" Vim syntax file " Language: Man page " Maintainer: Jason Franklin " Previous Maintainer: SungHyun Nam " Previous Maintainer: Gautam H. Mudunuri " Version Info: " Last Change: 2020 Sep 19 " Additional highlighting by Johannes Tanzler : " * manSubHeading " * manSynopsis (only for sections 2 and 3) " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Get the CTRL-H syntax to handle backspaced text runtime! syntax/ctrlh.vim syn case ignore " See notes about hyphenation in s:ParseIntoPageAndSection of " autoload/dist/man.vim. syn match manReference "\%(\f\+[\u2010-]\%(\n\|\r\n\=\)\s\+\)\=\f\+([1-9]\l*)" syn match manSectionHeading "^\a.*$" syn match manSubHeading "^\s\{3\}\a.*$" syn match manOptionDesc "^\s*[+-][a-z0-9]\S*" syn match manLongOptionDesc "^\s*--[a-z0-9-]\S*" " syn match manHistory "^[a-z].*last change.*$" syn match manHeader '\%1l.*' exe 'syn match manFooter ''\%' . line('$') . 'l.*''' if getline(1) =~ '^[a-zA-Z_]\+([23])' syntax include @cCode :p:h/c.vim syn match manCFuncDefinition display "\<\h\w*\>\s*("me=e-1 contained syn region manSynopsis start="^SYNOPSIS"hs=s+8 end="^\u\+\s*$"me=e-12 keepend contains=manSectionHeading,@cCode,manCFuncDefinition endif " Define the default highlighting. " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet hi def link manHeader Title hi def link manFooter PreProc hi def link manSectionHeading Statement hi def link manOptionDesc Constant hi def link manLongOptionDesc Constant hi def link manReference PreProc hi def link manSubHeading Function hi def link manCFuncDefinition Function let b:current_syntax = "man" " vim:ts=8 sts=2 sw=2: