path: root/epan/dissectors/packet-user_encap.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'epan/dissectors/packet-user_encap.c')
1 files changed, 305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/epan/dissectors/packet-user_encap.c b/epan/dissectors/packet-user_encap.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..164aca37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/dissectors/packet-user_encap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+/* packet-user_encap.c
+ * Allow users to specify the dissectors for DLTs
+ * Luis E. Garcia Ontanon <>
+ *
+ * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <>
+ * Copyright 1998
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <epan/packet.h>
+#include <epan/expert.h>
+#include <epan/prefs.h>
+#include <epan/uat.h>
+#include <epan/exported_pdu.h>
+#include <epan/tap.h>
+#include <wiretap/wtap.h>
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+/* disable: warning C4090: 'XY' : different 'const' qualifiers */
+#pragma warning(disable:4090)
+void proto_register_user_encap(void);
+void proto_reg_handoff_user_encap(void);
+typedef struct _user_encap_t {
+ guint encap;
+ char* payload_proto_name;
+ dissector_handle_t payload_proto;
+ char* header_proto_name;
+ dissector_handle_t header_proto;
+ char* trailer_proto_name;
+ dissector_handle_t trailer_proto;
+ guint header_size;
+ guint trailer_size;
+} user_encap_t;
+#define ENCAP0_STR "User 0 (DLT=147)"
+static const value_string user_dlts[] = {
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER1, "User 1 (DLT=148)"},
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER2, "User 2 (DLT=149)"},
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER3, "User 3 (DLT=150)"},
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER4, "User 4 (DLT=151)"},
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER5, "User 5 (DLT=152)"},
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER6, "User 6 (DLT=153)"},
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER7, "User 7 (DLT=154)"},
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER8, "User 8 (DLT=155)"},
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER9, "User 9 (DLT=156)"},
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER10, "User 10 (DLT=157)"},
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER11, "User 11 (DLT=158)"},
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER12, "User 12 (DLT=159)"},
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER13, "User 13 (DLT=160)"},
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER14, "User 14 (DLT=161)"},
+ { WTAP_ENCAP_USER15, "User 15 (DLT=162)"},
+ { 0, NULL }
+static int proto_user_encap = -1;
+static expert_field ei_user_encap_not_handled = EI_INIT;
+static user_encap_t* encaps = NULL;
+static guint num_encaps = 0;
+static uat_t* encaps_uat;
+static gint exported_pdu_tap = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t user_encap_handle;
+ * Use this for DLT_USER2 if we don't have an encapsulation for it.
+ */
+static user_encap_t user2_encap = {WTAP_ENCAP_USER2, "pktap", NULL, "", NULL, "", NULL, 0, 0};
+static void export_pdu(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info* pinfo, char *proto_name)
+ if (have_tap_listener(exported_pdu_tap)) {
+ static const exp_pdu_data_item_t *user_encap_exp_pdu_items[] = {
+ &exp_pdu_data_orig_frame_num,
+ };
+ exp_pdu_data_t *exp_pdu_data = export_pdu_create_tags(pinfo, proto_name, EXP_PDU_TAG_DISSECTOR_NAME, user_encap_exp_pdu_items);
+ exp_pdu_data->tvb_captured_length = tvb_captured_length(tvb);
+ exp_pdu_data->tvb_reported_length = tvb_reported_length(tvb);
+ exp_pdu_data->pdu_tvb = tvb;
+ tap_queue_packet(exported_pdu_tap, pinfo, exp_pdu_data);
+ }
+static int dissect_user(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, void* data _U_) {
+ user_encap_t* encap = NULL;
+ tvbuff_t* payload_tvb;
+ proto_item* item;
+ gint len, reported_len;
+ guint i;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_encaps; i++) {
+ if (encaps[i].encap == pinfo->match_uint) {
+ encap = &(encaps[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ item = proto_tree_add_item(tree,proto_user_encap,tvb,0,-1,ENC_NA);
+ if (!encap && pinfo->match_uint == WTAP_ENCAP_USER2) {
+ /*
+ * Special-case DLT_USER2 - Apple hijacked it for use as DLT_PKTAP.
+ * The user hasn't assigned anything to it, so default it to
+ * the PKTAP dissector.
+ */
+ encap = &user2_encap;
+ }
+ if (!encap) {
+ char* msg = wmem_strdup_printf(pinfo->pool,
+ "User encapsulation not handled: DLT=%d, "
+ "check your Preferences->Protocols->DLT_USER",
+ pinfo->match_uint + 147 - WTAP_ENCAP_USER0);
+ proto_item_set_text(item,"%s",msg);
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_user_encap_not_handled, "%s", msg);
+ call_data_dissector(tvb, pinfo, tree);
+ return tvb_captured_length(tvb);
+ }
+ if (encap->payload_proto == NULL) {
+ char* msg = wmem_strdup_printf(pinfo->pool,
+ "User encapsulation's protocol %s not found: "
+ "DLT=%d, check your Preferences->Protocols->DLT_USER",
+ encap->payload_proto_name,
+ pinfo->match_uint + 147 - WTAP_ENCAP_USER0);
+ proto_item_set_text(item,"%s",msg);
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_user_encap_not_handled, "%s", msg);
+ call_data_dissector(tvb, pinfo, tree);
+ return tvb_captured_length(tvb);
+ }
+ proto_item_set_text(item,"DLT: %d",pinfo->match_uint + 147 - WTAP_ENCAP_USER0);
+ if (encap->header_size) {
+ tvbuff_t* hdr_tvb = tvb_new_subset_length(tvb, 0, encap->header_size);
+ export_pdu(hdr_tvb, pinfo, encap->header_proto_name);
+ call_dissector(encap->header_proto, hdr_tvb, pinfo, tree);
+ if (encap->header_proto_name) {
+ const char *proto_name = dissector_handle_get_protocol_long_name(encap->header_proto);
+ if (proto_name) {
+ proto_item_append_text(item, ", Header: %s (%s)", encap->header_proto_name, proto_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ len = tvb_captured_length(tvb) - (encap->header_size + encap->trailer_size);
+ reported_len = tvb_reported_length(tvb) - (encap->header_size + encap->trailer_size);
+ payload_tvb = tvb_new_subset_length_caplen(tvb, encap->header_size, len, reported_len);
+ export_pdu(payload_tvb, pinfo, encap->payload_proto_name);
+ call_dissector(encap->payload_proto, payload_tvb, pinfo, tree);
+ if (encap->payload_proto_name) {
+ const char *proto_name = dissector_handle_get_protocol_long_name(encap->payload_proto);
+ if (proto_name) {
+ proto_item_append_text(item, ", Payload: %s (%s)", encap->payload_proto_name, proto_name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (encap->trailer_size) {
+ tvbuff_t* trailer_tvb = tvb_new_subset_length(tvb, encap->header_size + len, encap->trailer_size);
+ export_pdu(trailer_tvb, pinfo, encap->trailer_proto_name);
+ call_dissector(encap->trailer_proto, trailer_tvb, pinfo, tree);
+ if (encap->trailer_proto_name) {
+ const char *proto_name = dissector_handle_get_protocol_long_name(encap->trailer_proto);
+ if (proto_name) {
+ proto_item_append_text(item, ", Trailer: %s (%s)", encap->trailer_proto_name, proto_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return tvb_captured_length(tvb);
+static void* user_copy_cb(void* dest, const void* orig, size_t len _U_)
+ const user_encap_t *o = (const user_encap_t *)orig;
+ user_encap_t *d = (user_encap_t *)dest;
+ d->encap = o->encap;
+ d->payload_proto_name = g_strdup(o->payload_proto_name);
+ d->payload_proto = o->payload_proto;
+ d->header_proto_name = g_strdup(o->header_proto_name);
+ d->header_proto = o->header_proto;
+ d->trailer_proto_name = g_strdup(o->trailer_proto_name);
+ d->trailer_proto = o->trailer_proto;
+ d->header_size = o->header_size;
+ d->trailer_size = o->trailer_size;
+ return d;
+static void user_free_cb(void* record)
+ user_encap_t *u = (user_encap_t *)record;
+ g_free(u->payload_proto_name);
+ g_free(u->header_proto_name);
+ g_free(u->trailer_proto_name);
+UAT_VS_DEF(user_encap, encap, user_encap_t, guint, WTAP_ENCAP_USER0, ENCAP0_STR)
+UAT_DISSECTOR_DEF(user_encap, payload_proto, payload_proto, payload_proto_name, user_encap_t)
+UAT_DEC_CB_DEF(user_encap, header_size, user_encap_t)
+UAT_DISSECTOR_DEF(user_encap, header_proto, header_proto, header_proto_name, user_encap_t)
+UAT_DEC_CB_DEF(user_encap, trailer_size, user_encap_t)
+UAT_DISSECTOR_DEF(user_encap, trailer_proto, trailer_proto, trailer_proto_name, user_encap_t)
+void proto_reg_handoff_user_encap(void)
+ guint i;
+ user2_encap.payload_proto = find_dissector("pktap");
+ for (i = WTAP_ENCAP_USER0; i <= WTAP_ENCAP_USER15; i++)
+ dissector_add_uint("wtap_encap", i, user_encap_handle);
+void proto_register_user_encap(void)
+ module_t *module;
+ expert_module_t* expert_user_encap;
+ static uat_field_t user_flds[] = {
+ UAT_FLD_VS(user_encap,encap,"DLT",user_dlts,"The DLT"),
+ UAT_FLD_DISSECTOR(user_encap,payload_proto,"Payload dissector",
+ "Dissector to be used for the payload of this DLT"),
+ UAT_FLD_DEC(user_encap,header_size,"Header size",
+ "Size of an eventual header that precedes the actual payload, 0 means none"),
+ UAT_FLD_DISSECTOR(user_encap,header_proto,"Header dissector",
+ "Dissector to be used for the header (empty = data)"),
+ UAT_FLD_DEC(user_encap,trailer_size,"Trailer size",
+ "Size of an eventual trailer that follows the actual payload, 0 means none"),
+ UAT_FLD_DISSECTOR(user_encap,trailer_proto,"Trailer dissector",
+ "Dissector to be used for the trailer (empty = data)"),
+ };
+ static ei_register_info ei[] = {
+ { &ei_user_encap_not_handled, { "user_dlt.not_handled", PI_UNDECODED, PI_WARN, "Formatted text", EXPFILL }},
+ };
+ proto_user_encap = proto_register_protocol("DLT User","DLT_USER","user_dlt");
+ expert_user_encap = expert_register_protocol(proto_user_encap);
+ expert_register_field_array(expert_user_encap, ei, array_length(ei));
+ module = prefs_register_protocol(proto_user_encap, NULL);
+ encaps_uat = uat_new("User DLTs Table",
+ sizeof(user_encap_t),
+ "user_dlts",
+ &encaps,
+ &num_encaps,
+ UAT_AFFECTS_DISSECTION, /* affects dissection of packets, but not set of named fields */
+ "ChUserDLTsSection",
+ user_copy_cb,
+ user_free_cb,
+ user_flds );
+ prefs_register_uat_preference(module,
+ "encaps_table",
+ "Encapsulations Table",
+ "A table that enumerates the various protocols to be used against a certain user DLT",
+ encaps_uat);
+ user_encap_handle = register_dissector("user_dlt",dissect_user,proto_user_encap);
+ /*
+ prefs_register_protocol_obsolete(proto_register_protocol("DLT User A","DLT_USER_A","user_dlt_a"));
+ prefs_register_protocol_obsolete(proto_register_protocol("DLT User B","DLT_USER_B","user_dlt_b"));
+ prefs_register_protocol_obsolete(proto_register_protocol("DLT User C","DLT_USER_C","user_dlt_c"));
+ prefs_register_protocol_obsolete(proto_register_protocol("DLT User D","DLT_USER_D","user_dlt_d"));
+ */
+ exported_pdu_tap = register_export_pdu_tap("DLT User");
+ * Editor modelines -
+ *
+ * Local variables:
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * tab-width: 8
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+ * End:
+ *
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+ * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true:
+ */