" Tests for getwinvar(), gettabvar(), gettabwinvar() and get(). func Test_var() " Use strings to test for memory leaks. First, check that in an empty " window, gettabvar() returns the correct value let t:testvar='abcd' call assert_equal('abcd', gettabvar(1, 'testvar')) call assert_equal('abcd', gettabvar(1, 'testvar')) " test for getwinvar() let w:var_str = "Dance" let def_str = "Chance" call assert_equal('Dance', getwinvar(1, 'var_str')) call assert_equal('Dance', getwinvar(1, 'var_str', def_str)) call assert_equal({'var_str': 'Dance'}, 1->getwinvar('')) call assert_equal({'var_str': 'Dance'}, 1->getwinvar('', def_str)) unlet w:var_str call assert_equal('Chance', getwinvar(1, 'var_str', def_str)) call assert_equal({}, getwinvar(1, '')) call assert_equal({}, getwinvar(1, '', def_str)) call assert_equal('', getwinvar(9, '')) call assert_equal('Chance', getwinvar(9, '', def_str)) call assert_equal(0, getwinvar(1, '&nu')) call assert_equal(0, getwinvar(1, '&nu', 1)) unlet def_str " test for gettabvar() tabnew tabnew let t:var_list = [1, 2, 3] let t:other = 777 let def_list = [4, 5, 6, 7] tabrewind call assert_equal([1, 2, 3], 3->gettabvar('var_list')) call assert_equal([1, 2, 3], gettabvar(3, 'var_list', def_list)) call assert_equal({'var_list': [1, 2, 3], 'other': 777}, gettabvar(3, '')) call assert_equal({'var_list': [1, 2, 3], 'other': 777}, \ gettabvar(3, '', def_list)) tablast unlet t:var_list tabrewind call assert_equal([4, 5, 6, 7], gettabvar(3, 'var_list', def_list)) call assert_equal('', gettabvar(9, '')) call assert_equal([4, 5, 6, 7], gettabvar(9, '', def_list)) call assert_equal('', gettabvar(3, '&nu')) call assert_equal([4, 5, 6, 7], gettabvar(3, '&nu', def_list)) unlet def_list tabonly " test for gettabwinvar() tabnew tabnew tabprev split split wincmd w vert split wincmd w let w:var_dict = {'dict': 'tabwin'} let def_dict = {'dict2': 'newval'} wincmd b tabrewind call assert_equal({'dict': 'tabwin'}, 2->gettabwinvar(3, 'var_dict')) call assert_equal({'dict': 'tabwin'}, \ gettabwinvar(2, 3, 'var_dict', def_dict)) call assert_equal({'var_dict': {'dict': 'tabwin'}}, gettabwinvar(2, 3, '')) call assert_equal({'var_dict': {'dict': 'tabwin'}}, \ gettabwinvar(2, 3, '', def_dict)) tabnext 3wincmd w unlet w:var_dict tabrewind call assert_equal({'dict2': 'newval'}, \ gettabwinvar(2, 3, 'var_dict', def_dict)) call assert_equal({}, gettabwinvar(2, 3, '')) call assert_equal({}, gettabwinvar(2, 3, '', def_dict)) call assert_equal("", gettabwinvar(2, 9, '')) call assert_equal({'dict2': 'newval'}, gettabwinvar(2, 9, '', def_dict)) call assert_equal('', gettabwinvar(9, 3, '')) call assert_equal({'dict2': 'newval'}, gettabwinvar(9, 3, '', def_dict)) unlet def_dict call assert_equal("", gettabwinvar(9, 2020, '')) call assert_equal('', gettabwinvar(2, 3, '&nux')) call assert_equal(1, gettabwinvar(2, 3, '&nux', 1)) tabonly endfunc " It was discovered that "gettabvar()" would fail if called from within the " tabline when the user closed a window. This test confirms the fix. func Test_gettabvar_in_tabline() let t:var_str = 'value' set tabline=%{assert_equal('value',gettabvar(1,'var_str'))} set showtabline=2 " Simulate the user opening a split (which becomes window #1) and then " closing the split, which triggers the redrawing of the tabline. leftabove split redrawstatus! close redrawstatus! endfunc " Test get() function using default value. " get({dict}, {key} [, {default}]) func Test_get_dict() let d = {'foo': 42} call assert_equal(42, get(d, 'foo', 99)) call assert_equal(999, get(d, 'bar', 999)) endfunc " get({list}, {idx} [, {default}]) func Test_get_list() let l = [1,2,3] call assert_equal(1, get(l, 0, 999)) call assert_equal(3, get(l, -1, 999)) call assert_equal(999, get(l, 3, 999)) endfunc " get({blob}, {idx} [, {default}]) - in test_blob.vim " get({lambda}, {what} [, {default}]) func Test_get_lambda() let l:L = {-> 42} call assert_match('^', get(l:L, 'name')) call assert_equal(l:L, get(l:L, 'func')) call assert_equal({'lambda has': 'no dict'}, get(l:L, 'dict', {'lambda has': 'no dict'})) call assert_equal(0, get(l:L, 'dict')) call assert_equal([], get(l:L, 'args')) endfunc func s:FooBar() endfunc " get({func}, {what} [, {default}]) func Test_get_func() let l:F = function('tr') call assert_equal('tr', get(l:F, 'name')) call assert_equal(l:F, get(l:F, 'func')) call assert_equal({'required': 3, 'optional': 0, 'varargs': v:false}, \ get(l:F, 'arity')) let Fb_func = function('s:FooBar') call assert_match('\d\+_FooBar', get(Fb_func, 'name')) call assert_equal({'required': 0, 'optional': 0, 'varargs': v:false}, \ get(Fb_func, 'arity')) let Fb_ref = funcref('s:FooBar') call assert_match('\d\+_FooBar', get(Fb_ref, 'name')) call assert_equal({'required': 0, 'optional': 0, 'varargs': v:false}, \ get(Fb_ref, 'arity')) call assert_equal({'func has': 'no dict'}, get(l:F, 'dict', {'func has': 'no dict'})) call assert_equal(0, get(l:F, 'dict')) call assert_equal([], get(l:F, 'args')) let NF = test_null_function() call assert_equal('', get(NF, 'name')) call assert_equal(NF, get(NF, 'func')) call assert_equal(0, get(NF, 'dict')) call assert_equal([], get(NF, 'args')) call assert_equal({'required': 0, 'optional': 0, 'varargs': v:false}, get(NF, 'arity')) endfunc " get({partial}, {what} [, {default}]) - in test_partial.vim " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab