#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # $Id: tdGuestOsUnattendedInst1.py $ """ VirtualBox Validation Kit - Guest OS unattended installation tests. """ __copyright__ = \ """ Copyright (C) 2010-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as available from https://www.virtualbox.org. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0 """ __version__ = "$Revision: 155244 $" # Standard Python imports. import copy; import os; import sys; # Only the main script needs to modify the path. try: __file__ except: __file__ = sys.argv[0] g_ksValidationKitDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) sys.path.append(g_ksValidationKitDir) # Validation Kit imports. from testdriver import vbox; from testdriver import base; from testdriver import reporter; from testdriver import vboxcon; from testdriver import vboxtestvms; from common import utils; # Sub-test driver imports. sys.path.append(os.path.join(g_ksValidationKitDir, 'tests', 'additions')); from tdAddGuestCtrl import SubTstDrvAddGuestCtrl; from tdAddSharedFolders1 import SubTstDrvAddSharedFolders1; class UnattendedVm(vboxtestvms.BaseTestVm): """ Unattended Installation test VM. """ ## @name VM option flags (OR together). ## @{ kfUbuntuAvx2Crash = 0x0001; ##< Disables AVX2 as ubuntu 16.04 think it means AVX512 is available and compiz crashes. kfNoGAs = 0x0002; ##< No guest additions installation possible. kfKeyFile = 0x0004; ##< ISO requires a .key file containing the product key. kfNeedCom1 = 0x0008; ##< Need serial port, typically for satifying the windows kernel debugger. kfIdeIrqDelay = 0x1000; kfUbuntuNewAmdBug = 0x2000; kfNoWin81Paravirt = 0x4000; kfAvoidNetwork = 0x8000; ## @} ## kfUbuntuAvx2Crash: Extra data that disables AVX2. kasUbuntuAvx2Crash = [ '/CPUM/IsaExts/AVX2:0', ]; ## IRQ delay extra data config for win2k VMs. kasIdeIrqDelay = [ 'VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/IRQDelay:1', ]; def __init__(self, oSet, sVmName, sKind, sInstallIso, fFlags = 0): vboxtestvms.BaseTestVm.__init__(self, sVmName, oSet = oSet, sKind = sKind, fRandomPvPModeCrap = (fFlags & self.kfNoWin81Paravirt) == 0); self.sInstallIso = sInstallIso; self.fInstVmFlags = fFlags; # Adjustments over the defaults. self.iOptRamAdjust = 0; self.fOptIoApic = None; self.fOptPae = None; self.fOptInstallAdditions = False; self.asOptExtraData = []; if fFlags & self.kfUbuntuAvx2Crash: self.asOptExtraData += self.kasUbuntuAvx2Crash; if fFlags & self.kfIdeIrqDelay: self.asOptExtraData += self.kasIdeIrqDelay; if fFlags & self.kfNeedCom1: self.fCom1RawFile = True; def _unattendedConfigure(self, oIUnattended, oTestDrv): # type: (Any, vbox.TestDriver) -> bool """ Configures the unattended install object. The ISO attribute has been set and detectIsoOS has been done, the rest of the setup is done here. Returns True on success, False w/ errors logged on failure. """ # # Make it install the TXS. # try: oIUnattended.installTestExecService = True; except: return reporter.errorXcpt(); try: oIUnattended.validationKitIsoPath = oTestDrv.sVBoxValidationKitIso; except: return reporter.errorXcpt(); oTestDrv.processPendingEvents(); # # Avoid using network during unattended install (stalls Debian installs). # if self.fInstVmFlags & UnattendedVm.kfAvoidNetwork: try: oIUnattended.avoidUpdatesOverNetwork = True; except: return reporter.errorXcpt(); # # Install GAs? # if self.fOptInstallAdditions: if (self.fInstVmFlags & self.kfNoGAs) == 0: try: oIUnattended.installGuestAdditions = True; except: return reporter.errorXcpt(); try: oIUnattended.additionsIsoPath = oTestDrv.getGuestAdditionsIso(); except: return reporter.errorXcpt(); oTestDrv.processPendingEvents(); else: reporter.log("Warning! Ignoring request to install Guest Additions as kfNoGAs is set!"); # # Product key? # if self.fInstVmFlags & UnattendedVm.kfKeyFile: sKeyFile = ''; sKey = ''; try: sKeyFile = oIUnattended.isoPath + '.key'; oFile = utils.openNoInherit(sKeyFile); for sLine in oFile: sLine = sLine.strip(); if sLine and not sLine.startswith(';') and not sLine.startswith('#') and not sLine.startswith('//'): sKey = sLine; break; oFile.close(); except: return reporter.errorXcpt('sKeyFile=%s' % (sKeyFile,)); if not sKey: return reporter.error('No key in keyfile (%s)!' % (sKeyFile,)); try: oIUnattended.productKey = sKey; except: return reporter.errorXcpt(); return True; def _unattendedDoIt(self, oIUnattended, oVM, oTestDrv): # type: (Any, Any, vbox.TestDriver) -> bool """ Does the unattended installation preparing, media construction and VM reconfiguration. Returns True on success, False w/ errors logged on failure. """ # Associate