path: root/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..028bde4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os.path
+import sys
+import itertools
+import lxml.etree
+# This utility scrapes the DICOM standard document in DocBook format, finds the appropriate tables,
+# and extracts the data needed to build the lists of DICOM attributes, UIDs and value representations.
+# If the files part05.xml, part06.xml and part07.xml exist in the current directory, use them.
+# Otherwise, download the current release from the current DICOM official sources.
+if os.path.exists("part05.xml"):
+ print("Using local part05 docbook.", file=sys.stderr)
+ part05 = lxml.etree.parse("part05.xml")
+ print("Downloading part05 docbook...", file=sys.stderr)
+ part05 = lxml.etree.parse("")
+if os.path.exists("part06.xml"):
+ print("Using local part06 docbook.", file=sys.stderr)
+ part06 = lxml.etree.parse("part06.xml")
+ print("Downloading part06 docbook...", file=sys.stderr)
+ part06 = lxml.etree.parse("")
+if os.path.exists("part07.xml"):
+ print("Using local part07 docbook.", file=sys.stderr)
+ part07 = lxml.etree.parse("part07.xml")
+ print("Downloading part07 docbook...", file=sys.stderr)
+ part07 = lxml.etree.parse("")
+dbns = {'db':'', 'xml':''}
+# When displaying the dissected packets, some attributes are nice to include in the description of their parent.
+include_in_parent = {"Patient Position",
+ "ROI Number",
+ "ROI Name",
+ "Contour Geometric Type",
+ "Observation Number",
+ "ROI Observation Label",
+ "RT ROI Interpreted Type",
+ "Dose Reference Structure Type",
+ "Dose Reference Description",
+ "Dose Reference Type",
+ "Target Prescription Dose",
+ "Tolerance Table Label",
+ "Beam Limiting Device Position Tolerance",
+ "Number of Fractions Planned",
+ "Treatment Machine Name",
+ "RT Beam Limiting Device Type",
+ "Beam Number",
+ "Beam Name",
+ "Beam Type",
+ "Radiation Type",
+ "Wedge Type",
+ "Wedge ID",
+ "Wedge Angle",
+ "Material ID",
+ "Block Tray ID",
+ "Block Name",
+ "Applicator ID",
+ "Applicator Type",
+ "Control Point Index",
+ "Nominal Beam Energy",
+ "Cumulative Meterset Weight",
+ "Patient Setup Number"}
+# Data elements are listed in three tables in Part 6:
+# * Table 6-1. Registry of DICOM Data Elements
+# * Table 7-1. Registry of DICOM File Meta Elements
+# * Table 8-1. Registry of DICOM Directory Structuring Elements
+# All three tables are in the same format and can be merged for processing.
+# The Command data elements (used only in networking), are listed in two tables in Part 7:
+# * Table E.1-1. Command Fields
+# * Table E.2-1. Retired Command Fields
+# The Retired Command Fields are missing the last column. For processing here,
+# we just add a last column with "RET", and they can be parsed with the same
+# as for the Data elements.
+data_element_tables=["table_6-1", "table_7-1", "table_8-1"]
+def get_trs(document, table_id):
+ return document.findall(f"//db:table[@xml:id='{table_id}']/db:tbody/db:tr",
+ namespaces=dbns)
+data_trs = sum((get_trs(part06, table_id) for table_id in data_element_tables), [])
+cmd_trs = get_trs(part07, "table_E.1-1")
+retired_cmd_trs = get_trs(part07, "table_E.2-1")
+def get_texts_in_row(tr):
+ tds = tr.findall("db:td", namespaces=dbns)
+ texts = [" ".join(x.replace('\u200b', '').replace('\u00b5', 'u').strip() for x in td.itertext() if x.strip() != '') for td in tds]
+ return texts
+data_rows = [get_texts_in_row(x) for x in data_trs]
+retired_cmd_rows = [get_texts_in_row(x) for x in retired_cmd_trs]
+cmd_rows = ([get_texts_in_row(x) for x in cmd_trs] +
+ [x + ["RET"] for x in retired_cmd_rows])
+def parse_tag(tag):
+ # To handle some old cases where "x" is included as part of the tag number
+ tag = tag.replace("x", "0")
+ return f"0x{tag[1:5]}{tag[6:10]}"
+def parse_ret(ret):
+ if ret.startswith("RET"):
+ return -1
+ else:
+ return 0
+def include_in_parent_bit(name):
+ if name in include_in_parent:
+ return -1
+ else:
+ return 0
+def text_for_row(row):
+ return f' {{ {parse_tag(row[0])}, "{row[1]}", "{row[3]}", "{row[4]}", {parse_ret(row[5])}, {include_in_parent_bit(row[1])}}},'
+def text_for_rows(rows):
+ return "\n".join(text_for_row(row) for row in rows)
+vrs = {i+1: get_texts_in_row(x)[0].split(maxsplit=1) for i,x in enumerate(get_trs(part05, "table_6.2-1"))}
+# Table A-1. UID Values
+uid_trs = get_trs(part06, "table_A-1")
+uid_rows = [get_texts_in_row(x) for x in uid_trs]
+def uid_define_name(uid):
+ if uid[1] == "(Retired)":
+ return f'"{uid[0]}"'
+ uid_type = uid[3]
+ uid_name = uid[1]
+ uid_name = re.sub(":.*", "", uid[1])
+ if uid_name.endswith(uid_type):
+ uid_name = uid_name[:-len(uid_type)].strip()
+ return f"DCM_UID_{definify(uid_type)}_{definify(uid_name)}"
+import re
+def definify(s):
+ return re.sub('[^A-Z0-9]+', '_', re.sub(' +', ' ', re.sub('[^-A-Z0-9 ]+', '', s.upper())))
+uid_rows = sorted(uid_rows, key=lambda uid_row: [int(i) for i in uid_row[0].split(".")])
+packet_dcm_h = """/* packet-dcm.h
+ * Definitions for DICOM dissection
+ * Copyright 2003, Rich Coe <>
+ * Copyright 2008-2018, David Aggeler <>
+ *
+ * DICOM communication protocol:
+ *
+ * Generated automatically by """ + os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + """ from the following sources:
+ *
+ * """ + part05.find("./db:subtitle", namespaces=dbns).text + """
+ * """ + part06.find("./db:subtitle", namespaces=dbns).text + """
+ * """ + part07.find("./db:subtitle", namespaces=dbns).text + """
+ *
+ * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <>
+ * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+#ifndef __PACKET_DCM_H__
+#define __PACKET_DCM_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+""" + "\n".join(f"#define DCM_VR_{vr[0]} {i:2d} /* {vr[1]:25s} */" for i,vr in vrs.items()) + """
+/* Following must be in the same order as the definitions above */
+static const gchar* dcm_tag_vr_lookup[] = {
+ " ",
+ """ + ",\n ".join(",".join(f'"{x[1][0]}"' for x in j[1]) for j in itertools.groupby(vrs.items(), lambda i: (i[0]-1)//8)) + """
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * DICOM Tag Definitions
+ *
+ * Some Tags can have different VRs
+ *
+ * Group 1000 is not supported, multiple tags with same description (retired anyhow)
+ * Group 7Fxx is not supported, multiple tags with same description (retired anyhow)
+ *
+ * Tags (0020,3100 to 0020, 31FF) not supported, multiple tags with same description (retired anyhow)
+ *
+ * Repeating groups (50xx & 60xx) are manually added. Declared as 5000 & 6000
+ */
+typedef struct dcm_tag {
+ const guint32 tag;
+ const gchar *description;
+ const gchar *vr;
+ const gchar *vm;
+ const gboolean is_retired;
+ const gboolean add_to_summary; /* Add to parent's item description */
+} dcm_tag_t;
+static dcm_tag_t dcm_tag_data[] = {
+ /* Command Tags */
+""" + text_for_rows(cmd_rows) + """
+ /* Data Tags */
+""" + text_for_rows(data_rows) + """
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * DICOM UID Definitions
+ * Part 6 lists following different UID Types (2006-2008)
+ * Application Context Name
+ * Coding Scheme
+ * DICOM UIDs as a Coding Scheme
+ * Meta SOP Class
+ * SOP Class
+ * Service Class
+ * Transfer Syntax
+ * Well-known Print Queue SOP Instance
+ * Well-known Printer SOP Instance
+ * Well-known SOP Instance
+ * Well-known frame of reference
+ */
+typedef struct dcm_uid {
+ const gchar *value;
+ const gchar *name;
+ const gchar *type;
+} dcm_uid_t;
+""" + "\n".join(f'#define {uid_define_name(uid)} "{uid[0]}"'
+ for uid in uid_rows if uid[1] != '(Retired)') + """
+static dcm_uid_t dcm_uid_data[] = {
+""" + "\n".join(f' {{ {uid_define_name(uid)}, "{uid[1]}", "{uid[3]}"}},'
+ for uid in uid_rows)+ """
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* packet-dcm.h */"""