#!/usr/bin/env perl # converts vim documentation to simple html # Sirtaj Singh Kang (taj@kde.org) # Sun Feb 24 14:49:17 CET 2002 use strict; use warnings; use vars qw/%url $date/; %url = (); # 30.11.23, Restorer: # This command does not work in OS Windows. # The "date" command in Windows is different from its counterpart in UNIX-like systems. # The closest analog is the "date /t" command, but how it would work in UNIX, # I don't know. I've corrected it as best I can. I don't know Perl. #$date = `date`; #chop $date; my ($year) = 1900 + (localtime())[5]; my ($month) = 1 + (localtime())[4]; my ($day) = (localtime())[3]; #$date = localtime(); # outputs like this Fri Nov 3 00:56:59 2023 sub maplink { my $tag = shift; if( exists $url{ $tag } ){ return $url{ $tag }; } else { #warn "Unknown hyperlink target: $tag\n"; $tag =~ s/\.txt//; $tag =~ s//>/g; return "$tag"; } } sub readTagFile { my($tagfile) = @_; my( $tag, $file, $name ); open(TAGS,"$tagfile") || die "can't read tags\n"; while( ) { next unless /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/; $tag = $1; my $label = $tag; ($file= $2) =~ s/.txt$/.html/g; $label =~ s/\.txt//; $url{ $tag } = "".esctext($label).""; } close( TAGS ); } sub esctext { my $text = shift; $text =~ s/&/&/g; $text =~ s//>/g; return $text; } sub escurl { my $url = shift; $url =~ s/"/%22/g; $url =~ s/~/%7E/g; $url =~ s//%3E/g; $url =~ s/=/%20/g; $url =~ s/#/%23/g; $url =~ s/\//%2F/g; return $url; } sub vim2html { my( $infile ) = @_; my( $outfile ); open(IN, "$infile" ) || die "Couldn't read from $infile: $!.\n"; ($outfile = $infile) =~ s:.*/::g; $outfile =~ s/\.txt$//g; open( OUT, ">$outfile.html" ) || die "Couldn't write to $outfile.html: $!.\n"; my $head = uc( $outfile ); print OUT< VIM: $outfile



	my $inexample = 0;
	while(  ) {
		if ( /^\s*[-=]+\s*$/ ) {
			print OUT "


		# examples
		elsif( /^>$/ || /\s>$/ ) {
			$inexample = 1;
		elsif ( $inexample && /^([<\S])/ ) {
			$inexample = 0;
			$_ = $' if $1 eq "<";


		# Various vim highlights. note that < and > have already been escaped
		# so that HTML doesn't get screwed up.

		my @out = ();
		#		print "Text: $_\n";
		foreach my $token ( split /((?:\|[^\|]+\|)|(?:\*[^\*]+\*))/ ) {
			if ( $token =~ /^\|([^\|]+)\|/ ) {
				# link
				push( @out, "|".maplink( $1 )."|" );
				next LOOP;
			elsif ( $token =~ /^\*([^\*]+)\*/ ) {
				# target
				push( @out,
				next LOOP;

			$_ = esctext($token);
			# parameter <...>

			# parameter {...}

			# parameter [...]
			# note

			# local heading
			push( @out, $_ );

		$_ = join( "", @out );

		if( $inexample == 2 ) {
			print OUT "$_\n";
		} else {
			print OUT $_,"\n";

		$inexample = 2 if $inexample == 1;
	print OUT<

Generated by vim2html on $day.$month.$year

EOF } sub usage { die< EOF } sub writeCSS { open( CSS, ">vim-stylesheet.css" ) || die "Couldn't write stylesheet: $!\n"; print CSS<