path: root/extcap/etw_ndiscap.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'extcap/etw_ndiscap.c')
1 files changed, 709 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extcap/etw_ndiscap.c b/extcap/etw_ndiscap.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7aab65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extcap/etw_ndiscap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+/* etw_ndiscap.c
+ *
+ * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <>
+ * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+* Reads IP packets from an Windows event trace logfile or an Windows event trace live session
+* and write out a pcap file with LINKTYPE_ETHERNET, LINKTYPE_RAW or LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11.
+* The major code of this file is from with some changes by Odysseus Yang.
+* The changes mainly include but not limited
+* 1. calling pcapng APIs instead of writing the data in the pcapng binary format by its own implementation in etl2pcapng.
+* 2. Optimize the process of adding pcapng interfaces so it doesn't need process the same Windows event trace logfile twice,
+ that not only impacts the performance, but also breaks Wireshark live capture function.
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <evntrace.h>
+#include <evntcons.h>
+#include <tdh.h>
+#include <strsafe.h>
+#include <winsock2.h>
+#include <netiodef.h>
+// inet_ipv6.h and netiodef.h define exactly the same stuff, like _IPV6_ROUTING_HEADER and IP6F_OFF_MASK.
+// So wiretap/wtap.h cannot be directly included in this file. Defines below three WTAP_ENCAP types with the value in wtap.h for compile
+#define WTAP_ENCAP_RAW_IP 7
+#define WTAP_ENCAP_IEEE_802_11 20
+// From the ndiscap manifest
+#define KW_MEDIA_WIRELESS_WAN 0x200
+#define KW_MEDIA_NATIVE_802_11 0x10000
+#define KW_PACKET_START 0x40000000
+#define KW_PACKET_END 0x80000000
+#define KW_SEND 0x100000000
+#define KW_RECEIVE 0x200000000
+#define tidPacketFragment 1001
+#define tidPacketMetadata 1002
+#define tidVMSwitchPacketFragment 1003
+// From:
+#pragma pack(push,8)
+typedef struct _NDIS_OBJECT_HEADER {
+ unsigned char Type;
+ unsigned char Revision;
+ unsigned short Size;
+typedef struct DOT11_EXTSTA_RECV_CONTEXT {
+ unsigned long uReceiveFlags;
+ unsigned long uPhyId;
+ unsigned long uChCenterFrequency;
+ unsigned short usNumberOfMPDUsReceived;
+ long lRSSI;
+ unsigned char ucDataRate;
+ unsigned long uSizeMediaSpecificInfo;
+ void *pvMediaSpecificInfo;
+ unsigned long long ullTimestamp;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+// From:
+#define DOT11_PHY_TYPE_NAMES_MAX 10
+static const char* DOT11_PHY_TYPE_NAMES[] = {
+ "Unknown", // dot11_phy_type_unknown = 0
+ "Fhss", // dot11_phy_type_fhss = 1
+ "Dsss", // dot11_phy_type_dsss = 2
+ "IrBaseband", // dot11_phy_type_irbaseband = 3
+ "802.11a", // dot11_phy_type_ofdm = 4
+ "802.11b", // dot11_phy_type_hrdsss = 5
+ "802.11g", // dot11_phy_type_erp = 6
+ "802.11n", // dot11_phy_type_ht = 7
+ "802.11ac", // dot11_phy_type_vht = 8
+ "802.11ad", // dot11_phy_type_dmg = 9
+ "802.11ax" // dot11_phy_type_he = 10
+unsigned long long NumFramesConverted = 0;
+char AuxFragBuf[MAX_PACKET_SIZE] = {0};
+unsigned long AuxFragBufOffset = 0;
+BOOLEAN AddWlanMetadata = false;
+typedef struct _NDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_8021Q_INFO {
+ union {
+ struct {
+ UINT32 UserPriority : 3; // 802.1p priority
+ UINT32 CanonicalFormatId : 1; // always 0
+ UINT32 VlanId : 12; // VLAN Identification
+ UINT32 Reserved : 16; // set to 0 for ethernet
+ } TagHeader;
+ struct {
+ UINT32 UserPriority : 3; // 802.1p priority
+ UINT32 CanonicalFormatId : 1; // always 0
+ UINT32 VlanId : 12; // VLAN Identification
+ UINT32 WMMInfo : 4;
+ UINT32 Reserved : 12; // set to 0 for Wireless LAN
+ } WLanTagHeader;
+ PVOID Value;
+ };
+// The max OOB data size might increase in the future. If it becomes larger than MaxNetBufferListInfo,
+// this tool will print a warning and the value of MaxNetBufferListInfo in the code should be increased.
