/** @file Header file for compression routine. Providing both EFI and Tiano Compress algorithms. Copyright (c) 2004 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #ifndef _COMPRESS_H_ #define _COMPRESS_H_ #include #include #include "CommonLib.h" #include /*++ Routine Description: Tiano compression routine. --*/ EFI_STATUS TianoCompress ( IN UINT8 *SrcBuffer, IN UINT32 SrcSize, IN UINT8 *DstBuffer, IN OUT UINT32 *DstSize ) ; /*++ Routine Description: Efi compression routine. --*/ EFI_STATUS EfiCompress ( IN UINT8 *SrcBuffer, IN UINT32 SrcSize, IN UINT8 *DstBuffer, IN OUT UINT32 *DstSize ) ; /*++ Routine Description: The compression routine. Arguments: SrcBuffer - The buffer storing the source data SrcSize - The size of source data DstBuffer - The buffer to store the compressed data DstSize - On input, the size of DstBuffer; On output, the size of the actual compressed data. Returns: EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL - The DstBuffer is too small. In this case, DstSize contains the size needed. EFI_SUCCESS - Compression is successful. EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - No resource to complete function. EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - Parameter supplied is wrong. --*/ typedef EFI_STATUS (*COMPRESS_FUNCTION) ( IN UINT8 *SrcBuffer, IN UINT32 SrcSize, IN UINT8 *DstBuffer, IN OUT UINT32 *DstSize ); #endif