ split
+ let l:nowinfixbuf_window = win_getid()
+ " Move to the 'winfixbuf' window now
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ let l:winfixbuf_window = win_getid()
+ let l:expected_windows = s:get_windows_count()
+ cdo echo ''
+ call assert_equal(l:nowinfixbuf_window, win_getid())
+ call assert_equal(l:last, bufnr())
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ call assert_equal(l:expected_windows, s:get_windows_count())
+" Call :cdo and create a new split window if all available windows are 'winfixbuf'.
+func Test_cdo_make_new_window()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:current_buffer, l:last] = s:make_simple_quickfix()
+ execute "buffer! " . l:current_buffer
+ let l:current_window = win_getid()
+ let l:current_windows = s:get_windows_count()
+ cdo echo ''
+ call assert_notequal(l:current_window, win_getid())
+ call assert_equal(l:last, bufnr())
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ call assert_equal(l:current_buffer, bufnr())
+ call assert_equal(l:current_windows + 1, s:get_windows_count())
+" Fail :cexpr but :cexpr! is allowed
+func Test_cexpr()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:file = tempname()
+ let l:entry = '["' . l:file . ':1:bar"]'
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ call assert_fails("cexpr " . l:entry)
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ execute "cexpr! " . l:entry
+ call assert_equal(fnamemodify(l:file, ":t"), expand("%:t"))
+" Call :cfdo and choose the next available 'nowinfixbuf' window.
+func Test_cfdo_choose_available_window()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:current, l:last] = s:make_simple_quickfix()
+ execute "buffer! " . l:current
+ " Make a split window that is 'nowinfixbuf' but make it the second-to-last
+ " window so that :cfdo will first try the 'winfixbuf' window, pass over it,
+ " and prefer the other 'nowinfixbuf' window, instead.
+ "
+ " +-------------------+
+ " | 'nowinfixbuf' |
+ " +-------------------+
+ " | 'winfixbuf' | <-- Cursor is here
+ " +-------------------+
+ split
+ let l:nowinfixbuf_window = win_getid()
+ " Move to the 'winfixbuf' window now
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ let l:winfixbuf_window = win_getid()
+ let l:expected_windows = s:get_windows_count()
+ cfdo echo ''
+ call assert_equal(l:nowinfixbuf_window, win_getid())
+ call assert_equal(l:last, bufnr())
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ call assert_equal(l:expected_windows, s:get_windows_count())
+" Call :cfdo and create a new split window if all available windows are 'winfixbuf'.
+func Test_cfdo_make_new_window()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:current_buffer, l:last] = s:make_simple_quickfix()
+ execute "buffer! " . l:current_buffer
+ let l:current_window = win_getid()
+ let l:current_windows = s:get_windows_count()
+ cfdo echo ''
+ call assert_notequal(l:current_window, win_getid())
+ call assert_equal(l:last, bufnr())
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ call assert_equal(l:current_buffer, bufnr())
+ call assert_equal(l:current_windows + 1, s:get_windows_count())
+" Fail :cfile but :cfile! is allowed
+func Test_cfile()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ edit first.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term bad-thing-found"])
+ write
+ let l:first = bufnr()
+ edit! second.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ let l:file = tempname()
+ call writefile(["first.unittest:1:Error - bad-thing-found was detected"], l:file)
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ call assert_fails(":cfile " . l:file)
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ execute ":cfile! " . l:file
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+ call delete(l:file)
+ call delete("first.unittest")
+ call delete("second.unittest")
+" Allow :cfirst but the 'nowinfixbuf' window is selected, instead
+func Test_cfirst()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first_window, l:winfix_window, l:quickfix_window] = s:make_quickfix_windows()
+ " The call to `:cfirst` succeeds but it selects the window with 'nowinfixbuf' instead
+ call s:set_quickfix_by_buffer(winbufnr(l:winfix_window))
+ " Make sure the previous window has 'winfixbuf' so we can test that our
+ " "skip 'winfixbuf' window" logic works.
+ call win_gotoid(l:winfix_window)
+ call win_gotoid(l:quickfix_window)
+ cfirst
+ call assert_equal(l:first_window, win_getid())
+" Allow :clast but the 'nowinfixbuf' window is selected, instead
+func Test_clast()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first_window, l:winfix_window, l:quickfix_window] = s:make_quickfix_windows()
+ " The call to `:clast` succeeds but it selects the window with 'nowinfixbuf' instead
+ call s:set_quickfix_by_buffer(winbufnr(l:winfix_window))
+ " Make sure the previous window has 'winfixbuf' so we can test that our
+ " "skip 'winfixbuf' window" logic works.
+ call win_gotoid(l:winfix_window)
+ call win_gotoid(l:quickfix_window)
+ clast
+ call assert_equal(l:first_window, win_getid())
+" Allow :cnext but the 'nowinfixbuf' window is selected, instead
+" Make sure no new windows are created and previous windows are reused
+func Test_cnext()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first_window, l:winfix_window, l:quickfix_window] = s:make_quickfix_windows()
+ let l:expected = s:get_windows_count()
+ " The call to `:cnext` succeeds but it selects the window with 'nowinfixbuf' instead
+ call s:set_quickfix_by_buffer(winbufnr(l:winfix_window))
+ cnext!
+ call assert_equal(l:expected, s:get_windows_count())
+ " Make sure the previous window has 'winfixbuf' so we can test that our
+ " "skip 'winfixbuf' window" logic works.
+ call win_gotoid(l:winfix_window)
+ call win_gotoid(l:quickfix_window)
+ cnext
+ call assert_equal(l:first_window, win_getid())
+ call assert_equal(l:expected, s:get_windows_count())
+" Make sure :cnext creates a split window if no previous window exists
+func Test_cnext_no_previous_window()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:current, _] = s:make_simple_quickfix()
+ execute "buffer! " . l:current
+ let l:expected = s:get_windows_count()
+ " Open the quickfix in a separate split and go to it
+ copen
+ call assert_equal(l:expected + 1, s:get_windows_count())
+" Allow :cnext and create a 'nowinfixbuf' window if none exists
+func Test_cnext_make_new_window()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:current, _] = s:make_simple_quickfix()
+ let l:current = win_getid()
+ cfirst!
+ let l:windows = s:get_windows_count()
+ let l:expected = l:windows + 1 " We're about to create a new split window
+ cnext
+ call assert_equal(l:expected, s:get_windows_count())
+ cnext!
+ call assert_equal(l:expected, s:get_windows_count())
+" Allow :cprevious but the 'nowinfixbuf' window is selected, instead
+func Test_cprevious()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first_window, l:winfix_window, l:quickfix_window] = s:make_quickfix_windows()
+ " The call to `:cprevious` succeeds but it selects the window with 'nowinfixbuf' instead
+ call s:set_quickfix_by_buffer(winbufnr(l:winfix_window))
+ " Make sure the previous window has 'winfixbuf' so we can test that our
+ " "skip 'winfixbuf' window" logic works.
+ call win_gotoid(l:winfix_window)
+ call win_gotoid(l:quickfix_window)
+ cprevious
+ call assert_equal(l:first_window, win_getid())
+" Allow :cnfile but the 'nowinfixbuf' window is selected, instead
+func Test_cnfile()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first_window, l:winfix_window, l:quickfix_window] = s:make_quickfix_windows()
+ " The call to `:cnfile` succeeds but it selects the window with 'nowinfixbuf' instead
+ call s:set_quickfix_by_buffer(winbufnr(l:winfix_window))
+ cnext!
+ " Make sure the previous window has 'winfixbuf' so we can test that our
+ " "skip 'winfixbuf' window" logic works.
+ call win_gotoid(l:winfix_window)
+ call win_gotoid(l:quickfix_window)
+ cnfile
+ call assert_equal(l:first_window, win_getid())
+" Allow :cpfile but the 'nowinfixbuf' window is selected, instead
+func Test_cpfile()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first_window, l:winfix_window, l:quickfix_window] = s:make_quickfix_windows()
+ " The call to `:cpfile` succeeds but it selects the window with 'nowinfixbuf' instead
+ call s:set_quickfix_by_buffer(winbufnr(l:winfix_window))
+ cnext!
+ " Make sure the previous window has 'winfixbuf' so we can test that our
+ " "skip 'winfixbuf' window" logic works.
+ call win_gotoid(l:winfix_window)
+ call win_gotoid(l:quickfix_window)
+ cpfile
+ call assert_equal(l:first_window, win_getid())
+" Allow :crewind but the 'nowinfixbuf' window is selected, instead
+func Test_crewind()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first_window, l:winfix_window, l:quickfix_window] = s:make_quickfix_windows()
+ " The call to `:crewind` succeeds but it selects the window with 'nowinfixbuf' instead
+ call s:set_quickfix_by_buffer(winbufnr(l:winfix_window))
+ cnext!
+ " Make sure the previous window has 'winfixbuf' so we can test that our
+ " "skip 'winfixbuf' window" logic works.
+ call win_gotoid(l:winfix_window)
+ call win_gotoid(l:quickfix_window)
+ crewind
+ call assert_equal(l:first_window, win_getid())
+" Allow <C-w>f because it opens in a new split
+func Test_ctrl_w_f()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ enew
+ let l:file_name = tempname()
+ call writefile([], l:file_name)
+ let l:file_buffer = bufnr()
+ enew
+ file other
+ let l:other_buffer = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ call setline(1, l:file_name)
+ let l:current_windows = s:get_windows_count()
+ execute "normal \<C-w>f"
+ call assert_equal(l:current_windows + 1, s:get_windows_count())
+ call delete(l:file_name)
+" Fail :djump but :djump! is allowed
+func Test_djump()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:include_file = tempname() . ".h"
+ call writefile(["min(1, 12);",
+ \ '#include "' . l:include_file . '"'
+ \ ],
+ \ "main.c")
+ call writefile(["#define min(X, Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))"], l:include_file)
+ edit main.c
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("djump 1 /min/", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ djump! 1 /min/
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ call delete("main.c")
+ call delete(l:include_file)
+" Fail :drop but :drop! is allowed
+func Test_drop()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("drop other", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ drop! other
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :edit but :edit! is allowed
+func Test_edit()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("edit other", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ edit! other
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :enew but :enew! is allowed
+func Test_enew()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("enew", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ enew!
+ call assert_notequal(l:other, bufnr())
+ call assert_notequal(3, bufnr())
+" Fail :ex but :ex! is allowed
+func Test_ex()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("ex other", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ ex! other
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :find but :find! is allowed
+func Test_find()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ let l:file = tempname()
+ call writefile([], l:file)
+ let l:file = fnamemodify(l:file, ':p') " In case it's Windows 8.3-style.
+ let l:directory = fnamemodify(l:file, ":p:h")
+ let l:name = fnamemodify(l:file, ":p:t")
+ let l:original_path = &path
+ execute "set path=" . l:directory
+ set winfixbuf
+ call assert_fails("execute 'find " . l:name . "'", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ execute "find! " . l:name
+ call assert_equal(l:file, expand("%:p"))
+ execute "set path=" . l:original_path
+ call delete(l:file)
+" Fail :first but :first! is allowed
+func Test_first()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, _] = s:make_args_list()
+ next!
+ call assert_fails("first", "E1513:")
+ call assert_notequal(l:first, bufnr())
+ first!
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+" Fail :grep but :grep! is allowed
+func Test_grep()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ edit first.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ let l:first = bufnr()
+ edit current.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ edit! last.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ let l:last = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ buffer! current.unittest
+ call assert_fails("silent! grep some-search-term *.unittest", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ execute "edit! " . l:first
+ silent! grep! some-search-term *.unittest
+ call assert_notequal(l:first, bufnr())
+ call delete("first.unittest")
+ call delete("current.unittest")
+ call delete("last.unittest")
+" Fail :ijump but :ijump! is allowed
+func Test_ijump()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:include_file = tempname() . ".h"
+ call writefile([
+ \ '#include "' . l:include_file . '"'
+ \ ],
+ \ "main.c")
+ call writefile(["#define min(X, Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))"], l:include_file)
+ edit main.c
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set define=^\\s*#\\s*define
+ set include=^\\s*#\\s*include
+ set path=.,/usr/include,,
+ call assert_fails("ijump /min/", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set nowinfixbuf
+ ijump! /min/
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set define&
+ set include&
+ set path&
+ call delete("main.c")
+ call delete(l:include_file)
+" Fail :lNext but :lNext! is allowed
+func Test_lNext()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, l:middle, _] = s:make_simple_location_list()
+ call assert_equal(1, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ lnext!
+ call assert_equal(2, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:middle, bufnr())
+ call assert_fails("lNext", "E1513:")
+ " Ensure the entry didn't change.
+ call assert_equal(2, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:middle, bufnr())
+ lnext!
+ call assert_equal(3, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:middle, bufnr())
+ lNext!
+ call assert_equal(2, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:middle, bufnr())
+ lNext!
+ call assert_equal(1, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+" Fail :lNfile but :lNfile! is allowed
+func Test_lNfile()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, l:current, _] = s:make_simple_location_list()
+ call assert_equal(1, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ lnext!
+ call assert_equal(2, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ call assert_fails("lNfile", "E1513:")
+ " Ensure the entry didn't change.
+ call assert_equal(2, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ lnext!
+ call assert_equal(3, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ lNfile!
+ call assert_equal(1, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+" Allow :laddexpr because it doesn't change the current buffer
+func Test_laddexpr()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:file_path = tempname()
+ call writefile(["Error - bad-thing-found"], l:file_path)
+ execute "edit " . l:file_path
+ let l:file_buffer = bufnr()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ edit first.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term bad-thing-found"])
+ edit! other.unittest
+ set winfixbuf
+ execute "buffer! " . l:file_buffer
+ execute 'laddexpr expand("%") .. ":" .. line(".") .. ":" .. getline(".")'
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ call delete(l:file_path)
+" Fail :last but :last! is allowed
+func Test_last()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [_, l:last] = s:make_args_list()
+ next!
+ call assert_fails("last", "E1513:")
+ call assert_notequal(l:last, bufnr())
+ last!
+ call assert_equal(l:last, bufnr())
+" Fail :lbuffer but :lbuffer! is allowed
+func Test_lbuffer()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:file_path = tempname()
+ call writefile(["first.unittest:1:Error - bad-thing-found"], l:file_path)
+ execute "edit " . l:file_path
+ let l:file_buffer = bufnr()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ edit first.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term bad-thing-found"])
+ edit! other.unittest
+ set winfixbuf
+ execute "buffer! " . l:file_buffer
+ call assert_fails("lbuffer " . l:file_buffer)
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ execute "lbuffer! " . l:file_buffer
+ call assert_equal("first.unittest", expand("%:t"))
+ call delete(l:file_path)
+" Fail :ldo but :ldo! is allowed
+func Test_ldo()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, l:middle, l:last] = s:make_simple_location_list()
+ lnext!
+ call assert_fails('execute "ldo buffer ' . l:first . '"', "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:middle, bufnr())
+ execute "ldo! buffer " . l:first
+ call assert_notequal(l:last, bufnr())
+" Fail :lfdo but :lfdo! is allowed
+func Test_lexpr()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:file = tempname()
+ let l:entry = '["' . l:file . ':1:bar"]'
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ call assert_fails("lexpr " . l:entry)
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ execute "lexpr! " . l:entry
+ call assert_equal(fnamemodify(l:file, ":t"), expand("%:t"))
+" Fail :lfdo but :lfdo! is allowed
+func Test_lfdo()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, l:middle, l:last] = s:make_simple_location_list()
+ lnext!
+ call assert_fails('execute "lfdo buffer ' . l:first . '"', "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:middle, bufnr())
+ execute "lfdo! buffer " . l:first
+ call assert_notequal(l:last, bufnr())
+" Fail :lfile but :lfile! is allowed
+func Test_lfile()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ edit first.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term bad-thing-found"])
+ write
+ let l:first = bufnr()
+ edit! second.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ let l:file = tempname()
+ call writefile(["first.unittest:1:Error - bad-thing-found was detected"], l:file)
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ call assert_fails(":lfile " . l:file)
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ execute ":lfile! " . l:file
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+ call delete(l:file)
+ call delete("first.unittest")
+ call delete("second.unittest")
+" Fail :ll but :ll! is allowed
+func Test_ll()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, l:middle, l:last] = s:make_simple_location_list()
+ lopen
+ lfirst!
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ normal j
+ call assert_fails(".ll", "E1513:")
+ execute "normal \<C-w>k"
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ .ll!
+ execute "normal \<C-w>k"
+ call assert_equal(l:middle, bufnr())
+" Fail :llast but :llast! is allowed
+func Test_llast()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, _, l:last] = s:make_simple_location_list()
+ lfirst!
+ call assert_fails("llast", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+ llast!
+ call assert_equal(l:last, bufnr())
+" Fail :lnext but :lnext! is allowed
+func Test_lnext()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, l:middle, l:last] = s:make_simple_location_list()
+ ll!
+ call assert_fails("lnext", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+ lnext!
+ call assert_equal(l:middle, bufnr())
+" Fail :lnfile but :lnfile! is allowed
+func Test_lnfile()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [_, l:current, l:last] = s:make_simple_location_list()
+ call assert_equal(1, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ lnext!
+ call assert_equal(2, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ call assert_fails("lnfile", "E1513:")
+ " Ensure the entry didn't change.
+ call assert_equal(2, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ lnfile!
+ call assert_equal(4, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:last, bufnr())
+" Fail :lpfile but :lpfile! is allowed
+func Test_lpfile()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, l:current, _] = s:make_simple_location_list()
+ lnext!
+ call assert_fails("lpfile", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ lnext! " Reset for the next test call
+ lpfile!
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+" Fail :lprevious but :lprevious! is allowed
+func Test_lprevious()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, l:middle, _] = s:make_simple_location_list()
+ call assert_equal(1, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ lnext!
+ call assert_equal(2, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:middle, bufnr())
+ call assert_fails("lprevious", "E1513:")
+ " Ensure the entry didn't change.
+ call assert_equal(2, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:middle, bufnr())
+ lprevious!
+ call assert_equal(1, getloclist(0, #{idx: 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+" Fail :lrewind but :lrewind! is allowed
+func Test_lrewind()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, l:middle, _] = s:make_simple_location_list()
+ lnext!
+ call assert_fails("lrewind", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:middle, bufnr())
+ lrewind!
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+" Fail :ltag but :ltag! is allowed
+func Test_ltag()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ execute "normal \<C-]>"
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("ltag one", "E1513:")
+ ltag! one
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Fail vim.command if we try to change buffers while 'winfixbuf' is set
+func Test_lua_command()
+ CheckFeature lua
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ enew
+ file first
+ let l:previous = bufnr()
+ enew
+ file second
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ call assert_fails('lua vim.command("buffer " .. ' . l:previous . ')')
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ execute 'lua vim.command("buffer! " .. ' . l:previous . ')'
+ call assert_equal(l:previous, bufnr())
+" Fail :lvimgrep but :lvimgrep! is allowed
+func Test_lvimgrep()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ edit first.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ edit winfix.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ edit! last.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ let l:last = bufnr()
+ buffer! winfix.unittest
+ call assert_fails("lvimgrep /some-search-term/ *.unittest", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ lvimgrep! /some-search-term/ *.unittest
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ call delete("first.unittest")
+ call delete("winfix.unittest")
+ call delete("last.unittest")
+" Fail :lvimgrepadd but :lvimgrepadd! is allowed
+func Test_lvimgrepadd()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ edit first.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ edit winfix.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ edit! last.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ let l:last = bufnr()
+ buffer! winfix.unittest
+ call assert_fails("lvimgrepadd /some-search-term/ *.unittest")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ lvimgrepadd! /some-search-term/ *.unittest
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ call delete("first.unittest")
+ call delete("winfix.unittest")
+ call delete("last.unittest")
+" Don't allow global marks to change the current 'winfixbuf' window
+func Test_marks_mappings_fail()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ execute "buffer! " . l:other
+ normal mA
+ execute "buffer! " . l:current
+ normal mB
+ call assert_fails("normal `A", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ call assert_fails("normal 'A", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set nowinfixbuf
+ normal `A
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Allow global marks in a 'winfixbuf' window if the jump is the same buffer
+func Test_marks_mappings_pass_intra_move()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call append(0, ["some line", "another line"])
+ normal mA
+ normal j
+ normal mB
+ set winfixbuf
+ normal `A
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+" Fail :next but :next! is allowed
+func Test_next()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, _] = s:make_args_list()
+ first!
+ call assert_fails("next", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+ next!
+ call assert_notequal(l:first, bufnr())
+" Ensure :mksession saves 'winfixbuf' details
+func Test_mksession()
+ CheckFeature mksession
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set sessionoptions+=options
+ set winfixbuf
+ mksession test_winfixbuf_Test_mksession.vim
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:winfixbuf = &winfixbuf
+ call assert_equal(0, l:winfixbuf)
+ source test_winfixbuf_Test_mksession.vim
+ let l:winfixbuf = &winfixbuf
+ call assert_equal(1, l:winfixbuf)
+ set sessionoptions&
+ call delete("test_winfixbuf_Test_mksession.vim")
+" Allow :next if the next index is the same as the current buffer
+func Test_next_same_buffer()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ enew
+ file foo
+ enew
+ file bar
+ enew
+ file fizz
+ enew
+ file buzz
+ args foo foo bar fizz buzz
+ edit foo
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ " Allow :next because the args list is `[foo] foo bar fizz buzz
+ next
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ " Fail :next because the args list is `foo [foo] bar fizz buzz
+ " and the next buffer would be bar, which is a different buffer
+ call assert_fails("next", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+" Fail to jump to a tag with g<C-]> if 'winfixbuf' is enabled
+func Test_normal_g_ctrl_square_bracket_right()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal g\<C-]>", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Fail to jump to a tag with g<RightMouse> if 'winfixbuf' is enabled
+func Test_normal_g_rightmouse()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set mouse=n
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ execute "normal \<C-]>"
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal g\<RightMouse>", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ set mouse&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Fail to jump to a tag with g] if 'winfixbuf' is enabled
+func Test_normal_g_square_bracket_right()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal g]", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Fail to jump to a tag with <C-RightMouse> if 'winfixbuf' is enabled
+func Test_normal_ctrl_rightmouse()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set mouse=n
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ execute "normal \<C-]>"
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal \<C-RightMouse>", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ set mouse&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Fail to jump to a tag with <C-t> if 'winfixbuf' is enabled
+func Test_normal_ctrl_t()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ execute "normal \<C-]>"
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal \<C-t>", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Disallow <C-^> in 'winfixbuf' windows
+func Test_normal_ctrl_hat()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ clearjumps
+ enew
+ file first
+ let l:first = bufnr()
+ enew
+ file current
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ call assert_fails("normal \<C-^>", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+" Allow <C-i> in 'winfixbuf' windows if the movement stays within the buffer
+func Test_normal_ctrl_i_pass()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ clearjumps
+ enew
+ file first
+ let l:first = bufnr()
+ enew!
+ file current
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ " Add some lines so we can populate a jumplist"
+ call append(0, ["some line", "another line"])
+ " Add an entry to the jump list
+ " Go up another line
+ normal m`
+ normal k
+ execute "normal \<C-o>"
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:line = getcurpos()[1]
+ execute "normal 1\<C-i>"
+ call assert_notequal(l:line, getcurpos()[1])
+" Disallow <C-o> in 'winfixbuf' windows if it would cause the buffer to switch
+func Test_normal_ctrl_o_fail()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ clearjumps
+ enew
+ file first
+ let l:first = bufnr()
+ enew
+ file current
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ call assert_fails("normal \<C-o>", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+" Allow <C-o> in 'winfixbuf' windows if the movement stays within the buffer
+func Test_normal_ctrl_o_pass()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ clearjumps
+ enew
+ file first
+ let l:first = bufnr()
+ enew!
+ file current
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ " Add some lines so we can populate a jumplist
+ call append(0, ["some line", "another line"])
+ " Add an entry to the jump list
+ " Go up another line
+ normal m`
+ normal k
+ set winfixbuf
+ execute "normal \<C-o>"
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+" Fail to jump to a tag with <C-]> if 'winfixbuf' is enabled
+func Test_normal_ctrl_square_bracket_right()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal \<C-]>", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Allow <C-w><C-]> with 'winfixbuf' enabled because it runs in a new, split window
+func Test_normal_ctrl_w_ctrl_square_bracket_right()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current_windows = s:get_windows_count()
+ execute "normal \<C-w>\<C-]>"
+ call assert_equal(l:current_windows + 1, s:get_windows_count())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Allow <C-w>g<C-]> with 'winfixbuf' enabled because it runs in a new, split window
+func Test_normal_ctrl_w_g_ctrl_square_bracket_right()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current_windows = s:get_windows_count()
+ execute "normal \<C-w>g\<C-]>"
+ call assert_equal(l:current_windows + 1, s:get_windows_count())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Fail to jump to a tag with <C-]> if 'winfixbuf' is enabled
+func Test_normal_gt()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal \<C-]>", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Prevent gF from switching a 'winfixbuf' window's buffer
+func Test_normal_gF()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:file = tempname()
+ call append(0, [l:file])
+ call writefile([], l:file)
+ " Place the cursor onto the line that has `l:file`
+ normal gg
+ " Prevent Vim from erroring with "No write since last change @ command
+ " line" when we try to call gF, later.
+ set hidden
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:buffer = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal gF", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:buffer, bufnr())
+ set nowinfixbuf
+ normal gF
+ call assert_notequal(l:buffer, bufnr())
+ call delete(l:file)
+" Prevent gf from switching a 'winfixbuf' window's buffer
+func Test_normal_gf()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:file = tempname()
+ call append(0, [l:file])
+ call writefile([], l:file)
+ " Place the cursor onto the line that has `l:file`
+ normal gg
+ " Prevent Vim from erroring with "No write since last change @ command
+ " line" when we try to call gf, later.
+ set hidden
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:buffer = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal gf", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:buffer, bufnr())
+ set nowinfixbuf
+ normal gf
+ call assert_notequal(l:buffer, bufnr())
+ call delete(l:file)
+" Fail "goto file under the cursor" (using [f, which is the same as `:normal gf`)
+func Test_normal_square_bracket_left_f()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:file = tempname()
+ call append(0, [l:file])
+ call writefile([], l:file)
+ " Place the cursor onto the line that has `l:file`
+ normal gg
+ " Prevent Vim from erroring with "No write since last change @ command
+ " line" when we try to call gf, later.
+ set hidden
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:buffer = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal [f", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:buffer, bufnr())
+ set nowinfixbuf
+ normal [f
+ call assert_notequal(l:buffer, bufnr())
+ call delete(l:file)
+" Fail to go to a C macro with [<C-d> if 'winfixbuf' is enabled
+func Test_normal_square_bracket_left_ctrl_d()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:include_file = tempname() . ".h"
+ call writefile(["min(1, 12);",
+ \ '#include "' . l:include_file . '"'
+ \ ],
+ \ "main.c")
+ call writefile(["#define min(X, Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))"], l:include_file)
+ edit main.c
+ normal ]\<C-d>
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal [\<C-d>", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set nowinfixbuf
+ execute "normal [\<C-d>"
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ call delete("main.c")
+ call delete(l:include_file)
+" Fail to go to a C macro with ]<C-d> if 'winfixbuf' is enabled
+func Test_normal_square_bracket_right_ctrl_d()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:include_file = tempname() . ".h"
+ call writefile(["min(1, 12);",
+ \ '#include "' . l:include_file . '"'
+ \ ],
+ \ "main.c")
+ call writefile(["#define min(X, Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))"], l:include_file)
+ edit main.c
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal ]\<C-d>", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set nowinfixbuf
+ execute "normal ]\<C-d>"
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ call delete("main.c")
+ call delete(l:include_file)
+" Fail to go to a C macro with [<C-i> if 'winfixbuf' is enabled
+func Test_normal_square_bracket_left_ctrl_i()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:include_file = tempname() . ".h"
+ call writefile(['#include "' . l:include_file . '"',
+ \ "min(1, 12);",
+ \ ],
+ \ "main.c")
+ call writefile(["#define min(X, Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))"], l:include_file)
+ edit main.c
+ " Move to the line with `min(1, 12);` on it"
+ normal j
+ set define=^\\s*#\\s*define
+ set include=^\\s*#\\s*include
+ set path=.,/usr/include,,
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ call assert_fails("normal [\<C-i>", "E1513:")
+ set nowinfixbuf
+ execute "normal [\<C-i>"
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set define&
+ set include&
+ set path&
+ call delete("main.c")
+ call delete(l:include_file)
+" Fail to go to a C macro with ]<C-i> if 'winfixbuf' is enabled
+func Test_normal_square_bracket_right_ctrl_i()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:include_file = tempname() . ".h"
+ call writefile(["min(1, 12);",
+ \ '#include "' . l:include_file . '"'
+ \ ],
+ \ "main.c")
+ call writefile(["#define min(X, Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))"], l:include_file)
+ edit main.c
+ set winfixbuf
+ set define=^\\s*#\\s*define
+ set include=^\\s*#\\s*include
+ set path=.,/usr/include,,
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal ]\<C-i>", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set nowinfixbuf
+ execute "normal ]\<C-i>"
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set define&
+ set include&
+ set path&
+ call delete("main.c")
+ call delete(l:include_file)
+" Fail "goto file under the cursor" (using ]f, which is the same as `:normal gf`)
+func Test_normal_square_bracket_right_f()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:file = tempname()
+ call append(0, [l:file])
+ call writefile([], l:file)
+ " Place the cursor onto the line that has `l:file`
+ normal gg
+ " Prevent Vim from erroring with "No write since last change @ command
+ " line" when we try to call gf, later.
+ set hidden
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:buffer = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal ]f", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:buffer, bufnr())
+ set nowinfixbuf
+ normal ]f
+ call assert_notequal(l:buffer, bufnr())
+ call delete(l:file)
+" Fail to jump to a tag with v<C-]> if 'winfixbuf' is enabled
+func Test_normal_v_ctrl_square_bracket_right()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal v\<C-]>", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Fail to jump to a tag with vg<C-]> if 'winfixbuf' is enabled
+func Test_normal_v_g_ctrl_square_bracket_right()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("normal vg\<C-]>", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Allow :pedit because, unlike :edit, it uses a separate window
+func Test_pedit()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ pedit other
+ execute "normal \<C-w>w"
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :pop but :pop! is allowed
+func Test_pop()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "thesame\tXfile\t1;\"\td\tfile:",
+ \ "thesame\tXfile\t2;\"\td\tfile:",
+ \ "thesame\tXfile\t3;\"\td\tfile:",
+ \ ],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["thesame one", "thesame two", "thesame three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["thesame one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ tag thesame
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("pop", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ pop!
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Fail :previous but :previous! is allowed
+func Test_previous()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, _] = s:make_args_list()
+ next!
+ call assert_fails("previous", "E1513:")
+ call assert_notequal(l:first, bufnr())
+ previous!
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+" Fail pyxdo if it changes a window with 'winfixbuf' is set
+func Test_pythonx_pyxdo()
+ CheckFeature pythonx
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ enew
+ file first
+ let g:_previous_buffer = bufnr()
+ enew
+ file second
+ set winfixbuf
+ pythonx << EOF
+import vim
+def test_winfixbuf_Test_pythonx_pyxdo_set_buffer():
+ buffer = vim.vars['_previous_buffer']
+ vim.current.buffer = vim.buffers[buffer]
+ try
+ pyxdo test_winfixbuf_Test_pythonx_pyxdo_set_buffer()
+ catch /Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E1513:/
+ let l:caught = 1
+ endtry
+ call assert_equal(1, l:caught)
+ unlet g:_previous_buffer
+" Fail pyxfile if it changes a window with 'winfixbuf' is set
+func Test_pythonx_pyxfile()
+ CheckFeature pythonx
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ enew
+ file first
+ let g:_previous_buffer = bufnr()
+ enew
+ file second
+ set winfixbuf
+ call writefile(["import vim",
+ \ "buffer = vim.vars['_previous_buffer']",
+ \ "vim.current.buffer = vim.buffers[buffer]",
+ \ ],
+ \ "")
+ try
+ pyxfile
+ catch /Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E1513:/
+ let l:caught = 1
+ endtry
+ call assert_equal(1, l:caught)
+ call delete("")
+ unlet g:_previous_buffer
+" Fail vim.current.buffer if 'winfixbuf' is set
+func Test_pythonx_vim_current_buffer()
+ CheckFeature pythonx
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ enew
+ file first
+ let g:_previous_buffer = bufnr()
+ enew
+ file second
+ let l:caught = 0
+ set winfixbuf
+ try
+ pythonx << EOF
+import vim
+buffer = vim.vars["_previous_buffer"]
+vim.current.buffer = vim.buffers[buffer]
+ catch /Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E1513:/
+ let l:caught = 1
+ endtry
+ call assert_equal(1, l:caught)
+ unlet g:_previous_buffer
+" Ensure remapping to a disabled action still triggers failures
+func Test_remap_key_fail()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ enew
+ file first
+ let l:first = bufnr()
+ enew
+ file current
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ nnoremap g <C-^>
+ call assert_fails("normal g", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ nunmap g
+" Ensure remapping a disabled key to something valid does trigger any failures
+func Test_remap_key_pass()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ enew
+ file first
+ let l:first = bufnr()
+ enew
+ file current
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ call assert_fails("normal \<C-^>", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ " Disallow <C-^> by default but allow it if the command does something else
+ nnoremap <C-^> :echo "hello!"
+ execute "normal \<C-^>"
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ nunmap <C-^>
+" Fail :rewind but :rewind! is allowed
+func Test_rewind()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, _] = s:make_args_list()
+ next!
+ call assert_fails("rewind", "E1513:")
+ call assert_notequal(l:first, bufnr())
+ rewind!
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+" Allow :sblast because it opens the buffer in a new, split window
+func Test_sblast()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs(1)
+ bfirst!
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ sblast
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :sbprevious but :sbprevious! is allowed
+func Test_sbprevious()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ sbprevious
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Make sure 'winfixbuf' can be set using 'winfixbuf' or 'wfb'
+func Test_short_option()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ call s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ set winfixbuf
+ call assert_fails("edit something_else", "E1513")
+ set nowinfixbuf
+ set wfb
+ call assert_fails("edit another_place", "E1513")
+ set nowfb
+ edit last_place
+" Allow :snext because it makes a new window
+func Test_snext()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, _] = s:make_args_list()
+ first!
+ let l:current_window = win_getid()
+ snext
+ call assert_notequal(l:current_window, win_getid())
+ call assert_notequal(l:first, bufnr())
+" Ensure the first has 'winfixbuf' and a new split window is 'nowinfixbuf'
+func Test_split_window()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ split
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:winfix_window_1 = win_getid()
+ vsplit
+ let l:winfix_window_2 = win_getid()
+ call assert_equal(1, getwinvar(l:winfix_window_1, "&winfixbuf"))
+ call assert_equal(0, getwinvar(l:winfix_window_2, "&winfixbuf"))
+" Fail :tNext but :tNext! is allowed
+func Test_tNext()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "thesame\tXfile\t1;\"\td\tfile:",
+ \ "thesame\tXfile\t2;\"\td\tfile:",
+ \ "thesame\tXfile\t3;\"\td\tfile:",
+ \ ],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["thesame one", "thesame two", "thesame three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["thesame one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ tag thesame
+ execute "normal \<C-^>"
+ tnext!
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("tNext", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ tNext!
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Call :tabdo and choose the next available 'nowinfixbuf' window.
+func Test_tabdo_choose_available_window()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, _] = s:make_args_list()
+ " Make a split window that is 'nowinfixbuf' but make it the second-to-last
+ " window so that :tabdo will first try the 'winfixbuf' window, pass over it,
+ " and prefer the other 'nowinfixbuf' window, instead.
+ "
+ " +-------------------+
+ " | 'nowinfixbuf' |
+ " +-------------------+
+ " | 'winfixbuf' | <-- Cursor is here
+ " +-------------------+
+ split
+ let l:nowinfixbuf_window = win_getid()
+ " Move to the 'winfixbuf' window now
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ let l:winfixbuf_window = win_getid()
+ let l:expected_windows = s:get_windows_count()
+ tabdo echo ''
+ call assert_equal(l:nowinfixbuf_window, win_getid())
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+ call assert_equal(l:expected_windows, s:get_windows_count())
+" Call :tabdo and create a new split window if all available windows are 'winfixbuf'.
+func Test_tabdo_make_new_window()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, _] = s:make_buffers_list()
+ execute "buffer! " . l:first
+ let l:current = win_getid()
+ let l:current_windows = s:get_windows_count()
+ tabdo echo ''
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, win_getid())
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+ execute "normal \<C-w>j"
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+ call assert_equal(l:current_windows + 1, s:get_windows_count())
+" Fail :tag but :tag! is allowed
+func Test_tag()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("tag one", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ tag! one
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Fail :tfirst but :tfirst! is allowed
+func Test_tfirst()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("tfirst", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ tfirst!
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Fail :tjump but :tjump! is allowed
+func Test_tjump()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("tjump one", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ tjump! one
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Fail :tlast but :tlast! is allowed
+func Test_tlast()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "one\tXfile\t1",
+ \ "three\tXfile\t3",
+ \ "two\tXfile\t2"],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["one", "two", "three"], "Xfile")
+ edit Xfile
+ tjump one
+ edit Xfile
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("tlast", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ tlast!
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+" Fail :tnext but :tnext! is allowed
+func Test_tnext()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "thesame\tXfile\t1;\"\td\tfile:",
+ \ "thesame\tXfile\t2;\"\td\tfile:",
+ \ "thesame\tXfile\t3;\"\td\tfile:",
+ \ ],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["thesame one", "thesame two", "thesame three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["thesame one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ tag thesame
+ execute "normal \<C-^>"
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("tnext", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ tnext!
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Fail :tprevious but :tprevious! is allowed
+func Test_tprevious()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "thesame\tXfile\t1;\"\td\tfile:",
+ \ "thesame\tXfile\t2;\"\td\tfile:",
+ \ "thesame\tXfile\t3;\"\td\tfile:",
+ \ ],
+ \ "Xtags")
+ call writefile(["thesame one", "thesame two", "thesame three"], "Xfile")
+ call writefile(["thesame one"], "Xother")
+ edit Xother
+ tag thesame
+ execute "normal \<C-^>"
+ tnext!
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("tprevious", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ tprevious!
