## @file # This file is used to check format of comments # # Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # from CommonDataClass.DataClass import ( MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC, MODEL_EFI_GUID, MODEL_EFI_PPI, MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL ) from Common.BuildToolError import FORMAT_INVALID import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger UsageList = ("PRODUCES", "PRODUCED", "ALWAYS_PRODUCES", "ALWAYS_PRODUCED", "SOMETIMES_PRODUCES", "SOMETIMES_PRODUCED", "CONSUMES", "CONSUMED", "ALWAYS_CONSUMES", "ALWAYS_CONSUMED", "SOMETIMES_CONSUMES", "SOMETIMES_CONSUMED", "SOMETIME_CONSUMES") ErrorMsgMap = { MODEL_EFI_GUID : "The usage for this GUID is not listed in this INF: %s[%d]:%s", MODEL_EFI_PPI : "The usage for this PPI is not listed in this INF: %s[%d]:%s.", MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL : "The usage for this Protocol is not listed in this INF: %s[%d]:%s.", MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC : "The usage for this PCD is not listed in this INF: %s[%d]:%s." } def CheckInfComment(SectionType, Comments, InfFile, LineNo, ValueList): if SectionType in [MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC]: CheckUsage(Comments, UsageList, InfFile, LineNo, ValueList[0]+'.'+ValueList[1], ErrorMsgMap[MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC]) elif SectionType in [MODEL_EFI_GUID, MODEL_EFI_PPI]: CheckUsage(Comments, UsageList, InfFile, LineNo, ValueList[0], ErrorMsgMap[SectionType]) elif SectionType == MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL: CheckUsage(Comments, UsageList + ("TO_START", "BY_START"), InfFile, LineNo, ValueList[0], ErrorMsgMap[SectionType]) def CheckUsage(Comments, Usages, InfFile, LineNo, Value, ErrorMsg): for Comment in Comments: for Word in Comment[0].replace('#', ' ').split(): if Word in Usages: return EdkLogger.error( "Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, ErrorMsg % (InfFile, LineNo, Value) )