" Functions about view shared by several tests " Only load this script once. if exists('*Screenline') finish endif " Get line "lnum" as displayed on the screen. " Trailing white space is trimmed. func Screenline(lnum) let chars = [] for c in range(1, winwidth(0)) call add(chars, nr2char(screenchar(a:lnum, c))) endfor let line = join(chars, '') return matchstr(line, '^.\{-}\ze\s*$') endfunc " Get text on the screen, including composing characters. " ScreenLines(lnum, width) or " ScreenLines([start, end], width) func ScreenLines(lnum, width) abort redraw! if type(a:lnum) == v:t_list let start = a:lnum[0] let end = a:lnum[1] else let start = a:lnum let end = a:lnum endif let lines = [] for l in range(start, end) let lines += [join(map(range(1, a:width), 'screenstring(l, v:val)'), '')] endfor return lines endfunc func ScreenAttrs(lnum, width) abort redraw! if type(a:lnum) == v:t_list let start = a:lnum[0] let end = a:lnum[1] else let start = a:lnum let end = a:lnum endif let attrs = [] for l in range(start, end) let attrs += [map(range(1, a:width), 'screenattr(l, v:val)')] endfor return attrs endfunc " Create a new window with the requested size and fix it. func NewWindow(height, width) abort exe a:height . 'new' exe a:width . 'vsp' set winfixwidth winfixheight redraw! endfunc func CloseWindow() abort bw! redraw! endfunc " When using RunVimInTerminal() we expect modifyOtherKeys level 2 to be enabled " automatically. The key + modifier Escape codes must then use the " modifyOtherKeys encoding. They are recognized anyway, thus it's safer to use " than the raw code. " Return the modifyOtherKeys level 2 encoding for "key" with "modifier" " (number value, e.g. CTRL is 5). func GetEscCodeCSI27(key, modifier) let key = printf("%d", char2nr(a:key)) let mod = printf("%d", a:modifier) return "\[27;" .. mod .. ';' .. key .. '~' endfunc " Return the modifyOtherKeys level 2 encoding for "key" with "modifier" " (character value, e.g. CTRL is "C"). func GetEscCodeWithModifier(modifier, key) let modifier = get({'C': 5}, a:modifier, '') if modifier == '' echoerr 'Unknown modifier: ' .. a:modifier endif return GetEscCodeCSI27(a:key, modifier) endfunc " Return the kitty keyboard protocol encoding for "key" with "modifier" " (number value, e.g. CTRL is 5). func GetEscCodeCSIu(key, modifier) let key = printf("%d", char2nr(a:key)) let mod = printf("%d", a:modifier) return "\[" .. key .. ';' .. mod .. 'u' endfunc " Return the kitty keyboard protocol encoding for a function key: " CSI {key} " CSS 1;{modifier} {key} func GetEscCodeFunckey(key, modifier) if a:modifier == 0 return "\[" .. a:key endif let mod = printf("%d", a:modifier) return "\[1;".. mod .. a:key endfunc " Return the kitty keyboard protocol encoding for "key" without a modifier. " Used for the Escape key. func GetEscCodeCSIuWithoutModifier(key) let key = printf("%d", char2nr(a:key)) return "\[" .. key .. 'u' endfunc