" Vim syntax file " Language: Zserio " Maintainer: Dominique Pellé " Last Change: 2023 Jun 18 " " Zserio is a serialization schema language for modeling binary " data types, bitstreams or file formats. Based on the zserio " language it is possible to automatically generate encoders and " decoders for a given schema in various target languages " (e.g. Java, C++, Python). " " Zserio is an evolution of the DataScript language. " " For more information, see: " - http://zserio.org/ " - https://github.com/ndsev/zserio " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif let s:keepcpo= &cpo set cpo&vim syn case match syn keyword zserioPackage import package zserio_compatibility_version syn keyword zserioType bit bool string syn keyword zserioType int int8 int16 int32 int64 syn keyword zserioType uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 syn keyword zserioType float16 float32 float64 syn keyword zserioType varint varint16 varint32 varint64 syn keyword zserioType varuint varsize varuint16 varuint32 varuint64 syn keyword zserioAlign align syn keyword zserioLabel case default syn keyword zserioConditional if condition syn keyword zserioBoolean true false syn keyword zserioCompound struct union choice on enum bitmask subtype syn keyword zserioKeyword function return syn keyword zserioOperator lengthof valueof instanceof numbits isset syn keyword zserioRpc service pubsub topic publish subscribe syn keyword zserioRule rule_group rule syn keyword zserioStorageClass const implicit packed instantiate syn keyword zserioTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX syn keyword zserioSql sql sql_table sql_database sql_virtual sql_without_rowid syn keyword zserioSql explicit using " zserioCommentGroup allows adding matches for special things in comments. syn cluster zserioCommentGroup contains=zserioTodo syn match zserioOffset display "^\s*[a-zA-Z_:\.][a-zA-Z0-9_:\.]*\s*:" syn match zserioNumber display "\<\d\+\>" syn match zserioNumberHex display "\<0[xX]\x\+\>" syn match zserioNumberBin display "\<[01]\+[bB]\>" contains=zserioBinaryB syn match zserioBinaryB display contained "[bB]\>" syn match zserioOctal display "\<0\o\+\>" contains=zserioOctalZero syn match zserioOctalZero display contained "\<0" syn match zserioOctalError display "\<0\o*[89]\d*\>" syn match zserioCommentError display "\*/" syn match zserioCommentStartError display "/\*"me=e-1 contained syn region zserioCommentL \ start="//" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend \ contains=@zserioCommentGroup,@Spell syn region zserioComment \ matchgroup=zserioCommentStart start="/\*" end="\*/" \ contains=@zserioCommentGroup,zserioCommentStartError,@Spell extend syn region zserioString \ start=+L\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@Spell syn sync ccomment zserioComment " Define the default highlighting. hi def link zserioType Type hi def link zserioEndian StorageClass hi def link zserioStorageClass StorageClass hi def link zserioAlign Label hi def link zserioLabel Label hi def link zserioOffset Label hi def link zserioSql PreProc hi def link zserioCompound Structure hi def link zserioConditional Conditional hi def link zserioBoolean Boolean hi def link zserioKeyword Statement hi def link zserioRpc Keyword hi def link zserioRule Keyword hi def link zserioString String hi def link zserioNumber Number hi def link zserioNumberBin Number hi def link zserioBinaryB Special hi def link zserioOctal Number hi def link zserioOctalZero Special hi def link zserioOctalError Error hi def link zserioNumberHex Number hi def link zserioTodo Todo hi def link zserioOperator Operator hi def link zserioPackage Include hi def link zserioCommentError Error hi def link zserioCommentStartError Error hi def link zserioCommentStart zserioComment hi def link zserioCommentL zserioComment hi def link zserioComment Comment let b:current_syntax = "zserio" let &cpo = s:keepcpo unlet s:keepcpo