; $Id: fesetenv.asm $ ;; @file ; IPRT - No-CRT fesetenv - AMD64 & X86. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as ; available from https://www.virtualbox.org. ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ; as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the ; License. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ; General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, see . ; ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 ; (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included ; in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. ; ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. ; ; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0 ; %define RT_ASM_WITH_SEH64 %include "iprt/asmdefs.mac" %include "iprt/x86.mac" %define RT_NOCRT_FE_DFL_ENV 1 %define RT_NOCRT_FE_NOMASK_ENV 2 %define RT_NOCRT_FE_PC53_ENV 3 %define RT_NOCRT_FE_PC64_ENV 4 %define RT_NOCRT_FE_LAST_ENV 4 BEGINCODE ;; ; Sets the FPU+SSE environment. ; ; @returns eax = 0 on success, -1 on failure. ; @param pEnv 32-bit: [xBP+8] msc64: rcx gcc64: rdi - Saved environment to restore. ; RT_NOCRT_BEGINPROC fesetenv push xBP SEH64_PUSH_xBP mov xBP, xSP SEH64_SET_FRAME_xBP 0 sub xBP, 20h SEH64_ALLOCATE_STACK 20h SEH64_END_PROLOGUE ; ; Load the parameter into rcx. ; %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC mov rcx, rdi %elifdef RT_ARCH_X86 mov ecx, [xBP + xCB*2] %endif ; ; For the x87 state we only set FSW.XCPT, FCW.XCPT, FCW.RC and FCW.PC. ; So we save the current environment, merge those fields and load it. ; fnstenv [xBP - 20h] ; Check for special "pointer" values: cmp xCX, RT_NOCRT_FE_LAST_ENV ja .x87_regular or eax, -1 test xCX, xCX jnz .x87_special %ifdef RT_STRICT int3 %endif jmp .return ; ; Special x87 state. Clear all pending exceptions. ; ; We have 4 special environments with only some differences in FCW differs, so set ; up FCW in AX, starting with a NOMASK environment as it has the fewest bits set. ; .x87_special: and word [xBP - 20h + X86FSTENV32P.FSW], ~X86_FSW_XCPT_ES_MASK mov ax, [xBP - 20h + X86FSTENV32P.FCW] and ax, ~(X86_FCW_MASK_ALL | X86_FCW_PC_MASK | X86_FCW_RC_MASK | X86_FCW_IC_MASK) %ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS or ax, X86_FCW_DM | X86_FCW_PC_53 | X86_FCW_RC_NEAREST | X86_FCW_IC_PROJECTIVE %else or ax, X86_FCW_DM | X86_FCW_PC_64 | X86_FCW_RC_NEAREST | X86_FCW_IC_PROJECTIVE %endif cmp xCX, RT_NOCRT_FE_NOMASK_ENV je .x87_special_done or ax, X86_FCW_MASK_ALL %ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS cmp xCX, RT_NOCRT_FE_PC64_ENV jne .x87_special_done or ax, X86_FCW_PC_64 ; X86_FCW_PC_64 is a super set of X86_FCW_PC_53, so no need to clear bits %else cmp xCX, RT_NOCRT_FE_PC53_ENV jne .x87_special_done and ax, X86_FCW_PC_64 & ~X86_FCW_PC_53 ; X86_FCW_PC_64 is a super set of X86_FCW_PC_53, so clear the bit that differs. %endif .x87_special_done: mov [xBP - 20h + X86FSTENV32P.FCW], ax jmp .x87_common ; ; Merge input and current. ; .x87_regular: ; FCW: mov ax, [xCX + X86FSTENV32P.FCW] mov dx, [xBP - 20h + X86FSTENV32P.FCW] and ax, X86_FCW_MASK_ALL | X86_FCW_RC_MASK | X86_FCW_PC_MASK and dx, ~(X86_FCW_MASK_ALL | X86_FCW_RC_MASK | X86_FCW_PC_MASK) or dx, ax mov [xBP - 20h + X86FSTENV32P.FCW], dx ; FSW mov ax, [xCX + X86FSTENV32P.FSW] mov dx, [xBP - 20h + X86FSTENV32P.FSW] and ax, X86_FSW_XCPT_MASK and dx, ~(X86_FSW_XCPT_MASK) or dx, ax mov [xBP - 20h + X86FSTENV32P.FSW], dx .x87_common: ; Clear the exception info. xor eax, eax mov [xBP - 20h + X86FSTENV32P.FPUIP], eax mov [xBP - 20h + X86FSTENV32P.FPUCS], eax ; covers FOP too. mov [xBP - 20h + X86FSTENV32P.FPUDP], eax mov [xBP - 20h + X86FSTENV32P.FPUDS], eax ; Load the merged and cleaned up environment. fldenv [xBP - 20h] ; ; Now for SSE, if supported, where we'll restore everything as is. ; %ifdef RT_ARCH_X86 ; SSE supported (ecx preserved)? extern NAME(rtNoCrtHasSse) call NAME(rtNoCrtHasSse) test al, al jz .return_okay %endif cmp xCX, RT_NOCRT_FE_LAST_ENV jb .sse_special_env ldmxcsr [xCX + 28] jmp .return_okay .sse_special_env: stmxcsr [xBP - 10h] mov eax, [xBP - 10h] and eax, ~(X86_MXCSR_XCPT_FLAGS | X86_MXCSR_XCPT_MASK | X86_MXCSR_RC_MASK | X86_MXCSR_DAZ | X86_MXCSR_FZ) or eax, X86_MXCSR_RC_NEAREST | X86_MXCSR_DM cmp xCX, RT_NOCRT_FE_NOMASK_ENV ; Only the NOMASK one differs here. je .sse_special_load_eax or eax, X86_MXCSR_RC_NEAREST | X86_MXCSR_XCPT_MASK ; default environment masks all exceptions .sse_special_load_eax: mov [xBP - 10h], eax ldmxcsr [xBP - 10h] ; ; Return success. ; .return_okay: xor eax, eax .return: leave ret ENDPROC RT_NOCRT(fesetenv)