" Vim syntax file " Language: po (gettext) " Maintainer: Dwayne Bailey " Last Change: 2015 Jun 07 " Contributors: Dwayne Bailey (Most advanced syntax highlighting) " Leonardo Fontenelle (Spell checking) " Nam SungHyun (Original maintainer) " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif let s:keepcpo= &cpo set cpo&vim syn sync minlines=10 " Identifiers syn match poStatementMsgCTxt "^msgctxt" syn match poStatementMsgidplural "^msgid_plural" contained syn match poPluralCaseN "[0-9]" contained syn match poStatementMsgstr "^msgstr\(\[[0-9]\]\)" contains=poPluralCaseN " Simple HTML and XML highlighting syn match poHtml "<\_[^<>]\+>" contains=poHtmlTranslatables,poLineBreak syn match poHtmlNot +"<[^<]\+>"+ms=s+1,me=e-1 syn region poHtmlTranslatables start=+\(abbr\|alt\|content\|summary\|standby\|title\)=\\"+ms=e-1 end=+\\"+ contained contains=@Spell syn match poLineBreak +"\n"+ contained " Translation blocks syn region poMsgCTxt matchgroup=poStatementMsgCTxt start=+^msgctxt "+rs=e-1 matchgroup=poStringCTxt end=+^msgid "+me=s-1 contains=poStringCTxt syn region poMsgID matchgroup=poStatementMsgid start=+^msgid "+rs=e-1 matchgroup=poStringID end=+^msgstr\(\|\[[\]0\[]\]\) "+me=s-1 contains=poStringID,poStatementMsgidplural,poStatementMsgid syn region poMsgSTR matchgroup=poStatementMsgstr start=+^msgstr\(\|\[[\]0\[]\]\) "+rs=e-1 matchgroup=poStringSTR end=+\n\n+me=s-1 contains=poStringSTR,poStatementMsgstr syn region poStringCTxt start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ syn region poStringID start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contained \ contains=poSpecial,poFormat,poCommentKDE,poPluralKDE,poKDEdesktopFile,poHtml,poAcceleratorId,poHtmlNot,poVariable syn region poStringSTR start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contained \ contains=@Spell,poSpecial,poFormat,poHeaderItem,poCommentKDEError,poHeaderUndefined,poPluralKDEError,poMsguniqError,poKDEdesktopFile,poHtml,poAcceleratorStr,poHtmlNot,poVariable " Header and Copyright syn match poHeaderItem "\(Project-Id-Version\|Report-Msgid-Bugs-To\|POT-Creation-Date\|PO-Revision-Date\|Last-Translator\|Language-Team\|Language\|MIME-Version\|Content-Type\|Content-Transfer-Encoding\|Plural-Forms\|X-Generator\): " contained syn match poHeaderUndefined "\(PACKAGE VERSION\|YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\|FULL NAME \|LANGUAGE \|CHARSET\|ENCODING\|INTEGER\|EXPRESSION\)" contained syn match poCopyrightUnset "SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE\|FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR\|Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc\|YEAR THE PACKAGE\'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER\|PACKAGE" contained " Translation comment block including: translator comment, automatic comments, flags and locations syn match poComment "^#.*$" syn keyword poFlagFuzzy fuzzy contained syn match poCommentTranslator "^# .*$" contains=poCopyrightUnset syn match poCommentAutomatic "^#\..*$" syn match poCommentSources "^#:.*$" syn match poCommentFlags "^#,.*$" contains=poFlagFuzzy syn match poDiffOld '\(^#| "[^{]*+}\|{+[^}]*+}\|{+[^}]*\|"$\)' contained syn match poDiffNew '\(^#| "[^{]*-}\|{-[^}]*-}\|{-[^}]*\|"$\)' contained syn match poCommentDiff "^#|.*$" contains=poDiffOld,poDiffNew " Translations (also includes header fields as they appear in a translation msgstr) syn region poCommentKDE start=+"_: +ms=s+1 end="\\n" end="\"\n^msgstr"me=s-1 contained syn region poCommentKDEError start=+"\(\|\s\+\)_:+ms=s+1 end="\\n" end=+"\n\n+me=s-1 contained syn match poPluralKDE +"_n: +ms=s+1 contained syn region poPluralKDEError start=+"\(\|\s\+\)_n:+ms=s+1 end="\"\n\n"me=s-1 contained syn match poSpecial contained "\\\(x\x\+\|\o\{1,3}\|.\|$\)" syn match poFormat "%\(\d\+\$\)\=[-+' #0*]*\(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\(\.\(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\)\=\([hlL]\|ll\)\=\([diuoxXfeEgGcCsSpn]\|\[\^\=.[^]]*\]\)" contained syn match poFormat "%%" contained " msguniq and msgcat conflicts syn region poMsguniqError matchgroup=poMsguniqErrorMarkers start="#-#-#-#-#" end='#\("\n"\|\)-\("\n"\|\)#\("\n"\|\)-\("\n"\|\)#\("\n"\|\)-\("\n"\|\)#\("\n"\|\)-\("\n"\|\)#\("\n"\|\)\\n' contained " Obsolete messages syn match poObsolete "^#\~.*$" " KDE Name= handling syn match poKDEdesktopFile "\"\(Name\|Comment\|GenericName\|Description\|Keywords\|About\)="ms=s+1,me=e-1 " Accelerator keys - this messes up if the preceding or following char is a multibyte unicode char syn match poAcceleratorId contained "[^&_~][&_~]\(\a\|\d\)[^:]"ms=s+1,me=e-1 syn match poAcceleratorStr contained "[^&_~][&_~]\(\a\|\d\)[^:]"ms=s+1,me=e-1 contains=@Spell " Variables simple syn match poVariable contained "%\d" " Define the default highlighting. " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet hi def link poCommentSources PreProc hi def link poComment Comment hi def link poCommentAutomatic Comment hi def link poCommentTranslator Comment hi def link poCommentFlags Special hi def link poCommentDiff Comment hi def link poCopyrightUnset Todo hi def link poFlagFuzzy Todo hi def link poDiffOld Todo hi def link poDiffNew Special hi def link poObsolete Comment hi def link poStatementMsgid Statement hi def link poStatementMsgstr Statement hi def link poStatementMsgidplural Statement hi def link poStatementMsgCTxt Statement hi def link poPluralCaseN Constant hi def link poStringCTxt Comment hi def link poStringID String hi def link poStringSTR String hi def link poCommentKDE Comment hi def link poCommentKDEError Error hi def link poPluralKDE Comment hi def link poPluralKDEError Error hi def link poHeaderItem Identifier hi def link poHeaderUndefined Todo hi def link poKDEdesktopFile Identifier hi def link poHtml Identifier hi def link poHtmlNot String hi def link poHtmlTranslatables String hi def link poLineBreak String hi def link poFormat poSpecial hi def link poSpecial Special hi def link poAcceleratorId Special hi def link poAcceleratorStr Special hi def link poVariable Special hi def link poMsguniqError Special hi def link poMsguniqErrorMarkers Comment let b:current_syntax = "po" let &cpo = s:keepcpo unlet s:keepcpo " vim:set ts=8 sts=2 sw=2 noet: