; vim: set ft=krl : ; START_INDENT def One() int i If i==1 then While i>=1 For i=1 to 5 step 2 Loop i = i+1 EndLoop EndFor EndWhile Else Repeat Switch i Case 1 Skip 123 i = i+1 EndSkip 123 Spline with $acc=100, $vel.cp=3 slin {x 100} scirc {x 110, y 110}, {x 120, y 90} slin {x 200} c_dis Time_Block Start slin {x 300} c_dis Time_Block Part = 22.2 slin {y 400} c_dis Time_Block Part = 33.3 Time_Block End = 10 slin {y 200} c_dis Const_Vel Start +100 OnStart slin {y 300} c_dis slin {x 100} Const_Vel End -5.5 slin {y 200} c_dis EndSpline Case 2,3 PTP_Spline with $acc=100, $vel.ptp=100 sptp {a1 0} c_ptp sptp {a1 90} EndSpline c_spl Default i = i+1 EndSwitch Continue Until False EndIf end DEF Two() int i END global def Three() int i end GLOBAL DEF Four() int i END Global Def Five() int i End deffct bool fOne() int i endfct DEFFCT bool fTwo() int i ENDFCT global deffct bool fThree() int i endfct GLOBAL DEFFCT bool fFour() int i ENDFCT Global DefFct bool fFive() int i EndFct DefDat datfile() global int i=1 ; don't indent column 1 comments unless g:krlCommentIndent is set ; global int o=2 EndDat ; END_INDENT ; START_INDENT ; INDENT_EXE let g:krlSpaceIndent = 0 ; INDENT_EXE set shiftwidth=4 def bla() int i end ; END_INDENT ; START_INDENT ; INDENT_EXE let g:krlCommentIndent = 1 def bla() ; indent this first column comment because of g:krlCommentIndent=1 end ; END_INDENT ; START_INDENT ; INDENT_EXE let g:krlIndentBetweenDef = 0 def bla() int i ; don't indent this line because of g:krlIndentBetweenDef=0 end ; END_INDENT ; START_INDENT ; INDENT_AT this-line def Some() int f if true then f = 1 ; this-line endif end ; END_INDENT ; START_INDENT ; INDENT_NEXT next-line def Some() int i ; next-line i = 1 ; should get indent of line 'int i' above end ; END_INDENT ; START_INDENT ; INDENT_PREV prev-line def Some() int f if true then f = 1 ; prev-line endif end ; END_INDENT