path: root/src/VBox/Devices/Graphics/shaderlib/wine/include/shldisp.idl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/VBox/Devices/Graphics/shaderlib/wine/include/shldisp.idl')
1 files changed, 573 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/Graphics/shaderlib/wine/include/shldisp.idl b/src/VBox/Devices/Graphics/shaderlib/wine/include/shldisp.idl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f882146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/Graphics/shaderlib/wine/include/shldisp.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+ * COM interfaces for shell objects
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 Maxime Bellengé
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+ * Oracle LGPL Disclaimer: For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice
+ * other than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Oracle elects to use only
+ * the Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPLv2) at this time for any software where
+ * a choice of LGPL license versions is made available with the language indicating
+ * that LGPLv2 or any later version may be used, or where a choice of which version
+ * of the LGPL is applied is otherwise unspecified.
+ */
+import "ocidl.idl";
+#include <shdispid.h>
+cpp_quote("#ifdef WINE_NO_UNICODE_MACROS")
+cpp_quote("#undef ShellExecute")
+ * IEnumACString interface
+ */
+ local,
+ object,
+ uuid(8e74c210-cf9d-4eaf-a403-7356428f0a5a),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+interface IEnumACString : IEnumString
+ typedef enum _tagACENUMOPTION
+ {
+ ACEO_NONE = 0x00000000,
+ ACEO_FIRSTUNUSED = 0x00010000,
+ HRESULT NextItem( [out] LPWSTR pszUrl,
+ [in] ULONG cchMax,
+ [out] ULONG *pulSortIndex);
+ HRESULT SetEnumOptions( [in] DWORD dwOptions );
+ HRESULT GetEnumOptions( [out] DWORD *pdwOptions );
+ * IAutoComplete interface
+ */
+ local,
+ object,
+ uuid(00bb2762-6a77-11d0-a535-00c04fd7d062),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+interface IAutoComplete : IUnknown
+ typedef IAutoComplete *LPAUTOCOMPLETE;
+ HRESULT Init( [in] HWND hwndEdit,
+ [in] IUnknown *punkACL,
+ [in] LPCOLESTR pwszRegKeyPath,
+ [in] LPCOLESTR pwszQuickComplete);
+ HRESULT Enable( [in] BOOL fEnable );
+ * IAutoComplete2 interface
+ */
+ local,
+ object,
+ uuid(eac04bc0-3791-11d2-bb95-0060977b464c),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+interface IAutoComplete2 : IAutoComplete
+ typedef IAutoComplete2 *LPAUTOCOMPLETE2;
+ typedef enum _tagAUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS
+ {
+ ACO_NONE = 0x00, /* No AutoComplete */
+ ACO_AUTOSUGGEST = 0x01, /* enable autosuggest dropdown */
+ ACO_AUTOAPPEND = 0x02, /* enable autoappend */
+ ACO_SEARCH = 0x04, /* add search entry to completion list */
+ ACO_FILTERPREFIXES = 0x08, /* don't match common prefixes (www., http://, etc) */
+ ACO_USETAB = 0x10, /* use tab to select autosuggest entries */
+ ACO_UPDOWNKEYDROPSLIST = 0x20, /* up/down arrow key invokes autosuggest dropdown (if enabled) */
+ ACO_RTLREADING = 0x40, /* enable RTL reading order for dropdown */
+ HRESULT SetOptions( [in] DWORD dwFlag);
+ HRESULT GetOptions( [out] DWORD *pdwFlag);
+ uuid(50a7e9b0-70ef-11d1-b75a-00a0c90564fe),
+ version(1.0)
+library Shell32
+ object,
+ oleautomation,
+ uuid(9ba05970-f6a8-11cf-a442-00a0c90a8f39),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+interface IFolderViewOC : IDispatch
+ HRESULT SetFolderView( [in] IDispatch *pdisp );
+ uuid(62112aa2-ebe4-11cf-a5fb-0020afe7292d)
+dispinterface DShellFolderViewEvents
+ properties:
+ methods:
+ void SelectionChanged();
+ void EnumDone();
+ VARIANT_BOOL VerbInvoked();
+ VARIANT_BOOL DefaultVerbInvoked();
+ VARIANT_BOOL BeginDrag();
+ uuid(9ba05971-f6a8-11cf-a442-00a0c90a8f39),
+ hidden
+coclass ShellFolderViewOC
+ [default] interface IFolderViewOC;
+ [default, source] dispinterface DShellFolderViewEvents;
+interface FolderItem;
+interface FolderItems;
+interface FolderItemVerb;
+interface FolderItemVerbs;
+ * Folder interface
+ */
+ object,
+ uuid(bbcbde60-c3ff-11ce-8350-444553540000),
+ oleautomation,
+ dual
+interface Folder : IDispatch
+ [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE)]