+ set tags&
+ call delete("Xtags")
+ call delete("Xfile")
+ call delete("Xother")
+" Fail :view but :view! is allowed
+func Test_view()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("view other", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ view! other
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :visual but :visual! is allowed
+func Test_visual()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:other = s:make_buffer_pairs()
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ call assert_fails("visual other", "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ visual! other
+ call assert_equal(l:other, bufnr())
+" Fail :vimgrep but :vimgrep! is allowed
+func Test_vimgrep()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ edit first.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ edit winfix.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ edit! last.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ let l:last = bufnr()
+ buffer! winfix.unittest
+ call assert_fails("vimgrep /some-search-term/ *.unittest")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ " Don't error and also do swap to the first match because ! was included
+ vimgrep! /some-search-term/ *.unittest
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ call delete("first.unittest")
+ call delete("winfix.unittest")
+ call delete("last.unittest")
+" Fail :vimgrepadd but ::vimgrepadd! is allowed
+func Test_vimgrepadd()
+ CheckFeature quickfix
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ edit first.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ edit winfix.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ let l:current = bufnr()
+ set winfixbuf
+ edit! last.unittest
+ call append(0, ["some-search-term"])
+ write
+ let l:last = bufnr()
+ buffer! winfix.unittest
+ call assert_fails("vimgrepadd /some-search-term/ *.unittest")
+ call assert_equal(l:current, bufnr())
+ vimgrepadd! /some-search-term/ *.unittest
+ call assert_notequal(l:current, bufnr())
+ call delete("first.unittest")
+ call delete("winfix.unittest")
+ call delete("last.unittest")
+" Fail :wNext but :wNext! is allowed
+func Test_wNext()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, _] = s:make_args_list()
+ next!
+ call assert_fails("wNext", "E1513:")
+ call assert_notequal(l:first, bufnr())
+ wNext!
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+ call delete("first")
+ call delete("middle")
+ call delete("last")
+" Allow :windo unless `:windo foo` would change a 'winfixbuf' window's buffer
+func Test_windo()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let l:current_window = win_getid()
+ let l:current_buffer = bufnr()
+ split
+ enew
+ file some_other_buffer
+ set winfixbuf
+ let l:current = win_getid()
+ windo echo ''
+ call assert_equal(l:current_window, win_getid())
+ call assert_fails('execute "windo buffer ' . l:current_buffer . '"', "E1513:")
+ call assert_equal(l:current_window, win_getid())
+ execute "windo buffer! " . l:current_buffer
+ call assert_equal(l:current_window, win_getid())
+" Fail :wnext but :wnext! is allowed
+func Test_wnext()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [_, l:last] = s:make_args_list()
+ next!
+ call assert_fails("wnext", "E1513:")
+ call assert_notequal(l:last, bufnr())
+ wnext!
+ call assert_equal(l:last, bufnr())
+ call delete("first")
+ call delete("middle")
+ call delete("last")
+" Fail :wprevious but :wprevious! is allowed
+func Test_wprevious()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ let [l:first, _] = s:make_args_list()
+ next!
+ call assert_fails("wprevious", "E1513:")
+ call assert_notequal(l:first, bufnr())
+ wprevious!
+ call assert_equal(l:first, bufnr())
+ call delete("first")
+ call delete("middle")
+ call delete("last")
+func Test_quickfix_switchbuf_invalid_prevwin()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ call s:make_simple_quickfix()
+ call assert_equal(1, getqflist(#{idx: 0}).idx)
+ set switchbuf=uselast
+ split
+ copen
+ execute winnr('#') 'quit'
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ cnext " Would've triggered a null pointer member access
+ call assert_equal(2, getqflist(#{idx: 0}).idx)
+ set switchbuf&
+func Test_listdo_goto_prevwin()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ call s:make_buffers_list()
+ new
+ call assert_equal(0, &winfixbuf)
+ wincmd p
+ call assert_equal(1, &winfixbuf)
+ call assert_notequal(bufnr(), bufnr('#'))
+ augroup ListDoGotoPrevwin
+ au!
+ au BufLeave * let s:triggered = 1
+ \| call assert_equal(bufnr(), winbufnr(winnr()))
+ augroup END
+ " Should correctly switch to the window without 'winfixbuf', and curbuf should
+ " be consistent with curwin->w_buffer for autocommands.
+ bufdo "
+ call assert_equal(0, &winfixbuf)
+ call assert_equal(1, s:triggered)
+ unlet! s:triggered
+ au! ListDoGotoPrevwin
+ set winfixbuf
+ wincmd p
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ " Both curwin and prevwin have 'winfixbuf' set, so should split a new window
+ " without it set.
+ bufdo "
+ call assert_equal(0, &winfixbuf)
+ call assert_equal(3, winnr('$'))
+ quit
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal(1, &winfixbuf)
+ augroup ListDoGotoPrevwin
+ au!
+ au WinEnter * ++once set winfixbuf
+ augroup END
+ " Same as before, but naughty autocommands set 'winfixbuf' for the new window.
+ " :bufdo should give up in this case.
+ call assert_fails('bufdo "', 'E1513:')
+ au! ListDoGotoPrevwin
+ augroup! ListDoGotoPrevwin
+func Test_quickfix_changed_split_failed()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ call s:make_simple_quickfix()
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ " Quickfix code will open a split in an attempt to get a 'nowinfixbuf' window
+ " to switch buffers in. Interfere with things by setting 'winfixbuf' in it.
+ augroup QfChanged
+ au!
+ au WinEnter * ++once call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ \| set winfixbuf | call setqflist([], 'f')
+ augroup END
+ call assert_fails('cnext', ['E1513:', 'E925:'])
+ " Check that the split was automatically closed.
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ au! QfChanged
+ augroup! QfChanged
+func Test_bufdo_cnext_splitwin_fails()
+ call s:reset_all_buffers()
+ call s:make_simple_quickfix()
+ call assert_equal(1, getqflist(#{idx: 0}).idx)
+ " Make sure there is not enough room to
+ " split the winfixedbuf window
+ let &winheight=&lines
+ let &winminheight=&lines-2
+ " Still want E1513, or it may not be clear why a split was attempted and why
+ " it failing caused the commands to abort.
+ call assert_fails(':bufdo echo 1', ['E36:', 'E1513:'])
+ call assert_fails(':cnext', ['E36:', 'E1513:'])
+ " Ensure the entry didn't change.
+ call assert_equal(1, getqflist(#{idx: 0}).idx)
+ set winminheight&vim winheight&vim
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab