so check.vim CheckExecutable unzip if 0 " Find uncovered line profile start zip_profile profile! file */zip*.vim endif runtime plugin/zipPlugin.vim def Test_zip_basic() ### get our zip file if !filecopy("samples/", "") assert_report("Can't copy samples/") return endif defer delete("") e ### Check header assert_match('^" zip\.vim version v\d\+', getline(1)) assert_match('^" Browsing zipfile .*/', getline(2)) assert_match('^" Select a file with cursor and press ENTER', getline(3)) assert_match('^$', getline(4)) ### Check files listing assert_equal(["Xzip/", "Xzip/dir/", "Xzip/file.txt"], getline(5, 7)) ### Check ENTER on header :1 exe ":normal \" assert_equal("", @%) ### Check ENTER on directory :1|:/^$//dir/ assert_match('Please specify a file, not a directory', execute("normal \")) ### Check ENTER on file :1 search('file.txt') exe ":normal \" assert_match('zipfile://.*/', @%) assert_equal('one', getline(1)) ### Check editing file if executable("zip") s/one/two/ assert_equal("two", getline(1)) w bw|bw e :1|:/^$//file/ exe "normal \" assert_equal("two", getline(1)) endif only e ### Check extracting file :1|:/^$//file/ normal x assert_true(filereadable("Xzip/file.txt")) ## Check not overwriting existing file assert_match(' .* not overwriting!', execute("normal x")) delete("Xzip", "rf") ### Check extracting directory :1|:/^$//dir/ assert_match('Please specify a file, not a directory', execute("normal x")) assert_equal("", @%) ### Check "x" on header :1 normal x assert_equal("", @%) bw ### Check opening zip when "unzip" program is missing var save_zip_unzipcmd = g:zip_unzipcmd g:zip_unzipcmd = "/" assert_match('unzip not available on your system', execute("e")) ### Check when "unzip" don't work if executable("false") g:zip_unzipcmd = "false" assert_match('X\.zip is not a zip file', execute("e")) endif bw g:zip_unzipcmd = save_zip_unzipcmd e ### Check opening file when "unzip" is missing g:zip_unzipcmd = "/" assert_match('sorry, your system doesn''t appear to have the / program', execute("normal \")) bw|bw g:zip_unzipcmd = save_zip_unzipcmd e ### Check :write when "zip" program is missing :1|:/^$//file/ exe "normal \Goanother\" var save_zip_zipcmd = g:zip_zipcmd g:zip_zipcmd = "/" assert_match('sorry, your system doesn''t appear to have the / program', execute("write")) ### Check when "zip" report failure if executable("false") g:zip_zipcmd = "false" assert_match('sorry, unable to update .*/ with Xzip/file.txt', execute("write")) endif bw!|bw g:zip_zipcmd = save_zip_zipcmd ### Check opening an no zipfile writefile(["qsdf"], "", "D") e! assert_equal("qsdf", getline(1)) bw ### Check no existing zipfile assert_match('File not readable', execute("e")) bw enddef def Test_zip_glob_fname() CheckNotMSWindows # does not work on Windows, why? ### copy sample zip file if !filecopy("samples/", "") assert_report("Can't copy samples/") return endif defer delete("") defer delete('zipglob', 'rf') e ### 1) Check extracting strange files :1 var fname = 'a[a].txt' search('\V' .. fname) normal x assert_true(filereadable('zipglob/' .. fname)) delete('zipglob', 'rf') :1 fname = 'a*.txt' search('\V' .. fname) normal x assert_true(filereadable('zipglob/' .. fname)) delete('zipglob', 'rf') :1 fname = 'a?.txt' search('\V' .. fname) normal x assert_true(filereadable('zipglob/' .. fname)) delete('zipglob', 'rf') :1 fname = 'a\.txt' search('\V' .. escape(fname, '\\')) normal x assert_true(filereadable('zipglob/' .. fname)) delete('zipglob', 'rf') :1 fname = 'a\\.txt' search('\V' .. escape(fname, '\\')) normal x assert_true(filereadable('zipglob/' .. fname)) delete('zipglob', 'rf') ### 2) Check entering strange file names :1 fname = 'a[a].txt' search('\V' .. fname) exe ":normal \" assert_match('zipfile://.*/\[a\].txt', @%) assert_equal('a test file with []', getline(1)) bw e :1 fname = 'a*.txt' search('\V' .. fname) exe ":normal \" assert_match('zipfile://.*/\*.txt', @%) assert_equal('a test file with a*', getline(1)) bw e :1 fname = 'a?.txt' search('\V' .. fname) exe ":normal \" assert_match('zipfile://.*/', @%) assert_equal('a test file with a?', getline(1)) bw e :1 fname = 'a\.txt' search('\V' .. escape(fname, '\\')) exe ":normal \" assert_match('zipfile://.*/\\.txt', @%) assert_equal('a test file with a\', getline(1)) bw e :1 fname = 'a\\.txt' search('\V' .. escape(fname, '\\')) exe ":normal \" assert_match('zipfile://.*/\\\\.txt', @%) assert_equal('a test file with a double \', getline(1)) bw bw enddef