/* * Copyright 2007 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /* * Oracle LGPL Disclaimer: For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice * other than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Oracle elects to use only * the Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPLv2) at this time for any software where * a choice of LGPL license versions is made available with the language indicating * that LGPLv2 or any later version may be used, or where a choice of which version * of the LGPL is applied is otherwise unspecified. */ #ifndef DO_NO_IMPORTS import "unknwn.idl"; #endif cpp_quote("#include ") cpp_quote("#if 0") typedef struct { LPSTR lpReading; LPSTR lpWord; } REGISTERWORDA; typedef struct { LPWSTR lpReading; LPWSTR lpWord; } REGISTERWORDW; #define LF_FACESIZE 32 typedef struct { LONG lfHeight; LONG lfWidth; LONG lfEscapement; LONG lfOrientation; LONG lfWeight; BYTE lfItalic; BYTE lfUnderline; BYTE lfStrikeOut; BYTE lfCharSet; BYTE lfOutPrecision; BYTE lfClipPrecision; BYTE lfQuality; BYTE lfPitchAndFamily; CHAR lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE]; } LOGFONTA; typedef struct { LONG lfHeight; LONG lfWidth; LONG lfEscapement; LONG lfOrientation; LONG lfWeight; BYTE lfItalic; BYTE lfUnderline; BYTE lfStrikeOut; BYTE lfCharSet; BYTE lfOutPrecision; BYTE lfClipPrecision; BYTE lfQuality; BYTE lfPitchAndFamily; WCHAR lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE]; } LOGFONTW; typedef DWORD HIMC; typedef DWORD HIMCC; typedef struct { DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwStyle; POINT ptCurrentPos; RECT rcArea; } CANDIDATEFORM; typedef struct { DWORD dwStyle; POINT ptCurrentPos; RECT rcArea; } COMPOSITIONFORM; typedef struct { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwStyle; DWORD dwCount; DWORD dwSelection; DWORD dwPageStart; DWORD dwPageSize; DWORD dwOffset[1]; } CANDIDATELIST; #define STYLE_DESCRIPTION_SIZE 32 typedef struct { DWORD dwStyle; CHAR szDescription[STYLE_DESCRIPTION_SIZE]; } STYLEBUFA; typedef struct { DWORD dwStyle; WCHAR szDescription[STYLE_DESCRIPTION_SIZE]; } STYLEBUFW; typedef WORD ATOM; #define IMEMENUITEM_STRING_SIZE 80 typedef struct { UINT cbSize; UINT fType; UINT fState; UINT wID; HBITMAP hbmpChecked; HBITMAP hbmpUnchecked; DWORD dwItemData; CHAR szString[IMEMENUITEM_STRING_SIZE]; HBITMAP hbmpItem; } IMEMENUITEMINFOA; typedef struct { UINT cbSize; UINT fType; UINT fState; UINT wID; HBITMAP hbmpChecked; HBITMAP hbmpUnchecked; DWORD dwItemData; WCHAR szString[IMEMENUITEM_STRING_SIZE]; HBITMAP hbmpItem; } IMEMENUITEMINFOW; cpp_quote("#endif") [ object, uuid(08c03412-f96b-11d0-a475-00aa006bcc59), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnumRegisterWordA : IUnknown { HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumRegisterWordA **ppEnum); HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG ulCount, [out] REGISTERWORDA *rgRegisterword, [out] ULONG *pcFetched); HRESULT Reset(); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG ulCount); } [ object, uuid(4955dd31-b159-11d0-8fcf-00aa006bcc59), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnumRegisterWordW : IUnknown { HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumRegisterWordW **ppEnum); HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG ulCount, [out] REGISTERWORDW *rgRegisterword, [out] ULONG *pcFetched); HRESULT Reset(); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG ulCount); } [ object, uuid(09b5eab0-f997-11d1-93d4-0060b067b86e), pointer_default(unique), local ] interface IEnumInputContext : IUnknown { HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumInputContext **ppEnum); HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG ulCount, [out] HIMC *rgInputContext, [out] ULONG *pcFetched); HRESULT Reset(); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG ulCount); } [ object, uuid(08c0e040-62d1-11d1-9326-0060b067b86e), pointer_default(unique), local ] interface IActiveIMMApp : IUnknown { HRESULT AssociateContext( [in] HWND hWnd, [in] HIMC hIME, [out] HIMC *phPrev); HRESULT ConfigureIMEA( [in] HKL hKL, [in] HWND hwnd, [in] DWORD dwMode, [in] REGISTERWORDA *pData); HRESULT ConfigureIMEW( [in] HKL hKL, [in] HWND hWnd, [in] DWORD dwMode, [in] REGISTERWORDW *pData); HRESULT CreateContext( [out] HIMC *phIMC); HRESULT DestroyContext( [in] HIMC hIME); HRESULT EnumRegisterWordA( [in] HKL hKL, [in] LPSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPSTR szRegister, [in] LPVOID pData, [out] IEnumRegisterWordA **pEnum); HRESULT EnumRegisterWordW( [in] HKL hKL, [in] LPWSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPWSTR szRegister, [in] LPVOID pData, [out] IEnumRegisterWordW **pEnum); HRESULT EscapeA( [in] HKL hKL, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] UINT uEscape, [in, out] LPVOID pData, [out] LRESULT *plResult); HRESULT EscapeW( [in] HKL hKL, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] UINT uEscape, [in, out] LPVOID pData, [out] LRESULT *plResult); HRESULT GetCandidateListA( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] CANDIDATELIST *pCandList, [out] UINT *puCopied); HRESULT GetCandidateListW( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] CANDIDATELIST *pCandList, [out] UINT *puCopied); HRESULT GetCandidateListCountA( [in] HIMC hIMC, [out] DWORD *pdwListSize, [out] DWORD *pdwBufLen); HRESULT GetCandidateListCountW( [in] HIMC hIMC, [out] DWORD *pdwListSize, [out] DWORD *pdwBufLen); HRESULT GetCandidateWindow( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [out] CANDIDATEFORM *pCandidate); HRESULT GetCompositionFontA( [in] HIMC hIMC, [out] LOGFONTA *plf); HRESULT GetCompositionFontW( [in] HIMC hIMC, [out] LOGFONTW *plf); HRESULT GetCompositionStringA( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwBufLen, [out] LONG *plCopied, [out] LPVOID pBuf); HRESULT GetCompositionStringW( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwBufLen, [out] LONG *plCopied, [out] LPVOID pBuf); HRESULT GetCompositionWindow( [in] HIMC hIMC, [out] COMPOSITIONFORM *pCompForm); HRESULT GetContext( [in] HWND hwnd, [out] HIMC *phIMC); HRESULT GetConversionListA( [in] HKL hKL, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] LPSTR pSrc, [in] UINT uBufLen, [in] UINT uFlag, [out] CANDIDATELIST *pDst, [out] UINT *puCopied); HRESULT GetConversionListW( [in] HKL hKL, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] LPWSTR pSrc, [in] UINT uBufLen, [in] UINT uFlag, [out] CANDIDATELIST *pDst, [out] UINT *puCopied); HRESULT GetConversionStatus( [in] HIMC hIMC, [out] DWORD *pfdwConversion, [out] DWORD *pfdwSentence); HRESULT GetDefaultIMEWnd( [in] HWND hWnd, [out] HWND *phDefWnd); HRESULT GetDescriptionA( [in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] LPSTR szDescription, [out] UINT *puCopied); HRESULT GetDescriptionW( [in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] LPWSTR szDescription, [out] UINT *puCopied); HRESULT GetGuideLineA( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwBufLen, [out] LPSTR pBuf, [out] DWORD *pdwResult); HRESULT GetGuideLineW( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwBufLen, [out] LPWSTR pBuf, [out] DWORD *pdwResult); HRESULT GetIMEFileNameA( [in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] LPSTR szFileName, [out] UINT *puCopied); HRESULT GetIMEFileNameW( [in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] LPWSTR szFileName, [out] UINT *puCopied); HRESULT GetOpenStatus( [in] HIMC hIMC); HRESULT GetProperty( [in] HKL hKL, [in] DWORD fdwIndex, [out] DWORD *pdwProperty); HRESULT GetRegisterWordStyleA( [in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT nItem, [out] STYLEBUFA *pStyleBuf, [out] UINT *puCopied); HRESULT GetRegisterWordStyleW( [in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT nItem, [out] STYLEBUFW *pStyleBuf, [out] UINT *puCopied); HRESULT GetStatusWindowPos( [in] HIMC hIMC, [out] POINT *pptPos); HRESULT GetVirtualKey( [in] HWND hWnd, [out] UINT *puVirtualKey); HRESULT InstallIMEA( [in] LPSTR szIMEFileName, [in] LPSTR szLayoutText, [out] HKL *phKL); HRESULT InstallIMEW( [in] LPWSTR szIMEFileName, [in] LPWSTR szLayoutText, [out] HKL *phKL); HRESULT IsIME( [in] HKL hKL); HRESULT IsUIMessageA( [in] HWND hWndIME, [in] UINT msg, [in] WPARAM wParam, [in] LPARAM lParam); HRESULT IsUIMessageW( [in] HWND hWndIME, [in] UINT msg, [in] WPARAM wParam, [in] LPARAM lParam); HRESULT NotifyIME( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwAction, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwValue); HRESULT RegisterWordA( [in] HKL hKL, [in] LPSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPSTR szRegister); HRESULT RegisterWordW( [in] HKL hKL, [in] LPWSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPWSTR szRegister); HRESULT ReleaseContext( [in] HWND hWnd, [in] HIMC hIMC); HRESULT SetCandidateWindow( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] CANDIDATEFORM *pCandidate); HRESULT SetCompositionFontA( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] LOGFONTA *plf); HRESULT SetCompositionFontW( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] LOGFONTW *plf); HRESULT SetCompositionStringA( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] LPVOID pComp, [in] DWORD dwCompLen, [in] LPVOID pRead, [in] DWORD dwReadLen); HRESULT SetCompositionStringW( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] LPVOID pComp, [in] DWORD dwCompLen, [in] LPVOID pRead, [in] DWORD dwReadLen); HRESULT SetCompositionWindow( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] COMPOSITIONFORM *pCompForm); HRESULT SetConversionStatus( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD fdwConversion, [in] DWORD fdwSentence); HRESULT SetOpenStatus( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] BOOL fOpen); HRESULT SetStatusWindowPos( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] POINT *pptPos); HRESULT SimulateHotKey( [in] HWND hwnd, [in] DWORD dwHotKeyID); HRESULT UnregisterWordA( [in] HKL hKL, [in] LPSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPSTR szUnregister); HRESULT UnregisterWordW( [in] HKL hKL, [in] LPWSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPWSTR szUnregister); HRESULT Activate( [in] BOOL fRestoreLayout); HRESULT Deactivate(); HRESULT OnDefWindowProc( [in] HWND hWnd, [in] UINT Msg, [in] WPARAM wParam, [in] LPARAM lParam, [out] LRESULT *plResult); HRESULT FilterClientWindows( [in] ATOM *aaClassList, [in] UINT uSize); HRESULT GetCodePageA( [in] HKL hKL, [out] UINT *uCodePage); HRESULT GetLangId( [in] HKL hKL, [out] LANGID *plid); HRESULT AssociateContextEx( [in] HWND hWnd, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwFlags); HRESULT DisableIME( [in] DWORD idThread); HRESULT GetImeMenuItemsA( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DWORD dwType, [in] IMEMENUITEMINFOA *pImeParentMenu, [out] IMEMENUITEMINFOA *pImeMenu, [in] DWORD dwSize, [out] DWORD *pdwResult); HRESULT GetImeMenuItemsW( [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DWORD dwType, [in] IMEMENUITEMINFOW *pImeParentMenu, [out] IMEMENUITEMINFOW *pImeMenu, [in] DWORD dwSize, [out] DWORD *pdwResult); HRESULT EnumInputContext( [in] DWORD idThread, [out] IEnumInputContext **ppEnum); } [ uuid(4955dd33-b159-11d0-8fcf-00aa006bcc59) ] coclass CActiveIMM { [default] interface IActiveIMMApp; /* interface IActiveIMMIME; */ /* interface IActiveIMMRegistrar; */ /* interface IActiveIMMMessagePumpOwner; */ }