/* $Id: UICocoaApplication.mm $ */ /** @file * VBox Qt GUI - UICocoaApplication class implementation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ /* GUI includes: */ #include "UICocoaApplication.h" /* Other VBox includes: */ #include /* External includes: */ #import #import #import #import #import /** Class for tracking a callback. */ @interface CallbackData : NSObject { @public /** Holds the mask of events to send to this callback. */ uint32_t fMask; /** Holds the callback. */ PFNVBOXCACALLBACK pfnCallback; /** Holds the user argument. */ void *pvUser; } - (id)initWithMask :(uint32)mask callback :(PFNVBOXCACALLBACK)callback user :(void *)user; @end /* @interface CallbackData */ @implementation CallbackData /** Performs initialization. */ - (id)initWithMask :(uint32)mask callback :(PFNVBOXCACALLBACK)callback user :(void *)user { self = [super init]; if (self) { fMask = mask; pfnCallback = callback; pvUser = user; } return self; } @end /* @implementation CallbackData */ /** Class for event handling. */ @interface UICocoaApplicationPrivate : NSApplication { /** The event mask for which there currently are callbacks. */ uint32_t m_fMask; /** Array of callbacks. */ NSMutableArray *m_pCallbacks; } - (id)init; - (void)sendEvent :(NSEvent *)theEvent; - (void)setCallback :(uint32_t)fMask :(PFNVBOXCACALLBACK)pfnCallback :(void *)pvUser; - (void)unsetCallback :(uint32_t)fMask :(PFNVBOXCACALLBACK)pfnCallback :(void *)pvUser; - (void)registerToNotificationOfWorkspace :(NSString *)pstrNotificationName; - (void)unregisterFromNotificationOfWorkspace :(NSString *)pstrNotificationName; - (void)registerToNotificationOfWindow :(NSString *)pstrNotificationName :(NSWindow *)pWindow; - (void)unregisterFromNotificationOfWindow :(NSString *)pstrNotificationName :(NSWindow *)pWindow; - (void)notificationCallbackOfObject :(NSNotification *)notification; - (void)notificationCallbackOfWindow :(NSNotification *)notification; - (void)registerSelectorForStandardWindowButton :(NSWindow *)pWindow :(StandardWindowButtonType)enmButtonType; - (void)selectorForStandardWindowButton :(NSButton *)pButton; @end /* @interface UICocoaApplicationPrivate */ @implementation UICocoaApplicationPrivate /** Performs initialization. */ - (id) init { self = [super init]; if (self) m_pCallbacks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; // WORKAROUND: // Gently disable El Capitan tries to break everything with the Enter Full Screen action. // S.a. https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/releasenotes/AppKit/RN-AppKit/ for reference. [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:NO forKey:@"NSFullScreenMenuItemEverywhere"]; return self; } /** Sends an event. * @param pEvent Brings the event to be sent. */ - (void) sendEvent :(NSEvent *)pEvent { /* Check if the type matches any of the registered callbacks. */ uint32_t const fMask = m_fMask; #if 0 /* for debugging */ ::darwinPrintEvent("sendEvent: ", pEvent); #endif if (fMask != 0) { NSEventType EvtType = [pEvent type]; uint32_t fEvtMask = RT_LIKELY(EvtType < 32) ? RT_BIT_32(EvtType) : 0; if (fMask & fEvtMask) { /* Do the callouts in LIFO order. */ for (CallbackData *pData in [m_pCallbacks reverseObjectEnumerator]) { if (pData->fMask & fEvtMask) { if (pData->pfnCallback(pEvent, [pEvent eventRef], pData->pvUser)) return; } } } } /* Get on with it. */ [super sendEvent:pEvent]; } /** Registers an event callback. * @param fMask Brings the event mask for which the callback is to be invoked. * @param pfnCallback Brings the callback function. * @param pvUser Brings the user argument. */ - (void) setCallback :(uint32_t)fMask :(PFNVBOXCACALLBACK)pfnCallback :(void *)pvUser { /* Add the callback data to the array: */ CallbackData *pData = [[[CallbackData alloc] initWithMask:fMask callback:pfnCallback user:pvUser] autorelease]; [m_pCallbacks addObject:pData]; /* Update the global mask: */ m_fMask |= fMask; } /** Deregisters an event callback. * @param fMask Brings the event mask for which the callback is to be invoked. * @param pfnCallback Brings the callback function. * @param pvUser Brings the user argument. */ - (void) unsetCallback: (uint32_t)fMask :(PFNVBOXCACALLBACK)pfnCallback :(void *)pvUser { /* Loop the event array LIFO fashion searching for a matching callback. */ for (CallbackData *pData in [m_pCallbacks reverseObjectEnumerator]) { if ( pData->pfnCallback == pfnCallback && pData->pvUser == pvUser && pData->fMask == fMask) { [m_pCallbacks removeObject:pData]; break; } } uint32_t fNewMask = 0; for (CallbackData *pData in m_pCallbacks) fNewMask |= pData->fMask; m_fMask = fNewMask; } /** Registers to cocoa notification @a pstrNotificationName. */ - (void) registerToNotificationOfWorkspace :(NSString *)pstrNotificationName { /* Register notification observer: */ NSNotificationCenter *pNotificationCenter = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter]; [pNotificationCenter addObserver:self selector:@selector(notificationCallbackOfObject:) name:pstrNotificationName object:nil]; } /** Unregister @a pWindow from cocoa notification @a pstrNotificationName. */ - (void) unregisterFromNotificationOfWorkspace :(NSString *)pstrNotificationName { /* Uninstall notification observer: */ NSNotificationCenter *pNotificationCenter = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter]; [pNotificationCenter removeObserver:self name:pstrNotificationName object:nil]; } /** Register @a pWindow to cocoa notification @a pstrNotificationName. */ - (void) registerToNotificationOfWindow :(NSString *)pstrNotificationName :(NSWindow *)pWindow { /* Register notification observer: */ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(notificationCallbackOfWindow:) name:pstrNotificationName object:pWindow]; } /** Unregister @a pWindow from cocoa notification @a pstrNotificationName. */ - (void) unregisterFromNotificationOfWindow :(NSString *)pstrNotificationName :(NSWindow *)pWindow { /* Uninstall notification observer: */ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:pstrNotificationName object:pWindow]; } /** Redirects cocoa @a notification to UICocoaApplication instance. */ - (void) notificationCallbackOfObject :(NSNotification *)notification { /* Get current notification name: */ NSString *pstrName = [notification name]; /* Prepare user-info: */ QMap userInfo; /* Process known notifications: */ if ( [pstrName isEqualToString :@"NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification"] || [pstrName isEqualToString :@"NSWorkspaceDidDeactivateApplicationNotification"]) { NSDictionary *pUserInfo = [notification userInfo]; NSRunningApplication *pApplication = [pUserInfo valueForKey :@"NSWorkspaceApplicationKey"]; NSString *pstrBundleIndentifier = [pApplication bundleIdentifier]; userInfo.insert("BundleIdentifier", darwinFromNativeString((NativeNSStringRef)pstrBundleIndentifier)); } /* Redirect known notifications to objects: */ UICocoaApplication::instance()->nativeNotificationProxyForObject(pstrName, userInfo); } /** Redirects cocoa @a notification to UICocoaApplication instance. */ - (void) notificationCallbackOfWindow :(NSNotification *)notification { /* Get current notification name: */ NSString *pstrName = [notification name]; /* Redirect known notifications to widgets: */ UICocoaApplication::instance()->nativeNotificationProxyForWidget(pstrName, [notification object]); } /** Registers selector for standard window @a enmButtonType of the passed @a pWindow. */ - (void)registerSelectorForStandardWindowButton :(NSWindow *)pWindow :(StandardWindowButtonType)enmButtonType { /* Retrieve corresponding button: */ NSButton *pButton = Nil; switch (enmButtonType) { case StandardWindowButtonType_Close: pButton = [pWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowCloseButton]; break; case StandardWindowButtonType_Miniaturize: pButton = [pWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowMiniaturizeButton]; break; case StandardWindowButtonType_Zoom: pButton = [pWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowZoomButton]; break; case StandardWindowButtonType_Toolbar: pButton = [pWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowToolbarButton]; break; case StandardWindowButtonType_DocumentIcon: pButton = [pWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowDocumentIconButton]; break; case StandardWindowButtonType_DocumentVersions: /*pButton = [pWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowDocumentVersionsButton];*/ break; case StandardWindowButtonType_FullScreen: /*pButton = [pWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowFullScreenButton];*/ break; } /* Register selector if button exists: */ if (pButton != Nil) { [pButton setTarget:self]; [pButton setAction:@selector(selectorForStandardWindowButton:)]; } } /** Redirects selector of the standard window @a pButton to UICocoaApplication instance callback. */ - (void)selectorForStandardWindowButton :(NSButton *)pButton { /* Check if Option key is currently held: */ const bool fWithOptionKey = [NSEvent modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask; /* Redirect selector to callback: */ UICocoaApplication::instance()->nativeCallbackProxyForStandardWindowButton(pButton, fWithOptionKey); } @end /* @implementation UICocoaApplicationPrivate */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Class UICocoaApplication implementation. * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /* static */ UICocoaApplication* UICocoaApplication::s_pInstance = 0; /* static */ UICocoaApplication* UICocoaApplication::instance() { if (!s_pInstance) s_pInstance = new UICocoaApplication; return s_pInstance; } UICocoaApplication::UICocoaApplication() { /* Make sure our private NSApplication object is created: */ m_pNative = (UICocoaApplicationPrivate*)[UICocoaApplicationPrivate sharedApplication]; // WORKAROUND": // Create one auto release pool which is in place for all the // initialization and deinitialization stuff. That is when the // NSApplication is not running the run loop (there is a separate // auto release pool defined). m_pPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; } UICocoaApplication::~UICocoaApplication() { [m_pNative release]; [m_pPool release]; } bool UICocoaApplication::isActive() const { return [m_pNative isActive]; } void UICocoaApplication::hide() { [m_pNative hide:m_pNative]; } void UICocoaApplication::hideUserElements() { [m_pNative setPresentationOptions:NSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar | NSApplicationPresentationHideDock]; } void UICocoaApplication::registerForNativeEvents(uint32_t fMask, PFNVBOXCACALLBACK pfnCallback, void *pvUser) { [m_pNative setCallback:fMask :pfnCallback :pvUser]; } void UICocoaApplication::unregisterForNativeEvents(uint32_t fMask, PFNVBOXCACALLBACK pfnCallback, void *pvUser) { [m_pNative unsetCallback:fMask :pfnCallback :pvUser]; } void UICocoaApplication::registerToNotificationOfWorkspace(const QString &strNativeNotificationName, QObject *pObject, PfnNativeNotificationCallbackForQObject pCallback) { /* Make sure it is not registered yet: */ AssertReturnVoid(!m_objectCallbacks.contains(pObject) || !m_objectCallbacks[pObject].contains(strNativeNotificationName)); /* Remember callback: */ m_objectCallbacks[pObject][strNativeNotificationName] = pCallback; /* Register observer: */ NativeNSStringRef pstrNativeNotificationName = darwinToNativeString(strNativeNotificationName.toLatin1().constData()); [m_pNative registerToNotificationOfWorkspace :pstrNativeNotificationName]; } void UICocoaApplication::unregisterFromNotificationOfWorkspace(const QString &strNativeNotificationName, QObject *pObject) { /* Make sure it is registered yet: */ AssertReturnVoid(m_objectCallbacks.contains(pObject) && m_objectCallbacks[pObject].contains(strNativeNotificationName)); /* Forget callback: */ m_objectCallbacks[pObject].remove(strNativeNotificationName); if (m_objectCallbacks[pObject].isEmpty()) m_objectCallbacks.remove(pObject); /* Unregister observer: */ NativeNSStringRef pstrNativeNotificationName = darwinToNativeString(strNativeNotificationName.toLatin1().constData()); [m_pNative unregisterFromNotificationOfWorkspace :pstrNativeNotificationName]; } void UICocoaApplication::registerToNotificationOfWindow(const QString &strNativeNotificationName, QWidget *pWidget, PfnNativeNotificationCallbackForQWidget pCallback) { /* Make sure it is not registered yet: */ AssertReturnVoid(!m_widgetCallbacks.contains(pWidget) || !m_widgetCallbacks[pWidget].contains(strNativeNotificationName)); /* Remember callback: */ m_widgetCallbacks[pWidget][strNativeNotificationName] = pCallback; /* Register observer: */ NativeNSStringRef pstrNativeNotificationName = darwinToNativeString(strNativeNotificationName.toLatin1().constData()); NativeNSWindowRef pWindow = darwinToNativeWindow(pWidget); [m_pNative registerToNotificationOfWindow :pstrNativeNotificationName :pWindow]; } void UICocoaApplication::unregisterFromNotificationOfWindow(const QString &strNativeNotificationName, QWidget *pWidget) { /* Make sure it is registered yet: */ AssertReturnVoid(m_widgetCallbacks.contains(pWidget) && m_widgetCallbacks[pWidget].contains(strNativeNotificationName)); /* Forget callback: */ m_widgetCallbacks[pWidget].remove(strNativeNotificationName); if (m_widgetCallbacks[pWidget].isEmpty()) m_widgetCallbacks.remove(pWidget); /* Unregister observer: */ NativeNSStringRef pstrNativeNotificationName = darwinToNativeString(strNativeNotificationName.toLatin1().constData()); NativeNSWindowRef pWindow = darwinToNativeWindow(pWidget); [m_pNative unregisterFromNotificationOfWindow :pstrNativeNotificationName :pWindow]; } void UICocoaApplication::nativeNotificationProxyForObject(NativeNSStringRef pstrNotificationName, const QMap &userInfo) { /* Get notification name: */ QString strNotificationName = darwinFromNativeString(pstrNotificationName); /* Check if existing object(s) have corresponding notification handler: */ foreach (QObject *pObject, m_objectCallbacks.keys()) { const QMap &callbacks = m_objectCallbacks[pObject]; if (callbacks.contains(strNotificationName)) callbacks[strNotificationName](pObject, userInfo); } } void UICocoaApplication::nativeNotificationProxyForWidget(NativeNSStringRef pstrNotificationName, NativeNSWindowRef pWindow) { /* Get notification name: */ QString strNotificationName = darwinFromNativeString(pstrNotificationName); /* Check if existing widget(s) have corresponding notification handler: */ foreach (QWidget *pWidget, m_widgetCallbacks.keys()) { if (darwinToNativeWindow(pWidget) == pWindow) { const QMap &callbacks = m_widgetCallbacks[pWidget]; if (callbacks.contains(strNotificationName)) callbacks[strNotificationName](strNotificationName, pWidget); } } } void UICocoaApplication::registerCallbackForStandardWindowButton(QWidget *pWidget, StandardWindowButtonType enmButtonType, PfnStandardWindowButtonCallbackForQWidget pCallback) { /* Make sure it is not registered yet: */ AssertReturnVoid( !m_stdWindowButtonCallbacks.contains(pWidget) || !m_stdWindowButtonCallbacks.value(pWidget).contains(enmButtonType)); /* Remember callback: */ m_stdWindowButtonCallbacks[pWidget][enmButtonType] = pCallback; /* Register selector: */ NativeNSWindowRef pWindow = darwinToNativeWindow(pWidget); [m_pNative registerSelectorForStandardWindowButton :pWindow :enmButtonType]; } void UICocoaApplication::unregisterCallbackForStandardWindowButton(QWidget *pWidget, StandardWindowButtonType enmButtonType) { /* Make sure it is registered yet: */ AssertReturnVoid( m_stdWindowButtonCallbacks.contains(pWidget) && m_stdWindowButtonCallbacks.value(pWidget).contains(enmButtonType)); /* Forget callback: */ m_stdWindowButtonCallbacks[pWidget].remove(enmButtonType); if (m_stdWindowButtonCallbacks.value(pWidget).isEmpty()) m_stdWindowButtonCallbacks.remove(pWidget); } void UICocoaApplication::nativeCallbackProxyForStandardWindowButton(NativeNSButtonRef pButton, bool fWithOptionKey) { // WORKAROUND: // Why not using nested foreach, will you ask? // It's because Qt 4.x has shadowing issue in Q_FOREACH macro. // Bug record QTBUG-33585 opened for Qt 4.8.4 and closed as _won't fix_ by one of Qt devs. /* Check if passed button is one of the buttons of the registered widget(s): */ const QList widgets = m_stdWindowButtonCallbacks.keys(); for (int iWidgetIndex = 0; iWidgetIndex < widgets.size(); ++iWidgetIndex) { QWidget *pWidget = widgets.at(iWidgetIndex); const QMap callbacks = m_stdWindowButtonCallbacks.value(pWidget); const QList buttonTypes = callbacks.keys(); for (int iButtonTypeIndex = 0; iButtonTypeIndex < buttonTypes.size(); ++iButtonTypeIndex) { StandardWindowButtonType enmButtonType = buttonTypes.at(iButtonTypeIndex); if (darwinNativeButtonOfWindow(pWidget, enmButtonType) == pButton) return callbacks.value(enmButtonType)(enmButtonType, fWithOptionKey, pWidget); } } }