" Tests for the undo tree. " Since this script is sourced we need to explicitly break changes up in " undo-able pieces. Do that by setting 'undolevels'. " Also tests :earlier and :later. source check.vim source screendump.vim func Test_undotree() new normal! Aabc set ul=100 let d = undotree() call assert_equal(1, d.seq_last) call assert_equal(1, d.seq_cur) call assert_equal(0, d.save_last) call assert_equal(0, d.save_cur) call assert_equal(1, len(d.entries)) call assert_equal(1, d.entries[0].newhead) call assert_equal(1, d.entries[0].seq) call assert_true(d.entries[0].time <= d.time_cur) normal! Adef set ul=100 let d = undotree() call assert_equal(2, d.seq_last) call assert_equal(2, d.seq_cur) call assert_equal(0, d.save_last) call assert_equal(0, d.save_cur) call assert_equal(2, len(d.entries)) call assert_equal(1, d.entries[0].seq) call assert_equal(1, d.entries[1].newhead) call assert_equal(2, d.entries[1].seq) call assert_true(d.entries[1].time <= d.time_cur) undo set ul=100 let d = undotree() call assert_equal(2, d.seq_last) call assert_equal(1, d.seq_cur) call assert_equal(0, d.save_last) call assert_equal(0, d.save_cur) call assert_equal(2, len(d.entries)) call assert_equal(1, d.entries[0].seq) call assert_equal(1, d.entries[1].curhead) call assert_equal(1, d.entries[1].newhead) call assert_equal(2, d.entries[1].seq) call assert_true(d.entries[1].time == d.time_cur) normal! Aghi set ul=100 let d = undotree() call assert_equal(3, d.seq_last) call assert_equal(3, d.seq_cur) call assert_equal(0, d.save_last) call assert_equal(0, d.save_cur) call assert_equal(2, len(d.entries)) call assert_equal(1, d.entries[0].seq) call assert_equal(2, d.entries[1].alt[0].seq) call assert_equal(1, d.entries[1].newhead) call assert_equal(3, d.entries[1].seq) call assert_true(d.entries[1].time <= d.time_cur) undo set ul=100 let d = undotree() call assert_equal(3, d.seq_last) call assert_equal(1, d.seq_cur) call assert_equal(0, d.save_last) call assert_equal(0, d.save_cur) call assert_equal(2, len(d.entries)) call assert_equal(1, d.entries[0].seq) call assert_equal(2, d.entries[1].alt[0].seq) call assert_equal(1, d.entries[1].curhead) call assert_equal(1, d.entries[1].newhead) call assert_equal(3, d.entries[1].seq) call assert_true(d.entries[1].time == d.time_cur) w! Xtest let d = undotree() call assert_equal(1, d.save_cur) call assert_equal(1, d.save_last) call delete('Xtest') bwipe! Xtest endfunc func FillBuffer() for i in range(1,13) put=i " Set 'undolevels' to split undo. exe "setg ul=" . &g:ul endfor endfunc func Test_undotree_bufnr() new let buf1 = bufnr() normal! Aabc set ul=100 " Save undo tree without bufnr as ground truth for buffer 1 let d1 = undotree() new let buf2 = bufnr() normal! Adef set ul=100 normal! Aghi set ul=100 " Save undo tree without bufnr as ground truth for buffer 2 let d2 = undotree() " Check undotree() with bufnr argument let d = undotree(buf1) call assert_equal(d1, d) call assert_notequal(d2, d) let d = undotree(buf2) call assert_notequal(d1, d) call assert_equal(d2, d) " Switch buffers and check again wincmd p let d = undotree(buf1) call assert_equal(d1, d) let d = undotree(buf2) call assert_notequal(d1, d) call assert_equal(d2, d) " error cases call assert_fails('call undotree(-1)', 'E158:') call assert_fails('call undotree("nosuchbuf")', 'E158:') " after creating a buffer nosuchbuf, undotree('nosuchbuf') should " not error out new nosuchbuf let d = {'seq_last': 0, 'entries': [], 'time_cur': 0, 'save_last': 0, 'synced': 1, 'save_cur': 0, 'seq_cur': 0} call assert_equal(d, undotree("nosuchbuf")) " clean up bw nosuchbuf " Drop created windows set ul& new only! endfunc func Test_global_local_undolevels() new one set undolevels=5 call FillBuffer() " will only undo the last 5 changes, end up with 13 - (5 + 1) = 7 lines earlier 10 call assert_equal(5, &g:undolevels) call assert_equal(-123456, &l:undolevels) call assert_equal('7', getline('$')) new two setlocal undolevels=2 call FillBuffer() " will only undo the last 2 changes, end up with 13 - (2 + 1) = 10 lines earlier 10 call assert_equal(5, &g:undolevels) call assert_equal(2, &l:undolevels) call assert_equal('10', getline('$')) setlocal ul=10 call assert_equal(5, &g:undolevels) call assert_equal(10, &l:undolevels) " Setting local value in "two" must not change local value in "one" wincmd p call assert_equal(5, &g:undolevels) call assert_equal(-123456, &l:undolevels) new three setglobal ul=50 call assert_equal(50, &g:undolevels) call assert_equal(-123456, &l:undolevels) " Resetting the local 'undolevels' value to use the global value setlocal undolevels=5 setlocal undolevels< call assert_equal(-123456, &l:undolevels) " Drop created windows set ul& new only! endfunc func BackOne(expected) call feedkeys('g-', 'xt') call assert_equal(a:expected, getline(1)) endfunc func Test_undo_del_chars() " Setup a buffer without creating undo entries new set ul=-1 call setline(1, ['123-456']) set ul=100 1 call test_settime(100) " Delete three characters and undo with g- call feedkeys('x', 'xt') call feedkeys('x', 'xt') call feedkeys('x', 'xt') call assert_equal('-456', getline(1)) call BackOne('3-456') call BackOne('23-456') call BackOne('123-456') call assert_fails("BackOne('123-456')") :" Delete three other characters and go back in time with g- call feedkeys('$x', 'xt') call feedkeys('x', 'xt') call feedkeys('x', 'xt') call assert_equal('123-', getline(1)) call test_settime(101) call BackOne('123-4') call BackOne('123-45') " skips '123-456' because it's older call BackOne('-456') call BackOne('3-456') call BackOne('23-456') call BackOne('123-456') call assert_fails("BackOne('123-456')") normal 10g+ call assert_equal('123-', getline(1)) :" Jump two seconds and go some seconds forward and backward call test_settime(103) call feedkeys("Aa\", 'xt') call feedkeys("Ab\", 'xt') call feedkeys("Ac\", 'xt') call assert_equal('123-abc', getline(1)) earlier 1s call assert_equal('123-', getline(1)) earlier 3s call assert_equal('123-456', getline(1)) later 1s call assert_equal('123-', getline(1)) later 1h call assert_equal('123-abc', getline(1)) close! endfunc func Test_undolist() new set ul=100 let a = execute('undolist') call assert_equal("\nNothing to undo", a) " 1 leaf (2 changes). call feedkeys('achange1', 'xt') call feedkeys('achange2', 'xt') let a = execute('undolist') call assert_match("^\nnumber changes when *saved\n *2 *2 .*$", a) " 2 leaves. call feedkeys('u', 'xt') call feedkeys('achange3\', 'xt') let a = execute('undolist') call assert_match("^\nnumber changes when *saved\n *2 *2 *.*\n *3 *2 .*$", a) close! endfunc func Test_U_command() new set ul=100 call feedkeys("achange1\", 'xt') call feedkeys("achange2\", 'xt') norm! U call assert_equal('', getline(1)) norm! U call assert_equal('change1change2', getline(1)) close! endfunc func Test_undojoin() new call feedkeys("Goaaaa\", 'xt') call feedkeys("obbbb\", 'xt') call assert_equal(['aaaa', 'bbbb'], getline(2, '$')) call feedkeys("u", 'xt') call assert_equal(['aaaa'], getline(2, '$')) call feedkeys("obbbb\", 'xt') undojoin " Note: next change must not be as if typed call feedkeys("occcc\", 'x') call assert_equal(['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc'], getline(2, '$')) call feedkeys("u", 'xt') call assert_equal(['aaaa'], getline(2, '$')) bwipe! endfunc func Test_undojoin_redo() new call setline(1, ['first line', 'second line']) call feedkeys("ixx\", 'xt') call feedkeys(":undojoin | redo\", 'xt') call assert_equal('xxfirst line', getline(1)) call assert_equal('second line', getline(2)) bwipe! endfunc " undojoin not allowed after undo func Test_undojoin_after_undo() new call feedkeys("ixx\u", 'xt') call assert_fails(':undojoin', 'E790:') bwipe! endfunc " undojoin is a noop when no change yet, or when 'undolevels' is negative func Test_undojoin_noop() new call feedkeys(":undojoin\", 'xt') call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$')) setlocal undolevels=-1 call feedkeys("ixx\u", 'xt') call feedkeys(":undojoin\", 'xt') call assert_equal(['xx'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! endfunc func Test_undo_write() call delete('Xtest') split Xtest call feedkeys("ione one one\", 'xt') w! call feedkeys("otwo\", 'xt') call feedkeys("otwo\", 'xt') w call feedkeys("othree\", 'xt') call assert_equal(['one one one', 'two', 'two', 'three'], getline(1, '$')) earlier 1f call assert_equal(['one one one', 'two', 'two'], getline(1, '$')) earlier 1f call assert_equal(['one one one'], getline(1, '$')) earlier 1f call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$')) later 1f call assert_equal(['one one one'], getline(1, '$')) later 1f call assert_equal(['one one one', 'two', 'two'], getline(1, '$')) later 1f call assert_equal(['one one one', 'two', 'two', 'three'], getline(1, '$')) close! call delete('Xtest') bwipe! Xtest call assert_fails('earlier xyz', 'E475:') endfunc func Test_insert_expr() new " calling setline() triggers undo sync call feedkeys("oa\", 'xt') call feedkeys("ob\", 'xt') set ul=100 call feedkeys("o1\a2\=setline('.','1234')\\\", 'x') call assert_equal(['a', 'b', '120', '34'], getline(2, '$')) call feedkeys("u", 'x') call assert_equal(['a', 'b', '12'], getline(2, '$')) call feedkeys("u", 'x') call assert_equal(['a', 'b'], getline(2, '$')) call feedkeys("oc\", 'xt') set ul=100 call feedkeys("o1\a2\=setline('.','1234')\\\", 'x') call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c', '120', '34'], getline(2, '$')) call feedkeys("u", 'x') call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c', '12'], getline(2, '$')) call feedkeys("od\", 'xt') set ul=100 call feedkeys("o1\a2\=string(123)\\", 'x') call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c', '12', 'd', '12123'], getline(2, '$')) call feedkeys("u", 'x') call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c', '12', 'd'], getline(2, '$')) close! endfunc func Test_undofile_earlier() if has('win32') " FIXME: This test is flaky on MS-Windows. let g:test_is_flaky = 1 endif " Issue #1254 " create undofile with timestamps older than Vim startup time. let t0 = localtime() - 43200 call test_settime(t0) new XfileEarlier call feedkeys("ione\", 'xt') set ul=100 call test_settime(t0 + 1) call feedkeys("otwo\", 'xt') set ul=100 call test_settime(t0 + 2) call feedkeys("othree\", 'xt') set ul=100 w wundo Xundofile bwipe! " restore normal timestamps. call test_settime(0) new XfileEarlier rundo Xundofile earlier 1d call assert_equal('', getline(1)) bwipe! call delete('XfileEarlier') call delete('Xundofile') endfunc func Test_wundo_errors() new call setline(1, 'hello') call assert_fails('wundo! Xdoesnotexist/Xundofile', 'E828:') bwipe! endfunc " Check that reading a truncated undo file doesn't hang. func Test_undofile_truncated() new call setline(1, 'hello') set ul=100 wundo Xundofile let contents = readfile('Xundofile', 'B') " try several sizes for size in range(20, 500, 33) call writefile(contents[0:size], 'Xundofile', 'D') call assert_fails('rundo Xundofile', 'E825:') endfor bwipe! endfunc func Test_rundo_errors() call assert_fails('rundo XfileDoesNotExist', 'E822:') call writefile(['abc'], 'Xundofile', 'D') call assert_fails('rundo Xundofile', 'E823:') endfunc func Test_undofile_next() set undofile new Xfoo.txt execute "norm ix\uy\uz\" write bwipe next Xfoo.txt call assert_equal('xyz', getline(1)) silent undo call assert_equal('xy', getline(1)) silent undo call assert_equal('x', getline(1)) bwipe! call delete('Xfoo.txt') call delete('.Xfoo.txt.un~') set undofile& endfunc " Test for undo working properly when executing commands from a register. " Also test this in an empty buffer. func Test_cmd_in_reg_undo() enew! let @a = "Ox\jAy\kdd" edit +/^$ test_undo.vim normal @au call assert_equal(0, &modified) return new normal @au call assert_equal(0, &modified) only! let @a = '' endfunc " This used to cause an illegal memory access func Test_undo_append() new call feedkeys("axx\v", 'xt') undo norm o quit endfunc func Test_undo_0() new set ul=100 normal i1 undo normal i2 undo normal i3 undo 0 let d = undotree() call assert_equal('', getline(1)) call assert_equal(0, d.seq_cur) redo let d = undotree() call assert_equal('3', getline(1)) call assert_equal(3, d.seq_cur) undo 2 undo 0 let d = undotree() call assert_equal('', getline(1)) call assert_equal(0, d.seq_cur) redo let d = undotree() call assert_equal('2', getline(1)) call assert_equal(2, d.seq_cur) undo 1 undo 0 let d = undotree() call assert_equal('', getline(1)) call assert_equal(0, d.seq_cur) redo let d = undotree() call assert_equal('1', getline(1)) call assert_equal(1, d.seq_cur) bwipe! endfunc " undo or redo are noop if there is nothing to undo or redo func Test_undo_redo_noop() new call assert_fails('undo 2', 'E830:') message clear undo let messages = split(execute('message'), "\n") call assert_equal('Already at oldest change', messages[-1]) message clear redo let messages = split(execute('message'), "\n") call assert_equal('Already at newest change', messages[-1]) bwipe! endfunc func Test_redo_empty_line() new exe "norm\x16r\x160" exe "norm." bwipe! endfunc funct Test_undofile() " Test undofile() without setting 'undodir'. if has('persistent_undo') call assert_equal(fnamemodify('.Xundofoo.un~', ':p'), undofile('Xundofoo')) else call assert_equal('', undofile('Xundofoo')) endif call assert_equal('', undofile('')) " Test undofile() with 'undodir' set to to an existing directory. call mkdir('Xundodir') set undodir=Xundodir let cwd = getcwd() if has('win32') " Replace windows drive such as C:... into C%... let cwd = substitute(cwd, '^\([a-zA-Z]\):', '\1%', 'g') endif let cwd = substitute(cwd . '/Xundofoo', '/', '%', 'g') if has('persistent_undo') call assert_equal('Xundodir/' . cwd, undofile('Xundofoo')) else call assert_equal('', undofile('Xundofoo')) endif call assert_equal('', undofile('')) call delete('Xundodir', 'd') " Test undofile() with 'undodir' set to a non-existing directory. call assert_equal('', 'Xundofoo'->undofile()) if !has('win32') && isdirectory('/tmp') set undodir=/tmp if has('osx') call assert_equal('/tmp/%private%tmp%file', undofile('///tmp/file')) else call assert_equal('/tmp/%tmp%file', undofile('///tmp/file')) endif endif set undodir& endfunc " Tests for the undo file " Explicitly break changes up in undo-able pieces by setting 'undolevels'. func Test_undofile_2() set undolevels=100 undofile edit Xtestfile call append(0, 'this is one line') call cursor(1, 1) " first a simple one-line change. set undolevels=100 s/one/ONE/ set undolevels=100 write bwipe! edit Xtestfile undo call assert_equal('this is one line', getline(1)) " change in original file fails check set noundofile edit! Xtestfile s/line/Line/ write set undofile bwipe! edit Xtestfile undo call assert_equal('this is ONE Line', getline(1)) " add 10 lines, delete 6 lines, undo 3 set undofile call setbufline('%', 1, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', \ 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten']) set undolevels=100 normal 3Gdd set undolevels=100 normal dd set undolevels=100 normal dd set undolevels=100 normal dd set undolevels=100 normal dd set undolevels=100 normal dd set undolevels=100 write bwipe! edit Xtestfile normal uuu call assert_equal(['one', 'two', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten'], \ getline(1, '$')) " Test that reading the undofiles when setting undofile works set noundofile undolevels=0 exe "normal i\n" undo edit! Xtestfile set undofile undolevels=100 normal uuuuuu call assert_equal(['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', \ 'eight', 'nine', 'ten'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! call delete('Xtestfile') let ufile = has('vms') ? '_un_Xtestfile' : '.Xtestfile.un~' call delete(ufile) set undofile& undolevels& endfunc " Test 'undofile' using a file encrypted with 'zip' crypt method func Test_undofile_cryptmethod_zip() edit Xtestfile set undofile cryptmethod=zip call append(0, ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday']) call cursor(5, 1) set undolevels=100 normal kkkdd set undolevels=100 normal dd set undolevels=100 normal dd set undolevels=100 " encrypt the file using key 'foobar' call feedkeys("foobar\nfoobar\n") X write! bwipe! call feedkeys("foobar\n") edit Xtestfile set key= normal uu call assert_equal(['monday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', ''], \ getline(1, '$')) bwipe! call delete('Xtestfile') let ufile = has('vms') ? '_un_Xtestfile' : '.Xtestfile.un~' call delete(ufile) set undofile& undolevels& cryptmethod& endfunc " Test 'undofile' using a file encrypted with 'blowfish' crypt method func Test_undofile_cryptmethod_blowfish() edit Xtestfile set undofile cryptmethod=blowfish call append(0, ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'jun']) call cursor(5, 1) set undolevels=100 exe 'normal kk0ifoo ' set undolevels=100 normal dd set undolevels=100 exe 'normal ibar ' set undolevels=100 " encrypt the file using key 'foobar' call feedkeys("foobar\nfoobar\n") X write! bwipe! call feedkeys("foobar\n") edit Xtestfile set key= call search('bar') call assert_equal('bar apr', getline('.')) undo call assert_equal('apr', getline('.')) undo call assert_equal('foo mar', getline('.')) undo call assert_equal('mar', getline('.')) bwipe! call delete('Xtestfile') let ufile = has('vms') ? '_un_Xtestfile' : '.Xtestfile.un~' call delete(ufile) set undofile& undolevels& cryptmethod& endfunc " Test 'undofile' using a file encrypted with 'blowfish2' crypt method func Test_undofile_cryptmethod_blowfish2() edit Xtestfile set undofile cryptmethod=blowfish2 call append(0, ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'jun']) call cursor(5, 1) set undolevels=100 exe 'normal kk0ifoo ' set undolevels=100 normal dd set undolevels=100 exe 'normal ibar ' set undolevels=100 " encrypt the file using key 'foo2bar' call feedkeys("foo2bar\nfoo2bar\n") X write! bwipe! call feedkeys("foo2bar\n") edit Xtestfile set key= call search('bar') call assert_equal('bar apr', getline('.')) normal u call assert_equal('apr', getline('.')) normal u call assert_equal('foo mar', getline('.')) normal u call assert_equal('mar', getline('.')) bwipe! call delete('Xtestfile') let ufile = has('vms') ? '_un_Xtestfile' : '.Xtestfile.un~' call delete(ufile) set undofile& undolevels& cryptmethod& endfunc " Test for redoing with incrementing numbered registers func Test_redo_repeat_numbered_register() new for [i, v] in [[1, 'one'], [2, 'two'], [3, 'three'], \ [4, 'four'], [5, 'five'], [6, 'six'], \ [7, 'seven'], [8, 'eight'], [9, 'nine']] exe 'let @' .. i .. '="' .. v .. '\n"' endfor call feedkeys('"1p.........', 'xt') call assert_equal(['', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', \ 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'nine'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! endfunc " Test for redo in insert mode using CTRL-O with multibyte characters func Test_redo_multibyte_in_insert_mode() new call feedkeys("a\ft", 'xt') call feedkeys("uiHe\.llo", 'xt') call assert_equal("He\ufb05llo", getline(1)) bwipe! endfunc func Test_undo_mark() new " The undo is applied to the only line. call setline(1, 'hello') call feedkeys("ggyiw$p", 'xt') undo call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 0], getpos("'[")) call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 0], getpos("']")) " The undo removes the last line. call feedkeys("Goaaaa\", 'xt') call feedkeys("obbbb\", 'xt') undo call assert_equal([0, 2, 1, 0], getpos("'[")) call assert_equal([0, 2, 1, 0], getpos("']")) bwipe! endfunc func Test_undo_after_write() " use a terminal to make undo work like when text is typed CheckRunVimInTerminal let lines =<< trim END edit Xtestfile.txt set undolevels=100 undofile imap . write write END call writefile(lines, 'Xtest_undo_after_write', 'D') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtest_undo_after_write', #{rows: 6}) call term_sendkeys(buf, "Otest.\boo!!!\") sleep 100m call term_sendkeys(buf, "u") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_undo_after_write_1', {}) call term_sendkeys(buf, "u") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_undo_after_write_2', {}) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xtestfile.txt') call delete('.Xtestfile.txt.un~') endfunc func Test_undo_range_normal() new call setline(1, ['asa', 'bsb']) let &l:undolevels = &l:undolevels %normal dfs call assert_equal(['a', 'b'], getline(1, '$')) undo call assert_equal(['asa', 'bsb'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab