#!/usr/bin/env python ## @ FspDscBsf2Yaml.py # This script convert DSC or BSF format file into YAML format # # Copyright(c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # ## import os import re import sys from datetime import date from collections import OrderedDict from functools import reduce from GenCfgOpt import CGenCfgOpt __copyright_tmp__ = """## @file # # YAML CFGDATA %s File. # # Copyright(c) %4d, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # ## """ __copyright_dsc__ = """## @file # # Copyright (c) %04d, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # ## [PcdsDynamicVpd.Upd] # # Global definitions in BSF # !BSF BLOCK:{NAME:"FSP UPD Configuration", VER:"0.1"} # """ def Bytes2Val(Bytes): return reduce(lambda x, y: (x << 8) | y, Bytes[::-1]) def Str2Bytes(Value, Blen): Result = bytearray(Value[1:-1], 'utf-8') # Excluding quotes if len(Result) < Blen: Result.extend(b'\x00' * (Blen - len(Result))) return Result class CFspBsf2Dsc: def __init__(self, bsf_file): self.cfg_list = CFspBsf2Dsc.parse_bsf(bsf_file) def get_dsc_lines(self): return CFspBsf2Dsc.generate_dsc(self.cfg_list) def save_dsc(self, dsc_file): return CFspBsf2Dsc.generate_dsc(self.cfg_list, dsc_file) @staticmethod def parse_bsf(bsf_file): fd = open(bsf_file, 'r') bsf_txt = fd.read() fd.close() find_list = [] regex = re.compile(r'\s+Find\s+"(.*?)"(.*?)^\s+\$(.*?)\s+', re.S | re.MULTILINE) for match in regex.finditer(bsf_txt): find = match.group(1) name = match.group(3) if not name.endswith('_Revision'): raise Exception("Unexpected CFG item following 'Find' !") find_list.append((name, find)) idx = 0 count = 0 prefix = '' chk_dict = {} cfg_list = [] cfg_temp = {'find': '', 'cname': '', 'length': 0, 'value': '0', 'type': 'Reserved', 'embed': '', 'page': '', 'option': '', 'instance': 0} regex = re.compile(r'^\s+(\$(.*?)|Skip)\s+(\d+)\s+bytes(\s+\$_DEFAULT_\s+=\s+(.+?))?$', re.S | re.MULTILINE) for match in regex.finditer(bsf_txt): dlen = int(match.group(3)) if match.group(1) == 'Skip': key = 'gPlatformFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_BsfSkip%d' % idx val = ', '.join(['%02X' % ord(i) for i in '\x00' * dlen]) idx += 1 option = '$SKIP' else: key = match.group(2) val = match.group(5) option = '' cfg_item = dict(cfg_temp) finds = [i for i in find_list if i[0] == key] if len(finds) > 0: if count >= 1: # Append a dummy one cfg_item['cname'] = 'Dummy' cfg_list.append(dict(cfg_item)) cfg_list[-1]['embed'] = '%s:TAG_%03X:END' % (prefix, ord(prefix[-1])) prefix = finds[0][1] cfg_item['embed'] = '%s:TAG_%03X:START' % (prefix, ord(prefix[-1])) cfg_item['find'] = prefix cfg_item['cname'] = 'Signature' cfg_item['length'] = len(finds[0][1]) str2byte = Str2Bytes("'" + finds[0][1] + "'", len(finds[0][1])) cfg_item['value'] = '0x%X' % Bytes2Val(str2byte) cfg_list.append(dict(cfg_item)) cfg_item = dict(cfg_temp) find_list.pop(0) count = 0 cfg_item['cname'] = key cfg_item['length'] = dlen cfg_item['value'] = val cfg_item['option'] = option if key not in chk_dict.keys(): chk_dict[key] = 0 else: chk_dict[key] += 1 cfg_item['instance'] = chk_dict[key] cfg_list.append(cfg_item) count += 1 if prefix: cfg_item = dict(cfg_temp) cfg_item['cname'] = 'Dummy' cfg_item['embed'] = '%s:%03X:END' % (prefix, ord(prefix[-1])) cfg_list.append(cfg_item) option_dict = {} selreg = re.compile(r'\s+Selection\s*(.+?)\s*,\s*"(.*?)"$', re.S | re.MULTILINE) regex = re.compile(r'^List\s&(.+?)$(.+?)^EndList$', re.S | re.MULTILINE) for match in regex.finditer(bsf_txt): key = match.group(1) option_dict[key] = [] for select in selreg.finditer(match.group(2)): option_dict[key].append((int(select.group(1), 0), select.group(2))) chk_dict = {} pagereg = re.compile(r'^Page\s"(.*?)"$(.+?)^EndPage$', re.S | re.MULTILINE) for match in pagereg.finditer(bsf_txt): page = match.group(1) for line in match.group(2).splitlines(): match = re.match(r'\s+(Combo|EditNum)\s\$(.+?),\s"(.*?)",\s(.+?),$', line) if match: cname = match.group(2) if cname not in chk_dict.keys(): chk_dict[cname] = 0 else: chk_dict[cname] += 1 instance = chk_dict[cname] cfg_idxs = [i for i, j in enumerate(cfg_list) if j['cname'] == cname and j['instance'] == instance] if len(cfg_idxs) != 1: raise Exception("Multiple CFG item '%s' found !" % cname) cfg_item = cfg_list[cfg_idxs[0]] cfg_item['page'] = page cfg_item['type'] = match.group(1) cfg_item['prompt'] = match.group(3) cfg_item['range'] = None if cfg_item['type'] == 'Combo': cfg_item['option'] = option_dict[match.group(4)[1:]] elif cfg_item['type'] == 'EditNum': cfg_item['option'] = match.group(4) match = re.match(r'\s+ Help\s"(.*?)"$', line) if match: cfg_item['help'] = match.group(1) match = re.match(r'\s+"Valid\srange:\s(.*)"$', line) if match: parts = match.group(1).split() cfg_item['option'] = ( (int(parts[0], 0), int(parts[2], 0), cfg_item['option'])) return cfg_list @staticmethod def generate_dsc(option_list, dsc_file=None): dsc_lines = [] header = '%s' % (__copyright_dsc__ % date.today().year) dsc_lines.extend(header.splitlines()) pages = [] for cfg_item in option_list: if cfg_item['page'] and (cfg_item['page'] not in pages): pages.append(cfg_item['page']) page_id = 0 for page in pages: dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF PAGES:{PG%02X::"%s"}' % (page_id, page)) page_id += 1 dsc_lines.append('') last_page = '' for option in option_list: dsc_lines.append('') default = option['value'] pos = option['cname'].find('_') name = option['cname'][pos + 1:] if option['find']: dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF FIND:{%s}' % option['find']) dsc_lines.append('') if option['instance'] > 0: name = name + '_%s' % option['instance'] if option['embed']: dsc_lines.append(' # !HDR EMBED:{%s}' % option['embed']) if option['type'] == 'Reserved': dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF NAME:{Reserved} TYPE:{Reserved}') if option['option'] == '$SKIP': dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF OPTION:{$SKIP}') else: prompt = option['prompt'] if last_page != option['page']: last_page = option['page'] dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF PAGE:{PG%02X}' % (pages.index(option['page']))) if option['type'] == 'Combo': dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF NAME:{%s} TYPE:{%s}' % (prompt, option['type'])) ops = [] for val, text in option['option']: ops.append('0x%x:%s' % (val, text)) dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF OPTION:{%s}' % (', '.join(ops))) elif option['type'] == 'EditNum': cfg_len = option['length'] if ',' in default and cfg_len > 8: dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF NAME:{%s} TYPE:{Table}' % (prompt)) if cfg_len > 16: cfg_len = 16 ops = [] for i in range(cfg_len): ops.append('%X:1:HEX' % i) dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF OPTION:{%s}' % (', '.join(ops))) else: dsc_lines.append( ' # !BSF NAME:{%s} TYPE:{%s, %s,(0x%X, 0x%X)}' % (prompt, option['type'], option['option'][2], option['option'][0], option['option'][1])) dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF HELP:{%s}' % option['help']) if ',' in default: default = '{%s}' % default dsc_lines.append(' gCfgData.%-30s | * | 0x%04X | %s' % (name, option['length'], default)) if dsc_file: fd = open(dsc_file, 'w') fd.write('\n'.join(dsc_lines)) fd.close() return dsc_lines class CFspDsc2Yaml(): def __init__(self): self._Hdr_key_list = ['EMBED', 'STRUCT'] self._Bsf_key_list = ['NAME', 'HELP', 'TYPE', 'PAGE', 'PAGES', 'OPTION', 'CONDITION', 'ORDER', 'MARKER', 'SUBT', 'FIELD', 'FIND'] self.gen_cfg_data = None self.cfg_reg_exp = re.compile(r"^([_a-zA-Z0-9$\(\)]+)\s*\|\s*(0x[0-9A-F]+|\*)\s*\|" + r"\s*(\d+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*\|\s*(.+)") self.bsf_reg_exp = re.compile(r"(%s):{(.+?)}(?:$|\s+)" % '|'.join(self._Bsf_key_list)) self.hdr_reg_exp = re.compile(r"(%s):{(.+?)}" % '|'.join(self._Hdr_key_list)) self.prefix = '' self.unused_idx = 0 self.offset = 0 self.base_offset = 0 def load_config_data_from_dsc(self, file_name): """ Load and parse a DSC CFGDATA file. """ gen_cfg_data = CGenCfgOpt('FSP') if file_name.endswith('.dsc'): # if gen_cfg_data.ParseDscFileYaml(file_name, '') != 0: if gen_cfg_data.ParseDscFile(file_name, '') != 0: raise Exception('DSC file parsing error !') if gen_cfg_data.CreateVarDict() != 0: raise Exception('DSC variable creation error !') else: raise Exception('Unsupported file "%s" !' % file_name) self.gen_cfg_data = gen_cfg_data def print_dsc_line(self): """ Debug function to print all DSC lines. """ for line in self.gen_cfg_data._DscLines: print(line) def format_value(self, field, text, indent=''): """ Format a CFGDATA item into YAML format. """ if(not text.startswith('!expand')) and (': ' in text): tgt = ':' if field == 'option' else '- ' text = text.replace(': ', tgt) lines = text.splitlines() if len(lines) == 1 and field != 'help': return text else: return '>\n ' + '\n '.join([indent + i.lstrip() for i in lines]) def reformat_pages(self, val): # Convert XXX:YYY into XXX::YYY format for page definition parts = val.split(',') if len(parts) <= 1: return val new_val = [] for each in parts: nodes = each.split(':') if len(nodes) == 2: each = '%s::%s' % (nodes[0], nodes[1]) new_val.append(each) ret = ','.join(new_val) return ret def reformat_struct_value(self, utype, val): # Convert DSC UINT16/32/64 array into new format by # adding prefix 0:0[WDQ] to provide hint to the array format if utype in ['UINT16', 'UINT32', 'UINT64']: if val and val[0] == '{' and val[-1] == '}': if utype == 'UINT16': unit = 'W' elif utype == 'UINT32': unit = 'D' else: unit = 'Q' val = '{ 0:0%s, %s }' % (unit, val[1:-1]) return val def process_config(self, cfg): if 'page' in cfg: cfg['page'] = self.reformat_pages(cfg['page']) if 'struct' in cfg: cfg['value'] = self.reformat_struct_value(cfg['struct'], cfg['value']) def parse_dsc_line(self, dsc_line, config_dict, init_dict, include): """ Parse a line in DSC and update the config dictionary accordingly. """ init_dict.clear() match = re.match(r'g(CfgData|\w+FspPkgTokenSpaceGuid)\.(.+)', dsc_line) if match: match = self.cfg_reg_exp.match(match.group(2)) if not match: return False config_dict['cname'] = self.prefix + match.group(1) value = match.group(4).strip() length = match.group(3).strip() config_dict['length'] = length config_dict['value'] = value if match.group(2) == '*': self.offset += int(length, 0) else: org_offset = int(match.group(2), 0) if org_offset == 0: self.base_offset = self.offset offset = org_offset + self.base_offset if self.offset != offset: if offset > self.offset: init_dict['padding'] = offset - self.offset self.offset = offset + int(length, 0) return True match = re.match(r"^\s*#\s+!([<>])\s+include\s+(.+)", dsc_line) if match and len(config_dict) == 0: # !include should not be inside a config field # if so, do not convert include into YAML init_dict = dict(config_dict) config_dict.clear() config_dict['cname'] = '$ACTION' if match.group(1) == '<': config_dict['include'] = match.group(2) else: config_dict['include'] = '' return True match = re.match(r"^\s*#\s+(!BSF|!HDR)\s+(.+)", dsc_line) if not match: return False remaining = match.group(2) if match.group(1) == '!BSF': result = self.bsf_reg_exp.findall(remaining) if not result: return False for each in result: key = each[0].lower() val = each[1] if key == 'field': name = each[1] if ':' not in name: raise Exception('Incorrect bit field format !') parts = name.split(':') config_dict['length'] = parts[1] config_dict['cname'] = '@' + parts[0] return True elif key in ['pages', 'page', 'find']: init_dict = dict(config_dict) config_dict.clear() config_dict['cname'] = '$ACTION' if key == 'find': config_dict['find'] = val else: config_dict['page'] = val return True elif key == 'subt': config_dict.clear() parts = each[1].split(':') tmp_name = parts[0][:-5] if tmp_name == 'CFGHDR': cfg_tag = '_$FFF_' sval = '!expand { %s_TMPL : [ ' % tmp_name + '%s, %s, ' % (parts[1], cfg_tag) \ + ', '.join(parts[2:]) + ' ] }' else: sval = '!expand { %s_TMPL : [ ' % tmp_name + ', '.join(parts[1:]) + ' ] }' config_dict.clear() config_dict['cname'] = tmp_name config_dict['expand'] = sval return True else: if key in ['name', 'help', 'option'] and val.startswith('+'): val = config_dict[key] + '\n' + val[1:] if val.strip() == '': val = "''" config_dict[key] = val else: match = self.hdr_reg_exp.match(remaining) if not match: return False key = match.group(1) remaining = match.group(2) if key == 'EMBED': parts = remaining.split(':') names = parts[0].split(',') if parts[-1] == 'END': prefix = '>' else: prefix = '<' skip = False if parts[1].startswith('TAG_'): tag_txt = '%s:%s' % (names[0], parts[1]) else: tag_txt = names[0] if parts[2] in ['START', 'END']: if names[0] == 'PCIE_RP_PIN_CTRL[]': skip = True else: tag_txt = '%s:%s' % (names[0], parts[1]) if not skip: config_dict.clear() config_dict['cname'] = prefix + tag_txt return True if key == 'STRUCT': text = remaining.strip() config_dict[key.lower()] = text return False def process_template_lines(self, lines): """ Process a line in DSC template section. """ template_name = '' bsf_temp_dict = OrderedDict() temp_file_dict = OrderedDict() include_file = ['.'] for line in lines: match = re.match(r"^\s*#\s+!([<>])\s+include\s+(.+)", line) if match: if match.group(1) == '<': include_file.append(match.group(2)) else: include_file.pop() match = re.match(r"^\s*#\s+(!BSF)\s+DEFT:{(.+?):(START|END)}", line) if match: if match.group(3) == 'START' and not template_name: template_name = match.group(2).strip() temp_file_dict[template_name] = list(include_file) bsf_temp_dict[template_name] = [] if match.group(3) == 'END' and (template_name == match.group(2).strip()) \ and template_name: template_name = '' else: if template_name: bsf_temp_dict[template_name].append(line) return bsf_temp_dict, temp_file_dict def process_option_lines(self, lines): """ Process a line in DSC config section. """ cfgs = [] struct_end = False config_dict = dict() init_dict = dict() include = [''] for line in lines: ret = self.parse_dsc_line(line, config_dict, init_dict, include) if ret: if 'padding' in init_dict: num = init_dict['padding'] init_dict.clear() padding_dict = {} cfgs.append(padding_dict) padding_dict['cname'] = 'UnusedUpdSpace%d' % self.unused_idx padding_dict['length'] = '0x%x' % num padding_dict['value'] = '{ 0 }' self.unused_idx += 1 if cfgs and cfgs[-1]['cname'][0] != '@' and config_dict['cname'][0] == '@': # it is a bit field, mark the previous one as virtual cname = cfgs[-1]['cname'] new_cfg = dict(cfgs[-1]) new_cfg['cname'] = '@$STRUCT' cfgs[-1].clear() cfgs[-1]['cname'] = cname cfgs.append(new_cfg) if cfgs and cfgs[-1]['cname'] == 'CFGHDR' and config_dict['cname'][0] == '<': # swap CfgHeader and the CFG_DATA order if ':' in config_dict['cname']: # replace the real TAG for CFG_DATA cfgs[-1]['expand'] = cfgs[-1]['expand'].replace( '_$FFF_', '0x%s' % config_dict['cname'].split(':')[1][4:]) cfgs.insert(-1, config_dict) else: self.process_config(config_dict) if struct_end: struct_end = False cfgs.insert(-1, config_dict) else: cfgs.append(config_dict) if config_dict['cname'][0] == '>': struct_end = True config_dict = dict(init_dict) return cfgs def variable_fixup(self, each): """ Fix up some variable definitions for SBL. """ key = each val = self.gen_cfg_data._MacroDict[each] return key, val def template_fixup(self, tmp_name, tmp_list): """ Fix up some special config templates for SBL """ return def config_fixup(self, cfg_list): """ Fix up some special config items for SBL. """ # Insert FSPT_UPD/FSPM_UPD/FSPS_UPD tag so as to create C strcture idxs = [] for idx, cfg in enumerate(cfg_list): if cfg['cname'].startswith('= 0 and line.startswith('['): end = idx break if start == -1: start = 0 if end == -1: end = len(self.gen_cfg_data._DscLines) return start, end def normalize_file_name(self, file, is_temp=False): """ Normalize file name convention so that it is consistent. """ if file.endswith('.dsc'): file = file[:-4] + '.yaml' dir_name = os.path.dirname(file) base_name = os.path.basename(file) if is_temp: if 'Template_' not in file: base_name = base_name.replace('Template', 'Template_') else: if 'CfgData_' not in file: base_name = base_name.replace('CfgData', 'CfgData_') if dir_name: path = dir_name + '/' + base_name else: path = base_name return path def output_variable(self): """ Output variable block into a line list. """ lines = [] for each in self.gen_cfg_data._MacroDict: key, value = self.variable_fixup(each) lines.append('%-30s : %s' % (key, value)) return lines def output_template(self): """ Output template block into a line list. """ self.offset = 0 self.base_offset = 0 start, end = self.get_section_range('PcdsDynamicVpd.Tmp') bsf_temp_dict, temp_file_dict = self.process_template_lines(self.gen_cfg_data._DscLines[start:end]) template_dict = dict() lines = [] file_lines = {} last_file = '.' file_lines[last_file] = [] for tmp_name in temp_file_dict: temp_file_dict[tmp_name][-1] = self.normalize_file_name(temp_file_dict[tmp_name][-1], True) if len(temp_file_dict[tmp_name]) > 1: temp_file_dict[tmp_name][-2] = self.normalize_file_name(temp_file_dict[tmp_name][-2], True) for tmp_name in bsf_temp_dict: file = temp_file_dict[tmp_name][-1] if last_file != file and len(temp_file_dict[tmp_name]) > 1: inc_file = temp_file_dict[tmp_name][-2] file_lines[inc_file].extend(['', '- !include %s' % temp_file_dict[tmp_name][-1], '']) last_file = file if file not in file_lines: file_lines[file] = [] lines = file_lines[file] text = bsf_temp_dict[tmp_name] tmp_list = self.process_option_lines(text) self.template_fixup(tmp_name, tmp_list) template_dict[tmp_name] = tmp_list lines.append('%s: >' % tmp_name) lines.extend(self.output_dict(tmp_list, False)['.']) lines.append('\n') return file_lines def output_config(self): """ Output config block into a line list. """ self.offset = 0 