/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Juan Lang * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /* * Oracle LGPL Disclaimer: For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice * other than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Oracle elects to use only * the Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPLv2) at this time for any software where * a choice of LGPL license versions is made available with the language indicating * that LGPLv2 or any later version may be used, or where a choice of which version * of the LGPL is applied is otherwise unspecified. */ #ifndef __CRYPTDLG_H__ #define __CRYPTDLG_H__ #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define CRYPTDLG_FLAGS_MASK 0xff000000 #define CRYPTDLG_REVOCATION_DEFAULT 0x00000000 #define CRYPTDLG_REVOCATION_ONLINE 0x80000000 #define CRYPTDLG_REVOCATION_CACHE 0x40000000 #define CRYPTDLG_REVOCATION_NONE 0x20000000 #define CRYPTDLG_POLICY_MASK 0x0000ffff #define POLICY_IGNORE_NON_CRITICAL_BC 0x00000001 #define CRYPTDLG_ACTION_MASK 0xffff0000 #define ACTION_REVOCATION_DEFAULT_ONLINE 0x00010000 #define ACTION_REVOCATION_DEFAULT_CACHE 0x00020000 typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNCMFILTERPROC)(PCCERT_CONTEXT, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD); #define CERT_DISPWELL_SELECT 1 #define CERT_DISPWELL_TRUST_CA_CERT 2 #define CERT_DISPWELL_TRUST_LEAF_CERT 3 #define CERT_DISPWELL_TRUST_ADD_CA_CERT 4 #define CERT_DISPWELL_TRUST_ADD_LEAF_CERT 5 #define CERT_DISPWELL_DISTRUST_CA_CERT 6 #define CERT_DISPWELL_DISTRUST_LEAF_CERT 7 #define CERT_DISPWELL_DISTRUST_ADD_CA_CERT 8 #define CERT_DISPWELL_DISTRUST_ADD_LEAF_CERT 9 typedef UINT (WINAPI *PFNCMHOOKPROC)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); #define CSS_SELECTCERT_MASK 0x00ffffff #define CSS_HIDE_PROPERTIES 0x00000001 #define CSS_ENABLEHOOK 0x00000002 #define CSS_ALLOWMULTISELECT 0x00000004 #define CSS_SHOW_HELP 0x00000010 #define CSS_ENABLETEMPLATE 0x00000020 #define CSS_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE 0x00000040 #define SELCERT_OK IDOK #define SELCERT_CANCEL IDCANCEL #define SELCERT_PROPERTIES 100 #define SELCERT_FINEPRINT 101 #define SELCERT_CERTLIST 102 #define SELCERT_HELP IDHELP #define SELCERT_ISSUED_TO 103 #define SELCERT_VALIDITY 104 #define SELCERT_ALGORITHM 105 #define SELCERT_SERIAL_NUM 106 #define SELCERT_THUMBPRINT 107 typedef struct tagCSSA { DWORD dwSize; HWND hwndParent; HINSTANCE hInstance; LPCSTR pTemplateName; DWORD dwFlags; LPCSTR szTitle; DWORD cCertStore; HCERTSTORE *arrayCertStore; LPCSTR szPurposeOid; DWORD cCertContext; PCCERT_CONTEXT *arrayCertContext; DWORD lCustData; PFNCMHOOKPROC pfnHook; PFNCMFILTERPROC pfnFilter; LPCSTR szHelpFileName; DWORD dwHelpId; HCRYPTPROV hprov; } CERT_SELECT_STRUCT_A, *PCERT_SELECT_STRUCT_A; typedef struct tagCSSW { DWORD dwSize; HWND hwndParent; HINSTANCE hInstance; LPCWSTR pTemplateName; DWORD dwFlags; LPCWSTR szTitle; DWORD cCertStore; HCERTSTORE *arrayCertStore; LPCSTR szPurposeOid; DWORD cCertContext; PCCERT_CONTEXT *arrayCertContext; DWORD lCustData; PFNCMHOOKPROC pfnHook; PFNCMFILTERPROC pfnFilter; LPCWSTR szHelpFileName; DWORD dwHelpId; HCRYPTPROV hprov; } CERT_SELECT_STRUCT_W, *PCERT_SELECT_STRUCT_W; #define CERT_SELECT_STRUCT WINELIB_NAME_AW(CERT_SELECT_STRUCT_) BOOL WINAPI CertSelectCertificateA(PCERT_SELECT_STRUCT_A pCertSelectInfo); BOOL WINAPI CertSelectCertificateW(PCERT_SELECT_STRUCT_W pCertSelectInfo); #define CertSelectCertificate WINELIB_NAME_AW(CertSelectCertificate) #define CM_VIEWFLAGS_MASK 0x00ffffff #define CM_ENABLEHOOK 0x00000001 #define CM_SHOW_HELP 0x00000002 #define CM_SHOW_HELPICON 0x00000004 #define CM_ENABLETEMPLATE 0x00000008 #define CM_HIDE_ADVANCEPAGE 0x00000010 #define CM_HIDE_TRUSTPAGE 0x00000020 #define CM_NO_NAMECHANGE 0x00000040 #define CM_NO_EDITTRUST 0x00000080 #define CM_HIDE_DETAILPAGE 0x00000100 #define CM_ADD_CERT_STORES 0x00000200 #define CERTVIEW_CRYPTUI_LPARAM 0x00800000 typedef struct tagCERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_A { DWORD dwSize; HWND hwndParent; HINSTANCE hInstance; DWORD dwFlags; LPCSTR szTitle; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext; LPSTR *arrayPurposes; DWORD cArrayPurposes; DWORD cRootStores; HCERTSTORE *rghstoreRoots; DWORD cStores; HCERTSTORE *rghstoreCAs; DWORD cTrustStores; HCERTSTORE *rghstoreTrust; HCRYPTPROV hprov; DWORD lCustData; DWORD dwPad; LPCSTR szHelpFileName; DWORD dwHelpId; DWORD nStartPage; DWORD cArrayPropSheetPages; /* FIXME: PSDK declares arrayPropSheetPages as a PROPSHEETPAGE *, which we * don't allow in our own headers. It's probably wrong, but we're not * compatible. */ PROPSHEETPAGEA *arrayPropSheetPages; } CERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_A, *PCERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_A; typedef struct tagCERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_W { DWORD dwSize; HWND hwndParent; HINSTANCE hInstance; DWORD dwFlags; LPCWSTR szTitle; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext; LPSTR *arrayPurposes; DWORD cArrayPurposes; DWORD cRootStores; HCERTSTORE *rghstoreRoots; DWORD cStores; HCERTSTORE *rghstoreCAs; DWORD cTrustStores; HCERTSTORE *rghstoreTrust; HCRYPTPROV hprov; DWORD lCustData; DWORD dwPad; LPCWSTR szHelpFileName; DWORD dwHelpId; DWORD nStartPage; DWORD cArrayPropSheetPages; /* FIXME: PSDK declares arrayPropSheetPages as a PROPSHEETPAGE *, which we * don't allow in our own headers. It's probably wrong, but we're not * compatible. */ PROPSHEETPAGEW *arrayPropSheetPages; } CERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_W, *PCERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_W; #define CERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT WINELIB_NAME_AW(CERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_) #define PCERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT \ WINELIB_NAME_AW(PCERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_) BOOL WINAPI CertViewPropertiesA(PCERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_A pCertViewInfo); BOOL WINAPI CertViewPropertiesW(PCERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_W pCertViewInfo); #define CertViewProperties WINELIB_NAME_AW(CertViewProperties) #define CERT_FILTER_OP_EXISTS 1 #define CERT_FILTER_OP_NOT_EXISTS 2 #define CERT_FILTER_OP_EQUALITY 3 typedef struct tagCMOID { LPCSTR szExtensionOID; DWORD dwTestOperation; LPBYTE pbTestData; DWORD cbTestData; } CERT_FILTER_EXTENSION_MATCH; #define CERT_FILTER_INCLUDE_V1_CERTS 0x0001 #define CERT_FILTER_VALID_TIME_RANGE 0x0002 #define CERT_FILTER_VALID_SIGNATURE 0x0004 #define CERT_FILTER_LEAF_CERTS_ONLY 0x0008 #define CERT_FILTER_ISSUER_CERTS_ONLY 0x0010 #define CERT_FILTER_KEY_EXISTS 0x0020 typedef struct tagCMFLTR { DWORD dwSize; DWORD cExtensionChecks; CERT_FILTER_EXTENSION_MATCH *arrayExtensionChecks; DWORD dwCheckingFlags; } CERT_FILTER_DATA; DWORD WINAPI GetFriendlyNameOfCertA(PCCERT_CONTEXT pccert, LPSTR pchBuffer, DWORD cchBuffer); DWORD WINAPI GetFriendlyNameOfCertW(PCCERT_CONTEXT pccert, LPWSTR pchBuffer, DWORD cchBuffer); #define GetFriendlyNameOfCert WINELIB_NAME_AW(GetFriendlyNameOfCert) #define CERT_CERTIFICATE_ACTION_VERIFY \ { 0x7801ebd0, 0xcf4b, 0x11d0, { 0x85,0x1f,0x00,0x60,0x97,0x93,0x87,0xea }} #define szCERT_CERTIFICATE_ACTION_VERIFY \ "{7801ebd0-cf4b-11d0-851f-0060979387ea}" typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *PFNTRUSTHELPER)(PCCERT_CONTEXT, DWORD, BOOL, LPBYTE); #define CERT_VALIDITY_MASK_VALIDITY 0x0000ffff #define CERT_VALIDITY_BEFORE_START 0x00000001 #define CERT_VALIDITY_AFTER_END 0x00000002 #define CERT_VALIDITY_SIGNATURE_FAILS 0x00000004 #define CERT_VALIDITY_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED 0x00000008 #define CERT_VALIDITY_KEY_USAGE_EXT_FAILURE 0x00000010 #define CERT_VALIDITY_EXTENDED_USAGE_FAILURE 0x00000020 #define CERT_VALIDITY_NAME_CONSTRAINTS_FAILURE 0x00000040 #define CERT_VALIDITY_UNKNOWN_CRITICAL_EXTENSION 0x00000080 #define CERT_VALIDITY_ISSUER_INVALID 0x00000100 #define CERT_VALIDITY_OTHER_EXTENSION_FAILURE 0x00000200 #define CERT_VALIDITY_PERIOD_NESTING_FAILURE 0x00000400 #define CERT_VALIDITY_OTHER_ERROR 0x00000800 #define CERT_VALIDITY_MASK_TRUST 0xffff0000 #define CERT_VALIDITY_EXPLICITLY_DISTRUSTED 0x01000000 #define CERT_VALIDITY_ISSUER_DISTRUST 0x02000000 #define CERT_VALIDITY_NO_ISSUER_CERT_FOUND 0x10000000 #define CERT_VALIDITY_NO_CRL_FOUND 0x20000000 #define CERT_VALIDITY_CRL_OUT_OF_DATE 0x40000000 #define CERT_VALIDITY_NO_TRUST_DATA 0x80000000 #define CERT_TRUST_MASK 0x00ffffff #define CERT_TRUST_DO_FULL_SEARCH 0x00000001 #define CERT_TRUST_PERMIT_MISSING_CRLS 0x00000002 #define CERT_TRUST_DO_FULL_TRUST 0x00000005 #define CERT_TRUST_ADD_CERT_STORES CM_ADD_CERT_STORES typedef struct _CERT_VERIFY_CERTIFICATE_TRUST { DWORD cbSize; PCCERT_CONTEXT pccert; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwIgnoreErr; DWORD *pdwErrors; LPSTR pszUsageOid; HCRYPTPROV hprov; DWORD cRootStores; HCERTSTORE *rghstoreRoots; DWORD cStores; HCERTSTORE *rghstoreCAs; DWORD cTrustStores; HCERTSTORE *rghstoreTrust; DWORD lCustData; PFNTRUSTHELPER pfnTrustHelper; DWORD *pcchain; PCCERT_CONTEXT **prgChain; DWORD **prgdwErrors; DATA_BLOB **prgpbTrustInfo; } CERT_VERIFY_CERTIFICATE_TRUST, *PCERT_VERIFY_CERTIFICATE_TRUST; #define CTL_MODIFY_REQUEST_ADD_NOT_TRUSTED 1 #define CTL_MODIFY_REQUEST_REMOVE 2 #define CTL_MODIFY_REQUEST_ADD_TRUSTED 3 typedef struct _CTL_MODIFY_REQUEST { PCCERT_CONTEXT pccert; DWORD dwOperation; DWORD dwError; } CTL_MODIFY_REQUEST, *PCTL_MODIFY_REQUEST; HRESULT WINAPI CertModifyCertificatesToTrust(int cCertStore, PCTL_MODIFY_REQUEST rgCerts, LPCSTR szPurpose, HWND hwnd, HCERTSTORE hcertstoreTrust); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif