/* $Id: UINativeWizard.cpp $ */ /** @file * VBox Qt GUI - UINativeWizard class implementation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ /* Qt includes: */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* GUI includes: */ #include "QIRichTextLabel.h" #include "UICommon.h" #include "UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog.h" #include "UIExtraDataManager.h" #include "UIIconPool.h" #include "UIMessageCenter.h" #include "UINativeWizard.h" #include "UINativeWizardPage.h" #include "UINotificationCenter.h" #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC UIFrame::UIFrame(QWidget *pParent) : QWidget(pParent) { } void UIFrame::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pEvent) { /* Sanity check: */ AssertPtrReturnVoid(pEvent); /* Prepare painter: */ QPainter painter(this); /* Limit painting with incoming rectangle: */ painter.setClipRect(pEvent->rect()); /* Check whether we should use Active or Inactive palette: */ const bool fActive = parentWidget() && parentWidget()->isActiveWindow(); /* Paint background: */ QColor backgroundColor = QGuiApplication::palette().color(fActive ? QPalette::Active : QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window); backgroundColor.setAlpha(100); painter.setPen(backgroundColor); painter.setBrush(backgroundColor); painter.drawRect(rect()); /* Paint borders: */ painter.setPen(QGuiApplication::palette().color(fActive ? QPalette::Active : QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window).darker(130)); QLine line1(0, 0, rect().width() - 1, 0); QLine line2(rect().width() - 1, 0, rect().width() - 1, rect().height() - 1); QLine line3(rect().width() - 1, rect().height() - 1, 0, rect().height() - 1); QLine line4(0, rect().height() - 1, 0, 0); painter.drawLine(line1); painter.drawLine(line2); painter.drawLine(line3); painter.drawLine(line4); } #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */ UINativeWizard::UINativeWizard(QWidget *pParent, WizardType enmType, WizardMode enmMode /* = WizardMode_Auto */, const QString &strHelpTag /* = QString() */) : QIWithRetranslateUI(pParent) , m_enmType(enmType) , m_enmMode(enmMode == WizardMode_Auto ? gEDataManager->modeForWizardType(m_enmType) : enmMode) , m_strHelpHashtag(strHelpTag) , m_iLastIndex(-1) , m_pLabelPixmap(0) , m_pLayoutRight(0) , m_pLabelPageTitle(0) , m_pWidgetStack(0) , m_pNotificationCenter(0) { prepare(); } UINativeWizard::~UINativeWizard() { cleanup(); } UINotificationCenter *UINativeWizard::notificationCenter() const { return m_pNotificationCenter; } bool UINativeWizard::handleNotificationProgressNow(UINotificationProgress *pProgress) { wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Expert)->setEnabled(false); const bool fResult = m_pNotificationCenter->handleNow(pProgress); wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Expert)->setEnabled(true); return fResult; } QPushButton *UINativeWizard::wizardButton(const WizardButtonType &enmType) const { return m_buttons.value(enmType); } int UINativeWizard::exec() { /* Init wizard: */ init(); /* Call to base-class: */ return QIWithRetranslateUI::exec(); } void UINativeWizard::setPixmapName(const QString &strName) { m_strPixmapName = strName; } bool UINativeWizard::isPageVisible(int iIndex) const { return !m_invisiblePages.contains(iIndex); } void UINativeWizard::setPageVisible(int iIndex, bool fVisible) { AssertMsgReturnVoid(iIndex || fVisible, ("Can't hide 1st wizard page!\n")); if (fVisible) m_invisiblePages.remove(iIndex); else m_invisiblePages.insert(iIndex); /* Update the button labels since the last visible page might have changed. Thus 'Next' <-> 'Finish' might be needed: */ retranslateUi(); } int UINativeWizard::addPage(UINativeWizardPage *pPage) { /* Sanity check: */ AssertPtrReturn(pPage, -1); AssertPtrReturn(pPage->layout(), -1); /* Adjust page layout: */ const int iL = 0; const int iT = 0; const int iR = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutRightMargin); const int iB = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutBottomMargin); pPage->layout()->setContentsMargins(iL, iT, iR, iB); /* Add page to wizard's stack: */ m_pWidgetStack->blockSignals(true); const int iIndex = m_pWidgetStack->addWidget(pPage); m_pWidgetStack->blockSignals(false); /* Make sure wizard is aware of page validity changes: */ connect(pPage, &UINativeWizardPage::completeChanged, this, &UINativeWizard::sltCompleteChanged); /* Returns added page index: */ return iIndex; } void UINativeWizard::retranslateUi() { /* Translate Help button: */ QPushButton *pButtonHelp = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Help); if (pButtonHelp) { pButtonHelp->setText(tr("&Help")); pButtonHelp->setToolTip(tr("Open corresponding Help topic.")); } /* Translate basic/expert button: */ QPushButton *pButtonExpert = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Expert); AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonExpert, ("No Expert wizard button found!\n")); switch (m_enmMode) { case WizardMode_Basic: pButtonExpert->setText(tr("&Expert Mode")); pButtonExpert->setToolTip(tr("Switch to the Expert Mode, " "a one-page dialog for experienced users.")); break; case WizardMode_Expert: pButtonExpert->setText(tr("&Guided Mode")); pButtonExpert->setToolTip(tr("Switch to the Guided Mode, " "a step-by-step dialog with detailed explanations.")); break; default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid wizard mode: %d", m_enmMode)); break; } /* Translate Back button: */ QPushButton *pButtonBack = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Back); AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonBack, ("No Back wizard button found!\n")); pButtonBack->setText(tr("&Back")); pButtonBack->setToolTip(tr("Go to previous wizard page.")); /* Translate Next button: */ QPushButton *pButtonNext = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Next); AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonNext, ("No Next wizard button found!\n")); if (!isLastVisiblePage(m_pWidgetStack->currentIndex())) { pButtonNext->setText(tr("&Next")); pButtonNext->setToolTip(tr("Go to next wizard page.")); } else { pButtonNext->setText(tr("&Finish")); pButtonNext->setToolTip(tr("Commit all wizard data.")); } /* Translate Cancel button: */ QPushButton *pButtonCancel = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Cancel); AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonCancel, ("No Cancel wizard button found!\n")); pButtonCancel->setText(tr("&Cancel")); pButtonCancel->setToolTip(tr("Cancel wizard execution.")); } void UINativeWizard::sltCurrentIndexChanged(int iIndex /* = -1 */) { /* Update translation: */ retranslateUi(); /* Sanity check: */ AssertPtrReturnVoid(m_pWidgetStack); /* -1 means current one page: */ if (iIndex == -1) iIndex = m_pWidgetStack->currentIndex(); /* Hide/show Expert button (hidden by default): */ bool fIsExpertButtonAvailable = false; /* Show Expert button for 1st page: */ if (iIndex == 0) fIsExpertButtonAvailable = true; /* Hide/show Expert button finally: */ QPushButton *pButtonExpert = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Expert); AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonExpert, ("No Expert wizard button found!\n")); pButtonExpert->setVisible(fIsExpertButtonAvailable); /* Disable/enable Back button: */ QPushButton *pButtonBack = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Back); AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonBack, ("No Back wizard button found!\n")); pButtonBack->setEnabled(iIndex > 0); /* Initialize corresponding page: */ UINativeWizardPage *pPage = qobject_cast(m_pWidgetStack->widget(iIndex)); AssertPtrReturnVoid(pPage); m_pLabelPageTitle->setText(pPage->title()); if (iIndex > m_iLastIndex) pPage->initializePage(); /* Disable/enable Next button: */ QPushButton *pButtonNext = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Next); AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonNext, ("No Next wizard button found!\n")); pButtonNext->setEnabled(pPage->isComplete()); /* Update last index: */ m_iLastIndex = iIndex; } void UINativeWizard::sltCompleteChanged() { /* Make sure sender is current widget: */ QWidget *pSender = qobject_cast(sender()); if (pSender != m_pWidgetStack->currentWidget()) return; /* Allow Next button only if current page is complete: */ UINativeWizardPage *pPage = qobject_cast(pSender); QPushButton *pButtonNext = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Next); AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonNext, ("No Next wizard button found!\n")); pButtonNext->setEnabled(pPage->isComplete()); } void UINativeWizard::sltExpert() { /* Toggle mode: */ switch (m_enmMode) { case WizardMode_Basic: m_enmMode = WizardMode_Expert; break; case WizardMode_Expert: m_enmMode = WizardMode_Basic; break; default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid mode: %d", m_enmMode)); break; } gEDataManager->setModeForWizardType(m_enmType, m_enmMode); /* Reinit everything: */ deinit(); init(); } void UINativeWizard::sltPrevious() { /* For all allowed pages besides the 1st one we going backward: */ bool fPreviousFound = false; int iIteratedIndex = m_pWidgetStack->currentIndex(); while (!fPreviousFound && iIteratedIndex > 0) if (isPageVisible(--iIteratedIndex)) fPreviousFound = true; if (fPreviousFound) m_pWidgetStack->setCurrentIndex(iIteratedIndex); } void UINativeWizard::sltNext() { /* Look for Next button: */ QPushButton *pButtonNext = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Next); AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonNext, ("No Next wizard button found!\n")); /* Validate page before going forward: */ AssertReturnVoid(m_pWidgetStack->currentIndex() < m_pWidgetStack->count()); UINativeWizardPage *pPage = qobject_cast(m_pWidgetStack->currentWidget()); AssertPtrReturnVoid(pPage); pButtonNext->setEnabled(false); const bool fIsPageValid = pPage->validatePage(); pButtonNext->setEnabled(true); if (!fIsPageValid) return; /* For all allowed pages besides the last one we going forward: */ bool fNextFound = false; int iIteratedIndex = m_pWidgetStack->currentIndex(); while (!fNextFound && iIteratedIndex < m_pWidgetStack->count() - 1) if (isPageVisible(++iIteratedIndex)) fNextFound = true; if (fNextFound) m_pWidgetStack->setCurrentIndex(iIteratedIndex); /* For last one we just accept the wizard: */ else accept(); } void UINativeWizard::prepare() { /* Prepare main layout: */ QVBoxLayout *pLayoutMain = new QVBoxLayout(this); if (pLayoutMain) { /* No need for margins and spacings between sub-layouts: */ pLayoutMain->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); pLayoutMain->setSpacing(0); /* Prepare upper layout: */ QHBoxLayout *pLayoutUpper = new QHBoxLayout; if (pLayoutUpper) { #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC /* No need for bottom margin on macOS, reseting others to default: */ const int iL = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutLeftMargin); const int iT = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutTopMargin); const int iR = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutRightMargin); pLayoutUpper->setContentsMargins(iL, iT, iR, 0); #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */ /* Reset spacing to default, it was flawed by parent inheritance: */ const int iSpacing = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing); pLayoutUpper->setSpacing(iSpacing); /* Prepare pixmap label: */ m_pLabelPixmap = new QLabel(this); if (m_pLabelPixmap) { m_pLabelPixmap->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC /* On macOS this label contains background, which isn't a part of layout, moving manually: */ m_pLabelPixmap->move(0, 0); /* Spacer to make look&feel native on macOS: */ QSpacerItem *pSpacer = new QSpacerItem(200, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum); pLayoutUpper->addItem(pSpacer); #else /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */ /* Just add label into layout on other platforms: */ pLayoutUpper->addWidget(m_pLabelPixmap); #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */ } /* Prepare right layout: */ m_pLayoutRight = new QVBoxLayout; if (m_pLayoutRight) { /* Prepare page title label: */ m_pLabelPageTitle = new QLabel(this); if (m_pLabelPageTitle) { /* Title should have big/fat font: */ QFont labelFont = m_pLabelPageTitle->font(); labelFont.setBold(true); labelFont.setPointSize(labelFont.pointSize() + 4); m_pLabelPageTitle->setFont(labelFont); m_pLayoutRight->addWidget(m_pLabelPageTitle); } #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC /* Prepare frame around widget-stack on macOS for nativity purposes: */ UIFrame *pFrame = new UIFrame(this); if (pFrame) { /* Prepare frame layout: */ QVBoxLayout *pLayoutFrame = new QVBoxLayout(pFrame); if (pLayoutFrame) { /* Prepare widget-stack: */ m_pWidgetStack = new QStackedWidget(pFrame); if (m_pWidgetStack) { connect(m_pWidgetStack, &QStackedWidget::currentChanged, this, &UINativeWizard::sltCurrentIndexChanged); pLayoutFrame->addWidget(m_pWidgetStack); } } /* Add to layout: */ m_pLayoutRight->addWidget(pFrame); } #else /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */ /* Prepare widget-stack directly on other platforms: */ m_pWidgetStack = new QStackedWidget(this); if (m_pWidgetStack) { connect(m_pWidgetStack, &QStackedWidget::currentChanged, this, &UINativeWizard::sltCurrentIndexChanged); m_pLayoutRight->addWidget(m_pWidgetStack); } #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */ /* Add to layout: */ pLayoutUpper->addLayout(m_pLayoutRight); } /* Add to layout: */ pLayoutMain->addLayout(pLayoutUpper, 1); } /* Prepare bottom widget: */ QWidget *pWidgetBottom = new QWidget(this); if (pWidgetBottom) { #ifndef VBOX_WS_MAC /* Adjust palette a bit on Windows/X11 for native purposes: */ pWidgetBottom->setAutoFillBackground(true); QPalette pal = QGuiApplication::palette(); pal.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window, pal.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window).darker(110)); pal.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window, pal.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window).darker(110)); pWidgetBottom->setPalette(pal); #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */ /* Prepare bottom layout: */ QHBoxLayout *pLayoutBottom = new QHBoxLayout(pWidgetBottom); if (pLayoutBottom) { /* Reset margins to default, they were flawed by parent inheritance: */ const int iL = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutLeftMargin); const int iT = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutTopMargin); const int iR = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutRightMargin); const int iB = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutBottomMargin); pLayoutBottom->setContentsMargins(iL, iT, iR, iB); // WORKAROUND: // Prepare dialog button-box? Huh, no .. QWizard has different opinion. // So we are hardcoding order, same on all platforms, which is the case. for (int i = WizardButtonType_Invalid + 1; i < WizardButtonType_Max; ++i) { const WizardButtonType enmType = (WizardButtonType)i; /* Create Help button only if help hash tag is set. * Create other buttons in any case: */ if (enmType != WizardButtonType_Help || !m_strHelpHashtag.isEmpty()) m_buttons[enmType] = new QPushButton(pWidgetBottom); QPushButton *pButton = wizardButton(enmType); if (pButton) pLayoutBottom->addWidget(pButton); if (enmType == WizardButtonType_Help) pLayoutBottom->addStretch(1); if ( pButton && enmType == WizardButtonType_Next) pButton->setDefault(true); } /* Connect buttons: */ if (wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Help)) { connect(wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Help), &QPushButton::clicked, &(msgCenter()), &UIMessageCenter::sltHandleHelpRequest); wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Help)->setShortcut(QKeySequence::HelpContents); uiCommon().setHelpKeyword(wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Help), m_strHelpHashtag); } connect(wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Expert), &QPushButton::clicked, this, &UINativeWizard::sltExpert); connect(wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Back), &QPushButton::clicked, this, &UINativeWizard::sltPrevious); connect(wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Next), &QPushButton::clicked, this, &UINativeWizard::sltNext); connect(wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Cancel), &QPushButton::clicked, this, &UINativeWizard::reject); } /* Add to layout: */ pLayoutMain->addWidget(pWidgetBottom); } } /* Prepare local notification-center: */ m_pNotificationCenter = new UINotificationCenter(this); } void UINativeWizard::cleanup() { /* Cleanup local notification-center: */ delete m_pNotificationCenter; m_pNotificationCenter = 0; } void UINativeWizard::init() { /* Populate pages: */ populatePages(); /* Translate wizard: */ retranslateUi(); /* Translate wizard pages: */ retranslatePages(); /* Resize wizard to 'golden ratio': */ resizeToGoldenRatio(); /* Make sure current page initialized: */ sltCurrentIndexChanged(); } void UINativeWizard::deinit() { /* Remove all the pages: */ m_pWidgetStack->blockSignals(true); while (m_pWidgetStack->count() > 0) { QWidget *pLastWidget = m_pWidgetStack->widget(m_pWidgetStack->count() - 1); m_pWidgetStack->removeWidget(pLastWidget); delete pLastWidget; } m_pWidgetStack->blockSignals(false); /* Update last index: */ m_iLastIndex = -1; /* Update invisible pages: */ m_invisiblePages.clear(); /* Clean wizard finally: */ cleanWizard(); } void UINativeWizard::retranslatePages() { /* Translate all the pages: */ for (int i = 0; i < m_pWidgetStack->count(); ++i) qobject_cast(m_pWidgetStack->widget(i))->retranslate(); } void UINativeWizard::resizeToGoldenRatio() { /* Standard top margin: */ const int iT = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutTopMargin); m_pLayoutRight->setContentsMargins(0, iT, 0, 0); /* Show title label for Basic mode case: */ m_pLabelPageTitle->setVisible(m_enmMode == WizardMode_Basic); #ifndef VBOX_WS_MAC /* Hide/show pixmap label on Windows/X11 only, on macOS it's in the background: */ m_pLabelPixmap->setVisible(!m_strPixmapName.isEmpty()); #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */ /* For wizard in Basic mode: */ if (m_enmMode == WizardMode_Basic) { /* Temporary hide all the QIRichTextLabel(s) to exclude * influence onto m_pWidgetStack minimum size-hint below: */ foreach (QIRichTextLabel *pLabel, findChildren()) pLabel->hide(); /* Gather suitable dimensions: */ const int iStepWidth = 100; const int iMinWidth = qMax(100, m_pWidgetStack->minimumSizeHint().width()); const int iMaxWidth = qMax(iMinWidth, gpDesktop->availableGeometry(this).width() * 3 / 4); /* Show all the QIRichTextLabel(s) again, they were hidden above: */ foreach (QIRichTextLabel *pLabel, findChildren()) pLabel->show(); /* Now look for a golden ratio: */ int iCurrentWidth = iMinWidth; do { /* Assign current QIRichTextLabel(s) width: */ foreach (QIRichTextLabel *pLabel, findChildren()) pLabel->setMinimumTextWidth(iCurrentWidth); /* Calculate current ratio: */ const QSize msh = m_pWidgetStack->minimumSizeHint(); int iWidth = msh.width(); int iHeight = msh.height(); #ifndef VBOX_WS_MAC /* Advance width for standard watermark width: */ if (!m_strPixmapName.isEmpty()) iWidth += 145; /* Advance height for spacing & title height: */ if (m_pLayoutRight) { int iL, iT, iR, iB; m_pLayoutRight->getContentsMargins(&iL, &iT, &iR, &iB); iHeight += iT + m_pLayoutRight->spacing() + iB; } if (m_pLabelPageTitle) iHeight += m_pLabelPageTitle->minimumSizeHint().height(); #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */ const double dRatio = (double)iWidth / iHeight; if (dRatio > 1.6) break; /* Advance current width: */ iCurrentWidth += iStepWidth; } while (iCurrentWidth < iMaxWidth); } #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC /* Assign background finally: */ if (!m_strPixmapName.isEmpty()) assignBackground(); #else /* Assign watermark finally: */ if (!m_strPixmapName.isEmpty()) assignWatermark(); #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */ /* Make sure layouts are freshly updated & activated: */ foreach (QLayout *pLayout, findChildren()) { pLayout->update(); pLayout->activate(); } QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(0, QEvent::LayoutRequest); /* Resize to minimum size-hint: */ resize(minimumSizeHint()); } bool UINativeWizard::isLastVisiblePage(int iPageIndex) const { if (!m_pWidgetStack) return false; if (iPageIndex == -1) return false; /* The page itself is not visible: */ if (m_invisiblePages.contains(iPageIndex)) return false; bool fLastVisible = true; /* Look at the page coming after the page with @p iPageIndex and check if they are visible: */ for (int i = iPageIndex + 1; i < m_pWidgetStack->count(); ++i) { if (!m_invisiblePages.contains(i)) { fLastVisible = false; break; } } return fLastVisible; } #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC void UINativeWizard::assignBackground() { /* Load pixmap to icon first, this will gather HiDPI pixmaps as well: */ const QIcon icon = UIIconPool::iconSet(m_strPixmapName); /* Acquire pixmap of required size and scale (on basis of parent-widget's device pixel ratio): */ const QSize standardSize(620, 440); const QPixmap pixmapOld = icon.pixmap(parentWidget()->windowHandle(), standardSize); /* Assign background finally: */ m_pLabelPixmap->setPixmap(pixmapOld); m_pLabelPixmap->resize(m_pLabelPixmap->minimumSizeHint()); } #else void UINativeWizard::assignWatermark() { /* Load pixmap to icon first, this will gather HiDPI pixmaps as well: */ const QIcon icon = UIIconPool::iconSet(m_strPixmapName); /* Acquire pixmap of required size and scale (on basis of parent-widget's device pixel ratio): */ const QSize standardSize(145, 290); const QPixmap pixmapOld = icon.pixmap(parentWidget()->windowHandle(), standardSize); /* Convert watermark to image which allows to manage pixel data directly: */ const QImage imageOld = pixmapOld.toImage(); /* Use the right-top watermark pixel as frame color: */ const QRgb rgbFrame = imageOld.pixel(imageOld.width() - 1, 0); /* Compose desired height up to pixmap device pixel ratio: */ int iL, iT, iR, iB; m_pLayoutRight->getContentsMargins(&iL, &iT, &iR, &iB); const int iSpacing = iT + m_pLayoutRight->spacing() + iB; const int iTitleHeight = m_pLabelPageTitle->minimumSizeHint().height(); const int iStackHeight = m_pWidgetStack->minimumSizeHint().height(); const int iDesiredHeight = (iTitleHeight + iSpacing + iStackHeight) * pixmapOld.devicePixelRatio(); /* Create final image on the basis of incoming, applying the rules: */ QImage imageNew(imageOld.width(), qMax(imageOld.height(), iDesiredHeight), imageOld.format()); for (int y = 0; y < imageNew.height(); ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < imageNew.width(); ++x) { /* Border rule: */ if (x == imageNew.width() - 1) imageNew.setPixel(x, y, rgbFrame); /* Horizontal extension rule - use last used color: */ else if (x >= imageOld.width() && y < imageOld.height()) imageNew.setPixel(x, y, imageOld.pixel(imageOld.width() - 1, y)); /* Vertical extension rule - use last used color: */ else if (y >= imageOld.height() && x < imageOld.width()) imageNew.setPixel(x, y, imageOld.pixel(x, imageOld.height() - 1)); /* Common extension rule - use last used color: */ else if (x >= imageOld.width() && y >= imageOld.height()) imageNew.setPixel(x, y, imageOld.pixel(imageOld.width() - 1, imageOld.height() - 1)); /* Else just copy color: */ else imageNew.setPixel(x, y, imageOld.pixel(x, y)); } } /* Convert processed image to pixmap: */ QPixmap pixmapNew = QPixmap::fromImage(imageNew); /* For HiDPI support parent-widget's device pixel ratio is to be taken into account: */ double dRatio = 1.0; if ( parentWidget() && parentWidget()->window() && parentWidget()->window()->windowHandle()) dRatio = parentWidget()->window()->windowHandle()->devicePixelRatio(); pixmapNew.setDevicePixelRatio(dRatio); /* Assign watermark finally: */ m_pLabelPixmap->setPixmap(pixmapNew); } #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */