" Test for the various 'cpoptions' (cpo) flags source check.vim source shared.vim source view_util.vim " Test for the 'a' flag in 'cpo'. Reading a file should set the alternate " file name. func Test_cpo_a() let save_cpo = &cpo call writefile(['one'], 'XfileCpoA', 'D') " Wipe out all the buffers, so that the alternate file is empty edit Xfoo | %bw set cpo-=a new read XfileCpoA call assert_equal('', @#) %d set cpo+=a read XfileCpoA call assert_equal('XfileCpoA', @#) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'A' flag in 'cpo'. Writing a file should set the alternate " file name. func Test_cpo_A() let save_cpo = &cpo " Wipe out all the buffers, so that the alternate file is empty edit Xfoo | %bw set cpo-=A new XcpoAfile1 write XcpoAfile2 call assert_equal('', @#) %bw call delete('XcpoAfile2') new XcpoAfile1 set cpo+=A write XcpoAfile2 call assert_equal('XcpoAfile2', @#) bw! call delete('XcpoAfile2') let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'b' flag in 'cpo'. "\|" at the end of a map command is " recognized as the end of the map. func Test_cpo_b() let save_cpo = &cpo set cpo+=b nnoremap :pwd\\|let i = 1 call assert_equal(':pwd\\', maparg('')) nunmap exe "nnoremap :pwd\|let i = 1" call assert_equal(':pwd|let i = 1', maparg('')) nunmap set cpo-=b nnoremap :pwd\\|let i = 1 call assert_equal(':pwd\|let i = 1', maparg('')) let &cpo = save_cpo nunmap endfunc " Test for the 'B' flag in 'cpo'. A backslash in mappings, abbreviations, user " commands and menu commands has no special meaning. func Test_cpo_B() let save_cpo = &cpo new imap xk Test set cpo-=B iabbr abc ab\d exe "normal iabc " call assert_equal('abd ', getline(1)) call feedkeys(":imap x\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"imap x\\k', @:) %d set cpo+=B iabbr abc ab\d exe "normal iabc " call assert_equal('abd ', getline(1)) call feedkeys(":imap x\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"imap x\k', @:) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'c' flag in 'cpo'. func Test_cpo_c() let save_cpo = &cpo set cpo+=c new call setline(1, ' abababababab') exe "normal gg/abab\" call assert_equal(3, searchcount().total) set cpo-=c exe "normal gg/abab\" call assert_equal(5, searchcount().total) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'C' flag in 'cpo' (line continuation) func Test_cpo_C() let save_cpo = &cpo call writefile(['let l = [', '\ 1,', '\ 2]'], 'XfileCpoC', 'D') set cpo-=C source XfileCpoC call assert_equal([1, 2], g:l) set cpo+=C call assert_fails('source XfileCpoC', ['E697:', 'E10:']) let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'd' flag in 'cpo' (tags relative to the current file) func Test_cpo_d() let save_cpo = &cpo call mkdir('XdirCpoD', 'R') call writefile(["one\tXfile1\t/^one$/"], 'tags', 'D') call writefile(["two\tXfile2\t/^two$/"], 'XdirCpoD/tags') set tags=./tags set cpo-=d edit XdirCpoD/Xfile call assert_equal('two', taglist('.*')[0].name) set cpo+=d call assert_equal('one', taglist('.*')[0].name) %bw! set tags& let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'D' flag in 'cpo' (digraph after a r, f or t) func Test_cpo_D() CheckFeature digraphs let save_cpo = &cpo new set cpo-=D call setline(1, 'abcdefgh|') exe "norm! 1gg0f\!!" call assert_equal(9, col('.')) set cpo+=D exe "norm! 1gg0f\!!" call assert_equal(1, col('.')) set cpo-=D bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'e' flag in 'cpo' func Test_cpo_e() let save_cpo = &cpo let @a='let i = 45' set cpo+=e call feedkeys(":@a\", 'xt') call assert_equal(45, i) set cpo-=e call feedkeys(":@a\6\", 'xt') call assert_equal(456, i) let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'E' flag in 'cpo' with yank, change, delete, etc. operators func Test_cpo_E() new call setline(1, '') set cpo+=E " yank an empty line call assert_beeps('normal "ayl') " change an empty line call assert_beeps('normal lcTa') call assert_beeps('normal 0c0') " delete an empty line call assert_beeps('normal D') call assert_beeps('normal dl') call assert_equal('', getline(1)) " change case of an empty line call assert_beeps('normal gul') call assert_beeps('normal gUl') " replace a character call assert_beeps('normal vrx') " increment and decrement call assert_beeps('exe "normal v\"') call assert_beeps('exe "normal v\"') set cpo-=E bw! endfunc " Test for the 'f' flag in 'cpo' (read in an empty buffer sets the file name) func Test_cpo_f() let save_cpo = &cpo new set cpo-=f read test_cpoptions.vim call assert_equal('', @%) %d set cpo+=f read test_cpoptions.vim call assert_equal('test_cpoptions.vim', @%) bwipe! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'F' flag in 'cpo' (write in an empty buffer sets the file name) func Test_cpo_F() let save_cpo = &cpo new set cpo-=F write XfileCpoF call assert_equal('', @%) call delete('XfileCpoF') set cpo+=F write XfileCpoF call assert_equal('XfileCpoF', @%) bw! call delete('XfileCpoF') let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'g' flag in 'cpo' (jump to line 1 when re-editing a file) func Test_cpo_g() let save_cpo = &cpo new test_cpoptions.vim set cpo-=g normal 20G edit call assert_equal(20, line('.')) set cpo+=g edit call assert_equal(1, line('.')) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for inserting text in a line with only spaces ('H' flag in 'cpoptions') func Test_cpo_H() let save_cpo = &cpo new set cpo-=H call setline(1, ' ') normal! Ia call assert_equal(' a', getline(1)) set cpo+=H call setline(1, ' ') normal! Ia call assert_equal(' a ', getline(1)) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " TODO: Add a test for the 'i' flag in 'cpo' " Interrupting the reading of a file will leave it modified. " Test for the 'I' flag in 'cpo' (deleting autoindent when using arrow keys) func Test_cpo_I() let save_cpo = &cpo new setlocal autoindent set cpo+=I exe "normal i one\\" call assert_equal(' ', getline(2)) set cpo-=I %d exe "normal i one\\" call assert_equal('', getline(2)) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'j' flag in 'cpo' is in the test_join.vim file. " Test for the 'J' flag in 'cpo' (two spaces after a sentence) func Test_cpo_J() let save_cpo = &cpo new set cpo-=J call setline(1, 'one. two! three? four."'' five.)]') normal 0 for colnr in [6, 12, 19, 28, 34] normal ) call assert_equal(colnr, col('.')) endfor for colnr in [28, 19, 12, 6, 1] normal ( call assert_equal(colnr, col('.')) endfor set cpo+=J normal 0 for colnr in [12, 28, 34] normal ) call assert_equal(colnr, col('.')) endfor for colnr in [28, 12, 1] normal ( call assert_equal(colnr, col('.')) endfor bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " TODO: Add a test for the 'k' flag in 'cpo'. " Disable the recognition of raw key codes in mappings, abbreviations, and the " "to" part of menu commands. " TODO: Add a test for the 'K' flag in 'cpo'. " Don't wait for a key code to complete when it is halfway a mapping. " Test for the 'l' flag in 'cpo' (backslash in a [] range) func Test_cpo_l() let save_cpo = &cpo new call setline(1, ['', "a\tc" .. '\t']) set cpo-=l exe 'normal gg/[\t]' .. "\" call assert_equal([2, 8], [col('.'), virtcol('.')]) set cpo+=l exe 'normal gg/[\t]' .. "\" call assert_equal([4, 10], [col('.'), virtcol('.')]) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for inserting tab in virtual replace mode ('L' flag in 'cpoptions') func Test_cpo_L() let save_cpo = &cpo new set cpo-=L call setline(1, 'abcdefghijklmnopqr') exe "normal 0gR\" call assert_equal("\ijklmnopqr", getline(1)) set cpo+=L set list call setline(1, 'abcdefghijklmnopqr') exe "normal 0gR\" call assert_equal("\cdefghijklmnopqr", getline(1)) set nolist call setline(1, 'abcdefghijklmnopqr') exe "normal 0gR\" call assert_equal("\ijklmnopqr", getline(1)) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " TODO: Add a test for the 'm' flag in 'cpo'. " When included, a showmatch will always wait half a second. When not " included, a showmatch will wait half a second or until a character is typed. " Test for the 'M' flag in 'cpo' (% with escape parenthesis) func Test_cpo_M() let save_cpo = &cpo new call setline(1, ['( \( )', '\( ( \)']) set cpo-=M call cursor(1, 1) normal % call assert_equal(6, col('.')) call cursor(1, 4) call assert_beeps('normal %') call cursor(2, 2) normal % call assert_equal(7, col('.')) call cursor(2, 4) call assert_beeps('normal %') set cpo+=M call cursor(1, 4) normal % call assert_equal(6, col('.')) call cursor(1, 1) call assert_beeps('normal %') call cursor(2, 4) normal % call assert_equal(7, col('.')) call cursor(2, 1) call assert_beeps('normal %') bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'n' flag in 'cpo' (using number column for wrapped lines) func Test_cpo_n() let save_cpo = &cpo new call setline(1, repeat('a', &columns)) setlocal number set cpo-=n redraw! call assert_equal(' aaaa', Screenline(2)) set cpo+=n redraw! call assert_equal('aaaa', Screenline(2)) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'o' flag in 'cpo' (line offset to search command) func Test_cpo_o() let save_cpo = &cpo new call setline(1, ['', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'one', 'two', 'three']) set cpo-=o exe "normal /one/+2\" normal n call assert_equal(7, line('.')) set cpo+=o exe "normal /one/+2\" normal n call assert_equal(5, line('.')) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'O' flag in 'cpo' (overwriting an existing file) func Test_cpo_O() let save_cpo = &cpo new XfileCpoO call setline(1, 'one') call writefile(['two'], 'XfileCpoO', 'D') set cpo-=O call assert_fails('write', 'E13:') set cpo+=O write call assert_equal(['one'], readfile('XfileCpoO')) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'p' flag in 'cpo' is in the test_lispindent.vim file. " Test for the 'P' flag in 'cpo' (appending to a file sets the current file " name) func Test_cpo_P() let save_cpo = &cpo call writefile([], 'XfileCpoP', 'D') new call setline(1, 'one') set cpo+=F set cpo-=P write >> XfileCpoP call assert_equal('', @%) set cpo+=P write >> XfileCpoP call assert_equal('XfileCpoP', @%) bwipe! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'q' flag in 'cpo' (joining multiple lines) func Test_cpo_q() let save_cpo = &cpo new call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']) set cpo-=q normal gg4J call assert_equal(14, col('.')) %d call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']) set cpo+=q normal gg4J call assert_equal(4, col('.')) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'r' flag in 'cpo' (redo command with a search motion) func Test_cpo_r() let save_cpo = &cpo new call setline(1, repeat(['one two three four'], 2)) set cpo-=r exe "normal ggc/two\abc " let @/ = 'three' normal 2G. call assert_equal('abc two three four', getline(2)) %d call setline(1, repeat(['one two three four'], 2)) set cpo+=r exe "normal ggc/two\abc " let @/ = 'three' normal 2G. call assert_equal('abc three four', getline(2)) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'R' flag in 'cpo' (clear marks after a filter command) func Test_cpo_R() CheckUnix let save_cpo = &cpo new call setline(1, ['three', 'one', 'two']) set cpo-=R 3mark r %!sort call assert_equal(3, line("'r")) %d call setline(1, ['three', 'one', 'two']) set cpo+=R 3mark r %!sort call assert_equal(0, line("'r")) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " TODO: Add a test for the 's' flag in 'cpo'. " Set buffer options when entering the buffer for the first time. If not " present the options are set when the buffer is created. " Test for the 'S' flag in 'cpo' (copying buffer options) func Test_cpo_S() let save_cpo = &cpo new Xfile1 set noautoindent new Xfile2 set cpo-=S set autoindent wincmd p call assert_equal(0, &autoindent) wincmd p call assert_equal(1, &autoindent) set cpo+=S wincmd p call assert_equal(1, &autoindent) set noautoindent wincmd p call assert_equal(0, &autoindent) wincmd t bw! bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 't' flag in 'cpo' is in the test_tagjump.vim file. " Test for the 'u' flag in 'cpo' (Vi-compatible undo) func Test_cpo_u() let save_cpo = &cpo new set cpo-=u exe "normal iabc\udef\ughi" normal uu call assert_equal('abc', getline(1)) %d set cpo+=u exe "normal iabc\udef\ughi" normal uu call assert_equal('abcdefghi', getline(1)) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " TODO: Add a test for the 'v' flag in 'cpo'. " Backspaced characters remain visible on the screen in Insert mode. " Test for the 'w' flag in 'cpo' ('cw' on a blank character changes only one " character) func Test_cpo_w() let save_cpo = &cpo new set cpo+=w call setline(1, 'here are some words') norm! 1gg0elcwZZZ call assert_equal('hereZZZ are some words', getline('.')) norm! 1gg2elcWYYY call assert_equal('hereZZZ areYYY some words', getline('.')) set cpo-=w call setline(1, 'here are some words') norm! 1gg0elcwZZZ call assert_equal('hereZZZare some words', getline('.')) norm! 1gg2elcWYYY call assert_equal('hereZZZare someYYYwords', getline('.')) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'W' flag in 'cpo' is in the test_writefile.vim file " Test for the 'x' flag in 'cpo' (Esc on command-line executes command) func Test_cpo_x() let save_cpo = &cpo set cpo-=x let i = 1 call feedkeys(":let i=10\", 'xt') call assert_equal(1, i) set cpo+=x call feedkeys(":let i=10\", 'xt') call assert_equal(10, i) let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'X' flag in 'cpo' ('R' with a count) func Test_cpo_X() let save_cpo = &cpo new call setline(1, 'aaaaaa') set cpo-=X normal gg4Rx call assert_equal('xxxxaa', getline(1)) normal ggRy normal 4. call assert_equal('yyyyaa', getline(1)) call setline(1, 'aaaaaa') set cpo+=X normal gg4Rx call assert_equal('xxxxaaaaa', getline(1)) normal ggRy normal 4. call assert_equal('yyyyxxxaaaaa', getline(1)) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'y' flag in 'cpo' (repeating a yank command) func Test_cpo_y() let save_cpo = &cpo new call setline(1, ['one', 'two']) set cpo-=y normal ggyy normal 2G. call assert_equal("one\n", @") %d call setline(1, ['one', 'two']) set cpo+=y normal ggyy normal 2G. call assert_equal("two\n", @") bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'Z' flag in 'cpo' (write! resets 'readonly') func Test_cpo_Z() let save_cpo = &cpo call writefile([], 'XfileCpoZ', 'D') new XfileCpoZ setlocal readonly set cpo-=Z write! call assert_equal(0, &readonly) set cpo+=Z setlocal readonly write! call assert_equal(1, &readonly) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the '!' flag in 'cpo' is in the test_normal.vim file " Test for displaying dollar when changing text ('$' flag in 'cpoptions') func Test_cpo_dollar() new let g:Line = '' func SaveFirstLine() let g:Line = Screenline(1) return '' endfunc inoremap SaveFirstLine() call test_override('redraw_flag', 1) set cpo+=$ call setline(1, 'one two three') redraw! exe "normal c2w\vim" call assert_equal('one tw$ three', g:Line) call assert_equal('vim three', getline(1)) set cpo-=$ call test_override('ALL', 0) delfunc SaveFirstLine %bw! endfunc " Test for the '%' flag in 'cpo' (parenthesis matching inside strings) func Test_cpo_percent() let save_cpo = &cpo new call setline(1, ' if (strcmp("ab)cd(", s))') set cpo-=% normal 8|% call assert_equal(28, col('.')) normal 15|% call assert_equal(27, col('.')) normal 27|% call assert_equal(15, col('.')) call assert_beeps("normal 19|%") call assert_beeps("normal 22|%") set cpo+=% normal 8|% call assert_equal(28, col('.')) normal 15|% call assert_equal(19, col('.')) normal 27|% call assert_equal(22, col('.')) normal 19|% call assert_equal(15, col('.')) normal 22|% call assert_equal(27, col('.')) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for cursor movement with '-' in 'cpoptions' func Test_cpo_minus() new call setline(1, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) let save_cpo = &cpo set cpo+=- call assert_beeps('normal 10j') call assert_equal(1, line('.')) normal G call assert_beeps('normal 10k') call assert_equal(3, line('.')) call assert_fails(10, 'E16:') bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the '+' flag in 'cpo' ('write file' command resets the 'modified' " flag) func Test_cpo_plus() let save_cpo = &cpo call writefile([], 'XfileCpoPlus', 'D') new XfileCpoPlus call setline(1, 'foo') write X1 call assert_equal(1, &modified) set cpo+=+ write X2 call assert_equal(0, &modified) bw! call delete('X1') call delete('X2') let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the '*' flag in 'cpo' (':*' is same as ':@') func Test_cpo_star() let save_cpo = &cpo let x = 0 new set cpo-=* let @a = 'let x += 1' call assert_fails('*a', 'E20:') set cpo+=* *a call assert_equal(1, x) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the '<' flag in 'cpo' is in the test_mapping.vim file " Test for the '>' flag in 'cpo' (use a new line when appending to a register) func Test_cpo_gt() let save_cpo = &cpo new call setline(1, 'one two') set cpo-=> let @r = '' normal gg"Rye normal "Rye call assert_equal("oneone", @r) set cpo+=> let @r = '' normal gg"Rye normal "Rye call assert_equal("\none\none", @r) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the ';' flag in 'cpo' " Test for t,f,F,T movement commands and 'cpo-;' setting func Test_cpo_semicolon() let save_cpo = &cpo new call append(0, ["aaa two three four", " zzz", "yyy ", \ "bbb yee yoo four", "ccc two three four", \ "ddd yee yoo four"]) set cpo-=; 1 normal! 0tt;D 2 normal! 0fz;D 3 normal! $Fy;D 4 normal! $Ty;D set cpo+=; 5 normal! 0tt;;D 6 normal! $Ty;;D call assert_equal('aaa two', getline(1)) call assert_equal(' z', getline(2)) call assert_equal('y', getline(3)) call assert_equal('bbb y', getline(4)) call assert_equal('ccc', getline(5)) call assert_equal('ddd yee y', getline(6)) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the '#' flag in 'cpo' (count before 'D', 'o' and 'O' operators) func Test_cpo_hash() let save_cpo = &cpo new set cpo-=# call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) normal gg2D call assert_equal(['three'], getline(1, '$')) normal gg2ofour call assert_equal(['three', 'four', 'four'], getline(1, '$')) normal gg2Otwo call assert_equal(['two', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'four'], getline(1, '$')) %d set cpo+=# call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) normal gg2D call assert_equal(['', 'two', 'three'], getline(1, '$')) normal gg2oone call assert_equal(['', 'one', 'two', 'three'], getline(1, '$')) normal gg2Ozero call assert_equal(['zero', '', 'one', 'two', 'three'], getline(1, '$')) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the '&' flag in 'cpo'. The swap file is kept when a buffer is still " loaded and ':preserve' is used. func Test_cpo_ampersand() call writefile(['one'], 'XfileCpoAmp', 'D') let after =<< trim [CODE] set cpo+=& preserve qall [CODE] if RunVim([], after, 'XfileCpoAmp') call assert_equal(1, filereadable('.XfileCpoAmp.swp')) call delete('.XfileCpoAmp.swp') endif endfunc " Test for the '\' flag in 'cpo' (backslash in a [] range in a search pattern) func Test_cpo_backslash() let save_cpo = &cpo new call setline(1, ['', " \\-string"]) set cpo-=\ exe 'normal gg/[ \-]' .. "\n" call assert_equal(3, col('.')) set cpo+=\ exe 'normal gg/[ \-]' .. "\n" call assert_equal(2, col('.')) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the '/' flag in 'cpo' is in the test_substitute.vim file " Test for the '{' flag in 'cpo' (the "{" and "}" commands stop at a { " character at the start of a line) func Test_cpo_brace() let save_cpo = &cpo new call setline(1, ['', '{', ' int i;', '}', '']) set cpo-={ normal gg} call assert_equal(5, line('.')) normal G{ call assert_equal(1, line('.')) set cpo+={ normal gg} call assert_equal(2, line('.')) normal G{ call assert_equal(2, line('.')) bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the '.' flag in 'cpo' (:cd command fails if the current buffer is " modified) func Test_cpo_dot() let save_cpo = &cpo new Xfoo call setline(1, 'foo') let save_dir = getcwd() set cpo+=. " :cd should fail when buffer is modified and 'cpo' contains dot. call assert_fails('cd ..', 'E747:') call assert_equal(save_dir, getcwd()) " :cd with exclamation mark should succeed. cd! .. call assert_notequal(save_dir, getcwd()) " :cd should succeed when buffer has been written. w! exe 'cd ' .. fnameescape(save_dir) call assert_equal(save_dir, getcwd()) call delete('Xfoo') set cpo& bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " Test for the 'z' flag in 'cpo' (make cw and dw work similar and avoid " inconsistencies, see :h cpo-z) func Test_cpo_z() let save_cpo = &cpo new " Test 1: dw behaves differently from cw call setline(1, ['foo bar baz', 'one two three']) call cursor(1, 1) " dw does not delete the whitespace after the word norm! wcwanother set cpo-=z " dw deletes the whitespace after the word call cursor(2, 1) norm! wcwfour call assert_equal(['foo another baz', 'one fourthree'], getline(1, '$')) " Test 2: d{motion} becomes linewise :h d-special %d call setline(1, ['one ', ' bar', ' e ', 'zwei']) call cursor(2, 1) set cpo+=z " delete operation becomes linewise call feedkeys("fbd/e\\zs\", 'tnx') call assert_equal(['one ', 'zwei'], getline(1, '$')) %d call setline(1, ['one ', ' bar', ' e ', 'zwei']) call cursor(2, 1) call feedkeys("fbd2w", 'tnx') call assert_equal(['one ', 'zwei'], getline(1, '$')) " delete operation does not become line wise set cpo-=z call setline(1, ['one ', ' bar', ' e ', 'zwei']) call cursor(2, 1) call feedkeys("fbd/e\\zs\", 'tnx') call assert_equal(['one ', ' ', 'zwei'], getline(1, '$')) " codestyle: ignore %d call setline(1, ['one ', ' bar', ' e ', 'zwei']) call cursor(2, 1) call feedkeys("fbd2w", 'tnx') call assert_equal(['one ', ' ', 'zwei'], getline(1, '$')) " clean up bw! let &cpo = save_cpo endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab