path: root/src/VBox/Runtime/common/math/powcore.asm
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diff --git a/src/VBox/Runtime/common/math/powcore.asm b/src/VBox/Runtime/common/math/powcore.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e37af891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Runtime/common/math/powcore.asm
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+; $Id: powcore.asm $
+;; @file
+; IPRT - No-CRT common pow code - AMD64 & X86.
+; Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+; This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
+; available from
+; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+; as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
+; License.
+; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+; General Public License for more details.
+; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+; along with this program; if not, see <>.
+; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
+; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
+; (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included
+; in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the
+; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
+; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
+; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
+; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0
+%define RT_ASM_WITH_SEH64
+%include "iprt/asmdefs.mac"
+%include "iprt/x86.mac"
+extern NAME(RT_NOCRT(feraiseexcept))
+; Call feraiseexcept(%1)
+%macro CALL_feraiseexcept_WITH 1
+ %ifdef RT_ARCH_X86
+ mov dword [xSP], X86_FSW_IE
+ %elifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC
+ mov edi, X86_FSW_IE
+ %elifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
+ mov ecx, X86_FSW_IE
+ %else
+ %error calling conv.
+ %endif
+ call NAME(RT_NOCRT(feraiseexcept))
+; Compute the st1 to the power of st0.
+; @returns st(0) = result
+; eax = what's being returned:
+; 0 - Just a value.
+; 1 - The rBase value. Caller may take steps to ensure it's exactly the same.
+; 2 - The rExp value. Caller may take steps to ensure it's exactly the same.
+; @param rBase/st1 The base.
+; @param rExp/st0 The exponent
+; @param fFxamBase/dx The status flags after fxam(rBase).
+; @param enmType/ebx The original parameter and return types:
+; 0 - 32-bit / float
+; 1 - 64-bit / double
+; 2 - 80-bit / long double
+BEGINPROC rtNoCrtMathPowCore
+ push xBP
+ mov xBP, xSP
+ sub xSP, 30h
+ ;
+ ; Weed out special values, starting with the exponent.
+ ;
+ fxam
+ fnstsw ax
+ mov cx, ax ; cx=fxam(exp)
+ and ax, X86_FSW_C3 | X86_FSW_C2 | X86_FSW_C0
+ cmp ax, X86_FSW_C2 ; Normal finite number (excluding zero)
+ je .exp_finite
+ cmp ax, X86_FSW_C3 ; Zero
+ je .exp_zero
+ cmp ax, X86_FSW_C3 | X86_FSW_C2 ; Denormals
+ je .exp_finite
+ cmp ax, X86_FSW_C0 | X86_FSW_C2 ; Infinity.
+ je .exp_inf
+ jmp .exp_nan
+ ;
+ ; Detect special base values.
+ ;
+ mov ax, dx ; ax=fxam(base)
+ and ax, X86_FSW_C3 | X86_FSW_C2 | X86_FSW_C0
+ cmp ax, X86_FSW_C2 ; Normal finite number (excluding zero)
+ je .base_finite
+ cmp ax, X86_FSW_C3 ; Zero
+ je .base_zero
+ cmp ax, X86_FSW_C3 | X86_FSW_C2 ; Denormals
+ je .base_finite
+ cmp ax, X86_FSW_C0 | X86_FSW_C2 ; Infinity.
+ je .base_inf
+ jmp .base_nan
+ ;
+ ; 1 in the base is also special.
+ ; Rule 6 (see below): base == +1 and exponent = whatever: Return +1.0
+ ;
+ fld1
+ fcomip st0, st2
+ je .return_base_value
+ ;
+ ; Check if the exponent is an integer value we can handle in a 64-bit
+ ; GRP as that is simpler to handle accurately.
+ ;
+ ; In 64-bit integer range?
+ fld tword [.s_r80MaxInt xWrtRIP]
+ fcomip st0, st1
+ jb .not_integer_exp
+ fld tword [.s_r80MinInt xWrtRIP]
+ fcomip st0, st1
+ ja .not_integer_exp
+ ; Convert it to integer.