+ HRESULT Title( [out, retval] BSTR *pbs );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Application( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Parent( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT ParentFolder( [out, retval] Folder **ppsf );
+ HRESULT Items( [out, retval] FolderItems **ppid );
+ HRESULT ParseName( [in] BSTR bName, [out, retval] FolderItem **ppid );
+ HRESULT NewFolder( [in] BSTR bName, [in, optional] VARIANT vOptions );
+ HRESULT MoveHere( [in] VARIANT vItem, [in, optional] VARIANT vOptions );
+ HRESULT CopyHere( [in] VARIANT vItem, [in, optional] VARIANT vOptions );
+ HRESULT GetDetailsOf( [in] VARIANT vItem,
+ [in] int iColumn,
+ [out, retval] BSTR *pbs );
+ * Folder2 interface
+ */
+ object,
+ uuid(f0d2d8ef-3890-11d2-bf8b-00c04fb93661),
+ oleautomation,
+ dual
+interface Folder2 : Folder
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Self( [out, retval] FolderItem **ppfi );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT OfflineStatus( [out, retval] LONG *pul );
+ HRESULT Synchronize();
+ [propget, id(1)]
+ HRESULT HaveToShowWebViewBarricade(
+ [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbHaveToShowWebViewBarricade );
+ HRESULT DismissedWebViewBarricade();
+ * Folder3 interface
+ */
+ object,
+ uuid(a7ae5f64-c4d7-4d7f-9307-4d24ee54b841),
+ oleautomation,
+ dual
+interface Folder3 : Folder2
+ [propget, id(2)]
+ HRESULT ShowWebViewBarricade(
+ [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbShowWebViewBarricade );
+ [propput, id(2)]
+ HRESULT ShowWebViewBarricade( [in] VARIANT_BOOL bShowWebViewBarricade );
+ * FolderItem interface
+ */
+ object,
+ uuid(fac32c80-cbe4-11ce-8350-444553540000),
+ oleautomation,
+ dual
+interface FolderItem : IDispatch
+ typedef FolderItem *LPFOLDERITEM;
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Application( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Parent( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE)]
+ HRESULT Name( [out, retval] BSTR *pbs );
+ [propput, id(DISPID_VALUE)]
+ HRESULT Name( [in] BSTR bs );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Path( [out, retval] BSTR *pbs );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT GetLink( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT GetFolder( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT IsLink( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pb );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT IsFolder( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pb );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT IsFileSystem( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pb );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT IsBrowsable( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pb );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT ModifyDate( [out, retval] DATE *pdt );
+ [propput]
+ HRESULT ModifyDate( [in] DATE dt );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Size( [out, retval] LONG *pul );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Type( [out, retval] BSTR *pbs );
+ HRESULT Verbs( [out, retval] FolderItemVerbs **ppfic );
+ HRESULT InvokeVerb( [in, optional] VARIANT vVerb );
+ * FolderItems interface
+ */
+ object,
+ uuid(744129e0-cbe5-11ce-8350-444553540000),
+ oleautomation,
+ dual
+interface FolderItems : IDispatch
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Count( [out, retval] long *plCount );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Application( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Parent( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ HRESULT Item( [in, optional] VARIANT index,
+ [out, retval] FolderItem **ppid );
+ HRESULT _NewEnum( [out, retval] IUnknown **ppunk );
+ * FolderItemVerb interface
+ */
+ object,
+ uuid(08ec3e00-50b0-11cf-960c-0080c7f4ee85),
+ oleautomation,
+ dual
+interface FolderItemVerb : IDispatch
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Application( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Parent( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE)]
+ HRESULT Name( [out, retval] BSTR *pbs );
+ * FolderItemVerbs interface
+ */
+ object,
+ uuid(1f8352c0-50b0-11cf-960c-0080c7f4ee85),
+ oleautomation,
+ dual
+interface FolderItemVerbs : IDispatch
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Count( [out, retval] long *plCount );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Application( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Parent( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ HRESULT Item( [in, optional] VARIANT index,
+ [out, retval] FolderItemVerb **ppid );
+ HRESULT _NewEnum( [out, retval] IUnknown **ppunk );
+ * IShellDispatch interface
+ */
+ object,
+ uuid(d8f015c0-c278-11ce-a49e-444553540000),
+ oleautomation,
+ hidden,
+ dual
+interface IShellDispatch : IDispatch
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Application( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ [propget]
+ HRESULT Parent( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ HRESULT NameSpace( [in] VARIANT vDir, [out, retval] Folder **ppsdf );
+ HRESULT BrowseForFolder( [in] long Hwnd,
+ [in] BSTR Title,
+ [in] long Options,
+ [in, optional] VARIANT RootFolder,
+ [out, retval] Folder **ppsdf );
+ HRESULT Windows( [out, retval] IDispatch **ppid );
+ HRESULT Open( [in] VARIANT vDir );
+ HRESULT Explore( [in] VARIANT vDir );
+ HRESULT MinimizeAll();
+ HRESULT UndoMinimizeALL();
+ HRESULT FileRun();
+ HRESULT CascadeWindows();
+ HRESULT TileVertically();
+ HRESULT TileHorizontally();
+ HRESULT ShutdownWindows();
+ HRESULT Suspend();
+ HRESULT EjectPC();
+ HRESULT SetTime();
+ HRESULT TrayProperties();
+ HRESULT Help();
+ HRESULT FindFiles();
+ HRESULT FindComputer();
+ HRESULT RefreshMenu();
+ HRESULT ControlPanelItem( [in] BSTR szDir );
+ object,
+ uuid(a4c6892c-3ba9-11d2-9dea-00c04fb16162),
+ oleautomation,
+ hidden,
+ dual,
+interface IShellDispatch2 : IShellDispatch
+ HRESULT IsRestricted([in] BSTR group, [in] BSTR restriction, [out, retval] long *value);
+ HRESULT ShellExecute([in] BSTR file, [in, optional] VARIANT args, [in, optional] VARIANT dir,
+ [in, optional] VARIANT op, [in, optional] VARIANT show);
+ HRESULT FindPrinter([in, optional] BSTR name, [in, optional] BSTR location, [in, optional] BSTR model);
+ HRESULT GetSystemInformation([in] BSTR name, [out, retval] VARIANT *ret);
+ HRESULT ServiceStart([in] BSTR service, [in] VARIANT persistent, [out, retval] VARIANT *ret);
+ HRESULT ServiceStop([in] BSTR service, [in] VARIANT persistent, [out, retval] VARIANT *ret);
+ HRESULT IsServiceRunning([in] BSTR service, [out, retval] VARIANT *running);
+ HRESULT CanStartStopService([in] BSTR service, [out, retval] VARIANT *ret);
+ HRESULT ShowBrowserBar([in] BSTR clsid, [in] VARIANT show, [out, retval] VARIANT *ret);
+ uuid(13709620-c279-11ce-a49e-444553540000)
+coclass Shell
+ [default] interface IShellDispatch2;
+ uuid(0a89a860-d7b1-11ce-8350-444553540000),
+ hidden
+coclass ShellDispatchInproc
+ interface IUnknown;
+ uuid(ca31ea20-48d0-11cf-8350-444553540000)
+enum ShellSpecialFolderConstants {
+ ssfDESKTOP = 0x00,
+ ssfPROGRAMS = 0x02,
+ ssfCONTROLS = 0x03,
+ ssfPRINTERS = 0x04,
+ ssfPERSONAL = 0x05,
+ ssfFAVORITES = 0x06,
+ ssfSTARTUP = 0x07,
+ ssfRECENT = 0x08,
+ ssfSENDTO = 0x09,
+ ssfBITBUCKET = 0x0a,
+ ssfSTARTMENU = 0x0b,
+ ssfDRIVES = 0x11,
+ ssfNETWORK = 0x12,
+ ssfNETHOOD = 0x13,
+ ssfFONTS = 0x14,
+ ssfTEMPLATES = 0x15,
+ ssfCOMMONSTARTUP = 0x18,
+ ssfAPPDATA = 0x1a,
+ ssfPRINTHOOD = 0x1b,
+ ssfLOCALAPPDATA = 0x1c,
+ ssfALTSTARTUP = 0x1d,
+ ssfINTERNETCACHE = 0x20,
+ ssfCOOKIES = 0x21,
+ ssfHISTORY = 0x22,
+ ssfCOMMONAPPDATA = 0x23,
+ ssfWINDOWS = 0x24,
+ ssfSYSTEM = 0x25,
+ ssfPROGRAMFILES = 0x26,
+ ssfMYPICTURES = 0x27,
+ ssfPROFILE = 0x28,
+ ssfSYSTEMx86 = 0x29,
+ ssfPROGRAMFILESx86 = 0x30
+} ShellSpecialFolderConstants;
+} /* library Shell32 */
+ * IAsyncOperation interface
+ */
+ uuid(3d8b0590-f691-11d2-8ea9-006097df5bd4),
+ object,
+interface IAsyncOperation : IUnknown
+ typedef [unique] IAsyncOperation *LPASYNCOPERATION;
+ HRESULT SetAsyncMode([in] BOOL fDoOpAsync);
+ HRESULT GetAsyncMode([out] BOOL *pfIsOpAsync);
+ HRESULT StartOperation([in, unique, optional] IBindCtx *pbcReserved);
+ HRESULT InOperation([out] BOOL *pfInAsyncOp);
+ HRESULT EndOperation(
+ [in] HRESULT hResult,
+ [in, unique] IBindCtx *pbcReserved,
+ [in] DWORD dwEffects);