oVM with the installer: try: oIUnattended.machine = oVM; except: return reporter.errorXcpt(); oTestDrv.processPendingEvents(); # Prepare and log it: try: oIUnattended.prepare(); except: return reporter.errorXcpt("IUnattended.prepare failed"); oTestDrv.processPendingEvents(); reporter.log('IUnattended attributes after prepare():'); self._unattendedLogIt(oIUnattended, oTestDrv); # Create media: try: oIUnattended.constructMedia(); except: return reporter.errorXcpt("IUnattended.constructMedia failed"); oTestDrv.processPendingEvents(); # Reconfigure the VM: try: oIUnattended.reconfigureVM(); except: return reporter.errorXcpt("IUnattended.reconfigureVM failed"); oTestDrv.processPendingEvents(); return True; def _unattendedLogIt(self, oIUnattended, oTestDrv): """ Logs the attributes of the unattended installation object. """ fRc = True; asAttribs = ( 'isoPath', 'user', 'password', 'fullUserName', 'productKey', 'additionsIsoPath', 'installGuestAdditions', 'validationKitIsoPath', 'installTestExecService', 'timeZone', 'locale', 'language', 'country', 'proxy', 'packageSelectionAdjustments', 'hostname', 'auxiliaryBasePath', 'imageIndex', 'machine', 'scriptTemplatePath', 'postInstallScriptTemplatePath', 'postInstallCommand', 'extraInstallKernelParameters', 'detectedOSTypeId', 'detectedOSVersion', 'detectedOSLanguages', 'detectedOSFlavor', 'detectedOSHints', ); for sAttrib in asAttribs: try: oValue = getattr(oIUnattended, sAttrib); except: fRc = reporter.errorXcpt('sAttrib=%s' % sAttrib); else: reporter.log('%s: %s' % (sAttrib.rjust(32), oValue,)); oTestDrv.processPendingEvents(); return fRc; # # Overriden methods. # def getResourceSet(self): asRet = []; if not os.path.isabs(self.sInstallIso): asRet.append(self.sInstallIso); if self.fInstVmFlags & UnattendedVm.kfKeyFile: asRet.append(self.sInstallIso + '.key'); return asRet; def _createVmDoIt(self, oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage): # # Use HostOnly networking for ubuntu and debian VMs to prevent them from # downloading updates and doing database updates during installation. # We want predicable results. # if eNic0AttachType is None: if self.isLinux() \ and ( 'ubuntu' in self.sKind.lower() or 'debian' in self.sKind.lower()): eNic0AttachType = vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_HostOnly; # Also use it for windows xp to prevent it from ever going online. if self.sKind in ('WindowsXP','WindowsXP_64',): eNic0AttachType = vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_HostOnly; # # Use host-only networks instead of host-only adapters for trunk builds on Mac OS. # if eNic0AttachType == vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_HostOnly \ and utils.getHostOs() == 'darwin' \ and oTestDrv.fpApiVer >= 7.0: eNic0AttachType = vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_HostOnlyNetwork; return vboxtestvms.BaseTestVm._createVmDoIt(self, oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage); # pylint: disable=protected-access def _createVmPost(self, oTestDrv, oVM, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage): # # Adjust the ram, I/O APIC and stuff. # oSession = oTestDrv.openSession(oVM); if oSession is None: return None; fRc = True; ## Set proper boot order - IUnattended::reconfigureVM does this, doesn't it? #fRc = fRc and oSession.setBootOrder(1, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk) #fRc = fRc and oSession.setBootOrder(2, vboxcon.DeviceType_DVD) # Adjust memory if requested. if self.iOptRamAdjust != 0: try: cMbRam = oSession.o.machine.memorySize; except: fRc = reporter.errorXcpt(); else: fRc = oSession.setRamSize(cMbRam + self.iOptRamAdjust) and fRc; # I/O APIC: if self.fOptIoApic is not None: fRc = oSession.enableIoApic(self.fOptIoApic) and fRc; # I/O APIC: if self.fOptPae is not None: fRc = oSession.enablePae(self.fOptPae) and fRc; # Set extra data for sExtraData in self.asOptExtraData: sKey, sValue = sExtraData.split(':'); reporter.log('Set extradata: %s => %s' % (sKey, sValue)) fRc = oSession.setExtraData(sKey, sValue) and fRc; # Save the settings. fRc = fRc and oSession.saveSettings() fRc = oSession.close() and fRc; return oVM if fRc else None; def _skipVmTest(self, oTestDrv, oVM): _ = oVM; # # Check for ubuntu installer vs. AMD host CPU. # if self.fInstVmFlags & self.kfUbuntuNewAmdBug: if self.isHostCpuAffectedByUbuntuNewAmdBug(oTestDrv): return True; return vboxtestvms.BaseTestVm._skipVmTest(self, oTestDrv, oVM); # pylint: disable=protected-access def getReconfiguredVm(self, oTestDrv, cCpus, sVirtMode, sParavirtMode = None): # # Do the standard reconfig in the base class first, it'll figure out # if we can run the VM as requested. # (fRc, oVM) = vboxtestvms.BaseTestVm.getReconfiguredVm(self, oTestDrv, cCpus, sVirtMode, sParavirtMode); if fRc is True: # # Make sure there is no HD from the previous run attached nor taking # up storage on the host. # fRc = self.recreateRecommendedHdd(oVM, oTestDrv); if fRc is True: # # Set up unattended installation. # try: oIUnattended = oTestDrv.oVBox.createUnattendedInstaller(); except: fRc = reporter.errorXcpt(); if fRc is True: fRc = self.unattendedDetectOs(oIUnattended, oTestDrv); if fRc is True: fRc = self._unattendedConfigure(oIUnattended, oTestDrv); if fRc is True: fRc = self._unattendedDoIt(oIUnattended, oVM, oTestDrv); # Done. return (fRc, oVM) def isLoggedOntoDesktop(self): # # Normally all unattended installations should end up on the desktop. # An exception is a minimal install, but we currently don't support that. # return True; def getTestUser(self): # Default unattended installation user (parent knowns its password). return 'vboxuser'; # # Our methods. # def unattendedDetectOs(self, oIUnattended, oTestDrv): # type: (Any, vbox.TestDriver) -> bool """ Does the detectIsoOS operation and checks that the detect OSTypeId matches. Returns True on success, False w/ errors logged on failure. """ # # Point the installer at the ISO and do the detection. # sInstallIso = self.sInstallIso if not os.path.isabs(sInstallIso): sInstallIso = os.path.join(oTestDrv.sResourcePath, sInstallIso); try: oIUnattended.isoPath = sInstallIso; except: return reporter.errorXcpt('sInstallIso=%s' % (sInstallIso,)); try: oIUnattended.detectIsoOS(); except: if oTestDrv.oVBoxMgr.xcptIsNotEqual(None, oTestDrv.oVBoxMgr.statuses.E_NOTIMPL): return reporter.errorXcpt('sInstallIso=%s' % (sInstallIso,)); # # Get and log the result. # # Note! Current (6.0.97) fails with E_NOTIMPL even if it does some work. # try: sDetectedOSTypeId = oIUnattended.detectedOSTypeId; sDetectedOSVersion = oIUnattended.detectedOSVersion; sDetectedOSFlavor = oIUnattended.detectedOSFlavor; sDetectedOSLanguages = oIUnattended.detectedOSLanguages; sDetectedOSHints = oIUnattended.detectedOSHints; except: return reporter.errorXcpt('sInstallIso=%s' % (sInstallIso,)); reporter.log('detectIsoOS result for "%s" (vm %s):' % (sInstallIso, self.sVmName)); reporter.log(' DetectedOSTypeId: %s' % (sDetectedOSTypeId,)); reporter.log(' DetectedOSVersion: %s' % (sDetectedOSVersion,)); reporter.log(' DetectedOSFlavor: %s' % (sDetectedOSFlavor,)); reporter.log(' DetectedOSLanguages: %s' % (sDetectedOSLanguages,)); reporter.log(' DetectedOSHints: %s' % (sDetectedOSHints,)); # # Check if the OS type matches. # if self.sKind != sDetectedOSTypeId: return reporter.error('sInstallIso=%s: DetectedOSTypeId is %s, expected %s' % (sInstallIso, sDetectedOSTypeId, self.sKind)); return True; class tdGuestOsInstTest1(vbox.TestDriver): """ Unattended Guest OS installation tests using IUnattended. Scenario: - Create a new VM with default settings using IMachine::applyDefaults. - Setup unattended installation using IUnattended. - Start the VM and do the installation. - Wait for TXS to report for service. - If installing GAs: - Wait for GAs to report operational runlevel. - Save & restore state. - If installing GAs: - Test guest properties (todo). - Test guest controls. - Test shared folders. """ def __init__(self): """ Reinitialize child class instance. """ vbox.TestDriver.__init__(self) self.fLegacyOptions = False; assert self.fEnableVrdp; # in parent driver. # # Our install test VM set. # oSet = vboxtestvms.TestVmSet(self.oTestVmManager, fIgnoreSkippedVm = True); # pylint: disable=line-too-long oSet.aoTestVms.extend([ # # Windows. The older windows ISOs requires a keyfile (for xp sp3 # pick a key from the PID.INF file on the ISO). # UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-xp-32', 'WindowsXP', '6.0/uaisos/en_winxp_pro_x86_build2600_iso.img', UnattendedVm.kfKeyFile), # >=2GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-xpsp2-32', 'WindowsXP', '6.0/uaisos/en_winxp_pro_with_sp2.iso', UnattendedVm.kfKeyFile), # >=2GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-xpsp3-32', 'WindowsXP', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_x14-80428.iso', UnattendedVm.kfKeyFile), # >=2GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-xp-64', 'WindowsXP_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_win_xp_pro_x64_vl.iso', UnattendedVm.kfKeyFile), # >=3GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-xpsp2-64', 'WindowsXP_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_win_xp_pro_x64_with_sp2_vl_x13-41611.iso', UnattendedVm.kfKeyFile), # >=3GiB #fixme: UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-xpchk-64', 'WindowsXP_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_xp_professional_x64_chk.iso', UnattendedVm.kfKeyFile | UnattendedVm.kfNeedCom1), # >=3GiB # No key files needed: UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-vista-32', 'WindowsVista', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_vista_ee_x86_dvd_vl_x13-17271.iso'), # >=6GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-vista-64', 'WindowsVista_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_vista_enterprise_x64_dvd_vl_x13-17316.iso'), # >=8GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-vistasp1-32', 'WindowsVista', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_vista_enterprise_with_service_pack_1_x86_dvd_x14-55954.iso'), # >=6GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-vistasp1-64', 'WindowsVista_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_vista_enterprise_with_service_pack_1_x64_dvd_x14-55934.iso'), # >=9GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-vistasp2-32', 'WindowsVista', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_vista_enterprise_sp2_x86_dvd_342329.iso'), # >=7GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-vistasp2-64', 'WindowsVista_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_vista_enterprise_sp2_x64_dvd_342332.iso'), # >=10GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w7-32', 'Windows7', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_7_enterprise_x86_dvd_x15-70745.iso'), # >=6GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w7-64', 'Windows7_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_7_enterprise_x64_dvd_x15-70749.iso'), # >=10GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w7sp1-32', 'Windows7', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677710.iso'), # >=6GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w7sp1-64', 'Windows7_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677651.iso'), # >=8GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w8-32', 'Windows8', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_8_enterprise_x86_dvd_917587.iso'), # >=6GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w8-64', 'Windows8_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_8_enterprise_x64_dvd_917522.iso'), # >=9GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w81-32', 'Windows81', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_8_1_enterprise_x86_dvd_2791510.iso'), # >=5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w81-64', 'Windows81_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_8_1_enterprise_x64_dvd_2791088.iso'), # >=8GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1507-32', 'Windows10', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_pro_10240_x86_dvd.iso'), # >=6GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1507-64', 'Windows10_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_pro_10240_x64_dvd.iso'), # >=9GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1511-32', 'Windows10', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1511_updated_feb_2016_x86_dvd_8378870.iso'), # >=7GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1511-64', 'Windows10_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1511_x64_dvd_7224901.iso'), # >=9GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1607-32', 'Windows10', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jul_2016_x86_dvd_9060097.iso'), # >=7GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1607-64', 'Windows10_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jul_2016_x64_dvd_9054264.iso'), # >=9GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1703-32', 'Windows10', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1703_updated_march_2017_x86_dvd_10188981.iso'), # >=7GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1703-64', 'Windows10_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1703_updated_march_2017_x64_dvd_10189290.iso'), # >=10GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1709-32', 'Windows10', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_multi-edition_vl_version_1709_updated_sept_2017_x86_dvd_100090759.iso'), # >=7GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1709-64', 'Windows10_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_multi-edition_vl_version_1709_updated_sept_2017_x64_dvd_100090741.iso'), # >=10GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1803-32', 'Windows10', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1803_updated_march_2018_x86_dvd_12063341.iso'), # >=7GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1803-64', 'Windows10_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1803_updated_march_2018_x64_dvd_12063333.iso'), # >=10GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1809-32', 'Windows10', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_business_edition_version_1809_updated_sept_2018_x86_dvd_2f92403b.iso'), # >=7GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1809-64', 'Windows10_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_business_edition_version_1809_updated_sept_2018_x64_dvd_f0b7dc68.iso'), # >=10GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1903-32', 'Windows10', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_x86_dvd_ca4f0f49.iso'), # >=7GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-1903-64', 'Windows10_64', '6.0/uaisos/en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_x64_dvd_37200948.iso'), # >=10GiB # # Ubuntu # ## @todo 15.10 fails with grub install error. #UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-15.10-64', 'Ubuntu_64', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso'), UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.04-64', 'Ubuntu_64', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso', # ~5GiB UnattendedVm.kfUbuntuAvx2Crash), UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.04-32', 'Ubuntu', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso'), # >=4.5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.04.1-64', 'Ubuntu_64', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso'), # >=5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.04.1-32', 'Ubuntu', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-i386.iso'), # >=4.5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.04.2-64', 'Ubuntu_64', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso'), # >=5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.04.2-32', 'Ubuntu', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-i386.iso'), # >=4.5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.04.3-64', 'Ubuntu_64', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso'), # >=5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.04.3-32', 'Ubuntu', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-i386.iso'), # >=4.5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.04.4-64', 'Ubuntu_64', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso'), # >=5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.04.4-32', 'Ubuntu', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.04.4-desktop-i386.iso'), # >=4.5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.04.5-64', 'Ubuntu_64', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso'), # >=5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.04.5-32', 'Ubuntu', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.04.5-desktop-i386.iso'), # >=4.5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.04.6-64', 'Ubuntu_64', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.04.6-desktop-amd64.iso'), # >=5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.04.6-32', 'Ubuntu', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.04.6-desktop-i386.iso'), # >=4.5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.10-64', 'Ubuntu_64', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.10-desktop-amd64.iso'), # >=5.5GiB ## @todo 16.10-32 doesn't ask for an IP, so it always fails. #UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-16.10-32', 'Ubuntu', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-16.10-desktop-i386.iso'), # >=5.5GiB? UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-17.04-64', 'Ubuntu_64', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-17.04-desktop-amd64.iso'), # >=5GiB UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-17.04-32', 'Ubuntu', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-17.04-desktop-i386.iso'), # >=4.5GiB ## @todo ubuntu 17.10, 18.04 & 18.10 do not work. They misses all the the build tools (make, gcc, perl, ++) ## and has signed kmods: UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-17.10-64', 'Ubuntu_64', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-17.10-desktop-amd64.iso', # >=4Gib UnattendedVm.kfNoGAs), UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-18.04-64', 'Ubuntu_64', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso', # >=6GiB UnattendedVm.kfNoGAs), # 18.10 hangs reading install DVD during "starting partitioner..." #UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-18.10-64', 'Ubuntu_64', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-18.10-desktop-amd64.iso', # UnattendedVm.kfNoGAs), UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu-19.04-64', 'Ubuntu_64', '6.0/uaisos/ubuntu-19.04-desktop-amd64.iso', # >=6GiB UnattendedVm.kfNoGAs), UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-debian-9.3-64', 'Debian_64', '6.0/uaisos/debian-9.3.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso', # >=6GiB? UnattendedVm.kfAvoidNetwork | UnattendedVm.kfNoGAs), UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-debian-9.4-64', 'Debian_64', '6.0/uaisos/debian-9.4.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso', # >=6GiB? UnattendedVm.kfAvoidNetwork | UnattendedVm.kfNoGAs), UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-debian-10.0-64', 'Debian_64', '6.0/uaisos/debian-10.0.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso', # >=6GiB? UnattendedVm.kfAvoidNetwork), # # OS/2. # UnattendedVm(oSet, 'tst-acp2', 'OS2Warp45', '7.0/uaisos/acp2_us_cd2.iso'), # ~400MiB ## @todo mcp2 too? ]); # pylint: enable=line-too-long self.oTestVmSet = oSet; # For option parsing: self.aoSelectedVms = oSet.aoTestVms # type: list(UnattendedVm) # Number of VMs to test in parallel: self.cInParallel = 1; # Whether to do the save-and-restore test. self.fTestSaveAndRestore = True; # # Sub-test drivers. # self.addSubTestDriver(SubTstDrvAddSharedFolders1(self)); self.addSubTestDriver(SubTstDrvAddGuestCtrl(self)); # # Overridden methods. # def showUsage(self): """ Extend usage info """ rc = vbox.TestDriver.showUsage(self) reporter.log(''); reporter.log('tdGuestOsUnattendedInst1 options:'); reporter.log(' --parallel '); reporter.log(' Number of VMs to test in parallel.'); reporter.log(' Default: 1'); reporter.log(''); reporter.log(' Options for working on selected test VMs:'); reporter.log(' --select '); reporter.log(' Selects a test VM for the following configuration alterations.'); reporter.log(' Default: All possible test VMs'); reporter.log(' --copy ='); reporter.log(' Creates and selects as a copy of .'); reporter.log(' --guest-type '); reporter.log(' Sets the guest-os type of the currently selected test VM.'); reporter.log(' --install-iso '); reporter.log(' Sets ISO image to use for the selected test VM.'); reporter.log(' --ram-adjust '); reporter.log(' Adjust the VM ram size by the given delta. Both negative and positive'); reporter.log(' values are accepted.'); reporter.log(' --max-cpus <# CPUs>'); reporter.log(' Sets the maximum number of guest CPUs for the selected VM.'); reporter.log(' --set-extradata :value'); reporter.log(' Set VM extra data for the selected VM. Can be repeated.'); reporter.log(' --ioapic, --no-ioapic'); reporter.log(' Enable or disable the I/O apic for the selected VM.'); reporter.log(' --pae, --no-pae'); reporter.log(' Enable or disable PAE support (32-bit guests only) for the selected VM.'); return rc def parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg): """ Extend standard options set """ if asArgs[iArg] == '--parallel': iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg); self.cInParallel = int(asArgs[iArg]); if self.cInParallel <= 0: self.cInParallel = 1; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--select': iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg); self.aoSelectedVms = []; for sTestVm in asArgs[iArg].split(':'): oTestVm = self.oTestVmSet.findTestVmByName(sTestVm); if not oTestVm: raise base.InvalidOption('Unknown test VM: %s' % (sTestVm,)); self.aoSelectedVms.append(oTestVm); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--copy': iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg); asNames = asArgs[iArg].split('='); if len(asNames) != 2 or not asNames[0] or not asNames[1]: raise base.InvalidOption('The --copy option expects value on the form "old=new": %s' % (asArgs[iArg],)); oOldTestVm = self.oTestVmSet.findTestVmByName(asNames[0]); if not oOldTestVm: raise base.InvalidOption('Unknown test VM: %s' % (asNames[0],)); oNewTestVm = copy.deepcopy(oOldTestVm); oNewTestVm.sVmName = asNames[1]; self.oTestVmSet.aoTestVms.append(oNewTestVm); self.aoSelectedVms = [oNewTestVm]; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--guest-type': iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg); for oTestVm in self.aoSelectedVms: oTestVm.sKind = asArgs[iArg]; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--install-iso': iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg); for oTestVm in self.aoSelectedVms: oTestVm.sInstallIso = asArgs[iArg]; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--ram-adjust': iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg); for oTestVm in self.aoSelectedVms: oTestVm.iOptRamAdjust = int(asArgs[iArg]); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--max-cpus': iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg); for oTestVm in self.aoSelectedVms: oTestVm.iOptMaxCpus = int(asArgs[iArg]); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--set-extradata': iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg) sExtraData = asArgs[iArg]; try: _, _ = sExtraData.split(':'); except: raise base.InvalidOption('Invalid extradata specified: %s' % (sExtraData, )); for oTestVm in self.aoSelectedVms: oTestVm.asOptExtraData.append(sExtraData); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--ioapic': for oTestVm in self.aoSelectedVms: oTestVm.fOptIoApic = True; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--no-ioapic': for oTestVm in self.aoSelectedVms: oTestVm.fOptIoApic = False; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--pae': for oTestVm in self.aoSelectedVms: oTestVm.fOptPae = True; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--no-pae': for oTestVm in self.aoSelectedVms: oTestVm.fOptPae = False; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--install-additions': for oTestVm in self.aoSelectedVms: oTestVm.fOptInstallAdditions = True; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--no-install-additions': for oTestVm in self.aoSelectedVms: oTestVm.fOptInstallAdditions = False; else: return vbox.TestDriver.parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg); return iArg + 1; def actionConfig(self): if not self.importVBoxApi(): # So we can use the constant below. return False; return self.oTestVmSet.actionConfig(self); def actionExecute(self): """ Execute the testcase. """ return self.oTestVmSet.actionExecute(self, self.testOneVmConfig) def testOneVmConfig(self, oVM, oTestVm): # type: (Any, UnattendedVm) -> bool """ Install guest OS and wait for result """ self.logVmInfo(oVM) reporter.testStart('Installing %s%s' % (oTestVm.sVmName, ' with GAs' if oTestVm.fOptInstallAdditions else '')) cMsTimeout = 40*60000; if not reporter.isLocal(): ## @todo need to figure a better way of handling timeouts on the testboxes ... cMsTimeout = 180 * 60000; # will be adjusted down. oSession, oTxsSession = self.startVmAndConnectToTxsViaTcp(oTestVm.sVmName, fCdWait = False, cMsTimeout = cMsTimeout); #oSession = self.startVmByName(oTestVm.sVmName); # (for quickly testing waitForGAs) if oSession is not None: # The guest has connected to TXS. reporter.log('Guest reported success via TXS.'); reporter.testDone(); fRc = True; # Kudge: GAs doesn't come up correctly, so we have to reboot the guest first: # Looks like VBoxService isn't there. if oTestVm.fOptInstallAdditions: reporter.testStart('Rebooting'); fRc, oTxsSession = self.txsRebootAndReconnectViaTcp(oSession, oTxsSession); reporter.testDone(); # If we're installing GAs, wait for them to come online: if oTestVm.fOptInstallAdditions and fRc is True: reporter.testStart('Guest additions'); aenmRunLevels = [vboxcon.AdditionsRunLevelType_Userland,]; if oTestVm.isLoggedOntoDesktop(): aenmRunLevels.append(vboxcon.AdditionsRunLevelType_Desktop); fRc = self.waitForGAs(oSession, cMsTimeout = cMsTimeout / 2, aenmWaitForRunLevels = aenmRunLevels, aenmWaitForActive = (vboxcon.AdditionsFacilityType_VBoxGuestDriver, vboxcon.AdditionsFacilityType_VBoxService,)); reporter.testDone(); # Now do a save & restore test: if fRc is True and self.fTestSaveAndRestore: fRc, oSession, oTxsSession = self.testSaveAndRestore(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm); # Test GAs if requested: if oTestVm.fOptInstallAdditions and fRc is True: for oSubTstDrv in self.aoSubTstDrvs: if oSubTstDrv.fEnabled: reporter.testStart(oSubTstDrv.sTestName); fRc2, oTxsSession = oSubTstDrv.testIt(oTestVm, oSession, oTxsSession); reporter.testDone(fRc2 is None); if fRc2 is False: fRc = False; if oSession is not None: fRc = self.terminateVmBySession(oSession) and fRc; return fRc is True reporter.error('Installation of %s has failed' % (oTestVm.sVmName,)) #oTestVm.detatchAndDeleteHd(self); # Save space. reporter.testDone() return False def testSaveAndRestore(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): """ Tests saving and restoring the VM. """ _ = oTestVm; reporter.testStart('Save'); ## @todo reporter.testDone(); reporter.testStart('Restore'); ## @todo reporter.testDone(); return (True, oSession, oTxsSession); if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(tdGuestOsInstTest1().main(sys.argv))