vim9script # Vim function for detecting a filetype from the file contents. # Invoked from "scripts.vim" in 'runtimepath' # # Maintainer: The Vim Project # Last Change: 2023 Aug 10 # Former Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar export def DetectFiletype() var line1 = getline(1) if line1[0] == '#' && line1[1] == '!' # File that starts with "#!". DetectFromHashBang(line1) else # File does not start with "#!". DetectFromText(line1) endif enddef # Called for a script that has "#!" in the first line. def DetectFromHashBang(firstline: string) var line1 = firstline # Check for a line like "#!/usr/bin/env {options} bash". Turn it into # "#!/usr/bin/bash" to make matching easier. # Recognize only a few {options} that are commonly used. if line1 =~ '^#!\s*\S*\' name = substitute(line1, '^#!.*\\s\+\(\i\+\).*', '\1', '') elseif line1 =~ '^#!\s*[^/\\ ]*\>\([^/\\]\|$\)' name = substitute(line1, '^#!\s*\([^/\\ ]*\>\).*', '\1', '') else name = substitute(line1, '^#!\s*\S*[/\\]\(\f\+\).*', '\1', '') endif # tcl scripts may have #!/bin/sh in the first line and "exec wish" in the # third line. Suggested by Steven Atkinson. if getline(3) =~ '^exec wish' name = 'wish' endif var ft = Exe2filetype(name, line1) if ft != '' exe 'setl ft=' .. ft endif enddef # Returns the filetype name associated with program "name". # "line1" is the #! line at the top of the file. Use the same as "name" if # not available. # Returns an empty string when not recognized. export def Exe2filetype(name: string, line1: string): string # Bourne-like shell scripts: bash bash2 dash ksh ksh93 sh if name =~ '^\(bash\d*\|dash\|ksh\d*\|sh\)\>' return dist#ft#SetFileTypeSH(line1, false) # csh scripts elseif name =~ '^csh\>' return dist#ft#SetFileTypeShell(exists("g:filetype_csh") ? g:filetype_csh : 'csh', false) # tcsh scripts elseif name =~ '^tcsh\>' return dist#ft#SetFileTypeShell("tcsh", false) # Z shell scripts elseif name =~ '^zsh\>' return 'zsh' # TCL scripts elseif name =~ '^\(tclsh\|wish\|expectk\|itclsh\|itkwish\)\>' return 'tcl' # Expect scripts elseif name =~ '^expect\>' return 'expect' # Gnuplot scripts elseif name =~ '^gnuplot\>' return 'gnuplot' # Makefiles elseif name =~ 'make\>' return 'make' # Pike elseif name =~ '^pike\%(\>\|[0-9]\)' return 'pike' # Lua elseif name =~ 'lua' return 'lua' # Perl elseif name =~ 'perl' return 'perl' # PHP elseif name =~ 'php' return 'php' # Python elseif name =~ 'python' return 'python' # Groovy elseif name =~ '^groovy\>' return 'groovy' # Raku elseif name =~ 'raku' return 'raku' # Ruby elseif name =~ 'ruby' return 'ruby' # JavaScript elseif name =~ 'node\(js\)\=\>\|js\>' || name =~ 'rhino\>' return 'javascript' # BC calculator elseif name =~ '^bc\>' return 'bc' # sed elseif name =~ 'sed\>' return 'sed' # OCaml-scripts elseif name =~ 'ocaml' return 'ocaml' # Awk scripts; also finds "gawk" elseif name =~ 'awk\>' return 'awk' # Website MetaLanguage elseif name =~ 'wml' return 'wml' # Scheme scripts elseif name =~ 'scheme' return 'scheme' # CFEngine scripts elseif name =~ 'cfengine' return 'cfengine' # Erlang scripts elseif name =~ 'escript' return 'erlang' # Haskell elseif name =~ 'haskell' return 'haskell' # Scala elseif name =~ 'scala\>' return 'scala' # Clojure elseif name =~ 'clojure' return 'clojure' # Free Pascal elseif name =~ 'instantfpc\>' return 'pascal' # Fennel elseif name =~ 'fennel\>' return 'fennel' # MikroTik RouterOS script elseif name =~ 'rsc\>' return 'routeros' # Fish shell elseif name =~ 'fish\>' return 'fish' # Gforth elseif name =~ 'gforth\>' return 'forth' # Icon elseif name =~ 'icon\>' return 'icon' # Guile elseif name =~ 'guile' return 'scheme' # Nix elseif name =~ 'nix-shell' return 'nix' # Crystal elseif name =~ '^crystal\>' return 'crystal' # Rexx elseif name =~ '^\%(rexx\|regina\)\>' return 'rexx' # Janet elseif name =~ '^janet\>' return 'janet' # Dart elseif name =~ '^dart\>' return 'dart' # Execline (s6) elseif name =~ '^execlineb\>' return 'execline' # Vim elseif name =~ '^vim\>' return 'vim' endif return '' enddef # Called for a script that does not have "#!" in the first line. def DetectFromText(line1: string) var line2 = getline(2) var line3 = getline(3) var line4 = getline(4) var line5 = getline(5) # Bourne-like shell scripts: sh ksh bash bash2 if line1 =~ '^:$' call dist#ft#SetFileTypeSH(line1) # Z shell scripts elseif line1 =~ '^#compdef\>' || line1 =~ '^#autoload\>' || "\n" .. line1 .. "\n" .. line2 .. "\n" .. line3 .. "\n" .. line4 .. "\n" .. line5 =~ '\n\s*emulate\s\+\%(-[LR]\s\+\)\=[ckz]\=sh\>' setl ft=zsh # ELM Mail files elseif line1 =~ '^From \([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9\.=-]*\(@[^ ]*\)\=\|-\) .* \(19\|20\)\d\d$' setl ft=mail # Mason elseif line1 =~ '^<[%&].*>' setl ft=mason # Vim scripts (must have '" vim' as the first line to trigger this) elseif line1 =~ '^" *[vV]im$' setl ft=vim # libcxx and libstdc++ standard library headers like "iostream" do not have # an extension, recognize the Emacs file mode. elseif line1 =~? '-\*-.*C++.*-\*-' setl ft=cpp # MOO elseif line1 =~ '^\*\* LambdaMOO Database, Format Version \%([1-3]\>\)\@!\d\+ \*\*$' setl ft=moo # Diff file: # - "diff" in first line (context diff) # - "Only in " in first line # - "--- " in first line and "+++ " in second line (unified diff). # - "*** " in first line and "--- " in second line (context diff). # - "# It was generated by makepatch " in the second line (makepatch diff). # - "Index: " in the first line (CVS file) # - "=== ", line of "=", "---", "+++ " (SVK diff) # - "=== ", "--- ", "+++ " (bzr diff, common case) # - "=== (removed|added|renamed|modified)" (bzr diff, alternative) # - "# HG changeset patch" in first line (Mercurial export format) elseif line1 =~ '^\(diff\>\|Only in \|\d\+\(,\d\+\)\=[cda]\d\+\>\|# It was generated by makepatch \|Index:\s\+\f\+\r\=$\|===== \f\+ \d\+\.\d\+ vs edited\|==== //\f\+#\d\+\|# HG changeset patch\)' || (line1 =~ '^--- ' && line2 =~ '^+++ ') || (line1 =~ '^\* looking for ' && line2 =~ '^\* comparing to ') || (line1 =~ '^\*\*\* ' && line2 =~ '^--- ') || (line1 =~ '^=== ' && ((line2 =~ '^=\{66\}' && line3 =~ '^--- ' && line4 =~ '^+++') || (line2 =~ '^--- ' && line3 =~ '^+++ '))) || (line1 =~ '^=== \(removed\|added\|renamed\|modified\)') setl ft=diff # PostScript Files (must have %!PS as the first line, like a2ps output) elseif line1 =~ '^%![ \t]*PS' setl ft=postscr # M4 scripts: Guess there is a line that starts with "dnl". elseif line1 =~ '^\s*dnl\>' || line2 =~ '^\s*dnl\>' || line3 =~ '^\s*dnl\>' || line4 =~ '^\s*dnl\>' || line5 =~ '^\s*dnl\>' setl ft=m4 # AmigaDos scripts elseif $TERM == "amiga" && (line1 =~ "^;" || line1 =~? '^\.bra') setl ft=amiga # SiCAD scripts (must have procn or procd as the first line to trigger this) elseif line1 =~? '^ *proc[nd] *$' setl ft=sicad # Purify log files start with "**** Purify" elseif line1 =~ '^\*\*\*\* Purify' setl ft=purifylog # XML elseif line1 =~ '' setl ft=xml # XHTML (e.g.: PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN") elseif line1 =~ '\' setl ft=html # PDF elseif line1 =~ '^%PDF-' setl ft=pdf # XXD output elseif line1 =~ '^\x\{7}: \x\{2} \=\x\{2} \=\x\{2} \=\x\{2} ' setl ft=xxd # RCS/CVS log output elseif line1 =~ '^RCS file:' || line2 =~ '^RCS file:' setl ft=rcslog # CVS commit elseif line2 =~ '^CVS:' || getline("$") =~ '^CVS: ' setl ft=cvs # Prescribe elseif line1 =~ '^!R!' setl ft=prescribe # Send-pr elseif line1 =~ '^SEND-PR:' setl ft=sendpr # SNNS files elseif line1 =~ '^SNNS network definition file' setl ft=snnsnet elseif line1 =~ '^SNNS pattern definition file' setl ft=snnspat elseif line1 =~ '^SNNS result file' setl ft=snnsres # Virata elseif line1 =~ '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata' || line2 =~ '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata' || line3 =~ '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata' || line4 =~ '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata' || line5 =~ '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata' setl ft=virata # Strace # inaccurate fast match first, then use accurate slow match elseif (line1 =~ 'execve(' && line1 =~ '^[0-9:. ]*execve(') || line1 =~ '^__libc_start_main' setl ft=strace # VSE JCL elseif line1 =~ '^\* $$ JOB\>' || line1 =~ '^// *JOB\>' setl ft=vsejcl # TAK and SINDA elseif line4 =~ 'K & K Associates' || line2 =~ 'TAK 2000' setl ft=takout elseif line3 =~ 'S Y S T E M S I M P R O V E D ' setl ft=sindaout elseif getline(6) =~ 'Run Date: ' setl ft=takcmp elseif getline(9) =~ 'Node File 1' setl ft=sindacmp # DNS zone files elseif line1 .. line2 .. line3 .. line4 =~ '^; <<>> DiG [0-9.]\+.* <<>>\|$ORIGIN\|$TTL\|IN\s\+SOA' setl ft=bindzone # BAAN elseif line1 =~ '|\*\{1,80}' && line2 =~ 'VRC ' || line2 =~ '|\*\{1,80}' && line3 =~ 'VRC ' setl ft=baan # Valgrind elseif line1 =~ '^==\d\+== valgrind' || line3 =~ '^==\d\+== Using valgrind' setl ft=valgrind # Go docs elseif line1 =~ '^PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION$' setl ft=godoc # Renderman Interface Bytestream elseif line1 =~ '^##RenderMan' setl ft=rib # Scheme scripts elseif line1 =~ 'exec\s\+\S*scheme' || line2 =~ 'exec\s\+\S*scheme' setl ft=scheme # Git output elseif line1 =~ '^\(commit\|tree\|object\) \x\{40,\}\>\|^tag \S\+$' setl ft=git # Gprof (gnu profiler) elseif line1 == 'Flat profile:' && line2 == '' && line3 =~ '^Each sample counts as .* seconds.$' setl ft=gprof # Erlang terms # (See also: elseif line1 =~? '-\*-.*erlang.*-\*-' setl ft=erlang # YAML elseif line1 =~ '^%YAML' setl ft=yaml # MikroTik RouterOS script elseif line1 =~ '^#.*by RouterOS.*$' setl ft=routeros # Sed scripts # #ncomment is allowed but most likely a false positive so require a space # before any trailing comment text elseif line1 =~ '^#n\%($\|\s\)' setl ft=sed else var lnum = 1 while getline(lnum) =~ "^? " && lnum < line("$") lnum += 1 endwhile if getline(lnum) =~ '^Index:\s\+\f\+$' # CVS diff setl ft=diff # locale input files: Formal Definitions of Cultural Conventions # filename must be like en_US, fr_FR@euro or en_US.UTF-8 elseif expand("%") =~ '\a\a_\a\a\($\|[.@]\)\|i18n$\|POSIX$\|translit_' lnum = 1 while lnum < 100 && lnum < line("$") if getline(lnum) =~ '^LC_\(IDENTIFICATION\|CTYPE\|COLLATE\|MONETARY\|NUMERIC\|TIME\|MESSAGES\|PAPER\|TELEPHONE\|MEASUREMENT\|NAME\|ADDRESS\)$' setf fdcc break endif lnum += 1 endwhile endif endif enddef