%all.entities; ]> $Date: 2023-01-17 15:15:46 +0100 (Tue, 17 Jan 2023) $ VBoxManage usbfilter VBoxManage-usbfilter 1 VBoxManage-usbfilter manage USB filters &product-name; VBoxManage usbfilter add index,0-N --target= uuid vmname global --name=string --action=ignore | hold --active=yes | no --vendorid=XXXX --productid=XXXX --revision=IIFF --manufacturer=string --product=string --port=hex --remote=yes | no --serialnumber=string --maskedinterfaces=XXXXXXXX VBoxManage usbfilter modify index,0-N --target= uuid vmname global --name=string --action=ignore | hold --active=yes | no --vendorid=XXXX | "" --productid=XXXX | "" --revision=IIFF | "" --manufacturer=string | "" --product=string | "" --port=hex --remote=yes | no --serialnumber=string | "" --maskedinterfaces=XXXXXXXX VBoxManage usbfilter remove index,0-N --target= uuid vmname global Description The VBoxManage usbfilter command enables you to manage USB filters for a specific virtual machine (VM), or global USB filters that affect the entire &product-name; configuration. Global filters are applied before VM-specific filters. This means that you can use a global filter to prevent devices from being captured by any VM. Global filters are applied in a particular order. Only the first filter that fits a device is applied. For example, the first global filter makes a specific Kingston memory stick device available while the second filter ignores all Kingston devices. The result of applying these filters is that the specific Kingston memory stick is made available to any machine that has the appropriate filter, but no other Kingston devices are made available. Common Operand and Options index,0-N Specifies a single integer that indicates the position of the filter in the list. Zero (0) represents the first position in the list. If a filter already exists at the specified position, the existing filter and any existing filters that follow are moved down the list. Otherwise, the new filter is appended to the list. Specifies whether to permit VMs access to devices that fit the filter description (hold) or to deny them access (ignore). This option applies only to global filters. Specifies whether the USB filter is active or temporarily disabled. Valid values are yes, which activates the filter, and no, which disables the filter. The default value is yes. Specifies a manufacturer ID filter as a string. The default value is an empty string (""). Specifies a masked interface filter that is used to hide one or more USB interfaces from the guest. The value is a bit mask where the set bits correspond to the USB interfaces to hide, or mask off. This feature is supported on Linux host systems only. Specifies the name of the filter. Specifies a hub port number filter as a string. The default value is an empty string (""). Specifies a product ID filter as a string. The default value is an empty string (""). Specifies a product ID filter. The string representation for an exact match has the form XXXX, where X is a hexadecimal digit including leading zeroes. The default value is an empty string (""). Specifies a remote filter that indicates whether the device is physically connected to a remote VRDE client or to a local host system. This option applies to VM filters only. The default value is an empty string (""). Why is the default value an empty string when valid values are yes or no? Specifies a revision ID filter. The string representation for an exact match has the form IIFF. I is a decimal digit of the integer part of the revision. F is a decimal digit of its fractional part that includes leading and trailing zeros. The default value is an empty string (""). To specify a range of revision IDs, ensure that you use the hexadecimal form so that the revision is stored as a 16-bit packed BCD value. For example, the int:0x0100-0x0199 expression matches any revision from 1.0 to 1.99, inclusive. Specifies a serial number filter as a string. The default value is an empty string (""). Specifies the VM that the filter is attached to. You can specify the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) or the name of the VM. To apply the filter description to all VMs, specify global. Specifies a vendor ID filter, which is a string representation of a four-digit hexadecimal number. X is the hexadecimal digit including leading zeroes. The default value is an empty string (""). Add a USB Filter or a Global Filter Use the VBoxManage usbfilter add command to create a new USB filter. In addition, specify parameters by which to filter. You can use the VBoxManage list usbhost command to view the parameters for devices that are attached to your system. Modify a USB Filter or a Global Filter Use the VBoxManage usbfilter modify command to modify a USB filter. You can use the VBoxManage list usbfilters command to list global filter indexes and the VBoxManage showvminfo command to list indexes for a specific machine. Remove a USB Filter or a Global Filter Use the VBoxManage usbfilter remove command to remove a USB filter entry. Examples The following command lists the available USB devices on the host system. $ VBoxManage list usbhost The following command adds a USB filter called filter01 to the ol7 VM. The filter specifies a Kingston DataTraveler memory stick and is placed first in the list of USB filters for the VM. $ VBoxManage usbfilter add 0 --target ol7 --name filter01 --vendorid 0x0930 --productid 0x6545 The following command removes the USB filter that is second in the list for the ol7 VM. $ VBoxManage usbfilter remove 1 --target ol7