" Test for folding source check.vim source view_util.vim source screendump.vim func PrepIndent(arg) return [a:arg] + repeat(["\t".a:arg], 5) endfu func Test_address_fold_new_default_commentstring() " Test with the new commentstring defaults, that includes padding after v9.1.464 new call setline(1, ['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, '}/* }}} */', \ 'after fold 1', 'after fold 2', 'after fold 3']) setl fen fdm=marker " The next commands should all copy the same part of the buffer, " regardless of the addressing type, since the part to be copied " is folded away :1y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/* }}} */'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/* }}} */'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.+y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/* }}} */'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/* }}} */'], getreg(0,1,1)) :sil .1,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/* }}} */'], getreg(0,1,1)) " use silent to make E493 go away :sil .+,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/* }}} */'], getreg(0,1,1)) :,y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/* }}} */'], getreg(0,1,1)) :,+y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/* }}} */','after fold 1'], getreg(0,1,1)) " using .+3 as second address should c opy the whole folded line + the next 3 " lines :.,+3y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/* }}} */', \ 'after fold 1', 'after fold 2' , 'after fold 3'], getreg(0,1,1)) :sil .,-2y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/* }}} */'], getreg(0,1,1)) " now test again with folding disabled set nofoldenable :1y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.+y call assert_equal(['1'], getreg(0,1,1) ) :.,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */'], getreg(0,1,1)) " use silent to make E493 go away :sil .1,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', '1'], getreg(0,1,1)) " use silent to make E493 go away :sil .+,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', '1'], getreg(0,1,1)) :,y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */'], getreg(0,1,1)) :,+y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', '1'], getreg(0,1,1)) " using .+3 as second address should c opy the whole folded line + the next 3 " lines :.,+3y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/* {{{ */', '1', '2', '3'], getreg(0,1,1)) :7 :sil .,-2y call assert_equal(['4', '5', '}/* }}} */'], getreg(0,1,1)) quit! endfunc func Test_address_fold_old_default_commentstring() " Test with the old commentstring defaults, before v9.1.464 new call setline(1, ['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, '}/*}}}*/', \ 'after fold 1', 'after fold 2', 'after fold 3']) setl fen fdm=marker " The next commands should all copy the same part of the buffer, " regardless of the addressing type, since the part to be copied " is folded away :1y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.+y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :sil .1,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) " use silent to make E493 go away :sil .+,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :,y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :,+y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/','after fold 1'], getreg(0,1,1)) " using .+3 as second address should copy the whole folded line + the next 3 " lines :.,+3y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/', \ 'after fold 1', 'after fold 2', 'after fold 3'], getreg(0,1,1)) :sil .,-2y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) " now test again with folding disabled set nofoldenable :1y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.+y call assert_equal(['1'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) " use silent to make E493 go away :sil .1,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1'], getreg(0,1,1)) " use silent to make E493 go away :sil .+,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1'], getreg(0,1,1)) :,y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :,+y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1'], getreg(0,1,1)) " using .+3 as second address should copy the whole folded line + the next 3 " lines :.,+3y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3'], getreg(0,1,1)) :7 :sil .,-2y call assert_equal(['4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) quit! endfunc func Test_address_offsets() " check the help for :range-closed-fold enew call setline(1, [ \ '1 one', \ '2 two', \ '3 three', \ '4 four FOLDED', \ '5 five FOLDED', \ '6 six', \ '7 seven', \ '8 eight', \]) set foldmethod=manual normal 4Gvjzf 3,4+2yank call assert_equal([ \ '3 three', \ '4 four FOLDED', \ '5 five FOLDED', \ '6 six', \ '7 seven', \ ], getreg(0,1,1)) enew! call setline(1, [ \ '1 one', \ '2 two', \ '3 three FOLDED', \ '4 four FOLDED', \ '5 five FOLDED', \ '6 six FOLDED', \ '7 seven', \ '8 eight', \]) normal 3Gv3jzf 2,4-1yank call assert_equal([ \ '2 two', \ '3 three FOLDED', \ '4 four FOLDED', \ '5 five FOLDED', \ '6 six FOLDED', \ ], getreg(0,1,1)) bwipe! endfunc func Test_indent_fold() new call setline(1, ['', 'a', ' b', ' c']) setl fen fdm=indent 2 norm! >> let a=map(range(1,4), 'foldclosed(v:val)') call assert_equal([-1,-1,-1,-1], a) bw! endfunc func Test_indent_fold2() new call setline(1, ['', '{{{', '}}}', '{{{', '}}}']) setl fen fdm=marker 2 norm! >> let a=map(range(1,5), 'v:val->foldclosed()') call assert_equal([-1,-1,-1,4,4], a) bw! endfunc " Test for fold indent with indents greater than 'foldnestmax' func Test_indent_fold_max() new setlocal foldmethod=indent setlocal shiftwidth=2 " 'foldnestmax' default value is 20 call setline(1, "\t\t\t\t\t\ta") call assert_equal(20, foldlevel(1)) setlocal foldnestmax=10 call assert_equal(10, foldlevel(1)) setlocal foldnestmax=-1 call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(1)) bw! endfunc func Test_indent_fold_tabstop() call setline(1, ['0', ' 1', ' 1', "\t2", "\t2"]) setlocal shiftwidth=4 setlocal foldcolumn=1 setlocal foldlevel=2 setlocal foldmethod=indent redraw call assert_equal('2 2', ScreenLines(5, 10)[0]) vsplit windo diffthis botright new " This 'tabstop' value should not be used for folding in other buffers. setlocal tabstop=4 diffoff! redraw call assert_equal('2 2', ScreenLines(5, 10)[0]) bwipe! bwipe! endfunc func Test_manual_fold_with_filter() CheckExecutable cat for type in ['manual', 'marker'] exe 'set foldmethod=' . type new call setline(1, range(1, 20)) 4,$fold %foldopen 10,$fold %foldopen " This filter command should not have an effect 1,8! cat call feedkeys('5ggzdzMGdd', 'xt') call assert_equal(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! set foldmethod& endfor endfunc func Test_indent_fold_with_read() new set foldmethod=indent call setline(1, repeat(["\a"], 4)) for n in range(1, 4) call assert_equal(1, foldlevel(n)) endfor call writefile(["a", "", "\a"], 'Xinfofile', 'D') foldopen 2read Xinfofile %foldclose call assert_equal(1, foldlevel(1)) call assert_equal(2, foldclosedend(1)) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(3)) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(4)) call assert_equal(1, foldlevel(5)) call assert_equal(7, 5->foldclosedend()) bwipe! set foldmethod& endfunc func Test_combining_folds_indent() new let one = "\a" let zero = 'a' call setline(1, [one, one, zero, zero, zero, one, one, one]) set foldmethod=indent 3,5d %foldclose call assert_equal(5, foldclosedend(1)) set foldmethod& bwipe! endfunc func Test_combining_folds_marker() new call setline(1, ['{{{', '}}}', '', '', '', '{{{', '', '}}}']) set foldmethod=marker 3,5d %foldclose call assert_equal(2, foldclosedend(1)) set foldmethod& bwipe! endfunc func Test_folds_marker_in_comment() new call setline(1, ['" foo', 'bar', 'baz']) setl fen fdm=marker setl com=sO:\"\ -,mO:\"\ \ ,eO:\"\",:\" cms=\"%s norm! zf2j setl nofen :1y call assert_equal(['" foo{{{'], getreg(0,1,1)) :+2y call assert_equal(['baz"}}}'], getreg(0,1,1)) set foldmethod& bwipe! endfunc func s:TestFoldExpr(lnum) let thisline = getline(a:lnum) if thisline == 'a' return 1 elseif thisline == 'b' return 0 elseif thisline == 'c' return '<1' elseif thisline == 'd' return '>1' endif return 0 endfunction func Test_update_folds_expr_read() new call setline(1, ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a']) set foldmethod=expr set foldexpr=s:TestFoldExpr(v:lnum) 2 foldopen call writefile(['b', 'b', 'a', 'a', 'd', 'a', 'a', 'c'], 'Xupfofile', 'D') read Xupfofile %foldclose call assert_equal(2, foldclosedend(1)) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(3)) call assert_equal(0, 4->foldlevel()) call assert_equal(6, foldclosedend(5)) call assert_equal(10, foldclosedend(7)) call assert_equal(14, foldclosedend(11)) bwipe! set foldmethod& foldexpr& endfunc " Test for what patch 8.1.0535 fixes. func Test_foldexpr_no_interrupt_addsub() new func! FoldFunc() call setpos('.', getcurpos()) return '=' endfunc set foldmethod=expr set foldexpr=FoldFunc() call setline(1, '1.2') exe "norm! $\" call assert_equal('1.3', getline(1)) bwipe! delfunc FoldFunc set foldmethod& foldexpr& endfunc " Fold function defined in another script func Test_foldexpr_compiled() new let lines =<< trim END vim9script def FoldFunc(): number return v:lnum enddef set foldmethod=expr set foldexpr=s:FoldFunc() END call writefile(lines, 'XfoldExpr', 'D') source XfoldExpr call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) redraw call assert_equal(1, foldlevel(1)) call assert_equal(2, foldlevel(2)) call assert_equal(3, foldlevel(3)) bwipe! set foldmethod& foldexpr& endfunc func Check_foldlevels(expected) call assert_equal(a:expected, map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldlevel(v:val)')) endfunc func Test_move_folds_around_manual() new let input = PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("c") call setline(1, PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("c")) let folds=[-1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, -1, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14] " all folds closed set foldenable foldlevel=0 fdm=indent " needs a forced redraw redraw! set fdm=manual call assert_equal(folds, map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) call assert_equal(input, getline(1, '$')) 7,12m0 call assert_equal(PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("c"), getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal(folds, map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) 10,12m0 call assert_equal(PrepIndent("a")[1:] + PrepIndent("b") + ["a"] + PrepIndent("c"), getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, -1, -1, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) " moving should not close the folds %d call setline(1, PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("c")) set fdm=indent redraw! set fdm=manual call cursor(2, 1) %foldopen 7,12m0 let folds=repeat([-1], 18) call assert_equal(PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("c"), getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal(folds, map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) norm! zM " folds are not corrupted and all have been closed call assert_equal([-1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, -1, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) %d call setline(1, ["a", "\tb", "\tc", "\td", "\te"]) set fdm=indent redraw! set fdm=manual %foldopen 3m4 %foldclose call assert_equal(["a", "\tb", "\td", "\tc", "\te"], getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal([-1, 5, 5, 5, 5], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosedend(v:val)')) %d call setline(1, ["a", "\tb", "\tc", "\td", "\te", "z", "\ty", "\tx", "\tw", "\tv"]) set fdm=indent foldlevel=0 set fdm=manual %foldopen 3m1 %foldclose call assert_equal(["a", "\tc", "\tb", "\td", "\te", "z", "\ty", "\tx", "\tw", "\tv"], getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(2)) call assert_equal(5, foldclosedend(3)) call assert_equal([-1, -1, 3, 3, 3, -1, 7, 7, 7, 7], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) 2,6m$ %foldclose call assert_equal(5, foldclosedend(2)) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(6)) call assert_equal(9, foldclosedend(7)) call assert_equal([-1, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 7, 7, 7, -1], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) %d " Ensure moving around the edges still works. call setline(1, PrepIndent("a") + repeat(["a"], 3) + ["\ta"]) set fdm=indent foldlevel=0 set fdm=manual %foldopen 6m$ " The first fold has been truncated to the 5'th line. " Second fold has been moved up because the moved line is now below it. call Check_foldlevels([0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]) %delete set fdm=indent foldlevel=0 call setline(1, [ \ "a", \ "\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "a", \ "a"]) set fdm=manual %foldopen! 4,5m6 call Check_foldlevels([0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0]) %delete set fdm=indent call setline(1, [ \ "\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\ta", \ "a"]) set fdm=manual %foldopen! 13m7 call Check_foldlevels([1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0]) bw! endfunc func Test_move_folds_around_indent() new let input = PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("c") call setline(1, PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("c")) let folds=[-1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, -1, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14] " all folds closed set fdm=indent call assert_equal(folds, map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) call assert_equal(input, getline(1, '$')) 7,12m0 call assert_equal(PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("c"), getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal(folds, map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) 10,12m0 call assert_equal(PrepIndent("a")[1:] + PrepIndent("b") + ["a"] + PrepIndent("c"), getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, -1, -1, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) " moving should not close the folds %d call setline(1, PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("c")) set fdm=indent call cursor(2, 1) %foldopen 7,12m0 let folds=repeat([-1], 18) call assert_equal(PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("c"), getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal(folds, map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) norm! zM " folds are not corrupted and all have been closed call assert_equal([-1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, -1, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) %d call setline(1, ["a", "\tb", "\tc", "\td", "\te"]) set fdm=indent %foldopen 3m4 %foldclose call assert_equal(["a", "\tb", "\td", "\tc", "\te"], getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal([-1, 5, 5, 5, 5], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosedend(v:val)')) %d call setline(1, ["a", "\tb", "\tc", "\td", "\te", "z", "\ty", "\tx", "\tw", "\tv"]) set fdm=indent foldlevel=0 %foldopen 3m1 %foldclose call assert_equal(["a", "\tc", "\tb", "\td", "\te", "z", "\ty", "\tx", "\tw", "\tv"], getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal(1, foldlevel(2)) call assert_equal(5, foldclosedend(3)) call assert_equal([-1, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 7, 7, 7, 7], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) 2,6m$ %foldclose call assert_equal(9, foldclosedend(2)) call assert_equal(1, foldlevel(6)) call assert_equal(9, foldclosedend(7)) call assert_equal([-1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) " Ensure moving around the edges still works. %d call setline(1, PrepIndent("a") + repeat(["a"], 3) + ["\ta"]) set fdm=indent foldlevel=0 %foldopen 6m$ " The first fold has been truncated to the 5'th line. " Second fold has been moved up because the moved line is now below it. call Check_foldlevels([0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) bw! endfunc func Test_folddoopen_folddoclosed() new call setline(1, range(1, 9)) set foldmethod=manual 1,3 fold 6,8 fold " Test without range. folddoopen s/$/o/ folddoclosed s/$/c/ call assert_equal(['1c', '2c', '3c', \ '4o', '5o', \ '6c', '7c', '8c', \ '9o'], getline(1, '$')) " Test with range. call setline(1, range(1, 9)) 1,8 folddoopen s/$/o/ 4,$ folddoclosed s/$/c/ call assert_equal(['1', '2', '3', \ '4o', '5o', \ '6c', '7c', '8c', \ '9'], getline(1, '$')) set foldmethod& bw! endfunc func Test_fold_error() new call setline(1, [1, 2]) for fm in ['indent', 'expr', 'syntax', 'diff'] exe 'set foldmethod=' . fm call assert_fails('norm zf', 'E350:') call assert_fails('norm zd', 'E351:') call assert_fails('norm zE', 'E352:') endfor set foldmethod=manual call assert_fails('norm zd', 'E490:') call assert_fails('norm zo', 'E490:') call assert_fails('3fold', 'E16:') set foldmethod=marker set nomodifiable call assert_fails('1,2fold', 'E21:') set modifiable& set foldmethod& bw! endfunc func Test_foldtext_recursive() new call setline(1, ['{{{', 'some text', '}}}']) setlocal foldenable foldmethod=marker foldtext=foldtextresult(v\:foldstart) " This was crashing because of endless recursion. 