#Name **FspDscBsf2Yaml.py** The python script that generates YAML file for the Boot Settings from an EDK II Platform Description (**DSC**) file or from a Boot Settings File (**BSF**). It is created to help transitioning FSP Updateable Product Data (**UPD**) file format to new standardized YAML format so that it can be configured through open source tools. #Synopsis ``` FspDscBsf2Yaml DscFile|BsfFile YamlFile ``` #Description **FspDscBsf2Yaml.py** is a script that generates configuration options from an **EDK II Platform Description (DSC)** file or **a Boot Settings File (BSF)** file. It generates a **YAML file** that can be used by the **Config Editor** to provide a graphical user interface for manipulating settings in the UPD regions. The following sections explain the usage of this script. ## 1. FspDscBsf2Yaml.py DscFile YamlFile The **DscFile** option is an input DSC file. The **YamlFile** option is an output YAML file. The script takes the FSP DSC file consisting BSF syntax and generates a YAML output file describing the boot settings. ## 2. FspDscBsf2Yaml.py BsfFile YamlFile The **BsfFile** option is an input BSF file. The **YamlFile** option is an output YAML file. The script generates a YAML output file from a BSF file. The BSF file can be generated using GenCfgOpt tool.