; $Id: bootsector2-cpu-instr-1-template.mac $
;; @file
; Bootsector test for misc instruction - multi mode template.

; Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
; This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
; available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
; as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
; License.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
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; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
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; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0

%include "bootsector2-template-header.mac"

; Memory fence instructions (SSE2).
; @uses No registers, but BS2_SEL_SPARE0 is trashed.
        push    xBP
        mov     xBP, xSP
        push    sAX
        push    xBX
        push    xCX
        push    xDX
        push    xDI
        push    xSI
        sub     xSP, 80h                ; iret stack frame space.
        mov     xSI, xSP                ; Save the stack register.

        mov     xAX, .s_szSubTestName
        call    TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSub)

        ; SSE2 supported?
        mov     eax, 1
        xor     ecx, ecx
        test    edx, X86_CPUID_FEATURE_EDX_SSE2
        jz      .skip

        ; Check that the standard instruction encodings work.
        mov     xBX, [xSP + 10h]
        mov     [xSP], xAX
        mov     [xSP], xCX
        mov     xBX, [xSP + 08h]
        mov     [xSP], xDX
        mov     xBX, [xSP]
        mov     bx, [xSP + 04h]

        ; The instruction encodings in the intel manual may open the RM as well
        ; as prefixes open to interpretation.  AMD sets RM=0 in their docs.
        ;       lfence = 0f,ea,e8
        ;       mfence = 0f,ea,f0
        ;       sfence = 0f,ea,f8
        ;       (RM is the lower 3 bits of the last byte.)

%assign MY_RM 0xe8
%rep 18h
        db                                                       0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        db                                 X86_OP_PRF_CS,        0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        db                                 X86_OP_PRF_DS,        0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        db                                 X86_OP_PRF_ES,        0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        db                                 X86_OP_PRF_FS,        0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        db                                 X86_OP_PRF_GS,        0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        db                                 X86_OP_PRF_SS,        0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        db                                 X86_OP_PRF_SIZE_ADDR, 0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        BS2_TRAP_INSTR X86_XCPT_UD, 0,  db X86_OP_PRF_SIZE_OP,   0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM ; (used in group)
        BS2_TRAP_INSTR X86_XCPT_UD, 0,  db X86_OP_PRF_LOCK,      0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM ; (used in group)
        BS2_TRAP_INSTR X86_XCPT_UD, 0,  db X86_OP_PRF_REPNZ,     0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM ; (used in group)
        BS2_TRAP_INSTR X86_XCPT_UD, 0,  db X86_OP_PRF_REPZ,      0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM ; (used in group)
%ifdef TMPL_64BIT
 %assign MY_REX 0x40
 %rep 10h
        ; Rex prefixes doesn't change anything.
        db                                                       MY_REX, 0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        db                                 X86_OP_PRF_CS,        MY_REX, 0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        db                                 X86_OP_PRF_DS,        MY_REX, 0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        db                                 X86_OP_PRF_ES,        MY_REX, 0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        db                                 X86_OP_PRF_FS,        MY_REX, 0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        db                                 X86_OP_PRF_GS,        MY_REX, 0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        db                                 X86_OP_PRF_SS,        MY_REX, 0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        db                                 X86_OP_PRF_SIZE_ADDR, MY_REX, 0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM
        BS2_TRAP_INSTR X86_XCPT_UD, 0,  db X86_OP_PRF_SIZE_OP,   MY_REX, 0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM ; (used in group)
        BS2_TRAP_INSTR X86_XCPT_UD, 0,  db X86_OP_PRF_LOCK,      MY_REX, 0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM ; (used in group)
        BS2_TRAP_INSTR X86_XCPT_UD, 0,  db X86_OP_PRF_REPNZ,     MY_REX, 0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM ; (used in group)
        BS2_TRAP_INSTR X86_XCPT_UD, 0,  db X86_OP_PRF_REPZ,      MY_REX, 0fh, 0aeh, MY_RM ; (used in group)
  %assign MY_REX (MY_REX + 1)
 %assign MY_RM (MY_RM + 1)

        ; Done.
        call    TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSubDone)
        mov     xSP, xSI
        add     xSP, 80h
        pop     xSI
        pop     xDI
        pop     xDX
        pop     xCX
        pop     xBX
        pop     sAX

        mov     xAX, .s_szSse2Missing
        call    TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSubDone)
        jmp     .done

        db      TMPL_MODE_STR, ', mfence et al.', 0
        db      'SSE2 is missing', 0
ENDPROC   TMPL_NM(TestMemFences)

; Floating-point to integer conversion (SSE/SSE2).
; Neither Intel nor AMD explicitly document what happens for the 32-bit forms
; of CVTxx2SI in 64-bit mode with regard to the high dword of a 64-bit
; destination register.
; @uses XMM0, and BS2_SEL_SPARE0 is trashed.
        push    xBP
        mov     xBP, xSP
        push    sAX
        push    xBX
        push    xCX
        push    xDX
        push    xDI
        push    xSI
        sub     xSP, 80h                ; iret stack frame space.
        mov     xSI, xSP                ; Save the stack register.

        mov     xAX, .s_szSubTestName
        call    TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSub)

        ; SSE2 supported?
        mov     eax, 1
        xor     ecx, ecx
        test    edx, X86_CPUID_FEATURE_EDX_SSE2
        jz      .skip

%ifdef TMPL_64BIT

        ; Have to enable OSFXSR for SSE instructions to work.
        mov     rcx,cr4
        mov     rsi,rcx
        or      rcx,200h
        mov     cr4,rcx

        ; Load 32-bit float -2.75 into XMM0
        mov     eax, 0C0300000h
        movd    xmm0, eax
        mov     rbx, -1            ; make sure high dword is not zero
        cvtss2si ebx, xmm0         ; result is -3
        mov     eax, -3            ; high dword of rax zeroed
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rbx, rax, jz, "CVTSS2SI EBX"

        mov     eax, 0C0300000h
        movd    xmm0, eax
        mov     rbx, -1
        cvttss2si ebx, xmm0        ; result is -2
        mov     eax, -2
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rbx, rax, jz, "CVTTSS2SI EBX"

        ; Load 64-bit double -2.75 into XMM0
        mov     rax, 0C006000000000000h
        movd    xmm0, rax
        mov     rbx, -1
        cvtsd2si ebx, xmm0
        mov     eax, -3
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rbx, rax, jz, "CVTSD2SI EBX"

        mov     rax, 0C006000000000000h
        mov     rbx, -1
        movd    xmm0, rax
        cvttsd2si ebx, xmm0
        mov     eax,-2
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rbx, rax, jz, "CVTTSD2SI EBX"

        ; Restore prior CR4 value
        mov     cr4,rsi

        ; Done.
        call    TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSubDone)
        mov     xSP, xSI
        add     xSP, 80h
        pop     xSI
        pop     xDI
        pop     xDX
        pop     xCX
        pop     xBX
        pop     sAX

        mov     xAX, .s_szSse2Missing
        call    TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSubDone)
        jmp     .done

        db      TMPL_MODE_STR, ', cvtss2si et al.', 0
        db      'SSE2 is missing', 0

; Test what  CMPXCHG with 32-bit operand size does to 64-bit registers,
; as this is not particularly well documented by either Intel or AMD.
; @uses No registers, but BS2_SEL_SPARE0 is trashed.
        push    xBP
        mov     xBP, xSP
        push    sAX
        push    xBX
        push    xCX
        push    xDX
        push    xDI
        push    xSI
        sub     xSP, 80h                ; iret stack frame space.
        mov     xSI, xSP                ; Save the stack register.

        mov     xAX, .s_szSubTestName
        call    TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSub)

%ifdef TMPL_64BIT

        ; CMPXCHG reg, reg - values not equal, eax written
        mov     rax, -1            ; Load registers with 64-bit values
        mov     rbx, -2
        mov     rcx, -3
        cmpxchg ebx, ecx           ; Not equal, writes ebx to eax
        mov     edx, -2            ; Clears high dword
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rax, rdx, jz, "CMPXCHG reg, unequal, rax set"
        mov     rdx, -2            ; All ones still in high dword
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rbx, rdx, jz, "CMPXCHG reg, unequal, rbx not set"

        ; CMPXCHG reg, reg - values equal, first operand written
        mov     rax, -4            ; Load registers with 64-bit values
        mov     rbx, -4
        mov     rcx, -5
        cmpxchg ebx, ecx           ; Equal, writes ecx to ebx
        mov     edx, -5            ; Clears high dword
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rbx, rdx, jz, "CMPXCHG reg, equal, rbx set"
        mov     rdx, -4            ; All ones still in high dword
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rax, rdx, jz, "CMPXCHG reg, equal, rax not set"

        ; CMPXCHG mem, reg - values not equal, eax written
        mov     rax, -1            ; Load registers with 64-bit values
        mov     rbx, -2
        push    rbx
        mov     rcx, -3
        cmpxchg [rsp], ecx         ; Not equal, writes eax
        mov     edx, -2            ; Clears high dword
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rax, rdx, jz, "CMPXCHG mem, unequal, rax set"
        pop     rbx

        ; CMPXCHG mem, reg - values equal, first operand written
        mov     rax, -4            ; Load registers with 64-bit values
        mov     rbx, -4
        push    rbx
        mov     rcx, -5
        cmpxchg [rsp], ecx         ; Equal, writes ecx to memory
        mov     rdx, -4            ; All ones in high dword
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rax, rdx, jz, "CMPXCHG mem, equal, rax not set"
        pop     rbx

        ; CMPXCHG8B mem, reg - values equal, memory written
        ; compares edx:eax with mem64
        mov     rdx, -1            ; Load registers with 64-bit values
        mov     rax, -4
        mov     rcx, -1
        mov     rbx, -5
        mov     rsi, -4
        push    rsi
        cmpxchg8b [rsp]            ; Equal, writes ecx:ebx to memory
        mov     rsi, -4            ; All ones in high dword
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rax, rsi, jz, "CMPXCHG8B mem, equal, rax not set"
        mov     rsi, -1            ; All ones in high dword
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rdx, rsi, jz, "CMPXCHG8B mem, equal, rdx not set"
        pop     rsi

        ; CMPXCHG8B mem, reg - values unequal, edx:eax written
        ; compares edx:eax with mem64
        mov     rdx, -1            ; Load registers with 64-bit values
        mov     rax, -2
        mov     rcx, -1
        mov     rbx, -4
        mov     rsi, -3
        push    rsi
        cmpxchg8b [rsp]            ; Not equal, writes memory to edx:eax
        mov     esi, -3            ; Clears high dword
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rax, rsi, jz, "CMPXCHG8B mem, unequal, rax set"
        mov     esi, -1            ; Clears high dword
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rdx, rsi, jz, "CMPXCHG8B mem, unequal, rdx set"
        pop     rsi


        ; Done.
        call    TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSubDone)
        mov     xSP, xSI
        add     xSP, 80h
        pop     xSI
        pop     xDI
        pop     xDX
        pop     xCX
        pop     xBX
        pop     sAX

        db      TMPL_MODE_STR, ', 32-bit CMPXCHG in 64-bit mode', 0
ENDPROC   TMPL_NM(TestCmpxchg32)

; Proving intel manual wrong about using REX.X for BSWAP R8-R15 on 64-bit.
; Checking the 'undefined' 16-bit bswap behavior.
; @uses No registers, but BS2_SEL_SPARE0 is trashed.
        push    xBP
        mov     xBP, xSP
        push    sAX
        push    xBX
        push    xCX
        push    xDX
        push    xDI
        push    xSI
        sub     xSP, 80h                ; iret stack frame space.
        mov     xSI, xSP                ; Save the stack register.

        mov     xAX, .s_szSubTestName
        call    TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSub)

        ; Assert sanity.
        mov     eax, 11223344h
        bswap   eax
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE eax, 44332211h, jz, "32-bit BSWAP EAX"

        ; Buggy manual (325383-041US, December 2011).
%ifdef TMPL_64BIT
        push    r8

        mov     r8d, 55667788h
        mov     eax, 55667788h
        db X86_OP_REX_X
        bswap   eax                     ; does it access r8 or eax?
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE eax, 88776655h, jz, "REX.X BSWAP EAX - Wrong EAX."
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE r8,  55667788h, jz, "REX.X BSWAP EAX - Wrong R8."

        mov     r8d, 55667788h
        mov     eax, 55667788h
        db X86_OP_REX_R
        bswap   eax                     ; does it access r8 or eax?
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE eax, 88776655h, jz, "REX.R BSWAP EAX - Wrong EAX."
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE r8,  55667788h, jz, "REX.R BSWAP EAX - Wrong R8."

        mov     r8d, 55667788h
        mov     eax, 55667788h
        db X86_OP_REX_B
        bswap   eax                     ; does it access r8 or eax?
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE rax, 55667788h, jz, "REX.B BSWAP R8D - Wrong RAX."
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE r8d, 88776655h, jz, "REX.B BSWAP R8D - Wrong R8D."

        pop     r8

        ; 'Undefined' 16-bit behavior.
        ; Zeroing of the lower 16-bits has been observed on:
        ;       - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3960X CPU @ 3.30GHz
%ifndef TestBSwap16_defined
 %define TestBSwap16_defined
 %macro TestBSwap16 3,
        mov     %3, %2                  ; save the primary register.
  %ifdef TMPL_64BIT
        mov     %2, 0ffffffff98765432h  ; Set the upper bit as well.
        mov     %2, 98765432h
  %ifndef TMPL_16BIT
        db X86_OP_PRF_SIZE_OP
        bswap   %1
        xchg    %2, %3                  ; Restore and save the result (xSP).
        TEST_ASSERT_SIMPLE %3, 98760000h, jz, "Unexpected 16-bit BSWAP error."

        TestBSwap16 eax, sAX, sSI
        TestBSwap16 ebx, sBX, sSI
        TestBSwap16 ecx, sCX, sSI
        TestBSwap16 edx, sDX, sSI
        TestBSwap16 esp, sSP, sSI
        TestBSwap16 ebp, sBP, sSI
        TestBSwap16 edi, sDI, sSI
        TestBSwap16 esi, sSI, sDI
%ifdef TMPL_64BIT
        TestBSwap16 r8d,   r8, rax
        TestBSwap16 r9d,   r9, rax
        TestBSwap16 r10d, r10, rax
        TestBSwap16 r11d, r11, rax
        TestBSwap16 r12d, r12, rax
        TestBSwap16 r13d, r13, rax
        TestBSwap16 r14d, r14, rax
        TestBSwap16 r15d, r15, rax

        ; Done.
        call    TMPL_NM_CMN(TestSubDone)
        mov     xSP, xSI
        add     xSP, 80h
        pop     xSI
        pop     xDI
        pop     xDX
        pop     xCX
        pop     xBX
        pop     sAX

        db      TMPL_MODE_STR, ', bswap', 0

; Do the tests for this mode.
; @uses nothing
        push    bp
        mov     bp, sp
        push    ax

        ; Check if the mode and NX is supported, do the switch.
        call    TMPL_NM(Bs2IsModeSupported_rm)
        jz      .done
        call    TMPL_NM(Bs2EnterMode_rm)

        ; Test exception handler basics using INT3 and #BP.

        call    TMPL_NM(TestMemFences)
        call    TMPL_NM(TestBSwap)
%ifdef TMPL_64BIT
        ; Specifically tests 64-bit behavior.
        call    TMPL_NM(TestCvtSize)
        call    TMPL_NM(TestCmpxchg32)

        ; Back to real mode.
        call    TMPL_NM(Bs2ExitMode)
        call    Bs2DisableNX_r86

        pop     ax
ENDPROC TMPL_NM(DoTestsForMode_rm)

%include "bootsector2-template-footer.mac"