path: root/packaging/macosx/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 717 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packaging/macosx/ b/packaging/macosx/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0bd0b932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/macosx/
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+# osx-app [-s] [-l /path/to/libraries]
+# This script attempts to build an application bundle for macOS, resolving
+# dynamic libraries, etc.
+# It strips the executable and libraries if '-s' is given.
+# Kees Cook <>
+# Michael Wybrow <>
+# Jean-Olivier Irisson <>
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Kees Cook
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Michael Wybrow
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Jean-Olivier Irisson
+# Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
+# Thanks to GNUnet's "build_app" script for help with library dep resolution.
+# NB:
+# This originally came from Inkscape; Inkscape's configure script has an
+# "--enable-osxapp", which causes some of Inkscape's installation data
+# files to have macOS-ish paths under Contents/Resources of the bundle
+# or under /Library/Application Support. We don't have such an option;
+# we just put them in "bin", "etc", "lib", and "share" directories
+# under Contents/Resources, rather than in the "bin", "etc", "lib",
+# and "share" directories under the installation directory.
+# XXX We could probably replace a lot of this with
+shopt -s extglob
+# Defaults
+# Bundle always has the same name. Version information is stored in
+# the Info.plist file which is filled in by the configure script.
+# Location for libraries (tools/ defaults to whatever the
+# various support libraries use as their standard installation location,
+# which is /usr/local)
+if [ -z "$LIBPREFIX" ]; then
+ LIBPREFIX="/usr/local"
+# Help message
+echo -e "
+Create an app bundle for macOS
+ $0 [-s] [-l /path/to/libraries]
+ -h,--help
+ Display this help message.
+ -b,--bundle
+ The application bundle name. Default is
+ -s
+ Strip the libraries and executables from debugging symbols.
+ -l,--libraries
+ Specify the path to the libraries the application depends
+ on (typically /sw or /opt/local). By default it is
+ /usr/local.
+ $0 -b -s -l /opt/local
+# Parse command line arguments
+while [ "$1" != "" ]
+ case $1 in
+ -b|--bundle)
+ bundle="$2"
+ shift 1 ;;
+ -s)
+ strip=true ;;
+ -l|--libraries)
+ shift 1 ;;
+ -h|--help)
+ help
+ exit 0 ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid command line option: $1"
+ exit 2 ;;
+ esac
+ shift 1
+# Safety tests
+if [ ! -e "$LIBPREFIX" ]; then
+ echo "Cannot find the directory containing the libraries: $LIBPREFIX" >&2
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -d "$bundle" ] ; then
+ echo "$bundle not found" >&2
+ exit 1
+qt_frameworks_dir=$( "@QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE@" -query QT_INSTALL_LIBS )
+if [ ! -d "$qt_frameworks_dir" ] ; then
+ echo "Can't find the Qt frameworks directory" >&2
+ exit 1
+# Define the signing identities, or use self-signed ("-")
+# if the identity is not provided.
+if [ -n "$CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY" ] ; then
+ codesign_dev_app_identity="Developer ID Application: $CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY"
+ codesign_dev_install_identity="Developer ID Installer: $CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY"
+ codesign_dev_app_identity="-"
+ codesign_dev_install_identity="-"
+# Leave the Qt frameworks out of the special processing.
+app_lower=$(echo "$app_name" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+# Package paths
+# Set the 'macosx' directory, usually the current directory.
+#resdir=$( pwd )
+# Get a list of all binaries in the bundle.
+# Treat all plain files with read and execute permissions for all as
+# binaries.
+while read -r binary ; do
+ secondary_binary_list+=("$binary")
+done < <( find "$pkgexec" \! -name "$app_name" -type f -perm -0555 -print | sort )
+while read -r library ; do
+ plugin_library_list+=("$library")
+done < <( find "$pkgplugin" -name "*.so" -type f -perm -0555 -print | sort )
+bundle_binary_list=("$pkgexec/$app_name" "${secondary_binary_list[@]}" "${plugin_library_list[@]}")
+echo -e "\\nFixing up $bundle..."
+# Start with a clean Frameworks slate.
+if [ -d "$pkglib" ] ; then
+ printf "Removing %s\n" "$pkglib"
+ rm -v -r -f "$pkglib"
+mkdir -v -m u=rwx,go=rx "$pkglib"
+echo -e "\\nPrepopulating our libraries"
+# Copy only <library>.<SOVERSION>.dylib.
+cp -v +([^.]).+([[:digit:]]).dylib "$pkglib"
+# Fetch a unique list of LC_RPATHs from our executables, which will be used
+# for our dependency search below.
+# macdeployqt handles our Qt dependencies. We handle our Sparkle and
+# internal dependencies.
+for binary in "${bundle_binary_list[@]}" "$pkglib"/*.dylib ; do
+ while read -r rpath ; do
+ bundle_binary_rpaths+=("$rpath")
+ done < <( otool -l "$binary" | grep -A2 LC_RPATH | awk '$1=="path" && $2 !~ /^@/ {print $2}' | grep -E -v "$skip_pats" )
+while read -r rpath ; do
+ rpaths+=("$rpath")
+done < <( printf '%s\n' "${bundle_binary_rpaths[@]}" | sort -u)
+printf "\nSearching the following LC_RPATHs for dependencies:\n"
+printf '%s\n' "${rpaths[@]}"
+# Find out libs we need from Fink, MacPorts, or from a custom install
+# (i.e. $LIBPREFIX), then loop until no changes.
+while $endl; do
+ echo -e "\\nLooking for dependencies. Round $a"
+ #
+ # To find dependencies, we:
+ #
+ # run otool -L on all the binaries in the bundle, and on all
+ # the shared libraries in the $pkglib directory, to find all
+ # the libraries they depend on (we don't bother with the
+ # frameworks, as the only frameworks we ship are the Qt
+ # frameworks, which don't depend on any libraries that
+ # don't ship with the OS, and as it's hard to find the
+ # framework libraries under $pkglib without getting
+ # non-framework files);
+ #
+ # filter out all lines that don't contain "compatibility" to
+ # remove lines of output that don't correspond to dependencies;
+ #
+ # use cut to extract the library name from the output;
+ # replace "\tlibbrotli" with "\t/usr/local/lib/libbrotli" so that
+ # it isn't excluded from subsequent filtering.
+ # libbrotli 1.09 and earlier doesn't have a path prefix in its
+ # "install name" when built by tools/
+ #;
+ #
+ # replace "@loader_path/libbrotli" with "/usr/local/lib/libbrotli" so that
+ # it isn't excluded from subsequent filtering;
+ #
+ # strip out system libraries, as we don't bundle them with
+ # Wireshark;
+ #
+ # eliminate duplicates.
+ #
+ # We might want to let dyld do some of the work for us, e.g. by
+ # parsing the output of
+ #
+ # `DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1 $bundle_binary`
+ #
+ # instead, or just use CMake's fixup_bundle:
+ #
+ libs=()
+ while read -r lib ; do
+ libs+=("$lib")
+ done < <(
+ otool -L "${bundle_binary_list[@]}" "$pkglib"/*.dylib 2>/dev/null \
+ | grep -F compatibility \
+ | grep -v @rpath \
+ | cut -d\( -f1 \
+ | sed '1,$s;^ libbrotli; /usr/local/lib/libbrotli;' \
+ | sed '1,$s;^ @loader_path/libbrotli; /usr/local/lib/libbrotli;' \
+ | grep -E -v "$install_exclude_prefixes" \
+ | sort \
+ | uniq \
+ )
+ while read -r rpath_lib _ ; do
+ suffix=${rpath_lib/@rpath\/}
+ for rpath in "${rpaths[@]}" ; do
+ if [ -f "$rpath/$suffix" ] ; then
+ printf "Found @rpath/%s in %s\n" "$suffix" "$rpath"
+ libs+=("$rpath/$suffix")
+ fi
+ done
+ done < <( otool -L "${bundle_binary_list[@]}" "$pkglib"/*.dylib \
+ | grep @rpath \
+ | grep -E -v "$skip_pats" \
+ | sort -u \
+ )
+ install -m 644 -C -v "${libs[@]}" "$pkglib"
+ (( a++ ))
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2012
+ nnfiles=$( ls "$pkglib" | wc -l )
+ if (( nnfiles == nfiles )); then
+ endl=false
+ else
+ nfiles=$nnfiles
+ fi
+# Strip libraries and executables if requested
+if [ "$strip" = "true" ]; then
+ echo -e "\\nStripping debugging symbols...\\n"
+ strip -x "$pkglib"/*.dylib
+ strip -ur "${bundle_binary_list[@]}"
+"@QT_MACDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE@" "$bundle" -no-strip -verbose=2 || exit 1
+# The build process added to the Wireshark/Logray binary an rpath
+# entry pointing to the directory containing the Qt frameworks; remove
+# that entry from the binary in the package.
+/usr/bin/install_name_tool -delete_rpath "$qt_frameworks_dir" "$pkgexec/$app_name"
+if [ -d "$sparkle_frameworks_dir" ] ; then
+ cp -R "$sparkle_frameworks_dir" "$pkglib" || exit 1
+ # Remove these if we ever start sandboxing.
+ rm -f "$pkglib/Sparkle.framework/XPCServices" || exit 1
+ rm -rf "$pkglib/Sparkle.framework/Versions/B/XPCServices" || exit 1
+# NOTE: we must rpathify *all* files, *including* Qt libraries etc.,
+rpathify_file () {
+ local rpathify_exclude_prefixes="$install_exclude_prefixes|@rpath"
+ # Fix a given executable, library, or plugin to be relocatable
+ if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
+ return 0;
+ fi
+ #
+ # OK, what type of file is this?
+ #
+ if ! filetype=$( otool -hv "$1" | grep -E MH_MAGIC | awk '{print $5}' ; exit "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" ) ; then
+ echo "Unable to rpathify $1 in $( pwd ): file type failed."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ case "$filetype" in
+ #
+ # Executable, library, or plugin. (Plugins
+ # can be either DYLIB or BUNDLE; shared
+ # libraries are DYLIB.)
+ #
+ # For DYLIB and BUNDLE, fix the shared
+ # library identification.
+ #
+ if [[ "$filetype" = "DYLIB" || "$filetype" = "BUNDLE" ]]; then
+ echo "Changing shared library identification of $1"
+ base=$( echo "$1" | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' )
+ #
+ # The library will end up in a directory in
+ # the rpath; this is what we should change its
+ # ID to.
+ #
+ to=@rpath/$base
+ /usr/bin/install_name_tool -id "$to" "$1"
+ #
+ # If we're a library and we depend on something in
+ # @executable_path/../Frameworks, replace that with
+ # @rpath.
+ #
+ while read -r dep_lib ; do
+ base=$( echo "$dep_lib" | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' )
+ to="@rpath/$base"
+ echo "Changing reference to $dep_lib to $to in $1"
+ /usr/bin/install_name_tool -change "$dep_lib" "$to" "$1"
+ done < <( otool -L "$1" | grep @executable_path/../Frameworks | awk '{print $1}' )
+ #
+ # Try to work around brotli's lack of a full path
+ #
+ #
+ while read -r base ; do
+ to="@rpath/$base"
+ echo "Changing reference to $base to $to in $1"
+ /usr/bin/install_name_tool -change "$base" "$to" "$1"
+ done < <( otool -L "$1" | grep '^ libbrotli' | awk '{print $1}' )
+ fi
+ #
+ # Find our local rpaths and remove them.
+ #
+ otool -l "$1" | grep -A2 LC_RPATH \
+ | awk '$1=="path" && $2 !~ /^@/ {print $2}' \
+ | grep -E -v "$rpathify_exclude_prefixes" | \
+ while read -r lc_rpath ; do
+ echo "Stripping LC_RPATH $lc_rpath from $1"
+ install_name_tool -delete_rpath "$lc_rpath" "$1"
+ done
+ #
+ # Add -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/../Frameworks
+ # to the rpath, so it'll find the bundled
+ # frameworks and libraries if they're referred
+ # to by @rpath/, rather than having a wrapper
+ # script tweak DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.
+ #
+ if [[ "$filetype" = "EXECUTE" ]]; then
+ if [ -d ../Frameworks ] ; then
+ framework_path=../Frameworks
+ elif [ -d ../../Frameworks ] ; then
+ framework_path=../../Frameworks
+ else
+ echo "Unable to find relative path to Frameworks for $1 from $( pwd )"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Adding @executable_path/$framework_path to rpath of $1"
+ /usr/bin/install_name_tool -add_rpath @executable_path/$framework_path "$1"
+ fi
+ #
+ # Show the minimum supported version of macOS
+ # for each executable or library
+ #
+ if [[ "$filetype" = "EXECUTE" || "$filetype" = "DYLIB" ]] ; then
+ echo "Minimum macOS version for $1:"
+ otool -l "$1" | grep -A3 LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX
+ fi
+ #
+ # Get the list of dynamic libraries on which this
+ # file depends, and select only the libraries that
+ # are in $LIBPREFIX, as those are the only ones
+ # that we'll be shipping in the app bundle; the
+ # other libraries are system-supplied or supplied
+ # as part of X11, will be expected to be on the
+ # system on which the bundle will be installed,
+ # and should be referred to by their full pathnames.
+ #
+ local libs=()
+ while read -r lib ; do
+ libs+=("$lib")
+ done < <( otool -L "$1" \
+ | grep -F compatibility \
+ | cut -d\( -f1 \
+ | grep -E -v "$rpathify_exclude_prefixes" \
+ | sort \
+ | uniq \
+ )
+ for lib in "${libs[@]}"; do
+ #
+ # Get the file name of the library.
+ #
+ base=$( echo "$lib" | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' )
+ #
+ # The library will end up in a directory in
+ # the rpath; this is what we should change its
+ # file name to.
+ #
+ to=@rpath/$base
+ #
+ # Change the reference to that library.
+ #
+ echo "Changing reference to $lib to $to in $1"
+ /usr/bin/install_name_tool -change "$lib" "$to" "$1"
+ done
+ ;;
+ esac
+rpathify_dir () {
+ #
+ # Make sure we *have* that directory
+ #
+ if [ -d "$1" ]; then
+ (cd "$1" || exit 1
+ echo "rpathifying $1"
+ #
+ # Make sure we *have* files to fix
+ #
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ files=$( ls $2 2>/dev/null )
+ if [ -n "$files" ]; then
+ for file in $files; do
+ rpathify_file "$file" "$( pwd )"
+ done
+ else
+ echo "no files found in $1"
+ fi
+ )
+ rf_ret=$?
+ if [ $rf_ret -ne 0 ] ; then exit $rf_ret ; fi
+ fi
+rpathify_files () {
+ #
+ # Fix bundle deps
+ #
+ rpathify_dir "$pkglib" "*.dylib"
+ rpathify_dir "$pkgexec" "*"
+ for plugindir in "$pkgplugin"/*
+ do
+ rpathify_dir "$plugindir" "*"
+ done
+ rpathify_dir "$pkgexec/extcap" "*"
+if [ ${#LIBPREFIX} -ge "6" ]; then
+ # If the LIBPREFIX path is long enough to allow
+ # path rewriting, then do this.
+ # 6 is the length of @rpath, which replaces LIBPREFIX.
+ rpathify_files
+ echo "Could not rewrite dylib paths for bundled libraries. This requires" >&2
+ echo "the support libraries to be installed in a PREFIX of at least 6 characters in length." >&2
+ echo "" >&2
+ exit 1
+# QtNetwork might be linked with brotli.
+rpathify_file "$pkglib/QtNetwork.framework/Versions/Current/QtNetwork"
+for framework in "$pkglib"/*.framework/Versions/*/* ; do
+ if [ -f "$framework" ];then
+ frameworks+=("$framework")
+ fi
+echo "Dsymifying binaries to $bundle_dsym:"
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+dsymutil --minimize --out "$bundle_dsym" \
+ "${bundle_binary_list[@]}" \
+ "${frameworks[@]}" \
+ "$pkglib"/*.dylib
+# echo "Stripping binaries:"
+# # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# strip -S \
+# "${bundle_binary_list[@]}" \
+# "${frameworks[@]}" \
+# "$pkglib"/*.dylib \
+# "$pkgplugin"/*/*.so
+# XXX What's the proper directory layout here?
+# dsymify_file () {
+# # out_dsym="${1/#$bundle/$bundle_dsym}.dSYM"
+# echo " $1"
+# dsymutil --minimize --out "$bundle_dsym" "$1"
+# strip "$1"
+# }
+# echo "Dsymifying and stripping executables:"
+# if [ -z "${bundle_binary_list[@]}" ] ; then
+# echo "No executables specified for dsymifying."
+# exit 1
+# fi
+# for binary in "${bundle_binary_list[@]}" ; do
+# if [ -e "$binary" ];then
+# dsymify_file "$binary"
+# fi
+# done
+# echo "Dsymifying and stripping frameworks:"
+# for framework in "$pkglib"/*.framework/Versions/*/* ; do
+# if [ -f "$framework" ];then
+# dsymify_file "$framework"
+# fi
+# done
+# echo "Dsymifying and stripping libraries:"
+# for library in "$pkglib"/*.dylib ; do
+# #
+# # Squelch warnings, in case the .o files from building
+# # support libraries aren't around any more.
+# #
+# dsymify_file "$library" | grep -E -v 'unable to open object file'
+# done
+# echo "Dsymifying and stripping plugins:"
+# for plugin in "$pkgplugin"/*/*.so ; do
+# dsymify_file "$plugin"
+# done
+codesign_file () {
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # XXX Do we need to add the
+ # entitlement for Lua?
+ #
+ codesign \
+ --sign "$codesign_dev_app_identity" \
+ --prefix "org.wireshark." \
+ --force \
+ --options runtime \
+ --entitlements "@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/packaging/macosx/entitlements.plist" \
+ --timestamp \
+ --verbose \
+ "$1" || exit 1
+# XXX We could do this via the productbuild calls in the {,un}install_*_pkg
+# targets in CMakeLists.txt instead.
+productsign_pkg () {
+ mv "$1" "$1.unsigned" || exit 1
+ productsign \
+ --sign "$codesign_dev_install_identity" \
+ --timestamp \
+ "$1.unsigned" "$1" || exit 1
+ rm -f "$1.unsigned" || exit 1
+if [ -n "$CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY" ] ; then
+ security find-identity -v -s "$CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY" -p codesigning
+ # The Code Signing Guide says:
+ #
+ # "While you use the --deep option for verification to mimic what Gatekeeper does,
+ # it is not recommended for signing. During signing, if you have nested code, and
+ # if you are signing manually, you sign nested code in stages (as Xcode does
+ # automatically), starting with the most deeply embedded components first. You
+ # then sign code at the next level of hierarchy, and so on. You work your way
+ # outward, finally signing the top level entity that contains all the others.
+ # Signing all the components in one shot with --deep is for emergency repairs and
+ # temporary adjustments only. Note that signing with the combination --deep
+ # --force will forcibly re-sign all code in a bundle."
+ # We need to force-sign Sparkle and its
+ #
+ #
+ if [ "$sparkle_version" == "2" ] ; then
+ echo "Signing Sparkle's assets"
+ codesign \
+ --sign "$codesign_dev_app_identity" \
+ --force \
+ --options runtime \
+ --verbose \
+ "$pkglib/Sparkle.framework/Versions/B/AutoUpdate" \
+ "$pkglib/Sparkle.framework/Versions/B/" \
+ "$pkglib/Sparkle.framework" \
+ || exit 1
+ # Uncomment if we ever start sandboxing.
+ # "$pkglib/Sparkle.framework/Versions/B/XPCServices/org.sparkle-project.InstallerLauncher.xpc"
+ # codesign \
+ # --sign "$codesign_dev_app_identity" \
+ # --force \
+ # --options runtime \
+ # --entitlements "$sparkle_frameworks_dir/../Entitlements/org.sparkle-project.Downloader.entitlements" \
+ # --verbose \
+ # "$pkglib/Sparkle.framework/Versions/B/XPCServices/org.sparkle-project.Downloader.xpc" \
+ # || exit 1
+ else
+ echo "Signing Sparkle's"
+ codesign \
+ --sign "$codesign_dev_app_identity" \
+ --force \
+ --timestamp \
+ --options runtime \
+ --verbose \
+ "$pkglib/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/" \
+ || exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Signing frameworks"
+ for framework in "$pkglib"/*.framework/Versions/* ; do
+ if [ -L "$framework" ] ; then
+ # Skip "Current"
+ continue
+ fi
+ codesign_file "$framework"
+ done
+ echo "Signing libraries"
+ for library in "$pkglib"/*.dylib ; do
+ codesign_file "$library"
+ done
+ plugin_list=$( find "$bundle/Contents/PlugIns" -type f -name "*.dylib" -o -name "*.so" )
+ echo "Signing plugins"
+ for plugin in $plugin_list ; do
+ codesign_file "$plugin"
+ done
+ echo "Signing extra packages"
+ find "$bundle/Contents/Resources/Extras" -type f -name "*.pkg" | \
+ while read -r extra_pkg ; do
+ productsign_pkg "$extra_pkg"
+ done
+ echo "Signing secondary executables"
+ if (( ! ${#secondary_binary_list[@]} )) ; then
+ echo "No executables specified for code signing."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ for binary in "${secondary_binary_list[@]}" ; do
+ if [ -e "$binary" ];then
+ codesign_file "$binary"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "Signing primary executable"
+ codesign_file "$pkgexec/$app_name"
+ echo "Signing $bundle"
+ codesign_file "$bundle"
+ # Code Signing Guide, "Testing Conformance with Command Line Tools"
+ codesign --verify --deep --strict --verbose=2 "$bundle" || exit 1
+ spctl --assess --type exec --verbose=2 "$bundle" || exit 1
+ echo "Code signing not performed (no identity)"
+# File permission sanity check.
+if badperms=$( find "$bundle" ! -perm -0444 -exec ls -l "{}" + | grep . ) ; then
+ echo "Found files with restrictive permissions:"
+ echo "$badperms"
+ exit 1
+exit 0