class StringTests // JDK 21+ (--enable-preview --release 21). { static { String s1 = "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; String s2 = "\"Woof\s!\""; String s3 = """ A\s\ quick \ brown\s\ fox \ jumps\s\ over \ the\s\ lazy \ dog"""; String s4 = """ "Woof\s!\""""; String s5 = """ String s3 = \""" A\\s\\ quick \\ brown\\s\\ fox \\ jumps\\s\\ over \\ the\\s\\ lazy \\ dog\""";"""; // There are SPACE, FF, HT, CR, and LF after """. String empty = """ """; System.out.println(""" " "" ""\u005c" ""\u005c"" ""\"\u0022\u0022 ""\"""\u005c\u0022 ""\"""\"" ""\"""\""\""""); System.out.println(STR.""" " \{"\"\""} \{"\"\""}\{"\u005c\u0022"} \{"\"\""}\{"\u005c\u0022"}" \{"\"\""}\"\{"\u005c\u0022\u005c\u0022"} \{"\"\""}\"\{"\"\""}\{"\u005c\u0022"} \{"\"\""}\"\{"\"\""}\"" \{"\"\""}\"\{"\"\""}\""\""""); // JDK 21+. String woof = "Woof", dog = "dog", fox = "fox"; String s6 = STR ."A quick brown \{fox} jumps over the lazy \{dog}"; String s7 = STR.process(StringTemplate.RAW ."\"\{woof}\s!\""); String s8 = STR.""" A\s\ quick \ brown\s\ \{fox} \ jumps\s\ over \ the\s\ lazy \ \{dog}"""; String s9 = STR.process(StringTemplate.RAW . """ "\{woof}\s!\""""); String s10 = java.util.FormatProcessor.FMT . "%-14s\{"A\s" + STR . "quick" + "brown"}%s\{fox} " + java.util.FormatProcessor.FMT . "%-20s\{"jumps\sover the\s" + STR . "lazy"}%s\{dog}"; String s11 = STR.""" \"\{ // A nested comment. (new java.util.function.Function() { public String apply(String bay) { return bay; }; }).apply(woof) }\s!\""""; String s12 = java.util.FormatProcessor.FMT .""" %-14s\{STR.""" A\s\ \{ "quick" } \ brown"""}\ %s\{ fox } \ %-20s\{STR.""" jumps\s\ over \ the\s\ \{ "lazy" } """}\ %s\{ dog }"""; String s13 = STR ."\"\{ /* A nested comment. */ ((java.util.function.Function) bay -> bay) .apply(woof) }\s!\""; } }