path: root/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-10 20:34:10 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-10 20:34:10 +0000
commite4ba6dbc3f1e76890b22773807ea37fe8fa2b1bc (patch)
tree68cb5ef9081156392f1dd62a00c6ccc1451b93df /epan/dissectors/asn1/ain
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 4.2.2.upstream/4.2.2
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'epan/dissectors/asn1/ain')
6 files changed, 4200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/AIN-Errors.asn b/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/AIN-Errors.asn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1133c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/AIN-Errors.asn
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ AIN-Errors{ ainErrorsObjectIdentifier }
+ --This module contains the type definitions for the AIN errors.
+ FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {
+ joint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4)
+ informationObjects(5) version1(0)}
+ ApplicationErrorString,
+ ExtensionParameter,
+ FailureCause,
+ FailureCauseData
+ FROM AIN-Parameters{ ainParametersObjectIdentifier };
+ --ainErrorsObjectIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER:: = ? - -not yet defined
+ applicationError ERROR ::= {
+ applicationErrorString ApplicationErrorString,
+ extensionParameter ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ CODE private: 1
+ failureReport ERROR ::= {
+ failureCause FailureCause,
+ failureCauseData FailureCauseData OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ CODE private: 2
diff --git a/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/AIN-Operations.asn b/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/AIN-Operations.asn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce9551d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/AIN-Operations.asn
@@ -0,0 +1,2022 @@
+ AIN-Operations{ ainOperationsObjectIdentifier }
+ --This module contains type definitions for the AIN operations.
+ FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {
+ joint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4)
+ informationObjects(5) version1(0)}
+ --error types
+ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ FROM AIN -- Errors(ainErrorsObjectIdentifier}
+ --parameters
+ AccessCode,
+ ACGEncountered,
+ ACGGlobalOverride,
+ ActResult,
+ AdministrableObject,
+ AlternateBillingIndicator,
+ AlternateCarrier,
+ AlternateDialingPlanInd,
+ AlternateTrunkGroup,
+ AMAAlternateBillingNumber,
+ AMABAFModules,
+ AMABillingFeature,
+ AMABusinessCustomerID,
+ AMADigitsDialedWC,
+ AMALineNumber,
+ AMAMeasure,
+ AMAMeasurement,
+ AMASequenceNumber,
+ AMAServiceProviderID,
+ AMASetHexABIndicator,
+ AMAslpID,
+ Amp1,
+ Amp2,
+ AnswerIndicator,
+ ApplicationErrorString,
+ ApplicationIndicator,
+ ApplyRestrictions,
+ BCMType,
+ BearerCapability,
+ BusyCause,
+ BusyType,
+ CalledPartyID,
+ CalledPartyStationType,
+ CallingGeodeticLocation,
+ CallingPartyBGID,
+ CallingPartyID,
+ CallType,
+ Carrier,
+ CarrierUsage,
+ CcID,
+ ChargeNumber,
+ ChargePartyStationType,
+ ClearCause,
+ ClearCauseData,
+ CloseCause,
+ CollectedAddressInfo,
+ CollectedDigits,
+ CongestionLevel,
+ ConnectTime,
+ ControlCauseIndicator,
+ ControlEncountered,
+ ControllingLegTreatment,
+ CsID,
+ CTRConnection,
+ DestinationAddress,
+ DisconnectCause,
+ DisconnectFlag,
+ DisplayText,
+ DPConverter,
+ DTMFDigitsEntered,
+ EchoData,
+ EditListType,
+ EDPNotification,
+ EDPRequest,
+ EnvelopContent,
+ EnvelopeEncodingAuthority,
+ ErrorCause,
+ ExtendedRinging,
+ ExtensionParameter,
+ FacilityGID,
+ FacilityMemberID,
+ FacilityStatus,
+ FailedMessage,
+ Failure,
+ FailureCause,
+ FailureCauseData,
+ FeatureActivatorID,
+ ForwardCallIndicator,
+ GapDuration,
+ GapInterval,
+ GenericAddress,
+ GenericAddressList,
+ GenericDigits,
+ GenericDigitsList,
+ GenericName,
+ GlobalTitleAddress,
+ InfoProvided,
+ IPReturnBlock,
+ JurisdictionInformation,
+ LampTreatment,
+ Lata,
+ LegID,
+ MonitorTime,
+ NetworkSpecificFacilities,
+ NotificationDuration,
+ NotificationIndicator,
+ ODTMFDigitsString,
+ ODTMFNumberOfDigits,
+ ONoAnswerTimer,
+ OriginalCalledPartyID,
+ OSIIndicator,
+ OutpulseNumber,
+ OverflowBillingIndicator,
+ PartyID,
+ PartyOnHold,
+ PassiveLegTreatment,
+ PointInCall,
+ Prefix,
+ PrimaryBillingIndicator,
+ PrimaryTrunkGroup,
+ ProvideInfo,
+ RedirectingPartyID,
+ RedirectionInformation,
+ ResourceType,
+ ResultCause,
+ RTPReroutingNumber,
+ RTPServiceIndicator,
+ Sap,
+ SecondAlternateBillingIndicator,
+ SecondAlternateCarrier,
+ SecondAlternateTrunkGroup,
+ SecurityEnvelope,
+ ServiceContext,
+ ServiceProviderID,
+ SignalingPointCode,
+ Spid,
+ SrhrGroupID,
+ SSPResponseMessageTimerT1,
+ StatusCause,
+ STRConnection,
+ StrParameterBlock,
+ SubsystemNumber,
+ Tcm,
+ TDTMFDigitString,
+ TDTMFNumberOfDigits,
+ TerminationIndicator,
+ TimeoutTimer,
+ TimerUpdated,
+ TNoAnswerTimer,
+ TransID,
+ TranslationType,
+ TriggerCriteriaFlag,
+ TriggerCriteriaType,
+ TriggerInformation,
+ UpdateGroups,
+ UserID,
+ VerticalServiceCode,
+ WakeUpDuration
+ FROM AIN-Parameters{ ainParametersObjectIdentifier };
+-- ainOperationsObjectIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER :: = ? - -not yet defined
+ callInfoFromResource OPERATION ::= {
+ CallInfoFromResourceArg
+ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ CODE private: 26116
+ --Family Name is "Caller Interaction"
+ }
+CallInfoFromResourceArg ::= SEQUENCE {
+ iPReturnBlock IPReturnBlock OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ close OPERATION ::= {
+ CloseArg
+ CODE private: 28161
+ --Family Name is "Transaction Control"
+ }
+ CloseArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability OPTIONAL,
+ closeCause CloseCause OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ cTRClear OPERATION ::= {
+ CTRClearArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --acknowledge,
+ --analyzeRoute,
+ --collectInformation,
+ -- continue,
+ --disconnect,
+ --disconnectLeg,
+ --forwardCall,
+ --mergeCall,
+ --moveleg,
+ --originateCall,
+ --splitLeg
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 26118
+ }
+ -- Family Name is "Caller Interaction"
+ CTRClearArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ clearCause ClearCause,
+ pointInCall PointInCall OPTIONAL,
+ collectedDigits CollectedDigits OPTIONAL,
+ collectedAddressInfo CollectedAddressInfo OPTIONAL,
+ carrier Carrier OPTIONAL,
+ failureCause FailureCause OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ aMAMeasurement AMAMeasurement OPTIONAL,
+ clearCauseData ClearCauseData OPTIONAL,
+ iPReturnBlock IPReturnBlock OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ failureOutcome OPERATION ::= {
+ FailureOutcomeArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --acknowledge,
+ --connectToResource,
+ --disconnect,
+ --mergeCall
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25604
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Connection Control"
+ FailureOutcomeArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ pointInCall PointInCall OPTIONAL,
+ failureCause FailureCause OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ infoAnalyzed OPERATION ::= {
+ InfoAnalyzedArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --analyzeRoute,
+ -- continue,
+ --sendToResource,
+ --disconnect,
+ --collectInformation
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25603
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ InfoAnalyzedArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ lata Lata OPTIONAL,
+ triggerCriteriaType TriggerCriteriaType OPTIONAL,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyBGID CallingPartyBGID OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ carrier Carrier OPTIONAL,
+ accessCode AccessCode OPTIONAL,
+ collectedAddressInfo CollectedAddressInfo OPTIONAL,
+ collectedDigits CollectedDigits OPTIONAL,
+ verticalServiceCode VerticalServiceCode OPTIONAL,
+ tcm Tcm OPTIONAL,
+ originalCalledPartyID OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectingPartyID RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectionInformation RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ sap Sap OPTIONAL,
+ sTRConnection STRConnection OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ genericAddressList GenericAddressList OPTIONAL,
+ networkSpecificFacilities NetworkSpecificFacilities OPTIONAL,
+ cTRConnection CTRConnection OPTIONAL,
+ jurisdictionInformation JurisdictionInformation OPTIONAL,
+ prefix Prefix OPTIONAL,
+ callingGeodeticLocation CallingGeodeticLocation OPTIONAL,
+ triggerInformation TriggerInformation OPTIONAL
+ }
+ infoCollected OPERATION ::= {
+ InfoCollectedArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --analyzeRoute,
+ --sendToResource,
+ --disconnect
+ -- continue
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25602
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ InfoCollectedArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ lata Lata OPTIONAL,
+ carrier Carrier OPTIONAL,
+ triggerCriteriaType TriggerCriteriaType OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ accessCode AccessCode OPTIONAL,
+ collectedAddressInfo CollectedAddressInfo OPTIONAL,
+ collectedDigits CollectedDigits OPTIONAL,
+ verticalServiceCode VerticalServiceCode OPTIONAL,
+ tcm Tcm OPTIONAL,
+ originalCalledPartyID OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectingPartyID RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectionInformation RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ sap Sap OPTIONAL,
+ genericAddressList GenericAddressList OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ prefix Prefix OPTIONAL,
+ callingGeodeticLocation CallingGeodeticLocation OPTIONAL,
+ triggerInformation TriggerInformation OPTIONAL
+ }
+ networkBusy OPERATION ::= {
+ NetworkBusyArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --analyzeRoute,
+ --sendToResource,
+ --disconnect,
+ -- continue,
+ --forwardCall
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25623
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ NetworkBusyArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ lata Lata OPTIONAL,
+ triggerCriteriaType TriggerCriteriaType OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ tcm Tcm OPTIONAL,
+ originalCalledPartyID OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ carrier Carrier OPTIONAL,
+ redirectingPartyID RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectionInformation RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ sap Sap OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ prefix Prefix OPTIONAL,
+ triggerInformation TriggerInformation OPTIONAL
+ }
+ oAnswer OPERATION ::= {
+ OAnswerArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ CODE private: 25611
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ OAnswerArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ oAbandon OPERATION ::= {
+ OAbandonArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --connectToResource,
+ --disconnect,
+ --disconnectLeg,
+ --mergeCall,
+ --reconnect
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25614
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ OAbandonArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ pointInCall PointInCall OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL
+ }
+ oDisconnect OPERATION ::= {
+ ODisconnectArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --collectInformation,
+ --sendToResource,
+ --analyzeRoute,
+ --connectToResource,
+ --disconnect,
+ --disconnectLeg,
+ --mergeCall,
+ --reconnect
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25626
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ ODisconnectArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ disconnectCause DisconnectCause OPTIONAL,
+ pointInCall PointInCall OPTIONAL
+ }
+ oMidCall OPERATION ::= {
+ OMidCallArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --analyzeRoute,
+ --collectInformation,
+ --connectToResource,
+ --disconnect,
+ --disconnectLeg,
+ --mergeCall,
+ --moveLeg,
+ --originateCall,
+ --splitLeg
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25615
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ OMidCallArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ triggerCriteriaType TriggerCriteriaType OPTIONAL,
+ pointInCall PointInCall OPTIONAL,
+ featureActivatorID FeatureActivatorID OPTIONAL,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyBGID CallingPartyBGID OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ carrier Carrier OPTIONAL,
+ accessCode AccessCode OPTIONAL,
+ collectedAddressInfo CollectedAddressInfo OPTIONAL,
+ collectedDigits CollectedDigits OPTIONAL,
+ verticalServiceCode VerticalServiceCode OPTIONAL,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ oNoAnswer OPERATION ::= {
+ ONoAnswerArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --analyzeRoute,
+ --sendToResource,
+ -- continue
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25609
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ ONoAnswerArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ lata Lata OPTIONAL,
+ triggerCriteriaType TriggerCriteriaType OPTIONAL,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ carrier Carrier OPTIONAL,
+ originalCalledPartyID OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectingPartyID RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectionInformation RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL,
+ sap Sap OPTIONAL,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ sTRConnection STRConnection OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ cTRConnection CTRConnection OPTIONAL,
+ prefix Prefix OPTIONAL,
+ triggerInformation TriggerInformation OPTIONAL
+ }
+ oSuspended OPERATION ::= {
+ OSuspendedArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --collectInformation,
+ --sendToResource,
+ --analyzeRoute,
+ --connectToResource,
+ --disconnect,
+ --disconnectLeg,
+ --mergeCall
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25625
+ }
+ OSuspendedArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ pointInCall PointInCall OPTIONAL
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ oTermSeized OPERATION ::= {
+ OTermSeizedArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ CODE private: 25612
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ OTermSeizedArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ originationAttempt OPERATION ::= {
+ OriginationAttemptArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --analyzeRoute,
+ --sendToResource,
+ --disconnect
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25624
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ OriginationAttemptArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ lata Lata OPTIONAL,
+ triggerCriteriaType TriggerCriteriaType OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ carrier Carrier OPTIONAL,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ sap Sap OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ triggerInformation TriggerInformation OPTIONAL
+ }
+ resourceClear OPERATION ::= {
+ ResourceClearArg
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --analyzeRoute,
+ --forwardCall,
+ --sendToResource,
+ --authorizeTermination,
+ --disconnect,
+ -- continue,
+ --offerCall,
+ --collectInformation
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 26114
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Caller Interaction"
+ ResourceClearArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ clearCause ClearCause,
+ collectedDigits CollectedDigits OPTIONAL,
+ collectedAddressInfo CollectedAddressInfo OPTIONAL,
+ carrier Carrier OPTIONAL,
+ failureCause FailureCause OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ aMAMeasurement AMAMeasurement OPTIONAL,
+ clearCauseData ClearCauseData OPTIONAL,
+ iPReturnBlock IPReturnBlock OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ successOutcome OPERATION ::= {
+ SuccessOutcomeArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --acknowledge,
+ --connectToResource,
+ --disconnectLeg,
+ --moveLeg
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25617
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ SuccessOutcomeArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ pointInCall PointInCall OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ tAnswer OPERATION ::= {
+ TAnswerArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ CODE private: 25610
+ }
+ --Family Name is “Request / Notification”
+ TAnswerArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ tBusy OPERATION ::= {
+ TBusyArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --forwardCall,
+ --offerCall,
+ -- continue,
+ --sendToResource
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25606
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ TBusyArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ lata Lata OPTIONAL,
+ triggerCriteriaType TriggerCriteriaType OPTIONAL,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ originalCalledPartyID OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectingPartyID RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectionInformation RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL,
+ busyCause BusyCause OPTIONAL,
+ busyType BusyType OPTIONAL,
+ calledPartyStationType CalledPartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ sap Sap OPTIONAL,
+ genericName GenericName OPTIONAL,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ sTRConnection STRConnection OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ cTRConnection CTRConnection OPTIONAL,
+ triggerInformation TriggerInformation OPTIONAL
+ }
+ tDisconnect OPERATION ::= {
+ TDisconnectArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --analyzeRoute,
+ --collectInformation,
+ --connectToResource,
+ --disconnect,
+ --disconnectLeg,
+ --mergeCall,
+ --reconnect
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25618
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ TDisconnectArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ pointInCall PointInCall OPTIONAL,
+ disconnectCause DisconnectCause OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL
+ }
+ tDTMFEntered OPERATION ::= {
+ TDTMFEnteredArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ -- continue,
+ --disconnect,
+ --forwardCall,
+ --sendToResource
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25628
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ TDTMFEnteredArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ dTMFDigitsDetected DTMFDigitsDetected OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL
+ }
+ tMidCall OPERATION ::= {
+ TMidCallArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --analyzeRoute,
+ --collectInformation,
+ --connectToResource,
+ --disconnect,
+ --disconnectLeg,
+ --mergeCall,
+ --moveLeg,
+ --originateCall,
+ --splitLeg
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25619
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ TMidCallArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ triggerCriteriaType TriggerCriteriaType OPTIONAL,
+ pointInCall PointInCall OPTIONAL,
+ featureActivatorID FeatureActivatorID OPTIONAL,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyBGID CallingPartyBGID OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ carrier Carrier OPTIONAL,
+ accessCode AccessCode OPTIONAL,
+ collectedAddressInfo CollectedAddressInfo OPTIONAL,
+ collectedDigits CollectedDigits OPTIONAL,
+ verticalServiceCode VerticalServiceCode OPTIONAL,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL
+ }
+ tNoAnswer OPERATION ::= {
+ TNoAnswerArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --forwardCall,
+ --sendToResource,
+ -- continue
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25608
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ TNoAnswerArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ lata Lata OPTIONAL,
+ triggerCriteriaType TriggerCriteriaType OPTIONAL,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ originalCalledPartyID OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectingPartyID RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectionInformation RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL,
+ calledPartyStationType CalledPartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ sap Sap OPTIONAL,
+ genericName GenericName OPTIONAL,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ sTRConnection STRConnection OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ cTRConnection CTRConnection OPTIONAL,
+ triggerInformation TriggerInformation OPTIONAL
+ }
+ terminationAttempt OPERATION ::= {
+ TerminationAttemptArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --authorizeTermination,
+ --forwardCall,
+ --sendToResource,
+ --disconnect
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25605
+ }
+ TerminationAttemptArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ lata Lata OPTIONAL,
+ triggerCriteriaType TriggerCriteriaType OPTIONAL,
+ calledPartyStationType CalledPartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ tcm Tcm OPTIONAL,
+ originalCalledPartyID OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectingPartyID RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectionInformation RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL,
+ genericName GenericName OPTIONAL,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ sap Sap OPTIONAL,
+ sTRConnection STRConnection OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ cTRConnection CTRConnection OPTIONAL,
+ rTPServiceIndicator RTPServiceIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ genericAddressList GenericAddressList OPTIONAL,
+ triggerInformation TriggerInformation OPTIONAL,
+ callingGeodeticLocation CallingGeodeticLocation OPTIONAL
+ }
+ termResourceAvailable OPERATION ::= {
+ TermResourceAvailableArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --forwardCall,
+ --sendToResource,
+ -- continue
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25613
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ TermResourceAvailableArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ lata Lata OPTIONAL,
+ triggerCriteriaType TriggerCriteriaType OPTIONAL,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ originalCalledPartyID OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectingPartyID RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectionInformation RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL,
+ calledPartyStationType CalledPartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ sap Sap OPTIONAL,
+ genericName GenericName OPTIONAL,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ sTRConnection STRConnection OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ cTRConnection CTRConnection OPTIONAL,
+ triggerInformation TriggerInformation OPTIONAL
+ }
+ timeout OPERATION ::= {
+ TimeoutArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --analyzeRoute,
+ --connectToResource,
+ -- continue,
+ --disconnect,
+ --forwardCall,
+ --sendToResource
+ -- }
+ CODE private:25620
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Request/Notification"
+ TimeoutArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ pointInCall PointInCall OPTIONAL,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator OPTIONAL
+ }
+ analyzeRoute OPERATION ::= {
+ AnalyzeRouteArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 25857
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Connection Control (Call Model)"
+ AnalyzeRouteArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ outpulseNumber OutpulseNumber OPTIONAL,
+ tcm Tcm OPTIONAL,
+ primaryTrunkGroup PrimaryTrunkGroup OPTIONAL,
+ alternateTrunkGroup AlternateTrunkGroup OPTIONAL,
+ secondAlternateTrunkGroup SecondAlternateTrunkGroup OPTIONAL,
+ carrier Carrier OPTIONAL,
+ alternateCarrier AlternateCarrier OPTIONAL,
+ secondAlternateCarrier SecondAlternateCarrier OPTIONAL,
+ passiveLegTreatment PassiveLegTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ redirectingPartyID RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ primaryBillingIndicator PrimaryBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ alternateBillingIndicator AlternateBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ secondAlternateBillingIndicator SecondAlternateBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ overflowBillingIndicator OverflowBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aMAAlternateBillingNumber AMAAlternateBillingNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMABusinessCustomerID AMABusinessCustomerID OPTIONAL,
+ aMALineNumberList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..2) OF AMALineNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMAslpID [10] IMPLICIT AMAslpID,
+ aMADigitsDialedWCList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..5) OF AMADigitsDialedWC OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext OPTIONAL,
+ aMABillingFeature AMABillingFeature OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ redirectionInformation RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL,
+ carrierUsage CarrierUsage OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ genericAddressList GenericAddressList OPTIONAL,
+ networkSpecificFacilities NetworkSpecificFacilities OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyBGID CallingPartyBGID OPTIONAL,
+ forwardCallIndicator ForwardCallIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aMAServiceProviderID AMAServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ prefix Prefix OPTIONAL,
+ genericDigitsList GenericDigitsList OPTIONAL,
+ applyRestrictions ApplyRestrictions OPTIONAL,
+ displayText DisplayText OPTIONAL,
+ genericName GenericName OPTIONAL
+ }
+ authorizeTermination OPERATION ::= {
+ AuthorizeTerminationArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 25858
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Connection Control (Call Model)"
+ AuthorizeTerminationArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ tcm Tcm OPTIONAL,
+ controllingLegTreatment ControllingLegTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ displayText DisplayText OPTIONAL,
+ primaryBillingIndicator PrimaryBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aMAAlternateBillingNumber AMAAlternateBillingNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMABusinessCustomerID AMABusinessCustomerID OPTIONAL,
+ aMALineNumberList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..2) OF AMALineNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMADigitsDialedWCList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..5) OF AMADigitsDialedWC OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext OPTIONAL,
+ aMABillingFeature AMABillingFeature OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ aMAserviceProviderID AMAServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ genericName GenericName OPTIONAL
+ }
+ cancelResourceEvent OPERATION ::= {
+ CancelResourceEventArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ --LINKED{ resourceClear }
+ CODE private: 26115
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Caller Interaction"
+ CancelResourceEventArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ collectInformation OPERATION ::= {
+ CollectInformationArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 25861
+ }
+ --Family Name is "Connection Control (Call Model)"
+ CollectInformationArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ collectedDigits CollectedDigits OPTIONAL,
+ dPConverter DPConverter OPTIONAL,
+ primaryBillingIndicator PrimaryBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ alternateBillingIndicator AlternateBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ secondAlternateBillingIndicator SecondAlternateBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ overflowBillingIndicator OverflowBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aMAAlternateBillingNumber AMAAlternateBillingNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMALineNumberList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..2) OF AMALineNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMADigitsDialedWCList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..5) OF AMADigitsDialedWC OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext OPTIONAL,
+ aMABillingFeature AMABillingFeature OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ alternateDialingPlanInd AlternateDialingPlanInd OPTIONAL,
+ aMAserviceProviderID AMAServiceProviderID OPTIONAL
+ }
+ connectToResource OPERATION ::= {
+ ConnectToResourceArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ --callInfoFromResource,
+ --cTRClear
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 26117
+ --Family Name is "Caller Interaction"
+ }
+ ConnectToResourceArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ resourceType ResourceType,
+ strParameterBlock StrParameterBlock,
+ disconnectFlag DisconnectFlag OPTIONAL,
+ primaryBillingIndicator PrimaryBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aMAAlternateBillingNumber AMAAlternateBillingNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMABusinessCustomerID AMABusinessCustomerID OPTIONAL,
+ aMALineNumberList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..2) OF AMALineNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMADigitsDialedWCList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..5) OF AMADigitsDialedWC OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ destinationAddress DestinationAddress OPTIONAL,
+ dPConverter DPConverter OPTIONAL,
+ aMAMeasure AMAMeasure OPTIONAL,
+ serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext OPTIONAL,
+ aMABillingFeature AMABillingFeature OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMAserviceProviderID AMAServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ continue OPERATION ::= {
+ ContinueArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 25869
+ }
+ ContinueArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ primaryBillingIndicator PrimaryBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aMAAlternateBillingNumber AMAAlternateBillingNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMABusinessCustomerID AMABusinessCustomerID OPTIONAL,
+ aMALineNumberList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..2) OF AMALineNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMADigitsDialedWCList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..5) OF AMADigitsDialedWC OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext OPTIONAL,
+ aMABillingFeature AMABillingFeature OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ aMAserviceProviderID AMAServiceProviderID OPTIONAL
+ }
+ createCall OPERATION ::= {
+ CreateCallArg
+ CreateCallRes
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ failureReport
+ }
+ --originationAttempt
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25863
+ }
+ CreateCallArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ carrier Carrier OPTIONAL,
+ alternateCarrier AlternateCarrier OPTIONAL,
+ secondAlternateCarrier SecondAlternateCarrier OPTIONAL,
+ passiveLegTreatment PassiveLegTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ genericAddressList GenericAddressList OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyBGID CallingPartyBGID OPTIONAL,
+ forwardCallIndicator ForwardCallIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext OPTIONAL,
+ carrierUsage CarrierUsage OPTIONAL,
+ controllingLegTreatment ControllingLegTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability OPTIONAL,
+ verticalServiceCode VerticalServiceCode OPTIONAL,
+ accessCode AccessCode OPTIONAL,
+ displayText DisplayText OPTIONAL,
+ notificationDuration NotificationDuration OPTIONAL,
+ wakeUpDuration WakeUpDuration OPTIONAL,
+ oSIIndicator OSIIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ primaryBillingIndicator PrimaryBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ overflowBillingIndicator OverflowBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aMAAlternateBillingNumber AMAAlternateBillingNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMABusinessCustomerID AMABusinessCustomerID OPTIONAL,
+ aMALineNumberList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..2) OF AMALineNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMAserviceProviderID AMAServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ prefix Prefix OPTIONAL
+ }
+ CreateCallRes ::= SEQUENCE {
+ failureCause FailureCause OPTIONAL
+ }
+ disconnect OPERATION ::= {
+ DisconnectArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 25859
+ --Family Name is "Connection Control (Call Model)"
+ }
+ DisconnectArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ primaryBillingIndicator PrimaryBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aMAAlternateBillingNumber AMAAlternateBillingNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMABusinessCustomerID AMABusinessCustomerID OPTIONAL,
+ aMALineNumberList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..2) OF AMALineNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMADigitsDialedWCList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..5) OF AMADigitsDialedWC OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext OPTIONAL,
+ aMABillingFeature AMABillingFeature OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ aMAserviceProviderID AMAServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ rTPReroutingNumber RTPReroutingNumber OPTIONAL
+ }
+ disconnectLeg OPERATION ::= {
+ DisconnectLegArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ --cTRClear,
+ --failureOutcome
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25864
+ --Family Name is "Connection Control (Call Model)"
+ }
+ DisconnectLegArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ legID LegID,
+ passiveLegTreatment PassiveLegTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ lampTreatment LampTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ displayText DisplayText OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ forwardCall OPERATION ::= {
+ ForwardCallArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 27137
+ }
+ ForwardCallArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ outpulseNumber OutpulseNumber OPTIONAL,
+ tcm Tcm OPTIONAL,
+ primaryTrunkGroup PrimaryTrunkGroup OPTIONAL,
+ alternateTrunkGroup AlternateTrunkGroup OPTIONAL,
+ secondAlternateTrunkGroup SecondAlternateTrunkGroup OPTIONAL,
+ carrier Carrier OPTIONAL,
+ alternateCarrier AlternateCarrier OPTIONAL,
+ secondAlternatecarrier SecondAlternateCarrier OPTIONAL,
+ passiveLegTreatment PassiveLegTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ primaryBillingIndicator PrimaryBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ alternateBillingIndicator AlternateBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ secondAlternateBillingIndicator SecondAlternateBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ overflowBillingIndicator OverflowBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aMAAlternateBillingNumber AMAAlternateBillingNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMABusinessCustomerID AMABusinessCustomerID OPTIONAL,
+ aMALineNumberList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..2) OF AMALineNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMADigitsDialedWCList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..5) OF AMADigitsDialedWC OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext OPTIONAL,
+ aMABillingFeature AMABillingFeature OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ redirectingPartyID RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ redirectionInformation RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL,
+ carrierUsage CarrierUsage OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ aMAserviceProviderID AMAServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ prefix Prefix OPTIONAL,
+ applyRestrictions ApplyRestrictions OPTIONAL,
+ displayText DisplayText OPTIONAL,
+ genericName GenericName OPTIONAL
+ }
+ mergeCall OPERATION ::= {
+ MergeCallArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ --cTRClear,
+ --failureOutcome,
+ --successOutcome
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25865
+ --Family Name is "Connection Control (Call Model)"
+ }
+ MergeCallArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ displayText DisplayText OPTIONAL,
+ lampTreatment LampTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ aMAAlternateBillingNumber AMAAlternateBillingNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMABusinessCustomerID AMABusinessCustomerID OPTIONAL,
+ aMALineNumberList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..2) OF AMALineNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMADigitsDialedWCList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..5) OF AMADigitsDialedWC OPTIONAL,
+ serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext OPTIONAL,
+ aMABillingFeature AMABillingFeature OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMAserviceProviderID AMAServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ moveLeg OPERATION ::= {
+ MoveLegArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ --cTRClear,
+ --failureOutcome,
+ --successOutcome
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25866
+ --Family Name is "Connection Control (Call Model)"
+ }
+ MoveLegArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ displayText DisplayText OPTIONAL,
+ lampTreatment LampTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ offerCall OPERATION ::= {
+ OfferCallArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 25860
+ }
+ OfferCallArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ controllingLegTreatment ControllingLegTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ displayText DisplayText OPTIONAL,
+ primaryBillingIndicator PrimaryBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aMAAlternateBillingNumber AMAAlternateBillingNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMABusinessCustomerID AMABusinessCustomerID OPTIONAL,
+ aMALineNumberList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..2) OF AMALineNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMADigitsDialedWCList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..5) OF AMADigitsDialedWC OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext OPTIONAL,
+ aMABillingFeature AMABillingFeature OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ aMAserviceProviderID AMAServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ genericName GenericName OPTIONAL
+ }
+ originateCall OPERATION ::= {
+ OriginateCallArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ --failureOutcome
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25867
+ --Family Name is "Connection Control (Call Model)"
+ }
+ OriginateCallArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ collectedDigits CollectedDigits OPTIONAL,
+ dPConverter DPConverter OPTIONAL,
+ alternateDialingPlanInd AlternateDialingPlanInd OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ lampTreatment LampTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ controllingLegTreatment ControllingLegTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ displayText DisplayText OPTIONAL,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability OPTIONAL,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ outpulseNumber OutpulseNumber OPTIONAL,
+ tcm Tcm OPTIONAL,
+ primaryTrunkGroup PrimaryTrunkGroup OPTIONAL,
+ alternateTrunkGroup AlternateTrunkGroup OPTIONAL,
+ secondAlternateTrunkGroup SecondAlternateTrunkGroup OPTIONAL,
+ carrier Carrier OPTIONAL,
+ alternateCarrier AlternateCarrier OPTIONAL,
+ secondAlternatecarrier SecondAlternateCarrier OPTIONAL,
+ passiveLegTreatment PassiveLegTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ redirectingPartyID RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ primaryBillingIndicator PrimaryBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ alternateBillingIndicator AlternateBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ secondAlternateBillingIndicator SecondAlternateBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ overflowBillingIndicator OverflowBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ genericAddressList GenericAddressList OPTIONAL,
+ forwardCallIndicator ForwardCallIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aMAAlternateBillingNumber AMAAlternateBillingNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMABusinessCustomerID AMABusinessCustomerID OPTIONAL,
+ aMALineNumberList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..2) OF AMALineNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMADigitsDialedWCList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..5) OF AMADigitsDialedWC OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext OPTIONAL,
+ aMABillingFeature AMABillingFeature OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ carrierUsage CarrierUsage OPTIONAL,
+ networkSpecificFacilities NetworkSpecificFacilities OPTIONAL,
+ callingPartyBGID CallingPartyBGID OPTIONAL,
+ aMAserviceProviderID AMAServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ reconnect OPERATION ::= {
+ ReconnectArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 25870
+ --Family Name is "Connection Control (Call Model)"
+ }
+ ReconnectArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ notificationDuration NotificationDuration OPTIONAL,
+ controllingLegTreatment ControllingLegTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ sendToResource OPERATION ::= {
+ SendToResourceArg
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ --resourceClear,
+ --callInfoFromResource
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 26113
+ --Family Name is "Caller Interaction"
+ }
+ SendToResourceArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ resourceType ResourceType,
+ strParameterBlock StrParameterBlock,
+ disconnectFlag DisconnectFlag OPTIONAL,
+ answerIndicator AnswerIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ primaryBillingIndicator PrimaryBillingIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ aMAAlternateBillingNumber AMAAlternateBillingNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMABusinessCustomerID AMABusinessCustomerID OPTIONAL,
+ aMALineNumberList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..2) OF AMALineNumber OPTIONAL,
+ aMADigitsDialedWCList SEQUENCE SIZE(1..5) OF AMADigitsDialedWC OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ destinationAddress DestinationAddress OPTIONAL,
+ dPConverter DPConverter OPTIONAL,
+ aMAMeasure AMAMeasure OPTIONAL,
+ serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext OPTIONAL,
+ aMABillingFeature AMABillingFeature OPTIONAL,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ aMAserviceProviderID AMAServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ extendedRinging ExtendedRinging OPTIONAL,
+ carrier Carrier OPTIONAL,
+ alternateCarrier AlternateCarrier OPTIONAL,
+ secondAlternatecarrier SecondAlternateCarrier OPTIONAL,
+ carrierUsage CarrierUsage OPTIONAL,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber OPTIONAL,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType OPTIONAL,
+ partyID PartyID OPTIONAL,
+ partyOnHold PartyOnHold OPTIONAL,
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID OPTIONAL
+ }
+ setTimer OPERATION ::= {
+ SetTimerArg
+ TimerUpdated
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 26889
+ --Family Name is "Information Revision"
+ }
+ SetTimerArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ sSPResponseMessageTimerT1 SSPResponseMessageTimerT1 OPTIONAL
+ }
+ splitLeg OPERATION ::= {
+ SplitLegArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ --cTRClear,
+ --failureOutcome,
+ --successOutcome
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 25868
+ --Family Name is "Connection Control (Call Model)"
+ }
+ SplitLegArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ legID LegID,
+ displayText DisplayText OPTIONAL,
+ lampTreatment LampTreatment OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ acg OPERATION ::= {
+ AcgArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 26881
+ --Family Name is "Network Management"
+ }
+ AcgArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ controlCauseIndicator ControlCauseIndicator,
+ gapDuration GapDuration,
+ gapInterval GapInterval,
+ translationType TranslationType,
+ globalTitleAddress GlobalTitleAddress,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ acgGlobalCtrlRestore OPERATION ::= {
+ AcgGlobalCtrlRestoreArg
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 26883
+ --Family Name is "Network Management"
+ }
+ AcgGlobalCtrlRestoreArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ aCGGlobalOverride ACGGlobalOverride,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ acgOverflow OPERATION ::= {
+ AcgOverflowArg
+ CODE private: 26884
+ --Family Name is “Network Management”
+ }
+ AcgOverflowArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ controlCauseIndicator ControlCauseIndicator,
+ translationType TranslationType,
+ globalTitleAddress GlobalTitleAddress,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ activityTest OPERATION ::= {
+ ActivityTestArg
+ actResult ActResult
+ }
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 26886
+ --Family Name is “Network Management”
+ }
+ ActivityTestArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ transID TransID,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ callTypeRequest OPERATION ::= {
+ CallTypeRequestArg
+ callType CallType,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ faultReport
+ }
+ CODE private: 26887
+ --Family Name is “Information Revision”
+ }
+ CallTypeRequestArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ controlRequest OPERATION ::= {
+ ControlRequestArg
+ CODE private: 26885
+ --Family Name is “Network Management”
+ }
+ ControlRequestArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ congestionLevel CongestionLevel OPTIONAL,
+ gapInterval GapInterval OPTIONAL,
+ translationType TranslationType OPTIONAL,
+ globalTitleAddress GlobalTitleAddress OPTIONAL,
+ ssignalingPointCode SignalingPointCode OPTIONAL,
+ subsystemNumber SubsystemNumber OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ echoRequest OPERATION ::= {
+ EchoRequestArg
+ failureCause FailureCause OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 26882
+ --Family Name is “Network Management”
+ }
+ EchoRequestArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ applicationIndicator ApplicationIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ furnishAMAInformation OPERATION ::= {
+ FurnishAMAInformationArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 27649
+ --Family Name is “AMA”
+ }
+ FurnishAMAInformationArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ aMASetHexABIndicator AMASetHexABIndicator OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ monitorForChange OPERATION ::= {
+ MonitorForChangeArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ --monitorSuccess,
+ --statusReported
+ -- }
+ CODE private: 26369
+ --Family Name is "Status Notification"
+ }
+ MonitorForChangeArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ facilityStatus FacilityStatus,
+ monitorTime MonitorTime,
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID OPTIONAL,
+ facilityGID FacilityGID OPTIONAL,
+ facilityMemberID FacilityMemberID OPTIONAL,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ controlEncountered ControlEncountered OPTIONAL
+ }
+ monitorSuccess OPERATION ::= {
+ MonitorSuccessArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ failureReport
+ }
+ CODE private: 26371
+ --Family Name is "Status Notification"
+ }
+ MonitorSuccessArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ facilityStatus FacilityStatus,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ nCAData OPERATION ::= {
+ NCADataArg
+ CODE private: 27394
+ --Family Name is "NCA Signaling"
+ }
+ NCADataArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ id CHOICE{
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID,
+ srhrGroupID SrhrGroupID
+ },
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID,
+ envelopeEncodingAuthority EnvelopeEncodingAuthority,
+ envelopContent EnvelopContent,
+ securityEnvelope SecurityEnvelope OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ controlEncountered ControlEncountered OPTIONAL
+ }
+ nCARequest OPERATION ::= {
+ NCARequestArg
+ envelopeEncodingAuthority EnvelopeEncodingAuthority,
+ envelopContent EnvelopContent,
+ securityEnvelope SecurityEnvelope OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ CODE private: 27393
+ --Family Name is "NCA Signaling"
+ }
+ NCARequestArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID,
+ envelopeEncodingAuthority EnvelopeEncodingAuthority,
+ envelopContent EnvelopContent,
+ securityEnvelope SecurityEnvelope OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ controlEncountered ControlEncountered OPTIONAL
+ }
+ queryRequest OPERATION ::= {
+ QueryRequestArg
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ infoProvided InfoProvided OPTIONAL
+ }
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ CODE private: 26626
+ --Family Name is “Information Revision”
+ }
+ QueryRequestArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ controlEncountered ControlEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ provideInfo ProvideInfo OPTIONAL
+ }
+ requestReportBCMEvent OPERATION ::= {
+ RequestReportBCMEventArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 27905
+ --Family Name is "Request Event"
+ }
+ RequestReportBCMEventArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ eDPRequest EDPRequest OPTIONAL,
+ eDPNotification EDPNotification OPTIONAL,
+ oNoAnswerTimer ONoAnswerTimer OPTIONAL,
+ tNoAnswerTimer TNoAnswerTimer OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ timeoutTimer TimeoutTimer OPTIONAL,
+ oDTMFDigitsString ODTMFDigitsString OPTIONAL,
+ oDTMFNumberOfDigits ODTMFNumberOfDigits OPTIONAL,
+ tDTMFDigitString TDTMFDigitString OPTIONAL,
+ tDTMFNumberOfDigits TDTMFNumberOfDigits OPTIONAL
+ }
+ statusReported OPERATION ::= {
+ StatusReportedArg
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 26370
+ --Family Name is "Status Notification"
+ }
+ StatusReportedArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ facilityStatus FacilityStatus OPTIONAL,
+ statusCause StatusCause OPTIONAL,
+ failureCause FailureCause OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ terminationNotification OPERATION ::= {
+ TerminationNotificationArg
+ CODE private: 26372
+ --Family Name is "Status Notification"
+ }
+ TerminationNotificationArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ echoData EchoData,
+ terminationIndicator TerminationIndicator,
+ connectTime ConnectTime OPTIONAL,
+ busyCause BusyCause OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL
+ }
+ update OPERATION ::= {
+ UpdateArg
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ resultCause ResultCause OPTIONAL
+ }
+ ERRORS{ applicationError,
+ failureReport
+ }
+ CODE private: 26627
+ --Family Name is "Information Revision"
+ }
+ UpdateArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ administrableObject AdministrableObject,
+ editListType EditListType OPTIONAL,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter OPTIONAL,
+ controlEncountered ControlEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ }
+ updateRequest OPERATION ::= {
+ UpdateRequestArg
+ failureCause FailureCause OPTIONAL
+ }
+ ERRORS{ applicationError
+ }
+ CODE private: 26625
+ --Family Name is "Information Revision"
+ }
+ UpdateRequestArg ::= SEQUENCE{
+ userID UserID,
+ triggerCriteriaFlag TriggerCriteriaFlag OPTIONAL,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability OPTIONAL,
+ controlEncountered ControlEncountered OPTIONAL
+ }
diff --git a/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/AIN-Parameters.asn b/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/AIN-Parameters.asn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b9d8333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/AIN-Parameters.asn
@@ -0,0 +1,1555 @@
+ AIN-Parameters{ ainParametersObjectIdentifier }
+ --This module contains the type definitions for the AIN parameters.
+ -- ainParametersObjectIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= ? - -not yet defined
+ AccessCode ::= [1] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range - 1 - 5 digits
+ ACGEncountered ::= [2] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1))
+ ACGGlobalOverride ::= [110] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ allItems(0),
+ scpOverloadItems(1),
+ smsInitCntrlExceptZeroGap(2),
+ smsInitCntrl(3),
+ ntmOSInitCntrlExceptZeroGap(4),
+ ntmOSInitCntrl(5),
+ craftInitCntrlExceptZeroGap(6),
+ craftInitCntrl(7)
+ }
+ AdministrableObject ::= CHOICE{
+ triggerItemAssignment TriggerItemAssignment,
+ sSPUserResource SSPUserResource,
+ srhrGroup SrhrGroup,
+ networkTestDesignator NetworkTestDesignator,
+ operationsMonitoringAssignment OperationsMonitoringAssignment
+ }
+ TriggerItemAssignment ::= [102] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{
+ sSPUserResourceID [1] SSPUserResourceID,
+ triggerItemID [2] IMPLICIT TriggerItemID,
+ activationStateCode [3] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode OPTIONAL,
+ potentialUse [4] IMPLICIT PotentialUse OPTIONAL,
+ sSPUserResourceSubID [5] SSPUserResourceSubID OPTIONAL
+ }
+ SSPUserResourceID ::= CHOICE{
+ dn [1] IMPLICIT Dn, --see Section 6.151 of this GR for encoding
+ spid [3] IMPLICIT Spid, --see Section 6.129 of this GR for encoding
+ trunkGroupID [4] IMPLICIT TrunkGroupID, --see Section 6.151 of this GR for encoding
+ publicDialingPlanID [6] IMPLICIT PublicDialingPlanID,
+ pRIOfficeEquipmentID [7] IMPLICIT PRIOfficeEquipmentID,
+ basicBusinessGroupID [8] IMPLICIT BasicBusinessGroupID,
+ basicBusinessGroupDialingPlanID [9] IMPLICIT BasicBusinessGroupDialingPlanID,
+ aFRPatternID [10] IMPLICIT AFRPatternID,
+ officeEquipmentID [11] IMPLICIT OfficeEquipmentID
+ }
+ dn [1] IMPLICIT Dn, --see Section 6.151 of this GR for encoding
+ ct [2] IMPLICIT Ct
+ }
+ voicebandInformation(0),
+ circuitModeData(1)
+ }
+ LocalSSPID ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..8)) --References office - wide triggers
+ PublicDialingPlanID ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..8))
+ PRIOfficeEquipmentID ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..12))
+ BasicBusinessGroupID ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..10))
+ BasicBusinessGroupDialingPlanID ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..4))
+ AFRPatternID ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..4))
+ OfficeEquipmentID ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..12))
+ TriggerItemID ::= SEQUENCE{
+ dPNumber [1] IMPLICIT DPNumber,
+ triggerItemSubnumber [2] IMPLICIT TriggerItemSubnumber
+ }
+ DPNumber ::= INTEGER(1..33)
+ --Identifies a Detection Point within the AIN Call Model
+ TriggerItemSubnumber ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..8))
+ --Identifies triggers and events within DPs
+ ActivationStateCode ::= ENUMERATED{
+ off(0),
+ on(1)
+ }
+ PotentialUse ::= ENUMERATED{
+ notApplicable(0),
+ callForwarding(1)
+ }
+ SSPUserResourceSubID ::= CHOICE{
+ aFRPatternID [1] IMPLICIT AFRPatternID,
+ basicBusinessGroupDialingPlanID [2] IMPLICIT BasicBusinessGroupDialingPlanID,
+ }
+ }
+ PRIDS1ID ::= INTEGER(1..28)
+ PRIDS0ID ::= INTEGER(1..24)
+ SSPUserResource ::= [103] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{
+ sSPUserResourceID [1] SSPUserResourceID, --see Section 6.4.1 for encoding
+ serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL,
+ updateGroups UpdateGroups OPTIONAL,
+ oNoAnswerTimer ONoAnswerTimer OPTIONAL,
+ tNoAnswerTimer TNoAnswerTimer OPTIONAL,
+ displayText DisplayText OPTIONAL,
+ dPConverter DPConverter OPTIONAL,
+ cancelInterdigitTimer CancelInterdigitTimer OPTIONAL
+ }
+ --For the encoding of the ServiceProviderID parameter, see Section 6.127 of this GR.
+ --For the encoding of the UpdateGroups parameter, see below.
+ --For the encoding of the ONoAnswerTimer parameter, see Section 6.102 of this GR.
+ --For the encoding of the TNoAnswerTimer, see Section 6.143 of this GR.
+ --For the encoding of the DisplayText parameter, see Section 6.62 of this GR.
+ --For the encoding of the DPConverter parameter, see Section 6.63 of this GR.
+ --For the encoding of the CancelInterdigitTimer parameter, see below.
+ UpdateGroups::= CHOICE{
+ updateGroup1 [2] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup1,
+ updateGroup2 [3] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup2,
+ updateGroup3 [4] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup3,
+ updateGroup4 [5] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup4,
+ updateGroup5 [6] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup5,
+ updateGroup6 [7] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup6,
+ updateGroup7 [8] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup7,
+ updateGroup8 [9] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup8,
+ updateGroup9 [10] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup9
+ }
+ UpdateGroup1::= SEQUENCE{
+ service1 [1] IMPLICIT Service1,
+ action1 Action1
+ }
+ Service1::= ENUMERATED{
+ messageWaitingIndicator(0),
+ visualMessageWaitingIndicator(1),
+ anonymousCallRejection(2),
+ automaticCallback(3),
+ automaticRecall(4),
+ callScreening(5),
+ outsideCallingAreaAlerting(6),
+ callingIdPresentAndSuppress(7),
+ callWaiting(8)
+ }
+ Action1::= CHOICE{
+ activationStateCode [2] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode--see Section 6.4.1 for encoding
+ }
+ UpdateGroup2::= SEQUENCE{
+ service2 [1] IMPLICIT Service2,
+ action2 Action2
+ }
+ Service2::= ENUMERATED{
+ audioMessageWaitingIndicator(0)
+ }
+ Action2::= CHOICE{
+ activationStateCode [2] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode,
+ delayInterval [3] IMPLICIT DelayInterval
+ }
+ DelayInterval::= INTEGER(1..60)
+ --used to convey to the switch
+ --a) the number of rings the switch should
+ -- generate prior to forwarding a call; or
+ --b) the number of minutes the switch should
+ -- wait to generate a “ping” ring for an MWI,
+ --i.e., number of minutes between “ping” rings.
+ UpdateGroup3::= SEQUENCE{
+ service3 [1] IMPLICIT Service3,
+ action3 Action3
+ }
+ Service3::= ENUMERATED{
+ distinctiveRingingCallWaiting(0),
+ selectiveCallRejection(1)
+ }
+ Action3::= CHOICE{
+ activationStateCode [2] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode,
+ editSpecificEntry [3] IMPLICIT EditSpecificEntry,
+ editAllEntries [4] IMPLICIT EditAllEntries
+ }
+ EditSpecificEntry::= SEQUENCE{
+ entry Entry,
+ editListType [105] IMPLICIT EditListType--see Section 6.66 for encoding
+ }
+ Entry ::= CHOICE{
+ dn [1] IMPLICIT Dn,
+ speedCallingCode [2] IMPLICIT SpeedCallingCode,
+ memorySlot [3] IMPLICIT MemorySlot1
+ }
+ SpeedCallingCode ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..3))
+ --The contents of this field shall be numbers 2 through 9 or numbers 20 through 39.
+ --each number shall be allowed to be sent with or without a # sign.
+ MemorySlot1 ::= ENUMERATED{
+ incoming(0)
+ }
+ EditAllEntries ::= ENUMERATED{
+ deleteAllEntries(0),
+ deleteAllPrivateEntries(1)
+ }
+ UpdateGroup4::= SEQUENCE{
+ service4 [1] IMPLICIT Service4,
+ action4 Action4
+ }
+ Service4::= ENUMERATED{
+ callForwardingVariable(0),
+ callForwardingDontAnswer(1),
+ callForwardingBusyLine(2)
+ }
+ Action4::= CHOICE{
+ activationStateCode [2] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode,--See Section 6.4.1 for encoding
+ forwardingDn ForwardingDn
+ }
+ ForwardingDn ::= CHOICE{
+ set Set,
+ clear [3] IMPLICIT Clear
+ }
+ Set ::= CHOICE{
+ dn [1] IMPLICIT Dn,
+ speedCallingCode [4] IMPLICIT SpeedCallingCode
+ }
+ Clear ::= ENUMERATED{
+ remove(0)
+ }
+ UpdateGroup5::= SEQUENCE{
+ service5 [1] IMPLICIT Service5,
+ action5 Action5
+ }
+ Service5::= ENUMERATED{
+ selectiveCallAcceptance(0),
+ selectiveCallForwarding(1)
+ }
+ Action5::= CHOICE{
+ activationStateCode [2] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode,--see above for encoding
+ forwardingDn [3] IMPLICIT ForwardingDn,--see above for the encoding
+ editSpecificEntry [4] IMPLICIT EditSpecificEntry,--see above for the encoding
+ editAllEntries [5] IMPLICIT EditAllEntries--see above for the encoding
+ }
+ UpdateGroup6::= SEQUENCE{
+ service6 [1] IMPLICIT Service6,
+ action6 Action6
+ }
+ Service6::= ENUMERATED{
+ ringControl(0)
+ }
+ Action6::= CHOICE{
+ delayInterval [2] IMPLICIT DelayInterval--See above for the encoding
+ }
+ UpdateGroup7::= SEQUENCE{
+ service7 [1] IMPLICIT Service7,
+ action7 Action7
+ }
+ Service7::= ENUMERATED{
+ callingNumberDeliveryBlocking(0),
+ callingNameDeliveryBlocking(1)
+ }
+ Action7::= CHOICE{
+ toggle [2] IMPLICIT Toggle
+ }
+ Toggle ::= ENUMERATED{
+ presentationStatusValue(0)
+ }
+ UpdateGroup8::= SEQUENCE{
+ service8 [1] IMPLICIT Service8,
+ action8 Action8
+ }
+ Service8::= ENUMERATED{
+ customerOriginatedTrace(0),
+ cancelCallWaiting(1)
+ }
+ Action8::= CHOICE{
+ invoke [2] IMPLICIT Invoke8
+ }
+ Invoke8 ::= ENUMERATED{
+ on(0)
+ }
+ UpdateGroup9 ::= SEQUENCE{
+ service9 [1] IMPLICIT Service9,
+ action9 Action9
+ }
+ Service9::= ENUMERATED{
+ speedCalling(0)
+ }
+ Action9::= CHOICE{
+ changeList [2] IMPLICIT ChangeList
+ }
+ ChangeList ::= SEQUENCE{
+ dn [1] IMPLICIT Dn,--see Section 6.151 for the encoding
+ speedCallingCode [2] IMPLICIT SpeedCallingCode--see above for the encoding
+ }
+ CancelInterdigitTimer::= ActivationStateCode
+ SrhrGroup ::= [104] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{
+ srhrGroupID SrhrGroupID, --see Section 6.130 for encoding
+ }
+ SrhrID ::= AINDigits
+ -- range - 10 digits
+ NetworkTestDesignator ::= [97] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{
+ ntdID NtdID,
+ amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL,
+ amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL
+ }
+ NtdID ::= CHOICE{
+ ntdIndirectID [1] NtdIndirectID
+ }
+ NtdIndirectID ::= SSPUserResourceID -- see above for encoding
+ -- For the encoding of the Amp1 parameter, see Section 6.23.
+ --For the encoding of the Amp2 parameter, see Section 6.24.
+ OperationsMonitoringAssignment ::= [118] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{
+ operationsMonitoredItemID OperationsMonitoredItemID,
+ activationStateCode [3] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode OPTIONAL
+ }
+ OperationsMonitoredItemID ::= CHOICE{
+ sSPUserResourceID [1] SSPUserResourceID -- see above for encoding
+ }
+ -- For the encoding of the ActivationStateCode, see above.
+ ActResult::= [164]IMPLICIT ENUMERATED {
+ transactionClosed(0),
+ transactionOpen(1),
+ deniedProcessOverload(2)
+ }
+ AlternateBillingIndicator ::= [3] IMPLICIT BillingIndicator
+ AlternateCarrier ::= [4] IMPLICIT CarrierFormat
+ -- range - 4 digits
+ AlternateTrunkGroup ::= [5] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(5))
+ AlternateDialingPlanInd ::= [115] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range - 10 digits
+ AMAAlternateBillingNumber ::= [6] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range 1 - 11 digits
+ AMABAFModules ::= [95] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2..128))
+ --Contains one or more AMA modules in Bellcore AMA Format(BAF).
+ AMABillingFeature ::= [88] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range - 4 - 24 digits
+ AMABusinessCustomerID ::= [7] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range - 11 digits
+ AMADigitsDialedWC ::= [8] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range - 3 - 27 digits
+ AMALineNumber ::= [9] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range - 3 - 15 digits
+ connectTimeRecordedDestinationSSP(0),
+ connectTimeRecordedDestinationSCP(1),
+ connectTimeNotRecorded(2)
+ }
+ AMAMeasurement ::= [73] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{
+ aMATimeDuration [0] IMPLICIT AMATimeDuration,
+ aMATimeGuard [1] IMPLICIT AMATimeGuard
+ }
+ AMAServiceProviderID::= [101] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(7))
+ AMATimeDuration ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(8))
+ AMATimeGuard ::= ENUMERATED{
+ noTimingGuard(0),
+ timingGuardExists(1)
+ }
+ AMASetHexABIndicator ::= [82] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN
+ -- TRUE = Set BCD character 2 of Hexadecimal Identifier in
+ -- the BAF structure to which the contents of the
+ -- AMABAFModules parameter are appended
+ -- FALSE = Default to switch - based control of Hexadecimal
+ -- Identifier table in structure code
+ AMASequenceNumber ::= [89] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2))
+ Amp2 ::= [109] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{
+ ampAINNodeID AmpAINNodeID,
+ ampCLogSeqNo [3] IMPLICIT AmpCLogSeqNo OPTIONAL,
+ ampCLogRepInd [4] IMPLICIT AmpCLogRepInd OPTIONAL,
+ ampCallProgInd [5] IMPLICIT AmpCallProgInd OPTIONAL,
+ ampTestReqInd [6] IMPLICIT AmpTestReqInd OPTIONAL,
+ ampCLogName [7] IMPLICIT AmpCLogName OPTIONAL,
+ }
+ AmpAINNodeID ::= CHOICE{
+ spcID [1] IMPLICIT SpcID,
+ }
+ --See Figure 1B of Chapter T1.111.4 of GR-246-CORE for the
+ -- definition of the contents of the SpcID OCTET STRING.
+ ISDNDeviceID ::= AINDigits
+ -- range - 10 digits
+ AmpCLogSeqNo ::= INTEGER(0..32767)
+ -- 0 = sequence number should not be generated; 0 is used to support
+ -- asynchronous messages
+ AmpCLogRepInd ::= ENUMERATED{
+ autoReportOS(0),
+ requestReport(1),
+ autoReportISDN(2)
+ }
+ AmpCallProgInd ::= ENUMERATED{
+ callProgressVoiceAnnouncements(0),
+ callProgressTextMessages(1)
+ }
+ AmpTestReqInd ::= INTEGER(0..127)
+ AmpCLogName ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..10))
+ AmpSvcProvID ::= CHOICE{
+ ocn Ocn -- see Section 6.121 for encoding
+ }
+ AnswerIndicator ::= [12] IMPLICIT NULL
+ -- Presence = return answer supervision
+ -- Absence = do not return answer supervision
+ ApplicationErrorString ::= [55] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{
+ errorCause ErrorCause,
+ failedMessage FailedMessage OPTIONAL,
+ }
+ ApplicationIndicator ::= [90] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ routeToApplicationProcessOrSLP(0),
+ processEchoRequestMessage(1)
+ }
+ ApplyRestrictions ::= [152] IMPLICIT BIT STRING{
+ code(0),
+ toll(1)
+ }
+ oBcm(0),
+ tBcm(1)
+ }
+ BearerCapability ::= [13] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ speech(0),
+ f31kHzaudio(1),
+ f7kHzaudio(2),
+ b56kbps(3),
+ b64kbps(4),
+ packetModeData(5),
+ multiRate(6) -- (64 kbit / s base)
+ }
+ --packetModeData, 7KHz audio, and multiRate will NOT be used for AIN .
+ BillingIndicator ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(4))
+ BusinessGroup ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(7))
+ BusyCause ::= [14] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2..3))
+ BusyType ::= [94] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ callCanBeOffered(0),
+ callCannotBeOffered(1)
+ }
+ CalledPartyID ::= [15] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range - 0 - 15 digits
+ CalledPartyStationType ::= [16] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..99)
+ CallingGeodeticLocation ::= [162] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(8..13))
+ CallingPartyBGID ::= [17] IMPLICIT BusinessGroup
+ CallingPartyID ::= [18] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range - 3 - 15
+ CallType ::= [165] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ noIndication(0),
+ local(1),
+ intraLATAToll(2),
+ interLATAToll(3)
+ }
+ Carrier ::= [41] IMPLICIT CarrierFormat
+ -- range - 4 digits
+ CarrierFormat ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(4))
+ CarrierUsage ::= [79] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ alwaysOverride(0),
+ onlyInterLATAOverride(1)
+ }
+ null(0),
+ originatingSetup(1),
+ stable2Party(2),
+ terminatingSetup(3),
+ threePartySetup(4),
+ threePartySetupComplement(5),
+ partyOnHold(6),
+ partyOnHoldComplement(7),
+ callWaiting(8),
+ callWaitingComplement(9),
+ stableMParty(10),
+ transfer(11),
+ forward(12)
+ }
+ ChargeNumber ::= [19] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range - 0 - 10 digits
+ ChargePartyStationType ::= [20] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..99)
+ ClearCause ::= [21] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..255)
+ ClearCauseData ::= [74] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20))
+ CloseCause ::= [72] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ callTerminated(0),
+ eDPsCompleted(1),
+ unexpectedCommunication(2),
+ calledPartyAnswered(3),
+ callForwardedEDPsCompleted(4),
+ newRequestedEvent(5)
+ }
+ CollectedAddressInfo ::= [22] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range 0 - 15 digits
+ CollectedDigits ::= [23] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range 0 - 32 digits
+ CongestionLevel ::= [117] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ noCongestion(0),
+ mc1(1),
+ mc2(2),
+ mc3(3)
+ }
+ ConnectTime ::= [58] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(5))
+ ControlCauseIndicator ::= [59] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1))
+ ControlEncountered ::= [127] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1))
+ ControllingLegTreatment ::= [24] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ dialToneOn(0),
+ ringBackAudibleRingingToneOn(1),
+ networkCongestionReorderToneOn(3),
+ busyToneOn(4),
+ confirmationTone(5),
+ callWaitingTone(7),
+ tonesOff(63),
+ alertingOnPattern0Normal(64),
+ alertingOnPattern1DistinctiveIntergroup(65),
+ alertingOnPattern2DistinctiveSpecial(66),
+ alertingOnPattern3EKTS(67),
+ alertingOnPattern4ReminderRing(68),
+ alertingOff(79),
+ recallDialToneOn(17),
+ bargeInToneOn(18),
+ incomingAdditionalCallTone(251),
+ priorityAdditionalCallTone(252),
+ expensiveRouteWarningTone(253),
+ campOnTone(19),
+ receiverOffHookTone(20),
+ callingCardServiceTone(21),
+ stutterDialTone(22),
+ silence(23),
+ onHookTR30WithIndication(24),
+ onHookTR30NoIndication(25)
+ }
+ CTRConnection ::= [141] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN
+ -- TRUE = reported event caused by Connect_To_Resource
+ -- FALSE = reported event not caused by Connect_To_Resource
+ CsID ::= [137] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..2)
+ --The range is 1 - 2 for CsIDs.
+ DestinationAddress ::= [86] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range - 10 digits
+ DisconnectCause ::= [116] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ farEnd(0)
+ }
+ DisconnectFlag ::= [25] IMPLICIT NULL
+ -- Presence = disconnect leg
+ -- Absence = do not disconnect leg
+ DisplayText ::= [26] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE SIZE(1..15) OF DisplayInformation
+ DisplayInformation ::= CHOICE{
+ blank[0] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ continuation[2] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ calledAddress[3] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ cause[4] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ progressIndicator[5] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ notificationIndicator[6] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ prompt[7] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ accumulatedDigits[8] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ status[9] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ (SIZE(1..20)),
+ callingAddress[11] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ reason[12] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ callingPartyName[13] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ calledPartyName[14] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING
+ (SIZE(1..20)),
+ originalCalledName[15] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ redirectingName[16] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ connectedName[17] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING
+ (SIZE(1..20)),
+ origRestrictions[18] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING
+ (SIZE(1..20)),
+ dateTimeOfDay[19] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ callAppearanceID[20] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING
+ (SIZE(1..20)),
+ featureAddress[21] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ redirectionName[22] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING
+ (SIZE(1..20)),
+ redirectionNumber[23] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ redirectingNumber[24] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ originalCalledNumber[25] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ connectedNumber[26] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING
+ (SIZE(1..20)),
+ text[30] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)),
+ redirectingReason[31] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20))
+ }
+ --Each DisplayInformation field can be from 1 - 20 octets. The information shown in italics is not required for AIN and is reserved for future releases.
+ DPConverter ::= [76] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN
+ -- True = the switch should perform Dial Pulse to DTMF conversion
+ -- False = the switch should not perform Dial Pulse to DTMF conversion
+ DTMFDigitsDetected ::= [153] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ --The range is 1 - 4
+ EchoData ::= [60] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(6))
+ EditListType ::= ENUMERATED{
+ addListElement(0),
+ deleteListElement(1)
+ }
+ EDPNotification ::= [93] IMPLICIT BIT STRING{
+ oCalledPartyBusy(0), --always "0"
+ oNoAnswer(1), --always "0"
+ oTermSeized(2),
+ oAnswer(3),
+ tBusy(4), --always "0"*
+ tNoAnswer(5), --always "0"*
+ termResourceAvailable(6), -- *
+ tAnswer(7), -- *
+ networkBusy(8), --always “0”*
+ oSuspended(9), --always “0”
+ oDisconnectCalled(10), --always “0”
+ oDisconnect(11), --always “0”
+ oAbandon(12), --always “0”
+ featureActivator(13), --always “0”
+ switchHookFlash(14), --always “0”
+ success(15), --always “0”
+ tDisconnect(16),
+ timeout(17),
+ originationAttempt(18),
+ oDTMFEntered(19),
+ tDTMFEntered(20)
+ }
+ --Bit = 1 - request is requested, Bit = 0 - request is not requested
+ -- *These values are conditional requirements, based on the condition that the SSP supports
+ -- the corresponding EDP shown as an objective in GR - 1298 - CORE, Section 4, Table 4 - 1.
+ EDPRequest ::= [92] IMPLICIT BIT STRING{
+ oCalledPartyBusy(0),
+ oNoAnswer(1),
+ oTermSeized(2), --always "0"
+ oAnswer(3), --always "0"
+ tBusy(4), --*
+ tNoAnswer(5), --*
+ termResourceAvailable(6), --always "0"*
+ tAnswer(7), --always "0"*
+ networkBusy(8),
+ oSuspended(9),
+ oDisconnectCalled(10),
+ oDisconnect(11),
+ oAbandon(12),
+ featureActivator(13),
+ switchHookFlash(14),
+ success(15),
+ tDisconnect(16),
+ timeout(17),
+ originationAttempt(18),
+ oDTMFEntered(19),
+ tDTMFEntered(20)
+ }
+ --Bit = 1 - request is requested, Bit = 0 - request is not requested
+ -- *These values are conditional requirements, based on the condition that the SSP supports
+ -- the corresponding EDP shown as an objective in GR - 1298 - CORE, Section 4, Table 4 - 1.
+ EnvelopContent ::= [75] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..180))
+ EnvelopeEncodingAuthority ::= [98] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ -- Maximum of 15 octets
+ ErrorCause ::= [56] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ erroneousDataValue(0),
+ missingConditionalParameter(1),
+ responseMessageTimerExpired(2),
+ unexpectedCommunication(3),
+ unexpectedMessage(4),
+ unexpectedMessageSequence(5),
+ unexpectedParameterSequence(6)
+ }
+ ExtendedRinging ::= [146] IMPLICIT NULL
+ -- Presence = apply extended ringing
+ -- Absence = do not apply extended ringing
+ ExtensionParameter ::= SEQUENCE{
+ assignmentAuthority OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+ parameters ANY DEFINED BY assignmentAuthority
+ }
+ --The maximum length of the assignmentAuthority is 15 octets
+ FacilityGID ::= CHOICE{
+ mlhg Mlhg
+ }
+ Mlhg ::= [29] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..2047)
+ FacilityMemberID ::= [31] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..2047)
+ --The range is 1 - 2047 for MLHG member IDs.
+ FacilityStatus ::= [61] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ busy(0),
+ busyInService(1),
+ busyOutOfService(2),
+ idle(3),
+ idleInService(4),
+ idleOutOfService(5),
+ inService(6),
+ outOfService(7)
+ }
+ FailedMessage ::= [57] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{
+ opCode INTEGER,
+ invParms [1] IMPLICIT InvParms OPTIONAL
+ }
+ --The opCode field is equivalent to the value of the Operation Code that
+ -- represents the failed message.
+ --The parameter field represents the parameter, including the identifier,
+ --length and contents, of the received message that contains the
+ -- erroneous data value.
+ InvParms ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1) OF Parms
+ Parms ::= CHOICE{
+ accessCode AccessCode,
+ aCGEncountered ACGEncountered,
+ alternateBillingIndicator AlternateBillingIndicator,
+ alternateCarrier AlternateCarrier,
+ alternateTrunkGroup AlternateTrunkGroup,
+ aMAAlternateBillingNumber AMAAlternateBillingNumber,
+ aMABusinessCustomerID AMABusinessCustomerID,
+ aMAslpID [10] IMPLICIT AMAslpID,
+ amp1 Amp1,
+ amp2 Amp2,
+ answerIndicator AnswerIndicator,
+ bearerCapability BearerCapability,
+ busyCause BusyCause,
+ calledPartyID CalledPartyID,
+ calledPartyStationType CalledPartyStationType,
+ callingGeodeticLocation CallingGeodeticLocation,
+ callingPartyBGID CallingPartyBGID,
+ callingPartyID CallingPartyID,
+ callType CallType,
+ chargeNumber ChargeNumber,
+ chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType,
+ clearCause ClearCause,
+ collectedAddressInfo CollectedAddressInfo,
+ collectedDigits CollectedDigits,
+ controllingLegTreatment ControllingLegTreatment,
+ disconnectFlag DisconnectFlag,
+ displayText DisplayText,
+ dTMFDigitsDetected DTMFDigitsDetected,
+ facilityGID FacilityGID,
+ facilityMemberID FacilityMemberID,
+ failureCause FailureCause,
+ genericName GenericName,
+ lata Lata,
+ oDTMFDigitsString ODTMFDigitsString,
+ oDTMFNumberofDigits ODTMFNumberOfDigits,
+ originalCalledPartyID OriginalCalledPartyID,
+ outpulseNumber OutpulseNumber,
+ overflowBillingIndicator OverflowBillingIndicator,
+ passiveLegTreatment PassiveLegTreatment,
+ partyID PartyID,
+ partyOnHold PartyOnHold,
+ primaryBillingIndicator PrimaryBillingIndicator,
+ carrier Carrier,
+ primaryTrunkGroup PrimaryTrunkGroup,
+ redirectingPartyID RedirectingPartyID,
+ redirectionInformation RedirectionInformation,
+ resourceType ResourceType,
+ secondAlternateBillingIndicator SecondAlternateBillingIndicator,
+ secondAlternateCarrier SecondAlternateCarrier,
+ secondAlternateTrunkGroup SecondAlternateTrunkGroup,
+ spid Spid,
+ sSPResponseMessageTimerT1 SSPResponseMessageTimerT1,
+ strParameterBlock StrParameterBlock,
+ tcm Tcm,
+ tDTMFDigitString TDTMFDigitString,
+ tDTMFNumberOfDigits TDTMFNumberOfDigits,
+ timerUpdated TimerUpdated,
+ triggerCriteriaType TriggerCriteriaType,
+ triggerInformation TriggerInformation,
+ userID UserID,
+ verticalServiceCode VerticalServiceCode,
+ connectTime ConnectTime,
+ controlCauseIndicator ControlCauseIndicator,
+ echoData EchoData,
+ facilityStatus FacilityStatus,
+ gapDuration GapDuration,
+ gapInterval GapInterval,
+ globalTitleAddress GlobalTitleAddress,
+ monitorTime MonitorTime,
+ statusCause StatusCause,
+ terminationIndicator TerminationIndicator,
+ translationType TranslationType,
+ triggerCriteriaFlag TriggerCriteriaFlag,
+ tSTRCTimer TSTRCTimer,
+ aMAMeasure AMAMeasure,
+ aMAMeasurement AMAMeasurement,
+ clearCauseData ClearCauseData,
+ envelopContent EnvelopContent,
+ iPReturnBlock IPReturnBlock,
+ sap Sap,
+ aMASetHexABIndicator AMASetHexABIndicator,
+ serviceContext ServiceContext,
+ extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter,
+ securityEnvelope SecurityEnvelope,
+ destinationAddress DestinationAddress,
+ derviceProviderID ServiceProviderID,
+ aMABillingFeature AMABillingFeature,
+ aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber,
+ applicationIndicator ApplicationIndicator,
+ oNoAnswerTimer ONoAnswerTimer,
+ eDPRequest EDPRequest,
+ eDPNotification EDPNotification,
+ busyType BusyType,
+ aMABAFModules AMABAFModules,
+ sTRConnection STRConnection,
+ errorCause ErrorCause,
+ resultCause ResultCause,
+ cTRConnection CTRConnection,
+ rTPReroutingNumber RTPReroutingNumber,
+ rTPServiceIndicator RTPServiceIndicator,
+ administrableObject AdministrableObject,
+ envelopeEncodingAuthority EnvelopeEncodingAuthority,
+ tNoAnswerTimer TNoAnswerTimer,
+ editListType EditListType,
+ aCGGlobalOverride ACGGlobalOverride,
+ notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator,
+ -- TRUE = Switch Notification Message
+ -- FALSE = Switch Request Message
+ aMALineNumber AMALineNumber,
+ aMADigitsDialedWC AMADigitsDialedWC,
+ carrierUsage CarrierUsage,
+ closeCause CloseCause,
+ dPConverter DPConverter,
+ failureCauseData FailureCauseData,
+ genericAddress GenericAddress,
+ srhrGroupID SrhrGroupID,
+ genericAddressList GenericAddressList,
+ networkSpecificFacilities NetworkSpecificFacilities,
+ forwardCallIndicator ForwardCallIndicator,
+ alternateDialingPlanInd AlternateDialingPlanInd,
+ disconnectCause DisconnectCause,
+ aMAServiceProviderID AMAServiceProviderID,
+ congestionLevel CongestionLevel,
+ controlEncountered ControlEncountered,
+ infoProvided InfoProvided,
+ provideInfo ProvideInfo,
+ signalingPointCode SignalingPointCode,
+ subsystemNumber SubsystemNumber,
+ notificationDuration NotificationDuration,
+ wakeUpDuration WakeUpDuration,
+ oSIIndicator OSIIndicator,
+ legID LegID,
+ ccID CcID,
+ bCMType BCMType,
+ pointInCall PointInCall,
+ featureActivatorID FeatureActivatorID,
+ csID CsID,
+ lampTreatment LampTreatment,
+ timeoutTimer TimeoutTimer,
+ transID TransID,
+ actResult ActResult,
+ extendedRinging ExtendedRinging,
+ jurisdictionInformation JurisdictionInformation,
+ prefix Prefix,
+ genericDigitsList GenericDigitsList,
+ applyRestrictions ApplyRestrictions
+ }
+ FailureCause ::= [32] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ rateTooHigh(1),
+ unavailableResources(2),
+ apTimeout(3),
+ apBusy(4),
+ channelsBusy(13),
+ abort(14),
+ resourceLimitation(15),
+ applicationError(16),
+ securityError(17),
+ protocolError(18),
+ timerExpired(19),
+ temporaryFailure(20),
+ msridDoesNotMatchUserProfile(21),
+ segmentationError(22),
+ ncasDisallowed(23),
+ controlEncountered(24),
+ improperCoding(25),
+ inappropriateCondition(26),
+ inappropriateUserInterface(27),
+ inappropriateLegManipulation(28),
+ callingInterfaceBusy(29)
+ }
+ FailureCauseData ::= [112] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..5))
+ FeatureActivatorID ::= [136] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..2))
+ ForwardCallIndicator ::= [113] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2))
+ GapDuration ::= [62] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ no1Second(1),
+ no2Seconds(2),
+ no4Seconds(3),
+ no8Seconds(4),
+ no16Seconds(5),
+ no32Seconds(6),
+ no64Seconds(7),
+ no128Seconds(8),
+ no256Seconds(9),
+ no512Seconds(10),
+ no1024Seconds(11),
+ no2048Seconds(12),
+ infinity(13)
+ }
+ GapInterval ::= CHOICE{
+ nationalGapInterval NationalGapInterval,
+ privateGapInterval PrivateGapInterval
+ }
+ NationalGapInterval ::= [63] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ removeGapControl(0),
+ no0Seconds(1),
+ no010Seconds(2), -- 1 / 10 sec.
+ no025Seconds(3), -- 1 / 4 sec.
+ no050Seconds(4), -- 1 / 2 sec.
+ no1Second(5),
+ no2Seconds(6),
+ no5Seconds(7),
+ no10Seconds(8),
+ no15Seconds(9),
+ no30Seconds(10),
+ no60Seconds(11),
+ no120Seconds(12),
+ no300Seconds(13),
+ no600Seconds(14),
+ stopAllCalls(15)
+ }
+ PrivateGapInterval ::= [64] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ no0Seconds(0),
+ no3Seconds(1),
+ no4Seconds(2),
+ no6Seconds(3),
+ no8Seconds(4),
+ no11Seconds(5),
+ no16Seconds(6),
+ no22Seconds(7),
+ no30Seconds(8),
+ no42Seconds(9),
+ no58Seconds(10),
+ no81Seconds(11),
+ no112Seconds(12),
+ no156Seconds(13),
+ no217Seconds(14),
+ no300Seconds(15),
+ removeGapControl(16),
+ no010Seconds(17), -- 1 / 10 sec.
+ no025Seconds(18), -- 1 / 4 sec.
+ no050Seconds(19), -- 1 / 2 sec.
+ no1Second(20),
+ no2Seconds(21)
+ }
+ GenericAddress ::= [80] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(4..11))
+ GenericAddressList ::= [107] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE SIZE(1..5) OF GenericAddress
+ GenericName ::= [33] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING
+ GenericDigitsList ::= [150] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE SIZE (1..5) OF GenericDigits
+ GenericDigits ::= [149] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE(2..11))
+ GlobalTitleAddress ::= [69] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING
+ InfoProvided ::= [100] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{
+ activationStateCode [1] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode OPTIONAL,
+ entireList [2] IMPLICIT EntireList OPTIONAL,
+ memorySlot [3] IMPLICIT MemorySlot OPTIONAL,
+ listSize [4] IMPLICIT ListSize OPTIONAL,
+ forwardToDn [5] IMPLICIT ForwardToDn OPTIONAL,
+ delayInterval [6] IMPLICIT DelayInterval OPTIONAL,
+ empty [7] IMPLICIT Empty OPTIONAL
+ }
+ --For the encoding of the ActivationStateCode parameter, see Section 6.4.1.
+ EntireList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..32) OF Entry2
+ Entry2 ::= CHOICE{
+ dn [1] IMPLICIT Dn, --see Section 6.151 for the encoding
+ privateDn [2] IMPLICIT PrivateDn
+ }
+ PrivateDn ::= ENUMERATED{
+ private (0)
+ }
+ MemorySlot ::= SEQUENCE{
+ incoming [1] IMPLICIT Incoming OPTIONAL,
+ outgoing [2] IMPLICIT Outgoing OPTIONAL
+ }
+ Incoming ::= SEQUENCE{
+ aINDigits AINDigits,
+ timestamp Timestamp--See GR-246-CORE for values of this field.
+ }
+ Outgoing ::= SEQUENCE{
+ aINDigits AINDigits,
+ timestamp Timestamp--See GR-246-CORE for values of this field.
+ }
+ Timestamp ::= INTEGER
+ ListSize ::= INTEGER(1..32)
+ ForwardToDn ::= Dn--See Section 6.151 for the encoding
+ Empty ::= BIT STRING{
+ entireList(0),
+ outgoingmemorySlot(1),
+ incomingmemorySlot(2),
+ forwardToDn(3)
+ }
+ IPReturnBlock ::= [78] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..120))
+ JurisdictionInformation::= [147] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(3))
+ LampTreatment ::= [138] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2..3))
+ Lata ::= [35] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range - 3 digits
+ LegID ::= [132] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..2)
+ --The range is 0 - 2 for IDs.
+ MonitorTime ::= [65] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(3))
+ NetworkSpecificFacilities ::= [108] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2..12))
+ NotificationDuration ::= [128] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..99)
+ NotificationIndicator ::= BOOLEAN
+ -- TRUE = Switch Notification Message
+ -- FALSE = Switch Request Message
+ ODTMFDigitsString ::= [154] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ --The range is 1 - 4
+ ODTMFNumberOfDigits ::= [155] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..4)
+ ONoAnswerTimer ::= [91] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..120)
+ OriginalCalledPartyID ::= [36] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range - 3 - 15 digits
+ OSIIndicator ::= [129] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN
+ --True = the switch should apply Open Switching Interval
+ --False = the switch should not apply Open Switching Interval
+ OutpulseNumber ::= [37] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- 15 digits maximum
+ OverflowBillingIndicator ::= [38] IMPLICIT BillingIndicator
+ callingParty(0),
+ calledParty(1),
+ bothParties(2)
+ }
+ PartyOnHold ::= [146] IMPLICIT NULL
+ -- Presence = place party on hold
+ -- Absence = do not place party on hold
+ PassiveLegTreatment ::= [39] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ dialToneOn(0),
+ ringBackAudibleRingingToneOn(1),
+ networkCongestionReorderToneOn(3),
+ busyToneOn(4),
+ confirmationTone(5),
+ callWaitingTone(7),
+ tonesOff(63),
+ alertingOnPattern0Normal(64),
+ alertingOnPattern1DistinctiveIntergroup(65),
+ alertingOnPattern2DistinctiveSpecial(66),
+ alertingOnPattern3EKTS(67),
+ alertingOnPattern4ReminderRing(68),
+ alertingOff(79),
+ recallDialToneOn(17),
+ bargeInToneOn(18),
+ incomingAdditionalCallTone(251),
+ priorityAdditionalCallTone(252),
+ expensiveRouteWarningTone(253),
+ campOnTone(19),
+ receiverOffHookTone(20),
+ callingCardServiceTone(21),
+ stutterDialTone(22),
+ silence(23)
+ }
+ --The values shown in italics are not required for AIN and are reserved for future
+ -- AIN releases.
+ Prefix ::= [148] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ onePlus(0)
+ }
+ PointInCall ::= [135] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ oNull(1),
+ authorizeOrigAttempt(2),
+ collectInformation(3),
+ analyzeInformation(4),
+ selectRoute(5),
+ authorizeCallSetup(6),
+ sendCall(7),
+ oAlerting(8),
+ oActive(9),
+ oSuspended(10),
+ tNull(11),
+ authorizeTermination(12),
+ selectFacility(13),
+ presentCall(14),
+ tAlerting(15),
+ tActive(16),
+ tSuspended(17)
+ }
+ PrimaryBillingIndicator ::= [40] IMPLICIT BillingIndicator
+ PrimaryTrunkGroup ::= [42] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(5))
+ ProvideInfo ::= [114] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{
+ requestGroups RequestGroups OPTIONAL,
+ requestMemorySlot [11] IMPLICIT RequestMemorySlot OPTIONAL
+ }
+ RequestGroups ::= CHOICE{
+ requestGroup1 [1] IMPLICIT RequestGroup1,
+ requestGroup2 [2] IMPLICIT RequestGroup2,
+ requestGroup3 [3] IMPLICIT RequestGroup3,
+ requestGroup4 [4] IMPLICIT RequestGroup4,
+ requestGroup5 [5] IMPLICIT RequestGroup5,
+ requestGroup6 [6] IMPLICIT RequestGroup6
+ }
+ RequestGroup1 ::= SEQUENCE{
+ service1 [1] IMPLICIT Service1,--See Section 6.4.2 for the encoding.
+ request1 [2] IMPLICIT Request1
+ }
+ Request1 ::= BIT STRING{
+ activationStatus(0)
+ }
+ RequestGroup2 ::= SEQUENCE{
+ service2 [1] IMPLICIT Service2,--See Section 6.4.2 for the encoding.
+ request2 [2] IMPLICIT Request2
+ }
+ Request2 ::= BIT STRING{
+ activationStatus(0),
+ delayInterval(1)
+ }
+ RequestGroup3 ::= SEQUENCE{
+ service3 [1] IMPLICIT Service3,--See Section 6.4.2 for the encoding
+ request3 [2] IMPLICIT Request3
+ }
+ Request3 ::= BIT STRING{
+ activationStatus(0),
+ entireList(1),
+ listSize(2)
+ }
+ RequestGroup4 ::= SEQUENCE{
+ service4 [1] IMPLICIT Service4,--See Section 6.4.2 for the encoding
+ request4 [2] IMPLICIT Request4
+ }
+ Request4 ::= BIT STRING{
+ activationStatus(0),
+ forwardingDn(1)
+ }
+ RequestGroup5 ::= SEQUENCE{
+ service5 [1] IMPLICIT Service5,--See Section 6.4.2 for the encoding
+ request5[2] IMPLICIT Request5
+ }
+ Request5 ::= BIT STRING{
+ activationStatus(0),
+ forwardingDn(1),
+ entireList(2),
+ listSize(3)
+ }
+ RequestGroup6 ::= SEQUENCE{
+ service6 [1] IMPLICIT Service6,--See Section 6.4.2 for encoding
+ request6 [2] IMPLICIT Request6
+ }
+ Request6 ::= BIT STRING{
+ delayInterval(0)
+ }
+ RequestMemorySlot ::= BIT STRING{
+ incoming(0),
+ outgoing(1)
+ }
+ RedirectingPartyID ::= [43] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- range - 3 - 15 digits
+ RedirectionInformation ::= [44] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2))
+ ResourceType ::= [45] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..127)
+ ResultCause ::= [151] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ confServiceActivated(0),
+ confServiceDeactivatedorCancelled(1),
+ confAnonymousEntryAdded(2),
+ confPublicEntryAdded(3),
+ confAnonymousEntryRemoved(4),
+ confPublicEntryRemoved(5),
+ confAllAnonymousEntriesRemoved(6),
+ confAllEntriesRemoved(7),
+ confForwardingDnSet(8),
+ confForwardingDnCleared(9),
+ confDelayIntervalUpdated(10),
+ confInterdigitTimerOn(11),
+ confInterdigitTimerOff(12),
+ confDPConverterOn(13),
+ confDPConverterOff(14),
+ deniedServiceAlreadyActive(15),
+ deniedServiceNotActivated(16),
+ deniedInvalidForwardingDn(17),
+ deniedPermanentPresentationPrivate(18),
+ deniedPermanentPresentationPublic(19),
+ deniedListIsEmpty(20),
+ deniedListIsFull(21),
+ deniedAnonymousDnAlreadyOnList(22),
+ deniedPublicDnAlreadyOnList(23),
+ deniedNoMatch(24),
+ deniedDnNotOnList(25),
+ deniedIncomingMemorySlotEmpty(26),
+ deniedUnsuccessfulUpdate(27)
+ }
+ RTPReroutingNumber::= [143] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- Range - 3 - 15 digits
+ RTPServiceIndicator ::= [144] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1))
+ Sap ::= [81] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..10))
+ SecondAlternateBillingIndicator ::= [46] IMPLICIT BillingIndicator
+ SecondAlternateCarrier ::= [47] IMPLICIT CarrierFormat
+ -- range - 4 digits
+ SecondAlternateTrunkGroup ::= [48] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(5))
+ SecurityEnvelope ::= [85] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(3..75))
+ ServiceContext ::= [83] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..32767)
+ ServiceProviderID ::= CHOICE{
+ ocn Ocn,
+ msrID MsrID
+ }
+ Ocn ::= [87] IMPLICIT IA5String(SIZE(4..8))
+ MsrID ::= [106] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 10 digits
+ --identifies the Message Storage and Retrieval System
+ SignalingPointCode ::= [142] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(3))
+ --See Figure 1B of Chapter T1.111.4 of GR-246-CORE
+ -- for the definition of the contents of the SignalingPointCode OCTET STRING.
+ Spid ::= [49] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(3..20))
+ --This parameter includes a character string with 3 - 20 IA5 characters,
+ --the last 2 are required to be numeric in the range of 00 - 62.
+ SubsystemNumber ::= [130] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..255)
+ --See Chapter T1.112.3 of GR-246-CORE for values of this parameter
+ SrhrGroupID ::= [77] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..32767)
+ SSPResponseMessageTimerT1 ::= [166] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..300)
+ --Units of tenths of seconds
+ StatusCause ::= [66] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ statusMatch(0),
+ timeOut(1),
+ error(2)
+ }
+ STRConnection ::= [96] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN
+ -- TRUE = reported event caused by Send_To_Resource
+ -- FALSE = reported event not caused by Send_To_Resource
+ StrParameterBlock ::= [50] CHOICE {
+ announcementBlock [0] IMPLICIT AnnouncementBlock,
+ announcementDigitBlock [1] IMPLICIT AnnouncementDigitBlock,
+ flexParameterBlock [2] IMPLICIT FlexParameterBlock
+ }
+ AnnouncementBlock ::= SEQUENCE{
+ uninterAnnounceBlock [1] IMPLICIT UninterAnnounceBlock OPTIONAL,
+ interAnnounceBlock [2] IMPLICIT InterAnnounceBlock OPTIONAL
+ }
+ UninterAnnounceBlock ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..10) OF AnnounceElement
+ InterAnnounceBlock ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..10) OF AnnounceElement
+ AnnounceElement ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(3..131))
+ AnnouncementDigitBlock ::= SEQUENCE{
+ maximumDigits [0] IMPLICIT MaximumDigits,
+ uninterAnnounceBlock [1] IMPLICIT UninterAnnounceBlock OPTIONAL,
+ interAnnounceBlock [2] IMPLICIT InterAnnounceBlock OPTIONAL
+ }
+ MaximumDigits ::= INTEGER(0..255)
+ -- range: 0 - 32 is "fixed number of digits" (e.g., 5 means collect 5 digits)
+ -- 33 - 252 is spare
+ -- 253 is "normal number of digits"
+ -- 254 is "variable number of digits"
+ -- 255 is spare
+ FlexParameterBlock ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..120))
+ Tcm ::= [51] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- Range 1 - 4 digits
+ TDTMFDigitString ::= [157] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ --The range is 1 - 4
+ TDTMFNumberOfDigits ::= [158] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..4)
+ TerminationIndicator ::= [67] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1))
+ TimeoutTimer ::= [139] IMPLICIT CHOICE{
+ intervalTime [0] IMPLICIT IntervalTime,
+ localSSPTime [1] IMPLICIT LocalSSPTime,
+ absoluteSCPTime [2] IMPLICIT AbsoluteSCPTime
+ }
+ IntervalTime ::= INTEGER(1..86400)
+ --IntervalTime is in units of seconds
+ LocalSSPTime ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(7))
+ AbsoluteSCPTime ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(7))
+ TimerUpdated ::= [167] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ success(0),
+ failure(1),
+ transaction-already-closed(2)
+ }
+ TNoAnswerTimer ::= [99] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..120)
+ TranslationType ::= [70] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..255)
+ --See Chapter T1.112.3 of GR-246-CORE for values of this parameter
+ TriggerCriteriaFlag ::= [68] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2))
+ TriggerCriteriaType ::= [52] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{
+ featureActivator(0),
+ verticalServiceCode(1),
+ customizedAccess(2),
+ customizedIntercom(3),
+ npa(4),
+ npaNXX(5),
+ nxx(6),
+ nxxXXXX(7),
+ npaNXXXXXX(8),
+ countryCodeNPANXXXXXX(9),
+ carrierAccess(10),
+ prefixes(11),
+ n11(12),
+ aFR(13),
+ sharedIOTrunk(14),
+ terminationAttempt(15),
+ offHookImmediate(16),
+ offHookDelay(17),
+ channelSetupPRI(18),
+ npaN(19),
+ npaNX(20),
+ npaNXXX(21),
+ npaNXXXX(22),
+ npaNXXXXX(23),
+ networkBusy(24),
+ tNoAnswer(25),
+ tBusy(26),
+ oCalledPartyBusy(27),
+ specificFeatureCode(28),
+ oNoAnswer(29),
+ priNetworkServices(30),
+ oSwitchHookFlashImmediate(31),
+ oFeatureActivator(32),
+ oSwitchHookFlashSpecifiedCode(33),
+ tSwitchHookFlashImmediate(34),
+ tFeatureActivator(35),
+ tSwitchHookFlashSpecifiedCode(36),
+ numberPortability(37),
+ onePlus(38),
+ specifiedCarrier(39),
+ international(40),
+ zeroPlus(41),
+ zeroMinus(42),
+ localNumberPortabilityPORC(43),
+ localNumberPortabilityPORCdonor(44),
+ reserved(45),
+ termResourceAvailable(46),
+ officePublicFeatureCode(47),
+ trunkGroup(48),
+ dedicatedTrunkGroup(49),
+ reserved(50)
+ }
+ TSTRCTimer ::= [156] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..300)
+ --Units of minutes
+ UserID ::= [53] CHOICE{
+ dn [1] IMPLICIT Dn,
+ spid Spid,
+ dn Dn
+ }, --BRI(ISDNI)
+ trunkGroupID [5] IMPLICIT TrunkGroupID,
+ privateFacilityGID [6] IMPLICIT PrivateFacilityGID,
+ }
+ TriggerInformation ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..31))
+ TrunkGroupID ::= INTEGER(0..9999)
+ PrivateFacilityGID ::= INTEGER(0..9999)
+ VerticalServiceCode ::= [54] IMPLICIT AINDigits
+ -- Maximum 10 characters; the 1st character may be a * or digit.
+ --The remaining characters are always digits.
+ WakeUpDuration ::= [131] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..999)
diff --git a/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/CMakeLists.txt b/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ca29366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# CMakeLists.txt
+# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+# By Gerald Combs <>
+# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+set( PROTOCOL_NAME ain )
+set( PROTO_OPT )
+ ../ros/Remote-Operations-Information-Objects.asn
+ ../ros/Remote-Operations-Generic-ROS-PDUs.asn
+ AIN-Operations.asn
+ AIN-Errors.asn
+ AIN-Parameters.asn
+ packet-${PROTOCOL_NAME}-template.c
+set( A2W_FLAGS -b )
diff --git a/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/ain.cnf b/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/ain.cnf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ed7ab7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/ain.cnf
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+# ain.cnf
+# ain conformation file
+# Removed as they are giving 'defined but not used' warnings currently.
+DisplayInformation/notificationIndicator displayInformation_notificationIndicator
+Reject/problem/invoke invokeproblem
+Action8/invoke action8_invoke
+#.OMIT_ASSIGNMENT Remote-Operations-Information-Objects
+# This table creates the value_sting to name AIN operation codes and errors
+# in file packet-ain-table.c which is included in the template file
+const value_string ain_opr_code_strings[] = {
+#.TABLE_BODY OPERATION.&operationCode
+ { %(&operationCode)-40s, "%(_ident)s" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string ain_err_code_string_vals[] = {
+#.TABLE_BODY ERROR.&errorCode
+ { %(&errorCode)-40s, "%(_ident)s" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+# This table creates the switch() to branch on AIN operation codes and errors
+# in file packet-ain-table2.c which is included in the template file
+static int dissect_invokeData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, asn1_ctx_t *actx) {
+ switch(opcode){
+ case %(&operationCode)s: /* %(_ident)s */
+ offset= %(_argument_pdu)s(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ proto_tree_add_expert_format(tree, actx->pinfo, &ei_ain_unknown_invokeData,
+ tvb, offset, -1, "Unknown invokeData %d", opcode);
+ /* todo call the asn.1 dissector */
+ break;
+ }
+ return offset;
+static int dissect_returnResultData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,asn1_ctx_t *actx) {
+ switch(opcode){
+ case %(&operationCode)s: /* %(_ident)s */
+ offset= %(_result_pdu)s(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ proto_tree_add_expert_format(tree, actx->pinfo, &ei_ain_unknown_returnResultData,
+ tvb, offset, -1, "Unknown returnResultData %d", opcode);
+ }
+ return offset;
+static int dissect_returnErrorData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,asn1_ctx_t *actx) {
+ switch(errorCode) {
+#.TABLE2_BODY ERROR.&ParameterType
+ case %(&errorCode)s: /* %(_ident)s */
+ offset= %(_parameter_pdu)s(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ proto_tree_add_expert_format(tree, actx->pinfo, &ei_ain_unknown_returnErrorData,
+ tvb, offset, -1, "Unknown returnErrorData %d", opcode);
+ }
+ return offset;
+# Create a table of opcode and corresponding args and res
+typedef struct _ain_op_t {
+ gint32 opcode;
+ dissector_t arg_pdu;
+ dissector_t res_pdu;
+} ain_op_t;
+static const ain_op_t ain_op_tab[] = {
+#.TABLE11_BODY OPERATION.&operationCode
+ /* %(_name)-31s */ { %(&operationCode)-40s, %(_argument_pdu)-45s, %(_result_pdu)s },
+typedef struct _ain_err_t {
+ gint32 errcode;
+ dissector_t err_pdu;
+} ain_err_t;
+static const ain_err_t ain_err_tab[] = {
+#.TABLE11_BODY ERROR.&errorCode
+ /* %(_name)-30s */ { %(&errorCode)4s, %(_parameter_pdu)s },
+# ROS stuff here XXX change when TCAP is redone.
+#.FN_BODY Code/local VAL_PTR = &opcode
+ if (ain_opcode_type == AIN_OPCODE_RETURN_ERROR){
+ errorCode = opcode;
+ col_append_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, val_to_str(errorCode, ain_err_code_string_vals, "Unknown AIN error (%%u)"));
+ col_append_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " ");
+ col_set_fence(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO);
+ }else{
+ col_append_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, val_to_str(opcode, ain_opr_code_strings, "Unknown AIN (%%u)"));
+ col_append_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " ");
+ col_set_fence(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO);
+ }
+#.FN_HDR Invoke
+ ain_opcode_type=AIN_OPCODE_INVOKE;
+#.FN_HDR ReturnResult
+ ain_opcode_type=AIN_OPCODE_RETURN_RESULT;
+#.FN_HDR ReturnError
+ ain_opcode_type=AIN_OPCODE_RETURN_ERROR;
+#.FN_HDR Reject
+ ain_opcode_type=AIN_OPCODE_REJECT;
+#.FN_BODY Invoke/argument
+ offset = dissect_invokeData(tree, tvb, offset, actx);
+#.FN_BODY ReturnResult/result/result
+ offset = dissect_returnResultData(tree, tvb, offset, actx);
+#.FN_BODY ReturnError/parameter
+ offset = dissect_returnErrorData(tree, tvb, offset, actx);
+#.FN_PARS ExtensionParameter/assignmentAuthority
+ FN_VARIANT = _str HF_INDEX = hf_ain_ext_type_oid VAL_PTR = &actx->external.direct_reference
+#.FN_BODY ExtensionParameter/parameters
+ offset=call_ber_oid_callback(actx->external.direct_reference, tvb, offset, actx->pinfo, tree, NULL);
+#.FN_BODY AINDigits VAL_PTR = &parameter_tvb
+ tvbuff_t *parameter_tvb;
+ proto_tree *subtree;
+ if (!parameter_tvb)
+ return offset;
+ subtree = proto_item_add_subtree(actx->created_item, ett_ain_digits);
+ proto_tree_add_item(subtree, hf_ain_odd_even_indicator, parameter_tvb, 0, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ proto_tree_add_item(subtree, hf_ain_nature_of_address, parameter_tvb, 0, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ proto_tree_add_item(subtree, hf_ain_numbering_plan, parameter_tvb, 1, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ proto_tree_add_item(subtree, hf_ain_bcd_digits, parameter_tvb, 2, tvb_reported_length_remaining(parameter_tvb, 2), ENC_BCD_DIGITS_0_9);
+#.FN_BODY CarrierFormat VAL_PTR = &parameter_tvb
+ tvbuff_t *parameter_tvb;
+ proto_tree *subtree;
+ if (!parameter_tvb)
+ return offset;
+ subtree = proto_item_add_subtree(actx->created_item, ett_ain_carrierformat);
+ /* Carrier Selection */
+ proto_tree_add_item(subtree, hf_ain_carrier_selection, parameter_tvb, 0, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ /* Nature of Carrier Number of Digits (always 4 )*/
+ proto_tree_add_item(subtree, hf_ain_nature_of_carrier, parameter_tvb, 1, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ proto_tree_add_item(subtree, hf_ain_nr_digits, parameter_tvb, 1, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ /* 2nd Digit 1st Digit .. */
+ proto_tree_add_item(subtree, hf_ain_carrier_bcd_digits, parameter_tvb, 2, tvb_reported_length_remaining(parameter_tvb, 2), ENC_BCD_DIGITS_0_9);
+#.FN_BODY AMAslpID VAL_PTR = &parameter_tvb
+ tvbuff_t *parameter_tvb;
+ proto_tree *subtree;
+ if (!parameter_tvb)
+ return offset;
+ subtree = proto_item_add_subtree(actx->created_item, ett_ain_amaslpid);
+ proto_tree_add_item(subtree, hf_ain_amaslpid, parameter_tvb, 0, tvb_reported_length_remaining(parameter_tvb, 0), ENC_BCD_DIGITS_0_9);
+DisplayInformation/notificationIndicator ABBREV=displayInformation.notificationIndicator
+Reject/problem/invoke ABBREV=invokeproblem
+Action8/invoke ABBREV=action8.invoke
+# Editor modelines -
+# Local variables:
+# c-basic-offset: 2
+# tab-width: 8
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
+# vi: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=8 expandtab:
+# :indentSize=2:tabSize=8:noTabs=true:
diff --git a/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/packet-ain-template.c b/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/packet-ain-template.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf64e68a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/dissectors/asn1/ain/packet-ain-template.c
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* packet-ain-template.c
+* Routines for AIN
+* Copyright 2018, Anders Broman <>
+* Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+* By Gerald Combs <>
+* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+* Ref
+* GR-1299-CORE
+#include "config.h"
+#include <epan/packet.h>
+#include <epan/oids.h>
+#include <epan/asn1.h>
+#include <epan/expert.h>
+#include "packet-ber.h"
+#include "packet-ansi_tcap.h"
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+ * This is meant to handle dissect_ain_ROS' defined but not used.
+ *
+ * DIAG_OFF doesn't work with llvm-gcc, for some unknown reason, so
+ * we just use the pragma directly.
+ */
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
+#define PNAME "Advanced Intelligent Network"
+#define PSNAME "AIN"
+#define PFNAME "ain"
+void proto_register_ain(void);
+void proto_reg_handoff_ain(void);
+/* Initialize the protocol and registered fields */
+static int proto_ain = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t ain_handle;
+/* include constants */
+#include "packet-ain-val.h"
+static int hf_ain_ext_type_oid = -1;
+static int hf_ain_odd_even_indicator = -1;
+static int hf_ain_nature_of_address = -1;
+static int hf_ain_numbering_plan = -1;
+static int hf_ain_bcd_digits = -1;
+static int hf_ain_carrier_selection = -1;
+static int hf_ain_nature_of_carrier = -1;
+static int hf_ain_nr_digits = -1;
+static int hf_ain_carrier_bcd_digits = -1;
+static int hf_ain_amaslpid = -1;
+#include "packet-ain-hf.c"
+/* Initialize the subtree pointers */
+static int ett_ain = -1;
+static int ett_ain_digits = -1;
+static int ett_ain_carrierformat = -1;
+static int ett_ain_amaslpid = -1;
+#include "packet-ain-ett.c"
+static expert_field ei_ain_unknown_invokeData = EI_INIT;
+static expert_field ei_ain_unknown_returnResultData = EI_INIT;
+static expert_field ei_ain_unknown_returnErrorData = EI_INIT;
+/* Global variables */
+static guint32 opcode = 0;
+static guint32 errorCode = 0;
+//static const char *obj_id = NULL;
+static int ain_opcode_type;
+/* Forvard declarations */
+static int dissect_invokeData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_);
+static int dissect_returnResultData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_);
+static int dissect_returnErrorData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, asn1_ctx_t *actx);
+static const value_string ain_np_vals[] = {
+ { 0, "Unknown or not applicable"},
+ { 1, "ISDN Numbering Plan (ITU Rec. E.164)"},
+ { 2, "Telephony Numbering (ITU-T Rec. E.164,E.163)"},
+ { 3, "Data Numbering (ITU-T Rec. X.121)"},
+ { 4, "Telex Numbering (ITU-T Rec. F.69)"},
+ { 5, "Maritime Mobile Numbering"},
+ { 6, "Land Mobile Numbering (ITU-T Rec. E.212)"},
+ { 7, "Private Numbering Plan"},
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string ain_carrier_selection_vals[] = {
+ { 0, "No indication"},
+ { 1, "Selected carrier identification code presubscribed and not input by calling party"},
+ { 2, "Selected carrier identification code presubscribed and input by calling party"},
+ { 3, "Selected carrier identification code presubscribed, no indication of whether input by calling party"},
+ { 4, "Selected carrier identification code not presubscribed and input by calling party"},
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string ain_nature_of_carrier_vals[] = {
+ { 0, "No NOC Provided"},
+ { 1, "local"},
+ { 2, "intraLATA toll"},
+ { 3, "interLATA"},
+ { 4, "local, intraLATA toll and interLATA"},
+ { 5, "local and intraLATA toll"},
+ { 6, "intraLATA toll and interLATA"},
+ { 0, NULL }
+#include "packet-ain-table.c"
+#include "packet-ain-fn.c"
+#include "packet-ain-table2.c"
+static int
+dissect_ain(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *parent_tree, void *data _U_)
+ proto_item *ain_item;
+ proto_tree *ain_tree = NULL;
+ struct ansi_tcap_private_t *p_private_tcap = (struct ansi_tcap_private_t *)data;
+ asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
+ asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
+ /* The TCAP dissector should have provided data but didn't so reject it. */
+ if (data == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ /*
+ * Make entry in the Protocol column on summary display
+ */
+ col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "AIN");
+ /*
+ * create the AIN protocol tree
+ */
+ ain_item = proto_tree_add_item(parent_tree, proto_ain, tvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA);
+ ain_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ain_item, ett_ain);
+ switch (p_private_tcap->d.pdu) {
+ /*
+ 1 : invoke,
+ 2 : returnResult,
+ 3 : returnError,
+ 4 : reject
+ */
+ case 1:
+ opcode = p_private_tcap->d.OperationCode_private;
+ /*ansi_map_is_invoke = TRUE;*/
+ col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "%s Invoke ", val_to_str(opcode, ain_opr_code_strings, "Unknown AIN PDU (%u)"));
+ proto_item_append_text(p_private_tcap->d.OperationCode_item, " %s", val_to_str(opcode, ain_opr_code_strings, "Unknown AIN PDU (%u)"));
+ dissect_invokeData(ain_tree, tvb, 0, &asn1_ctx);
+ /*update_saved_invokedata(pinfo, p_private_tcap);*/
+ break;
+ //case 2:
+ // opcode = find_saved_invokedata(&asn1_ctx, p_private_tcap);
+ // col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "%s ReturnResult ", val_to_str_ext(opcode, &ansi_map_opr_code_strings_ext, "Unknown ANSI-MAP PDU (%u)"));
+ // proto_item_append_text(p_private_tcap->d.OperationCode_item, " %s", val_to_str_ext(opcode, &ansi_map_opr_code_strings_ext, "Unknown ANSI-MAP PDU (%u)"));
+ // dissect_returnData(ain_tree, tvb, 0, &asn1_ctx);
+ // break;
+ case 3:
+ col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "%s ReturnError ", val_to_str(opcode, ain_opr_code_strings, "Unknown AIN PDU (%u)"));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "%s Reject ", val_to_str(opcode, ain_opr_code_strings, "Unknown AIN PDU (%u)"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Must be Invoke ReturnResult ReturnError or Reject */
+ break;
+ }
+ return tvb_captured_length(tvb);
+void proto_reg_handoff_ain(void) {
+ /*static gboolean ain_prefs_initialized = FALSE;*/
+ /*static range_t *ssn_range;*/
+void proto_register_ain(void) {
+ /* List of fields */
+ static hf_register_info hf[] = {
+ { &hf_ain_ext_type_oid,
+ { "AssignmentAuthority", "ain.ext_type_oid",
+ "Type of ExtensionParameter", HFILL } },
+ { &hf_ain_odd_even_indicator,
+ { "Odd/even indicator", "ain.odd_even_indicator",
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&tfs_odd_even), 0x80,
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_ain_nature_of_address,
+ { "Nature of address", "ain.nature_of_address",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_ain_numbering_plan,
+ { "Numbering plan", "ain.numbering_plan",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(ain_np_vals), 0x70,
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_ain_bcd_digits,
+ { "BCD digits", "ain.bcd_digits",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_ain_carrier_selection,
+ { "Carrier Selection", "ain.carrier_selection",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(ain_carrier_selection_vals), 0x0,
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_ain_nature_of_carrier,
+ { "Nature of Carrier", "ain.nature_of_carrier",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(ain_nature_of_carrier_vals), 0xf0,
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_ain_nr_digits,
+ { "Number of Digits", "ain.nature_of_carrier",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_ain_carrier_bcd_digits,
+ { "Carrier digits", "ain.carrier_bcd_digits",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_ain_amaslpid,
+ { "AMAslpID", "ain.amaslpid",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+#include "packet-ain-hfarr.c"
+ };
+ /* List of subtrees */
+ static gint *ett[] = {
+ &ett_ain,
+ &ett_ain_digits,
+ &ett_ain_carrierformat,
+ &ett_ain_amaslpid,
+#include "packet-ain-ettarr.c"
+ };
+ static ei_register_info ei[] = {
+ { &ei_ain_unknown_invokeData,{ "ain.unknown.invokeData", PI_MALFORMED, PI_WARN, "Unknown invokeData", EXPFILL } },
+ { &ei_ain_unknown_returnResultData,{ "ain.unknown.returnResultData", PI_MALFORMED, PI_WARN, "Unknown returnResultData", EXPFILL } },
+ { &ei_ain_unknown_returnErrorData,{ "ain.unknown.returnErrorData", PI_MALFORMED, PI_WARN, "Unknown returnResultData", EXPFILL } },
+ };
+ expert_module_t* expert_ain;
+ /* Register protocol */
+ proto_ain = proto_register_protocol(PNAME, PSNAME, PFNAME);
+ ain_handle = register_dissector("ain", dissect_ain, proto_ain);
+ /* Register fields and subtrees */
+ proto_register_field_array(proto_ain, hf, array_length(hf));
+ proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ expert_ain = expert_register_protocol(proto_ain);
+ expert_register_field_array(expert_ain, ei, array_length(ei));
+* Editor modelines
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