/* Metalink module. Copyright (C) 2015, 2018-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Wget. GNU Wget is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Wget is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Wget. If not, see . Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 If you modify this program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it with the OpenSSL project's OpenSSL library (or a modified version of that library), containing parts covered by the terms of the OpenSSL or SSLeay licenses, the Free Software Foundation grants you additional permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL used as well as that of the covered work. */ #include "wget.h" #ifdef HAVE_METALINK #include "metalink.h" #include "retr.h" #include "exits.h" #include "utils.h" #include "md2.h" #include "md4.h" #include "md5.h" #include "sha1.h" #include "sha256.h" #include "sha512.h" #include "filename.h" #include "xmemdup0.h" #include "xstrndup.h" #include "c-strcase.h" #include #include /* For unlink. */ #include #ifdef HAVE_GPGME #include #include /* For open and close. */ #endif #ifdef TESTING #include "../tests/unit-tests.h" #endif /* Loop through all files in metalink structure and retrieve them. Returns RETROK if all files were downloaded. Returns last retrieval error (from retrieve_url) if some files could not be downloaded. */ uerr_t retrieve_from_metalink (const metalink_t* metalink) { metalink_file_t **mfile_ptr; uerr_t last_retr_err = RETROK; /* Store last encountered retrieve error. */ FILE *_output_stream = output_stream; bool _output_stream_regular = output_stream_regular; char *_output_document = opt.output_document; /* metalink file counter */ unsigned mfc = 0; /* metalink retrieval type */ const char *metatpy = metalink->origin ? "Metalink/HTTP" : "Metalink/XML"; /* metalink mother source */ char *metasrc = metalink->origin ? metalink->origin : opt.input_metalink; DEBUGP (("Retrieving from Metalink %s\n", quote (metasrc))); /* No files to download. */ if (!metalink->files) return RETROK; if (opt.output_document) { /* We cannot support output_document as we need to compute checksum of downloaded file, and to remove it if the checksum is bad. */ logputs (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("-O not supported for metalink download. Ignoring.\n")); } for (mfile_ptr = metalink->files; *mfile_ptr; mfile_ptr++) { metalink_file_t *mfile = *mfile_ptr; metalink_resource_t **mres_ptr; char *planname = NULL; char *trsrname = NULL; char *filename; char *basename; char *safename = NULL; char *destname = NULL; bool size_ok = false; bool hash_ok = false; uerr_t retr_err = METALINK_MISSING_RESOURCE; /* -1 -> file should be rejected 0 -> could not verify 1 -> verified successfully */ char sig_status = 0; bool skip_mfile = false; output_stream = NULL; mfc++; /* The directory prefix for opt.metalink_over_http is handled by src/url.c (url_file_name), do not add it a second time. */ if (!metalink->origin && opt.dir_prefix && strlen (opt.dir_prefix)) planname = aprintf ("%s/%s", opt.dir_prefix, mfile->name); else planname = xstrdup (mfile->name); /* With Metalink/HTTP, trust the metalink file name (from cli). With --trust-server-names, trust the Metalink/XML file name, otherwise, use the basename of --input-metalink followed by the metalink file counter as suffix. */ if (metalink->origin || opt.trustservernames) { trsrname = xstrdup (mfile->name); } else { trsrname = xstrdup (get_metalink_basename (opt.input_metalink)); append_suffix_number (&trsrname, ".#", mfc); } /* Add the directory prefix for opt.input_metalink. */ if (!metalink->origin && opt.dir_prefix && strlen (opt.dir_prefix)) filename = aprintf ("%s/%s", opt.dir_prefix, trsrname); else filename = xstrdup (trsrname); /* Enforce libmetalink's metalink_check_safe_path(). */ basename = get_metalink_basename (filename); safename = metalink_check_safe_path (filename) ? filename : basename; DEBUGP (("Processing metalink file %s...\n", quote (mfile->name))); DEBUGP (("\n")); DEBUGP ((" %s\n", metatpy)); DEBUGP (("\n")); DEBUGP ((" --trust-server-names %s\n", opt.trustservernames ? "true" : "false")); DEBUGP ((" --directory-prefix %s\n", quote (opt.dir_prefix ? opt.dir_prefix : ""))); DEBUGP (("\n")); DEBUGP ((" Counted metalink file %u\n", mfc)); DEBUGP ((" Planned metalink file %s\n", quote (planname ? planname : ""))); DEBUGP ((" Trusted metalink file %s\n", quote (trsrname ? trsrname : ""))); DEBUGP ((" Current metalink file %s\n", quote (filename ? filename : ""))); DEBUGP ((" Cleaned metalink file %s\n", quote (basename ? basename : ""))); DEBUGP ((" Secured metalink file %s\n", quote (safename ? safename : ""))); DEBUGP (("\n")); /* Verify if the planned metalink file name is safe. */ if (!safename || strcmp (planname, safename)) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("[--trust-server-names %s, --directory-prefix=%s]\n"), (opt.trustservernames ? "true" : "false"), quote (opt.dir_prefix ? opt.dir_prefix : "")); logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Planned metalink file: %s\n"), quote (planname ? planname : "")); logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Secured metalink file: %s\n"), quote (safename ? safename : "")); if (!safename) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Rejecting metalink file. Unsafe name.\n")); xfree (planname); xfree (trsrname); xfree (filename); continue; } } /* Process the chosen application/metalink4+xml metaurl. */ if (opt.metalink_index >= 0) { int _metalink_index = opt.metalink_index; metalink_metaurl_t **murl_ptr; int abs_count = 0, meta_count = 0; uerr_t x_retr_err = METALINK_MISSING_RESOURCE; opt.metalink_index = -1; DEBUGP (("Searching application/metalink4+xml ordinal number %d...\n", _metalink_index)); if (mfile->metaurls && mfile->metaurls[0]) for (murl_ptr = mfile->metaurls; *murl_ptr; murl_ptr++) { metalink_t* metaurl_xml; metalink_error_t meta_err; metalink_metaurl_t *murl = *murl_ptr; char *_dir_prefix = opt.dir_prefix; char *_input_metalink = opt.input_metalink; char *metafile = NULL; char *metadest = NULL; char *metadir = NULL; abs_count++; if (strcmp (murl->mediatype, "application/metalink4+xml")) continue; meta_count++; DEBUGP ((" Ordinal number %d: %s\n", meta_count, quote (murl->url))); if (_metalink_index > 0) { if (meta_count < _metalink_index) continue; else if (meta_count > _metalink_index) break; } logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Processing metaurl %s...\n"), quote (murl->url)); /* Metalink/XML download file name. */ metafile = xstrdup (safename); if (opt.trustservernames) replace_metalink_basename (&metafile, murl->name ? murl->name : murl->url); else append_suffix_number (&metafile, ".meta#", meta_count); if (!metalink_check_safe_path (metafile)) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Rejecting metaurl file %s. Unsafe name.\n"), quote (metafile)); xfree (metafile); if (_metalink_index > 0) break; continue; } /* For security reasons, always save metalink metaurl files as new unique files. Keep them on failure. */ x_retr_err = fetch_metalink_file (murl->url, false, false, metafile, &metadest); /* On failure, try the next metalink metaurl. */ if (x_retr_err != RETROK) { logprintf (LOG_VERBOSE, _("Failed to download %s. Skipping metaurl.\n"), quote (metadest ? metadest : metafile)); inform_exit_status (x_retr_err); xfree (metadest); xfree (metafile); if (_metalink_index > 0) break; continue; } /* Parse Metalink/XML. */ meta_err = metalink_parse_file (metadest, &metaurl_xml); /* On failure, try the next metalink metaurl. */ if (meta_err) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Unable to parse metaurl file %s.\n"), quote (metadest)); x_retr_err = METALINK_PARSE_ERROR; inform_exit_status (x_retr_err); xfree (metadest); xfree (metafile); if (_metalink_index > 0) break; continue; } /* We need to sort the resources if preferred location was specified by the user. */ if (opt.preferred_location && opt.preferred_location[0]) { metalink_file_t **x_mfile_ptr; for (x_mfile_ptr = metaurl_xml->files; *x_mfile_ptr; x_mfile_ptr++) { metalink_resource_t **x_mres_ptr; metalink_file_t *x_mfile = *x_mfile_ptr; size_t mres_count = 0; for (x_mres_ptr = x_mfile->resources; *x_mres_ptr; x_mres_ptr++) mres_count++; stable_sort (x_mfile->resources, mres_count, sizeof (metalink_resource_t *), metalink_res_cmp); } } /* Insert the current "Directory Options". */ if (metalink->origin) { /* WARNING: Do not use lib/dirname.c (dir_name) to get the directory name, it may append a dot '.' character to the directory name. */ metadir = xstrdup (planname); replace_metalink_basename (&metadir, NULL); } else { metadir = xstrdup (opt.dir_prefix); } opt.dir_prefix = metadir; opt.input_metalink = metadest; x_retr_err = retrieve_from_metalink (metaurl_xml); if (x_retr_err != RETROK) logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Could not download all resources from %s.\n"), quote (metadest)); metalink_delete (metaurl_xml); metaurl_xml = NULL; opt.input_metalink = _input_metalink; opt.dir_prefix = _dir_prefix; xfree (metadir); xfree (metadest); xfree (metafile); break; } if (x_retr_err != RETROK) logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Metaurls processing returned with error.\n")); xfree (destname); xfree (filename); xfree (trsrname); xfree (planname); opt.output_document = _output_document; output_stream_regular = _output_stream_regular; output_stream = _output_stream; opt.metalink_index = _metalink_index; return x_retr_err; } /* Resources are sorted by priority. */ for (mres_ptr = mfile->resources; *mres_ptr && mfile->checksums && !skip_mfile; mres_ptr++) { metalink_resource_t *mres = *mres_ptr; metalink_checksum_t **mchksum_ptr, *mchksum; struct iri *iri; struct url *url; file_stats_t flstats; int url_err; clean_metalink_string (&mres->url); if (!RES_TYPE_SUPPORTED (mres->type)) { logprintf (LOG_VERBOSE, _("Resource type %s not supported, ignoring...\n"), quote (mres->type)); continue; } /* The file is fully downloaded, but some problems were encountered (checksum failure?). The loop had been continued to switch to the next url. */ if (output_stream && retr_err == RETROK) { /* Do not rename/remove a continued file. Skip it. */ if (opt.always_rest) { skip_mfile = true; continue; } fclose (output_stream); output_stream = NULL; badhash_or_remove (destname); xfree (destname); } else if (!output_stream && destname) { xfree (destname); } retr_err = METALINK_RETR_ERROR; /* Parse our resource URL. */ iri = iri_new (); set_uri_encoding (iri, opt.locale, true); url = url_parse (mres->url, &url_err, iri, false); if (!url) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "%s: %s.\n", mres->url, url_error (url_err)); inform_exit_status (URLERROR); iri_free (iri); continue; } else { /* Avoid recursive Metalink from HTTP headers. */ bool _metalink_http = opt.metalink_over_http; /* If output_stream is not NULL, then we have failed on previous resource and are retrying. Thus, continue with the next resource. Do not close output_stream while iterating over the resources, or the download progress will be lost. */ if (output_stream) { DEBUGP (("Previous resource failed, continue with next resource.\n")); } else { /* Assure proper local file name regardless of the URL of particular Metalink resource. To do that we create the local file here and put it as output_stream. We restore the original configuration after we are finished with the file. */ if (opt.always_rest) /* continue previous download */ output_stream = fopen (safename, "ab"); else /* create a file with an unique name */ output_stream = unique_create (safename, true, &destname); } output_stream_regular = true; /* At this point, if output_stream is NULL, the file couldn't be created/opened. This happens when the metalink:file has a "path/file" name format and its directory tree cannot be created: * stdio.h (fopen) * src/utils.c (unique_create) RFC5854 requires a proper "path/file" format handling, this can be achieved setting opt.output_document while output_stream is left to NULL: * src/http.c (open_output_stream): If output_stream is NULL, create the opt.output_document "path/file" */ if (!destname) destname = xstrdup (safename); /* Store the real file name for displaying in messages, and for proper RFC5854 "path/file" handling. */ opt.output_document = destname; opt.metalink_over_http = false; DEBUGP (("Storing to %s\n", destname)); retr_err = retrieve_url (url, mres->url, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, opt.recursive, iri, false); opt.metalink_over_http = _metalink_http; /* Bug: output_stream is NULL, but retrieve_url() somehow created destname. Bugfix: point output_stream to destname if it exists. */ memset(&flstats, 0, sizeof(flstats)); if (!output_stream && file_exists_p (destname, &flstats)) output_stream = fopen_stat (destname, "ab", &flstats); } url_free (url); iri_free (iri); if (retr_err == RETROK) { FILE *local_file; /* Check the digest. */ local_file = fopen (destname, "rb"); if (!local_file) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Could not open downloaded file.\n")); continue; } size_ok = false; logprintf (LOG_VERBOSE, _("Computing size for %s\n"), quote (destname)); if (!mfile->size) { size_ok = true; logprintf (LOG_VERBOSE, _("File size not declared. Skipping check.\n")); } else { wgint local_file_size = file_size (destname); if (local_file_size == -1) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Could not get downloaded file's size.\n")); fclose (local_file); local_file = NULL; continue; } /* FIXME: what about int64? */ DEBUGP (("Declared size: %lld\n", mfile->size)); DEBUGP (("Computed size: %lld\n", (long long) local_file_size)); if (local_file_size != (wgint) mfile->size) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Size mismatch for file %s.\n"), quote (destname)); fclose (local_file); local_file = NULL; continue; } else { size_ok = true; logputs (LOG_VERBOSE, _("Size matches.\n")); } } for (mchksum_ptr = mfile->checksums; *mchksum_ptr; mchksum_ptr++) { char md2[MD2_DIGEST_SIZE]; char md2_txt[2 * MD2_DIGEST_SIZE + 1]; char md4[MD4_DIGEST_SIZE]; char md4_txt[2 * MD4_DIGEST_SIZE + 1]; char md5[MD5_DIGEST_SIZE]; char md5_txt[2 * MD5_DIGEST_SIZE + 1]; char sha1[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE]; char sha1_txt[2 * SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE + 1]; char sha224[SHA224_DIGEST_SIZE]; char sha224_txt[2 * SHA224_DIGEST_SIZE + 1]; char sha256[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE]; char sha256_txt[2 * SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE + 1]; char sha384[SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE]; char sha384_txt[2 * SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE + 1]; char sha512[SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE]; char sha512_txt[2 * SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE + 1]; hash_ok = false; mchksum = *mchksum_ptr; /* I have seen both variants... */ if (c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "md2") && c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "md4") && c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "md5") && c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha1") && c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha-1") && c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha224") && c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha-224") && c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha256") && c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha-256") && c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha384") && c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha-384") && c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha512") && c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha-512")) { DEBUGP (("Ignoring unsupported checksum type %s.\n", quote (mchksum->type))); continue; } logprintf (LOG_VERBOSE, _("Computing checksum for %s\n"), quote (destname)); DEBUGP (("Declared hash: %s\n", mchksum->hash)); if (c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "md2") == 0) { md2_stream (local_file, md2); wg_hex_to_string (md2_txt, md2, MD2_DIGEST_SIZE); DEBUGP (("Computed hash: %s\n", md2_txt)); if (!strcmp (md2_txt, mchksum->hash)) hash_ok = true; } else if (c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "md4") == 0) { md4_stream (local_file, md4); wg_hex_to_string (md4_txt, md4, MD4_DIGEST_SIZE); DEBUGP (("Computed hash: %s\n", md4_txt)); if (!strcmp (md4_txt, mchksum->hash)) hash_ok = true; } else if (c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "md5") == 0) { md5_stream (local_file, md5); wg_hex_to_string (md5_txt, md5, MD5_DIGEST_SIZE); DEBUGP (("Computed hash: %s\n", md5_txt)); if (!strcmp (md5_txt, mchksum->hash)) hash_ok = true; } else if (c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha1") == 0 || c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha-1") == 0) { sha1_stream (local_file, sha1); wg_hex_to_string (sha1_txt, sha1, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); DEBUGP (("Computed hash: %s\n", sha1_txt)); if (!strcmp (sha1_txt, mchksum->hash)) hash_ok = true; } else if (c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha224") == 0 || c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha-224") == 0) { sha224_stream (local_file, sha224); wg_hex_to_string (sha224_txt, sha224, SHA224_DIGEST_SIZE); DEBUGP (("Computed hash: %s\n", sha224_txt)); if (!strcmp (sha224_txt, mchksum->hash)) hash_ok = true; } else if (c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha256") == 0 || c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha-256") == 0) { sha256_stream (local_file, sha256); wg_hex_to_string (sha256_txt, sha256, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE); DEBUGP (("Computed hash: %s\n", sha256_txt)); if (!strcmp (sha256_txt, mchksum->hash)) hash_ok = true; } else if (c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha384") == 0 || c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha-384") == 0) { sha384_stream (local_file, sha384); wg_hex_to_string (sha384_txt, sha384, SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE); DEBUGP (("Computed hash: %s\n", sha384_txt)); if (!strcmp (sha384_txt, mchksum->hash)) hash_ok = true; } else if (c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha512") == 0 || c_strcasecmp (mchksum->type, "sha-512") == 0) { sha512_stream (local_file, sha512); wg_hex_to_string (sha512_txt, sha512, SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE); DEBUGP (("Computed hash: %s\n", sha512_txt)); if (!strcmp (sha512_txt, mchksum->hash)) hash_ok = true; } if (hash_ok) { logputs (LOG_VERBOSE, _("Checksum matches.\n")); } else { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Checksum mismatch for file %s.\n"), quote (destname)); } /* Stop as soon as we checked the supported checksum. */ break; } /* Iterate over available checksums. */ fclose (local_file); local_file = NULL; if (!hash_ok) continue; sig_status = 0; /* Not verified. */ #ifdef HAVE_GPGME /* Check the crypto signature. Note that the signatures from Metalink in XML will not be parsed when using libmetalink version older than 0.1.3. Metalink-over-HTTP is not affected by this problem. */ if (mfile->signature) { metalink_signature_t *msig = mfile->signature; gpgme_error_t gpgerr; gpgme_ctx_t gpgctx; gpgme_data_t gpgsigdata, gpgdata; gpgme_verify_result_t gpgres; gpgme_signature_t gpgsig; int fd; /* Initialize the library - as name suggests. */ gpgme_check_version (NULL); /* Open data file. */ fd = open (destname, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { logputs (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Could not open downloaded file for signature " "verification.