path: root/ui/cli/tap-exportobject.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'ui/cli/tap-exportobject.c')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ui/cli/tap-exportobject.c b/ui/cli/tap-exportobject.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a02155c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/cli/tap-exportobject.c
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+/* tap-exportobject.c
+ *
+ * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <>
+ * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <wsutil/file_util.h>
+#include <wsutil/filesystem.h>
+#include <wsutil/cmdarg_err.h>
+#include <epan/packet_info.h>
+#include <epan/packet.h>
+#include <epan/export_object.h>
+#include "tap-exportobject.h"
+typedef struct _export_object_list_gui_t {
+ GSList *entries;
+ register_eo_t* eo;
+} export_object_list_gui_t;
+static GHashTable* eo_opts = NULL;
+static bool
+list_exportobject_protocol(const void *key, void *value _U_, void *userdata _U_)
+ fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", (const gchar*)key);
+ return FALSE;
+void eo_list_object_types(void)
+ eo_iterate_tables(list_exportobject_protocol, NULL);
+gboolean eo_tap_opt_add(const char *option_string)
+ gchar** splitted;
+ if (!eo_opts)
+ eo_opts = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal);
+ splitted = g_strsplit(option_string, ",", 2);
+ if ((splitted[0] == NULL) || (splitted[1] == NULL) || (get_eo_by_name(splitted[0]) == NULL))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "tshark: \"--export-objects\" are specified as: <protocol>,<destdir>\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "tshark: The available export object types for the \"--export-objects\" option are:\n");
+ eo_list_object_types();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gchar* dir = (gchar*)g_hash_table_lookup(eo_opts, splitted[0]);
+ /* Since we're saving all objects from a protocol,
+ it can only be listed once */
+ if (dir == NULL) {
+ g_hash_table_insert(eo_opts, splitted[0], splitted[1]);
+ g_free(splitted);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cmdarg_err("\"--export-objects\" already specified protocol '%s'", splitted[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ g_strfreev(splitted);
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+object_list_add_entry(void *gui_data, export_object_entry_t *entry)
+ export_object_list_gui_t *object_list = (export_object_list_gui_t*)gui_data;
+ object_list->entries = g_slist_append(object_list->entries, entry);
+static export_object_entry_t*
+object_list_get_entry(void *gui_data, int row) {
+ export_object_list_gui_t *object_list = (export_object_list_gui_t*)gui_data;
+ return (export_object_entry_t *)g_slist_nth_data(object_list->entries, row);
+/* This is just for writing Exported Objects to a file */
+static void
+eo_draw(void *tapdata)
+ export_object_list_t *tap_object = (export_object_list_t *)tapdata;
+ export_object_list_gui_t *object_list = (export_object_list_gui_t*)tap_object->gui_data;
+ GSList *slist = object_list->entries;
+ export_object_entry_t *entry;
+ gchar* save_in_path = (gchar*)g_hash_table_lookup(eo_opts, proto_get_protocol_filter_name(get_eo_proto_id(object_list->eo)));
+ GString *safe_filename = NULL;
+ gchar *save_as_fullpath = NULL;
+ guint count = 0;
+ if (!g_file_test(save_in_path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
+ /* If the destination directory (or its parents) do not exist, create them. */
+ if (g_mkdir_with_parents(save_in_path, 0755) == -1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create export objects output directory \"%s\": %s\n",
+ save_in_path, g_strerror(errno));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ while (slist) {
+ entry = (export_object_entry_t *)slist->data;
+ do {
+ g_free(save_as_fullpath);
+ if (entry->filename) {
+ safe_filename = eo_massage_str(entry->filename,
+ } else {
+ char generic_name[EXPORT_OBJECT_MAXFILELEN+1];
+ const char *ext;
+ ext = eo_ct2ext(entry->content_type);
+ snprintf(generic_name, sizeof(generic_name),
+ "object%u%s%s", entry->pkt_num, ext ? "." : "", ext ? ext : "");
+ safe_filename = eo_massage_str(generic_name,
+ }
+ save_as_fullpath = g_build_filename(save_in_path, safe_filename->str, NULL);
+ g_string_free(safe_filename, TRUE);
+ } while (g_file_test(save_as_fullpath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) && ++count < prefs.gui_max_export_objects);
+ count = 0;
+ write_file_binary_mode(save_as_fullpath, entry->payload_data, entry->payload_len);
+ g_free(save_as_fullpath);
+ save_as_fullpath = NULL;
+ slist = slist->next;
+ }
+static void
+exportobject_handler(gpointer key, gpointer value _U_, gpointer user_data _U_)
+ GString *error_msg;
+ export_object_list_t *tap_data;
+ export_object_list_gui_t *object_list;
+ register_eo_t* eo;
+ eo = get_eo_by_name((const char*)key);
+ if (eo == NULL)
+ {
+ cmdarg_err("\"--export-objects\" INTERNAL ERROR '%s' protocol not found", (const char*)key);
+ return;
+ }
+ tap_data = g_new0(export_object_list_t,1);
+ object_list = g_new0(export_object_list_gui_t,1);
+ tap_data->add_entry = object_list_add_entry;
+ tap_data->get_entry = object_list_get_entry;
+ tap_data->gui_data = (void*)object_list;
+ object_list->eo = eo;
+ /* Data will be gathered via a tap callback */
+ error_msg = register_tap_listener(get_eo_tap_listener_name(eo), tap_data, NULL, 0,
+ NULL, get_eo_packet_func(eo), eo_draw, NULL);
+ if (error_msg) {
+ cmdarg_err("Can't register %s tap: %s", (const char*)key, error_msg->str);
+ g_string_free(error_msg, TRUE);
+ g_free(tap_data);
+ g_free(object_list);
+ return;
+ }
+void start_exportobjects(void)
+ if (eo_opts != NULL)
+ g_hash_table_foreach(eo_opts, exportobject_handler, NULL);