" Vim filetype plugin " Language: JSONC (JSON with Comments) " Original Author: Izhak Jakov " Acknowledgement: Based off of vim-jsonc maintained by Kevin Locke " https://github.com/kevinoid/vim-jsonc " License: MIT " Last Change: 2021 Nov 22 " 2024 May 23 by Riley Bruins ('commentstring') runtime! ftplugin/json.vim if exists('b:did_ftplugin_jsonc') finish else let b:did_ftplugin_jsonc = 1 endif " Set comment (formatting) related options. {{{1 setlocal commentstring=//\ %s comments=sO:*\ -,mO:*\ \ ,exO:*/,s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,:// " Let Vim know how to disable the plug-in. let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setlocal commentstring< comments<'