/** @file RSA Asymmetric Cipher Wrapper Implementation over OpenSSL. This file does not provide real capabilities for following APIs in RSA handling: 1) RsaGetKey 2) RsaGenerateKey 3) RsaCheckKey 4) RsaPkcs1Sign Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "InternalCryptLib.h" /** Gets the tag-designated RSA key component from the established RSA context. Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported. @param[in, out] RsaContext Pointer to RSA context being set. @param[in] KeyTag Tag of RSA key component being set. @param[out] BigNumber Pointer to octet integer buffer. @param[in, out] BnSize On input, the size of big number buffer in bytes. On output, the size of data returned in big number buffer in bytes. @retval FALSE This interface is not supported. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaGetKey ( IN OUT VOID *RsaContext, IN RSA_KEY_TAG KeyTag, OUT UINT8 *BigNumber, IN OUT UINTN *BnSize ) { ASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } /** Generates RSA key components. Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported. @param[in, out] RsaContext Pointer to RSA context being set. @param[in] ModulusLength Length of RSA modulus N in bits. @param[in] PublicExponent Pointer to RSA public exponent. @param[in] PublicExponentSize Size of RSA public exponent buffer in bytes. @retval FALSE This interface is not supported. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaGenerateKey ( IN OUT VOID *RsaContext, IN UINTN ModulusLength, IN CONST UINT8 *PublicExponent, IN UINTN PublicExponentSize ) { ASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } /** Validates key components of RSA context. Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported. @param[in] RsaContext Pointer to RSA context to check. @retval FALSE This interface is not supported. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaCheckKey ( IN VOID *RsaContext ) { ASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } /** Carries out the RSA-SSA signature generation with EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding scheme. Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported. @param[in] RsaContext Pointer to RSA context for signature generation. @param[in] MessageHash Pointer to octet message hash to be signed. @param[in] HashSize Size of the message hash in bytes. @param[out] Signature Pointer to buffer to receive RSA PKCS1-v1_5 signature. @param[in, out] SigSize On input, the size of Signature buffer in bytes. On output, the size of data returned in Signature buffer in bytes. @retval FALSE This interface is not supported. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaPkcs1Sign ( IN VOID *RsaContext, IN CONST UINT8 *MessageHash, IN UINTN HashSize, OUT UINT8 *Signature, IN OUT UINTN *SigSize ) { ASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; }