path: root/ui/qt/proto_tree.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 909 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ui/qt/proto_tree.cpp b/ui/qt/proto_tree.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77af8d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/qt/proto_tree.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,909 @@
+/* proto_tree.cpp
+ *
+ * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <>
+ * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ui/qt/proto_tree.h>
+#include <ui/qt/models/proto_tree_model.h>
+#include <epan/ftypes/ftypes.h>
+#include <epan/prefs.h>
+#include <epan/epan.h>
+#include <epan/epan_dissect.h>
+#include <cfile.h>
+#include <ui/qt/utils/color_utils.h>
+#include <ui/qt/utils/variant_pointer.h>
+#include <ui/qt/utils/wireshark_mime_data.h>
+#include <ui/qt/widgets/drag_label.h>
+#include <ui/qt/widgets/wireshark_file_dialog.h>
+#include <ui/qt/show_packet_bytes_dialog.h>
+#include <ui/qt/filter_action.h>
+#include <ui/qt/follow_stream_action.h>
+#include <ui/all_files_wildcard.h>
+#include <ui/alert_box.h>
+#include <ui/urls.h>
+#include "main_application.h"
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QContextMenuEvent>
+#include <QDesktopServices>
+#include <QHeaderView>
+#include <QItemSelectionModel>
+#include <QScrollBar>
+#include <QStack>
+#include <QUrl>
+#include <QClipboard>
+#include <QWindow>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QJsonDocument>
+#include <QJsonObject>
+// To do:
+// - Fix "apply as filter" behavior.
+ProtoTree::ProtoTree(QWidget *parent, epan_dissect_t *edt_fixed) :
+ QTreeView(parent),
+ proto_tree_model_(new ProtoTreeModel(this)),
+ column_resize_timer_(0),
+ cap_file_(NULL),
+ edt_(edt_fixed)
+ setAccessibleName(tr("Packet details"));
+ // Leave the uniformRowHeights property as-is (false) since items might
+ // have multiple lines (e.g. packet comments). If this slows things down
+ // too much we should add a custom delegate which handles SizeHintRole
+ // similar to PacketListModel::data.
+ setHeaderHidden(true);
+#if !defined(Q_OS_WIN)
+ setStyleSheet(QString(
+ "QTreeView:item:hover {"
+ " background-color: %1;"
+ " color: palette(text);"
+ "}").arg(ColorUtils::hoverBackground().name(QColor::HexArgb)));
+ // Shrink down to a small but nonzero size in the main splitter.
+ int one_em = fontMetrics().height();
+ setMinimumSize(one_em, one_em);
+ setModel(proto_tree_model_);
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(expanded(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(syncExpanded(QModelIndex)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(collapsed(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(syncCollapsed(QModelIndex)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)),
+ this, SLOT(itemClicked(QModelIndex)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)),
+ this, SLOT(itemDoubleClicked(QModelIndex)));
+ connect(&proto_prefs_menu_, SIGNAL(showProtocolPreferences(QString)),
+ this, SIGNAL(showProtocolPreferences(QString)));
+ connect(&proto_prefs_menu_, SIGNAL(editProtocolPreference(preference*,pref_module*)),
+ this, SIGNAL(editProtocolPreference(preference*,pref_module*)));
+ // resizeColumnToContents checks 1000 items by default. The user might
+ // have scrolled to an area with a different width at this point.
+ connect(verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(sliderReleased()),
+ this, SLOT(updateContentWidth()));
+ connect(mainApp, SIGNAL(appInitialized()), this, SLOT(connectToMainWindow()));
+ viewport()->installEventFilter(this);
+void ProtoTree::clear() {
+ proto_tree_model_->setRootNode(NULL);
+ updateContentWidth();
+void ProtoTree::connectToMainWindow()
+ if (mainApp->mainWindow())
+ {
+ connect(mainApp->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(fieldSelected(FieldInformation *)),
+ this, SLOT(selectedFieldChanged(FieldInformation *)));
+ connect(mainApp->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(framesSelected(QList<int>)),
+ this, SLOT(selectedFrameChanged(QList<int>)));
+ }
+void ProtoTree::ctxCopyVisibleItems()
+ bool selected_tree = false;
+ QAction * send = qobject_cast<QAction *>(sender());
+ if (send && send->property("selected_tree").isValid())
+ selected_tree = true;
+ QString clip;
+ if (selected_tree && selectionModel()->hasSelection())
+ clip = toString(selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().first());
+ else
+ clip = toString();
+ if (clip.length() > 0)
+ mainApp->clipboard()->setText(clip);
+void ProtoTree::ctxCopyAsFilter()
+ QModelIndex idx = selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().first();
+ FieldInformation finfo(proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(idx));
+ if (finfo.isValid())
+ {
+ epan_dissect_t *edt = cap_file_ ? cap_file_->edt : edt_;
+ char *field_filter = proto_construct_match_selected_string(finfo.fieldInfo(), edt);
+ QString filter(field_filter);
+ wmem_free(Q_NULLPTR, field_filter);
+ if (filter.length() > 0)
+ mainApp->clipboard()->setText(filter);
+ }
+void ProtoTree::ctxCopySelectedInfo()
+ int val = -1;
+ QString clip;
+ QAction * send = qobject_cast<QAction *>(sender());
+ if (send && send->property("field_type").isValid())
+ val = send->property("field_type").toInt();
+ QModelIndex idx = selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().first();
+ FieldInformation finfo(proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(idx));
+ if (! finfo.isValid())
+ return;
+ switch (val)
+ {
+ case ProtoTree::Name:
+ clip.append(finfo.headerInfo().abbreviation);
+ break;
+ case ProtoTree::Description:
+ clip =;
+ break;
+ case ProtoTree::Value:
+ {
+ epan_dissect_t *edt = cap_file_ ? cap_file_->edt : edt_;
+ gchar* field_str = get_node_field_value(finfo.fieldInfo(), edt);
+ clip.append(field_str);
+ g_free(field_str);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (clip.length() > 0)
+ mainApp->clipboard()->setText(clip);
+void ProtoTree::ctxOpenUrlWiki()
+ QString url;
+ bool is_field_reference = false;
+ QAction * send = qobject_cast<QAction *>(sender());
+ if (send && send->property("field_reference").isValid())
+ is_field_reference = send->property("field_reference").toBool();
+ QModelIndex idx = selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().first();
+ FieldInformation finfo(proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(idx));
+ int field_id = finfo.headerInfo().id;
+ bool protocol_field_selected = false;
+ if (!proto_registrar_is_protocol(field_id) && (field_id != hf_text_only)) {
+ protocol_field_selected = true;
+ field_id = proto_registrar_get_parent(field_id);
+ }
+ const QString proto_abbrev = proto_registrar_get_abbrev(field_id);
+ if (! is_field_reference)
+ {
+ int ret = QMessageBox::question(this, mainApp->windowTitleString(tr("Wiki Page for %1").arg(proto_abbrev)),
+ tr("<p>The Wireshark Wiki is maintained by the community.</p>"
+ "<p>The page you are about to load might be wonderful, "
+ "incomplete, wrong, or nonexistent.</p>"
+ "<p>Proceed to the wiki?</p>"),
+ QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes);
+ if (ret != QMessageBox::Yes) return;
+ url = QString(WS_WIKI_URL("%1")).arg(proto_abbrev);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (field_id != hf_text_only) {
+ url = QString(WS_DOCS_URL "dfref/%1/%2.html")
+ .arg(proto_abbrev[0])
+ .arg(proto_abbrev);
+ if (protocol_field_selected)
+ {
+ const QString proto_field_abbrev = proto_registrar_get_abbrev(finfo.headerInfo().id);
+ url.append(QString("#%1").arg(proto_field_abbrev));
+ }
+ } else {
+ QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Not a field or protocol"),
+ tr("No field reference available for text labels."),
+ QMessageBox::Ok);
+ }
+ }
+ QDesktopServices::openUrl(url);
+void ProtoTree::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event)
+ QModelIndex index = indexAt(event->pos());
+ if (! index.isValid())
+ return;
+ // We're in a PacketDialog
+ bool buildForDialog = false;
+ if (! window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionViewExpandSubtrees"))
+ buildForDialog = true;
+ QMenu * ctx_menu = new QMenu(this);
+ ctx_menu->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+ ctx_menu->setProperty("toolTipsVisible", QVariant::fromValue(true));
+ QMenu *main_menu_item, *submenu;
+ QAction *action;
+ bool have_subtree = false;
+ FieldInformation *finfo = new FieldInformation(proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(index), ctx_menu);
+ field_info * fi = finfo->fieldInfo();
+ bool is_selected = false;
+ epan_dissect_t *edt = cap_file_ ? cap_file_->edt : edt_;
+ if (cap_file_ && cap_file_->finfo_selected == fi)
+ is_selected = true;
+ else if (! window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionViewExpandSubtrees"))
+ is_selected = true;
+ if (is_selected)
+ {
+ if (fi && fi->tree_type != -1) {
+ have_subtree = true;
+ }
+ }
+ action = ctx_menu->addAction(tr("Expand Subtrees"), this, SLOT(expandSubtrees()));
+ action->setEnabled(have_subtree);
+ action = ctx_menu->addAction(tr("Collapse Subtrees"), this, SLOT(collapseSubtrees()));
+ action->setEnabled(have_subtree);
+ ctx_menu->addAction(tr("Expand All"), this, SLOT(expandAll()));
+ ctx_menu->addAction(tr("Collapse All"), this, SLOT(collapseAll()));
+ ctx_menu->addSeparator();
+ if (! buildForDialog)
+ {
+ if (finfo->headerInfo().type == FT_IPv4 || finfo->headerInfo().type == FT_IPv6) {
+ action = window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionViewEditResolvedName");
+ ctx_menu->addAction(action);
+ ctx_menu->addSeparator();
+ }
+ action = window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionAnalyzeApplyAsColumn");
+ ctx_menu->addAction(action);
+ ctx_menu->addSeparator();
+ }
+ char * selectedfilter = proto_construct_match_selected_string(finfo->fieldInfo(), edt);
+ bool can_match_selected = proto_can_match_selected(finfo->fieldInfo(), edt);
+ ctx_menu->addMenu(FilterAction::createFilterMenu(FilterAction::ActionApply, selectedfilter, can_match_selected, ctx_menu));
+ ctx_menu->addMenu(FilterAction::createFilterMenu(FilterAction::ActionPrepare, selectedfilter, can_match_selected, ctx_menu));
+ if (selectedfilter)
+ wmem_free(Q_NULLPTR, selectedfilter);
+ if (! buildForDialog)
+ {
+ QMenu *main_conv_menu = window()->findChild<QMenu *>("menuConversationFilter");
+ conv_menu_.setTitle(main_conv_menu->title());
+ conv_menu_.clear();
+ foreach (QAction *action, main_conv_menu->actions()) {
+ conv_menu_.addAction(action);
+ }
+ ctx_menu->addMenu(&conv_menu_);
+ colorize_menu_.setTitle(tr("Colorize with Filter"));
+ ctx_menu->addMenu(&colorize_menu_);
+ /* XXX: Should we just get a Follow action (if it exists) for the currently
+ * selected field info, similar to preferences and filters?
+ */
+ main_menu_item = window()->findChild<QMenu *>("menuFollow");
+ if (main_menu_item) {
+ submenu = new QMenu(main_menu_item->title(), ctx_menu);
+ ctx_menu->addMenu(submenu);
+ foreach (FollowStreamAction *follow_action, main_menu_item->findChildren<FollowStreamAction *>()) {
+ if (follow_action->isEnabled()) {
+ submenu->addAction(follow_action);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ctx_menu->addSeparator();
+ }
+ submenu = ctx_menu->addMenu(tr("Copy"));
+ submenu->addAction(tr("All Visible Items"), this, SLOT(ctxCopyVisibleItems()));
+ action = submenu->addAction(tr("All Visible Selected Tree Items"), this, SLOT(ctxCopyVisibleItems()));
+ action->setProperty("selected_tree", QVariant::fromValue(true));
+ action = submenu->addAction(tr("Description"), this, SLOT(ctxCopySelectedInfo()));
+ action->setProperty("field_type", ProtoTree::Description);
+ action = submenu->addAction(tr("Field Name"), this, SLOT(ctxCopySelectedInfo()));
+ action->setProperty("field_type", ProtoTree::Name);
+ action = submenu->addAction(tr("Value"), this, SLOT(ctxCopySelectedInfo()));
+ action->setProperty("field_type", ProtoTree::Value);
+ submenu->addSeparator();
+ submenu->addAction(tr("As Filter"), this, SLOT(ctxCopyAsFilter()));
+ submenu->addSeparator();
+ QActionGroup * copyEntries = DataPrinter::copyActions(this, finfo);
+ submenu->addActions(copyEntries->actions());
+ ctx_menu->addSeparator();
+ if (! buildForDialog)
+ {
+ action = window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionAnalyzeShowPacketBytes");
+ ctx_menu->addAction(action);
+ action = window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionFileExportPacketBytes");
+ ctx_menu->addAction(action);
+ ctx_menu->addSeparator();
+ }
+ int field_id = finfo->headerInfo().id;
+ bool protocol_field_selected = false;
+ if (!proto_registrar_is_protocol(field_id) && (field_id != hf_text_only)) {
+ protocol_field_selected = true;
+ field_id = proto_registrar_get_parent(field_id);
+ }
+ action = ctx_menu->addAction(tr("Wiki Protocol Page"), this, SLOT(ctxOpenUrlWiki()));
+ action->setProperty("toolTip", QString(WS_WIKI_URL("Protocols/%1")).arg(proto_registrar_get_abbrev(field_id)));
+ action = ctx_menu->addAction(tr("Filter Field Reference"), this, SLOT(ctxOpenUrlWiki()));
+ action->setProperty("field_reference", QVariant::fromValue(true));
+ if (field_id != hf_text_only) {
+ action->setEnabled(true);
+ const QString proto_abbrev = proto_registrar_get_abbrev(field_id);
+ QString url = QString(WS_DOCS_URL "dfref/%1/%2.html")
+ .arg(proto_abbrev[0])
+ .arg(proto_abbrev);
+ if (protocol_field_selected)
+ {
+ const QString proto_field_abbrev = proto_registrar_get_abbrev(finfo->headerInfo().id);
+ url.append(QString("#%1").arg(proto_field_abbrev));
+ }
+ action->setProperty("toolTip", url);
+ }
+ else {
+ action->setEnabled(false);
+ action->setProperty("toolTip", tr("No field reference available for text labels."));
+ }
+ ctx_menu->addMenu(&proto_prefs_menu_);
+ ctx_menu->addSeparator();
+ if (! buildForDialog)
+ {
+ QAction *decode_as_ = window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionAnalyzeDecodeAs");
+ ctx_menu->addAction(decode_as_);
+ decode_as_->setProperty("create_new", QVariant::fromValue(true));
+ ctx_menu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionGoGoToLinkedPacket"));
+ ctx_menu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionContextShowLinkedPacketInNewWindow"));
+ }
+ // The "text only" header field will not give preferences for the selected protocol.
+ // Use parent in this case.
+ ProtoNode *node = proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(index);
+ while (node && node->isValid() && node->protoNode()->finfo && node->protoNode()->finfo->hfinfo && node->protoNode()->finfo->hfinfo->id == hf_text_only) {
+ node = node->parentNode();
+ }
+ FieldInformation pref_finfo(node);
+ proto_prefs_menu_.setModule(pref_finfo.moduleName());
+ ctx_menu->popup(event->globalPos());
+void ProtoTree::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
+ if (event->timerId() == column_resize_timer_) {
+ killTimer(column_resize_timer_);
+ column_resize_timer_ = 0;
+ resizeColumnToContents(0);
+ } else {
+ QTreeView::timerEvent(event);
+ }
+// resizeColumnToContents checks 1000 items by default. The user might
+// have scrolled to an area with a different width at this point.
+void ProtoTree::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
+ if (event->isAutoRepeat()) return;
+ switch(event->key()) {
+ case Qt::Key_Up:
+ case Qt::Key_Down:
+ case Qt::Key_PageUp:
+ case Qt::Key_PageDown:
+ case Qt::Key_Home:
+ case Qt::Key_End:
+ updateContentWidth();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void ProtoTree::updateContentWidth()
+ if (column_resize_timer_ == 0) {
+ column_resize_timer_ = startTimer(0);
+ }
+void ProtoTree::setMonospaceFont(const QFont &mono_font)
+ setFont(mono_font);
+ update();
+void ProtoTree::foreachTreeNode(proto_node *node, gpointer proto_tree_ptr)
+ ProtoTree *tree_view = static_cast<ProtoTree *>(proto_tree_ptr);
+ ProtoTreeModel *model = qobject_cast<ProtoTreeModel *>(tree_view->model());
+ if (!tree_view || !model) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Related frames - there might be hidden FT_FRAMENUM nodes, so do this
+ // for each proto_node and not just the ProtoNodes in the model
+ if (node->finfo->hfinfo->type == FT_FRAMENUM) {
+ ft_framenum_type_t framenum_type = (ft_framenum_type_t)GPOINTER_TO_INT(node->finfo->hfinfo->strings);
+ tree_view->emitRelatedFrame(fvalue_get_uinteger(node->finfo->value), framenum_type);
+ }
+ proto_tree_children_foreach(node, foreachTreeNode, proto_tree_ptr);
+void ProtoTree::foreachExpand(const QModelIndex &index = QModelIndex()) {
+ // Restore expanded state. (Note QModelIndex() refers to the root node)
+ int children = proto_tree_model_->rowCount(index);
+ QModelIndex childIndex;
+ for (int child = 0; child < children; child++) {
+ childIndex = proto_tree_model_->index(child, 0, index);
+ if (childIndex.isValid()) {
+ ProtoNode *node = proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(childIndex);
+ if (node && node->isValid() && tree_expanded(node->protoNode()->finfo->tree_type)) {
+ expand(childIndex);
+ }
+ foreachExpand(childIndex);
+ }
+ }
+// setRootNode sets the new contents for the protocol tree and subsequently
+// restores the previously expanded state.
+void ProtoTree::setRootNode(proto_node *root_node) {
+ // We track item expansion using proto.c:tree_is_expanded.
+ // Replace any existing (possibly invalidated) proto tree by the new tree.
+ // The expanded state will be reset as well and will be re-expanded below.
+ proto_tree_model_->setRootNode(root_node);
+ disconnect(this, SIGNAL(expanded(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(syncExpanded(QModelIndex)));
+ proto_tree_children_foreach(root_node, foreachTreeNode, this);
+ foreachExpand();
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(expanded(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(syncExpanded(QModelIndex)));
+ updateContentWidth();
+void ProtoTree::emitRelatedFrame(int related_frame, ft_framenum_type_t framenum_type)
+ emit relatedFrame(related_frame, framenum_type);
+void ProtoTree::autoScrollTo(const QModelIndex &index)
+ selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(index, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
+ if (!index.isValid()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // ensure item is visible (expanding its parents as needed).
+ scrollTo(index);
+// XXX We select the first match, which might not be the desired item.
+void ProtoTree::goToHfid(int hfid)
+ QModelIndex index = proto_tree_model_->findFirstHfid(hfid);
+ autoScrollTo(index);
+void ProtoTree::selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected)
+ QTreeView::selectionChanged(selected, deselected);
+ if (selected.isEmpty()) {
+ emit fieldSelected(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ QModelIndex index = selected.indexes().first();
+ saveSelectedField(index);
+ // Find and highlight the protocol bytes. select above won't call
+ // selectionChanged if the current and selected indexes are the same
+ // so we do this here.
+ FieldInformation finfo(proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(index), this);
+ if (finfo.isValid()) {
+ QModelIndex parent = index;
+ while (parent.isValid() && parent.parent().isValid()) {
+ parent = parent.parent();
+ }
+ if (parent.isValid()) {
+ FieldInformation parent_finfo(proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(parent));
+ finfo.setParentField(parent_finfo.fieldInfo());
+ }
+ emit fieldSelected(&finfo);
+ }
+void ProtoTree::syncExpanded(const QModelIndex &index) {
+ FieldInformation finfo(proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(index));
+ if (!finfo.isValid()) return;
+ /*
+ * Nodes with "finfo->tree_type" of -1 have no ett_ value, and
+ * are thus presumably leaf nodes and cannot be expanded.
+ */
+ if (finfo.treeType() != -1) {
+ tree_expanded_set(finfo.treeType(), TRUE);
+ }
+void ProtoTree::syncCollapsed(const QModelIndex &index) {
+ FieldInformation finfo(proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(index));
+ if (!finfo.isValid()) return;
+ /*
+ * Nodes with "finfo->tree_type" of -1 have no ett_ value, and
+ * are thus presumably leaf nodes and cannot be collapsed.
+ */
+ if (finfo.treeType() != -1) {
+ tree_expanded_set(finfo.treeType(), FALSE);
+ }
+void ProtoTree::expandSubtrees()
+ if (!selectionModel()->hasSelection()) return;
+ QStack<QModelIndex> index_stack;
+ index_stack.push(selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().first());
+ while (!index_stack.isEmpty()) {
+ QModelIndex index = index_stack.pop();
+ expand(index);
+ int row_count = proto_tree_model_->rowCount(index);
+ for (int row = row_count - 1; row >= 0; row--) {
+ QModelIndex child = proto_tree_model_->index(row, 0, index);
+ if (proto_tree_model_->hasChildren(child)) {
+ index_stack.push(child);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ updateContentWidth();
+void ProtoTree::collapseSubtrees()
+ if (!selectionModel()->hasSelection()) return;
+ QStack<QModelIndex> index_stack;
+ index_stack.push(selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().first());
+ while (!index_stack.isEmpty()) {
+ QModelIndex index = index_stack.pop();
+ collapse(index);
+ int row_count = proto_tree_model_->rowCount(index);
+ for (int row = row_count - 1; row >= 0; row--) {
+ QModelIndex child = proto_tree_model_->index(row, 0, index);
+ if (proto_tree_model_->hasChildren(child)) {
+ index_stack.push(child);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ updateContentWidth();
+void ProtoTree::expandAll()
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_tree_types; i++) {
+ tree_expanded_set(i, TRUE);
+ }
+ QTreeView::expandAll();
+ updateContentWidth();
+void ProtoTree::collapseAll()
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_tree_types; i++) {
+ tree_expanded_set(i, FALSE);
+ }
+ QTreeView::collapseAll();
+ updateContentWidth();
+void ProtoTree::itemClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
+ // selectionChanged() is not issued when some action would select
+ // the same item as currently selected - but we want to make sure
+ // ByteViewText is highlighting that field. The BVT highlighted bytes
+ // might be different, due to hover highlighting or Find Packet "bytes".
+ //
+ // Unfortunately, clicked() is singled after selectionChanged(), so
+ // we emit fieldSelected() twice after clicking on a new frame, once
+ // in selectionChanged(), and once here.
+ //
+ // We can't get rid of the fieldSelected() handling because there are
+ // non-mouse event ways to select a field, such as keyboard navigation.
+ //
+ // All this would be easier if Qt had a signal similar to
+ // selectionChanged() that was triggered even if the new selection
+ // was the same as the old one.
+ if (selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().isEmpty()) {
+ emit fieldSelected(0);
+ } else if (index == selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().first()) {
+ FieldInformation finfo(proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(index), this);
+ if (finfo.isValid()) {
+ // Find and highlight the protocol bytes.
+ QModelIndex parent = index;
+ while (parent.isValid() && parent.parent().isValid()) {
+ parent = parent.parent();
+ }
+ if (parent.isValid()) {
+ FieldInformation parent_finfo(proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(parent));
+ finfo.setParentField(parent_finfo.fieldInfo());
+ }
+ emit fieldSelected(&finfo);
+ }
+ }
+void ProtoTree::itemDoubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
+ FieldInformation finfo(proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(index));
+ if (!finfo.isValid()) return;
+ if (finfo.headerInfo().type == FT_FRAMENUM) {
+ if (QApplication::queryKeyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) {
+ emit openPacketInNewWindow(true);
+ } else {
+ mainApp->gotoFrame(fvalue_get_uinteger(finfo.fieldInfo()->value));
+ }
+ } else {
+ QString url = finfo.url();
+ if (!url.isEmpty()) {
+ QApplication::clipboard()->setText(url);
+ QString push_msg = tr("Copied ") + url;
+ mainApp->pushStatus(MainApplication::TemporaryStatus, push_msg);
+ }
+ }
+void ProtoTree::selectedFrameChanged(QList<int> frames)
+ if (frames.count() == 1 && cap_file_ && cap_file_->edt && cap_file_->edt->tree) {
+ setRootNode(cap_file_->edt->tree);
+ } else {
+ // Clear the proto tree contents as they have become invalid.
+ proto_tree_model_->setRootNode(NULL);
+ }
+// Select a field and bring it into view. Intended to be called by external
+// components (such as the byte view).
+void ProtoTree::selectedFieldChanged(FieldInformation *finfo)
+ if (finfo && finfo->parent() == this) {
+ // We only want inbound signals.
+ return;
+ }
+ QModelIndex index = proto_tree_model_->findFieldInformation(finfo);
+ setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ // The new finfo might match the current index. Clear our selection
+ // so that we force a fresh item selection, so that fieldSelected
+ // will in turn be emitted.
+ selectionModel()->clearSelection();
+ autoScrollTo(index);
+ setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+// Remember the currently focussed field based on:
+// - current hf_id (obviously)
+// - parent items (to avoid selecting a text item in a different tree)
+// - the row of each item
+void ProtoTree::saveSelectedField(QModelIndex &index)
+ selected_hfid_path_.clear();
+ QModelIndex save_index = index;
+ while (save_index.isValid()) {
+ FieldInformation finfo(proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(save_index));
+ if (!finfo.isValid()) break;
+ selected_hfid_path_.prepend(QPair<int,int>(save_index.row(), finfo.headerInfo().id));
+ save_index = save_index.parent();
+ }
+// Try to focus a tree item which was previously also visible
+void ProtoTree::restoreSelectedField()
+ if (selected_hfid_path_.isEmpty()) return;
+ QModelIndex cur_index = QModelIndex();
+ QPair<int,int> path_entry;
+ foreach (path_entry, selected_hfid_path_) {
+ int row = path_entry.first;
+ int hf_id = path_entry.second;
+ cur_index = proto_tree_model_->index(row, 0, cur_index);
+ FieldInformation finfo(proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(cur_index));
+ if (!finfo.isValid() || finfo.headerInfo().id != hf_id) {
+ // Did not find the selected hfid path in the selected packet
+ cur_index = QModelIndex();
+ emit fieldSelected(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ autoScrollTo(cur_index);
+QString ProtoTree::traverseTree(const QModelIndex & travTree, int identLevel) const
+ QString result = "";
+ if (travTree.isValid())
+ {
+ result.append(QString(" ").repeated(identLevel));
+ result.append(;
+ result.append("\n");
+ /* if the element is expanded, we traverse one level down */
+ if (isExpanded(travTree))
+ {
+ int children = proto_tree_model_->rowCount(travTree);
+ identLevel++;
+ for (int child = 0; child < children; child++)
+ result += traverseTree(proto_tree_model_->index(child, 0, travTree), identLevel);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+QString ProtoTree::toString(const QModelIndex &start_idx) const
+ QString tree_string = "";
+ if (start_idx.isValid())
+ tree_string = traverseTree(start_idx, 0);
+ else
+ {
+ int children = proto_tree_model_->rowCount();
+ for (int child = 0; child < children; child++)
+ tree_string += traverseTree(proto_tree_model_->index(child, 0, QModelIndex()), 0);
+ }
+ return tree_string;
+void ProtoTree::setCaptureFile(capture_file *cf)
+ // For use by the main view, set the capture file which will later have a
+ // dissection (EDT) ready.
+ // The packet dialog sets a fixed EDT context and MUST NOT use this.
+ Q_ASSERT(edt_ == NULL);
+ cap_file_ = cf;
+bool ProtoTree::eventFilter(QObject * obj, QEvent * event)
+ if (event->type() != QEvent::MouseButtonPress && event->type() != QEvent::MouseMove)
+ return QTreeView::eventFilter(obj, event);
+ /* Mouse was over scrollbar, ignoring */
+ if (qobject_cast<QScrollBar *>(obj))
+ return QTreeView::eventFilter(obj, event);
+ if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)
+ {
+ QMouseEvent * ev = (QMouseEvent *)event;
+ if (ev->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)
+ drag_start_position_ = ev->pos();
+ }
+ else if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove)
+ {
+ QMouseEvent * ev = (QMouseEvent *)event;
+ if ((ev->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) && (ev->pos() - drag_start_position_).manhattanLength()
+ > QApplication::startDragDistance())
+ {
+ QModelIndex idx = indexAt(drag_start_position_);
+ FieldInformation finfo(proto_tree_model_->protoNodeFromIndex(idx));
+ if (finfo.isValid())
+ {
+ /* Hack to prevent QItemSelection taking the item which has been dragged over at start
+ * of drag-drop operation. selectionModel()->blockSignals could have done the trick, but
+ * it does not take in a QTreeWidget (maybe View) */
+ emit fieldSelected(&finfo);
+ selectionModel()->select(idx, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
+ epan_dissect_t *edt = cap_file_ ? cap_file_->edt : edt_;
+ char *field_filter = proto_construct_match_selected_string(finfo.fieldInfo(), edt);
+ QString filter(field_filter);
+ wmem_free(NULL, field_filter);
+ if (filter.length() > 0)
+ {
+ QJsonObject filterData;
+ filterData["filter"] = filter;
+ filterData["name"] = finfo.headerInfo().abbreviation;
+ filterData["description"] = finfo.headerInfo().name;
+ QMimeData * mimeData = new QMimeData();
+ mimeData->setData(WiresharkMimeData::DisplayFilterMimeType, QJsonDocument(filterData).toJson());
+ mimeData->setText(toString(idx));
+ QDrag * drag = new QDrag(this);
+ drag->setMimeData(mimeData);
+ QString lblTxt = QString("%1\n%2").arg(finfo.headerInfo().name, filter);
+ DragLabel * content = new DragLabel(lblTxt, this);
+ qreal dpr = window()->windowHandle()->devicePixelRatio();
+ QPixmap pixmap(content->size() * dpr);
+ pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(dpr);
+ content->render(&pixmap);
+ drag->setPixmap(pixmap);
+ drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return QTreeView::eventFilter(obj, event);
+QModelIndex ProtoTree::moveCursor(QAbstractItemView::CursorAction cursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
+ if (cursorAction == MoveLeft && selectionModel()->hasSelection()) {
+ QModelIndex cur_idx = selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().first();
+ QModelIndex parent = cur_idx.parent();
+ if (!isExpanded(cur_idx) && parent.isValid() && parent != rootIndex()) {
+ return parent;
+ }
+ }
+ return QTreeView::moveCursor(cursorAction, modifiers);