" Tests for tagjump (tags and special searches) source check.vim source screendump.vim " SEGV occurs in older versions. (At least 7.4.1748 or older) func Test_ptag_with_notagstack() CheckFeature quickfix set notagstack call assert_fails('ptag does_not_exist_tag_name', 'E433:') set tagstack&vim endfunc func Test_ptjump() CheckFeature quickfix set tags=Xpttags call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "one\tXptfile\t1", \ "three\tXptfile\t3", \ "two\tXptfile\t2"], \ 'Xpttags', 'D') call writefile(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'Xptfile', 'D') %bw! ptjump two call assert_equal(2, winnr()) wincmd p call assert_equal(1, &previewwindow) call assert_equal('Xptfile', expand("%:p:t")) call assert_equal(2, line('.')) call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(1, winnr()) close call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) exe "normal 3G\g}" call assert_equal(2, winnr()) wincmd p call assert_equal(1, &previewwindow) call assert_equal('Xptfile', expand("%:p:t")) call assert_equal(3, line('.')) call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(1, winnr()) close exe "normal 3G5\\}" wincmd p call assert_equal(5, winheight(0)) close set tags& endfunc func Test_cancel_ptjump() CheckFeature quickfix set tags=Xtags call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "word\tfile1\tcmd1", \ "word\tfile2\tcmd2"], \ 'Xtags', 'D') only! call feedkeys(":ptjump word\\", "xt") help call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) set tags& quit endfunc func Test_static_tagjump() set tags=Xtjtags call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "one\tXtjfile1\t/^one/;\"\tf\tfile:\tsignature:(void)", \ "word\tXtjfile2\tcmd2"], \ 'Xtjtags', 'D') new Xtjfile1 call setline(1, ['empty', 'one()', 'empty']) write tag one call assert_equal(2, line('.')) bwipe! set tags& call delete('Xtjfile1') endfunc func Test_duplicate_tagjump() set tags=Xdttags call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "thesame\tXdtfile1\t1;\"\td\tfile:", \ "thesame\tXdtfile1\t2;\"\td\tfile:", \ "thesame\tXdtfile1\t3;\"\td\tfile:", \ ], \ 'Xdttags', 'D') new Xdtfile1 call setline(1, ['thesame one', 'thesame two', 'thesame three']) write tag thesame call assert_equal(1, line('.')) tnext call assert_equal(2, line('.')) tnext call assert_equal(3, line('.')) bwipe! set tags& call delete('Xdtfile1') endfunc func Test_tagjump_switchbuf() CheckFeature quickfix set tags=Xswtags call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "second\tXsbfile1\t2", \ "third\tXsbfile1\t3",], \ 'Xswtags', 'D') call writefile(['first', 'second', 'third'], 'Xsbfile1', 'D') enew | only set switchbuf= stag second call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(2, line('.')) stag third call assert_equal(3, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(3, line('.')) enew | only set switchbuf=useopen stag second call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(2, line('.')) stag third call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(3, line('.')) enew | only set switchbuf=usetab tab stag second call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$')) call assert_equal(2, line('.')) 1tabnext | stag third call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$')) call assert_equal(3, line('.')) tabclose! enew | only set tags& set switchbuf&vim endfunc " Tests for [ CTRL-I and CTRL-W CTRL-I commands function Test_keyword_jump() call writefile(["#include Xinclude", "", \ "", \ "/* test text test tex start here", \ " some text", \ " test text", \ " start OK if found this line", \ " start found wrong line", \ "test text"], 'Xtestfile', 'D') call writefile(["/* test text test tex start here", \ " some text", \ " test text", \ " start OK if found this line", \ " start found wrong line", \ "test text"], 'Xinclude', 'D') new Xtestfile call cursor(1,1) call search("start") exe "normal! 5[\" call assert_equal(" start OK if found this line", getline('.')) call cursor(1,1) call search("start") exe "normal! 5\\" call assert_equal(" start OK if found this line", getline('.')) " invalid tag search pattern call assert_fails('tag /\%(/', 'E426:') enew! | only endfunction " Test for jumping to a tag with 'hidden' set, with symbolic link in path of " tag. This only works for Unix, because of the symbolic link. func Test_tag_symbolic() CheckUnix set hidden call delete("Xtest.dir", "rf") call system("ln -s . Xtest.dir") " Create a tags file with the current directory name inserted. call writefile([ \ "SECTION_OFF " . getcwd() . "/Xtest.dir/Xtest.c /^#define SECTION_OFF 3$/", \ '', \ ], 'Xsymtags', 'D') call writefile(['#define SECTION_OFF 3', \ '#define NUM_SECTIONS 3'], 'Xtest.c', 'D') " Try jumping to a tag, but with a path that contains a symbolic link. When " wrong, this will give the ATTENTION message. The next space will then be " eaten by hit-return, instead of moving the cursor to 'd'. set tags=Xsymtags enew! call append(0, 'SECTION_OFF') call cursor(1,1) exe "normal \ " call assert_equal('Xtest.c', expand('%:t')) call assert_equal(2, col('.')) set hidden& set tags& enew! call delete("Xtest.dir", "rf") %bwipe! endfunc " Tests for tag search with !_TAG_FILE_ENCODING. func Test_tag_file_encoding() if has('vms') throw 'Skipped: does not work on VMS' endif if !has('iconv') || iconv("\x82\x60", "cp932", "utf-8") != "\uff21" throw 'Skipped: iconv does not work' endif let save_enc = &encoding set encoding=utf8 let content = ['text for tags1', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrs'] call writefile(content, 'Xtags1.txt', 'D') let content = ['text for tags2', 'ABC'] call writefile(content, 'Xtags2.txt', 'D') let content = ['text for tags3', 'ABC'] call writefile(content, 'Xtags3.txt', 'D') let content = ['!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING utf-8 //', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrs Xtags1.txt /abcdefghijklmnopqrs'] call writefile(content, 'Xtags1', 'D') " case1: new set tags=Xtags1 tag abcdefghijklmnopqrs call assert_equal('Xtags1.txt', expand('%:t')) call assert_equal('abcdefghijklmnopqrs', getline('.')) close " case2: new let content = ['!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING cp932 //', \ "\x82`\x82a\x82b Xtags2.txt /\x82`\x82a\x82b"] call writefile(content, 'Xenctags') set tags=Xenctags tag /.BC call assert_equal('Xtags2.txt', expand('%:t')) call assert_equal('ABC', getline('.')) call delete('Xenctags') close " case3: new let contents = [ \ "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 //", \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING cp932 //"] for i in range(1, 100) call add(contents, 'abc' .. i \ .. " Xtags3.txt /\x82`\x82a\x82b") endfor call writefile(contents, 'Xenctags', 'D') set tags=Xenctags tag abc50 call assert_equal('Xtags3.txt', expand('%:t')) call assert_equal('ABC', getline('.')) close set tags& let &encoding = save_enc endfunc " Test for emacs-style tags file (TAGS) func Test_tagjump_etags() CheckFeature emacs_tags call writefile([ \ "void foo() {}", \ "int main(int argc, char **argv)", \ "{", \ "\tfoo();", \ "\treturn 0;", \ "}", \ ], 'Xmain.c', 'D') call writefile([ \ "\x0c", \ "Xmain.c,64", \ "void foo() {}\x7ffoo\x011,0", \ "int main(int argc, char **argv)\x7fmain\x012,14", \ ], 'Xtetags', 'D') set tags=Xtetags ta foo call assert_equal('void foo() {}', getline('.')) " Test for including another tags file call writefile([ \ "\x0c", \ "Xmain.c,64", \ "void foo() {}\x7ffoo\x011,0", \ "\x0c", \ "Xnonexisting,include", \ "\x0c", \ "Xtags2,include" \ ], 'Xtetags') call writefile([ \ "\x0c", \ "Xmain.c,64", \ "int main(int argc, char **argv)\x7fmain\x012,14", \ ], 'Xtags2', 'D') tag main call assert_equal(2, line('.')) call assert_fails('tag bar', 'E426:') " corrupted tag line call writefile([ \ "\x0c", \ "Xmain.c,8", \ "int main" \ ], 'Xtetags', 'b') call assert_fails('tag foo', 'E426:') " invalid line number call writefile([ \ "\x0c", \ "Xmain.c,64", \ "void foo() {}\x7ffoo\x0abc,0", \ ], 'Xtetags') call assert_fails('tag foo', 'E426:') " invalid tag name call writefile([ \ "\x0c", \ "Xmain.c,64", \ ";;;;\x7f1,0", \ ], 'Xtetags') call assert_fails('tag foo', 'E431:') " end of file after a CTRL-L line call writefile([ \ "\x0c", \ "Xmain.c,64", \ "void foo() {}\x7ffoo\x011,0", \ "\x0c", \ ], 'Xtetags') call assert_fails('tag main', 'E426:') " error in an included tags file call writefile([ \ "\x0c", \ "Xtags2,include" \ ], 'Xtetags') call writefile([ \ "\x0c", \ "Xmain.c,64", \ "void foo() {}", \ ], 'Xtags2') call assert_fails('tag foo', 'E431:') set tags& bwipe! endfunc " Test for getting and modifying the tag stack func Test_getsettagstack() call writefile(['line1', 'line2', 'line3'], 'Xstsfile1', 'D') call writefile(['line1', 'line2', 'line3'], 'Xstsfile2', 'D') call writefile(['line1', 'line2', 'line3'], 'Xstsfile3', 'D') enew | only call settagstack(1, {'items' : []}) call assert_equal(0, gettagstack(1).length) call assert_equal([], 1->gettagstack().items) " Error cases call assert_equal({}, gettagstack(100)) call assert_equal(-1, settagstack(100, {'items' : []})) call assert_fails('call settagstack(1, [1, 10])', 'E1206:') call assert_fails("call settagstack(1, {'items' : 10})", 'E714:') call assert_fails("call settagstack(1, {'items' : []}, 10)", 'E1174:') call assert_fails("call settagstack(1, {'items' : []}, 'b')", 'E962:') call assert_equal(-1, settagstack(0, test_null_dict())) set tags=Xtsttags call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "one\tXstsfile1\t1", \ "three\tXstsfile3\t3", \ "two\tXstsfile2\t2"], \ 'Xtsttags', 'D') let stk = [] call add(stk, {'bufnr' : bufnr('%'), 'tagname' : 'one', \ 'from' : [bufnr('%'), line('.'), col('.'), 0], 'matchnr' : 1}) tag one call add(stk, {'bufnr' : bufnr('%'), 'tagname' : 'two', \ 'from' : [bufnr('%'), line('.'), col('.'), 0], 'matchnr' : 1}) tag two call add(stk, {'bufnr' : bufnr('%'), 'tagname' : 'three', \ 'from' : [bufnr('%'), line('.'), col('.'), 0], 'matchnr' : 1}) tag three call assert_equal(3, gettagstack(1).length) call assert_equal(stk, gettagstack(1).items) " Check for default - current window call assert_equal(3, gettagstack().length) call assert_equal(stk, gettagstack().items) " Try to set current index to invalid values call settagstack(1, {'curidx' : -1}) call assert_equal(1, gettagstack().curidx) eval {'curidx' : 50}->settagstack(1) call assert_equal(4, gettagstack().curidx) " Try pushing invalid items onto the stack call settagstack(1, {'items' : []}) call settagstack(1, {'items' : ["plate"]}, 'a') call assert_equal(0, gettagstack().length) call assert_equal([], gettagstack().items) call settagstack(1, {'items' : [{"tagname" : "abc"}]}, 'a') call assert_equal(0, gettagstack().length) call assert_equal([], gettagstack().items) call settagstack(1, {'items' : [{"from" : 100}]}, 'a') call assert_equal(0, gettagstack().length) call assert_equal([], gettagstack().items) call settagstack(1, {'items' : [{"from" : [2, 1, 0, 0]}]}, 'a') call assert_equal(0, gettagstack().length) call assert_equal([], gettagstack().items) " Push one item at a time to the stack call settagstack(1, {'items' : []}) call settagstack(1, {'items' : [stk[0]]}, 'a') call settagstack(1, {'items' : [stk[1]]}, 'a') call settagstack(1, {'items' : [stk[2]]}, 'a') call settagstack(1, {'curidx' : 4}) call assert_equal({'length' : 3, 'curidx' : 4, 'items' : stk}, \ gettagstack(1)) " Try pushing items onto a full stack for i in range(7) call settagstack(1, {'items' : stk}, 'a') endfor call assert_equal(20, gettagstack().length) call settagstack(1, \ {'items' : [{'tagname' : 'abc', 'from' : [1, 10, 1, 0]}]}, 'a') call assert_equal('abc', gettagstack().items[19].tagname) " truncate the tag stack call settagstack(1, \ {'curidx' : 9, \ 'items' : [{'tagname' : 'abc', 'from' : [1, 10, 1, 0]}]}, 't') let t = gettagstack() call assert_equal(9, t.length) call assert_equal(10, t.curidx) " truncate the tag stack without pushing any new items call settagstack(1, {'curidx' : 5}, 't') let t = gettagstack() call assert_equal(4, t.length) call assert_equal(5, t.curidx) " truncate an empty tag stack and push new items call settagstack(1, {'items' : []}) call settagstack(1, \ {'items' : [{'tagname' : 'abc', 'from' : [1, 10, 1, 0]}]}, 't') let t = gettagstack() call assert_equal(1, t.length) call assert_equal(2, t.curidx) " Tag with multiple matches call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "two\tXstsfile1\t1", \ "two\tXstsfile2\t3", \ "two\tXstsfile3\t2"], \ 'Xtsttags') call settagstack(1, {'items' : []}) tag two tnext tnext call assert_equal(1, gettagstack().length) call assert_equal(3, gettagstack().items[0].matchnr) " Memory allocation failures call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('tagstack_items'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('call gettagstack()', 'E342:') call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('tagstack_from'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('call gettagstack()', 'E342:') call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('tagstack_details'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('call gettagstack()', 'E342:') call settagstack(1, {'items' : []}) set tags& endfunc func Test_tag_with_count() call writefile([ \ 'test Xtest.h /^void test();$/;" p typeref:typename:void signature:()', \ ], 'Xtags', 'D') call writefile([ \ 'main Xtest.c /^int main()$/;" f typeref:typename:int signature:()', \ 'test Xtest.c /^void test()$/;" f typeref:typename:void signature:()', \ ], 'Ytags', 'D') cal writefile([ \ 'int main()', \ 'void test()', \ ], 'Xtest.c', 'D') cal writefile([ \ 'void test();', \ ], 'Xtest.h', 'D') set tags=Xtags,Ytags new Xtest.c let tl = taglist('test', 'Xtest.c') call assert_equal(tl[0].filename, 'Xtest.c') call assert_equal(tl[1].filename, 'Xtest.h') tag test call assert_equal(bufname('%'), 'Xtest.c') 1tag test call assert_equal(bufname('%'), 'Xtest.c') 2tag test call assert_equal(bufname('%'), 'Xtest.h') set tags& bwipe Xtest.h bwipe Xtest.c endfunc func Test_tagnr_recall() call writefile([ \ 'test Xtest.h /^void test();$/;" p', \ 'main Xtest.c /^int main()$/;" f', \ 'test Xtest.c /^void test()$/;" f', \ ], 'Xtags', 'D') cal writefile([ \ 'int main()', \ 'void test()', \ ], 'Xtest.c', 'D') cal writefile([ \ 'void test();', \ ], 'Xtest.h', 'D') set tags=Xtags new Xtest.c let tl = taglist('test', 'Xtest.c') call assert_equal(tl[0].filename, 'Xtest.c') call assert_equal(tl[1].filename, 'Xtest.h') 2tag test call assert_equal(bufname('%'), 'Xtest.h') pop call assert_equal(bufname('%'), 'Xtest.c') tag call assert_equal(bufname('%'), 'Xtest.h') set tags& bwipe Xtest.h bwipe Xtest.c endfunc func Test_tag_line_toolong() call writefile([ \ '1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/edit_inline/stacked.html 16;" j line:16 language:HTML' \ ], 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags let old_vbs = &verbose set verbose=5 " ":tjump" should give "tag not found" not "Format error in tags file" call assert_fails('tj /foo', 'E426:') try tj /foo catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E431/ call assert_report(v:exception) catch /.*/ endtry call assert_equal('Searching tags file Xtags', split(execute('messages'), '\n')[-1]) call writefile([ \ '123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567 django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/edit_inline/stacked.html 16;" j line:16 language:HTML' \ ], 'Xtags') call assert_fails('tj /foo', 'E426:') try tj /foo catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E431/ call assert_report(v:exception) catch /.*/ endtry call assert_equal('Searching tags file Xtags', split(execute('messages'), '\n')[-1]) " binary search works in file with long line call writefile([ \ 'asdfasfd nowhere 16', \ 'foobar Xsomewhere 3; " 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567', \ 'zasdfasfd nowhere 16', \ ], 'Xtags') call writefile([ \ 'one', \ 'two', \ 'trhee', \ 'four', \ ], 'Xsomewhere', 'D') tag foobar call assert_equal('Xsomewhere', expand('%')) call assert_equal(3, getcurpos()[1]) " expansion on command line works with long lines when &wildoptions contains " 'tagfile' set wildoptions=tagfile call writefile([ \ 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa file /^pattern$/;" f' \ ], 'Xtags') call feedkeys(":tag \", 'tx') " Should not crash call assert_true(v:true) set tags& let &verbose = old_vbs endfunc " Check that using :tselect does not run into the hit-enter prompt. " Requires a terminal to trigger that prompt. func Test_tselect() CheckScreendump call writefile([ \ 'main Xtest.h /^void test();$/;" f', \ 'main Xtest.c /^int main()$/;" f', \ 'main Xtest.x /^void test()$/;" f', \ ], 'Xtags', 'D') cal writefile([ \ 'int main()', \ 'void test()', \ ], 'Xtest.c', 'D') let lines =<< trim [SCRIPT] set tags=Xtags [SCRIPT] call writefile(lines, 'XTest_tselect', 'D') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTest_tselect', {'rows': 10, 'cols': 50}) call TermWait(buf, 50) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":tselect main\2\") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_tselect_1', {}) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) endfunc func Test_tagline() call writefile([ \ 'provision Xtest.py /^ def provision(self, **kwargs):$/;" m line:1 language:Python class:Foo', \ 'provision Xtest.py /^ def provision(self, **kwargs):$/;" m line:3 language:Python class:Bar', \], 'Xtags', 'D') call writefile([ \ ' def provision(self, **kwargs):', \ ' pass', \ ' def provision(self, **kwargs):', \ ' pass', \], 'Xtest.py', 'D') set tags=Xtags 1tag provision call assert_equal(line('.'), 1) 2tag provision call assert_equal(line('.'), 3) set tags& endfunc " Test for expanding environment variable in a tag file name func Test_tag_envvar() call writefile(["Func1\t$FOO\t/^Func1/"], 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags let $FOO='TagTestEnv' let caught_exception = v:false try tag Func1 catch /E429:/ call assert_match('E429:.*"TagTestEnv".*', v:exception) let caught_exception = v:true endtry call assert_true(caught_exception) set tags& unlet $FOO endfunc " Test for :ptag func Test_tag_preview() call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "second\tXtpfile1\t2", \ "third\tXtpfile1\t3",], \ 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags call writefile(['first', 'second', 'third'], 'Xtpfile1', 'D') enew | only ptag third call assert_equal(2, winnr()) call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(1, getwinvar(1, '&previewwindow')) call assert_equal(0, getwinvar(2, '&previewwindow')) wincmd P call assert_equal(3, line('.')) " jump to the tag again wincmd w ptag third wincmd P call assert_equal(3, line('.')) " jump to the newer tag wincmd w ptag wincmd P call assert_equal(3, line('.')) " close the preview window pclose call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) set tags& endfunc " Tests for guessing the tag location func Test_tag_guess() call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "func1\tXfoo\t/^int func1(int x)/", \ "func2\tXfoo\t/^int func2(int y)/", \ "func3\tXfoo\t/^func3/", \ "func4\tXfoo\t/^func4/"], \ 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags let code =<< trim [CODE] int FUNC1 (int x) { } int func2 (int y) { } int * func3 () { } [CODE] call writefile(code, 'Xfoo', 'D') let v:statusmsg = '' ta func1 call assert_match('E435:', v:statusmsg) call assert_equal(2, line('.')) let v:statusmsg = '' ta func2 call assert_match('E435:', v:statusmsg) call assert_equal(4, line('.')) let v:statusmsg = '' ta func3 call assert_match('E435:', v:statusmsg) call assert_equal(5, line('.')) call assert_fails('ta func4', 'E434:') set tags& endfunc " Test for an unsorted tags file func Test_tag_sort() let l = [ \ "first\tXfoo\t1", \ "ten\tXfoo\t3", \ "six\tXfoo\t2"] call writefile(l, 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags let code =<< trim [CODE] int first() {} int six() {} int ten() {} [CODE] call writefile(code, 'Xfoo', 'D') call assert_fails('tag first', 'E432:') " When multiple tag files are not sorted, then message should be displayed " multiple times call writefile(l, 'Xtags2', 'D') set tags=Xtags,Xtags2 call assert_fails('tag first', ['E432:', 'E432:']) set tags& %bwipe endfunc " Test for an unsorted tags file func Test_tag_fold() call writefile([ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED\t2\t/0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/", \ "first\tXfoo\t1", \ "second\tXfoo\t2", \ "third\tXfoo\t3"], \ 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags let code =<< trim [CODE] int first() {} int second() {} int third() {} [CODE] call writefile(code, 'Xfoo', 'D') enew tag second call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname('')) call assert_equal(2, line('.')) set tags& %bwipe endfunc " Test for the :ltag command func Test_ltag() call writefile([ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "first\tXfoo\t1", \ "second\tXfoo\t/^int second() {}$/", \ "third\tXfoo\t3"], \ 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags let code =<< trim [CODE] int first() {} int second() {} int third() {} [CODE] call writefile(code, 'Xfoo', 'D') enew call setloclist(0, [], 'f') ltag third call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname('')) call assert_equal(3, line('.')) call assert_equal([{'lnum': 3, 'end_lnum': 0, 'bufnr': bufnr('Xfoo'), \ 'col': 0, 'end_col': 0, 'pattern': '', 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0, \ 'nr': 0, 'type': '', 'module': '', 'text': 'third'}], getloclist(0)) ltag second call assert_equal(2, line('.')) call assert_equal([{'lnum': 0, 'end_lnum': 0, 'bufnr': bufnr('Xfoo'), \ 'col': 0, 'end_col': 0, 'pattern': '^\Vint second() {}\$', \ 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0, 'nr': 0, 'type': '', 'module': '', \ 'text': 'second'}], getloclist(0)) set tags& %bwipe endfunc " Test for setting the last search pattern to the tag search pattern " when cpoptions has 't' func Test_tag_last_search_pat() call writefile([ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "first\tXfoo\t/^int first() {}/", \ "second\tXfoo\t/^int second() {}/", \ "third\tXfoo\t/^int third() {}/"], \ 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags let code =<< trim [CODE] int first() {} int second() {} int third() {} [CODE] call writefile(code, 'Xfoo', 'D') enew let save_cpo = &cpo set cpo+=t let @/ = '' tag second call assert_equal('^int second() {}', @/) let &cpo = save_cpo set tags& %bwipe endfunc " Tag stack tests func Test_tag_stack() let l = [] for i in range(10, 31) let l += ["var" .. i .. "\tXfoo\t/^int var" .. i .. ";$/"] endfor call writefile(l, 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags let l = [] for i in range(10, 31) let l += ["int var" .. i .. ";"] endfor call writefile(l, 'Xfoo', 'D') " Jump to a tag when the tag stack is full. Oldest entry should be removed. enew for i in range(10, 30) exe "tag var" .. i endfor let l = gettagstack() call assert_equal(20, l.length) call assert_equal('var11', l.items[0].tagname) tag var31 let l = gettagstack() call assert_equal('var12', l.items[0].tagname) call assert_equal('var31', l.items[19].tagname) " Use tnext with a single match call assert_fails('tnext', 'E427:') " Jump to newest entry from the top of the stack call assert_fails('tag', 'E556:') " Pop with zero count from the top of the stack call assert_fails('0pop', 'E556:') " Pop from an unsaved buffer enew! call append(1, "sample text") call assert_fails('pop', 'E37:') call assert_equal(21, gettagstack().curidx) enew! " Pop all the entries in the tag stack call assert_fails('30pop', 'E555:') " Pop with a count when already at the bottom of the stack call assert_fails('exe "normal 4\"', 'E555:') call assert_equal(1, gettagstack().curidx) " Jump to newest entry from the bottom of the stack with zero count call assert_fails('0tag', 'E555:') " Pop the tag stack when it is empty call settagstack(1, {'items' : []}) call assert_fails('pop', 'E73:') set tags& %bwipe endfunc " Test for browsing multiple matching tags func Test_tag_multimatch() call writefile([ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "first\tXfoo\t1", \ "first\tXfoo\t2", \ "first\tXfoo\t3"], \ 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags let code =<< trim [CODE] int first() {} int first() {} int first() {} [CODE] call writefile(code, 'Xfoo', 'D') call settagstack(1, {'items' : []}) tag first tlast call assert_equal(3, line('.')) call assert_fails('tnext', 'E428:') tfirst call assert_equal(1, line('.')) call assert_fails('tprev', 'E425:') tlast call feedkeys("5\", 't') tselect first call assert_equal(2, gettagstack().curidx) set ignorecase tag FIRST tnext call assert_equal(2, line('.')) tlast tprev call assert_equal(2, line('.')) tNext call assert_equal(1, line('.')) set ignorecase& set tags& %bwipe endfunc " Test for previewing multiple matching tags func Test_preview_tag_multimatch() call writefile([ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "first\tXfoo\t1", \ "first\tXfoo\t2", \ "first\tXfoo\t3"], \ 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags let code =<< trim [CODE] int first() {} int first() {} int first() {} [CODE] call writefile(code, 'Xfoo', 'D') enew | only ptag first ptlast wincmd P call assert_equal(3, line('.')) wincmd w call assert_fails('ptnext', 'E428:') ptprev wincmd P call assert_equal(2, line('.')) wincmd w ptfirst wincmd P call assert_equal(1, line('.')) wincmd w call assert_fails('ptprev', 'E425:') ptnext wincmd P call assert_equal(2, line('.')) wincmd w ptlast call feedkeys("5\", 't') ptselect first wincmd P call assert_equal(3, line('.')) pclose set tags& %bwipe endfunc " Test for jumping to multiple matching tags across multiple :tags commands func Test_tnext_multimatch() call writefile([ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "first\tXfoo1\t1", \ "first\tXfoo2\t1", \ "first\tXfoo3\t1"], \ 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags let code =<< trim [CODE] int first() {} [CODE] call writefile(code, 'Xfoo1', 'D') call writefile(code, 'Xfoo2', 'D') call writefile(code, 'Xfoo3', 'D') tag first tag first pop tnext tnext call assert_fails('tnext', 'E428:') set tags& %bwipe endfunc " Test for jumping to multiple matching tags in non-existing files func Test_multimatch_non_existing_files() call writefile([ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "first\tXfoo1\t1", \ "first\tXfoo2\t1", \ "first\tXfoo3\t1"], \ 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags call settagstack(1, {'items' : []}) call assert_fails('tag first', 'E429:') call assert_equal(3, gettagstack().items[0].matchnr) set tags& %bwipe endfunc func Test_tselect_listing() call writefile([ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "first\tXfoo\t1" .. ';"' .. "\tv\ttyperef:typename:int\tfile:", \ "first\tXfoo\t2" .. ';"' .. "\tkind:v\ttyperef:typename:char\tfile:"], \ 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags let code =<< trim [CODE] static int first; static char first; [CODE] call writefile(code, 'Xfoo', 'D') call feedkeys("\", "t") let l = split(execute("tselect first"), "\n") let expected =<< [DATA] # pri kind tag file 1 FS v first Xfoo typeref:typename:int 1 2 FS v first Xfoo typeref:typename:char 2 Type number and (q or empty cancels): [DATA] call assert_equal(expected, l) set tags& %bwipe endfunc " Test for :isearch, :ilist, :ijump and :isplit commands " Test for [i, ]i, [I, ]I, [ CTRL-I, ] CTRL-I and CTRL-W i commands func Test_inc_search() new call setline(1, ['1:foo', '2:foo', 'foo', '3:foo', '4:foo', '===']) call cursor(3, 1) " Test for [i and ]i call assert_equal('1:foo', execute('normal [i')) call assert_equal('2:foo', execute('normal 2[i')) call assert_fails('normal 3[i', 'E387:') call assert_equal('3:foo', execute('normal ]i')) call assert_equal('4:foo', execute('normal 2]i')) call assert_fails('normal 3]i', 'E389:') call assert_fails('normal G]i', 'E349:') call assert_fails('normal [i', 'E349:') call cursor(3, 1) " Test for :isearch call assert_equal('1:foo', execute('isearch foo')) call assert_equal('3:foo', execute('isearch 4 /foo/')) call assert_fails('isearch 3 foo', 'E387:') call assert_equal('3:foo', execute('+1,$isearch foo')) call assert_fails('1,.-1isearch 3 foo', 'E389:') call assert_fails('isearch bar', 'E389:') call assert_fails('isearch /foo/3', 'E488:') " Test for [I and ]I call assert_equal([ \ ' 1: 1 1:foo', \ ' 2: 2 2:foo', \ ' 3: 3 foo', \ ' 4: 4 3:foo', \ ' 5: 5 4:foo'], split(execute('normal [I'), "\n")) call assert_equal([ \ ' 1: 4 3:foo', \ ' 2: 5 4:foo'], split(execute('normal ]I'), "\n")) call assert_fails('normal G]I', 'E349:') call assert_fails('normal [I', 'E349:') call cursor(3, 1) " Test for :ilist call assert_equal([ \ ' 1: 1 1:foo', \ ' 2: 2 2:foo', \ ' 3: 3 foo', \ ' 4: 4 3:foo', \ ' 5: 5 4:foo'], split(execute('ilist foo'), "\n")) call assert_equal([ \ ' 1: 4 3:foo', \ ' 2: 5 4:foo'], split(execute('+1,$ilist /foo/'), "\n")) call assert_fails('ilist bar', 'E389:') " Test for [ CTRL-I and ] CTRL-I exe "normal [\t" call assert_equal([1, 3], [line('.'), col('.')]) exe "normal 2j4[\t" call assert_equal([4, 3], [line('.'), col('.')]) call assert_fails("normal k3[\t", 'E387:') call assert_fails("normal 6[\t", 'E389:') exe "normal ]\t" call assert_equal([4, 3], [line('.'), col('.')]) exe "normal k2]\t" call assert_equal([5, 3], [line('.'), col('.')]) call assert_fails("normal 2k3]\t", 'E389:') call assert_fails("normal G[\t", 'E349:') call assert_fails("normal ]\t", 'E349:') call cursor(3, 1) " Test for :ijump call cursor(3, 1) ijump foo call assert_equal([1, 3], [line('.'), col('.')]) call cursor(3, 1) ijump 4 /foo/ call assert_equal([4, 3], [line('.'), col('.')]) call cursor(3, 1) call assert_fails('ijump 3 foo', 'E387:') +,$ijump 2 foo call assert_equal([5, 3], [line('.'), col('.')]) call assert_fails('ijump bar', 'E389:') " Test for CTRL-W i call cursor(3, 1) wincmd i call assert_equal([1, 3, 3], [line('.'), col('.'), winnr('$')]) close 5wincmd i call assert_equal([5, 3, 3], [line('.'), col('.'), winnr('$')]) close call assert_fails('3wincmd i', 'E387:') call assert_fails('6wincmd i', 'E389:') call assert_fails("normal G\i", 'E349:') call cursor(3, 1) " Test for :isplit isplit foo call assert_equal([1, 3, 3], [line('.'), col('.'), winnr('$')]) close isplit 5 /foo/ call assert_equal([5, 3, 3], [line('.'), col('.'), winnr('$')]) close call assert_fails('isplit 3 foo', 'E387:') call assert_fails('isplit 6 foo', 'E389:') call assert_fails('isplit bar', 'E389:') close! endfunc " this was using a line from ml_get() freed by the regexp func Test_isearch_copy_line() new norm o norm 0 0norm o sil! norm bc0 sil! isearch \%') bwipe! endfunc " Test for :dsearch, :dlist, :djump and :dsplit commands " Test for [d, ]d, [D, ]D, [ CTRL-D, ] CTRL-D and CTRL-W d commands func Test_macro_search() new call setline(1, ['#define FOO 1', '#define FOO 2', '#define FOO 3', \ '#define FOO 4', '#define FOO 5']) call cursor(3, 9) " Test for [d and ]d call assert_equal('#define FOO 1', execute('normal [d')) call assert_equal('#define FOO 2', execute('normal 2[d')) call assert_fails('normal 3[d', 'E387:') call assert_equal('#define FOO 4', execute('normal ]d')) call assert_equal('#define FOO 5', execute('normal 2]d')) call assert_fails('normal 3]d', 'E388:') " Test for :dsearch call assert_equal('#define FOO 1', execute('dsearch FOO')) call assert_equal('#define FOO 5', execute('dsearch 5 /FOO/')) call assert_fails('dsearch 3 FOO', 'E387:') call assert_equal('#define FOO 4', execute('+1,$dsearch FOO')) call assert_fails('1,.-1dsearch 3 FOO', 'E388:') call assert_fails('dsearch BAR', 'E388:') " Test for [D and ]D call assert_equal([ \ ' 1: 1 #define FOO 1', \ ' 2: 2 #define FOO 2', \ ' 3: 3 #define FOO 3', \ ' 4: 4 #define FOO 4', \ ' 5: 5 #define FOO 5'], split(execute('normal [D'), "\n")) call assert_equal([ \ ' 1: 4 #define FOO 4', \ ' 2: 5 #define FOO 5'], split(execute('normal ]D'), "\n")) " Test for :dlist call assert_equal([ \ ' 1: 1 #define FOO 1', \ ' 2: 2 #define FOO 2', \ ' 3: 3 #define FOO 3', \ ' 4: 4 #define FOO 4', \ ' 5: 5 #define FOO 5'], split(execute('dlist FOO'), "\n")) call assert_equal([ \ ' 1: 4 #define FOO 4', \ ' 2: 5 #define FOO 5'], split(execute('+1,$dlist /FOO/'), "\n")) call assert_fails('dlist BAR', 'E388:') " Test for [ CTRL-D and ] CTRL-D exe "normal [\" call assert_equal([1, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) exe "normal 2j4[\" call assert_equal([4, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) call assert_fails("normal k3[\", 'E387:') call assert_fails("normal 6[\", 'E388:') exe "normal ]\" call assert_equal([4, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) exe "normal k2]\" call assert_equal([5, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) call assert_fails("normal 2k3]\", 'E388:') " Test for :djump call cursor(3, 9) djump FOO call assert_equal([1, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) call cursor(3, 9) djump 4 /FOO/ call assert_equal([4, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) call cursor(3, 9) call assert_fails('djump 3 FOO', 'E387:') +,$djump 2 FOO call assert_equal([5, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) call assert_fails('djump BAR', 'E388:') " Test for CTRL-W d call cursor(3, 9) wincmd d call assert_equal([1, 9, 3], [line('.'), col('.'), winnr('$')]) close 5wincmd d call assert_equal([5, 9, 3], [line('.'), col('.'), winnr('$')]) close call assert_fails('3wincmd d', 'E387:') call assert_fails('6wincmd d', 'E388:') new call assert_fails("normal \d", 'E349:') call assert_fails("normal \\", 'E349:') close " Test for :dsplit dsplit FOO call assert_equal([1, 9, 3], [line('.'), col('.'), winnr('$')]) close dsplit 5 /FOO/ call assert_equal([5, 9, 3], [line('.'), col('.'), winnr('$')]) close call assert_fails('dsplit 3 FOO', 'E387:') call assert_fails('dsplit 6 FOO', 'E388:') call assert_fails('dsplit BAR', 'E388:') close! endfunc func Test_define_search() " this was accessing freed memory new call setline(1, ['first line', '', '#define something 0']) sil norm o0 sil! norm  bwipe! new somefile call setline(1, ['first line', '', '#define something 0']) sil norm 0o0 sil! norm ]d bwipe! endfunc " Test for [*, [/, ]* and ]/ func Test_comment_search() new call setline(1, ['', '/*', ' *', ' *', ' */']) normal! 4gg[/ call assert_equal([2, 1], [line('.'), col('.')]) normal! 3gg[* call assert_equal([2, 1], [line('.'), col('.')]) normal! 3gg]/ call assert_equal([5, 3], [line('.'), col('.')]) normal! 3gg]* call assert_equal([5, 3], [line('.'), col('.')]) %d call setline(1, ['', '/*', ' *', ' *']) call assert_beeps('normal! 3gg]/') %d call setline(1, ['', ' *', ' *', ' */']) call assert_beeps('normal! 4gg[/') %d call setline(1, ' /* comment */') normal! 15|[/ call assert_equal(9, col('.')) normal! 15|]/ call assert_equal(21, col('.')) call setline(1, ' comment */') call assert_beeps('normal! 15|[/') call setline(1, ' /* comment') call assert_beeps('normal! 15|]/') close! endfunc " Test for the 'taglength' option func Test_tag_length() set tags=Xtags call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "tame\tXtlfile1\t1;", \ "tape\tXtlfile2\t1;"], 'Xtags', 'D') call writefile(['tame'], 'Xtlfile1', 'D') call writefile(['tape'], 'Xtlfile2', 'D') " Jumping to the tag 'tape', should instead jump to 'tame' new set taglength=2 tag tape call assert_equal('Xtlfile1', @%) " Tag search should jump to the right tag enew tag /^tape$ call assert_equal('Xtlfile2', @%) set tags& taglength& endfunc " Tests for errors in a tags file func Test_tagfile_errors() set tags=Xtags " missing search pattern or line number for a tag call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "foo\tXfile\t"], 'Xtags', 'bD') call writefile(['foo'], 'Xfile', 'D') enew tag foo call assert_equal('', @%) let caught_431 = v:false try eval taglist('.*') catch /:E431:/ let caught_431 = v:true endtry call assert_equal(v:true, caught_431) " tag name and file name are not separated by a tab call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "foo Xfile 1"], 'Xtags') call assert_fails('tag foo', 'E431:') " file name and search pattern are not separated by a tab call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "foo\tXfile 1;"], 'Xtags') call assert_fails('tag foo', 'E431:') set tags& endfunc " When :stag fails to open the file, should close the new window func Test_stag_close_window_on_error() new | only set tags=Xtags call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "foo\tXfile\t1"], 'Xtags', 'D') call writefile(['foo'], 'Xfile', 'D') call writefile([], '.Xfile.swp', 'D') " Remove the catch-all that runtest.vim adds au! SwapExists augroup StagTest au! autocmd SwapExists Xfile let v:swapchoice='q' augroup END stag foo call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) call assert_equal('', @%) augroup StagTest au! augroup END set tags& endfunc " Test for 'tagbsearch' (binary search) func Test_tagbsearch() " If a tags file header says the tags are sorted, but the tags are actually " unsorted, then binary search should fail and linear search should work. call writefile([ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED\t1\t/0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/", \ "third\tXfoo\t3", \ "second\tXfoo\t2", \ "first\tXfoo\t1"], \ 'Xtags', 'D') set tags=Xtags let code =<< trim [CODE] int first() {} int second() {} int third() {} [CODE] call writefile(code, 'Xfoo', 'D') enew set tagbsearch call assert_fails('tag first', 'E426:') call assert_equal('', bufname()) call assert_fails('tag second', 'E426:') call assert_equal('', bufname()) tag third call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname()) call assert_equal(3, line('.')) %bw! set notagbsearch tag first call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname()) call assert_equal(1, line('.')) enew tag second call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname()) call assert_equal(2, line('.')) enew tag third call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname()) call assert_equal(3, line('.')) %bw! " If a tags file header says the tags are unsorted, but the tags are " actually sorted, then binary search should work. call writefile([ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED\t0\t/0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/", \ "first\tXfoo\t1", \ "second\tXfoo\t2", \ "third\tXfoo\t3"], \ 'Xtags') set tagbsearch tag first call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname()) call assert_equal(1, line('.')) enew tag second call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname()) call assert_equal(2, line('.')) enew tag third call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname()) call assert_equal(3, line('.')) %bw! " Binary search fails on EOF call writefile([ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED\t1\t/0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/", \ "bar\tXfoo\t1", \ "foo\tXfoo\t2"], \ 'Xtags') call assert_fails('tag bbb', 'E426:') set tags& tagbsearch& endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab