" Vim syntax file generator " Language: Vim script " Maintainer: Hirohito Higashi (h_east) " URL: https://github.com/vim-jp/syntax-vim-ex " Last Change: 2024 Mar 14 " Version: 2.0.6 let s:keepcpo= &cpo set cpo&vim language C function! s:parse_vim_option(opt, missing_opt, term_out_code) try let file_name = $VIM_SRCDIR . '/optiondefs.h' let item = {} new exec 'read ' . file_name norm! gg exec '/^.*\s*options\[\]\s*=\s*$/+1;/^\s*#\s*define\s*p_term(/-1yank a' exec '/^#define\s\+p_term(/+1;/^};$/-1yank b' %delete _ put a " workaround for 'shortname' g/^#\s*ifdef\s*SHORT_FNAME\>/j g/^#/d g/^\s*{\s*"\w\+"\%(\s*,\s*[^,]*\)\{2}[^,]$/j g/^\s*{\s*"\w\+"\s*,.*$/j g!/^\s*{\s*"\w\+"\s*,.*$/d for line in getline(1, line('$')) let list = matchlist(line, '^\s*{\s*"\(\w\+\)"\s*,\s*\%("\(\w\+\)"\|NULL\)\s*,\s*\%([^,]*\(P_BOOL\)[^,]*\|[^,]*\)\s*,\s*\([^,]*NULL\)\?.*') let item.name = list[1] let item.short_name = list[2] let item.is_bool = empty(list[3]) ? 0 : 1 if empty(list[4]) call add(a:opt, copy(item)) else call add(a:missing_opt, copy(item)) endif endfor if empty(a:opt) throw 'opt is empty' endif if empty(a:missing_opt) throw 'missing_opt is empty' endif %delete _ put b g!/^\s*p_term(\s*"\w\+"\s*,.*$/d for line in getline(1, line('$')) let list = matchlist(line, '^\s*p_term(\s*"\(\w\+\)"\s*,') let item.name = list[1] call add(a:term_out_code, copy(item)) endfor quit! if empty(a:term_out_code) throw 'term_out_code is empty' endif catch /.*/ call s:err_gen('') throw 'exit' endtry endfunc function! s:append_syn_vimopt(lnum, str_info, opt_list, prefix, bool_only) let ret_lnum = a:lnum let str = a:str_info.start for o in a:opt_list if !a:bool_only || o.is_bool if !empty(o.short_name) let str .= ' ' . a:prefix . o.short_name endif let str .= ' ' . a:prefix . o.name if len(str) > s:line_break_len if !empty(a:str_info.end) let str .= ' ' . a:str_info.end endif call append(ret_lnum, str) let str = a:str_info.start let ret_lnum += 1 endif endif endfor if str !=# a:str_info.start if !empty(a:str_info.end) let str .= ' ' . a:str_info.end endif call append(ret_lnum, str) let ret_lnum += 1 endif return ret_lnum endfunc " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:parse_vim_command(cmd) try let file_name = $VIM_SRCDIR . '/ex_cmds.h' let item = {} new exec 'read ' . file_name norm! gg exec '/^}\?\s*cmdnames\[\]\s*=\s*$/+1;/^};/-1yank' %delete _ put g!/^EXCMD(/d let lcmd = {} for key in range(char2nr('a'), char2nr('z')) let lcmd[nr2char(key)] = [] endfor let lcmd['~'] = [] for line in getline(1, line('$')) let list = matchlist(line, '^EXCMD(\w\+\s*,\s*"\(\a\w*\)"\s*,') if !empty(list) " Small ascii character or other. let key = (list[1][:0] =~# '\l') ? list[1][:0] : '~' call add(lcmd[key], list[1]) endif endfor quit! for key in sort(keys(lcmd)) for my in range(len(lcmd[key])) let omit_idx = 0 if my > 0 let omit_idx = (key =~# '\l') ? 1 : 0 for idx in range(1, strlen(lcmd[key][my])) let spec=0 if lcmd[key][my] ==# 'ex' let spec=1 echo "cmd name:" lcmd[key][my] endif let matched = 0 for pre in range(my - 1, 0, -1) if spec echo "pre:" pre ", my:" my endif if pre == my if spec echo "continue" endif continue endif " for weird abbreviations for delete. (See :help :d) " And k{char} is used as mark. (See :help :k) if lcmd[key][my][:idx] ==# lcmd[key][pre][:idx] || \ (key ==# 'd' && \ lcmd[key][my][:idx] =~# '^d\%[elete][lp]$') \ || (key ==# 'k' && \ lcmd[key][my][:idx] =~# '^k[a-zA-Z]$') let matched = 1 let omit_idx = idx + 1 if spec echo "match. break. omit_idx:" omit_idx endif break endif endfor if !matched if spec echo "not match. break" endif break endif endfor endif let item.name = lcmd[key][my] let item.type = s:get_vim_command_type(item.name) if omit_idx + 1 < strlen(item.name) let item.omit_idx = omit_idx let item.syn_str = item.name[:omit_idx] . '[' . \ item.name[omit_idx+1:] . ']' else let item.omit_idx = -1 let item.syn_str = item.name endif call add(a:cmd, copy(item)) endfor endfor " Check exists in the help. (Usually it does not check...) let doc_dir = './vim/runtime/doc' if 0 for vimcmd in a:cmd let find_ptn = '^|:' . vimcmd.name . '|\s\+' exec "silent! vimgrep /" . find_ptn . "/gj " . doc_dir . "/index.txt" let li = getqflist() if empty(li) call s:err_sanity(printf('Ex-cmd `:%s` is not found in doc/index.txt.', vimcmd.name)) elseif len(li) > 1 call s:err_sanity(printf('Ex-cmd `:%s` is duplicated in doc/index.txt.', vimcmd.name)) else let doc_syn_str = substitute(li[0].text, find_ptn . '\(\S\+\)\s\+.*', '\1', '') if doc_syn_str ==# vimcmd.syn_str call s:err_sanity(printf('Ex-cmd `%s` short name differ in doc/index.txt. code: `%s`, document: `%s`', vimcmd.name, vimcmd.syn_str, doc_syn_str)) endif endif if 1 for i in range(2) if i || vimcmd.omit_idx >= 0 if !i let base_ptn = vimcmd.name[:vimcmd.omit_idx] else let base_ptn = vimcmd.name endif let find_ptn = '\*:' . base_ptn . '\*' exec "silent! vimgrep /" . find_ptn . "/gj " . doc_dir . "/*.txt" let li = getqflist() if empty(li) call s:err_sanity(printf('Ex-cmd `:%s`%s is not found in the help tag.', base_ptn, !i ? ' (short name of `:' . vimcmd.name . '`)' : '')) elseif len(li) > 1 call s:err_sanity(printf('Ex-cmd `:%s`%s is duplicated in the help tag.', base_ptn, !i ? ' (short name of `:' . vimcmd.name . '`)' : '')) endif endif endfor endif endfor endif " Add weird abbreviations for delete. (See :help :d) for i in ['l', 'p'] let str = 'delete' let item.name = str . i let item.type = s:get_vim_command_type(item.name) let item.omit_idx = -1 for x in range(strlen(str)) let item.syn_str = str[:x] . i if item.syn_str !=# "del" call add(a:cmd, copy(item)) endif endfor endfor " Required for original behavior let item.name = 'a' " append let item.type = 0 let item.omit_idx = -1 let item.syn_str = item.name call add(a:cmd, copy(item)) let item.name = 'i' " insert let item.syn_str = item.name call add(a:cmd, copy(item)) if empty(a:cmd) throw 'cmd is empty' endif catch /.*/ call s:err_gen('') throw 'exit' endtry endfunc function! s:get_vim_command_type(cmd_name) " Return value: " 0: normal " 1: (Reserved) " 2: abbrev (without un) " 3: menu " 4: map " 5: mapclear " 6: unmap " 99: (Exclude registration of "syn keyword") let menu_prefix = '^\%([acinostvx]\?\|tl\)' let map_prefix = '^[acilnostvx]\?' let exclude_list = [ \ 'map', 'mapclear', \ 'substitute', 'smagic', 'snomagic', \ 'setlocal', 'setglobal', 'set', 'var', \ 'autocmd', 'augroup', 'doautocmd', 'doautoall', \ 'echo', 'echoconsole', 'echoerr', 'echohl', 'echomsg', 'echon', 'echowindow', \ 'execute', \ 'function', 'endfunction', 'def', 'enddef', \ 'behave', 'augroup', 'normal', 'syntax', \ 'append', 'insert', \ 'Next', 'Print', 'X', \ 'new', 'popup', \ ] " Required for original behavior " \ 'global', 'vglobal' if index(exclude_list, a:cmd_name) != -1 let ret = 99 elseif a:cmd_name =~# '^\%(\%(un\)\?abbreviate\|noreabbrev\|\l\%(nore\|un\)\?abbrev\)$' let ret = 2 elseif a:cmd_name =~# menu_prefix . '\%(nore\|un\)\?menu$' let ret = 3 elseif a:cmd_name =~# map_prefix . '\%(nore\)\?map$' let ret = 4 elseif a:cmd_name =~# map_prefix . 'mapclear$' let ret = 5 elseif a:cmd_name =~# map_prefix . 'unmap$' let ret = 6 else let ret = 0 endif return ret endfunc function! s:append_syn_vimcmd(lnum, str_info, cmd_list, type) let ret_lnum = a:lnum let str = a:str_info.start for o in a:cmd_list if o.type == a:type let str .= ' ' . o.syn_str if len(str) > s:line_break_len if !empty(a:str_info.end) let str .= ' ' . a:str_info.end endif call append(ret_lnum, str) let str = a:str_info.start let ret_lnum += 1 endif endif endfor if str !=# a:str_info.start if !empty(a:str_info.end) let str .= ' ' . a:str_info.end endif call append(ret_lnum, str) let ret_lnum += 1 endif return ret_lnum endfunc " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:parse_vim_event(li) try let file_name = $VIM_SRCDIR . '/autocmd.c' let item = {} new exec 'read ' . file_name norm! gg exec '/^}\s*event_names\[\]\s*=\s*$/+1;/^};/-1yank' %delete _ put g!/^\s*{\s*"\w\+"\s*,.*$/d for line in getline(1, line('$')) let list = matchlist(line, '^\s*{\s*"\(\w\+\)"\s*,') let item.name = list[1] call add(a:li, copy(item)) endfor quit! if empty(a:li) throw 'event is empty' endif catch /.*/ call s:err_gen('') throw 'exit' endtry endfunc " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:parse_vim_function(li) try let file_name = $VIM_SRCDIR . '/evalfunc.c' let item = {} new exec 'read ' . file_name norm! gg exec '/^static\s\+funcentry_T\s\+global_functions\[\]\s*=\s*$/+1;/^};/-1yank' %delete _ put g!/^\s*{\s*"\w\+"\s*,.*$/d g/^\s*{\s*"test"\s*,.*$/d g@//\s*obsolete@d g@/\*\s*obsolete\s*\*/@d for line in getline(1, line('$')) let list = matchlist(line, '^\s*{\s*"\(\w\+\)"\s*,') let item.name = list[1] call add(a:li, copy(item)) endfor quit! if empty(a:li) throw 'function is empty' endif catch /.*/ call s:err_gen('') throw 'exit' endtry endfunc " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:parse_vim_hlgroup(li) try let file_name = $VIM_SRCDIR . '/highlight.c' let item = {} new exec 'read ' . file_name call cursor(1, 1) exec '/^static\s\+char\s\+\*(highlight_init_both\[\])\s*=\%(\s*{\)\?$/+1;/^\s*};/-1yank a' exec '/^static\s\+char\s\+\*(highlight_init_light\[\])\s*=\%(\s*{\)\?$/+1;/^\s*};/-1yank b' exec '/^set_normal_colors(\%(void\)\?)$/+1;/^}$/-1yank d' %delete _ put a for line in getline(1, line('$')) let list = matchlist(line, '^\s*\%(CENT(\)\?"\%(default\s\+link\s\+\)\?\(\a\+\).*",.*') if !empty(list) let item.name = list[1] let item.type = 'both' call add(a:li, copy(item)) endif endfor %delete _ put b for line in getline(1, line('$')) let list = matchlist(line, '^\s*\%(CENT(\)\?"\%(default\s\+link\s\+\)\?\(\a\+\).*",.*') if !empty(list) let item.name = list[1] let item.type = 'light' call add(a:li, copy(item)) endif endfor %delete _ put d for line in getline(1, line('$')) let list = matchlist(line, '^\s*if\s*(set_group_colors(.*"\(\a\+\)",') if !empty(list) && list[1] !=# 'Normal' let item.name = list[1] let item.type = 'gui' call add(a:li, copy(item)) endif endfor let item.name = 'CursorIM' let item.type = 'gui' call add(a:li, copy(item)) " The following highlight groups cannot be extracted from highlight.c " (TODO: extract from HIGHLIGHT_INIT ?) let item.name = 'LineNrAbove' let item.type = 'both' call add(a:li, copy(item)) let item.name = 'LineNrBelow' let item.type = 'both' call add(a:li, copy(item)) quit! if empty(a:li) throw 'hlgroup is empty' endif catch /.*/ call s:err_gen('') throw 'exit' endtry endfunc " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:parse_vim_complete_name(li) try let file_name = $VIM_SRCDIR . '/usercmd.c' let item = {} new exec 'read ' . file_name norm! gg exec '/^}\s*command_complete\[\]\s*=\s*$/+1;/^};/-1yank' %delete _ put g!/^\s*{.*"\w\+"\s*}\s*,.*$/d g/"custom\(list\)\?"/d for line in getline(1, line('$')) let list = matchlist(line, '^\s*{.*"\(\w\+\)"\s*}\s*,') let item.name = list[1] call add(a:li, copy(item)) endfor quit! if empty(a:li) throw 'complete_name is empty' endif catch /.*/ call s:err_gen('') throw 'exit' endtry endfunc " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:append_syn_any(lnum, str_info, li) let ret_lnum = a:lnum let str = a:str_info.start for o in a:li let str .= ' ' . o.name if len(str) > s:line_break_len if !empty(a:str_info.end) let str .= ' ' . a:str_info.end endif call append(ret_lnum, str) let str = a:str_info.start let ret_lnum += 1 endif endfor if str !=# a:str_info.start if !empty(a:str_info.end) let str .= ' ' . a:str_info.end endif call append(ret_lnum, str) let ret_lnum += 1 endif return ret_lnum endfunc function! s:update_syntax_vim_file(vim_info) try function! s:search_and_check(kword, base_fname, str_info) let a:str_info.start = '' let a:str_info.end = '' let pattern = '^" GEN_SYN_VIM: ' . a:kword . '\s*,' let lnum = search(pattern) if lnum == 0 throw 'Search pattern ''' . pattern . ''' not found in ' . \ a:base_fname endif let li = matchlist(getline(lnum), pattern . '\s*START_STR\s*=\s*''\(.\{-}\)''\s*,\s*END_STR\s*=\s*''\(.\{-}\)''') if empty(li) throw 'Bad str_info line:' . getline(lnum) endif let a:str_info.start = li[1] let a:str_info.end = li[2] return lnum endfunc let target_fname = 'vim.vim.rc' let base_fname = 'vim.vim.base' let str_info = {} let str_info.start = '' let str_info.end = '' new exec 'edit ' . target_fname %d _ exec 'read ' . base_fname 1delete _ call cursor(1, 1) " vimCommand let li = a:vim_info.cmd " vimCommand - normal let lnum = s:search_and_check('vimCommand normal', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_vimcmd(lnum, str_info, li, 0) " vimOption let kword = 'vimOption' let li = a:vim_info.opt " vimOption - normal let lnum = s:search_and_check(kword . ' normal', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_vimopt(lnum, str_info, li, '', 0) " vimOption - turn-off let lnum = s:search_and_check(kword . ' turn-off', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_vimopt(lnum, str_info, li, 'no', 1) " vimOption - invertible let lnum = s:search_and_check(kword . ' invertible', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_vimopt(lnum, str_info, li, 'inv', 1) " vimOption - term output code let li = a:vim_info.term_out_code let lnum = s:search_and_check(kword . ' term output code', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_any(lnum, str_info, li) " Missing vimOption let li = a:vim_info.missing_opt let lnum = s:search_and_check('Missing vimOption', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_vimopt(lnum, str_info, li, '', 0) let lnum = s:append_syn_vimopt(lnum, str_info, li, 'no', 1) let lnum = s:append_syn_vimopt(lnum, str_info, li, 'inv', 1) " vimAutoEvent let li = a:vim_info.event let lnum = s:search_and_check('vimAutoEvent', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_any(lnum, str_info, li) " vimHLGroup let li = a:vim_info.hlgroup let lnum = s:search_and_check('vimHLGroup', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_any(lnum, str_info, li) " vimFuncName let li = a:vim_info.func let lnum = s:search_and_check('vimFuncName', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_any(lnum, str_info, li) " vimUserAttrbCmplt let li = a:vim_info.compl_name let lnum = s:search_and_check('vimUserAttrbCmplt', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_any(lnum, str_info, li) " vimCommand - abbrev let kword = 'vimCommand' let li = a:vim_info.cmd let lnum = s:search_and_check(kword . ' abbrev', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_vimcmd(lnum, str_info, li, 2) " vimCommand - map let lnum = s:search_and_check(kword . ' map', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_vimcmd(lnum, str_info, li, 4) let lnum = s:search_and_check(kword . ' mapclear', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_vimcmd(lnum, str_info, li, 5) let lnum = s:search_and_check(kword . ' unmap', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_vimcmd(lnum, str_info, li, 6) " vimCommand - menu let lnum = s:search_and_check(kword . ' menu', base_fname, str_info) let lnum = s:append_syn_vimcmd(lnum, str_info, li, 3) update quit! catch /.*/ call s:err_gen('') throw 'exit' endtry endfunc " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:err_gen(arg) call s:write_error(a:arg, 'generator.err') endfunc function! s:err_sanity(arg) call s:write_error(a:arg, 'sanity_check.err') endfunc function! s:write_error(arg, fname) let li = [] if !empty(v:throwpoint) call add(li, v:throwpoint) endif if !empty(v:exception) call add(li, v:exception) endif if type(a:arg) == type([]) call extend(li, a:arg) elseif type(a:arg) == type("") if !empty(a:arg) call add(li, a:arg) endif endif if !empty(li) call writefile(li, a:fname, 'a') else call writefile(['UNKNOWN'], a:fname, 'a') endif endfunc " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ try let s:line_break_len = 768 let s:vim_info = {} let s:vim_info.opt = [] let s:vim_info.missing_opt = [] let s:vim_info.term_out_code = [] let s:vim_info.cmd = [] let s:vim_info.event = [] let s:vim_info.func = [] let s:vim_info.hlgroup = [] let s:vim_info.compl_name = [] set lazyredraw silent call s:parse_vim_option(s:vim_info.opt, s:vim_info.missing_opt, \ s:vim_info.term_out_code) silent call s:parse_vim_command(s:vim_info.cmd) silent call s:parse_vim_event(s:vim_info.event) silent call s:parse_vim_function(s:vim_info.func) silent call s:parse_vim_hlgroup(s:vim_info.hlgroup) silent call s:parse_vim_complete_name(s:vim_info.compl_name) call s:update_syntax_vim_file(s:vim_info) set nolazyredraw finally quitall! endtry " --------------------------------------------------------------------- let &cpo = s:keepcpo unlet s:keepcpo " vim:ts=2 sw=2