+ fld st0 ; -> st0=exp; st1=exp; st2=base
+ fistp qword [xBP - 8] ; Save and pop 64-bit int (no non-popping version of this instruction).
+ fild qword [xBP - 8] ; Load it again for comparison.
+ fucomip st0, st1 ; Compare integer exp and floating point exp to see if they are the same. Pop.
+ jne .not_integer_exp
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; Ok, we've got an integer exponent value in that fits into a 64-bit.
+ ; We'll multiply the base exponention bit by exponention bit, applying
+ ; it as a factor for bits that are set.
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; Load the integer value into edx:exx / rdx and ditch the floating point exponent.
+ mov xDX, [xBP - 8]
+%ifdef RT_ARCH_X86
+ mov eax, [xBP - 8 + 4]
+ ffreep st0 ; -> st0=base;
+ ; Load a 1 onto the stack, we'll need it below as well as for converting
+ ; a negative exponent to a positive one.
+ fld1 ; -> st0=1.0; st1=base;
+ ; If the exponent is negative, negate it and change base to 1/base.
+ or xDX, xDX
+ jns .integer_exp_positive
+ neg xDX
+%ifdef RT_ARCH_X86
+ neg eax
+ sbb edx, 0
+ fdivr st1, st0 ; -> st0=1.0; st1=1/base
+ ;
+ ; We'll process edx:eax / rdx bit by bit till it's zero, using st0 for
+ ; the multiplication factor corresponding to the current exponent bit
+ ; and st1 as the result.
+ ;
+ fxch ; -> st0=base; st1=1.0;
+%ifdef RT_ARCH_X86
+ shrd eax, edx, 1
+ shr rdx, 1
+ jnc .integer_exp_loop_advance
+ fmul st1, st0
+ ; Check if we're done.
+%ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
+ jz .integer_exp_return ; (we will have the flags for the shr rdx above)
+ shr edx, 1 ; complete the above shift operation
+ mov ecx, edx ; check if edx:eax is zero.
+ or ecx, eax
+ jz .integer_exp_return
+ ; Calculate the factor for the next bit.
+ fmul st0, st0
+ jmp .integer_exp_loop
+ ffreep st0 ; drop the factor -> st0=result; no st1.
+ jmp .return_val
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; Non-integer or value was out of range for an int64_t.
+ ;
+ ; The approach here is the same as in exp.asm, only we have to do the
+ ; log2(base) calculation first as it's a parameter and not a constant.
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; First reject negative numbers. We still have the fxam(base) status in dx.
+ test dx, X86_FSW_C1
+ jnz .base_negative_non_integer_exp
+ ; Swap the items on the stack, so we can process the base first.
+ fxch st0, st1 ; -> st0=base; st1=exponent;
+ ;
+ ; From log2.asm:
+ ;
+ ; The fyl2xp1 instruction (ST1=ST1*log2(ST0+1.0), popping ST0) has a
+ ; valid ST0 range of 1(1-sqrt(0.5)) (approx 0.29289321881) on both
+ ; sides of zero. We try use it if we can.
+ ;
+ ; For both fyl2xp1 and fyl2xp1 we need st1=1.0.
+ fld1
+ fxch st0, st1 ; -> st0=base; st1=1.0; st2=exponent
+ ; Check if the input is within the fyl2xp1 range.
+ fld qword [.s_r64AbsFyL2xP1InputMax xWrtRIP]
+ fcomip st0, st1
+ jbe .cannot_use_fyl2xp1
+ fld qword [.s_r64AbsFyL2xP1InputMin xWrtRIP]
+ fcomip st0, st1
+ jae .cannot_use_fyl2xp1
+ ; Do the calculation.
+ fsub st0, st1 ; -> st0=base-1; st1=1.0; st2=exponent
+ fyl2xp1 ; -> st0=1.0*log2(base-1.0+1.0); st1=exponent
+ jmp .done_log2
+ fyl2x ; -> st0=1.0*log2(base); st1=exponent
+ ;
+ ; From exp.asm:
+ ;
+ ; Convert to power of 2 and it'll be the same as exp2.
+ ;
+ fmulp ; st0=log2(base); st1=exponent -> st0=pow2exp
+ ;
+ ; Split the job in two on the fraction and integer l2base parts.
+ ;
+ fld st0 ; Push a copy of the pow2exp on the stack.
+ frndint ; st0 = (int)pow2exp
+ fsub st1, st0 ; st1 = pow2exp - (int)pow2exp; i.e. st1 = fraction, st0 = integer.
+ fxch ; st0 = fraction, st1 = integer.
+ ; 1. Calculate on the fraction.
+ f2xm1 ; st0 = 2**fraction - 1.0
+ fld1
+ faddp ; st0 = 2**fraction
+ ; 2. Apply the integer power of two.
+ fscale ; st0 = result; st1 = integer part of pow2exp.
+ fstp st1 ; st0 = result; no st1.
+ ;
+ ; Return st0.
+ ;
+ xor eax, eax
+ leave
+ ret
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; pow() has a lot of defined behavior for special values, which is why
+ ; this is the largest and most difficult part of the code. :-)
+ ;
+ ; On
+ ; there are 21 error conditions listed in the return value section.
+ ; The code below refers to this by number.
+ ;
+ ; When we get here:
+ ; dx=fxam(base)
+ ; cx=fxam(exponent)
+ ; st1=base
+ ; st0=exponent
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; 1. Finit base < 0 and finit non-interger exponent: -> domain error (#IE) + NaN.
+ ;
+ ; The non-integer exponent claim might be wrong, as we only check if it
+ ; fits into a int64_t register. But, I don't see how we can calculate
+ ; it right now.
+ ;
+ CALL_feraiseexcept_WITH X86_FSW_IE
+ jmp .return_nan
+ ;
+ ; 7. Exponent = +/-0.0, any base value including NaN: return +1.0
+ ; Note! According to a
+ ; domain error (#IE) occur if base=+/-0. Not implemented.
+ fld1
+ jmp .return_pop_pop_val
+ ;
+ ; 6. Exponent = whatever and base = 1: Return 1.0
+ ; 10. Exponent = +/-Inf and base = -1: Return 1.0
+ ;6+10 => Exponent = +/-Inf and |base| = 1: Return 1.0
+ ; 11. Exponent = -Inf and |base| < 1: Return +Inf
+ ; 12. Exponent = -Inf and |base| > 1: Return +0
+ ; 13. Exponent = +Inf and |base| < 1: Return +0
+ ; 14. Exponent = +Inf and |base| > 1: Return +Inf
+ ;
+ ; Note! Rule 4 would trigger for the same conditions as 11 when base == 0,
+ ; but it's optional to raise div/0 and it's apparently marked as
+ ; obsolete in C23, so not implemented.
+ ;
+ ; Check if base is NaN or unsupported.
+ and dx, X86_FSW_C3 | X86_FSW_C2 | X86_FSW_C0 ; fxam(base)
+ cmp dx, X86_FSW_C0
+ jbe .return_base_nan
+ ; Calc fabs(base) and replace the exponent with 1.0 as we're very likely to need this here.
+ ffreep st0
+ fabs
+ fld1 ; st0=1.0; st1=|rdBase|
+ fcomi st0, st1
+ je .return_plus_one ; Matches rule 6 + 10 (base is +/-1).
+ ja .exp_inf_base_smaller_than_one
+ test cx, X86_FSW_C1 ; cx=faxm(exponent); C1=sign
+ jz .return_plus_inf ; Matches rule 14 (exponent is +Inf).
+ jmp .return_plus_zero ; Matches rule 12 (exponent is -Inf).
+ test cx, X86_FSW_C1 ; cx=faxm(exponent); C1=sign
+ jnz .return_plus_inf ; Matches rule 11 (exponent is -Inf).
+ jmp .return_plus_zero ; Matches rule 13 (exponent is +Inf).
+ ;
+ ; 6. Exponent = whatever and base = 1: Return 1.0
+ ; 5. Unless specified elsewhere, return NaN if any of the parameters are NaN.
+ ;
+ ; Check if base is a number and possible 1.
+ test dx, X86_FSW_C2 ; dx=fxam(base); C2 is set for finite number, infinity and denormals.
+ jz .return_exp_nan
+ fld1
+ fcomip st0, st2
+ jne .return_exp_nan
+ jmp .return_plus_one
+ ;
+ ; 4a. base == +/-0.0 and exp < 0 and exp is odd integer: Return +/-Inf, raise div/0.
+ ; 4b. base == +/-0.0 and exp < 0 and exp is not odd int: Return +Inf, raise div/0.
+ ; 8. base == +/-0.0 and exp > 0 and exp is odd integer: Return +/-0.0
+ ; 9. base == +/-0.0 and exp > 0 and exp is not odd int: Return +0
+ ;
+ ; Note! Exponent must be finite and non-zero if we get here.
+ ;
+ fldz
+ fcomip st0, st1
+ jbe .base_zero_plus_exp
+ mov cx, dx ; stashing fxam(base) in CX because EDX is trashed by .is_exp_odd_integer
+ call .is_exp_odd_integer ; trashes EDX but no ECX.
+ or eax, eax
+ jz .base_zero_minus_exp_not_odd_int
+ ; Matching 4a.
+ test cx, X86_FSW_C1 ; base sign
+ jz .raise_de_and_return_plus_inf
+ CALL_feraiseexcept_WITH X86_FSW_DE
+ jmp .return_minus_inf
+ CALL_feraiseexcept_WITH X86_FSW_DE
+ jmp .return_plus_inf
+ ; Matching 4b.
+ CALL_feraiseexcept_WITH X86_FSW_DE
+ jmp .return_plus_inf
+ call .is_exp_odd_integer
+ or eax, eax
+ jnz .return_base_value ; Matching 8
+.return_plus_zero: ; Matching 9
+ fldz
+ jmp .return_pop_pop_val
+ ;
+ ; 15. base == -Inf and exp < 0 and exp is odd integer: Return -0
+ ; 16. base == -Inf and exp < 0 and exp is not odd int: Return +0
+ ; 17. base == -Inf and exp > 0 and exp is odd integer: Return -Inf
+ ; 18. base == -Inf and exp > 0 and exp is not odd int: Return +Inf
+ ; 19. base == +Inf and exp < 0: Return +0
+ ; 20. base == +Inf and exp > 0: Return +Inf
+ ;
+ ; Note! Exponent must be finite and non-zero if we get here.
+ ;
+ fldz
+ fcomip st0, st1
+ jbe .base_inf_plus_exp
+ test dx, X86_FSW_C1
+ jz .return_plus_zero ; Matches 19 (base == +Inf).
+ call .is_exp_odd_integer
+ or eax, eax
+ jz .return_plus_zero ; Matches 16 (exp not odd and < 0, base == -Inf)
+.return_minus_zero: ; Matches 15 (exp is odd and < 0, base == -Inf)
+ fldz
+ fchs
+ jmp .return_pop_pop_val
+ test dx, X86_FSW_C1
+ jz .return_plus_inf ; Matches 20 (base == +Inf).
+ call .is_exp_odd_integer
+ or eax, eax
+ jnz .return_minus_inf ; Matches 17 (exp is odd and > 0, base == +Inf)
+ jmp .return_plus_inf ; Matches 18 (exp not odd and > 0, base == +Inf)
+ ;
+ ; Return the exponent NaN (or whatever) value.
+ ;
+ fld st0
+ mov eax, 2 ; return param 2
+ jmp .return_pop_pop_val_with_eax
+ ;
+ ; Return the base NaN (or whatever) value.
+ ;
+.base_nan: ; 5. Unless specified elsewhere, return NaN if any of the parameters are NaN.
+ fld st1
+ mov eax, 1 ; return param 1
+ jmp .return_pop_pop_val_with_eax
+ ;
+ ; Pops the two values off the FPU stack and returns NaN.
+ ;
+ fld qword [.s_r64QNan xWrtRIP]
+ jmp .return_pop_pop_val
+ ;
+ ; Pops the two values off the FPU stack and returns +Inf.
+ ;
+ fld qword [.s_r64PlusInf xWrtRIP]
+ jmp .return_pop_pop_val
+ ;
+ ; Pops the two values off the FPU stack and returns -Inf.
+ ;
+ fld qword [.s_r64MinusInf xWrtRIP]
+ jmp .return_pop_pop_val
+ ;
+ ; Return st0, remove st1 and st2.
+ ;
+ xor eax, eax
+ fstp st2
+ ffreep st0
+ jmp .return
+ dt +9223372036854775807.0
+ dt -9223372036854775807.0
+ ;; The fyl2xp1 instruction only works between +/-1(1-sqrt(0.5)).
+ ; These two variables is that range + 1.0, so we can compare directly
+ ; with the input w/o any extra fsub and fabs work.
+ dq 0.708 ; -0.292 + 1.0
+ dq 1.292
+ ;;
+ ; Sub-function that checks if the exponent (st0) is an odd integer or not.
+ ;
+ ; @returns eax = 1 if odd, 0 if even or not integer.
+ ; @uses eax, edx, eflags.
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; Save the FPU enviornment and mask all exceptions.
+ ;
+ fnstenv [xBP - 30h]
+ mov ax, [xBP - 30h + X86FSTENV32P.FCW]
+ or word [xBP - 30h + X86FSTENV32P.FCW], X86_FCW_MASK_ALL
+ fldcw [xBP - 30h + X86FSTENV32P.FCW]
+ mov [xBP - 30h + X86FSTENV32P.FCW], ax
+ ;
+ ; Convert to 64-bit integer (probably not 100% correct).
+ ;
+ fld st0 ; -> st0=exponent st1=exponent; st2=base;
+ fistp qword [xBP - 10h]
+ fild qword [xBP - 10h] ; -> st0=int(exponent) st1=exponent; st2=base;
+ fcomip st0, st1 ; -> st0=exponent; st1=base;
+ jne .is_exp_odd_integer__return_false ; jump if not integer.
+ mov xAX, [xBP - 10h]
+ mov edx, [xBP - 10h + 4]
+ ;
+ ; Check the lowest bit if it might be odd.
+ ; This works both for positive and negative numbers.
+ ;
+ test al, 1
+ jz .is_exp_odd_integer__return_false ; jump if even.
+ ;
+ ; If the result is negative, convert to positive.
+ ;
+%ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
+ bt rax, 63
+ bt edx, 31
+ jnc .is_exp_odd_integer__positive
+%ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
+ neg xAX
+ neg edx
+ neg eax
+ sbb edx, 0
+ ;
+ ; Now find the most significant bit in the value so we can verify that
+ ; the odd bit was part of the mantissa/fraction of the input.
+ ;
+ cmp bl, 3 ; Skip if 80-bit input, as it has a 64-bit mantissa which
+ je .is_exp_odd_integer__return_true ; makes it a 1 bit more precision than out integer reg(s).
+%ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
+ bsr rax, rax
+ bsr edx, edx
+ jnz .is_exp_odd_integer__high_dword_is_zero
+ lea eax, [edx + 20h]
+ jmp .is_exp_odd_integer__first_bit_in_eax
+ bsr eax, eax
+ ;
+ ; The limit is 53 for double precision (one implicit bit + 52 bits fraction),
+ ; and 24 for single precision types.
+ ;
+ mov ah, 53 ; RTFLOAT64U_FRACTION_BITS + 1
+ cmp bl, 0
+ jne .is_exp_odd_integer__is_double_limit
+ mov ah, 24 ; RTFLOAT32U_FRACTION_BITS + 1
+ cmp al, ah
+ jae .is_exp_odd_integer__return_false
+ mov eax, 1
+ ; Return.
+ jmp .is_exp_odd_integer__return
+ xor eax, eax
+ ffreep st0
+ fldenv [xBP - 30h]
+ ret
+ENDPROC rtNoCrtMathPowCore