#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use HTTPTest; ############################################################################### my $page1 = "Hello, world!\n"; my $page2 = "Goodbye, Sam.\n"; my $page3 = "Page three.\n"; my $page4 = "Page four.\n"; my $page5 = "Page five.\n"; my $page6 = "Page six.\n"; # code, msg, headers, content my %urls = ( '/one.txt' => { code => "200", msg => "Ok", headers => { "Content-type" => "text/plain", "Set-Cookie" => "foo=bar", }, content => $page1, }, '/two.txt' => { code => "200", msg => "Ok", content => $page2, request_headers => { "Cookie" => qr|foo=bar|, }, }, # remove the cookie 'foo' '/three.txt' => { code => "200", msg => "Ok", headers => { "Content-type" => "text/plain", "Set-Cookie" => "foo=; Expires=Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT", }, content => $page3, }, '/four.txt' => { code => "200", msg => "Ok", content => $page4, request_headers => { "!Cookie" => qr|foo=|, }, }, # try to set a cookie 'foo' with mismatching domain # see RFC 6265 5.3.6: ignore the cookie if it doesn't domain-match '/five.txt' => { code => "200", msg => "Ok", headers => { "Content-type" => "text/plain", "Set-Cookie" => "foo=bar; domain=.example.com", }, content => $page5, }, '/six.txt' => { code => "200", msg => "Ok", content => $page6, request_headers => { "!Cookie" => qr|foo=bar|, }, }, ); my $cmdline = $WgetTest::WGETPATH . " http://localhost:{{port}}/one.txt" . " http://localhost:{{port}}/two.txt" . " http://localhost:{{port}}/three.txt" . " http://localhost:{{port}}/four.txt" . " http://localhost:{{port}}/five.txt" . " http://localhost:{{port}}/six.txt"; my $expected_error_code = 0; my %expected_downloaded_files = ( 'one.txt' => { content => $page1, }, 'two.txt' => { content => $page2, }, 'three.txt' => { content => $page3, }, 'four.txt' => { content => $page4, }, 'five.txt' => { content => $page5, }, 'six.txt' => { content => $page6, }, ); ############################################################################### my $the_test = HTTPTest->new (input => \%urls, cmdline => $cmdline, errcode => $expected_error_code, output => \%expected_downloaded_files); exit $the_test->run(); # vim: et ts=4 sw=4