path: root/tools/pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba4/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 2425 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba4/ b/tools/pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f418ac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba4/
@@ -0,0 +1,2425 @@
+# Python function wrapper generator
+# Copyright 2007-2008
+# released under the GNU GPL
+package Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Python;
+use Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+use strict;
+use Parse::Pidl qw(warning fatal error);
+use Parse::Pidl::Typelist qw(hasType resolveType getType mapTypeName expandAlias bitmap_type_fn enum_type_fn);
+use Parse::Pidl::Util qw(has_property ParseExpr unmake_str);
+use Parse::Pidl::NDR qw(ReturnTypeElement GetPrevLevel GetNextLevel ContainsDeferred ContainsPipe is_charset_array);
+use Parse::Pidl::CUtil qw(get_value_of get_pointer_to);
+use Parse::Pidl::Samba4 qw(ArrayDynamicallyAllocated);
+use Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Header qw(GenerateFunctionInEnv GenerateFunctionOutEnv EnvSubstituteValue GenerateStructEnv);
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+sub new($) {
+ my ($class) = @_;
+ my $self = { res => "", res_hdr => "", tabs => "",
+ constants => [], constants_uniq => {},
+ module_methods => [],
+ module_objects => [], module_objects_uniq => {},
+ ready_types => [],
+ module_imports => [], module_imports_uniq => {},
+ type_imports => [], type_imports_uniq => {},
+ patch_type_calls => [], prereadycode => [],
+ postreadycode => []};
+ bless($self, $class);
+sub pidl_hdr ($$)
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{res_hdr} .= shift;
+sub pidl($$)
+ my ($self, $d) = @_;
+ if ($d) {
+ if ((!($d =~ /^#/))) {
+ $self->{res} .= $self->{tabs};
+ }
+ $self->{res} .= $d;
+ }
+ $self->{res} .= "\n";
+sub indent($)
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->{tabs} .= "\t";
+sub deindent($)
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->{tabs} = substr($self->{tabs}, 0, -1);
+sub PrettifyTypeName($$)
+ my ($name, $basename) = @_;
+ $basename =~ s/^.*\.([^.]+)$/\1/;
+ $name =~ s/^$basename\_//;
+ return $name;
+sub Import
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @imports = @_;
+ foreach (@imports) {
+ $_ = unmake_str($_);
+ s/\.idl$//;
+ $self->pidl_hdr("#include \"librpc/gen_ndr/$_\.h\"\n");
+ $self->register_module_import("samba.dcerpc.$_");
+ }
+sub Const($$)
+ my ($self, $const) = @_;
+ $self->register_constant($const->{NAME}, $const->{DTYPE}, $const->{VALUE});
+sub register_constant($$$$)
+ my ($self, $name, $type, $value) = @_;
+ unless (defined $self->{constants_uniq}->{$name}) {
+ my $h = {"key" => $name, "val" => [$type, $value]};
+ push @{$self->{constants}}, $h;
+ $self->{constants_uniq}->{$name} = $h;
+ }
+sub EnumAndBitmapConsts($$$)
+ my ($self, $name, $d) = @_;
+ return unless (defined($d->{ELEMENTS}));
+ foreach my $e (@{$d->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ $e =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/;
+ my $cname = $1;
+ $self->register_constant($cname, $d, $cname);
+ }
+sub FromUnionToPythonFunction($$$$)
+ my ($self, $mem_ctx, $type, $switch, $name) = @_;
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *ret;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("switch ($switch) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ foreach my $e (@{$type->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ $self->pidl("$e->{CASE}:");
+ $self->indent;
+ if ($e->{NAME}) {
+ $self->ConvertObjectToPython($mem_ctx, {}, $e, "$name->$e->{NAME}", "ret", "return NULL;");
+ } else {
+ $self->pidl("ret = Py_None;");
+ $self->pidl("Py_INCREF(ret);");
+ }
+ $self->pidl("return ret;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->deindent;
+ }
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, \"unknown union level\");");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+sub FromPythonToUnionFunction($$$$$)
+ my ($self, $type, $typename, $switch, $mem_ctx, $name) = @_;
+ my $has_default = 0;
+ $self->pidl("$typename *ret = talloc_zero($mem_ctx, $typename);");
+ $self->pidl("switch ($switch) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ foreach my $e (@{$type->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ $self->pidl("$e->{CASE}:");
+ if ($e->{CASE} eq "default") { $has_default = 1; }
+ $self->indent;
+ if ($e->{NAME}) {
+ $self->ConvertObjectFromPython({}, $mem_ctx, $e, $name, "ret->$e->{NAME}", "talloc_free(ret); return NULL;");
+ }
+ $self->pidl("break;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("");
+ }
+ if (!$has_default) {
+ $self->pidl("default:");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, \"invalid union level value\");");
+ $self->pidl("talloc_free(ret);");
+ $self->pidl("ret = NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ }
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("return ret;");
+sub PythonElementGetSet($$$$$$) {
+ my ($self, $name, $cname, $ename, $e, $env) = @_;
+ my $varname = "object->$ename";
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_get_$e->{NAME}(PyObject *obj, void *closure)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("$cname *object = ($cname *)pytalloc_get_ptr(obj);");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *py_$e->{NAME};");
+ $self->ConvertObjectToPython("pytalloc_get_mem_ctx(obj)", $env, $e, $varname, "py_$e->{NAME}", "return NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("return py_$e->{NAME};");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static int py_$name\_set_$e->{NAME}(PyObject *py_obj, PyObject *value, void *closure)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("$cname *object = ($cname *)pytalloc_get_ptr(py_obj);");
+ my $mem_ctx = "pytalloc_get_mem_ctx(py_obj)";
+ my $l = $e->{LEVELS}[0];
+ my $nl = GetNextLevel($e, $l);
+ if ($l->{TYPE} eq "POINTER" and
+ not ($nl->{TYPE} eq "ARRAY" and ($nl->{IS_FIXED} or is_charset_array($e, $nl))) and
+ not ($nl->{TYPE} eq "DATA" and Parse::Pidl::Typelist::scalar_is_reference($nl->{DATA_TYPE}))) {
+ $self->pidl("talloc_unlink($mem_ctx, discard_const($varname));");
+ }
+ $self->ConvertObjectFromPython($env, $mem_ctx, $e, "value", $varname, "return -1;");
+ $self->pidl("return 0;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+sub PythonStruct($$$$$$)
+ my ($self, $modulename, $prettyname, $name, $cname, $d) = @_;
+ my $env = GenerateStructEnv($d, "object");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ my $getsetters = "NULL";
+ if ($#{$d->{ELEMENTS}} > -1) {
+ foreach my $e (@{$d->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ $self->PythonElementGetSet($name, $cname, $e->{NAME}, $e, $env);
+ }
+ $getsetters = "py_$name\_getsetters";
+ $self->pidl("static PyGetSetDef ".$getsetters."[] = {");
+ $self->indent;
+ foreach my $e (@{$d->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ my $etype = "";
+ if (ref($e->{TYPE}) eq "HASH") {
+ $etype = $e->{TYPE}->{NAME};
+ } else {
+ $etype = $e->{TYPE};
+ }
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl(".name = discard_const_p(char, \"$e->{NAME}\"),");
+ $self->pidl(".get = py_$name\_get_$e->{NAME},");
+ $self->pidl(".set = py_$name\_set_$e->{NAME},");
+ $self->pidl(".doc = discard_const_p(char, \"PIDL-generated element of base type $etype\")");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("},");
+ }
+ $self->pidl("{ .name = NULL }");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("};");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ }
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return pytalloc_new($cname, type);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ my $py_methods = "NULL";
+ # If the struct is not public there ndr_pull/ndr_push functions will
+ # be static so not callable from here
+ if (has_property($d, "public")) {
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_ndr_pack(PyObject *py_obj)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("$cname *object = ($cname *)pytalloc_get_ptr(py_obj);");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *ret = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("DATA_BLOB blob;");
+ $self->pidl("enum ndr_err_code err;");
+ $self->pidl("TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx = talloc_new(pytalloc_get_mem_ctx(py_obj));");
+ $self->pidl("if (tmp_ctx == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetNdrError(NDR_ERR_ALLOC);");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("err = ndr_push_struct_blob(&blob, tmp_ctx, object, (ndr_push_flags_fn_t)ndr_push_$name);");
+ $self->pidl("if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(err)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("TALLOC_FREE(tmp_ctx);");
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetNdrError(err);");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("ret = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((char *), blob.length);");
+ $self->pidl("TALLOC_FREE(tmp_ctx);");
+ $self->pidl("return ret;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_ndr_unpack(PyObject *py_obj, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("$cname *object = ($cname *)pytalloc_get_ptr(py_obj);");
+ $self->pidl("DATA_BLOB blob;");
+ $self->pidl("Py_ssize_t blob_length = 0;");
+ $self->pidl("enum ndr_err_code err;");
+ $self->pidl("const char * const kwnames[] = { \"data_blob\", \"allow_remaining\", NULL };");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *allow_remaining_obj = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("bool allow_remaining = false;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, PYARG_BYTES_LEN \"|O:__ndr_unpack__\",");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("discard_const_p(char *, kwnames),");
+ $self->pidl("&, &blob_length,");
+ $self->pidl("&allow_remaining_obj)) {");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("blob.length = blob_length;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (allow_remaining_obj && PyObject_IsTrue(allow_remaining_obj)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("allow_remaining = true;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (allow_remaining) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("err = ndr_pull_struct_blob(&blob, pytalloc_get_mem_ctx(py_obj), object, (ndr_pull_flags_fn_t)ndr_pull_$name);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("} else {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("err = ndr_pull_struct_blob_all(&blob, pytalloc_get_mem_ctx(py_obj), object, (ndr_pull_flags_fn_t)ndr_pull_$name);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(err)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetNdrError(err);");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("Py_RETURN_NONE;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_ndr_print(PyObject *py_obj)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("$cname *object = ($cname *)pytalloc_get_ptr(py_obj);");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *ret;");
+ $self->pidl("char *retstr;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("retstr = ndr_print_struct_string(pytalloc_get_mem_ctx(py_obj), (ndr_print_fn_t)ndr_print_$name, \"$name\", object);");
+ $self->pidl("ret = PyStr_FromString(retstr);");
+ $self->pidl("talloc_free(retstr);");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("return ret;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $py_methods = "py_$name\_methods";
+ $self->pidl("static PyMethodDef $py_methods\[] = {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("{ \"__ndr_pack__\", (PyCFunction)py_$name\_ndr_pack, METH_NOARGS, \"S.ndr_pack(object) -> blob\\nNDR pack\" },");
+ $self->pidl("{ \"__ndr_unpack__\", (PyCFunction)py_$name\_ndr_unpack, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, \"S.ndr_unpack(class, blob, allow_remaining=False) -> None\\nNDR unpack\" },");
+ $self->pidl("{ \"__ndr_print__\", (PyCFunction)py_$name\_ndr_print, METH_NOARGS, \"S.ndr_print(object) -> None\\nNDR print\" },");
+ $self->pidl("{ NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("};");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ }
+ $self->pidl_hdr("static PyTypeObject $name\_Type;\n");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ my $docstring = $self->DocString($d, $name);
+ my $typeobject = "$name\_Type";
+ $self->pidl("static PyTypeObject $typeobject = {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_name = \"$modulename.$prettyname\",");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_getset = $getsetters,");
+ if ($docstring) {
+ $self->pidl(".tp_doc = $docstring,");
+ }
+ $self->pidl(".tp_methods = $py_methods,");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE,");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_new = py_$name\_new,");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("};");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ my $talloc_typename = $self->import_type_variable("talloc", "BaseObject");
+ $self->register_module_prereadycode(["$name\_Type.tp_base = $talloc_typename;",
+ "$name\_Type.tp_basicsize = pytalloc_BaseObject_size();",
+ ""]);
+ return "&$typeobject";
+sub PythonFunctionStruct($$$$)
+ my ($self, $modulename, $fn, $iface, $prettyname) = @_;
+ my $inenv = GenerateFunctionInEnv($fn, "object->");
+ my $outenv = GenerateFunctionOutEnv($fn, "object->");
+ my $name = "$fn->{NAME}";
+ my $cname = "struct $name";
+ $self->pidl("");
+ my $getsetters = "NULL";
+ foreach my $e (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ if (grep(/in/,@{$e->{DIRECTION}})) {
+ my $inname = "$name\_in";
+ my $ename = "in.$e->{NAME}";
+ $self->PythonElementGetSet($inname, $cname, $ename, $e, $inenv);
+ }
+ if (grep(/out/,@{$e->{DIRECTION}})) {
+ my $outname = "$name\_out";
+ my $ename = "out.$e->{NAME}";
+ $self->PythonElementGetSet($outname, $cname, $ename, $e, $outenv);
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($fn->{RETURN_TYPE})) {
+ my $e = ReturnTypeElement($fn);
+ my $ename = "out.result";
+ $self->PythonElementGetSet($name, $cname, $ename, $e, $outenv);
+ }
+ $getsetters = "py_$name\_getsetters";
+ $self->pidl("static PyGetSetDef ".$getsetters."[] = {");
+ $self->indent;
+ foreach my $e (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ if (grep(/in/,@{$e->{DIRECTION}})) {
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl(".name = discard_const_p(char, \"in_$e->{NAME}\"),");
+ $self->pidl(".get = py_$name\_in_get_$e->{NAME},");
+ $self->pidl(".set = py_$name\_in_set_$e->{NAME},");
+ $self->pidl(".doc = discard_const_p(char, \"PIDL-generated element of base type $e->{TYPE}\")");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("},");
+ }
+ if (grep(/out/,@{$e->{DIRECTION}})) {
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl(".name = discard_const_p(char, \"out_$e->{NAME}\"),");
+ $self->pidl(".get = py_$name\_out_get_$e->{NAME},");
+ $self->pidl(".set = py_$name\_out_set_$e->{NAME},");
+ $self->pidl(".doc = discard_const_p(char, \"PIDL-generated element of base type $e->{TYPE}\")");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("},");
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($fn->{RETURN_TYPE})) {
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl(".name = discard_const_p(char, \"result\"),");
+ $self->pidl(".get = py_$name\_get_result,");
+ $self->pidl(".set = py_$name\_set_result,");
+ $self->pidl(".doc = discard_const_p(char, \"PIDL-generated element of type $fn->{RETURN_TYPE}\")");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("},");
+ }
+ $self->pidl("{ .name = NULL }");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("};");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return pytalloc_new($cname, type);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ my $py_methods = "NULL";
+ my $ndr_call = "const struct ndr_interface_call *call = NULL;";
+ my $object_ptr = "$cname *object = ($cname *)pytalloc_get_ptr(py_obj);";
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_ndr_opnum(PyTypeObject *type)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("return PyInt_FromLong($fn->{OPNUM});");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_ndr_pack(PyObject *py_obj, int ndr_inout_flags, uint32_t ndr_push_flags)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("$ndr_call");
+ $self->pidl("$object_ptr");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *ret = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("struct ndr_push *push = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("DATA_BLOB blob;");
+ $self->pidl("enum ndr_err_code err;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (ndr_table_$iface\.num_calls < " . ($fn->{OPNUM}+1) .
+ ") {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, \"Internal Error, ndr_interface_call missing for py_$name\_ndr_pack\");");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("call = &ndr_table_$iface\.calls[$fn->{OPNUM}];");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("push = ndr_push_init_ctx(pytalloc_get_mem_ctx(py_obj));");
+ $self->pidl("if (push == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetNdrError(NDR_ERR_ALLOC);");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("push->flags |= ndr_push_flags;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("err = call->ndr_push(push, ndr_inout_flags, object);");
+ $self->pidl("if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(err)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("TALLOC_FREE(push);");
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetNdrError(err);");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("blob = ndr_push_blob(push);");
+ $self->pidl("ret = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((char *), blob.length);");
+ $self->pidl("TALLOC_FREE(push);");
+ $self->pidl("return ret;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_ndr_pack_in(PyObject *py_obj, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("const char * const kwnames[] = { \"bigendian\", \"ndr64\", NULL };");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *bigendian_obj = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *ndr64_obj = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("uint32_t ndr_push_flags = 0;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, \"|OO:__ndr_pack_in__\",");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("discard_const_p(char *, kwnames),");
+ $self->pidl("&bigendian_obj,");
+ $self->pidl("&ndr64_obj)) {");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (bigendian_obj && PyObject_IsTrue(bigendian_obj)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("ndr_push_flags |= LIBNDR_FLAG_BIGENDIAN;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("if (ndr64_obj && PyObject_IsTrue(ndr64_obj)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("ndr_push_flags |= LIBNDR_FLAG_NDR64;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("return py_$name\_ndr_pack(py_obj, NDR_IN, ndr_push_flags);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_ndr_pack_out(PyObject *py_obj, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("const char * const kwnames[] = { \"bigendian\", \"ndr64\", NULL };");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *bigendian_obj = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *ndr64_obj = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("uint32_t ndr_push_flags = 0;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, \"|OO:__ndr_pack_out__\",");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("discard_const_p(char *, kwnames),");
+ $self->pidl("&bigendian_obj,");
+ $self->pidl("&ndr64_obj)) {");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (bigendian_obj && PyObject_IsTrue(bigendian_obj)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("ndr_push_flags |= LIBNDR_FLAG_BIGENDIAN;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("if (ndr64_obj && PyObject_IsTrue(ndr64_obj)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("ndr_push_flags |= LIBNDR_FLAG_NDR64;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("return py_$name\_ndr_pack(py_obj, NDR_OUT, ndr_push_flags);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_ndr_unpack(PyObject *py_obj, const DATA_BLOB *blob, int ndr_inout_flags, uint32_t ndr_pull_flags, bool allow_remaining)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("$ndr_call");
+ $self->pidl("$object_ptr");
+ $self->pidl("struct ndr_pull *pull = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("enum ndr_err_code err;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (ndr_table_$iface\.num_calls < " . ($fn->{OPNUM}+1) .
+ ") {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, \"Internal Error, ndr_interface_call missing for py_$name\_ndr_unpack\");");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("call = &ndr_table_$iface\.calls[$fn->{OPNUM}];");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("pull = ndr_pull_init_blob(blob, object);");
+ $self->pidl("if (pull == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetNdrError(NDR_ERR_ALLOC);");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("pull->flags |= ndr_pull_flags;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("err = call->ndr_pull(pull, ndr_inout_flags, object);");
+ $self->pidl("if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(err)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("TALLOC_FREE(pull);");
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetNdrError(err);");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("if (!allow_remaining) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("uint32_t highest_ofs;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (pull->offset > pull->relative_highest_offset) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("highest_ofs = pull->offset;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("} else {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("highest_ofs = pull->relative_highest_offset;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("if (highest_ofs < pull->data_size) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("err = ndr_pull_error(pull, NDR_ERR_UNREAD_BYTES,");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("\"not all bytes consumed ofs[%u] size[%u]\",");
+ $self->pidl("highest_ofs, pull->data_size);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("TALLOC_FREE(pull);");
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetNdrError(err);");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("TALLOC_FREE(pull);");
+ $self->pidl("Py_RETURN_NONE;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_ndr_unpack_in(PyObject *py_obj, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("DATA_BLOB blob;");
+ $self->pidl("Py_ssize_t blob_length = 0;");
+ $self->pidl("const char * const kwnames[] = { \"data_blob\", \"bigendian\", \"ndr64\", \"allow_remaining\", NULL };");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *bigendian_obj = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *ndr64_obj = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("uint32_t ndr_pull_flags = LIBNDR_FLAG_REF_ALLOC;");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *allow_remaining_obj = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("bool allow_remaining = false;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, PYARG_BYTES_LEN \"|OOO:__ndr_unpack_in__\",");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("discard_const_p(char *, kwnames),");
+ $self->pidl("&, &blob_length,");
+ $self->pidl("&bigendian_obj,");
+ $self->pidl("&ndr64_obj,");
+ $self->pidl("&allow_remaining_obj)) {");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("blob.length = blob_length;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (bigendian_obj && PyObject_IsTrue(bigendian_obj)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("ndr_pull_flags |= LIBNDR_FLAG_BIGENDIAN;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("if (ndr64_obj && PyObject_IsTrue(ndr64_obj)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("ndr_pull_flags |= LIBNDR_FLAG_NDR64;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (allow_remaining_obj && PyObject_IsTrue(allow_remaining_obj)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("allow_remaining = true;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("return py_$name\_ndr_unpack(py_obj, &blob, NDR_IN, ndr_pull_flags, allow_remaining);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_ndr_unpack_out(PyObject *py_obj, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("DATA_BLOB blob;");
+ $self->pidl("Py_ssize_t blob_length = 0;");
+ $self->pidl("const char * const kwnames[] = { \"data_blob\", \"bigendian\", \"ndr64\", \"allow_remaining\", NULL };");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *bigendian_obj = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *ndr64_obj = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("uint32_t ndr_pull_flags = LIBNDR_FLAG_REF_ALLOC;");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *allow_remaining_obj = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("bool allow_remaining = false;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, PYARG_BYTES_LEN \"|OOO:__ndr_unpack_out__\",");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("discard_const_p(char *, kwnames),");
+ $self->pidl("&, &blob_length,");
+ $self->pidl("&bigendian_obj,");
+ $self->pidl("&ndr64_obj,");
+ $self->pidl("&allow_remaining_obj)) {");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("blob.length = blob_length;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (bigendian_obj && PyObject_IsTrue(bigendian_obj)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("ndr_pull_flags |= LIBNDR_FLAG_BIGENDIAN;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("if (ndr64_obj && PyObject_IsTrue(ndr64_obj)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("ndr_pull_flags |= LIBNDR_FLAG_NDR64;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (allow_remaining_obj && PyObject_IsTrue(allow_remaining_obj)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("allow_remaining = true;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("return py_$name\_ndr_unpack(py_obj, &blob, NDR_OUT, ndr_pull_flags, allow_remaining);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_ndr_print(PyObject *py_obj, const char *name, int ndr_inout_flags)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("$ndr_call");
+ $self->pidl("$object_ptr");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *ret;");
+ $self->pidl("char *retstr;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (ndr_table_$iface\.num_calls < " . ($fn->{OPNUM}+1) .
+ ") {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, \"Internal Error, ndr_interface_call missing for py_$name\_ndr_print\");");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("call = &ndr_table_$iface\.calls[$fn->{OPNUM}];");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("retstr = ndr_print_function_string(pytalloc_get_mem_ctx(py_obj), call->ndr_print, name, ndr_inout_flags, object);");
+ $self->pidl("ret = PyStr_FromString(retstr);");
+ $self->pidl("TALLOC_FREE(retstr);");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("return ret;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_ndr_print_in(PyObject *py_obj)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return py_$name\_ndr_print(py_obj, \"$name\_in\", NDR_IN);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$name\_ndr_print_out(PyObject *py_obj)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return py_$name\_ndr_print(py_obj, \"$name\_out\", NDR_OUT);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $py_methods = "py_$name\_methods";
+ $self->pidl("static PyMethodDef $py_methods\[] = {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("{ \"opnum\", (PyCFunction)py_$name\_ndr_opnum, METH_NOARGS|METH_CLASS,");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("\"$modulename.$prettyname.opnum() -> ".sprintf("%d (0x%02x)", $fn->{OPNUM}, $fn->{OPNUM})." \" },");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("{ \"__ndr_pack_in__\", (PyCFunction)py_$name\_ndr_pack_in, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS,");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("\"S.ndr_pack_in(object, bigendian=False, ndr64=False) -> blob\\nNDR pack input\" },");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("{ \"__ndr_pack_out__\", (PyCFunction)py_$name\_ndr_pack_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS,");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("\"S.ndr_pack_out(object, bigendian=False, ndr64=False) -> blob\\nNDR pack output\" },");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("{ \"__ndr_unpack_in__\", (PyCFunction)py_$name\_ndr_unpack_in, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS,");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("\"S.ndr_unpack_in(class, blob, bigendian=False, ndr64=False, allow_remaining=False) -> None\\nNDR unpack input\" },");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("{ \"__ndr_unpack_out__\", (PyCFunction)py_$name\_ndr_unpack_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS,");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("\"S.ndr_unpack_out(class, blob, bigendian=False, ndr64=False, allow_remaining=False) -> None\\nNDR unpack output\" },");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("{ \"__ndr_print_in__\", (PyCFunction)py_$name\_ndr_print_in, METH_NOARGS, \"S.ndr_print_in(object) -> None\\nNDR print input\" },");
+ $self->pidl("{ \"__ndr_print_out__\", (PyCFunction)py_$name\_ndr_print_out, METH_NOARGS, \"S.ndr_print_out(object) -> None\\nNDR print output\" },");
+ $self->pidl("{ NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("};");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl_hdr("static PyTypeObject $name\_Type;\n");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ my $docstring = $self->DocString($fn, $name);
+ my $typeobject = "$name\_Type";
+ $self->pidl("static PyTypeObject $typeobject = {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_name = \"$modulename.$prettyname\",");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_getset = $getsetters,");
+ if ($docstring) {
+ $self->pidl(".tp_doc = $docstring,");
+ }
+ $self->pidl(".tp_methods = $py_methods,");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE,");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_new = py_$name\_new,");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("};");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ my $talloc_typename = $self->import_type_variable("talloc", "BaseObject");
+ $self->register_module_prereadycode(["$name\_Type.tp_base = $talloc_typename;",
+ "$name\_Type.tp_basicsize = pytalloc_BaseObject_size();",
+ ""]);
+ return "&$typeobject";
+sub get_metadata_var($)
+ my ($e) = @_;
+ sub get_var($) { my $x = shift; $x =~ s/\*//g; return $x; }
+ if (has_property($e, "length_is")) {
+ return get_var($e->{PROPERTIES}->{length_is});
+ } elsif (has_property($e, "size_is")) {
+ return get_var($e->{PROPERTIES}->{size_is});
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub find_metadata_args($)
+ my ($fn) = @_;
+ my $metadata_args = { in => {}, out => {} };
+ # Determine arguments that are metadata for other arguments (size_is/length_is)
+ foreach my $e (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ foreach my $dir (@{$e->{DIRECTION}}) {
+ my $main = get_metadata_var($e);
+ if ($main) {
+ $metadata_args->{$dir}->{$main} = $e->{NAME};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $metadata_args;
+sub PythonFunctionUnpackOut($$$)
+ my ($self, $fn, $fnname) = @_;
+ my $outfnname = "unpack_$fnname\_args_out";
+ my $signature = "";
+ my $metadata_args = find_metadata_args($fn);
+ my $env = GenerateFunctionOutEnv($fn, "r->");
+ my $result_size = 0;
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *$outfnname(struct $fn->{NAME} *r)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *result;");
+ foreach my $e (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ next unless (grep(/out/,@{$e->{DIRECTION}}));
+ next if (($metadata_args->{in}->{$e->{NAME}} and grep(/in/, @{$e->{DIRECTION}})) or
+ ($metadata_args->{out}->{$e->{NAME}}) and grep(/out/, @{$e->{DIRECTION}}));
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *py_$e->{NAME};");
+ $result_size++;
+ }
+ if ($fn->{RETURN_TYPE}) {
+ $result_size++ unless ($fn->{RETURN_TYPE} eq "WERROR" or $fn->{RETURN_TYPE} eq "NTSTATUS");
+ }
+ my $i = 0;
+ if ($result_size > 1) {
+ $self->pidl("result = PyTuple_New($result_size);");
+ $signature .= "(";
+ } elsif ($result_size == 0) {
+ $self->pidl("result = Py_None;");
+ $self->pidl("Py_INCREF(result);");
+ $signature .= "None";
+ }
+ foreach my $e (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ next if ($metadata_args->{out}->{$e->{NAME}});
+ my $py_name = "py_$e->{NAME}";
+ if (grep(/out/,@{$e->{DIRECTION}})) {
+ $self->ConvertObjectToPython("r", $env, $e, "r->out.$e->{NAME}", $py_name, "return NULL;");
+ if ($result_size > 1) {
+ $self->pidl("PyTuple_SetItem(result, $i, $py_name);");
+ $i++;
+ $signature .= "$e->{NAME}, ";
+ } else {
+ $self->pidl("result = $py_name;");
+ $signature .= $e->{NAME};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($fn->{RETURN_TYPE}) and $fn->{RETURN_TYPE} eq "NTSTATUS") {
+ $self->handle_ntstatus("r->out.result", "NULL", undef);
+ } elsif (defined($fn->{RETURN_TYPE}) and $fn->{RETURN_TYPE} eq "WERROR") {
+ $self->handle_werror("r->out.result", "NULL", undef);
+ } elsif (defined($fn->{RETURN_TYPE})) {
+ my $conv = $self->ConvertObjectToPythonData("r", $fn->{RETURN_TYPE}, "r->out.result", $fn);
+ if ($result_size > 1) {
+ $self->pidl("PyTuple_SetItem(result, $i, $conv);");
+ } else {
+ $self->pidl("result = $conv;");
+ }
+ $signature .= "result";
+ }
+ if (substr($signature, -2) eq ", ") {
+ $signature = substr($signature, 0, -2);
+ }
+ if ($result_size > 1) {
+ $signature .= ")";
+ }
+ $self->pidl("return result;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ return ($outfnname, $signature);
+sub PythonFunctionPackIn($$$)
+ my ($self, $fn, $fnname) = @_;
+ my $metadata_args = find_metadata_args($fn);
+ my $infnname = "pack_$fnname\_args_in";
+ $self->pidl("static bool $infnname(PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs, struct $fn->{NAME} *r)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ my $args_format = "";
+ my $args_string = "";
+ my $args_names = "";
+ my $signature = "";
+ foreach my $e (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ next unless (grep(/in/,@{$e->{DIRECTION}}));
+ next if (($metadata_args->{in}->{$e->{NAME}} and grep(/in/, @{$e->{DIRECTION}})) or
+ ($metadata_args->{out}->{$e->{NAME}}) and grep(/out/, @{$e->{DIRECTION}}));
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *py_$e->{NAME};");
+ $args_format .= "O";
+ $args_string .= ", &py_$e->{NAME}";
+ $args_names .= "\"$e->{NAME}\", ";
+ $signature .= "$e->{NAME}, ";
+ }
+ if (substr($signature, -2) eq ", ") {
+ $signature = substr($signature, 0, -2);
+ }
+ $self->pidl("const char *kwnames[] = {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl($args_names . "NULL");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("};");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, \"$args_format:$fn->{NAME}\", discard_const_p(char *, kwnames)$args_string)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return false;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ my $env = GenerateFunctionInEnv($fn, "r->");
+ my $fail = "return false;";
+ foreach my $e (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ next unless (grep(/in/,@{$e->{DIRECTION}}));
+ if ($metadata_args->{in}->{$e->{NAME}}) {
+ my $py_var = "py_".$metadata_args->{in}->{$e->{NAME}};
+ $self->pidl("PY_CHECK_TYPE(&PyList_Type, $py_var, $fail);");
+ my $val = "PyList_GET_SIZE($py_var)";
+ if ($e->{LEVELS}[0]->{TYPE} eq "POINTER") {
+ $self->pidl("r->in.$e->{NAME} = talloc_ptrtype(r, r->in.$e->{NAME});");
+ $self->pidl("if (r->in.$e->{NAME} == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_NoMemory();");
+ $self->pidl($fail);
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("*r->in.$e->{NAME} = $val;");
+ } else {
+ $self->pidl("r->in.$e->{NAME} = $val;");
+ }
+ } else {
+ $self->ConvertObjectFromPython($env, "r", $e, "py_$e->{NAME}", "r->in.$e->{NAME}", $fail);
+ }
+ }
+ $self->pidl("return true;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ return ($infnname, $signature);
+sub PythonFunction($$$)
+ my ($self, $fn, $iface, $prettyname) = @_;
+ my $fnname = "py_$fn->{NAME}";
+ my $docstring = $self->DocString($fn, $fn->{NAME});
+ my ($infn, $insignature) = $self->PythonFunctionPackIn($fn, $fnname);
+ my ($outfn, $outsignature) = $self->PythonFunctionUnpackOut($fn, $fnname);
+ my $signature = "S.$prettyname($insignature) -> $outsignature";
+ if ($docstring) {
+ $docstring = "\"$signature\\n\\n\"$docstring";
+ } else {
+ $docstring = "\"$signature\"";
+ }
+ return ($infn, $outfn, $docstring);
+sub handle_werror($$$$)
+ my ($self, $var, $retval, $mem_ctx) = @_;
+ $self->pidl("if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK($var)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetWERROR($var);");
+ $self->pidl("talloc_free($mem_ctx);") if ($mem_ctx);
+ $self->pidl("return $retval;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+sub handle_ntstatus($$$$)
+ my ($self, $var, $retval, $mem_ctx) = @_;
+ $self->pidl("if (NT_STATUS_IS_ERR($var)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetNTSTATUS($var);");
+ $self->pidl("talloc_free($mem_ctx);") if ($mem_ctx);
+ $self->pidl("return $retval;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+sub PythonType($$$$)
+ my ($self, $modulename, $d, $interface, $basename) = @_;
+ my $actual_ctype = $d;
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "TYPEDEF") {
+ $actual_ctype = $actual_ctype->{DATA};
+ }
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "STRUCT") {
+ my $typeobject;
+ my $fn_name = PrettifyTypeName($d->{NAME}, $basename);
+ if ($d->{TYPE} eq "STRUCT") {
+ $typeobject = $self->PythonStruct($modulename, $fn_name, $d->{NAME}, mapTypeName($d), $d);
+ } else {
+ $typeobject = $self->PythonStruct($modulename, $fn_name, $d->{NAME}, mapTypeName($d), $d->{DATA});
+ }
+ $self->register_module_typeobject($fn_name, $typeobject, $d->{ORIGINAL});
+ }
+ if ($d->{TYPE} eq "ENUM" or $d->{TYPE} eq "BITMAP") {
+ $self->EnumAndBitmapConsts($d->{NAME}, $d);
+ }
+ if ($d->{TYPE} eq "TYPEDEF" and ($d->{DATA}->{TYPE} eq "ENUM" or $d->{DATA}->{TYPE} eq "BITMAP")) {
+ $self->EnumAndBitmapConsts($d->{NAME}, $d->{DATA});
+ }
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "UNION" and defined($actual_ctype->{ELEMENTS})) {
+ my $prettyname = PrettifyTypeName($d->{NAME}, $basename);
+ my $typeobject = "$d->{NAME}\_Type";
+ my $docstring = $self->DocString($d, $d->{NAME});
+ my $cname = "union $d->{NAME}";
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_import_$d->{NAME}(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int level, " .mapTypeName($d) . " *in)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->FromUnionToPythonFunction("mem_ctx", $actual_ctype, "level", "in") if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "UNION");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static ".mapTypeName($d) . " *py_export_$d->{NAME}(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int level, PyObject *in)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->FromPythonToUnionFunction($actual_ctype, mapTypeName($d), "level", "mem_ctx", "in") if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "UNION");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ my $getsetters = "NULL";
+ my $py_methods = "NULL";
+ my $typename = mapTypeName($d);
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$d->{NAME}\_import(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("const char * const kwnames[] = { \"mem_ctx\", \"level\", \"in\", NULL };");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *mem_ctx_obj = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("int level = 0;");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *in_obj = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("$typename *in = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, \"OiO:import\",");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("discard_const_p(char *, kwnames),");
+ $self->pidl("&mem_ctx_obj,");
+ $self->pidl("&level,");
+ $self->pidl("&in_obj)) {");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("mem_ctx = pytalloc_get_ptr(mem_ctx_obj);");
+ $self->pidl("if (mem_ctx == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, \"mem_ctx is NULL)!\");");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("in = ($typename *)pytalloc_get_ptr(in_obj);");
+ $self->pidl("if (in == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, \"in needs to be a pointer to $typename!\");");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("return py_import_$d->{NAME}(mem_ctx, level, in);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$d->{NAME}\_export(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("const char * const kwnames[] = { \"mem_ctx\", \"level\", \"in\", NULL };");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *mem_ctx_obj = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("int level = 0;");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *in = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("$typename *out = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, \"OiO:import\",");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("discard_const_p(char *, kwnames),");
+ $self->pidl("&mem_ctx_obj,");
+ $self->pidl("&level,");
+ $self->pidl("&in)) {");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("mem_ctx = pytalloc_get_ptr(mem_ctx_obj);");
+ $self->pidl("if (mem_ctx == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, \"mem_ctx is NULL)!\");");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("out = py_export_$d->{NAME}(mem_ctx, level, in);");
+ $self->pidl("if (out == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("return pytalloc_GenericObject_reference(out);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $py_methods = "py_$d->{NAME}_methods";
+ $self->pidl("static PyMethodDef $py_methods\[] = {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("{ \"__import__\", (PyCFunction)py_$d->{NAME}\_import,");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("\"T.__import__(mem_ctx, level, in) => ret.\" },");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("{ \"__export__\", (PyCFunction)py_$d->{NAME}\_export,");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("\"T.__export__(mem_ctx, level, in) => ret.\" },");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("{ NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("};");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *py_$d->{NAME}\_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, \"New %s Objects are not supported\", type->tp_name);");
+ $self->pidl("return NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl_hdr("static PyTypeObject $typeobject;\n");
+ $self->pidl("static PyTypeObject $typeobject = {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_name = \"$modulename.$prettyname\",");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_getset = $getsetters,");
+ if ($docstring) {
+ $self->pidl(".tp_doc = $docstring,");
+ }
+ $self->pidl(".tp_methods = $py_methods,");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE,");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_new = py_$d->{NAME}\_new,");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("};");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ my $talloc_typename = $self->import_type_variable("talloc", "BaseObject");
+ $self->register_module_prereadycode(["$typeobject.tp_base = $talloc_typename;",
+ "$typeobject.tp_basicsize = pytalloc_BaseObject_size();",
+ ""]);
+ $self->register_module_typeobject($prettyname, "&$typeobject", $d->{ORIGINAL});
+ }
+sub DocString($$$)
+ my ($self, $d, $name) = @_;
+ if (has_property($d, "helpstring")) {
+ my $docstring = uc("py_doc_$name");
+ $self->pidl("#define $docstring ".has_property($d, "helpstring"));
+ return $docstring;
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub Interface($$$)
+ my($self,$interface,$basename) = @_;
+ if (has_property($interface, "pyhelper")) {
+ $self->pidl("#include \"".unmake_str($interface->{PROPERTIES}->{pyhelper})."\"\n");
+ }
+ $self->Const($_) foreach (@{$interface->{CONSTS}});
+ foreach my $d (@{$interface->{TYPES}}) {
+ next if has_property($d, "nopython");
+ $self->PythonType($basename, $d, $interface, $basename);
+ }
+ if (defined $interface->{PROPERTIES}->{uuid}) {
+ $self->pidl_hdr("static PyTypeObject $interface->{NAME}_InterfaceType;\n");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ my @fns = ();
+ foreach my $d (@{$interface->{FUNCTIONS}}) {
+ next if has_property($d, "noopnum");
+ next if has_property($d, "nopython");
+ next if has_property($d, "todo");
+ my $skip = 0;
+ foreach my $e (@{$d->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ if (ContainsPipe($e, $e->{LEVELS}[0])) {
+ $skip = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ next if $skip;
+ my $prettyname = $d->{NAME};
+ $prettyname =~ s/^$interface->{NAME}_//;
+ $prettyname =~ s/^$basename\_//;
+ my $typeobject = $self->PythonFunctionStruct($basename, $d, $interface->{NAME}, $prettyname);
+ $self->register_module_typeobject($prettyname, $typeobject, $d->{ORIGINAL});
+ my ($infn, $outfn, $fndocstring) = $self->PythonFunction($d, $interface->{NAME}, $prettyname);
+ push (@fns, [$infn, $outfn, "dcerpc_$d->{NAME}_r", $prettyname, $fndocstring, $d->{OPNUM}]);
+ }
+ $self->pidl("const struct PyNdrRpcMethodDef py_ndr_$interface->{NAME}\_methods[] = {");
+ $self->indent;
+ foreach my $d (@fns) {
+ my ($infn, $outfn, $callfn, $prettyname, $docstring, $opnum) = @$d;
+ $self->pidl("{ \"$prettyname\", $docstring, (py_dcerpc_call_fn)$callfn, (py_data_pack_fn)$infn, (py_data_unpack_fn)$outfn, $opnum, &ndr_table_$interface->{NAME} },");
+ }
+ $self->pidl("{ NULL }");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("};");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *interface_$interface->{NAME}_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return py_dcerpc_interface_init_helper(type, args, kwargs, &ndr_table_$interface->{NAME});");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ my $signature =
+"\"$interface->{NAME}(binding, lp_ctx=None, credentials=None) -> connection\\n\"
+\"binding should be a DCE/RPC binding string (for example: ncacn_ip_tcp:\\n\"
+\"lp_ctx should be a path to a smb.conf file or a param.LoadParm object\\n\"
+\"credentials should be a credentials.Credentials object.\\n\\n\"";
+ my $docstring = $self->DocString($interface, $interface->{NAME});
+ if ($docstring) {
+ $docstring = "$signature$docstring";
+ } else {
+ $docstring = $signature;
+ }
+ my $if_typename = "$interface->{NAME}_InterfaceType";
+ $self->pidl("static PyTypeObject $if_typename = {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_name = \"$basename.$interface->{NAME}\",");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_basicsize = sizeof(dcerpc_InterfaceObject),");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_doc = $docstring,");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE,");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_new = interface_$interface->{NAME}_new,");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("};");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->register_module_typeobject($interface->{NAME}, "&$if_typename", $interface->{ORIGINAL});
+ my $dcerpc_typename = $self->import_type_variable("samba.dcerpc.base", "ClientConnection");
+ $self->register_module_prereadycode(["$if_typename.tp_base = $dcerpc_typename;", ""]);
+ $self->register_module_postreadycode(["if (!PyInterface_AddNdrRpcMethods(&$if_typename, py_ndr_$interface->{NAME}\_methods))", "\treturn NULL;", ""]);
+ $self->pidl("static PyObject *syntax_$interface->{NAME}_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return py_dcerpc_syntax_init_helper(type, args, kwargs, &ndr_table_$interface->{NAME}.syntax_id);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ my $signature = "\"$interface->{NAME}_abstract_syntax()\\n\"";
+ my $docstring = $self->DocString($interface, $interface->{NAME}."_syntax");
+ if ($docstring) {
+ $docstring = "$signature$docstring";
+ } else {
+ $docstring = $signature;
+ }
+ my $syntax_typename = "$interface->{NAME}_SyntaxType";
+ $self->pidl("static PyTypeObject $syntax_typename = {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_name = \"$basename.$interface->{NAME}_abstract_syntax\",");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_doc = $docstring,");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE,");
+ $self->pidl(".tp_new = syntax_$interface->{NAME}_new,");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("};");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->register_module_typeobject("$interface->{NAME}_abstract_syntax", "&$syntax_typename", $interface->{ORIGINAL});
+ if (not defined($self->existing_module_object("abstract_syntax"))) {
+ # Only the first syntax gets registered with the legacy
+ # "abstract_syntax" name
+ $self->register_module_typeobject("abstract_syntax", "&$syntax_typename", $interface->{ORIGINAL});
+ }
+ my $ndr_typename = $self->import_type_variable("samba.dcerpc.misc", "ndr_syntax_id");
+ $self->register_module_prereadycode(["$syntax_typename.tp_base = $ndr_typename;",
+ "$syntax_typename.tp_basicsize = pytalloc_BaseObject_size();",
+ ""]);
+ }
+ $self->pidl_hdr("\n");
+sub register_module_method($$$$$)
+ my ($self, $fn_name, $pyfn_name, $flags, $doc) = @_;
+ push (@{$self->{module_methods}}, [$fn_name, $pyfn_name, $flags, $doc])
+sub register_module_typeobject($$$$)
+ my ($self, $name, $py_name, $location) = @_;
+ $self->register_module_object($name, "(PyObject *)(void *)$py_name", $location);
+ $self->check_ready_type($py_name);
+ $self->register_patch_type_call($name, $py_name);
+sub check_ready_type($$)
+ my ($self, $py_name) = @_;
+ push (@{$self->{ready_types}}, $py_name) unless (grep(/^$py_name$/,@{$self->{ready_types}}));
+sub register_module_import($$)
+ my ($self, $module_path) = @_;
+ my $var_name = $module_path;
+ $var_name =~ s/\./_/g;
+ $var_name = "dep_$var_name";
+ unless (defined $self->{module_imports_uniq}->{$var_name}) {
+ my $h = { "key" => $var_name, "val" => $module_path};
+ push @{$self->{module_imports}}, $h;
+ $self->{module_imports_uniq}->{$var_name} = $h;
+ }
+ return $var_name;
+sub import_type_variable($$$)
+ my ($self, $module, $name) = @_;
+ $self->register_module_import($module);
+ unless (defined $self->{type_imports_uniq}->{$name}) {
+ my $h = { "key" => $name, "val" => $module};
+ push @{$self->{type_imports}}, $h;
+ $self->{type_imports_uniq}->{$name} = $h;
+ }
+ return "$name\_Type";
+sub use_type_variable($$)
+ my ($self, $orig_ctype) = @_;
+ # FIXME: Have a global lookup table for types that look different on the
+ # wire than they are named in C?
+ if ($orig_ctype->{NAME} eq "dom_sid2" or
+ $orig_ctype->{NAME} eq "dom_sid28" or
+ $orig_ctype->{NAME} eq "dom_sid0") {
+ $orig_ctype->{NAME} = "dom_sid";
+ }
+ if ($orig_ctype->{NAME} eq "spoolss_security_descriptor") {
+ $orig_ctype->{NAME} = "security_descriptor";
+ }
+ my $ctype = resolveType($orig_ctype);
+ unless (defined($ctype->{BASEFILE})) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # If this is an external type, make sure we do the right imports.
+ if (($ctype->{BASEFILE} ne $self->{BASENAME})) {
+ return $self->import_type_variable("samba.dcerpc.$ctype->{BASEFILE}", $ctype->{NAME});
+ }
+ return "&$ctype->{NAME}_Type";
+sub register_patch_type_call($$$)
+ my ($self, $typename, $cvar) = @_;
+ push(@{$self->{patch_type_calls}}, [$typename, $cvar]);
+sub register_module_prereadycode($$)
+ my ($self, $code) = @_;
+ push (@{$self->{prereadycode}}, @$code);
+sub register_module_postreadycode($$)
+ my ($self, $code) = @_;
+ push (@{$self->{postreadycode}}, @$code);
+sub existing_module_object($$)
+ my ($self, $name) = @_;
+ if (defined($self->{module_object_uniq}->{$name})) {
+ return $self->{module_object_uniq}->{$name};
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub register_module_object($$$$)
+ my ($self, $name, $py_name, $location) = @_;
+ my $existing = $self->existing_module_object($name);
+ fatal($location, "module_object($name, $py_name) registered twice! $existing.") if defined($existing);
+ push (@{$self->{module_objects}}, [$name, $py_name]);
+ $self->{module_object_uniq}->{$name} = $py_name;
+sub assign($$$)
+ my ($self, $dest, $src) = @_;
+ if ($dest =~ /^\&/ and $src eq "NULL") {
+ $self->pidl("memset($dest, 0, sizeof(" . get_value_of($dest) . "));");
+ } elsif ($dest =~ /^\&/) {
+ my $destvar = get_value_of($dest);
+ $self->pidl("$destvar = *$src;");
+ } else {
+ $self->pidl("$dest = $src;");
+ }
+sub ConvertStringFromPythonData($$$$$)
+ my ($self, $mem_ctx, $py_var, $target, $fail) = @_;
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("const char *test_str;");
+ $self->pidl("const char *talloc_str;");
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *unicode = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("if (PyUnicode_Check($py_var)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ # FIXME: Use Unix charset setting rather than utf-8
+ $self->pidl("unicode = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString($py_var, \"utf-8\", \"ignore\");");
+ $self->pidl("if (unicode == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_NoMemory();");
+ $self->pidl("$fail");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("test_str = PyBytes_AS_STRING(unicode);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("} else if (PyBytes_Check($py_var)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("test_str = PyBytes_AS_STRING($py_var);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("} else {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, \"Expected string or unicode object, got %s\", Py_TYPE($py_var)->tp_name);");
+ $self->pidl("$fail");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("talloc_str = talloc_strdup($mem_ctx, test_str);");
+ $self->pidl("if (unicode != NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("Py_DECREF(unicode);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("if (talloc_str == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_NoMemory();");
+ $self->pidl("$fail");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("$target = talloc_str;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+sub ConvertObjectFromPythonData($$$$$$;$$)
+ my ($self, $mem_ctx, $cvar, $ctype, $target, $fail, $location, $switch) = @_;
+ fatal($location, "undef type for $cvar") unless(defined($ctype));
+ $ctype = resolveType($ctype);
+ my $actual_ctype = $ctype;
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "TYPEDEF") {
+ $actual_ctype = $actual_ctype->{DATA};
+ }
+ # We need to cover ENUMs, BITMAPS and SCALAR values here, as
+ # all could otherwise be assigned invalid integer values
+ my $ctype_alias = "";
+ my $uint_max = "";
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "ENUM") {
+ # Importantly, ENUM values are unsigned in pidl, and
+ # typically map to uint32
+ $ctype_alias = enum_type_fn($actual_ctype);
+ } elsif ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "BITMAP") {
+ $ctype_alias = bitmap_type_fn($actual_ctype);
+ } elsif ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "SCALAR") {
+ $ctype_alias = expandAlias($actual_ctype->{NAME});
+ }
+ # This is the unsigned Python Integer -> C integer validation
+ # case. The signed case is below.
+ if ($ctype_alias =~ /^(uint[0-9]*|hyper|udlong|udlongr
+ |uid_t|gid_t)$/x) {
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("const unsigned long long uint_max = ndr_sizeof2uintmax(sizeof($target));");
+ $self->pidl("if (PyLong_Check($cvar)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("unsigned long long test_var;");
+ $self->pidl("test_var = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong($cvar);");
+ $self->pidl("if (PyErr_Occurred() != NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl($fail);
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("if (test_var > uint_max) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_Format(PyExc_OverflowError, \"Expected type %s or %s within range 0 - %llu, got %llu\",\\");
+ $self->pidl(" PyInt_Type.tp_name, PyLong_Type.tp_name, uint_max, test_var);");
+ $self->pidl($fail);
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("$target = test_var;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("} else if (PyInt_Check($cvar)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("long test_var;");
+ $self->pidl("test_var = PyInt_AsLong($cvar);");
+ $self->pidl("if (test_var < 0 || test_var > uint_max) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_Format(PyExc_OverflowError, \"Expected type %s or %s within range 0 - %llu, got %ld\",\\");
+ $self->pidl(" PyInt_Type.tp_name, PyLong_Type.tp_name, uint_max, test_var);");
+ $self->pidl($fail);
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("$target = test_var;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("} else {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, \"Expected type %s or %s\",\\");
+ $self->pidl(" PyInt_Type.tp_name, PyLong_Type.tp_name);");
+ $self->pidl($fail);
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ return;
+ }
+ # Confirm the signed python integer fits in the C type
+ # correctly. It is subtly different from the unsigned case
+ # above, so while it looks like a duplicate, it is not
+ # actually a duplicate.
+ if ($ctype_alias =~ /^(dlong|char|int[0-9]*|time_t)$/x) {
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("const long long int_max = ndr_sizeof2intmax(sizeof($target));");
+ $self->pidl("const long long int_min = -int_max - 1;");
+ $self->pidl("if (PyLong_Check($cvar)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("long long test_var;");
+ $self->pidl("test_var = PyLong_AsLongLong($cvar);");
+ $self->pidl("if (PyErr_Occurred() != NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl($fail);
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("if (test_var < int_min || test_var > int_max) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_Format(PyExc_OverflowError, \"Expected type %s or %s within range %lld - %lld, got %lld\",\\");
+ $self->pidl(" PyInt_Type.tp_name, PyLong_Type.tp_name, int_min, int_max, test_var);");
+ $self->pidl($fail);
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("$target = test_var;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("} else if (PyInt_Check($cvar)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("long test_var;");
+ $self->pidl("test_var = PyInt_AsLong($cvar);");
+ $self->pidl("if (test_var < int_min || test_var > int_max) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_Format(PyExc_OverflowError, \"Expected type %s or %s within range %lld - %lld, got %ld\",\\");
+ $self->pidl(" PyInt_Type.tp_name, PyLong_Type.tp_name, int_min, int_max, test_var);");
+ $self->pidl($fail);
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("$target = test_var;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("} else {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, \"Expected type %s or %s\",\\");
+ $self->pidl(" PyInt_Type.tp_name, PyLong_Type.tp_name);");
+ $self->pidl($fail);
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "STRUCT" or $actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "INTERFACE") {
+ my $ctype_name = $self->use_type_variable($ctype);
+ unless (defined ($ctype_name)) {
+ error($location, "Unable to determine origin of type `" . mapTypeName($ctype) . "'");
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, \"Can not convert C Type " . mapTypeName($ctype) . " from Python\");");
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->pidl("PY_CHECK_TYPE($ctype_name, $cvar, $fail);");
+ $self->pidl("if (talloc_reference($mem_ctx, pytalloc_get_mem_ctx($cvar)) == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_NoMemory();");
+ $self->pidl("$fail");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->assign($target, "(".mapTypeName($ctype)." *)pytalloc_get_ptr($cvar)");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "UNION") {
+ my $ctype_name = $self->use_type_variable($ctype);
+ unless (defined ($ctype_name)) {
+ error($location, "Unable to determine origin of type `" . mapTypeName($ctype) . "'");
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, \"Can not convert C Type " . mapTypeName($ctype) . " from Python\");");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $export = "pyrpc_export_union($ctype_name, $mem_ctx, $switch, $cvar, \"".mapTypeName($ctype)."\")";
+ $self->assign($target, "(".mapTypeName($ctype)." *)$export");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "SCALAR" and $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "DATA_BLOB") {
+ $self->pidl("$target = data_blob_talloc($mem_ctx, PyBytes_AS_STRING($cvar), PyBytes_GET_SIZE($cvar));");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "SCALAR" and
+ ($actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "string"
+ or $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "nbt_string"
+ or $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "nbt_name"
+ or $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "wrepl_nbt_name"
+ or $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "dns_string"
+ or $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "dnsp_string"
+ or $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "dns_name"
+ or $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "ipv4address"
+ or $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "ipv6address"
+ or $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "dnsp_name")) {
+ $self->ConvertStringFromPythonData($mem_ctx, $cvar, $target, $fail);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "SCALAR" and $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "NTSTATUS") {
+ $self->pidl("$target = NT_STATUS(PyInt_AsLong($cvar));");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "SCALAR" and $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "WERROR") {
+ $self->pidl("$target = W_ERROR(PyInt_AsLong($cvar));");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "SCALAR" and $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "HRESULT") {
+ $self->pidl("$target = HRES_ERROR(PyInt_AsLong($cvar));");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "SCALAR" and $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "string_array") {
+ $self->pidl("$target = pytalloc_get_ptr($cvar);");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "SCALAR" and $actual_ctype->{NAME} eq "pointer") {
+ $self->assign($target, "pytalloc_get_ptr($cvar)");
+ return;
+ }
+ fatal($location, "unknown type `$actual_ctype->{TYPE}' for ".mapTypeName($ctype) . ": $cvar");
+sub ConvertObjectFromPythonLevel($$$$$$$$$)
+ my ($self, $env, $mem_ctx, $py_var, $e, $l, $var_name, $fail, $recurse) = @_;
+ my $nl = GetNextLevel($e, $l);
+ if ($nl and $nl->{TYPE} eq "SUBCONTEXT") {
+ $nl = GetNextLevel($e, $nl);
+ }
+ my $pl = GetPrevLevel($e, $l);
+ if ($pl and $pl->{TYPE} eq "SUBCONTEXT") {
+ $pl = GetPrevLevel($e, $pl);
+ }
+ if ($recurse == 0) {
+ $self->pidl("if ($py_var == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, \"Cannot delete NDR object: " .
+ mapTypeName($var_name) . "\");");
+ $self->pidl($fail);
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ }
+ $recurse = $recurse + 1;
+ if ($l->{TYPE} eq "POINTER") {
+ if ($l->{POINTER_TYPE} ne "ref") {
+ $self->pidl("if ($py_var == Py_None) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("$var_name = NULL;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("} else {");
+ $self->indent;
+ }
+ # if we want to handle more than one level of pointer in python interfaces
+ # then this is where we would need to allocate it
+ if ($l->{POINTER_TYPE} eq "ref") {
+ $self->pidl("$var_name = talloc_ptrtype($mem_ctx, $var_name);");
+ $self->pidl("if ($var_name == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_NoMemory();");
+ $self->pidl($fail);
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ } elsif ($nl->{TYPE} eq "DATA" and Parse::Pidl::Typelist::is_scalar($nl->{DATA_TYPE})
+ and not Parse::Pidl::Typelist::scalar_is_reference($nl->{DATA_TYPE})) {
+ $self->pidl("$var_name = talloc_ptrtype($mem_ctx, $var_name);");
+ $self->pidl("if ($var_name == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_NoMemory();");
+ $self->pidl($fail);
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ } else {
+ $self->pidl("$var_name = NULL;");
+ }
+ unless ($nl->{TYPE} eq "DATA" and Parse::Pidl::Typelist::scalar_is_reference($nl->{DATA_TYPE})) {
+ $var_name = get_value_of($var_name);
+ }
+ $self->ConvertObjectFromPythonLevel($env, $mem_ctx, $py_var, $e, $nl, $var_name, $fail, $recurse);
+ if ($l->{POINTER_TYPE} ne "ref") {
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ }
+ } elsif ($l->{TYPE} eq "ARRAY") {
+ if ($pl && $pl->{TYPE} eq "POINTER") {
+ $var_name = get_pointer_to($var_name);
+ }
+ if (is_charset_array($e, $l)) {
+ $self->ConvertStringFromPythonData($mem_ctx, $py_var, $var_name, $fail);
+ } else {
+ my $counter = "$e->{NAME}_cntr_$l->{LEVEL_INDEX}";
+ $self->pidl("PY_CHECK_TYPE(&PyList_Type, $py_var, $fail);");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("int $counter;");
+ if (ArrayDynamicallyAllocated($e, $l)) {
+ $self->pidl("$var_name = talloc_array_ptrtype($mem_ctx, $var_name, PyList_GET_SIZE($py_var));");
+ $self->pidl("if (!$var_name) { $fail; }");
+ $self->pidl("talloc_set_name_const($var_name, \"ARRAY: $var_name\");");
+ } else {
+ $self->pidl("if (ARRAY_SIZE($var_name) != PyList_GET_SIZE($py_var)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, \"Expected list of type %s, length %zu, got %zd\", Py_TYPE($py_var)->tp_name, ARRAY_SIZE($var_name), PyList_GET_SIZE($py_var));");
+ $self->pidl("$fail");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ }
+ $self->pidl("for ($counter = 0; $counter < PyList_GET_SIZE($py_var); $counter++) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->ConvertObjectFromPythonLevel($env, $var_name, "PyList_GET_ITEM($py_var, $counter)", $e, $nl, $var_name."[$counter]", $fail, 0);
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ }
+ } elsif ($l->{TYPE} eq "DATA") {
+ if (not Parse::Pidl::Typelist::is_scalar($l->{DATA_TYPE})) {
+ $var_name = get_pointer_to($var_name);
+ }
+ $self->ConvertObjectFromPythonData($mem_ctx, $py_var, $l->{DATA_TYPE}, $var_name, $fail, $e->{ORIGINAL});
+ } elsif ($l->{TYPE} eq "SWITCH") {
+ $var_name = get_pointer_to($var_name);
+ my $switch = ParseExpr($l->{SWITCH_IS}, $env, $e);
+ my $switch_ptr = "$e->{NAME}_switch_$l->{LEVEL_INDEX}";
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ my $union_type = mapTypeName($nl->{DATA_TYPE});
+ $self->pidl("$union_type *$switch_ptr;");
+ $self->ConvertObjectFromPythonData($mem_ctx, $py_var, $nl->{DATA_TYPE}, $switch_ptr, $fail, $e->{ORIGINAL}, $switch);
+ $self->fail_on_null($switch_ptr, $fail);
+ $self->assign($var_name, "$switch_ptr");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ } elsif ($l->{TYPE} eq "SUBCONTEXT") {
+ $self->ConvertObjectFromPythonLevel($env, $mem_ctx, $py_var, $e, $nl, $var_name, $fail, $recurse);
+ } else {
+ fatal($e->{ORIGINAL}, "unknown level type $l->{TYPE}");
+ }
+sub ConvertObjectFromPython($$$$$$$)
+ my ($self, $env, $mem_ctx, $ctype, $cvar, $target, $fail) = @_;
+ my $recurse = 0;
+ $self->ConvertObjectFromPythonLevel($env, $mem_ctx, $cvar, $ctype, $ctype->{LEVELS}[0], $target, $fail, $recurse);
+sub ConvertScalarToPython($$$$)
+ my ($self, $ctypename, $cvar, $mem_ctx) = @_;
+ die("expected string for $cvar, not $ctypename") if (ref($ctypename) eq "HASH");
+ $ctypename = expandAlias($ctypename);
+ if ($ctypename =~ /^(int64|dlong)$/) {
+ return "ndr_PyLong_FromLongLong($cvar)";
+ }
+ if ($ctypename =~ /^(uint64|hyper|NTTIME_hyper|NTTIME|NTTIME_1sec|udlong|udlongr|uid_t|gid_t)$/) {
+ return "ndr_PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong($cvar)";
+ }
+ if ($ctypename =~ /^(char|int|int8|int16|int32|time_t)$/) {
+ return "PyInt_FromLong($cvar)";
+ }
+ # Needed to ensure unsigned values in a 32 or 16 bit enum is
+ # cast correctly to a uint32_t, not sign extended to a a
+ # possibly 64 bit unsigned long. (enums are signed in C,
+ # unsigned in NDR)
+ if ($ctypename =~ /^(uint32|uint3264)$/) {
+ return "ndr_PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong((uint32_t)$cvar)";
+ }
+ if ($ctypename =~ /^(uint|uint8|uint16|uint1632)$/) {
+ return "PyInt_FromLong((uint16_t)$cvar)";
+ }
+ if ($ctypename eq "DATA_BLOB") {
+ return "PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((char *)($cvar).data, ($cvar).length)";
+ }
+ if ($ctypename eq "NTSTATUS") {
+ return "PyErr_FromNTSTATUS($cvar)";
+ }
+ if ($ctypename eq "WERROR") {
+ return "PyErr_FromWERROR($cvar)";
+ }
+ if ($ctypename eq "HRESULT") {
+ return "PyErr_FromHRESULT($cvar)";
+ }
+ if (($ctypename eq "string" or $ctypename eq "nbt_string" or $ctypename eq "nbt_name" or $ctypename eq "wrepl_nbt_name")) {
+ return "PyString_FromStringOrNULL($cvar)";
+ }
+ if (($ctypename eq "dns_string" or $ctypename eq "dns_name")) {
+ return "PyString_FromStringOrNULL($cvar)";
+ }
+ # Not yet supported
+ if ($ctypename eq "string_array") {
+ return "pytalloc_GenericObject_reference_ex($mem_ctx, $cvar)";
+ }
+ if ($ctypename eq "ipv4address") { return "PyString_FromStringOrNULL($cvar)"; }
+ if ($ctypename eq "ipv6address") { return "PyString_FromStringOrNULL($cvar)"; }
+ if ($ctypename eq "dnsp_name") { return "PyString_FromStringOrNULL($cvar)"; }
+ if ($ctypename eq "dnsp_string") { return "PyString_FromStringOrNULL($cvar)"; }
+ if ($ctypename eq "pointer") {
+ return "pytalloc_GenericObject_reference_ex($mem_ctx, $cvar)";
+ }
+ die("Unknown scalar type $ctypename");
+sub ConvertObjectToPythonData($$$$$;$$)
+ my ($self, $mem_ctx, $ctype, $cvar, $location, $switch) = @_;
+ die("undef type for $cvar") unless(defined($ctype));
+ $ctype = resolveType($ctype);
+ my $actual_ctype = $ctype;
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "TYPEDEF") {
+ $actual_ctype = $actual_ctype->{DATA};
+ }
+ if ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "ENUM") {
+ return $self->ConvertScalarToPython(Parse::Pidl::Typelist::enum_type_fn($actual_ctype), $cvar, $mem_ctx);
+ } elsif ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "BITMAP") {
+ return $self->ConvertScalarToPython(Parse::Pidl::Typelist::bitmap_type_fn($actual_ctype), $cvar, $mem_ctx);
+ } elsif ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "SCALAR") {
+ return $self->ConvertScalarToPython($actual_ctype->{NAME}, $cvar, $mem_ctx);
+ } elsif ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "UNION") {
+ my $ctype_name = $self->use_type_variable($ctype);
+ unless (defined($ctype_name)) {
+ error($location, "Unable to determine origin of type `" . mapTypeName($ctype) . "'");
+ return "NULL"; # FIXME!
+ }
+ return "pyrpc_import_union($ctype_name, $mem_ctx, $switch, $cvar, \"".mapTypeName($ctype)."\")";
+ } elsif ($actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "STRUCT" or $actual_ctype->{TYPE} eq "INTERFACE") {
+ my $ctype_name = $self->use_type_variable($ctype);
+ unless (defined($ctype_name)) {
+ error($location, "Unable to determine origin of type `" . mapTypeName($ctype) . "'");
+ return "NULL"; # FIXME!
+ }
+ return "pytalloc_reference_ex($ctype_name, $mem_ctx, $cvar)";
+ }
+ fatal($location, "unknown type $actual_ctype->{TYPE} for ".mapTypeName($ctype) . ": $cvar");
+sub fail_on_null($$$)
+ my ($self, $var, $fail) = @_;
+ $self->pidl("if ($var == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl($fail);
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+sub ConvertObjectToPythonLevel($$$$$$$)
+ my ($self, $mem_ctx, $env, $e, $l, $var_name, $py_var, $fail, $recurse) = @_;
+ my $nl = GetNextLevel($e, $l);
+ if ($nl and $nl->{TYPE} eq "SUBCONTEXT") {
+ $nl = GetNextLevel($e, $nl);
+ }
+ my $pl = GetPrevLevel($e, $l);
+ if ($pl and $pl->{TYPE} eq "SUBCONTEXT") {
+ $pl = GetPrevLevel($e, $pl);
+ }
+ if ($l->{TYPE} eq "POINTER") {
+ if ($l->{POINTER_TYPE} ne "ref") {
+ if ($recurse == 0) {
+ $self->pidl("if ($var_name == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("$py_var = Py_None;");
+ $self->pidl("Py_INCREF($py_var);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("} else {");
+ $self->indent;
+ } else {
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ }
+ $recurse = $recurse + 1;
+ }
+ my $var_name2 = $var_name;
+ my $recurse2 = $recurse;
+ unless ($nl->{TYPE} eq "DATA" and Parse::Pidl::Typelist::scalar_is_reference($nl->{DATA_TYPE})) {
+ $var_name2 = get_value_of($var_name);
+ $recurse2 = 0;
+ }
+ $self->ConvertObjectToPythonLevel($var_name, $env, $e, $nl, $var_name2, $py_var, $fail, $recurse2);
+ if ($l->{POINTER_TYPE} ne "ref") {
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ }
+ } elsif ($l->{TYPE} eq "ARRAY") {
+ if ($pl && $pl->{TYPE} eq "POINTER") {
+ $var_name = get_pointer_to($var_name);
+ }
+ if (is_charset_array($e, $l)) {
+ # FIXME: Use Unix charset setting rather than utf-8
+ $self->pidl("if ($var_name == NULL) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("$py_var = Py_None;");
+ $self->pidl("Py_INCREF($py_var);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("} else {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("$py_var = PyUnicode_Decode($var_name, strlen($var_name), \"utf-8\", \"ignore\");");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ } else {
+ die("No SIZE_IS for array $var_name") unless (defined($l->{SIZE_IS}));
+ my $length = $l->{SIZE_IS};
+ if (defined($l->{LENGTH_IS})) {
+ $length = $l->{LENGTH_IS};
+ }
+ $length = ParseExpr($length, $env, $e);
+ $self->pidl("$py_var = PyList_New($length);");
+ $self->fail_on_null($py_var, $fail);
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ my $counter = "$e->{NAME}_cntr_$l->{LEVEL_INDEX}";
+ $self->pidl("int $counter;");
+ $self->pidl("for ($counter = 0; $counter < ($length); $counter++) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ my $member_var = "py_$e->{NAME}_$l->{LEVEL_INDEX}";
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *$member_var;");
+ $self->ConvertObjectToPythonLevel($var_name, $env, $e, $nl, $var_name."[$counter]", $member_var, $fail, $recurse);
+ $self->pidl("PyList_SetItem($py_var, $counter, $member_var);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ }
+ } elsif ($l->{TYPE} eq "SWITCH") {
+ $var_name = get_pointer_to($var_name);
+ my $switch = ParseExpr($l->{SWITCH_IS}, $env, $e);
+ my $conv = $self->ConvertObjectToPythonData($mem_ctx, $nl->{DATA_TYPE}, $var_name, $e->{ORIGINAL}, $switch);
+ $self->pidl("$py_var = $conv;");
+ $self->fail_on_null($py_var, $fail);
+ } elsif ($l->{TYPE} eq "DATA") {
+ if (not Parse::Pidl::Typelist::is_scalar($l->{DATA_TYPE})) {
+ $var_name = get_pointer_to($var_name);
+ }
+ my $conv = $self->ConvertObjectToPythonData($mem_ctx, $l->{DATA_TYPE}, $var_name, $e->{ORIGINAL});
+ $self->pidl("$py_var = $conv;");
+ } elsif ($l->{TYPE} eq "SUBCONTEXT") {
+ $self->ConvertObjectToPythonLevel($mem_ctx, $env, $e, $nl, $var_name, $py_var, $fail, $recurse);
+ } else {
+ fatal($e->{ORIGINAL}, "Unknown level type $l->{TYPE} $var_name");
+ }
+sub ConvertObjectToPython($$$$$$)
+ my ($self, $mem_ctx, $env, $ctype, $cvar, $py_var, $fail) = @_;
+ my $recurse = 0;
+ $self->ConvertObjectToPythonLevel($mem_ctx, $env, $ctype, $ctype->{LEVELS}[0], $cvar, $py_var, $fail, $recurse);
+sub Parse($$$$$)
+ my($self,$basename,$ndr,$ndr_hdr,$hdr) = @_;
+ $self->{BASENAME} = $basename;
+ $self->pidl_hdr("
+/* Python wrapper functions auto-generated by pidl */
+#define PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN 1 /* We use Py_ssize_t for PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords */
+#include <Python.h>
+#include \"python/py3compat.h\"
+#include \"includes.h\"
+#include <pytalloc.h>
+#include \"librpc/rpc/pyrpc.h\"
+#include \"librpc/rpc/pyrpc_util.h\"
+#include \"$hdr\"
+#include \"$ndr_hdr\"
+ * These functions are here to ensure they can be optimized out by
+ * the compiler based on the constant input values
+ */
+static inline unsigned long long ndr_sizeof2uintmax(size_t var_size)
+ switch (var_size) {
+ case 8:
+ return UINT64_MAX;
+ case 4:
+ return UINT32_MAX;
+ case 2:
+ return UINT16_MAX;
+ case 1:
+ return UINT8_MAX;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static inline long long ndr_sizeof2intmax(size_t var_size)
+ switch (var_size) {
+ case 8:
+ return INT64_MAX;
+ case 4:
+ return INT32_MAX;
+ case 2:
+ return INT16_MAX;
+ case 1:
+ return INT8_MAX;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static inline PyObject *ndr_PyLong_FromLongLong(long long v)
+ if (v > LONG_MAX || v < LONG_MIN) {
+ return PyLong_FromLongLong(v);
+ } else {
+ return PyInt_FromLong(v);
+ }
+static inline PyObject *ndr_PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(unsigned long long v)
+ if (v > LONG_MAX) {
+ return PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(v);
+ } else {
+ return PyInt_FromLong(v);
+ }
+ foreach my $x (@$ndr) {
+ ($x->{TYPE} eq "IMPORT") && $self->Import(@{$x->{PATHS}});
+ ($x->{TYPE} eq "INTERFACE") && $self->Interface($x, $basename);
+ }
+ $self->pidl("static PyMethodDef $basename\_methods[] = {");
+ $self->indent;
+ foreach (@{$self->{module_methods}}) {
+ my ($fn_name, $pyfn_name, $flags, $doc) = @$_;
+ $self->pidl("{ \"$fn_name\", (PyCFunction)$pyfn_name, $flags, $doc },");
+ }
+ $self->pidl("{ NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("};");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,");
+ $self->pidl(".m_name = \"$basename\",");
+ $self->pidl(".m_doc = \"$basename DCE/RPC\",");
+ $self->pidl(".m_size = -1,");
+ $self->pidl(".m_methods = $basename\_methods,");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("};");
+ $self->pidl("MODULE_INIT_FUNC($basename)");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *m;");
+ foreach my $h (@{$self->{module_imports}}) {
+ $self->pidl("PyObject *$h->{'key'};");
+ }
+ $self->pidl("");
+ foreach my $h (@{$self->{module_imports}}) {
+ my $var_name = $h->{'key'};
+ my $module_path = $h->{'val'};
+ $self->pidl("$var_name = PyImport_ImportModule(\"$module_path\");");
+ $self->pidl("if ($var_name == NULL)");
+ $self->pidl("\treturn NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ }
+ foreach my $h (@{$self->{type_imports}}) {
+ my $type_var = "$h->{'key'}\_Type";
+ my $module_path = $h->{'val'};
+ $self->pidl_hdr("static PyTypeObject *$type_var;\n");
+ my $pretty_name = PrettifyTypeName($h->{'key'}, $module_path);
+ my $module_var = "dep_$module_path";
+ $module_var =~ s/\./_/g;
+ $self->pidl("$type_var = (PyTypeObject *)PyObject_GetAttrString($module_var, \"$pretty_name\");");
+ $self->pidl("if ($type_var == NULL)");
+ $self->pidl("\treturn NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ }
+ $self->pidl($_) foreach (@{$self->{prereadycode}});
+ foreach (@{$self->{ready_types}}) {
+ $self->pidl("if (PyType_Ready($_) < 0)");
+ $self->pidl("\treturn NULL;");
+ }
+ $self->pidl($_) foreach (@{$self->{postreadycode}});
+ foreach (@{$self->{patch_type_calls}}) {
+ my ($typename, $cvar) = @$_;
+ $self->pidl("#ifdef PY_".uc($typename)."_PATCH");
+ $self->pidl("PY_".uc($typename)."_PATCH($cvar);");
+ $self->pidl("#endif");
+ }
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("m = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);");
+ $self->pidl("if (m == NULL)");
+ $self->pidl("\treturn NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ foreach my $h (@{$self->{constants}}) {
+ my $pretty_name = PrettifyTypeName($h->{'key'}, $basename);
+ my $py_obj;
+ my ($ctype, $cvar) = @{$h->{'val'}};
+ if ($cvar =~ /^[0-9]+$/ or $cvar =~ /^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$/) {
+ $py_obj = "ndr_PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong($cvar)";
+ } elsif ($cvar =~ /^".*"$/) {
+ $py_obj = "PyStr_FromString($cvar)";
+ } else {
+ $py_obj = $self->ConvertObjectToPythonData("NULL", expandAlias($ctype), $cvar, undef);
+ }
+ $self->pidl("PyModule_AddObject(m, \"$pretty_name\", $py_obj);");
+ }
+ foreach (@{$self->{module_objects}}) {
+ my ($object_name, $c_name) = @$_;
+ $self->pidl("Py_INCREF($c_name);");
+ $self->pidl("PyModule_AddObject(m, \"$object_name\", $c_name);");
+ }
+ $self->pidl("#ifdef PY_MOD_".uc($basename)."_PATCH");
+ $self->pidl("PY_MOD_".uc($basename)."_PATCH(m);");
+ $self->pidl("#endif");
+ $self->pidl("return m;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ return ($self->{res_hdr} . $self->{res});