2foldclose redraw call assert_equal(1, foldlevel(2)) call assert_equal(1, foldclosed(2)) call assert_equal(3, foldclosedend(2)) bwipe! endfunc " Various fold related tests " Basic test if a fold can be created, opened, moving to the end and closed func Test_fold_manual() new set fdm=manual let content = ['1 aa', '2 bb', '3 cc'] call append(0, content) call cursor(1, 1) normal zf2j call assert_equal('1 aa', getline(foldclosed('.'))) normal zo call assert_equal(-1, foldclosed('.')) normal ]z call assert_equal('3 cc', getline('.')) normal zc call assert_equal('1 aa', getline(foldclosed('.'))) " Create a fold inside a closed fold after setting 'foldlevel' %d _ call setline(1, range(1, 5)) 1,5fold normal zR 2,4fold set foldlevel=1 3fold call assert_equal([1, 3, 3, 3, 1], map(range(1, 5), {->foldlevel(v:val)})) set foldlevel& " Create overlapping folds (at the start and at the end) normal zE 2,3fold normal zR 3,4fold call assert_equal([0, 2, 2, 1, 0], map(range(1, 5), {->foldlevel(v:val)})) normal zE 3,4fold normal zR 2,3fold call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 2, 0], map(range(1, 5), {->foldlevel(v:val)})) " Create a nested fold across two non-adjoining folds %d _ call setline(1, range(1, 7)) 1,2fold normal zR 4,5fold normal zR 6,7fold normal zR 1,5fold call assert_equal([2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1], \ map(range(1, 7), {->foldlevel(v:val)})) " A newly created nested fold should be closed %d _ call setline(1, range(1, 6)) 1,6fold normal zR 3,4fold normal zR 2,5fold call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1], map(range(1, 6), {->foldlevel(v:val)})) call assert_equal(2, foldclosed(4)) call assert_equal(5, foldclosedend(4)) " Test zO, zC and zA on a line with no folds. normal zE call assert_fails('normal zO', 'E490:') call assert_fails('normal zC', 'E490:') call assert_fails('normal zA', 'E490:') set fdm& bw! endfunc " test folding with markers. func Test_fold_marker() new set fdm=marker fdl=1 fdc=3 let content = ['4 dd {{{', '5 ee {{{ }}}', '6 ff }}}'] call append(0, content) call cursor(2, 1) call assert_equal(2, foldlevel('.')) normal [z call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.')) exe "normal jo{{ \r{jj" call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.')) normal kYpj call assert_equal(0, foldlevel('.')) " Use only closing fold marker (without and with a count) set fdl& %d _ call setline(1, ['one }}}', 'two']) call assert_equal([0, 0], [foldlevel(1), foldlevel(2)]) %d _ call setline(1, ['one }}}4', 'two']) call assert_equal([4, 3], [foldlevel(1), foldlevel(2)]) set fdm& fdl& fdc& bw! endfunc " test create fold markers with C filetype func Test_fold_create_marker_in_C() bw! set fdm=marker fdl=9 set filetype=c let content =<< trim [CODE] /* * comment * * */ int f(int* p) { *p = 3; return 0; } [CODE] for c in range(len(content) - 1) bw! call append(0, content) call cursor(c + 1, 1) norm! zfG call assert_equal(content[c] . (c < 4 ? '{{{' : '/* {{{ */'), getline(c + 1)) endfor set fdm& fdl& bw! endfunc " test folding with indent func Test_fold_indent() new set fdm=indent sw=2 let content = ['1 aa', '2 bb', '3 cc'] call append(0, content) call cursor(2, 1) exe "normal i \jI " call assert_equal(2, foldlevel('.')) normal k call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.')) set fdm& sw& bw! endfunc " test syntax folding func Test_fold_syntax() CheckFeature syntax new set fdm=syntax fdl=0 syn region Hup start="dd" end="ii" fold contains=Fd1,Fd2,Fd3 syn region Fd1 start="ee" end="ff" fold contained syn region Fd2 start="gg" end="hh" fold contained syn region Fd3 start="commentstart" end="commentend" fold contained let content = ['3 cc', '4 dd {{{', '5 ee {{{ }}}', '{{{{', '6 ff }}}', \ '6 ff }}}', '7 gg', '8 hh', '9 ii'] call append(0, content) normal Gzk call assert_equal('9 ii', getline('.')) normal k call assert_equal('3 cc', getline('.')) exe "normal jAcommentstart \Acommentend" set fdl=1 normal 3j call assert_equal('7 gg', getline('.')) set fdl=0 exe "normal zO\j" call assert_equal('8 hh', getline('.')) syn clear Fd1 Fd2 Fd3 Hup set fdm& fdl& bw! endfunc func Flvl() let l = getline(v:lnum) if l =~ "bb$" return 2 elseif l =~ "gg$" return "s1" elseif l =~ "ii$" return ">2" elseif l =~ "kk$" return "0" endif return "=" endfun " test expression folding func Test_fold_expr() new set fdm=expr fde=Flvl() let content = ['1 aa', \ '2 bb', \ '3 cc', \ '4 dd {{{commentstart commentend', \ '5 ee {{{ }}}', \ '{{{', \ '6 ff }}}', \ '6 ff }}}', \ ' 7 gg', \ ' 8 hh', \ '9 ii', \ 'a jj', \ 'b kk'] call append(0, content) call cursor(1, 1) exe "normal /bb$\" call assert_equal(2, foldlevel('.')) exe "normal /hh$\" call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.')) exe "normal /ii$\" call assert_equal(2, foldlevel('.')) exe "normal /kk$\" call assert_equal(0, foldlevel('.')) set fdm& fde& bw! endfunc " Bug with fdm=indent and moving folds " Moving a fold a few times, messes up the folds below the moved fold. " Fixed by 7.4.700 func Test_fold_move() new set fdm=indent sw=2 fdl=0 let content = ['', '', 'Line1', ' Line2', ' Line3', \ 'Line4', ' Line5', ' Line6', \ 'Line7', ' Line8', ' Line9'] call append(0, content) normal zM call cursor(4, 1) move 2 move 1 call assert_equal(7, foldclosed(7)) call assert_equal(8, foldclosedend(7)) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(9)) call assert_equal(10, foldclosed(10)) call assert_equal(11, foldclosedend(10)) call assert_equal('+-- 2 lines: Line2', foldtextresult(2)) call assert_equal('+-- 2 lines: Line8', 10->foldtextresult()) set fdm& sw& fdl& bw! endfunc " test for patch 7.3.637 " Cannot catch the error caused by a foldopen when there is no fold. func Test_foldopen_exception() new let a = 'No error caught' try foldopen catch let a = matchstr(v:exception,'^[^ ]*') endtry call assert_equal('Vim(foldopen):E490:', a) let a = 'No error caught' try foobar catch let a = matchstr(v:exception,'^[^ ]*') endtry call assert_match('E492:', a) bw! endfunc func Test_fold_last_line_with_pagedown() new set fdm=manual let expect = '+-- 11 lines: 9---' let content = range(1,19) call append(0, content) normal dd9G normal zfG normal zt call assert_equal('9', getline(foldclosed('.'))) call assert_equal('19', getline(foldclosedend('.'))) call assert_equal(expect, ScreenLines(1, len(expect))[0]) call feedkeys("\", 'xt') call assert_equal(expect, ScreenLines(1, len(expect))[0]) call feedkeys("\", 'xt') call assert_equal(expect, ScreenLines(1, len(expect))[0]) call feedkeys("\\\", 'xt') call assert_equal(expect, ScreenLines(1, len(expect))[0]) set fdm& bw! endfunc func Test_folds_with_rnu() CheckScreendump call writefile([ \ 'set fdm=marker rnu foldcolumn=2', \ 'call setline(1, ["{{{1", "nline 1", "{{{1", "line 2"])', \ ], 'Xtest_folds_with_rnu', 'D') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtest_folds_with_rnu', {}) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_folds_with_rnu_01', {}) call term_sendkeys(buf, "j") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_folds_with_rnu_02', {}) " clean up call StopVimInTerminal(buf) endfunc func Test_folds_marker_in_comment2() new call setline(1, ['Lorem ipsum dolor sit', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit']) setl fen fdm=marker setl commentstring= setl comments=s: norm! zf2j setl nofen :1y call assert_equal(['Lorem ipsum dolor sit'], getreg(0,1,1)) :+2y call assert_equal(['Lorem ipsum dolor sit'], getreg(0,1,1)) set foldmethod& bwipe! endfunc func Test_fold_delete_with_marker() new call setline(1, ['func Func() {{{1', 'endfunc']) 1,2yank new set fdm=marker call setline(1, 'x') normal! Vp normal! zd call assert_equal(['func Func() ', 'endfunc'], getline(1, '$')) set fdm& bwipe! bwipe! endfunc func Test_fold_delete_with_marker_and_whichwrap() new let content1 = [''] let content2 = ['folded line 1 "{{{1', ' test', ' test2', ' test3', '', 'folded line 2 "{{{1', ' test', ' test2', ' test3'] call setline(1, content1 + content2) set fdm=marker ww+=l normal! x call assert_equal(content2, getline(1, '$')) set fdm& ww& bwipe! endfunc func Test_fold_delete_first_line() new call setline(1, [ \ '" x {{{1', \ '" a', \ '" aa', \ '" x {{{1', \ '" b', \ '" bb', \ '" x {{{1', \ '" c', \ '" cc', \ ]) set foldmethod=marker 1 normal dj call assert_equal([ \ '" x {{{1', \ '" c', \ '" cc', \ ], getline(1,'$')) bwipe! set foldmethod& endfunc " Add a test for deleting the outer fold of a nested fold and promoting the " inner folds to one level up with already a fold at that level following the " nested fold. func Test_fold_delete_recursive_fold() new call setline(1, range(1, 7)) 2,3fold normal zR 4,5fold normal zR 1,5fold normal zR 6,7fold normal zR normal 1Gzd normal 1Gzj call assert_equal(2, line('.')) normal zj call assert_equal(4, line('.')) normal zj call assert_equal(6, line('.')) bw! endfunc " Test for errors in 'foldexpr' func Test_fold_expr_error() new call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) " In a window with no folds, foldlevel() should return 0 call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(1)) " Return a list from the expression set foldexpr=[] set foldmethod=expr for i in range(3) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(i)) endfor " expression error set foldexpr=[{] set foldmethod=expr for i in range(3) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(i)) endfor set foldmethod& foldexpr& close! endfunc func Test_undo_fold_deletion() new set fdm=marker let lines =<< trim END " {{{ " }}}1 " {{{ END call setline(1, lines) 3d g/"/d undo redo eval getline(1, '$')->assert_equal(['']) set fdm&vim bwipe! endfunc " this was crashing func Test_move_no_folds() new fold setlocal fdm=expr normal zj bwipe! endfunc " this was crashing func Test_fold_create_delete_create() new fold fold normal zd fold bwipe! endfunc " this was crashing func Test_fold_create_delete() new norm zFzFzdzj bwipe! endfunc func Test_fold_relative_move() new set fdm=indent sw=2 wrap tw=80 let longtext = repeat('x', &columns + 1) let content = [ ' foo', ' ' .. longtext, ' baz', \ longtext, \ ' foo', ' ' .. longtext, ' baz' \ ] call append(0, content) normal zM for lnum in range(1, 3) call cursor(lnum, 1) call assert_true(foldclosed(line('.'))) normal gj call assert_equal(2, winline()) endfor call cursor(2, 1) call assert_true(foldclosed(line('.'))) normal 2gj call assert_equal(3, winline()) for lnum in range(5, 7) call cursor(lnum, 1) call assert_true(foldclosed(line('.'))) normal gk call assert_equal(3, winline()) endfor call cursor(6, 1) call assert_true(foldclosed(line('.'))) normal 2gk call assert_equal(2, winline()) set fdm& sw& wrap& tw& bw! endfunc " Test for using multibyte characters as 'foldopen', 'foldclose' and " 'foldsetp' items in 'fillchars' func s:mbyte_fillchar_tests(fo, fc, fs) setlocal foldcolumn=3 normal zE 1,2fold call assert_equal([a:fc .. ' +-- 2 ', ' three '], \ ScreenLines([1, 2], 10)) 1,2foldopen call assert_equal([a:fo .. ' one ', a:fs .. ' two '], \ ScreenLines([1, 2], 7)) 1,2foldclose redraw! call assert_equal([a:fc .. ' +-- 2 ', ' three '], \ ScreenLines([1, 2], 10)) " Two level fold normal zE 2,3fold 1,4fold call assert_equal([a:fc .. ' +-- 4 ', ' five '], \ ScreenLines([1, 2], 10)) 1,4foldopen call assert_equal([a:fo .. ' one ', a:fs .. a:fc .. ' +--- 2'], \ ScreenLines([1, 2], 10)) 1,4foldopen call assert_equal([a:fo .. ' one ', a:fs .. a:fo .. ' two ', \ a:fs .. a:fs .. ' three '], ScreenLines([1, 3], 10)) 2,3foldclose call assert_equal([a:fo .. ' one ', a:fs .. a:fc .. ' +--- 2'], \ ScreenLines([1, 2], 10)) 1,4foldclose call assert_equal([a:fc .. ' +-- 4 ', ' five '], \ ScreenLines([1, 2], 10)) " Three level fold normal zE 3,4fold 2,5fold 1,6fold call assert_equal([a:fc .. ' +-- 6 '], ScreenLines(1, 10)) " open all the folds normal zR call assert_equal([ \ a:fo .. ' one ', \ a:fs .. a:fo .. ' two ', \ '2' .. a:fo .. ' three ', \ '23 four ', \ a:fs .. a:fs .. ' five ', \ a:fs .. ' six ', \ ], ScreenLines([1, 6], 10)) " close the innermost fold 3,4foldclose call assert_equal([ \ a:fo .. ' one ', \ a:fs .. a:fo .. ' two ', \ a:fs .. a:fs .. a:fc .. '+---- ', \ a:fs .. a:fs .. ' five ', \ a:fs .. ' six ', \ ], ScreenLines([1, 5], 10)) " close the next fold 2,5foldclose call assert_equal([ \ a:fo .. ' one ', \ a:fs .. a:fc .. ' +--- 4', \ a:fs .. ' six ', \ ], ScreenLines([1, 3], 10)) " set the fold column size to 2 setlocal fdc=2 normal zR call assert_equal([ \ a:fo .. ' one ', \ a:fo .. ' two ', \ a:fo .. ' three', \ '3 four ', \ '2 five ', \ a:fs .. ' six ', \ ], ScreenLines([1, 6], 7)) " set the fold column size to 1 setlocal fdc=1 normal zR call assert_equal([ \ a:fo .. 'one ', \ a:fo .. 'two ', \ a:fo .. 'three ', \ '3four ', \ '2five ', \ a:fs .. 'six ', \ ], ScreenLines([1, 6], 7)) " Enable number and sign columns and place some signs setlocal fdc=3 setlocal number setlocal signcolumn=auto sign define S1 text=-> sign place 10 line=3 name=S1 call assert_equal([ \ a:fo .. ' 1 one ', \ a:fs .. a:fo .. ' 2 two ', \ '2' .. a:fo .. ' -> 3 three', \ '23 4 four ', \ a:fs .. a:fs .. ' 5 five ', \ a:fs .. ' 6 six ' \ ], ScreenLines([1, 6], 14)) " Test with 'rightleft' if has('rightleft') setlocal rightleft let lines = ScreenLines([1, 6], winwidth(0)) call assert_equal('o 1 ' .. a:fo, \ strcharpart(lines[0], strchars(lines[0]) - 10, 10)) call assert_equal('t 2 ' .. a:fo .. a:fs, \ strcharpart(lines[1], strchars(lines[1]) - 10, 10)) call assert_equal('t 3 >- ' .. a:fo .. '2', \ strcharpart(lines[2], strchars(lines[2]) - 10, 10)) call assert_equal('f 4 32', \ strcharpart(lines[3], strchars(lines[3]) - 10, 10)) call assert_equal('f 5 ' .. a:fs .. a:fs, \ strcharpart(lines[4], strchars(lines[4]) - 10, 10)) call assert_equal('s 6 ' .. a:fs, \ strcharpart(lines[5], strchars(lines[5]) - 10, 10)) setlocal norightleft endif sign unplace * sign undefine S1 setlocal number& signcolumn& " Add a test with more than 9 folds (and then delete some folds) normal zE for i in range(1, 10) normal zfGzo endfor normal zR call assert_equal([ \ a:fo .. a:fo .. ' one ', \ '9> two ' \ ], ScreenLines([1, 2], 7)) normal 1Gzd call assert_equal([ \ a:fo .. a:fo .. ' one ', \ '89 two ' \ ], ScreenLines([1, 2], 7)) normal 1Gzdzdzdzdzdzdzd call assert_equal([ \ a:fo .. a:fo .. ' one ', \ a:fs .. a:fs .. ' two ' \ ], ScreenLines([1, 2], 7)) setlocal foldcolumn& number& signcolumn& endfunc func Test_foldcolumn_multibyte_char() new call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six']) setlocal foldenable foldmethod=manual " First test with the default setting call s:mbyte_fillchar_tests('-', '+', '|') " Use multi-byte characters set fillchars+=foldopen:▾,foldsep:│,foldclose:▸ call s:mbyte_fillchar_tests('▾', '▸', '│') " Use a mix of multi-byte and single-byte characters set fillchars+=foldopen:¬,foldsep:\|,foldclose:+ call s:mbyte_fillchar_tests('¬', '+', '|') set fillchars+=foldopen:+,foldsep:\|,foldclose:¬ call s:mbyte_fillchar_tests('+', '¬', '|') bw! set foldenable& fdc& fdm& fillchars& endfunc " Test for calling foldlevel() from a fold expression let g:FoldLevels = [] func FoldExpr1(lnum) let f = [a:lnum] for i in range(1, line('$')) call add(f, foldlevel(i)) endfor call add(g:FoldLevels, f) return getline(a:lnum)[0] == "\t" endfunc func Test_foldexpr_foldlevel() new call setline(1, ['one', "\ttwo", "\tthree"]) setlocal foldmethod=expr setlocal foldexpr=FoldExpr1(v:lnum) setlocal foldenable setlocal foldcolumn=3 redraw! call assert_equal([[1, -1, -1, -1], [2, -1, -1, -1], [3, 0, 1, -1]], \ g:FoldLevels) set foldmethod& foldexpr& foldenable& foldcolumn& bw! endfunc " Test for returning different values from a fold expression func FoldExpr2(lnum) if a:lnum == 1 || a:lnum == 4 return -2 elseif a:lnum == 2 return 'a1' elseif a:lnum == 3 return 's4' endif return '=' endfunc func Test_foldexpr_2() new call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']) setlocal foldexpr=FoldExpr2(v:lnum) setlocal foldmethod=expr call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 0], [foldlevel(1), foldlevel(2), foldlevel(3), \ foldlevel(4)]) bw! endfunc " Test for the 'foldclose' option func Test_foldclose_opt() CheckScreendump let lines =<< trim END set foldmethod=manual foldclose=all foldopen=all call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']) 2,3fold func XsaveFoldLevels() redraw! call writefile([json_encode([foldclosed(1), foldclosed(2), foldclosed(3), \ foldclosed(4)])], 'Xoutput', 'a') endfunc END call writefile(lines, 'Xscript', 'D') let rows = 10 let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {'rows': rows}) call term_wait(buf) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set noruler\n") call term_wait(buf) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call XsaveFoldLevels()\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, "2G") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('two', term_getline(buf, 2))}) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call XsaveFoldLevels()\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, "4G") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('four', term_getline(buf, 3))}) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call XsaveFoldLevels()\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, "3G") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('three', term_getline(buf, 3))}) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call XsaveFoldLevels()\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, "1G") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('four', term_getline(buf, 3))}) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call XsaveFoldLevels()\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, "2G") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('two', term_getline(buf, 2))}) call term_sendkeys(buf, "k") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('four', term_getline(buf, 3))}) " clean up call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call assert_equal(['[-1,2,2,-1]', '[-1,-1,-1,-1]', '[-1,2,2,-1]', \ '[-1,-1,-1,-1]', '[-1,2,2,-1]'], readfile('Xoutput')) call delete('Xoutput') endfunc " Test for foldtextresult() func Test_foldtextresult() new call assert_equal('', foldtextresult(-1)) call assert_equal('', foldtextresult(0)) call assert_equal('', foldtextresult(1)) call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']) 2,3fold call assert_equal('', foldtextresult(1)) call assert_equal('+-- 2 lines: two', foldtextresult(2)) setlocal foldtext= call assert_equal('+-- 2 lines folded ', foldtextresult(2)) " Fold text for a C comment fold %d _ setlocal foldtext& call setline(1, ['', '/*', ' * Comment', ' */', '']) 2,4fold call assert_equal('+-- 3 lines: Comment', foldtextresult(2)) bw! endfunc " Test for merging two recursive folds when an intermediate line with no fold " is removed func Test_fold_merge_recursive() new call setline(1, [' one', ' two', 'xxxx', ' three', \ ' four', "\tfive"]) setlocal foldmethod=indent shiftwidth=2 3d_ %foldclose call assert_equal([1, 5], [foldclosed(5), foldclosedend(1)]) bw! endfunc " Test for moving a line which is the start of a fold from a recursive fold to " outside. The fold length should reduce. func Test_fold_move_foldlevel() new call setline(1, ['a{{{', 'b{{{', 'c{{{', 'd}}}', 'e}}}', 'f}}}', 'g']) setlocal foldmethod=marker normal zR call assert_equal([3, 2, 1], [foldlevel(4), foldlevel(5), foldlevel(6)]) 3move 7 call assert_equal([2, 1, 0], [foldlevel(3), foldlevel(4), foldlevel(5)]) call assert_equal(1, foldlevel(7)) " Move a line from outside a fold to inside the fold. %d _ call setline(1, ['a', 'b{{{', 'c}}}']) normal zR 1move 2 call assert_equal([1, 1, 1], [foldlevel(1), foldlevel(2), foldlevel(3)]) " Move the start of one fold to inside another fold %d _ call setline(1, ['a', 'b{{{', 'c}}}', 'd{{{', 'e}}}']) normal zR call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [foldlevel(1), foldlevel(2), \ foldlevel(3), foldlevel(4), foldlevel(5)]) 1,2move 4 call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 2, 2], [foldlevel(1), foldlevel(2), \ foldlevel(3), foldlevel(4), foldlevel(5)]) bw! endfunc " Test for using zj and zk to move downwards and upwards to the start and end " of the next fold. " Test for using [z and ]z in a closed fold to jump to the beginning and end " of the fold. func Test_fold_jump() new call setline(1, ["\t1", "\t2", "\t\t3", "\t\t4", "\t\t\t5", "\t\t\t6", "\t\t7", "\t\t8", "\t9", "\t10"]) setlocal foldmethod=indent normal zR normal zj call assert_equal(3, line('.')) normal zj call assert_equal(5, line('.')) call assert_beeps('normal zj') call assert_equal(5, line('.')) call assert_beeps('normal 9Gzj') call assert_equal(9, line('.')) normal Gzk call assert_equal(8, line('.')) normal zk call assert_equal(6, line('.')) call assert_beeps('normal zk') call assert_equal(6, line('.')) call assert_beeps('normal 2Gzk') call assert_equal(2, line('.')) " Using [z or ]z in a closed fold should not move the cursor %d _ call setline(1, ["1", "\t2", "\t3", "\t4", "\t5", "\t6", "7"]) normal zR4Gzc call assert_equal(4, line('.')) call assert_beeps('normal [z') call assert_equal(4, line('.')) call assert_beeps('normal ]z') call assert_equal(4, line('.')) bw! endfunc " Test for using a script-local function for 'foldexpr' func Test_foldexpr_scriptlocal_func() func! s:FoldFunc() let g:FoldLnum = v:lnum endfunc new | only call setline(1, 'abc') let g:FoldLnum = 0 set foldmethod=expr foldexpr=s:FoldFunc() redraw! call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldFunc()', &foldexpr) call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldFunc()', &g:foldexpr) call assert_equal(1, g:FoldLnum) set foldmethod& foldexpr= bw! new | only call setline(1, 'abc') let g:FoldLnum = 0 set foldmethod=expr foldexpr=FoldFunc() redraw! call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldFunc()', &foldexpr) call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldFunc()', &g:foldexpr) call assert_equal(1, g:FoldLnum) bw! call setline(1, 'abc') setlocal foldmethod& foldexpr& setglobal foldmethod=expr foldexpr=s:FoldFunc() call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldFunc()', &g:foldexpr) call assert_equal('0', &foldexpr) enew! call setline(1, 'abc') redraw! call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldFunc()', &foldexpr) call assert_equal(1, g:FoldLnum) bw! call setline(1, 'abc') setlocal foldmethod& foldexpr& setglobal foldmethod=expr foldexpr=FoldFunc() call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldFunc()', &g:foldexpr) call assert_equal('0', &foldexpr) enew! call setline(1, 'abc') redraw! call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldFunc()', &foldexpr) call assert_equal(1, g:FoldLnum) set foldmethod& foldexpr& delfunc s:FoldFunc bw! endfunc " Test for using a script-local function for 'foldtext' func Test_foldtext_scriptlocal_func() func! s:FoldText() let g:FoldTextArgs = [v:foldstart, v:foldend] return foldtext() endfunc new | only call setline(1, range(50)) let g:FoldTextArgs = [] set foldtext=s:FoldText() norm! 4Gzf4j redraw! call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldText()', &foldtext) call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldText()', &g:foldtext) call assert_equal([4, 8], g:FoldTextArgs) set foldtext& bw! new | only call setline(1, range(50)) let g:FoldTextArgs = [] set foldtext=FoldText() norm! 8Gzf4j redraw! call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldText()', &foldtext) call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldText()', &g:foldtext) call assert_equal([8, 12], g:FoldTextArgs) set foldtext& bw! call setline(1, range(50)) let g:FoldTextArgs = [] setlocal foldtext& setglobal foldtext=s:FoldText() call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldText()', &g:foldtext) call assert_equal('foldtext()', &foldtext) enew! call setline(1, range(50)) norm! 12Gzf4j redraw! call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldText()', &foldtext) call assert_equal([12, 16], g:FoldTextArgs) set foldtext& bw! call setline(1, range(50)) let g:FoldTextArgs = [] setlocal foldtext& setglobal foldtext=FoldText() call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldText()', &g:foldtext) call assert_equal('foldtext()', &foldtext) enew! call setline(1, range(50)) norm! 16Gzf4j redraw! call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'FoldText()', &foldtext) call assert_equal([16, 20], g:FoldTextArgs) set foldtext& bw! delfunc s:FoldText endfunc " Test for setting 'foldtext' from the modeline and executing the expression " in a sandbox func Test_foldtext_in_modeline() func ModelineFoldText() call feedkeys('aFoo', 'xt') return "folded text" endfunc let lines =<< trim END func T() let i = 1 endfunc " vim: foldenable foldtext=ModelineFoldText() END call writefile(lines, 'Xmodelinefoldtext', 'D') set modeline modelineexpr split Xmodelinefoldtext call cursor(1, 1) normal! zf3j call assert_equal('folded text', foldtextresult(1)) call assert_equal(lines, getbufline('', 1, '$')) bw! set modeline& modelineexpr& delfunc ModelineFoldText endfunc " Test for setting 'foldexpr' from the modeline and executing the expression " in a sandbox func Test_foldexpr_in_modeline() func ModelineFoldExpr() call feedkeys('aFoo', 'xt') return strlen(matchstr(getline(v:lnum),'^\s*')) endfunc let lines =<< trim END aaa bbb ccc ccc bbb aaa " vim: foldenable foldmethod=expr foldexpr=ModelineFoldExpr() END call writefile(lines, 'Xmodelinefoldexpr', 'D') set modeline modelineexpr split Xmodelinefoldexpr call assert_equal(2, foldlevel(3)) call assert_equal(lines, getbufline('', 1, '$')) bw! set modeline& modelineexpr& delfunc ModelineFoldExpr endfunc " Make sure a fold containing a nested fold is split correctly when using " foldmethod=indent func Test_fold_split() new let lines =<< trim END line 1 line 2 line 3 line 4 line 5 END call setline(1, lines) setlocal sw=2 setlocal foldmethod=indent foldenable call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 2, 2], range(1, 5)->map('foldlevel(v:val)')) call append(2, 'line 2.5') call assert_equal([0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2], range(1, 6)->map('foldlevel(v:val)')) 3d call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 2, 2], range(1, 5)->map('foldlevel(v:val)')) bw! endfunc " Make sure that when you append under a blank line that is under a fold with " the same indent level as your appended line, the fold expands across the " blank line func Test_indent_append_under_blank_line() new let lines =<< trim END line 1 line 2 line 3 END call setline(1, lines) setlocal sw=2 setlocal foldmethod=indent foldenable call assert_equal([0, 1, 1], range(1, 3)->map('foldlevel(v:val)')) call append(3, '') call append(4, ' line 5') call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 1, 1], range(1, 5)->map('foldlevel(v:val)')) bw! endfunc " Make sure that when you delete 1 line of a fold whose length is 2 lines, the " fold can't be closed since its length (1) is now less than foldminlines. func Test_indent_one_line_fold_close() let lines =<< trim END line 1 line 2 line 3 END new setlocal sw=2 foldmethod=indent call setline(1, lines) " open all folds, delete line, then close all folds normal zR 3delete normal zM call assert_equal(-1, foldclosed(2)) " the fold should not be closed " Now do the same, but delete line 2 this time; this covers different code. " (Combining this code with the above code doesn't expose both bugs.) 1,$delete call setline(1, lines) normal zR 2delete normal zM call assert_equal(-1, foldclosed(2)) bw! endfunc " Make sure that when appending [an indented line then a blank line] right " before a single indented line, the resulting extended fold can be closed func Test_indent_append_blank_small_fold_close() new setlocal sw=2 foldmethod=indent " at first, the fold at the second line can't be closed since it's smaller " than foldminlines let lines =<< trim END line 1 line 4 END call setline(1, lines) call append(1, [' line 2', '']) " close all folds normal zM call assert_notequal(-1, foldclosed(2)) " the fold should be closed now bw! endfunc func Test_sort_closed_fold() CheckExecutable sort call setline(1, [ \ 'Section 1', \ ' how', \ ' now', \ ' brown', \ ' cow', \ 'Section 2', \ ' how', \ ' now', \ ' brown', \ ' cow', \]) setlocal foldmethod=indent sw=3 normal 2G " The "!!" expands to ".,.+3" and must only sort four lines call feedkeys("!!sort\", 'xt') call assert_equal([ \ 'Section 1', \ ' brown', \ ' cow', \ ' how', \ ' now', \ 'Section 2', \ ' how', \ ' now', \ ' brown', \ ' cow', \ ], getline(1, 10)) bwipe! endfunc func Test_indent_with_L_command() " The "L" command moved the cursor to line zero, causing the text saved for " undo to use line number -1, which caused trouble for undo later. new sil! norm 8R V{zf8=Lu bwipe! endfunc " Make sure that when there is a fold at the bottom of the buffer and a newline " character is appended to the line, the fold gets expanded (instead of the new " line not being part of the fold). func Test_expand_fold_at_bottom_of_buffer() new " create a fold on the only line fold execute "normal A\" call assert_equal([1, 1], range(1, 2)->map('foldlevel(v:val)')) bwipe! endfunc func Test_fold_screenrow_motion() call setline(1, repeat(['aaaa'], 5)) 1,4fold norm Ggkzo call assert_equal(1, line('.')) endfunc " This was using freed memory func Test_foldcolumn_linebreak_control_char() CheckFeature linebreak 5vnew setlocal foldcolumn=1 linebreak call setline(1, "aaa\b") redraw call assert_equal([' aaa^', ' Ab '], ScreenLines([1, 2], 5)) call assert_equal(screenattr(1, 5), screenattr(2, 2)) bwipe! endfunc " This used to cause invalid memory access func Test_foldexpr_return_empty_string() new setlocal foldexpr='' foldmethod=expr redraw bwipe! endfunc " Make sure that when ending a fold that hasn't been started, it does not " start a new fold. func Test_foldexpr_end_fold() new setlocal foldmethod=expr let &l:foldexpr = 'v:lnum == 2 ? "<2" : "="' call setline(1, range(1, 3)) redraw call assert_equal([0, 0, 0], range(1, 3)->map('foldlevel(v:val)')) bwipe! endfunc " Test moving cursor down to or beyond start of folded end of buffer. func Test_cursor_down_fold_eob() call setline(1, range(1, 4)) norm Gzf2kj call assert_equal(2, line('.')) norm zojzc call assert_equal(3, line('.')) norm j call assert_equal(3, line('.')) norm k2j call assert_equal(4, line('.')) bwipe! endfunc " issue: #15455 func Test_cursor_fold_marker_undo() new call setline(1, ['{{{', '', 'This is a Line', '', 'This is a Line', '', '}}}']) let &ul=&ul setl foldmethod=marker call cursor(2, 1) norm! zo1vjdu call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.')) bwipe! new call setline(1, ['', '{{{', '', 'This is a Line', '', 'This is a Line', '', '}}}']) let &ul=&ul setl foldmethod=marker call cursor(3, 1) norm! zo norm! vjdu call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.')) bwipe! endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab