*comment.txt* For Vim version 9.1. Last change: 2024 Jun 04 VIM REFERENCE MANUAL Commenting and un-commenting text. ============================================================================== See |comment-install| on how to activate this package. The comment.vim package, allows to toggle comments for a single line, a range of lines or a selected text object. It defines the following mappings: *gcc* gcc to comment/uncomment current line *o_gc* gc{motion} to toggle comments for the selected motion *gcip* gcip to comment/uncomment current paragraph *gcG* gcG to comment/uncomment from current line till the end of a buffer *v_gc* {Visual}gc to comment/uncomment the highlighted lines. This plugin uses the buffer-local 'commentstring' option value to add or remove comment markers to the selected lines. Whether it will comment or un-comment depends on the first line of the range of lines to act upon. When it matches a comment marker, the line will be un-commented, if it doesn't, the line will be commented out. Blank and empty lines are ignored. The comment marker will always be padded with blanks whether or not the 'commentstring' value contains whitespace around "%s". If the mapping does not seem to work (or uses wrong comment markers), it might be because of several reasons: - the filetype is not detected by Vim, see |new-filetype|, - filetype plugins are not enabled, see |:filetype-plugin-on| or - the filetype plugin does not set the (correct) 'commentstring' option. You can simply configure this using the following autocommand (e.g. for legacy Vim script): > autocmd Filetype vim :setlocal commentstring="%s This example sets the " as start of a comment for legacy Vim Script. For Vim9 script, you would instead use the "#" char: > autocmd Filetype vim :setlocal commentstring=#\ %s ============================================================================== Options: *g:comment_first_col* *b:comment_first_col* By default comment chars are added in front of the line, i.e. if the line was indented, commented line would stay indented as well. However some filetypes require a comment char on the first column, use this option to change default behaviour. Use g:comment_first_col to change it globally or b:comment_first_col to target specific filetype(s). ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:fo=tcq2:ft=help: