vim9script # Vim comments # Vim9-script comment # string only recognised with leading char "useless string" function! Foo() " Legacy-script comment # 42 " comment endfunction def! Bar() # Vim9-script comment "useless string" # comment enddef command -count FooCommand { # Vim9-script comment "useless string" # comment } autocmd BufNewFile * { # Vim9-script comment "useless string" # comment } # Multiline comments # comment \ continuing comment \ continuing comment # :Foo \ arg1 #\ comment \ arg2 echo "TOP" # Line-continuation comments :Foo #\ line continuation comment \ arg1 #\ line continuation comment \ arg2 # Issue: #13047 if !exists(":DiffOrig") command DiffOrig vert new | set bt=nofile | r ++edit %% | 0d_ | diffthis \ | wincmd p | diffthis endif # Issue: #11307 and #11560 # This is what we call " blah