" Vim syntax file " Language: squirrel " Current Maintainer: Matt Dunford (zenmatic@gmail.com) " URL: https://github.com/zenmatic/vim-syntax-squirrel " Last Change: 2023 Dec 08 " http://squirrel-lang.org/ " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " inform C syntax that the file was included from cpp.vim let b:filetype_in_cpp_family = 1 " Read the C syntax to start with runtime! syntax/c.vim unlet b:current_syntax unlet b:filetype_in_cpp_family " squirrel extensions syn keyword squirrelStatement delete this in yield resume base clone syn keyword squirrelAccess local syn keyword cConstant null syn keyword squirrelModifier static syn keyword squirrelType bool instanceof typeof syn keyword squirrelExceptions throw try catch syn keyword squirrelStructure class function extends constructor syn keyword squirrelBoolean true false syn keyword squirrelRepeat foreach syn region squirrelMultiString start='@"' end='"$' end='";$'me=e-1 syn match squirrelShComment "^\s*#.*$" " Default highlighting hi def link squirrelAccess squirrelStatement hi def link squirrelExceptions Exception hi def link squirrelStatement Statement hi def link squirrelModifier Type hi def link squirrelType Type hi def link squirrelStructure Structure hi def link squirrelBoolean Boolean hi def link squirrelMultiString String hi def link squirrelRepeat cRepeat hi def link squirrelShComment Comment let b:current_syntax = "squirrel" " vim: ts=8