/** @file Support routines for UEFI memory profile. Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "DxeMain.h" #include "Imem.h" #define IS_UEFI_MEMORY_PROFILE_ENABLED ((PcdGet8 (PcdMemoryProfilePropertyMask) & BIT0) != 0) #define GET_OCCUPIED_SIZE(ActualSize, Alignment) \ ((ActualSize) + (((Alignment) - ((ActualSize) & ((Alignment) - 1))) & ((Alignment) - 1))) typedef struct { UINT32 Signature; MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT Context; LIST_ENTRY *DriverInfoList; } MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA; typedef struct { UINT32 Signature; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO DriverInfo; LIST_ENTRY *AllocInfoList; CHAR8 *PdbString; LIST_ENTRY Link; } MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA; typedef struct { UINT32 Signature; MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO AllocInfo; CHAR8 *ActionString; LIST_ENTRY Link; } MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_DATA; GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED LIST_ENTRY mImageQueue = INITIALIZE_LIST_HEAD_VARIABLE (mImageQueue); GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA mMemoryProfileContext = { MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE, { { MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE, sizeof (MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT), MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_REVISION }, 0, 0, {0}, {0}, 0, 0, 0 }, &mImageQueue, }; GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *mMemoryProfileContextPtr = NULL; GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED EFI_LOCK mMemoryProfileLock = EFI_INITIALIZE_LOCK_VARIABLE (TPL_NOTIFY); GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED BOOLEAN mMemoryProfileGettingStatus = FALSE; GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED BOOLEAN mMemoryProfileRecordingEnable = MEMORY_PROFILE_RECORDING_DISABLE; GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *mMemoryProfileDriverPath; GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED UINTN mMemoryProfileDriverPathSize; /** Get memory profile data. @param[in] This The EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in, out] ProfileSize On entry, points to the size in bytes of the ProfileBuffer. On return, points to the size of the data returned in ProfileBuffer. @param[out] ProfileBuffer Profile buffer. @return EFI_SUCCESS Get the memory profile data successfully. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported. @return EFI_BUFFER_TO_SMALL The ProfileSize is too small for the resulting data. ProfileSize is updated with the size required. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ProfileProtocolGetData ( IN EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL *This, IN OUT UINT64 *ProfileSize, OUT VOID *ProfileBuffer ); /** Register image to memory profile. @param[in] This The EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] FilePath File path of the image. @param[in] ImageBase Image base address. @param[in] ImageSize Image size. @param[in] FileType File type of the image. @return EFI_SUCCESS Register successfully. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported, or memory profile for the image is not required. @return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCE No enough resource for this register. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ProfileProtocolRegisterImage ( IN EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *FilePath, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ImageBase, IN UINT64 ImageSize, IN EFI_FV_FILETYPE FileType ); /** Unregister image from memory profile. @param[in] This The EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] FilePath File path of the image. @param[in] ImageBase Image base address. @param[in] ImageSize Image size. @return EFI_SUCCESS Unregister successfully. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported, or memory profile for the image is not required. @return EFI_NOT_FOUND The image is not found. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ProfileProtocolUnregisterImage ( IN EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *FilePath, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ImageBase, IN UINT64 ImageSize ); /** Get memory profile recording state. @param[in] This The EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL instance. @param[out] RecordingState Recording state. @return EFI_SUCCESS Memory profile recording state is returned. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported. @return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER RecordingState is NULL. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ProfileProtocolGetRecordingState ( IN EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL *This, OUT BOOLEAN *RecordingState ); /** Set memory profile recording state. @param[in] This The EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] RecordingState Recording state. @return EFI_SUCCESS Set memory profile recording state successfully. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ProfileProtocolSetRecordingState ( IN EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL *This, IN BOOLEAN RecordingState ); /** Record memory profile of multilevel caller. @param[in] This The EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] CallerAddress Address of caller. @param[in] Action Memory profile action. @param[in] MemoryType Memory type. EfiMaxMemoryType means the MemoryType is unknown. @param[in] Buffer Buffer address. @param[in] Size Buffer size. @param[in] ActionString String for memory profile action. Only needed for user defined allocate action. @return EFI_SUCCESS Memory profile is updated. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported, or memory profile for the image is not required, or memory profile for the memory type is not required. @return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED It is during memory profile data getting. @return EFI_ABORTED Memory profile recording is not enabled. @return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough resource to update memory profile for allocate action. @return EFI_NOT_FOUND No matched allocate info found for free action. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ProfileProtocolRecord ( IN EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL *This, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS CallerAddress, IN MEMORY_PROFILE_ACTION Action, IN EFI_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType, IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN Size, IN CHAR8 *ActionString OPTIONAL ); GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL mProfileProtocol = { ProfileProtocolGetData, ProfileProtocolRegisterImage, ProfileProtocolUnregisterImage, ProfileProtocolGetRecordingState, ProfileProtocolSetRecordingState, ProfileProtocolRecord, }; /** Acquire lock on mMemoryProfileLock. **/ VOID CoreAcquireMemoryProfileLock ( VOID ) { CoreAcquireLock (&mMemoryProfileLock); } /** Release lock on mMemoryProfileLock. **/ VOID CoreReleaseMemoryProfileLock ( VOID ) { CoreReleaseLock (&mMemoryProfileLock); } /** Return memory profile context. @return Memory profile context. **/ MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA * GetMemoryProfileContext ( VOID ) { return mMemoryProfileContextPtr; } /** Retrieves and returns the Subsystem of a PE/COFF image that has been loaded into system memory. If Pe32Data is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param Pe32Data The pointer to the PE/COFF image that is loaded in system memory. @return The Subsystem of the PE/COFF image. **/ UINT16 InternalPeCoffGetSubsystem ( IN VOID *Pe32Data ) { EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_PTR_UNION Hdr; EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *DosHdr; UINT16 Magic; ASSERT (Pe32Data != NULL); DosHdr = (EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *) Pe32Data; if (DosHdr->e_magic == EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { // // DOS image header is present, so read the PE header after the DOS image header. // Hdr.Pe32 = (EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *) ((UINTN) Pe32Data + (UINTN) ((DosHdr->e_lfanew) & 0x0ffff)); } else { // // DOS image header is not present, so PE header is at the image base. // Hdr.Pe32 = (EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *) Pe32Data; } if (Hdr.Te->Signature == EFI_TE_IMAGE_HEADER_SIGNATURE) { return Hdr.Te->Subsystem; } else if (Hdr.Pe32->Signature == EFI_IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) { Magic = Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.Magic; if (Magic == EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC) { return Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.Subsystem; } else if (Magic == EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC) { return Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.Subsystem; } } return 0x0000; } /** Retrieves and returns a pointer to the entry point to a PE/COFF image that has been loaded into system memory with the PE/COFF Loader Library functions. Retrieves the entry point to the PE/COFF image specified by Pe32Data and returns this entry point in EntryPoint. If the entry point could not be retrieved from the PE/COFF image, then return RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER. Otherwise return RETURN_SUCCESS. If Pe32Data is NULL, then ASSERT(). If EntryPoint is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param Pe32Data The pointer to the PE/COFF image that is loaded in system memory. @param EntryPoint The pointer to entry point to the PE/COFF image to return. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS EntryPoint was returned. @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER The entry point could not be found in the PE/COFF image. **/ RETURN_STATUS InternalPeCoffGetEntryPoint ( IN VOID *Pe32Data, OUT VOID **EntryPoint ) { EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *DosHdr; EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_PTR_UNION Hdr; ASSERT (Pe32Data != NULL); ASSERT (EntryPoint != NULL); DosHdr = (EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *) Pe32Data; if (DosHdr->e_magic == EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { // // DOS image header is present, so read the PE header after the DOS image header. // Hdr.Pe32 = (EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *) ((UINTN) Pe32Data + (UINTN) ((DosHdr->e_lfanew) & 0x0ffff)); } else { // // DOS image header is not present, so PE header is at the image base. // Hdr.Pe32 = (EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *) Pe32Data; } // // Calculate the entry point relative to the start of the image. // AddressOfEntryPoint is common for PE32 & PE32+ // if (Hdr.Te->Signature == EFI_TE_IMAGE_HEADER_SIGNATURE) { *EntryPoint = (VOID *) ((UINTN) Pe32Data + (UINTN) (Hdr.Te->AddressOfEntryPoint & 0x0ffffffff) + sizeof (EFI_TE_IMAGE_HEADER) - Hdr.Te->StrippedSize); return RETURN_SUCCESS; } else if (Hdr.Pe32->Signature == EFI_IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) { *EntryPoint = (VOID *) ((UINTN) Pe32Data + (UINTN) (Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint & 0x0ffffffff)); return RETURN_SUCCESS; } return RETURN_UNSUPPORTED; } /** Build driver info. @param ContextData Memory profile context. @param FileName File name of the image. @param ImageBase Image base address. @param ImageSize Image size. @param EntryPoint Entry point of the image. @param ImageSubsystem Image subsystem of the image. @param FileType File type of the image. @return Pointer to memory profile driver info. **/ MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA * BuildDriverInfo ( IN MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData, IN EFI_GUID *FileName, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ImageBase, IN UINT64 ImageSize, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS EntryPoint, IN UINT16 ImageSubsystem, IN EFI_FV_FILETYPE FileType ) { EFI_STATUS Status; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO *DriverInfo; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA *DriverInfoData; VOID *EntryPointInImage; CHAR8 *PdbString; UINTN PdbSize; UINTN PdbOccupiedSize; PdbSize = 0; PdbOccupiedSize = 0; PdbString = NULL; if (ImageBase != 0) { PdbString = PeCoffLoaderGetPdbPointer ((VOID*) (UINTN) ImageBase); if (PdbString != NULL) { PdbSize = AsciiStrSize (PdbString); PdbOccupiedSize = GET_OCCUPIED_SIZE (PdbSize, sizeof (UINT64)); } } // // Use CoreInternalAllocatePool() that will not update profile for this AllocatePool action. // Status = CoreInternalAllocatePool ( EfiBootServicesData, sizeof (*DriverInfoData) + sizeof (LIST_ENTRY) + PdbSize, (VOID **) &DriverInfoData ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return NULL; } ASSERT (DriverInfoData != NULL); ZeroMem (DriverInfoData, sizeof (*DriverInfoData)); DriverInfo = &DriverInfoData->DriverInfo; DriverInfoData->Signature = MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_SIGNATURE; DriverInfo->Header.Signature = MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_SIGNATURE; DriverInfo->Header.Length = (UINT16) (sizeof (MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO) + PdbOccupiedSize); DriverInfo->Header.Revision = MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_REVISION; if (FileName != NULL) { CopyMem (&DriverInfo->FileName, FileName, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); } DriverInfo->ImageBase = ImageBase; DriverInfo->ImageSize = ImageSize; DriverInfo->EntryPoint = EntryPoint; DriverInfo->ImageSubsystem = ImageSubsystem; if ((EntryPoint != 0) && ((EntryPoint < ImageBase) || (EntryPoint >= (ImageBase + ImageSize)))) { // // If the EntryPoint is not in the range of image buffer, it should come from emulation environment. // So patch ImageBuffer here to align the EntryPoint. // Status = InternalPeCoffGetEntryPoint ((VOID *) (UINTN) ImageBase, &EntryPointInImage); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); DriverInfo->ImageBase = ImageBase + EntryPoint - (PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) EntryPointInImage; } DriverInfo->FileType = FileType; DriverInfoData->AllocInfoList = (LIST_ENTRY *) (DriverInfoData + 1); InitializeListHead (DriverInfoData->AllocInfoList); DriverInfo->CurrentUsage = 0; DriverInfo->PeakUsage = 0; DriverInfo->AllocRecordCount = 0; if (PdbSize != 0) { DriverInfo->PdbStringOffset = (UINT16) sizeof (MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO); DriverInfoData->PdbString = (CHAR8 *) (DriverInfoData->AllocInfoList + 1); CopyMem (DriverInfoData->PdbString, PdbString, PdbSize); } else { DriverInfo->PdbStringOffset = 0; DriverInfoData->PdbString = NULL; } InsertTailList (ContextData->DriverInfoList, &DriverInfoData->Link); ContextData->Context.ImageCount ++; ContextData->Context.TotalImageSize += DriverInfo->ImageSize; return DriverInfoData; } /** Return if record for this driver is needed.. @param DriverFilePath Driver file path. @retval TRUE Record for this driver is needed. @retval FALSE Record for this driver is not needed. **/ BOOLEAN NeedRecordThisDriver ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DriverFilePath ) { EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *TmpDevicePath; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePathInstance; UINTN DevicePathSize; UINTN FilePathSize; if (!IsDevicePathValid (mMemoryProfileDriverPath, mMemoryProfileDriverPathSize)) { // // Invalid Device Path means record all. // return TRUE; } // // Record FilePath without END node. // FilePathSize = GetDevicePathSize (DriverFilePath) - sizeof(EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL); DevicePathInstance = mMemoryProfileDriverPath; do { // // Find END node (it might be END_ENTIRE or END_INSTANCE). // TmpDevicePath = DevicePathInstance; while (!IsDevicePathEndType (TmpDevicePath)) { TmpDevicePath = NextDevicePathNode (TmpDevicePath); } // // Do not compare END node. // DevicePathSize = (UINTN)TmpDevicePath - (UINTN)DevicePathInstance; if ((FilePathSize == DevicePathSize) && (CompareMem (DriverFilePath, DevicePathInstance, DevicePathSize) == 0)) { return TRUE; } // // Get next instance. // DevicePathInstance = (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *)((UINTN)DevicePathInstance + DevicePathSize + DevicePathNodeLength(TmpDevicePath)); } while (DevicePathSubType (TmpDevicePath) != END_ENTIRE_DEVICE_PATH_SUBTYPE); return FALSE; } /** Register DXE Core to memory profile. @param HobStart The start address of the HOB. @param ContextData Memory profile context. @retval TRUE Register success. @retval FALSE Register fail. **/ BOOLEAN RegisterDxeCore ( IN VOID *HobStart, IN MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData ) { EFI_PEI_HOB_POINTERS DxeCoreHob; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA *DriverInfoData; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ImageBase; UINT8 TempBuffer[sizeof(MEDIA_FW_VOL_FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH) + sizeof(EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL)]; MEDIA_FW_VOL_FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *FilePath; ASSERT (ContextData != NULL); // // Searching for image hob // DxeCoreHob.Raw = HobStart; while ((DxeCoreHob.Raw = GetNextHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION, DxeCoreHob.Raw)) != NULL) { if (CompareGuid (&DxeCoreHob.MemoryAllocationModule->MemoryAllocationHeader.Name, &gEfiHobMemoryAllocModuleGuid)) { // // Find Dxe Core HOB // break; } DxeCoreHob.Raw = GET_NEXT_HOB (DxeCoreHob); } ASSERT (DxeCoreHob.Raw != NULL); FilePath = (MEDIA_FW_VOL_FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *) TempBuffer; EfiInitializeFwVolDevicepathNode (FilePath, &DxeCoreHob.MemoryAllocationModule->ModuleName); SetDevicePathEndNode (FilePath + 1); if (!NeedRecordThisDriver ((EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *) FilePath)) { return FALSE; } ImageBase = DxeCoreHob.MemoryAllocationModule->MemoryAllocationHeader.MemoryBaseAddress; DriverInfoData = BuildDriverInfo ( ContextData, &DxeCoreHob.MemoryAllocationModule->ModuleName, ImageBase, DxeCoreHob.MemoryAllocationModule->MemoryAllocationHeader.MemoryLength, DxeCoreHob.MemoryAllocationModule->EntryPoint, InternalPeCoffGetSubsystem ((VOID *) (UINTN) ImageBase), EFI_FV_FILETYPE_DXE_CORE ); if (DriverInfoData == NULL) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** Initialize memory profile. @param HobStart The start address of the HOB. **/ VOID MemoryProfileInit ( IN VOID *HobStart ) { MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData; if (!IS_UEFI_MEMORY_PROFILE_ENABLED) { return; } ContextData = GetMemoryProfileContext (); if (ContextData != NULL) { return; } mMemoryProfileGettingStatus = FALSE; if ((PcdGet8 (PcdMemoryProfilePropertyMask) & BIT7) != 0) { mMemoryProfileRecordingEnable = MEMORY_PROFILE_RECORDING_DISABLE; } else { mMemoryProfileRecordingEnable = MEMORY_PROFILE_RECORDING_ENABLE; } mMemoryProfileDriverPathSize = PcdGetSize (PcdMemoryProfileDriverPath); mMemoryProfileDriverPath = AllocateCopyPool (mMemoryProfileDriverPathSize, PcdGetPtr (PcdMemoryProfileDriverPath)); mMemoryProfileContextPtr = &mMemoryProfileContext; RegisterDxeCore (HobStart, &mMemoryProfileContext); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "MemoryProfileInit MemoryProfileContext - 0x%x\n", &mMemoryProfileContext)); } /** Install memory profile protocol. **/ VOID MemoryProfileInstallProtocol ( VOID ) { EFI_HANDLE Handle; EFI_STATUS Status; if (!IS_UEFI_MEMORY_PROFILE_ENABLED) { return; } Handle = NULL; Status = CoreInstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( &Handle, &gEdkiiMemoryProfileGuid, &mProfileProtocol, NULL ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); } /** Get the GUID file name from the file path. @param FilePath File path. @return The GUID file name from the file path. **/ EFI_GUID * GetFileNameFromFilePath ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *FilePath ) { MEDIA_FW_VOL_FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *ThisFilePath; EFI_GUID *FileName; FileName = NULL; if (FilePath != NULL) { ThisFilePath = (MEDIA_FW_VOL_FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *) FilePath; while (!IsDevicePathEnd (ThisFilePath)) { FileName = EfiGetNameGuidFromFwVolDevicePathNode (ThisFilePath); if (FileName != NULL) { break; } ThisFilePath = (MEDIA_FW_VOL_FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *) NextDevicePathNode (ThisFilePath); } } return FileName; } /** Register image to memory profile. @param DriverEntry Image info. @param FileType Image file type. @return EFI_SUCCESS Register successfully. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported, or memory profile for the image is not required. @return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough resource for this register. **/ EFI_STATUS RegisterMemoryProfileImage ( IN LOADED_IMAGE_PRIVATE_DATA *DriverEntry, IN EFI_FV_FILETYPE FileType ) { MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA *DriverInfoData; if (!IS_UEFI_MEMORY_PROFILE_ENABLED) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (!NeedRecordThisDriver (DriverEntry->Info.FilePath)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } ContextData = GetMemoryProfileContext (); if (ContextData == NULL) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } DriverInfoData = BuildDriverInfo ( ContextData, GetFileNameFromFilePath (DriverEntry->Info.FilePath), DriverEntry->ImageContext.ImageAddress, DriverEntry->ImageContext.ImageSize, DriverEntry->ImageContext.EntryPoint, DriverEntry->ImageContext.ImageType, FileType ); if (DriverInfoData == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Search image from memory profile. @param ContextData Memory profile context. @param FileName Image file name. @param Address Image Address. @return Pointer to memory profile driver info. **/ MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA * GetMemoryProfileDriverInfoByFileNameAndAddress ( IN MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData, IN EFI_GUID *FileName, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address ) { MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO *DriverInfo; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA *DriverInfoData; LIST_ENTRY *DriverLink; LIST_ENTRY *DriverInfoList; DriverInfoList = ContextData->DriverInfoList; for (DriverLink = DriverInfoList->ForwardLink; DriverLink != DriverInfoList; DriverLink = DriverLink->ForwardLink) { DriverInfoData = CR ( DriverLink, MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA, Link, MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_SIGNATURE ); DriverInfo = &DriverInfoData->DriverInfo; if ((CompareGuid (&DriverInfo->FileName, FileName)) && (Address >= DriverInfo->ImageBase) && (Address < (DriverInfo->ImageBase + DriverInfo->ImageSize))) { return DriverInfoData; } } return NULL; } /** Search image from memory profile. It will return image, if (Address >= ImageBuffer) AND (Address < ImageBuffer + ImageSize). @param ContextData Memory profile context. @param Address Image or Function address. @return Pointer to memory profile driver info. **/ MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA * GetMemoryProfileDriverInfoFromAddress ( IN MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address ) { MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO *DriverInfo; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA *DriverInfoData; LIST_ENTRY *DriverLink; LIST_ENTRY *DriverInfoList; DriverInfoList = ContextData->DriverInfoList; for (DriverLink = DriverInfoList->ForwardLink; DriverLink != DriverInfoList; DriverLink = DriverLink->ForwardLink) { DriverInfoData = CR ( DriverLink, MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA, Link, MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_SIGNATURE ); DriverInfo = &DriverInfoData->DriverInfo; if ((Address >= DriverInfo->ImageBase) && (Address < (DriverInfo->ImageBase + DriverInfo->ImageSize))) { return DriverInfoData; } } return NULL; } /** Unregister image from memory profile. @param DriverEntry Image info. @return EFI_SUCCESS Unregister successfully. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported, or memory profile for the image is not required. @return EFI_NOT_FOUND The image is not found. **/ EFI_STATUS UnregisterMemoryProfileImage ( IN LOADED_IMAGE_PRIVATE_DATA *DriverEntry ) { EFI_STATUS Status; MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA *DriverInfoData; EFI_GUID *FileName; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ImageAddress; VOID *EntryPointInImage; if (!IS_UEFI_MEMORY_PROFILE_ENABLED) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (!NeedRecordThisDriver (DriverEntry->Info.FilePath)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } ContextData = GetMemoryProfileContext (); if (ContextData == NULL) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } DriverInfoData = NULL; FileName = GetFileNameFromFilePath (DriverEntry->Info.FilePath); ImageAddress = DriverEntry->ImageContext.ImageAddress; if ((DriverEntry->ImageContext.EntryPoint < ImageAddress) || (DriverEntry->ImageContext.EntryPoint >= (ImageAddress + DriverEntry->ImageContext.ImageSize))) { // // If the EntryPoint is not in the range of image buffer, it should come from emulation environment. // So patch ImageAddress here to align the EntryPoint. // Status = InternalPeCoffGetEntryPoint ((VOID *) (UINTN) ImageAddress, &EntryPointInImage); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); ImageAddress = ImageAddress + (UINTN) DriverEntry->ImageContext.EntryPoint - (UINTN) EntryPointInImage; } if (FileName != NULL) { DriverInfoData = GetMemoryProfileDriverInfoByFileNameAndAddress (ContextData, FileName, ImageAddress); } if (DriverInfoData == NULL) { DriverInfoData = GetMemoryProfileDriverInfoFromAddress (ContextData, ImageAddress); } if (DriverInfoData == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } ContextData->Context.TotalImageSize -= DriverInfoData->DriverInfo.ImageSize; // Keep the ImageBase for RVA calculation in Application. //DriverInfoData->DriverInfo.ImageBase = 0; DriverInfoData->DriverInfo.ImageSize = 0; if (DriverInfoData->DriverInfo.PeakUsage == 0) { ContextData->Context.ImageCount --; RemoveEntryList (&DriverInfoData->Link); // // Use CoreInternalFreePool() that will not update profile for this FreePool action. // CoreInternalFreePool (DriverInfoData, NULL); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Return if this memory type needs to be recorded into memory profile. If BIOS memory type (0 ~ EfiMaxMemoryType - 1), it checks bit (1 << MemoryType). If OS memory type (0x80000000 ~ 0xFFFFFFFF), it checks bit63 - 0x8000000000000000. If OEM memory type (0x70000000 ~ 0x7FFFFFFF), it checks bit62 - 0x4000000000000000. @param MemoryType Memory type. @retval TRUE This memory type need to be recorded. @retval FALSE This memory type need not to be recorded. **/ BOOLEAN CoreNeedRecordProfile ( IN EFI_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType ) { UINT64 TestBit; if ((UINT32) MemoryType >= MEMORY_TYPE_OS_RESERVED_MIN) { TestBit = BIT63; } else if ((UINT32) MemoryType >= MEMORY_TYPE_OEM_RESERVED_MIN) { TestBit = BIT62; } else { TestBit = LShiftU64 (1, MemoryType); } if ((PcdGet64 (PcdMemoryProfileMemoryType) & TestBit) != 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** Convert EFI memory type to profile memory index. The rule is: If BIOS memory type (0 ~ EfiMaxMemoryType - 1), ProfileMemoryIndex = MemoryType. If OS memory type (0x80000000 ~ 0xFFFFFFFF), ProfileMemoryIndex = EfiMaxMemoryType. If OEM memory type (0x70000000 ~ 0x7FFFFFFF), ProfileMemoryIndex = EfiMaxMemoryType + 1. @param MemoryType Memory type. @return Profile memory index. **/ UINTN GetProfileMemoryIndex ( IN EFI_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType ) { if ((UINT32) MemoryType >= MEMORY_TYPE_OS_RESERVED_MIN) { return EfiMaxMemoryType; } else if ((UINT32) MemoryType >= MEMORY_TYPE_OEM_RESERVED_MIN) { return EfiMaxMemoryType + 1; } else { return MemoryType; } } /** Update memory profile Allocate information. @param CallerAddress Address of caller who call Allocate. @param Action This Allocate action. @param MemoryType Memory type. @param Size Buffer size. @param Buffer Buffer address. @param ActionString String for memory profile action. @return EFI_SUCCESS Memory profile is updated. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported, or memory profile for the image is not required. @return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough resource to update memory profile for allocate action. **/ EFI_STATUS CoreUpdateProfileAllocate ( IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS CallerAddress, IN MEMORY_PROFILE_ACTION Action, IN EFI_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType, IN UINTN Size, IN VOID *Buffer, IN CHAR8 *ActionString OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT *Context; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO *DriverInfo; MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO *AllocInfo; MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA *DriverInfoData; MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_DATA *AllocInfoData; UINTN ProfileMemoryIndex; MEMORY_PROFILE_ACTION BasicAction; UINTN ActionStringSize; UINTN ActionStringOccupiedSize; BasicAction = Action & MEMORY_PROFILE_ACTION_BASIC_MASK; ContextData = GetMemoryProfileContext (); if (ContextData == NULL) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } DriverInfoData = GetMemoryProfileDriverInfoFromAddress (ContextData, CallerAddress); if (DriverInfoData == NULL) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } ActionStringSize = 0; ActionStringOccupiedSize = 0; if (ActionString != NULL) { ActionStringSize = AsciiStrSize (ActionString); ActionStringOccupiedSize = GET_OCCUPIED_SIZE (ActionStringSize, sizeof (UINT64)); } // // Use CoreInternalAllocatePool() that will not update profile for this AllocatePool action. // AllocInfoData = NULL; Status = CoreInternalAllocatePool ( EfiBootServicesData, sizeof (*AllocInfoData) + ActionStringSize, (VOID **) &AllocInfoData ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } ASSERT (AllocInfoData != NULL); // // Only update SequenceCount if and only if it is basic action. // if (Action == BasicAction) { ContextData->Context.SequenceCount ++; } AllocInfo = &AllocInfoData->AllocInfo; AllocInfoData->Signature = MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_SIGNATURE; AllocInfo->Header.Signature = MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_SIGNATURE; AllocInfo->Header.Length = (UINT16) (sizeof (MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO) + ActionStringOccupiedSize); AllocInfo->Header.Revision = MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_REVISION; AllocInfo->CallerAddress = CallerAddress; AllocInfo->SequenceId = ContextData->Context.SequenceCount; AllocInfo->Action = Action; AllocInfo->MemoryType = MemoryType; AllocInfo->Buffer = (PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) Buffer; AllocInfo->Size = Size; if (ActionString != NULL) { AllocInfo->ActionStringOffset = (UINT16) sizeof (MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO); AllocInfoData->ActionString = (CHAR8 *) (AllocInfoData + 1); CopyMem (AllocInfoData->ActionString, ActionString, ActionStringSize); } else { AllocInfo->ActionStringOffset = 0; AllocInfoData->ActionString = NULL; } InsertTailList (DriverInfoData->AllocInfoList, &AllocInfoData->Link); Context = &ContextData->Context; DriverInfo = &DriverInfoData->DriverInfo; DriverInfo->AllocRecordCount ++; // // Update summary if and only if it is basic action. // if (Action == BasicAction) { ProfileMemoryIndex = GetProfileMemoryIndex (MemoryType); DriverInfo->CurrentUsage += Size; if (DriverInfo->PeakUsage < DriverInfo->CurrentUsage) { DriverInfo->PeakUsage = DriverInfo->CurrentUsage; } DriverInfo->CurrentUsageByType[ProfileMemoryIndex] += Size; if (DriverInfo->PeakUsageByType[ProfileMemoryIndex] < DriverInfo->CurrentUsageByType[ProfileMemoryIndex]) { DriverInfo->PeakUsageByType[ProfileMemoryIndex] = DriverInfo->CurrentUsageByType[ProfileMemoryIndex]; } Context->CurrentTotalUsage += Size; if (Context->PeakTotalUsage < Context->CurrentTotalUsage) { Context->PeakTotalUsage = Context->CurrentTotalUsage; } Context->CurrentTotalUsageByType[ProfileMemoryIndex] += Size; if (Context->PeakTotalUsageByType[ProfileMemoryIndex] < Context->CurrentTotalUsageByType[ProfileMemoryIndex]) { Context->PeakTotalUsageByType[ProfileMemoryIndex] = Context->CurrentTotalUsageByType[ProfileMemoryIndex]; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get memory profile alloc info from memory profile. @param DriverInfoData Driver info. @param BasicAction This Free basic action. @param Size Buffer size. @param Buffer Buffer address. @return Pointer to memory profile alloc info. **/ MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_DATA * GetMemoryProfileAllocInfoFromAddress ( IN MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA *DriverInfoData, IN MEMORY_PROFILE_ACTION BasicAction, IN UINTN Size, IN VOID *Buffer ) { LIST_ENTRY *AllocInfoList; LIST_ENTRY *AllocLink; MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO *AllocInfo; MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_DATA *AllocInfoData; AllocInfoList = DriverInfoData->AllocInfoList; for (AllocLink = AllocInfoList->ForwardLink; AllocLink != AllocInfoList; AllocLink = AllocLink->ForwardLink) { AllocInfoData = CR ( AllocLink, MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_DATA, Link, MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_SIGNATURE ); AllocInfo = &AllocInfoData->AllocInfo; if ((AllocInfo->Action & MEMORY_PROFILE_ACTION_BASIC_MASK) != BasicAction) { continue; } switch (BasicAction) { case MemoryProfileActionAllocatePages: if ((AllocInfo->Buffer <= (PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) Buffer) && ((AllocInfo->Buffer + AllocInfo->Size) >= ((PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) Buffer + Size))) { return AllocInfoData; } break; case MemoryProfileActionAllocatePool: if (AllocInfo->Buffer == (PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) Buffer) { return AllocInfoData; } break; default: ASSERT (FALSE); break; } } return NULL; } /** Update memory profile Free information. @param CallerAddress Address of caller who call Free. @param Action This Free action. @param Size Buffer size. @param Buffer Buffer address. @return EFI_SUCCESS Memory profile is updated. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported. @return EFI_NOT_FOUND No matched allocate info found for free action. **/ EFI_STATUS CoreUpdateProfileFree ( IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS CallerAddress, IN MEMORY_PROFILE_ACTION Action, IN UINTN Size, IN VOID *Buffer ) { MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT *Context; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO *DriverInfo; MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO *AllocInfo; MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA *DriverInfoData; LIST_ENTRY *DriverLink; LIST_ENTRY *DriverInfoList; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA *ThisDriverInfoData; MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_DATA *AllocInfoData; UINTN ProfileMemoryIndex; MEMORY_PROFILE_ACTION BasicAction; BOOLEAN Found; BasicAction = Action & MEMORY_PROFILE_ACTION_BASIC_MASK; ContextData = GetMemoryProfileContext (); if (ContextData == NULL) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } DriverInfoData = GetMemoryProfileDriverInfoFromAddress (ContextData, CallerAddress); // // Do not return if DriverInfoData == NULL here, // because driver A might free memory allocated by driver B. // // // Need use do-while loop to find all possible records, // because one address might be recorded multiple times. // Found = FALSE; AllocInfoData = NULL; do { if (DriverInfoData != NULL) { switch (BasicAction) { case MemoryProfileActionFreePages: AllocInfoData = GetMemoryProfileAllocInfoFromAddress (DriverInfoData, MemoryProfileActionAllocatePages, Size, Buffer); break; case MemoryProfileActionFreePool: AllocInfoData = GetMemoryProfileAllocInfoFromAddress (DriverInfoData, MemoryProfileActionAllocatePool, 0, Buffer); break; default: ASSERT (FALSE); AllocInfoData = NULL; break; } } if (AllocInfoData == NULL) { // // Legal case, because driver A might free memory allocated by driver B, by some protocol. // DriverInfoList = ContextData->DriverInfoList; for (DriverLink = DriverInfoList->ForwardLink; DriverLink != DriverInfoList; DriverLink = DriverLink->ForwardLink) { ThisDriverInfoData = CR ( DriverLink, MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA, Link, MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_SIGNATURE ); switch (BasicAction) { case MemoryProfileActionFreePages: AllocInfoData = GetMemoryProfileAllocInfoFromAddress (ThisDriverInfoData, MemoryProfileActionAllocatePages, Size, Buffer); break; case MemoryProfileActionFreePool: AllocInfoData = GetMemoryProfileAllocInfoFromAddress (ThisDriverInfoData, MemoryProfileActionAllocatePool, 0, Buffer); break; default: ASSERT (FALSE); AllocInfoData = NULL; break; } if (AllocInfoData != NULL) { DriverInfoData = ThisDriverInfoData; break; } } if (AllocInfoData == NULL) { // // If (!Found), no matched allocate info is found for this free action. // It is because the specified memory type allocate actions have been filtered by // CoreNeedRecordProfile(), but free actions may have no memory type information, // they can not be filtered by CoreNeedRecordProfile(). Then, they will be // filtered here. // // If (Found), it is normal exit path. return (Found ? EFI_SUCCESS : EFI_NOT_FOUND); } } ASSERT (DriverInfoData != NULL); ASSERT (AllocInfoData != NULL); Found = TRUE; Context = &ContextData->Context; DriverInfo = &DriverInfoData->DriverInfo; AllocInfo = &AllocInfoData->AllocInfo; DriverInfo->AllocRecordCount --; // // Update summary if and only if it is basic action. // if (AllocInfo->Action == (AllocInfo->Action & MEMORY_PROFILE_ACTION_BASIC_MASK)) { ProfileMemoryIndex = GetProfileMemoryIndex (AllocInfo->MemoryType); Context->CurrentTotalUsage -= AllocInfo->Size; Context->CurrentTotalUsageByType[ProfileMemoryIndex] -= AllocInfo->Size; DriverInfo->CurrentUsage -= AllocInfo->Size; DriverInfo->CurrentUsageByType[ProfileMemoryIndex] -= AllocInfo->Size; } RemoveEntryList (&AllocInfoData->Link); if (BasicAction == MemoryProfileActionFreePages) { if (AllocInfo->Buffer != (PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) Buffer) { CoreUpdateProfileAllocate ( AllocInfo->CallerAddress, AllocInfo->Action, AllocInfo->MemoryType, (UINTN) ((PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) Buffer - AllocInfo->Buffer), (VOID *) (UINTN) AllocInfo->Buffer, AllocInfoData->ActionString ); } if (AllocInfo->Buffer + AllocInfo->Size != ((PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) Buffer + Size)) { CoreUpdateProfileAllocate ( AllocInfo->CallerAddress, AllocInfo->Action, AllocInfo->MemoryType, (UINTN) ((AllocInfo->Buffer + AllocInfo->Size) - ((PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) Buffer + Size)), (VOID *) ((UINTN) Buffer + Size), AllocInfoData->ActionString ); } } // // Use CoreInternalFreePool() that will not update profile for this FreePool action. // CoreInternalFreePool (AllocInfoData, NULL); } while (TRUE); } /** Update memory profile information. @param CallerAddress Address of caller who call Allocate or Free. @param Action This Allocate or Free action. @param MemoryType Memory type. EfiMaxMemoryType means the MemoryType is unknown. @param Size Buffer size. @param Buffer Buffer address. @param ActionString String for memory profile action. Only needed for user defined allocate action. @return EFI_SUCCESS Memory profile is updated. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported, or memory profile for the image is not required, or memory profile for the memory type is not required. @return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED It is during memory profile data getting. @return EFI_ABORTED Memory profile recording is not enabled. @return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough resource to update memory profile for allocate action. @return EFI_NOT_FOUND No matched allocate info found for free action. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI CoreUpdateProfile ( IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS CallerAddress, IN MEMORY_PROFILE_ACTION Action, IN EFI_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType, IN UINTN Size, // Valid for AllocatePages/FreePages/AllocatePool IN VOID *Buffer, IN CHAR8 *ActionString OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData; MEMORY_PROFILE_ACTION BasicAction; if (!IS_UEFI_MEMORY_PROFILE_ENABLED) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (mMemoryProfileGettingStatus) { return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; } if (!mMemoryProfileRecordingEnable) { return EFI_ABORTED; } // // Get the basic action to know how to process the record // BasicAction = Action & MEMORY_PROFILE_ACTION_BASIC_MASK; // // EfiMaxMemoryType means the MemoryType is unknown. // if (MemoryType != EfiMaxMemoryType) { // // Only record limited MemoryType. // if (!CoreNeedRecordProfile (MemoryType)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } ContextData = GetMemoryProfileContext (); if (ContextData == NULL) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } CoreAcquireMemoryProfileLock (); switch (BasicAction) { case MemoryProfileActionAllocatePages: Status = CoreUpdateProfileAllocate (CallerAddress, Action, MemoryType, Size, Buffer, ActionString); break; case MemoryProfileActionFreePages: Status = CoreUpdateProfileFree (CallerAddress, Action, Size, Buffer); break; case MemoryProfileActionAllocatePool: Status = CoreUpdateProfileAllocate (CallerAddress, Action, MemoryType, Size, Buffer, ActionString); break; case MemoryProfileActionFreePool: Status = CoreUpdateProfileFree (CallerAddress, Action, 0, Buffer); break; default: ASSERT (FALSE); Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; break; } CoreReleaseMemoryProfileLock (); return Status; } //////////////////// /** Get memory profile data size. @return Memory profile data size. **/ UINTN MemoryProfileGetDataSize ( VOID ) { MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA *DriverInfoData; MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_DATA *AllocInfoData; LIST_ENTRY *DriverInfoList; LIST_ENTRY *DriverLink; LIST_ENTRY *AllocInfoList; LIST_ENTRY *AllocLink; UINTN TotalSize; ContextData = GetMemoryProfileContext (); if (ContextData == NULL) { return 0; } TotalSize = sizeof (MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT); DriverInfoList = ContextData->DriverInfoList; for (DriverLink = DriverInfoList->ForwardLink; DriverLink != DriverInfoList; DriverLink = DriverLink->ForwardLink) { DriverInfoData = CR ( DriverLink, MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA, Link, MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_SIGNATURE ); TotalSize += DriverInfoData->DriverInfo.Header.Length; AllocInfoList = DriverInfoData->AllocInfoList; for (AllocLink = AllocInfoList->ForwardLink; AllocLink != AllocInfoList; AllocLink = AllocLink->ForwardLink) { AllocInfoData = CR ( AllocLink, MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_DATA, Link, MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_SIGNATURE ); TotalSize += AllocInfoData->AllocInfo.Header.Length; } } return TotalSize; } /** Copy memory profile data. @param ProfileBuffer The buffer to hold memory profile data. **/ VOID MemoryProfileCopyData ( IN VOID *ProfileBuffer ) { MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT *Context; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO *DriverInfo; MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO *AllocInfo; MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData; MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA *DriverInfoData; MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_DATA *AllocInfoData; LIST_ENTRY *DriverInfoList; LIST_ENTRY *DriverLink; LIST_ENTRY *AllocInfoList; LIST_ENTRY *AllocLink; UINTN PdbSize; UINTN ActionStringSize; ContextData = GetMemoryProfileContext (); if (ContextData == NULL) { return ; } Context = ProfileBuffer; CopyMem (Context, &ContextData->Context, sizeof (MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT)); DriverInfo = (MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO *) (Context + 1); DriverInfoList = ContextData->DriverInfoList; for (DriverLink = DriverInfoList->ForwardLink; DriverLink != DriverInfoList; DriverLink = DriverLink->ForwardLink) { DriverInfoData = CR ( DriverLink, MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_DATA, Link, MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO_SIGNATURE ); CopyMem (DriverInfo, &DriverInfoData->DriverInfo, sizeof (MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO)); if (DriverInfo->PdbStringOffset != 0) { PdbSize = AsciiStrSize (DriverInfoData->PdbString); CopyMem ((VOID *) ((UINTN) DriverInfo + DriverInfo->PdbStringOffset), DriverInfoData->PdbString, PdbSize); } AllocInfo = (MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO *) ((UINTN) DriverInfo + DriverInfo->Header.Length); AllocInfoList = DriverInfoData->AllocInfoList; for (AllocLink = AllocInfoList->ForwardLink; AllocLink != AllocInfoList; AllocLink = AllocLink->ForwardLink) { AllocInfoData = CR ( AllocLink, MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_DATA, Link, MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO_SIGNATURE ); CopyMem (AllocInfo, &AllocInfoData->AllocInfo, sizeof (MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO)); if (AllocInfo->ActionStringOffset != 0) { ActionStringSize = AsciiStrSize (AllocInfoData->ActionString); CopyMem ((VOID *) ((UINTN) AllocInfo + AllocInfo->ActionStringOffset), AllocInfoData->ActionString, ActionStringSize); } AllocInfo = (MEMORY_PROFILE_ALLOC_INFO *) ((UINTN) AllocInfo + AllocInfo->Header.Length); } DriverInfo = (MEMORY_PROFILE_DRIVER_INFO *) AllocInfo; } } /** Get memory profile data. @param[in] This The EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in, out] ProfileSize On entry, points to the size in bytes of the ProfileBuffer. On return, points to the size of the data returned in ProfileBuffer. @param[out] ProfileBuffer Profile buffer. @return EFI_SUCCESS Get the memory profile data successfully. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported. @return EFI_BUFFER_TO_SMALL The ProfileSize is too small for the resulting data. ProfileSize is updated with the size required. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ProfileProtocolGetData ( IN EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL *This, IN OUT UINT64 *ProfileSize, OUT VOID *ProfileBuffer ) { UINTN Size; MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData; BOOLEAN MemoryProfileGettingStatus; ContextData = GetMemoryProfileContext (); if (ContextData == NULL) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } MemoryProfileGettingStatus = mMemoryProfileGettingStatus; mMemoryProfileGettingStatus = TRUE; Size = MemoryProfileGetDataSize (); if (*ProfileSize < Size) { *ProfileSize = Size; mMemoryProfileGettingStatus = MemoryProfileGettingStatus; return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *ProfileSize = Size; MemoryProfileCopyData (ProfileBuffer); mMemoryProfileGettingStatus = MemoryProfileGettingStatus; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Register image to memory profile. @param[in] This The EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] FilePath File path of the image. @param[in] ImageBase Image base address. @param[in] ImageSize Image size. @param[in] FileType File type of the image. @return EFI_SUCCESS Register successfully. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported, or memory profile for the image is not required. @return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough resource for this register. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ProfileProtocolRegisterImage ( IN EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *FilePath, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ImageBase, IN UINT64 ImageSize, IN EFI_FV_FILETYPE FileType ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LOADED_IMAGE_PRIVATE_DATA DriverEntry; VOID *EntryPointInImage; ZeroMem (&DriverEntry, sizeof (DriverEntry)); DriverEntry.Info.FilePath = FilePath; DriverEntry.ImageContext.ImageAddress = ImageBase; DriverEntry.ImageContext.ImageSize = ImageSize; Status = InternalPeCoffGetEntryPoint ((VOID *) (UINTN) ImageBase, &EntryPointInImage); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); DriverEntry.ImageContext.EntryPoint = (PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) EntryPointInImage; DriverEntry.ImageContext.ImageType = InternalPeCoffGetSubsystem ((VOID *) (UINTN) ImageBase); return RegisterMemoryProfileImage (&DriverEntry, FileType); } /** Unregister image from memory profile. @param[in] This The EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] FilePath File path of the image. @param[in] ImageBase Image base address. @param[in] ImageSize Image size. @return EFI_SUCCESS Unregister successfully. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported, or memory profile for the image is not required. @return EFI_NOT_FOUND The image is not found. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ProfileProtocolUnregisterImage ( IN EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *FilePath, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ImageBase, IN UINT64 ImageSize ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LOADED_IMAGE_PRIVATE_DATA DriverEntry; VOID *EntryPointInImage; ZeroMem (&DriverEntry, sizeof (DriverEntry)); DriverEntry.Info.FilePath = FilePath; DriverEntry.ImageContext.ImageAddress = ImageBase; DriverEntry.ImageContext.ImageSize = ImageSize; Status = InternalPeCoffGetEntryPoint ((VOID *) (UINTN) ImageBase, &EntryPointInImage); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); DriverEntry.ImageContext.EntryPoint = (PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) EntryPointInImage; return UnregisterMemoryProfileImage (&DriverEntry); } /** Get memory profile recording state. @param[in] This The EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL instance. @param[out] RecordingState Recording state. @return EFI_SUCCESS Memory profile recording state is returned. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported. @return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER RecordingState is NULL. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ProfileProtocolGetRecordingState ( IN EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL *This, OUT BOOLEAN *RecordingState ) { MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData; ContextData = GetMemoryProfileContext (); if (ContextData == NULL) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (RecordingState == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *RecordingState = mMemoryProfileRecordingEnable; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Set memory profile recording state. @param[in] This The EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] RecordingState Recording state. @return EFI_SUCCESS Set memory profile recording state successfully. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ProfileProtocolSetRecordingState ( IN EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL *This, IN BOOLEAN RecordingState ) { MEMORY_PROFILE_CONTEXT_DATA *ContextData; ContextData = GetMemoryProfileContext (); if (ContextData == NULL) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } mMemoryProfileRecordingEnable = RecordingState; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Record memory profile of multilevel caller. @param[in] This The EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] CallerAddress Address of caller. @param[in] Action Memory profile action. @param[in] MemoryType Memory type. EfiMaxMemoryType means the MemoryType is unknown. @param[in] Buffer Buffer address. @param[in] Size Buffer size. @param[in] ActionString String for memory profile action. Only needed for user defined allocate action. @return EFI_SUCCESS Memory profile is updated. @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED Memory profile is unsupported, or memory profile for the image is not required, or memory profile for the memory type is not required. @return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED It is during memory profile data getting. @return EFI_ABORTED Memory profile recording is not enabled. @return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough resource to update memory profile for allocate action. @return EFI_NOT_FOUND No matched allocate info found for free action. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ProfileProtocolRecord ( IN EDKII_MEMORY_PROFILE_PROTOCOL *This, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS CallerAddress, IN MEMORY_PROFILE_ACTION Action, IN EFI_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType, IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN Size, IN CHAR8 *ActionString OPTIONAL ) { return CoreUpdateProfile (CallerAddress, Action, MemoryType, Size, Buffer, ActionString); } ////////////////////