\n")); goto gpg_skip_verification; } /* Assign file descriptor to GPG data structure. */ gpgerr = gpgme_data_new_from_fd (&gpgdata, fd); if (gpgerr != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "GPGME data_new_from_fd: %s\n", gpgme_strerror (gpgerr)); goto gpg_skip_verification; } /* Prepare new GPGME context. */ gpgerr = gpgme_new (&gpgctx); if (gpgerr != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "GPGME new: %s\n", gpgme_strerror (gpgerr)); gpgme_data_release (gpgdata); goto gpg_skip_verification; } DEBUGP (("Verifying signature %s:\n%s\n", quote (msig->mediatype), msig->signature)); /* Check signature type. */ if (strcmp (msig->mediatype, "application/pgp-signature")) { /* Unsupported signature type. */ gpgme_release (gpgctx); gpgme_data_release (gpgdata); goto gpg_skip_verification; } gpgerr = gpgme_set_protocol (gpgctx, GPGME_PROTOCOL_OpenPGP); if (gpgerr != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "GPGME set_protocol: %s\n", gpgme_strerror (gpgerr)); gpgme_release (gpgctx); gpgme_data_release (gpgdata); goto gpg_skip_verification; } /* Load the signature. */ gpgerr = gpgme_data_new_from_mem (&gpgsigdata, msig->signature, strlen (msig->signature), 0); if (gpgerr != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("GPGME data_new_from_mem: %s\n"), gpgme_strerror (gpgerr)); gpgme_release (gpgctx); gpgme_data_release (gpgdata); goto gpg_skip_verification; } /* Verify the signature. */ gpgerr = gpgme_op_verify (gpgctx, gpgsigdata, gpgdata, NULL); if (gpgerr != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("GPGME op_verify: %s\n"), gpgme_strerror (gpgerr)); gpgme_data_release (gpgsigdata); gpgme_release (gpgctx); gpgme_data_release (gpgdata); goto gpg_skip_verification; } /* Check the results. */ gpgres = gpgme_op_verify_result (gpgctx); if (!gpgres) { logputs (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("GPGME op_verify_result: NULL\n")); gpgme_data_release (gpgsigdata); gpgme_release (gpgctx); gpgme_data_release (gpgdata); goto gpg_skip_verification; } /* The list is null-terminated. */ for (gpgsig = gpgres->signatures; gpgsig; gpgsig = gpgsig->next) { DEBUGP (("Checking signature %s\n", gpgsig->fpr)); if (gpgsig->summary & (GPGME_SIGSUM_VALID | GPGME_SIGSUM_GREEN)) { logputs (LOG_VERBOSE, _("Signature validation succeeded.\n")); sig_status = 1; break; } if (gpgsig->summary & GPGME_SIGSUM_RED) { logputs (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Invalid signature. Rejecting resource.\n")); sig_status = -1; break; } if (gpgsig->summary == 0 && (gpgsig->status & 0xFFFF) == GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { logputs (LOG_VERBOSE, _("Data matches signature, but signature " "is not trusted.\n")); } if ((gpgsig->status & 0xFFFF) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "GPGME: %s\n", gpgme_strerror (gpgsig->status & 0xFFFF)); } } gpgme_data_release (gpgsigdata); gpgme_release (gpgctx); gpgme_data_release (gpgdata); gpg_skip_verification: if (fd != -1) close (fd); } /* endif (mfile->signature) */ #endif /* Stop if file was downloaded with success. */ if (sig_status >= 0) break; } /* endif RETR_OK. */ } /* Iterate over resources. */ if (!mfile->checksums) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("No checksums found.\n")); retr_err = METALINK_CHKSUM_ERROR; } if (retr_err != RETROK) { logprintf (LOG_VERBOSE, _("Failed to download %s. Skipping resource.\n"), quote (destname ? destname : safename)); } else if (!size_ok) { retr_err = METALINK_SIZE_ERROR; logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("File %s retrieved but size does not match. " "\n"), quote (destname)); } else if (!hash_ok) { retr_err = METALINK_CHKSUM_ERROR; logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("File %s retrieved but checksum does not match. " "\n"), quote (destname)); } #ifdef HAVE_GPGME /* Signature will be only validated if hash check was successful. */ else if (sig_status < 0) { retr_err = METALINK_SIG_ERROR; logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("File %s retrieved but signature does not match. " "\n"), quote (destname)); } #endif last_retr_err = retr_err == RETROK ? last_retr_err : retr_err; /* Rename the file if error encountered; remove if option specified. Note: the file has been downloaded using *_loop. Therefore, it is not necessary to keep the file for continuated download. */ if (((retr_err != RETROK && !opt.always_rest) || opt.delete_after) && destname != NULL && file_exists_p (destname, NULL)) { badhash_or_remove (destname); } if (output_stream) { fclose (output_stream); output_stream = NULL; } xfree (destname); xfree (filename); xfree (trsrname); xfree (planname); } /* Iterate over files. */ /* Restore original values. */ opt.output_document = _output_document; output_stream_regular = _output_stream_regular; output_stream = _output_stream; return last_retr_err; } /* Replace/remove the basename of a file name. The file name is permanently modified. Always set NAME to a string, even an empty one. Use REF's basename as replacement. If REF is NULL or if it doesn't provide a valid basename candidate, then remove NAME's basename. */ void replace_metalink_basename (char **name, char *ref) { int n; char *p, *new, *basename; if (!name) return; /* Strip old basename. */ if (*name) { basename = last_component (*name); if (basename == *name) xfree (*name); else *basename = '\0'; } /* New basename from file name reference. */ if (ref) ref = last_component (ref); /* Replace the old basename. */ new = aprintf ("%s%s", *name ? *name : "", ref ? ref : ""); xfree (*name); *name = new; /* Remove prefix drive letters if required, i.e. when in w32 environments. */ p = new; while (p[0] != '\0') { while ((n = FILE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN (p)) > 0) p += n; if (p != new) { while (ISSLASH (p[0])) ++p; new = p; continue; } break; } if (*name != new) { new = xstrdup (new); xfree (*name); *name = new; } } /* Strip the directory components from the given name. Return a pointer to the end of the leading directory components. Return NULL if the resulting name is unsafe or invalid. Due to security issues posed by saving files with unsafe names, here the use of libmetalink's metalink_check_safe_path() is enforced. If this appears redundant because the given name was already verified, just remember to never underestimate unsafe file names. */ char * get_metalink_basename (char *name) { int n; char *basename; if (!name) return NULL; basename = last_component (name); while ((n = FILE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN (basename)) > 0) basename += n; return metalink_check_safe_path (basename) ? basename : NULL; } /* Append a separator and a numeric suffix to a string. The string is permanently modified. */ void append_suffix_number (char **str, const char *sep, wgint num) { char *new, buf[24]; number_to_string (buf, num); new = aprintf ("%s%s%s", *str ? *str : "", sep ? sep : "", buf); xfree (*str); *str = new; } /* Remove the string's trailing/leading whitespaces and line breaks. The string is permanently modified. */ void clean_metalink_string (char **str) { int c; size_t len; char *new, *beg, *end; if (!str || !*str) return; beg = *str; while ((c = *beg) && (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == ' ')) beg++; end = beg; /* To not truncate a string containing spaces, search the first '\r' or '\n' which ipotetically marks the end of the string. */ while ((c = *end) && (c != '\r') && (c != '\n')) end++; /* If we are at the end of the string, search the first legit character going backward. */ if (*end == '\0') while ((c = *(end - 1)) && (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == ' ')) end--; len = end - beg; new = xmemdup0 (beg, len); xfree (*str); *str = new; } /* Remove the quotation surrounding a string. The string is permanently modified. */ void dequote_metalink_string (char **str) { char *new; size_t str_len; if (!str || !*str || ((*str)[0] != '\"' && (*str)[0] != '\'')) return; str_len = strlen (*str); /* current string length */ /* Verify if the current string is surrounded by quotes. */ if (str_len < 2 || (*str)[0] != (*str)[str_len - 1]) return; /* Dequoted string. */ new = xmemdup0 (*str + 1, str_len - 2); xfree (*str); *str = new; } /* Append the suffix ".badhash" to the file NAME, except without overwriting an existing file with that name and suffix. */ void badhash_suffix (char *name) { char *bhash, *uname; bhash = concat_strings (name, ".badhash", (char *)0); uname = unique_name (bhash); logprintf (LOG_VERBOSE, _("Renaming %s to %s.\n"), quote_n (0, name), quote_n (1, uname)); if (link (name, uname)) logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "link: %s\n", strerror (errno)); else if (unlink (name)) logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "unlink: %s\n", strerror (errno)); xfree (bhash); xfree (uname); } /* Append the suffix ".badhash" to the file NAME, except without overwriting an existing file with that name and suffix. Remove the file NAME if the option --delete-after is specified, or if the option --keep-badhash isn't set. */ void badhash_or_remove (char *name) { if (opt.delete_after || !opt.keep_badhash) { logprintf (LOG_VERBOSE, _("Removing %s.\n"), quote (name)); if (unlink (name)) logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "unlink: %s\n", strerror (errno)); } else { badhash_suffix(name); } } /* Simple file fetch. Set DESTNAME to the name of the saved file. Resume previous download if RESUME is true. To disable Metalink/HTTP, set METALINK_HTTP to false. */ uerr_t fetch_metalink_file (const char *url_str, bool resume, bool metalink_http, const char *filename, char **destname) { FILE *_output_stream = output_stream; bool _output_stream_regular = output_stream_regular; char *_output_document = opt.output_document; bool _metalink_http = opt.metalink_over_http; char *local_file = NULL; uerr_t retr_err = URLERROR; struct iri *iri; struct url *url; int url_err; /* Parse the URL. */ iri = iri_new (); set_uri_encoding (iri, opt.locale, true); url = url_parse (url_str, &url_err, iri, false); if (!url) { logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "%s: %s.\n", url_str, url_error (url_err)); inform_exit_status (retr_err); iri_free (iri); return retr_err; } output_stream = NULL; if (resume) /* continue previous download */ output_stream = fopen (filename, "ab"); else /* create a file with an unique name */ output_stream = unique_create (filename, true, &local_file); output_stream_regular = true; /* If output_stream is NULL, the file couldn't be created/opened. This could be due to the impossibility to create a directory tree: * stdio.h (fopen) * src/utils.c (unique_create) A call to retrieve_url() can indirectly create a directory tree, when opt.output_document is set to the destination file name and output_stream is left to NULL: * src/http.c (open_output_stream): If output_stream is NULL, create the destination opt.output_document "path/file" */ if (!local_file) local_file = xstrdup (filename); /* Store the real file name for displaying in messages, and for proper "path/file" handling. */ opt.output_document = local_file; opt.metalink_over_http = metalink_http; DEBUGP (("Storing to %s\n", local_file)); retr_err = retrieve_url (url, url_str, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, opt.recursive, iri, false); if (retr_err == RETROK) { if (destname) *destname = local_file; else xfree (local_file); } if (output_stream) { fclose (output_stream); output_stream = NULL; } opt.metalink_over_http = _metalink_http; opt.output_document = _output_document; output_stream_regular = _output_stream_regular; output_stream = _output_stream; inform_exit_status (retr_err); iri_free (iri); url_free (url); return retr_err; } int metalink_res_cmp (const void* v1, const void* v2) { const metalink_resource_t *res1 = *(metalink_resource_t **) v1, *res2 = *(metalink_resource_t **) v2; if (res1->preference != res2->preference) return res2->preference - res1->preference; if (res1->priority != res2->priority) return res1->priority - res2->priority; if (opt.preferred_location) { int cmp = 0; if (res1->location && !c_strcasecmp (opt.preferred_location, res1->location)) cmp -= 1; if (res2->location && !c_strcasecmp (opt.preferred_location, res2->location)) cmp += 1; return cmp; } return 0; } int metalink_meta_cmp (const void* v1, const void* v2) { const metalink_metaurl_t *meta1 = *(metalink_metaurl_t **) v1, *meta2 = *(metalink_metaurl_t **) v2; if (meta1->priority != meta2->priority) return meta1->priority - meta2->priority; return 0; } /* Find value of given key. This is intended for Link header, but will work with any header that uses ';' as field separator and '=' as key-value separator. Link = "Link" ":" #link-value link-value = "<" URI-Reference ">" *( ";" link-param ) link-param = ( ( "rel" "=" relation-types ) | ( "anchor" "=" <"> URI-Reference <"> ) | ( "rev" "=" relation-types ) | ( "hreflang" "=" Language-Tag ) | ( "media" "=" ( MediaDesc | ( <"> MediaDesc <"> ) ) ) | ( "title" "=" quoted-string ) | ( "title*" "=" ext-value ) | ( "type" "=" ( media-type | quoted-mt ) ) | ( link-extension ) ) link-extension = ( parmname [ "=" ( ptoken | quoted-string ) ] ) | ( ext-name-star "=" ext-value ) ext-name-star = parmname "*" ; reserved for RFC2231-profiled ; extensions. Whitespace NOT ; allowed in between. ptoken = 1*ptokenchar ptokenchar = "!" | "#" | "$" | "%" | "&" | "'" | "(" | ")" | "*" | "+" | "-" | "." | "/" | DIGIT | ":" | "<" | "=" | ">" | "?" | "@" | ALPHA | "[" | "]" | "^" | "_" | "`" | "{" | "|" | "}" | "~" media-type = type-name "/" subtype-name quoted-mt = <"> media-type <"> relation-types = relation-type | <"> relation-type *( 1*SP relation-type ) <"> relation-type = reg-rel-type | ext-rel-type reg-rel-type = LOALPHA *( LOALPHA | DIGIT | "." | "-" ) ext-rel-type = URI See more: rfc5988 */ bool find_key_value (const char *start, const char *end, const char *key, char **value) { const char *eq; size_t key_len = strlen (key); const char *val_beg, *val_end; const char *key_beg; key_beg = start; while (key_beg + key_len + 1 < end) { /* Skip whitespaces. */ while (key_beg + key_len + 1 < end && c_isspace (*key_beg)) key_beg++; if (strncmp (key_beg, key, key_len)) { /* Find next token. */ while (key_beg + key_len + 1 < end && *key_beg != ';') key_beg++; key_beg++; continue; } else { /* Find equals sign. */ eq = key_beg + key_len; while (eq < end && c_isspace (*eq)) eq++; if (eq == end) return false; if (*eq != '=') { key_beg++; continue; } val_beg = eq + 1; while (val_beg < end && c_isspace (*val_beg)) val_beg++; if (val_beg == end) return