/* * Win32 5.1 theme definitions * * Copyright (C) 2003 Kevin Koltzau * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /* * Oracle LGPL Disclaimer: For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice * other than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Oracle elects to use only * the Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPLv2) at this time for any software where * a choice of LGPL license versions is made available with the language indicating * that LGPLv2 or any later version may be used, or where a choice of which version * of the LGPL is applied is otherwise unspecified. */ #ifndef __WINE_UXTHEME_H #define __WINE_UXTHEME_H #include typedef HANDLE HTHEME; HRESULT WINAPI CloseThemeData(HTHEME hTheme); HRESULT WINAPI DrawThemeBackground(HTHEME,HDC,int,int,const RECT*,const RECT*); #define DTBG_CLIPRECT 0x00000001 #define DTBG_DRAWSOLID 0x00000002 #define DTBG_OMITBORDER 0x00000004 #define DTBG_OMITCONTENT 0x00000008 #define DTBG_COMPUTINGREGION 0x00000010 #define DTBG_MIRRORDC 0x00000020 typedef struct _DTBGOPTS { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwFlags; RECT rcClip; } DTBGOPTS, *PDTBGOPTS; HRESULT WINAPI DrawThemeBackgroundEx(HTHEME,HDC,int,int,const RECT*, const DTBGOPTS*); HRESULT WINAPI DrawThemeEdge(HTHEME,HDC,int,int,const RECT*,UINT,UINT, RECT*); HRESULT WINAPI DrawThemeIcon(HTHEME,HDC,int,int,const RECT*,HIMAGELIST,int); HRESULT WINAPI DrawThemeParentBackground(HWND,HDC,RECT*); #define DTT_GRAYED 0x1 HRESULT WINAPI DrawThemeText(HTHEME,HDC,int,int,LPCWSTR,int,DWORD,DWORD, const RECT*); #define ETDT_DISABLE 0x00000001 #define ETDT_ENABLE 0x00000002 #define ETDT_USETABTEXTURE 0x00000004 #define ETDT_ENABLETAB (ETDT_ENABLE|ETDT_USETABTEXTURE) HRESULT WINAPI EnableThemeDialogTexture(HWND,DWORD); HRESULT WINAPI EnableTheming(BOOL); HRESULT WINAPI GetCurrentThemeName(LPWSTR,int,LPWSTR,int,LPWSTR,int); #define STAP_ALLOW_NONCLIENT (1<<0) #define STAP_ALLOW_CONTROLS (1<<1) #define STAP_ALLOW_WEBCONTENT (1<<2) DWORD WINAPI GetThemeAppProperties(void); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeBackgroundContentRect(HTHEME,HDC,int,int, const RECT*,RECT*); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeBackgroundExtent(HTHEME,HDC,int,int,const RECT*,RECT*); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeBackgroundRegion(HTHEME,HDC,int,int,const RECT*,HRGN*); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeBool(HTHEME,int,int,int,BOOL*); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeColor(HTHEME,int,int,int,COLORREF*); #if defined(__GNUC__) # define SZ_THDOCPROP_DISPLAYNAME (const WCHAR []){ 'D','i','s','p','l','a','y','N','a','m','e',0 } # define SZ_THDOCPROP_CANONICALNAME (const WCHAR []){ 'T','h','e','m','e','N','a','m','e',0 } # define SZ_THDOCPROP_TOOLTIP (const WCHAR []){ 'T','o','o','l','T','i','p',0 } # define SZ_THDOCPROP_AUTHOR (const WCHAR []){ 'a','u','t','h','o','r',0 } #elif defined(_MSC_VER) # define SZ_THDOCPROP_DISPLAYNAME L"DisplayName" # define SZ_THDOCPROP_CANONICALNAME L"ThemeName" # define SZ_THDOCPROP_TOOLTIP L"ToolTip" # define SZ_THDOCPROP_AUTHOR L"author" #else static const WCHAR SZ_THDOCPROP_DISPLAYNAME[] = { 'D','i','s','p','l','a','y','N','a','m','e',0 }; static const WCHAR SZ_THDOCPROP_CANONICALNAME[] = { 'T','h','e','m','e','N','a','m','e',0 }; static const WCHAR SZ_THDOCPROP_TOOLTIP[] = { 'T','o','o','l','T','i','p',0 }; static const WCHAR SZ_THDOCPROP_AUTHOR[] = { 'a','u','t','h','o','r',0 }; #endif HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeDocumentationProperty(LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR,LPWSTR,int); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeEnumValue(HTHEME,int,int,int,int*); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeFilename(HTHEME,int,int,int,LPWSTR,int); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeFont(HTHEME,HDC,int,int,int,LOGFONTW*); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeInt(HTHEME,int,int,int,int*); #define MAX_INTLIST_COUNT 10 typedef struct _INTLIST { int iValueCount; int iValues[MAX_INTLIST_COUNT]; } INTLIST, *PINTLIST; HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeIntList(HTHEME,int,int,int,INTLIST*); typedef struct _MARGINS { int cxLeftWidth; int cxRightWidth; int cyTopHeight; int cyBottomHeight; } MARGINS, *PMARGINS; HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeMargins(HTHEME,HDC,int,int,int,RECT*,MARGINS*); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeMetric(HTHEME,HDC,int,int,int,int*); typedef enum { TS_MIN, TS_TRUE, TS_DRAW } THEMESIZE; HRESULT WINAPI GetThemePartSize(HTHEME,HDC,int,int,RECT*,THEMESIZE,SIZE*); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemePosition(HTHEME,int,int,int,POINT*); typedef enum { PO_STATE, PO_PART, PO_CLASS, PO_GLOBAL, PO_NOTFOUND } PROPERTYORIGIN; HRESULT WINAPI GetThemePropertyOrigin(HTHEME,int,int,int,PROPERTYORIGIN*); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeRect(HTHEME,int,int,int,RECT*); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeString(HTHEME,int,int,int,LPWSTR,int); BOOL WINAPI GetThemeSysBool(HTHEME,int); COLORREF WINAPI GetThemeSysColor(HTHEME,int); HBRUSH WINAPI GetThemeSysColorBrush(HTHEME,int); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeSysFont(HTHEME,int,LOGFONTW*); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeSysInt(HTHEME,int,int*); int WINAPI GetThemeSysSize(HTHEME,int); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeSysString(HTHEME,int,LPWSTR,int); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeTextExtent(HTHEME,HDC,int,int,LPCWSTR,int,DWORD, const RECT*,RECT*); HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeTextMetrics(HTHEME,HDC,int,int,TEXTMETRICW*); HTHEME WINAPI GetWindowTheme(HWND); #define HTTB_BACKGROUNDSEG 0x0000 #define HTTB_FIXEDBORDER 0x0002 #define HTTB_CAPTION 0x0004 #define HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_LEFT 0x0010 #define HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_TOP 0x0020 #define HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_RIGHT 0x0040 #define HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_BOTTOM 0x0080 #define HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER \ (HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_LEFT|HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_TOP|\ HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_RIGHT|HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_BOTTOM) #define HTTB_SIZINGTEMPLATE 0x0100 #define HTTB_SYSTEMSIZINGMARGINS 0x0200 #define OTD_FORCE_RECT_SIZING 0x0001 #define OTD_NONCLIENT 0x0002 #define OTD_VALIDBITS (OTD_FORCE_RECT_SIZING | OTD_NONCLIENT) HRESULT WINAPI HitTestThemeBackground(HTHEME,HDC,int,int,DWORD,const RECT*, HRGN,POINT,WORD*); BOOL WINAPI IsAppThemed(void); BOOL WINAPI IsThemeActive(void); BOOL WINAPI IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(HTHEME,int,int); BOOL WINAPI IsThemeDialogTextureEnabled(HWND); BOOL WINAPI IsThemePartDefined(HTHEME,int,int); HTHEME WINAPI OpenThemeData(HWND,LPCWSTR); HTHEME WINAPI OpenThemeDataEx(HWND,LPCWSTR,DWORD); void WINAPI SetThemeAppProperties(DWORD); HRESULT WINAPI SetWindowTheme(HWND,LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR); /* Double-buffered Drawing API */ typedef HANDLE HPAINTBUFFER; HRESULT WINAPI BufferedPaintInit(VOID); HRESULT WINAPI BufferedPaintUnInit(VOID); typedef enum _BP_BUFFERFORMAT { BPBF_COMPATIBLEBITMAP, BPBF_DIB, BPBF_TOPDOWNDIB, BPBF_TOPDOWNMONODIB } BP_BUFFERFORMAT; typedef struct _BP_PAINTPARAMS { DWORD cbSize; DWORD dwFlags; const RECT *prcExclude; const BLENDFUNCTION *pBlendFunction; } BP_PAINTPARAMS, *PBP_PAINTPARAMS; HPAINTBUFFER WINAPI BeginBufferedPaint(HDC, const RECT *, BP_BUFFERFORMAT, BP_PAINTPARAMS *,HDC *); HRESULT WINAPI EndBufferedPaint(HPAINTBUFFER, BOOL); #endif