/* $Id: tstIntNet-1.cpp $ */ /** @file * VBox - Testcase for internal networking, simple NetFlt trunk creation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../Pcap.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static int g_cErrors = 0; static uint64_t g_StartTS = 0; static uint32_t g_DhcpXID = 0; static bool g_fDhcpReply = false; static bool g_fPingReply = false; static uint32_t g_cOtherPkts = 0; static uint32_t g_cArpPkts = 0; static uint32_t g_cIpv4Pkts = 0; static uint32_t g_cUdpPkts = 0; static uint32_t g_cDhcpPkts = 0; static uint32_t g_cTcpPkts = 0; /** * Error reporting wrapper. * * @param pErrStrm The stream to write the error message to. Can be NULL. * @param pszFormat The message format string. * @param ... Format arguments. */ static void tstIntNetError(PRTSTREAM pErrStrm, const char *pszFormat, ...) { if (!pErrStrm) pErrStrm = g_pStdOut; va_list va; va_start(va, pszFormat); RTStrmPrintf(pErrStrm, "tstIntNet-1: ERROR - "); RTStrmPrintfV(pErrStrm, pszFormat, va); va_end(va); g_cErrors++; } /** * Parses a frame an runs in thru the RTNet validation code so it gets * some exercise. * * @param pvFrame Pointer to the ethernet frame. * @param cbFrame The size of the ethernet frame. * @param pErrStrm The error stream. */ static void tstIntNetTestFrame(void const *pvFrame, size_t cbFrame, PRTSTREAM pErrStrm, bool fGso) { /* * Ethernet header. */ PCRTNETETHERHDR pEtherHdr = (PCRTNETETHERHDR)pvFrame; if (cbFrame <= sizeof(*pEtherHdr)) return tstIntNetError(pErrStrm, "cbFrame=%#x <= %#x (ether)\n", cbFrame, sizeof(*pEtherHdr)); ssize_t cbLeft = cbFrame - sizeof(*pEtherHdr); uint8_t const *pbCur = (uint8_t const *)(pEtherHdr + 1); switch (RT_BE2H_U16(pEtherHdr->EtherType)) { case RTNET_ETHERTYPE_ARP: { g_cArpPkts++; break; } case RTNET_ETHERTYPE_IPV4: { g_cIpv4Pkts++; PCRTNETIPV4 pIpHdr = (PCRTNETIPV4)pbCur; if (!RTNetIPv4IsHdrValid(pIpHdr, cbLeft, cbLeft, !fGso /*fChecksum*/)) return tstIntNetError(pErrStrm, "RTNetIPv4IsHdrValid failed\n"); pbCur += pIpHdr->ip_hl * 4; cbLeft -= pIpHdr->ip_hl * 4; AssertFatal(cbLeft >= 0); switch (pIpHdr->ip_p) { case RTNETIPV4_PROT_ICMP: { /** @todo ICMP? */ break; } case RTNETIPV4_PROT_UDP: { g_cUdpPkts++; PCRTNETUDP pUdpHdr = (PCRTNETUDP)pbCur; if (!RTNetIPv4IsUDPValid(pIpHdr, pUdpHdr, pUdpHdr + 1, cbLeft, !fGso /*fChecksum*/)) return tstIntNetError(pErrStrm, "RTNetIPv4IsUDPValid failed\n"); pbCur += sizeof(*pUdpHdr); cbLeft -= sizeof(*pUdpHdr); if (RT_BE2H_U16(pUdpHdr->uh_dport) == RTNETIPV4_PORT_BOOTPS) { g_cDhcpPkts++; PCRTNETBOOTP pDhcp = (PCRTNETBOOTP)pbCur; if (!RTNetIPv4IsDHCPValid(pUdpHdr, pDhcp, cbLeft, NULL)) return tstIntNetError(pErrStrm, "RTNetIPv4IsDHCPValid failed\n"); } break; } case RTNETIPV4_PROT_TCP: { g_cTcpPkts++; PCRTNETTCP pTcpHdr = (PCRTNETTCP)pbCur; if (!RTNetIPv4IsTCPValid(pIpHdr, pTcpHdr, cbLeft, NULL, cbLeft, !fGso /*fChecksum*/)) return tstIntNetError(pErrStrm, "RTNetIPv4IsTCPValid failed\n"); break; } } break; } //case RTNET_ETHERTYPE_IPV6: default: g_cOtherPkts++; break; } } /** * Transmits one frame after appending the CRC. * * @param hIf The interface handle. * @param pSession The session. * @param pBuf The shared interface buffer. * @param pvFrame The frame without a crc. * @param cbFrame The size of it. * @param pFileRaw The file to write the raw data to (optional). * @param pFileText The file to write a textual packet summary to (optional). */ static void doXmitFrame(INTNETIFHANDLE hIf, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, PINTNETBUF pBuf, void *pvFrame, size_t cbFrame, PRTSTREAM pFileRaw, PRTSTREAM pFileText) { /* * Log it. */ if (pFileText) { PCRTNETETHERHDR pEthHdr = (PCRTNETETHERHDR)pvFrame; uint64_t NanoTS = RTTimeNanoTS() - g_StartTS; RTStrmPrintf(pFileText, "%3RU64.%09u: cb=%04x dst=%.6Rhxs src=%.6Rhxs type=%04x Send!\n", NanoTS / 1000000000, (uint32_t)(NanoTS % 1000000000), cbFrame, &pEthHdr->SrcMac, &pEthHdr->DstMac, RT_BE2H_U16(pEthHdr->EtherType)); } /* * Run in thru the frame validator to test the RTNet code. */ tstIntNetTestFrame(pvFrame, cbFrame, pFileText, false /*fGso*/); /* * Write the frame and push the queue. * * Don't bother with dealing with overflows like DrvIntNet does, because * it's not supposed to happen here in this testcase. */ int rc = IntNetRingWriteFrame(&pBuf->Send, pvFrame, cbFrame); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (pFileRaw) PcapStreamFrame(pFileRaw, g_StartTS, pvFrame, cbFrame, 0xffff); } else { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: IntNetRingWriteFrame failed, %Rrc; cbFrame=%d pBuf->cbSend=%d\n", rc, cbFrame, pBuf->cbSend); g_cErrors++; } INTNETIFSENDREQ SendReq; SendReq.Hdr.u32Magic = SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC; SendReq.Hdr.cbReq = sizeof(SendReq); SendReq.pSession = pSession; SendReq.hIf = hIf; rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(NIL_RTR0PTR, NIL_VMCPUID, VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SEND, 0, &SendReq.Hdr); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(,VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SEND,) failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } } /** * Does the transmit test. * * @param hIf The interface handle. * @param pSession The session. * @param pBuf The shared interface buffer. * @param pSrcMac The mac address to use as source. * @param pFileRaw The file to write the raw data to (optional). * @param pFileText The file to write a textual packet summary to (optional). */ static void doXmitTest(INTNETIFHANDLE hIf, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, PINTNETBUF pBuf, PCRTMAC pSrcMac, PRTSTREAM pFileRaw, PRTSTREAM pFileText) { uint8_t abFrame[4096]; PRTNETETHERHDR pEthHdr = (PRTNETETHERHDR)&abFrame[0]; PRTNETIPV4 pIpHdr = (PRTNETIPV4) (pEthHdr + 1); PRTNETUDP pUdpHdr = (PRTNETUDP) (pIpHdr + 1); PRTNETDHCP pDhcpMsg = (PRTNETDHCP) (pUdpHdr + 1); /* * Create a simple DHCP broadcast request. */ memset(&abFrame, 0, sizeof(abFrame)); pDhcpMsg->Op = 1; /* request */ pDhcpMsg->HType = 1; /* ethernet */ pDhcpMsg->HLen = sizeof(RTMAC); pDhcpMsg->Hops = 0; pDhcpMsg->XID = g_DhcpXID = RTRandU32(); pDhcpMsg->Secs = 0; pDhcpMsg->Flags = 0; /* unicast */ //RT_H2BE_U16(0x8000); /* broadcast */ pDhcpMsg->CIAddr.u = 0; pDhcpMsg->YIAddr.u = 0; pDhcpMsg->SIAddr.u = 0; pDhcpMsg->GIAddr.u = 0; memset(&pDhcpMsg->CHAddr[0], '\0', sizeof(pDhcpMsg->CHAddr)); memcpy(&pDhcpMsg->CHAddr[0], pSrcMac, sizeof(*pSrcMac)); memset(&pDhcpMsg->SName[0], '\0', sizeof(pDhcpMsg->SName)); memset(&pDhcpMsg->File[0], '\0', sizeof(pDhcpMsg->File)); pDhcpMsg->abMagic[0] = 99; pDhcpMsg->abMagic[1] = 130; pDhcpMsg->abMagic[2] = 83; pDhcpMsg->abMagic[3] = 99; pDhcpMsg->DhcpOpt = 53; /* DHCP Msssage Type option */ pDhcpMsg->DhcpLen = 1; pDhcpMsg->DhcpReq = 1; /* DHCPDISCOVER */ memset(&pDhcpMsg->abOptions[0], '\0', sizeof(pDhcpMsg->abOptions)); uint8_t *pbOpt = &pDhcpMsg->abOptions[0]; *pbOpt++ = 116; /* DHCP Auto-Configure */ *pbOpt++ = 1; *pbOpt++ = 1; *pbOpt++ = 61; /* Client identifier */ *pbOpt++ = 1 + sizeof(*pSrcMac); *pbOpt++ = 1; /* hw type: ethernet */ memcpy(pbOpt, pSrcMac, sizeof(*pSrcMac)); pbOpt += sizeof(*pSrcMac); *pbOpt++ = 12; /* Host name */ *pbOpt++ = sizeof("tstIntNet-1") - 1; memcpy(pbOpt, "tstIntNet-1", sizeof("tstIntNet-1") - 1); pbOpt += sizeof("tstIntNet-1") - 1; *pbOpt = 0xff; /* the end */ /* UDP */ pUdpHdr->uh_sport = RT_H2BE_U16(68); /* bootp */ pUdpHdr->uh_dport = RT_H2BE_U16(67); /* bootps */ pUdpHdr->uh_ulen = RT_H2BE_U16(sizeof(*pDhcpMsg) + sizeof(*pUdpHdr)); pUdpHdr->uh_sum = 0; /* pretend checksumming is disabled */ /* IP */ pIpHdr->ip_v = 4; pIpHdr->ip_hl = sizeof(*pIpHdr) / sizeof(uint32_t); pIpHdr->ip_tos = 0; pIpHdr->ip_len = RT_H2BE_U16(sizeof(*pDhcpMsg) + sizeof(*pUdpHdr) + sizeof(*pIpHdr)); pIpHdr->ip_id = (uint16_t)RTRandU32(); pIpHdr->ip_off = 0; pIpHdr->ip_ttl = 255; pIpHdr->ip_p = 0x11; /* UDP */ pIpHdr->ip_sum = 0; pIpHdr->ip_src.u = 0; pIpHdr->ip_dst.u = UINT32_C(0xffffffff); /* broadcast */ pIpHdr->ip_sum = RTNetIPv4HdrChecksum(pIpHdr); /* calc the UDP checksum. */ pUdpHdr->uh_sum = RTNetIPv4UDPChecksum(pIpHdr, pUdpHdr, pUdpHdr + 1); /* Ethernet */ memset(&pEthHdr->DstMac, 0xff, sizeof(pEthHdr->DstMac)); /* broadcast */ pEthHdr->SrcMac = *pSrcMac; pEthHdr->EtherType = RT_H2BE_U16(RTNET_ETHERTYPE_IPV4); /* IP */ doXmitFrame(hIf, pSession, pBuf, &abFrame[0], (uint8_t *)(pDhcpMsg + 1) - (uint8_t *)&abFrame[0], pFileRaw, pFileText); } static uint16_t icmpChecksum(PRTNETICMPV4HDR pHdr, size_t cbHdr) { size_t cbLeft = cbHdr; uint16_t *pbSrc = (uint16_t *)pHdr; uint16_t oddByte = 0; int cSum = 0; while (cbLeft > 1) { cSum += *pbSrc++; cbLeft -= 2; } if (cbLeft == 1) { *(uint16_t *)(&oddByte) = *(uint16_t *)pbSrc; cSum += oddByte; } cSum = (cSum >> 16) + (cSum & 0xffff); cSum += (cSum >> 16); uint16_t Result = ~cSum; return Result; } /** * Does the rudimentary ping test with fixed destination and source IPs. * * @param hIf The interface handle. * @param pSession The session. * @param pBuf The shared interface buffer. * @param pSrcMac The mac address to use as source. * @param pFileRaw The file to write the raw data to (optional). * @param pFileText The file to write a textual packet summary to (optional). */ static void doPingTest(INTNETIFHANDLE hIf, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, PINTNETBUF pBuf, PCRTMAC pSrcMac, PRTSTREAM pFileRaw, PRTSTREAM pFileText) { uint8_t abFrame[4096]; PRTNETETHERHDR pEthHdr = (PRTNETETHERHDR)&abFrame[0]; PRTNETIPV4 pIpHdr = (PRTNETIPV4) (pEthHdr + 1); PRTNETICMPV4ECHO pIcmpEcho = (PRTNETICMPV4ECHO) (pIpHdr + 1); /* * Create a simple ping request. */ memset(&abFrame, 0, sizeof(abFrame)); pIcmpEcho->Hdr.icmp_type = RTNETICMPV4_TYPE_ECHO_REQUEST; pIcmpEcho->Hdr.icmp_code = 0; pIcmpEcho->icmp_id = 0x06; pIcmpEcho->icmp_seq = 0x05; size_t cbPad = 56; memset(&pIcmpEcho->icmp_data, '\0', cbPad); pIcmpEcho->Hdr.icmp_cksum = icmpChecksum(&pIcmpEcho->Hdr, cbPad + 8); /* IP */ pIpHdr->ip_v = 4; pIpHdr->ip_hl = sizeof(*pIpHdr) / sizeof(uint32_t); pIpHdr->ip_tos = 0; pIpHdr->ip_len = RT_H2BE_U16((uint16_t)(sizeof(*pIcmpEcho) + cbPad + sizeof(*pIpHdr))); pIpHdr->ip_id = (uint16_t)RTRandU32(); pIpHdr->ip_off = 0; pIpHdr->ip_ttl = 255; pIpHdr->ip_p = 0x01; /*ICMP */ pIpHdr->ip_sum = 0; pIpHdr->ip_src.u = UINT32_C(0x9701A8C0); /* */ pIpHdr->ip_dst.u = UINT32_C(0xF9A344D0); /* */ pIpHdr->ip_sum = RTNetIPv4HdrChecksum(pIpHdr); /* Ethernet */ memset(&pEthHdr->DstMac, 0xff, sizeof(pEthHdr->DstMac)); /* broadcast */ pEthHdr->SrcMac = *pSrcMac; #if 0 /* Enable with host's real Mac address for testing of the testcase. */ pEthHdr->SrcMac.au8[0] = 0x00; pEthHdr->SrcMac.au8[1] = 0x1b; pEthHdr->SrcMac.au8[2] = 0x24; pEthHdr->SrcMac.au8[3] = 0xa0; pEthHdr->SrcMac.au8[4] = 0x2f; pEthHdr->SrcMac.au8[5] = 0xce; #endif pEthHdr->EtherType = RT_H2BE_U16(RTNET_ETHERTYPE_IPV4); /* IP */ doXmitFrame(hIf, pSession, pBuf, &abFrame[0], (uint8_t *)(pIcmpEcho + 1) + cbPad - (uint8_t *)&abFrame[0], pFileRaw, pFileText); } /** * Does packet sniffing for a given period of time. * * @param hIf The interface handle. * @param pSession The session. * @param pBuf The shared interface buffer. * @param cMillies The time period, ms. * @param pFileRaw The file to write the raw data to (optional). * @param pFileText The file to write a textual packet summary to (optional). * @param pSrcMac Out MAC address. */ static void doPacketSniffing(INTNETIFHANDLE hIf, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, PINTNETBUF pBuf, uint32_t cMillies, PRTSTREAM pFileRaw, PRTSTREAM pFileText, PCRTMAC pSrcMac) { /* * The loop. */ PINTNETRINGBUF pRingBuf = &pBuf->Recv; for (;;) { /* * Wait for a packet to become available. */ uint64_t cElapsedMillies = (RTTimeNanoTS() - g_StartTS) / 1000000; if (cElapsedMillies >= cMillies) break; INTNETIFWAITREQ WaitReq; WaitReq.Hdr.u32Magic = SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC; WaitReq.Hdr.cbReq = sizeof(WaitReq); WaitReq.pSession = pSession; WaitReq.hIf = hIf; WaitReq.cMillies = cMillies - (uint32_t)cElapsedMillies; int rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(NIL_RTR0PTR, NIL_VMCPUID, VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_WAIT, 0, &WaitReq.Hdr); if (rc == VERR_TIMEOUT || rc == VERR_INTERRUPTED) break; if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { g_cErrors++; RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_WAIT returned %Rrc\n", rc); break; } /* * Process the receive buffer. */ PINTNETHDR pHdr; while ((pHdr = IntNetRingGetNextFrameToRead(pRingBuf))) { if (pHdr->u8Type == INTNETHDR_TYPE_FRAME) { size_t cbFrame = pHdr->cbFrame; const void *pvFrame = IntNetHdrGetFramePtr(pHdr, pBuf); uint64_t NanoTS = RTTimeNanoTS() - g_StartTS; if (pFileRaw) PcapStreamFrame(pFileRaw, g_StartTS, pvFrame, cbFrame, 0xffff); PCRTNETETHERHDR pEthHdr = (PCRTNETETHERHDR)pvFrame; if (pFileText) RTStrmPrintf(pFileText, "%3RU64.%09u: cb=%04x dst=%.6Rhxs src=%.6Rhxs type=%04x%s\n", NanoTS / 1000000000, (uint32_t)(NanoTS % 1000000000), cbFrame, &pEthHdr->DstMac, &pEthHdr->SrcMac, RT_BE2H_U16(pEthHdr->EtherType), !memcmp(&pEthHdr->DstMac, pSrcMac, sizeof(*pSrcMac)) ? " Mine!" : ""); tstIntNetTestFrame(pvFrame, cbFrame, pFileText, false /*fGso*/); /* Loop for the DHCP reply. */ if ( cbFrame > 64 && RT_BE2H_U16(pEthHdr->EtherType) == 0x0800 /* EtherType == IP */) { PCRTNETIPV4 pIpHdr = (PCRTNETIPV4)(pEthHdr + 1); PCRTNETUDP pUdpHdr = (PCRTNETUDP)((uint32_t *)pIpHdr + pIpHdr->ip_hl); if ( pIpHdr->ip_p == 0x11 /*UDP*/ && RT_BE2H_U16(pUdpHdr->uh_dport) == 68 /* bootp */ && RT_BE2H_U16(pUdpHdr->uh_sport) == 67 /* bootps */) { PCRTNETDHCP pDhcpMsg = (PCRTNETDHCP)(pUdpHdr + 1); if ( pDhcpMsg->Op == 2 /* boot reply */ && pDhcpMsg->HType == 1 /* ethernet */ && pDhcpMsg->HLen == sizeof(RTMAC) && (pDhcpMsg->XID == g_DhcpXID || !g_DhcpXID) && !memcmp(&pDhcpMsg->CHAddr[0], pSrcMac, sizeof(*pSrcMac))) { g_fDhcpReply = true; RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: DHCP server reply! My IP: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", pDhcpMsg->YIAddr.au8[0], pDhcpMsg->YIAddr.au8[1], pDhcpMsg->YIAddr.au8[2], pDhcpMsg->YIAddr.au8[3]); } } else if (pIpHdr->ip_p == 0x01) /* ICMP */ { PRTNETICMPV4HDR pIcmpHdr = (PRTNETICMPV4HDR)(pIpHdr + 1); PRTNETICMPV4ECHO pIcmpEcho = (PRTNETICMPV4ECHO)(pIpHdr + 1); if ( pIcmpHdr->icmp_type == RTNETICMPV4_TYPE_ECHO_REPLY && pIcmpEcho->icmp_seq == 0x05 && pIpHdr->ip_dst.u == UINT32_C(0x9701A8C0) #if 0 /** Enable with the host's real Mac address for testing of the testcase.*/ && pEthHdr->DstMac.au8[0] == 0x00 && pEthHdr->DstMac.au8[1] == 0x1b && pEthHdr->DstMac.au8[2] == 0x24 && pEthHdr->DstMac.au8[3] == 0xa0 && pEthHdr->DstMac.au8[4] == 0x2f && pEthHdr->DstMac.au8[5] == 0xce #else && pEthHdr->DstMac.au16[0] == pSrcMac->au16[0] && pEthHdr->DstMac.au16[1] == pSrcMac->au16[1] && pEthHdr->DstMac.au16[2] == pSrcMac->au16[2] #endif ) { g_fPingReply = true; RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: Ping reply! From %d.%d.%d.%d\n", pIpHdr->ip_src.au8[0], pIpHdr->ip_src.au8[1], pIpHdr->ip_src.au8[2], pIpHdr->ip_src.au8[3]); } else RTPrintf("type=%d seq=%d dstmac=%.6Rhxs ip=%d.%d.%d.%d\n", pIcmpHdr->icmp_type, pIcmpEcho->icmp_seq, &pEthHdr->DstMac, pIpHdr->ip_dst.au8[0], pIpHdr->ip_dst.au8[1], pIpHdr->ip_dst.au8[2], pIpHdr->ip_dst.au8[3]); } } } else if (pHdr->u8Type == INTNETHDR_TYPE_GSO) { PCPDMNETWORKGSO pGso = IntNetHdrGetGsoContext(pHdr, pBuf); size_t cbFrame = pHdr->cbFrame; if (PDMNetGsoIsValid(pGso, cbFrame, cbFrame - sizeof(*pGso))) { const void *pvFrame = pGso + 1; uint64_t NanoTS = RTTimeNanoTS() - g_StartTS; cbFrame -= sizeof(pGso); if (pFileRaw) PcapStreamGsoFrame(pFileRaw, g_StartTS, pGso, pvFrame, cbFrame, 0xffff); PCRTNETETHERHDR pEthHdr = (PCRTNETETHERHDR)pvFrame; if (pFileText) RTStrmPrintf(pFileText, "%3RU64.%09u: cb=%04x dst=%.6Rhxs src=%.6Rhxs type=%04x%s [GSO]\n", NanoTS / 1000000000, (uint32_t)(NanoTS % 1000000000), cbFrame, &pEthHdr->DstMac, &pEthHdr->SrcMac, RT_BE2H_U16(pEthHdr->EtherType), !memcmp(&pEthHdr->DstMac, pSrcMac, sizeof(*pSrcMac)) ? " Mine!" : ""); tstIntNetTestFrame(pvFrame, cbFrame, pFileText, true /*fGso*/); } else { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: Bad GSO frame: %.*Rhxs\n", sizeof(*pGso), pGso); STAM_REL_COUNTER_INC(&pBuf->cStatBadFrames); g_cErrors++; } } else if (pHdr->u8Type != INTNETHDR_TYPE_PADDING) { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: Unknown frame type %d\n", pHdr->u8Type); STAM_REL_COUNTER_INC(&pBuf->cStatBadFrames); g_cErrors++; } /* Advance to the next frame. */ IntNetRingSkipFrame(pRingBuf); } } uint64_t NanoTS = RTTimeNanoTS() - g_StartTS; RTStrmPrintf(pFileText ? pFileText : g_pStdOut, "%3RU64.%09u: stopped. cRecvs=%RU64 cbRecv=%RU64 cLost=%RU64 cOYs=%RU64 cNYs=%RU64\n", NanoTS / 1000000000, (uint32_t)(NanoTS % 1000000000), pBuf->Recv.cStatFrames.c, pBuf->Recv.cbStatWritten.c, pBuf->cStatLost.c, pBuf->cStatYieldsOk.c, pBuf->cStatYieldsNok.c ); RTStrmPrintf(pFileText ? pFileText : g_pStdOut, "%3RU64.%09u: cOtherPkts=%RU32 cArpPkts=%RU32 cIpv4Pkts=%RU32 cTcpPkts=%RU32 cUdpPkts=%RU32 cDhcpPkts=%RU32\n", NanoTS / 1000000000, (uint32_t)(NanoTS % 1000000000), g_cOtherPkts, g_cArpPkts, g_cIpv4Pkts, g_cTcpPkts, g_cUdpPkts, g_cDhcpPkts); } #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX #include #include #include /** * Obtain the name of the interface used for default routing. * * NOTE: Copied from Main/src-server/linux/NetIf-linux.cpp * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pszName The buffer where to put the name. * @param cbName The buffer length. */ static int getDefaultIfaceName(char *pszName, size_t cbName) { FILE *fp = fopen("/proc/net/route", "r"); char szBuf[1024]; char szIfName[17]; uint32_t uAddr; uint32_t uGateway; uint32_t uMask; int iTmp; unsigned uFlags; if (fp) { while (fgets(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)-1, fp)) { int n = sscanf(szBuf, "%16s %x %x %x %d %d %d %x %d %d %d\n", szIfName, &uAddr, &uGateway, &uFlags, &iTmp, &iTmp, &iTmp, &uMask, &iTmp, &iTmp, &iTmp); if (n < 10 || !(uFlags & RTF_UP)) continue; if (uAddr == 0 && uMask == 0) { fclose(fp); szIfName[sizeof(szIfName) - 1] = '\0'; return RTStrCopy(pszName, cbName, szIfName); } } fclose(fp); } return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } #endif /* RT_OS_LINUX */ /** * Entry point. */ extern "C" DECLEXPORT(int) TrustedMain(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { RT_NOREF(envp); /* * Init the runtime and parse the arguments. */ RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0); static RTGETOPTDEF const s_aOptions[] = { { "--duration", 'd', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--file", 'f', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--interface", 'i', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--mac-sharing", 'm', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--network", 'n', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--promiscuous", 'p', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--recv-buffer", 'r', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--send-buffer", 's', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--sniffer", 'S', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--text-file", 't', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--xmit-test", 'x', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--ping-test", 'P', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, }; uint32_t cMillies = 1000; PRTSTREAM pFileRaw = NULL; #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN const char *pszIf = "en0"; #elif defined(RT_OS_LINUX) char szIf[IFNAMSIZ+1] = "eth0"; /* Reasonable default */ /* * Try to update the default interface by consulting the routing table. * If we fail we still have our reasonable default. */ getDefaultIfaceName(szIf, sizeof(szIf)); const char *pszIf = szIf; #elif defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS) const char* pszIf = "rge0"; #else const char *pszIf = "em0"; #endif bool fMacSharing = false; const char *pszNetwork = "tstIntNet-1"; bool fPromiscuous = false; uint32_t cbRecv = 0; uint32_t cbSend = 0; bool fSniffer = false; PRTSTREAM pFileText = g_pStdOut; bool fXmitTest = false; bool fPingTest = false; RTMAC SrcMac; SrcMac.au8[0] = 0x08; SrcMac.au8[1] = 0x03; SrcMac.au8[2] = 0x86; RTRandBytes(&SrcMac.au8[3], sizeof(SrcMac) - 3); int rc; int ch; RTGETOPTUNION Value; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; RTGetOptInit(&GetState, argc, argv, s_aOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions), 1, 0 /* fFlags */); while ((ch = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &Value))) switch (ch) { case 'd': cMillies = Value.u32 * 1000; if (cMillies / 1000 != Value.u32) { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: warning duration overflowed\n"); cMillies = UINT32_MAX - 1; } break; case 'f': rc = RTStrmOpen(Value.psz, "w+b", &pFileRaw); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: Failed to creating \"%s\" for writing: %Rrc\n", Value.psz, rc); return 1; } break; case 'i': pszIf = Value.psz; if (strlen(pszIf) >= INTNET_MAX_TRUNK_NAME) { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: Interface name is too long (max %d chars): %s\n", INTNET_MAX_TRUNK_NAME - 1, pszIf); return 1; } break; case 'm': fMacSharing = true; break; case 'n': pszNetwork = Value.psz; if (strlen(pszNetwork) >= INTNET_MAX_NETWORK_NAME) { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: Network name is too long (max %d chars): %s\n", INTNET_MAX_NETWORK_NAME - 1, pszNetwork); return 1; } break; case 'p': fPromiscuous = true; break; case 'r': cbRecv = Value.u32; break; case 's': cbSend = Value.u32; break; case 'S': fSniffer = true; break; case 't': if (!*Value.psz) pFileText = NULL; else if (!strcmp(Value.psz, "-")) pFileText = g_pStdOut; else if (!strcmp(Value.psz, "!")) pFileText = g_pStdErr; else { rc = RTStrmOpen(Value.psz, "w", &pFileText); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: Failed to creating \"%s\" for writing: %Rrc\n", Value.psz, rc); return 1; } } break; case 'x': fXmitTest = true; break; case 'P': fPingTest = true; break; case 'h': RTPrintf("syntax: tstIntNet-1 \n" "\n" "Options:\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions); i++) RTPrintf(" -%c,%s\n", s_aOptions[i].iShort, s_aOptions[i].pszLong); RTPrintf("\n" "Examples:\n" " tstIntNet-1 -r 8192 -s 4096 -xS\n" " tstIntNet-1 -n VBoxNetDhcp -r 4096 -s 4096 -i \"\" -xS\n"); return 1; case 'V': RTPrintf("$Revision: 155244 $\n"); return 0; default: return RTGetOptPrintError(ch, &Value); } RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: TESTING...\n"); /* * Open the session, load ring-0 and issue the request. */ PSUPDRVSESSION pSession; rc = SUPR3Init(&pSession); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: SUPR3Init -> %Rrc\n", rc); return 1; } char szPath[RTPATH_MAX]; rc = RTPathExecDir(szPath, sizeof(szPath) - sizeof("/../VMMR0.r0")); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: RTPathExecDir -> %Rrc\n", rc); return 1; } strcat(szPath, "/../VMMR0.r0"); char szAbsPath[RTPATH_MAX]; rc = RTPathAbs(szPath, szAbsPath, sizeof(szAbsPath)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: RTPathAbs -> %Rrc\n", rc); return 1; } rc = SUPR3LoadVMM(szAbsPath, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: SUPR3LoadVMM(\"%s\") -> %Rrc\n", szAbsPath, rc); return 1; } /* * Create the request, picking the network and trunk names from argv[2] * and argv[1] if present. */ INTNETOPENREQ OpenReq; OpenReq.Hdr.u32Magic = SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC; OpenReq.Hdr.cbReq = sizeof(OpenReq); OpenReq.pSession = pSession; RTStrCopy(OpenReq.szNetwork, sizeof(OpenReq.szNetwork), pszNetwork); RTStrCopy(OpenReq.szTrunk, sizeof(OpenReq.szTrunk), pszIf); OpenReq.enmTrunkType = *pszIf ? kIntNetTrunkType_NetFlt : kIntNetTrunkType_WhateverNone; OpenReq.fFlags = fMacSharing ? INTNET_OPEN_FLAGS_SHARED_MAC_ON_WIRE : 0; OpenReq.cbSend = cbSend; OpenReq.cbRecv = cbRecv; OpenReq.hIf = INTNET_HANDLE_INVALID; /* * Issue the request. */ RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: attempting to open/create network \"%s\" with NetFlt trunk \"%s\"...\n", OpenReq.szNetwork, OpenReq.szTrunk); RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut); rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(NIL_RTR0PTR, NIL_VMCPUID, VMMR0_DO_INTNET_OPEN, 0, &OpenReq.Hdr); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: successfully opened/created \"%s\" with NetFlt trunk \"%s\" - hIf=%#x\n", OpenReq.szNetwork, OpenReq.szTrunk, OpenReq.hIf); RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut); /* * Get the ring-3 address of the shared interface buffer. */ INTNETIFGETBUFFERPTRSREQ GetBufferPtrsReq; GetBufferPtrsReq.Hdr.u32Magic = SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC; GetBufferPtrsReq.Hdr.cbReq = sizeof(GetBufferPtrsReq); GetBufferPtrsReq.pSession = pSession; GetBufferPtrsReq.hIf = OpenReq.hIf; GetBufferPtrsReq.pRing3Buf = NULL; GetBufferPtrsReq.pRing0Buf = NIL_RTR0PTR; rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(NIL_RTR0PTR, NIL_VMCPUID, VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_GET_BUFFER_PTRS, 0, &GetBufferPtrsReq.Hdr); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { PINTNETBUF pBuf = GetBufferPtrsReq.pRing3Buf; RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: pBuf=%p cbBuf=%d cbSend=%d cbRecv=%d\n", pBuf, pBuf->cbBuf, pBuf->cbSend, pBuf->cbRecv); RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut); if (fPromiscuous) { INTNETIFSETPROMISCUOUSMODEREQ PromiscReq; PromiscReq.Hdr.u32Magic = SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC; PromiscReq.Hdr.cbReq = sizeof(PromiscReq); PromiscReq.pSession = pSession; PromiscReq.hIf = OpenReq.hIf; PromiscReq.fPromiscuous = true; rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(NIL_RTR0PTR, NIL_VMCPUID, VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SET_PROMISCUOUS_MODE, 0, &PromiscReq.Hdr); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: interface in promiscuous mode\n"); } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Activate the interface. */ INTNETIFSETACTIVEREQ ActiveReq; ActiveReq.Hdr.u32Magic = SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC; ActiveReq.Hdr.cbReq = sizeof(ActiveReq); ActiveReq.pSession = pSession; ActiveReq.hIf = OpenReq.hIf; ActiveReq.fActive = true; rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(NIL_RTR0PTR, NIL_VMCPUID, VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SET_ACTIVE, 0, &ActiveReq.Hdr); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Start the stop watch, init the pcap file. */ g_StartTS = RTTimeNanoTS(); if (pFileRaw) PcapStreamHdr(pFileRaw, g_StartTS); /* * Do the transmit test first and so we can sniff for the response. */ if (fXmitTest) doXmitTest(OpenReq.hIf, pSession, pBuf, &SrcMac, pFileRaw, pFileText); if (fPingTest) doPingTest(OpenReq.hIf, pSession, pBuf, &SrcMac, pFileRaw, pFileText); /* * Either enter sniffing mode or do a timeout thing. */ if (fSniffer) { doPacketSniffing(OpenReq.hIf, pSession, pBuf, cMillies, pFileRaw, pFileText, &SrcMac); if ( fXmitTest && !g_fDhcpReply) { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: Error! The DHCP server didn't reply... (Perhaps you don't have one?)\n"); g_cErrors++; } if ( fPingTest && !g_fPingReply) { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: Error! No reply for ping request...\n"); g_cErrors++; } } else RTThreadSleep(cMillies); } else { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(,VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SET_PROMISCUOUS_MODE,) failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } } else { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(,VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_SET_PROMISCUOUS_MODE,) failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } } else { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(,VMMR0_DO_INTNET_IF_GET_BUFFER_PTRS,) failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } } else { RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(,VMMR0_DO_INTNET_OPEN,) failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } SUPR3Term(false /*fForced*/); /* close open files */ if (pFileRaw) RTStrmClose(pFileRaw); if (pFileText && pFileText != g_pStdErr && pFileText != g_pStdOut) RTStrmClose(pFileText); /* * Summary. */ if (!g_cErrors) RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: SUCCESS\n"); else RTPrintf("tstIntNet-1: FAILURE - %d errors\n", g_cErrors); return !!g_cErrors; } #if !defined(VBOX_WITH_HARDENING) || !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) /** * Main entry point. */ int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { return TrustedMain(argc, argv, envp); } #endif