path: root/doc/man_pages/udpdump.adoc
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+= udpdump(1)
+:doctype: manpage
+:stylesheet: ws.css
+:copycss: {css_dir}/{stylesheet}
+== NAME
+udpdump - Provide a UDP receiver that gets packets from network devices (like Aruba routers) and exports them in PCAP format.
+[ *--help* ]
+[ *--version* ]
+[ *--extcap-interfaces* ]
+[ *--extcap-dlts* ]
+[ *--extcap-interface*=<interface> ]
+[ *--extcap-config* ]
+[ *--capture* ]
+[ *--fifo*=<path to file or pipe> ]
+[ *--port*=<port> ]
+[ *--payload*=<type> ]
+*udpdump* is a extcap tool that provides a UDP receiver that listens for exported datagrams coming from
+any source (like Aruba routers) and exports them in PCAP format. This provides the user two basic
+functionalities: the first one is to have a listener that prevents the localhost to send back an ICMP
+port-unreachable packet. The second one is to strip out the lower layers (layer 2, IP, UDP) that are useless
+(are used just as export vector). The format of the exported datagrams are EXPORTED_PDU, as specified in
+Print program arguments.
+Print program version.
+List available interfaces.
+Use specified interfaces.
+List DLTs of specified interface.
+List configuration options of specified interface.
+Start capturing from specified interface save saved it in place specified by --fifo.
+--fifo=<path to file or pipe>::
+Save captured packet to file or send it through pipe.
+Set the listener port. Port 5555 is the default.
+Set the payload of the exported PDU. Default: data.
+To see program arguments:
+ udpdump --help
+To see program version:
+ udpdump --version
+To see interfaces:
+ udpdump --extcap-interfaces
+.Example output
+ interface {value=udpdump}{display=UDP Listener remote capture}
+To see interface DLTs:
+ udpdump --extcap-interface=udpdump --extcap-dlts
+.Example output
+ dlt {number=252}{name=udpdump}{display=Exported PDUs}
+To see interface configuration options:
+ udpdump --extcap-interface=udpdump --extcap-config
+.Example output
+ arg {number=0}{call=--port}{display=Listen port}{type=unsigned}{range=1,65535}{default=5555}{tooltip=The port the receiver listens on}
+To capture:
+ udpdump --extcap-interface=randpkt --fifo=/tmp/randpkt.pcapng --capture
+NOTE: To stop capturing CTRL+C/kill/terminate the application.
+xref:wireshark.html[wireshark](1), xref:tshark.html[tshark](1), xref:dumpcap.html[dumpcap](1), xref:extcap.html[extcap](4)
+*udpdump* is part of the *Wireshark* distribution. The latest version
+of *Wireshark* can be found at
+HTML versions of the Wireshark project man pages are available at
+.Original Author
+Dario Lombardo <lomato[AT]>