+// From:
+#define MaxNetBufferListInfo 200
+#define Ieee8021QNetBufferListInfo 4
+PBYTE OobData[MaxNetBufferListInfo];
+typedef struct _VMSWITCH_SOURCE_INFO {
+ unsigned long SourcePortId;
+ char* SourcePortName;
+ char* SourceNicName;
+ char* SourceNicType;
+ unsigned long SourcePortId;
+ unsigned long DestinationCount;
+ short VlanId;
+BOOLEAN CurrentPacketIsVMSwitchPacketFragment = false;
+struct INTERFACE {
+ struct INTERFACE* Next;
+ unsigned long LowerIfIndex;
+ unsigned long MiniportIfIndex;
+ unsigned long PcapNgIfIndex;
+ int PktEncapType;
+ short VlanId;
+#define IFACE_HT_SIZE 100
+struct INTERFACE* InterfaceHashTable[IFACE_HT_SIZE] = {0};
+unsigned long NumInterfaces = 0;
+void wtap_etl_rec_dump(char* etl_record, ULONG total_packet_length, ULONG original_packet_length, unsigned int interface_id, BOOLEAN is_inbound, ULARGE_INTEGER timestamp, int pkt_encap, char* comment, unsigned short comment_length);
+void wtap_etl_add_interface(int pkt_encap, char* interface_name, unsigned short interface_name_length, char* interface_desc, unsigned short interface_desc_length);
+extern char g_err_info[FILENAME_MAX];
+extern int g_err;
+unsigned long HashInterface(unsigned long LowerIfIndex)
+ if (CurrentPacketIsVMSwitchPacketFragment) {
+ return VMSwitchPacketFragment.SourcePortId * (VMSwitchPacketFragment.VlanId + 1);
+ } else {
+ return LowerIfIndex;
+ }
+struct INTERFACE* GetInterface(unsigned long LowerIfIndex)
+ struct INTERFACE* Iface = InterfaceHashTable[HashInterface(LowerIfIndex) % IFACE_HT_SIZE];
+ while (Iface != NULL) {
+ if (CurrentPacketIsVMSwitchPacketFragment) {
+ if (Iface->IsVMNic &&
+ Iface->LowerIfIndex == LowerIfIndex &&
+ Iface->VlanId == VMSwitchPacketFragment.VlanId &&
+ Iface->VMNic.SourcePortId == VMSwitchPacketFragment.SourcePortId) {
+ return Iface;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!Iface->IsVMNic && Iface->LowerIfIndex == LowerIfIndex && Iface->VlanId == 0) {
+ return Iface;
+ }
+ }
+ Iface = Iface->Next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+struct INTERFACE* AddInterface(PEVENT_RECORD ev, unsigned long LowerIfIndex, unsigned long MiniportIfIndex, int Type)
+ struct INTERFACE** Iface = &InterfaceHashTable[HashInterface(LowerIfIndex) % IFACE_HT_SIZE];
+ struct INTERFACE* NewIface = malloc(sizeof(struct INTERFACE));
+#define IF_STRING_MAX_SIZE 128
+ char IfName[IF_STRING_MAX_SIZE];
+ size_t IfNameLength = 0;
+ char IfDesc[IF_STRING_MAX_SIZE];
+ size_t IfDescLength = 0;
+ //etw pcagng interface will be 0 always, network pcagng interface will start with 1
+ static PcapNgIfIndex = 1;
+ if (NewIface == NULL) {
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "malloc failed to allocate memory for NewIface");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ NewIface->LowerIfIndex = LowerIfIndex;
+ NewIface->MiniportIfIndex = MiniportIfIndex;
+ NewIface->PktEncapType = Type;
+ NewIface->VlanId = 0;
+ NewIface->IsVMNic = false;
+ if (CurrentPacketIsVMSwitchPacketFragment) {
+ NewIface->IsVMNic = true;
+ wchar_t Buffer[8192];
+ int Err;
+ // SourceNicName
+ Desc.PropertyName = (unsigned long long)(L"SourceNicName");
+ Desc.ArrayIndex = ULONG_MAX;
+ ULONG ParamNameSize = 0;
+ (void)TdhGetPropertySize(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, &ParamNameSize);
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourceNicName = malloc((ParamNameSize / sizeof(wchar_t)) + 1);
+ if (NewIface->VMNic.SourceNicName == NULL) {
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "malloc failed to allocate memory for NewIface->VMNic.SourceNicName");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ Err = TdhGetProperty(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, sizeof(Buffer), (PBYTE)Buffer);
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ Buffer[0] = L'\0';
+ }
+ Buffer[ParamNameSize / sizeof(wchar_t) + 1] = L'\0';
+ WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
+ 0,
+ Buffer,
+ -1,
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourceNicName,
+ ParamNameSize / sizeof(wchar_t) + 1,
+ NULL);
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourceNicName[wcslen(Buffer)] = '\0';
+ // SourcePortName
+ Desc.PropertyName = (unsigned long long)(L"SourcePortName");
+ Desc.ArrayIndex = ULONG_MAX;
+ (void)TdhGetPropertySize(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, &ParamNameSize);
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourcePortName = malloc((ParamNameSize / sizeof(wchar_t)) + 1);
+ if (NewIface->VMNic.SourcePortName == NULL) {
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "malloc failed to allocate memory for NewIface->VMNic.SourcePortName");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ Err = TdhGetProperty(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, sizeof(Buffer), (PBYTE)Buffer);
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ Buffer[0] = L'\0';
+ }
+ Buffer[ParamNameSize / sizeof(wchar_t) + 1] = L'\0';
+ WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
+ 0,
+ Buffer,
+ -1,
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourcePortName,
+ ParamNameSize / sizeof(wchar_t) + 1,
+ NULL);
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourcePortName[wcslen(Buffer)] = '\0';
+ // SourceNicType
+ Desc.PropertyName = (unsigned long long)(L"SourceNicType");
+ Desc.ArrayIndex = ULONG_MAX;
+ (void)TdhGetPropertySize(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, &ParamNameSize);
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourceNicType = malloc((ParamNameSize / sizeof(wchar_t)) + 1);
+ if (NewIface->VMNic.SourceNicType == NULL) {
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "malloc failed to allocate memory for NewIface->VMNic.SourceNicType");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ Err = TdhGetProperty(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, sizeof(Buffer), (PBYTE)Buffer);
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ Buffer[0] = L'\0';
+ }
+ Buffer[ParamNameSize / sizeof(wchar_t) + 1] = L'\0';
+ WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
+ 0,
+ Buffer,
+ -1,
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourceNicType,
+ ParamNameSize / sizeof(wchar_t) + 1,
+ NULL);
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourceNicType[wcslen(Buffer)] = '\0';
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourcePortId = VMSwitchPacketFragment.SourcePortId;
+ NewIface->VlanId = VMSwitchPacketFragment.VlanId;
+ }
+ NewIface->Next = *Iface;
+ *Iface = NewIface;
+ NumInterfaces++;
+ NewIface->PcapNgIfIndex = PcapNgIfIndex;
+ PcapNgIfIndex++;
+ memset(IfName, 0, sizeof(IfName));
+ memset(IfDesc, 0, sizeof(IfDesc));
+ switch (NewIface->PktEncapType) {
+ if (NewIface->IsVMNic) {
+ printf("IF: medium=%s\tID=%u\tIfIndex=%u\tVlanID=%i",
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourceNicType,
+ NewIface->PcapNgIfIndex,
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourcePortId,
+ NewIface->VlanId
+ );
+ StringCchPrintfA(
+ IfName,
+ "%s:%s:%lu:%i",
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourcePortName,
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourceNicType,
+ NewIface->VMNic.SourcePortId,
+ NewIface->VlanId
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("IF: medium=eth\tID=%u\tIfIndex=%u\tVlanID=%i", NewIface->PcapNgIfIndex, NewIface->LowerIfIndex, NewIface->VlanId);
+ StringCchPrintfA(IfName, IF_STRING_MAX_SIZE, "eth:%lu:%i", NewIface->LowerIfIndex, NewIface->VlanId);
+ }
+ break;
+ case WTAP_ENCAP_IEEE_802_11:
+ printf("IF: medium=wifi ID=%u\tIfIndex=%u", NewIface->PcapNgIfIndex, NewIface->LowerIfIndex);
+ StringCchPrintfA(IfName, IF_STRING_MAX_SIZE, "wifi:%lu", NewIface->LowerIfIndex);
+ break;
+ printf("IF: medium=mbb ID=%u\tIfIndex=%u", NewIface->PcapNgIfIndex, NewIface->LowerIfIndex);
+ StringCchPrintfA(IfName, IF_STRING_MAX_SIZE, "mbb:%lu", NewIface->LowerIfIndex);
+ break;
+ }
+ StringCchLengthA(IfName, IF_STRING_MAX_SIZE, &IfNameLength);
+ if (NewIface->LowerIfIndex != NewIface->MiniportIfIndex) {
+ printf("\t(LWF over IfIndex %u)", NewIface->MiniportIfIndex);
+ StringCchPrintfA(IfDesc, IF_STRING_MAX_SIZE, "LWF over IfIndex %lu", NewIface->MiniportIfIndex);
+ StringCchLengthA(IfDesc, IF_STRING_MAX_SIZE, &IfDescLength);
+ }
+ if (NewIface->VlanId != 0) {
+ StringCchPrintfA(IfDesc + IfDescLength, IF_STRING_MAX_SIZE, " VlanID=%i ", NewIface->VlanId);
+ StringCchLengthA(IfDesc, IF_STRING_MAX_SIZE, &IfDescLength);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ wtap_etl_add_interface(NewIface->PktEncapType, IfName, (unsigned short)IfNameLength, IfDesc, (unsigned short)IfDescLength);
+ return NewIface;
+void ParseVmSwitchPacketFragment(PEVENT_RECORD ev)
+ // Parse the current VMSwitch packet event for use elsewhere.
+ // NB: Here we only do per-packet parsing. For any event fields that only need to be
+ // parsed once and written into an INTERFACE, we do the parsing in AddInterface.
+ int Err;
+ // Get VLAN from OOB
+ unsigned long OobLength;
+ Desc.PropertyName = (unsigned long long)L"OOBDataSize";
+ Desc.ArrayIndex = ULONG_MAX;
+ Err = TdhGetProperty(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, sizeof(OobLength), (PBYTE)&OobLength);
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ g_err = Err;
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "TdhGetProperty OobLength failed, err is 0x%x", Err);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (OobLength > sizeof(OobData)) {
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "OOB data of %lu bytes too large to fit in hardcoded buffer of size %lu", OobLength, (unsigned long)sizeof(OobData));
+ return;
+ }
+ Desc.PropertyName = (unsigned long long)L"OOBData";
+ Desc.ArrayIndex = ULONG_MAX;
+ Err = TdhGetProperty(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, OobLength, (PBYTE)&OobData);
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ g_err = Err;
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "TdhGetProperty OobData failed, err is 0x%x", Err);
+ return;
+ }
+ pNblVlanInfo = (PNDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_8021Q_INFO)&OobData[Ieee8021QNetBufferListInfo];
+ VMSwitchPacketFragment.VlanId = pNblVlanInfo->TagHeader.VlanId;
+ // SourcePortId
+ Desc.PropertyName = (unsigned long long)L"SourcePortId";
+ Desc.ArrayIndex = ULONG_MAX;
+ Err = TdhGetProperty(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, sizeof(VMSwitchPacketFragment.SourcePortId), (PBYTE)&VMSwitchPacketFragment.SourcePortId);
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ g_err = Err;
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "TdhGetProperty SourcePortId failed, err is 0x%x", Err);
+ return;
+ }
+ // DestinationCount
+ Desc.PropertyName = (unsigned long long)L"DestinationCount";
+ Desc.ArrayIndex = ULONG_MAX;
+ Err = TdhGetProperty(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, sizeof(VMSwitchPacketFragment.DestinationCount), (PBYTE)&VMSwitchPacketFragment.DestinationCount);
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ g_err = Err;
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "TdhGetProperty DestinationCount failed, err is 0x%x", Err);
+ return;
+ }
+void etw_dump_write_ndiscap_event(PEVENT_RECORD ev, ULARGE_INTEGER timestamp)
+ int Err;
+ unsigned long LowerIfIndex;
+ struct INTERFACE* Iface;
+ unsigned long FragLength;
+ int Type;
+ unsigned long TotalFragmentLength;
+ unsigned long InferredOriginalFragmentLength = 0;
+ if ((ev->EventHeader.EventDescriptor.Id != tidPacketFragment &&
+ ev->EventHeader.EventDescriptor.Id != tidPacketMetadata &&
+ ev->EventHeader.EventDescriptor.Id != tidVMSwitchPacketFragment)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ CurrentPacketIsVMSwitchPacketFragment = (ev->EventHeader.EventDescriptor.Id == tidVMSwitchPacketFragment);
+ if (CurrentPacketIsVMSwitchPacketFragment) {
+ ParseVmSwitchPacketFragment(ev);
+ }
+ Desc.PropertyName = (unsigned long long)L"LowerIfIndex";
+ Desc.ArrayIndex = ULONG_MAX;
+ Err = TdhGetProperty(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, sizeof(LowerIfIndex), (PBYTE)&LowerIfIndex);
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ g_err = Err;
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "TdhGetProperty LowerIfIndex failed, err is 0x%x", Err);
+ return;
+ }
+ Iface = GetInterface(LowerIfIndex);
+ if (!!(ev->EventHeader.EventDescriptor.Keyword & KW_MEDIA_NATIVE_802_11)) {
+ Type = WTAP_ENCAP_IEEE_802_11;
+ } else if (!!(ev->EventHeader.EventDescriptor.Keyword & KW_MEDIA_WIRELESS_WAN)) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ // Record the IfIndex if it's a new one.
+ if (Iface == NULL) {
+ unsigned long MiniportIfIndex;
+ Desc.PropertyName = (unsigned long long)L"MiniportIfIndex";
+ Desc.ArrayIndex = ULONG_MAX;
+ Err = TdhGetProperty(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, sizeof(MiniportIfIndex), (PBYTE)&MiniportIfIndex);
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ g_err = Err;
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "TdhGetProperty MiniportIfIndex failed, err is 0x%x", Err);
+ return;
+ }
+ Iface = AddInterface(
+ ev,
+ LowerIfIndex,
+ MiniportIfIndex,
+ Type
+ );
+ } else if (Iface->PktEncapType != Type) {
+ printf("WARNING: inconsistent media type in packet events!\n");
+ }
+ if (Iface == NULL) {
+ // We generated the list of interfaces directly from the
+ // packet traces themselves, so there must be a bug.
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "Packet with unrecognized IfIndex");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // Save off Ndis/Wlan metadata to be added to the next packet
+ if (ev->EventHeader.EventDescriptor.Id == tidPacketMetadata) {
+ unsigned long MetadataLength = 0;
+ Desc.PropertyName = (unsigned long long)L"MetadataSize";
+ Desc.ArrayIndex = ULONG_MAX;
+ Err = TdhGetProperty(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, sizeof(MetadataLength), (PBYTE)&MetadataLength);
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ g_err = Err;
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "TdhGetProperty MetadataSize failed, err is 0x%x", Err);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (MetadataLength != sizeof(PacketMetadata)) {
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "Unknown Metadata length. Expected %lu, got %lu", (unsigned long)sizeof(DOT11_EXTSTA_RECV_CONTEXT), MetadataLength);
+ return;
+ }
+ Desc.PropertyName = (unsigned long long)L"Metadata";
+ Desc.ArrayIndex = ULONG_MAX;
+ Err = TdhGetProperty(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, MetadataLength, (PBYTE)&PacketMetadata);
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ g_err = Err;
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "TdhGetProperty Metadata failed, err is 0x%x", Err);
+ return;
+ }
+ AddWlanMetadata = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ // N.B.: Here we are querying the FragmentSize property to get the
+ // total size of the packet, and then reading that many bytes from
+ // the Fragment property. This is unorthodox (normally you are
+ // supposed to use TdhGetPropertySize to get the size of a property)
+ // but required due to the way ndiscap puts packet contents in
+ // multiple adjacent properties (which happen to be contiguous in
+ // memory).
+ Desc.PropertyName = (unsigned long long)L"FragmentSize";
+ Desc.ArrayIndex = ULONG_MAX;
+ Err = TdhGetProperty(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, sizeof(FragLength), (PBYTE)&FragLength);
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ g_err = Err;
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "TdhGetProperty FragmentSize failed, err is 0x%x", Err);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (FragLength > RTL_NUMBER_OF(AuxFragBuf) - AuxFragBufOffset) {
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "Packet too large (size = %u) and skipped", AuxFragBufOffset + FragLength);
+ return;
+ }
+ Desc.PropertyName = (unsigned long long)L"Fragment";
+ Desc.ArrayIndex = ULONG_MAX;
+ Err = TdhGetProperty(ev, 0, NULL, 1, &Desc, FragLength, (PBYTE)(AuxFragBuf + AuxFragBufOffset));
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ g_err = Err;
+ sprintf_s(g_err_info, sizeof(g_err_info), "TdhGetProperty Fragment failed, err is 0x%x", Err);
+ return;
+ }
+ // The KW_PACKET_START and KW_PACKET_END keywords are used as follows:
+ // -A single-event packet has both KW_PACKET_START and KW_PACKET_END.
+ // -A multi-event packet consists of an event with KW_PACKET_START followed
+ // by an event with KW_PACKET_END, with zero or more events with neither
+ // keyword in between.
+ //
+ // So, we accumulate fragments in AuxFragBuf until KW_PACKET_END is
+ // encountered, then call PcapNgWriteEnhancedPacket and start over. There's
+ // no need for us to even look for KW_PACKET_START.
+ //
+ // NB: Starting with Windows 8.1, only single-event packets are traced.
+ // This logic is here to support packet captures from older systems.
+ if (!!(ev->EventHeader.EventDescriptor.Keyword & KW_PACKET_END)) {
+ if (ev->EventHeader.EventDescriptor.Keyword & KW_MEDIA_NATIVE_802_11 &&
+ AuxFragBuf[1] & 0x40) {
+ // Clear Protected bit in the case of 802.11
+ // Ndis captures will be decrypted in the etl file
+ AuxFragBuf[1] = AuxFragBuf[1] & 0xBF; // _1011_1111_ - Clear "Protected Flag"
+ }
+ // COMMENT_MAX_SIZE must be multiple of 4
+ #define COMMENT_MAX_SIZE 256
+ char Comment[COMMENT_MAX_SIZE] = { 0 };
+ size_t CommentLength = 0;
+ if (AddWlanMetadata) {
+ if (PacketMetadata.uPhyId > DOT11_PHY_TYPE_NAMES_MAX) {
+ PacketMetadata.uPhyId = 0; // Set to unknown if outside known bounds.
+ }
+ Err = StringCchPrintfA(Comment, COMMENT_MAX_SIZE, "PID=%d ProcessorNumber=%d Packet Metadata: ReceiveFlags:0x%x, PhyType:%s, CenterCh:%u, NumMPDUsReceived:%u, RSSI:%d, DataRate:%u",
+ ev->EventHeader.ProcessId,
+ ev->BufferContext.ProcessorNumber,
+ PacketMetadata.uReceiveFlags,
+ DOT11_PHY_TYPE_NAMES[PacketMetadata.uPhyId],
+ PacketMetadata.uChCenterFrequency,
+ PacketMetadata.usNumberOfMPDUsReceived,
+ PacketMetadata.lRSSI,
+ PacketMetadata.ucDataRate);
+ AddWlanMetadata = false;
+ memset(&PacketMetadata, 0, sizeof(DOT11_EXTSTA_RECV_CONTEXT));
+ } else if (CurrentPacketIsVMSwitchPacketFragment) {
+ if (VMSwitchPacketFragment.DestinationCount > 0) {
+ Err = StringCchPrintfA(Comment, COMMENT_MAX_SIZE, "PID=%d ProcessorNumber=%d VlanId=%d SrcPortId=%d SrcNicType=%s SrcNicName=%s SrcPortName=%s DstNicCount=%d",
+ ev->EventHeader.ProcessId,
+ ev->BufferContext.ProcessorNumber,
+ Iface->VlanId,
+ Iface->VMNic.SourcePortId,
+ Iface->VMNic.SourceNicType,
+ Iface->VMNic.SourceNicName,
+ Iface->VMNic.SourcePortName,
+ VMSwitchPacketFragment.DestinationCount
+ );
+ } else {
+ Err = StringCchPrintfA(Comment, COMMENT_MAX_SIZE, "PID=%d ProcessorNumber=%d VlanId=%d SrcPortId=%d SrcNicType=%s SrcNicName=%s SrcPortName=%s",
+ ev->EventHeader.ProcessId,
+ ev->BufferContext.ProcessorNumber,
+ Iface->VlanId,
+ Iface->VMNic.SourcePortId,
+ Iface->VMNic.SourceNicType,
+ Iface->VMNic.SourceNicName,
+ Iface->VMNic.SourcePortName
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ Err = StringCchPrintfA(Comment, COMMENT_MAX_SIZE, "PID=%d ProcessorNumber=%d", ev->EventHeader.ProcessId, ev->BufferContext.ProcessorNumber);
+ }
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ printf("Failed converting comment to string with error: %u\n", Err);
+ } else {
+ Err = StringCchLengthA(Comment, COMMENT_MAX_SIZE, &CommentLength);
+ if (Err != NO_ERROR) {
+ printf("Failed getting length of comment string with error: %u\n", Err);
+ CommentLength = 0;
+ memset(Comment, 0, COMMENT_MAX_SIZE);
+ }
+ }
+ TotalFragmentLength = AuxFragBufOffset + FragLength;
+ // Parse the packet to see if it's truncated. If so, try to recover the original length.
+ if (Type == WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET) {
+ if (TotalFragmentLength >= sizeof(ETHERNET_HEADER)) {
+ EthHdr = (PETHERNET_HEADER)AuxFragBuf;
+ if (ntohs(EthHdr->Type) == ETHERNET_TYPE_IPV4 &&
+ TotalFragmentLength >= sizeof(IPV4_HEADER) + sizeof(ETHERNET_HEADER)) {
+ Ipv4Hdr = (PIPV4_HEADER)(EthHdr + 1);
+ InferredOriginalFragmentLength = ntohs(Ipv4Hdr->TotalLength) + sizeof(ETHERNET_HEADER);
+ } else if (ntohs(EthHdr->Type) == ETHERNET_TYPE_IPV6 &&
+ TotalFragmentLength >= sizeof(IPV6_HEADER) + sizeof(ETHERNET_HEADER)) {
+ Ipv6Hdr = (PIPV6_HEADER)(EthHdr + 1);
+ InferredOriginalFragmentLength = ntohs(Ipv6Hdr->PayloadLength) + sizeof(IPV6_HEADER) + sizeof(ETHERNET_HEADER);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (Type == WTAP_ENCAP_RAW_IP) {
+ // Raw frames begins with an IPv4/6 header.
+ if (TotalFragmentLength >= sizeof(IPV4_HEADER)) {
+ Ipv4Hdr = (PIPV4_HEADER)AuxFragBuf;
+ if (Ipv4Hdr->Version == 4) {
+ InferredOriginalFragmentLength = ntohs(Ipv4Hdr->TotalLength) + sizeof(ETHERNET_HEADER);
+ } else if (Ipv4Hdr->Version == 6) {
+ Ipv6Hdr = (PIPV6_HEADER)(AuxFragBuf);
+ InferredOriginalFragmentLength = ntohs(Ipv6Hdr->PayloadLength) + sizeof(IPV6_HEADER) + sizeof(ETHERNET_HEADER);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wtap_etl_rec_dump(AuxFragBuf,
+ TotalFragmentLength,
+ // For LSO v2 packets, inferred original fragment length is ignored since length field in IP header is not filled.
+ InferredOriginalFragmentLength <= TotalFragmentLength ? TotalFragmentLength : InferredOriginalFragmentLength,
+ Iface->PcapNgIfIndex,
+ !(ev->EventHeader.EventDescriptor.Keyword & KW_SEND),
+ timestamp,
+ Type,
+ Comment,
+ (unsigned short)CommentLength
+ );
+ AuxFragBufOffset = 0;
+ NumFramesConverted++;
+ } else {
+ AuxFragBufOffset += FragLength;
+ }
+ * Editor modelines -
+ *
+ * Local variables:
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * tab-width: 8
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * End:
+ *
+ * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab:
+ * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true:
+ */