false; val_end = val_beg + 1; while (val_end < end && *val_end != ';' && !c_isspace (*val_end)) val_end++; *value = xstrndup (val_beg, val_end - val_beg); dequote_metalink_string (value); return true; } } *value = NULL; return false; } /* This is to check if given token exists in HTTP header. Tokens are separated by ';'. */ bool has_key (const char *start, const char *end, const char *key) { const char *pos; /* Here would the token start. */ size_t key_len = strlen (key); pos = start; while (pos + key_len <= end) { /* Skip whitespaces at beginning. */ while (pos + key_len <= end && c_isspace (*pos)) pos++; /* Does the prefix of pos match our key? */ if (strncmp (key, pos, key_len)) { /* This was not a match. Skip all characters until beginning of next token. */ while (pos + key_len <= end && *pos != ';') pos++; pos++; continue; } /* key is prefix of pos. Is it the exact token or just a prefix? */ pos += key_len; while (pos < end && c_isspace (*pos)) pos++; if (pos == end || *pos == ';') return true; /* This was not a match (just a prefix). Skip all characters until beginning of next token. */ while (pos + key_len <= end && *pos != ';') pos++; pos++; } return false; } /* Find all key=value pairs delimited with ';' or ','. This is intended for Digest header parsing. The usage is: const char *pos; for (pos = header_beg; pos = find_key_values (pos, header_end, &key, &val); pos++) { ... } */ const char * find_key_values (const char *start, const char *end, char **key, char **value) { const char *key_start, *key_end; const char *eq; const char *val_start, *val_end; eq = start; while (eq < end && *eq != '=') { /* Skip tokens without =value part. */ if (*eq == ';' || *eq == ',') start = eq + 1; eq++; } if (eq >= end) return NULL; key_start = start; while (key_start < eq && c_isspace (*key_start)) key_start++; key_end = eq - 1; while (key_end > key_start && c_isspace (*key_end)) key_end--; key_end++; val_start = eq + 1; while (val_start < end && c_isspace (*val_start)) val_start++; val_end = val_start; while (val_end < end && *val_end != ';' && *val_end != ',' && !c_isspace (*val_end)) val_end++; *key = xstrndup (key_start, key_end - key_start); *value = xstrndup (val_start, val_end - val_start); dequote_metalink_string (value); /* Skip trailing whitespaces. */ while (val_end < end && c_isspace (*val_end)) val_end++; return val_end; } #ifdef TESTING const char * test_find_key_values (void) { static const char *header_data = "key1=val1;key2=\"val2\" ;key3=val3; key4=val4"\ " ; key5=val5;key6 ='val6';key7= val7; "\ "key8 = val8 ; key9 = \"val9\" "\ " ,key10= 'val10',key11,key12=val12"; static const struct { const char *key; const char *val; } test_array[] = { { "key1", "val1" }, { "key2", "val2" }, { "key3", "val3" }, { "key4", "val4" }, { "key5", "val5" }, { "key6", "val6" }, { "key7", "val7" }, { "key8", "val8" }, { "key9", "val9" }, { "key10", "val10" }, { "key12", "val12" } }; const char *pos; char *key, *value; size_t i = 0; for (pos = header_data; (pos = find_key_values (pos, header_data + strlen (header_data), &key, &value)); pos++) { mu_assert ("test_find_key_values: wrong result", !strcmp (test_array[i].val, value) && !strcmp (test_array[i].key, key)); xfree (key); xfree (value); i++; } return NULL; } const char * test_find_key_value (void) { static const char *header_data = "key1=val1;key2=val2 ;key3='val3'; key4=val4"\ " ; key5='val5';key6 =val6;key7= \"val7\"; "\ "key8 = \"val8\" ; key9 = val9 "; static const struct { const char *key; const char *val; bool result; } test_array[] = { { "key1", "val1", true }, { "key2", "val2", true }, { "key3", "val3", true }, { "key4", "val4", true }, { "key5", "val5", true }, { "key6", "val6", true }, { "key7", "val7", true }, { "key8", "val8", true }, { "key9", "val9", true }, { "key10", NULL, false }, { "ey1", NULL, false }, { "dey1", NULL, false } }; size_t i; for (i=0; i < countof (test_array); ++i) { bool result; char *value; result = find_key_value (header_data, header_data + strlen(header_data), test_array[i].key, &value); mu_assert ("test_find_key_value: wrong result", result == test_array[i].result && ((!test_array[i].result && !value) || !strcmp (value, test_array[i].val))); xfree (value); } return NULL; } const char * test_has_key (void) { static const char *header_data = "key1=val2;token1;xyz; token2;xyz;token3 ;"\ "xyz; token4 ;xyz; token5 "; struct { const char *token; bool result; } test_array[] = { { "key1=val2", true }, { "token1", true }, { "token2", true }, { "token3", true }, { "token4", true }, { "token5", true }, { "token6", false }, { "oken1", false }, { "poken1", false }, { "key1=val2", true } }; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < countof (test_array); ++i) mu_assert ("test_has_key: wrong result", has_key (header_data, header_data + strlen (header_data), test_array[i].token) == test_array[i].result); return NULL; } #endif #endif /* HAVE_METALINK */