self.base_offset = 0 start, end = self.get_section_range('PcdsDynamicVpd.Upd') cfgs = self.process_option_lines(self.gen_cfg_data._DscLines[start:end]) self.config_fixup(cfgs) file_lines = self.output_dict(cfgs, True) return file_lines def output_dict(self, cfgs, is_configs): """ Output one config item into a line list. """ file_lines = {} level = 0 file = '.' for each in cfgs: if 'length' in each and int(each['length'], 0) == 0: continue if 'include' in each: if each['include']: each['include'] = self.normalize_file_name(each['include']) file_lines[file].extend(['', '- !include %s' % each['include'], '']) file = each['include'] else: file = '.' continue if file not in file_lines: file_lines[file] = [] lines = file_lines[file] name = each['cname'] prefix = name[0] if prefix == '<': level += 1 padding = ' ' * level if prefix not in '<>@': padding += ' ' else: name = name[1:] if prefix == '@': padding += ' ' if ':' in name: parts = name.split(':') name = parts[0] padding = padding[2:] if is_configs else padding if prefix != '>': if 'expand' in each: lines.append('%s- %s' % (padding, each['expand'])) else: lines.append('%s- %-12s :' % (padding, name)) for field in each: if field in ['cname', 'expand', 'include']: continue value_str = self.format_value(field, each[field], padding + ' ' * 16) full_line = ' %s %-12s : %s' % (padding, field, value_str) lines.extend(full_line.splitlines()) if prefix == '>': level -= 1 if level == 0: lines.append('') return file_lines def bsf_to_dsc(bsf_file, dsc_file): fsp_dsc = CFspBsf2Dsc(bsf_file) dsc_lines = fsp_dsc.get_dsc_lines() fd = open(dsc_file, 'w') fd.write('\n'.join(dsc_lines)) fd.close() return def dsc_to_yaml(dsc_file, yaml_file): dsc2yaml = CFspDsc2Yaml() dsc2yaml.load_config_data_from_dsc(dsc_file) cfgs = {} for cfg in ['Template', 'Option']: if cfg == 'Template': file_lines = dsc2yaml.output_template() else: file_lines = dsc2yaml.output_config() for file in file_lines: lines = file_lines[file] if file == '.': cfgs[cfg] = lines else: if('/' in file or '\\' in file): continue file = os.path.basename(file) fo = open(os.path.join(file), 'w') fo.write(__copyright_tmp__ % (cfg, date.today().year) + '\n\n') for line in lines: fo.write(line + '\n') fo.close() variables = dsc2yaml.output_variable() fo = open(yaml_file, 'w') fo.write(__copyright_tmp__ % ('Default', date.today().year)) if len(variables) > 0: fo.write('\n\nvariable:\n') for line in variables: fo.write(' ' + line + '\n') fo.write('\n\ntemplate:\n') for line in cfgs['Template']: if line != '': fo.write(' ' + line + '\n') fo.write('\n\nconfigs:\n') for line in cfgs['Option']: if line != '': fo.write(' ' + line + '\n') fo.close() def get_fsp_name_from_path(bsf_file): name = '' parts = bsf_file.split(os.sep) for part in parts: if part.endswith('FspBinPkg'): name = part[:-9] break if not name: raise Exception('Could not get FSP name from file path!') return name def usage(): print('\n'.join([ "FspDscBsf2Yaml Version 0.10", "Usage:", " FspDscBsf2Yaml BsfFile|DscFile YamlFile" ])) def main(): # # Parse the options and args # argc = len(sys.argv) if argc < 3: usage() return 1 bsf_file = sys.argv[1] yaml_file = sys.argv[2] if os.path.isdir(yaml_file): yaml_file = os.path.join(yaml_file, get_fsp_name_from_path(bsf_file) + '.yaml') if bsf_file.endswith('.dsc'): dsc_file = bsf_file bsf_file = '' else: dsc_file = os.path.splitext(yaml_file)[0] + '.dsc' bsf_to_dsc(bsf_file, dsc_file) dsc_to_yaml(dsc_file, yaml_file) print("'%s' was created successfully!" % yaml_file) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())