# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #[=======================================================================[.rst: FindLua ------- Locate Lua library. .. versionadded:: 3.18 Support for Lua 5.4. This module defines: ``LUA_FOUND`` if false, do not try to link to Lua ``LUA_LIBRARIES`` both lua and lualib ``LUA_INCLUDE_DIR`` where to find lua.h ``LUA_VERSION_STRING`` the version of Lua found ``LUA_VERSION_MAJOR`` the major version of Lua ``LUA_VERSION_MINOR`` the minor version of Lua ``LUA_VERSION_PATCH`` the patch version of Lua Note that the expected include convention is :: #include "lua.h" and not :: #include This is because, the lua location is not standardized and may exist in locations other than lua/ #]=======================================================================] cmake_policy(PUSH) # Policies apply to functions at definition-time cmake_policy(SET CMP0012 NEW) # For while(TRUE) INCLUDE(FindWSWinLibs) FindWSWinLibs("lua-5*" "LUA_HINTS") unset(_lua_include_subdirs) unset(_lua_library_names) unset(_lua_append_versions) # this is a function only to have all the variables inside go away automatically function(_lua_get_versions) set(LUA_VERSIONS5 ${LUA_FIND_VERSIONS}) list(FILTER LUA_VERSIONS5 INCLUDE REGEX "5\.[43]") set(_lua_append_versions ${LUA_VERSIONS5}) message(STATUS "Considering the following Lua versions: ${_lua_append_versions}") set(_lua_append_versions "${_lua_append_versions}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(_lua_set_version_vars) set(_lua_include_subdirs_raw "lua") foreach (ver IN LISTS _lua_append_versions) string(REGEX MATCH "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" _ver "${ver}") list(APPEND _lua_include_subdirs_raw lua${CMAKE_MATCH_1}${CMAKE_MATCH_2} lua${CMAKE_MATCH_1}.${CMAKE_MATCH_2} lua-${CMAKE_MATCH_1}.${CMAKE_MATCH_2} ) endforeach () # Prepend "include/" to each path directly after the path set(_lua_include_subdirs "include") foreach (dir IN LISTS _lua_include_subdirs_raw) list(APPEND _lua_include_subdirs "${dir}" "include/${dir}") endforeach () set(_lua_include_subdirs "${_lua_include_subdirs}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(_lua_set_version_vars) function(_lua_get_header_version) unset(LUA_VERSION_STRING PARENT_SCOPE) set(_hdr_file "${LUA_INCLUDE_DIR}/lua.h") if (NOT EXISTS "${_hdr_file}") return() endif () # At least 5.[012] have different ways to express the version # so all of them need to be tested. Lua 5.2 defines LUA_VERSION # and LUA_RELEASE as joined by the C preprocessor, so avoid those. file(STRINGS "${_hdr_file}" lua_version_strings REGEX "^#define[ \t]+LUA_(RELEASE[ \t]+\"Lua [0-9]|VERSION([ \t]+\"Lua [0-9]|_[MR])).*") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*;#define[ \t]+LUA_VERSION_MAJOR[ \t]+\"([0-9])\"[ \t]*;.*" "\\1" LUA_VERSION_MAJOR ";${lua_version_strings};") if (LUA_VERSION_MAJOR MATCHES "^[0-9]+$") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*;#define[ \t]+LUA_VERSION_MINOR[ \t]+\"([0-9])\"[ \t]*;.*" "\\1" LUA_VERSION_MINOR ";${lua_version_strings};") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*;#define[ \t]+LUA_VERSION_RELEASE[ \t]+\"([0-9])\"[ \t]*;.*" "\\1" LUA_VERSION_PATCH ";${lua_version_strings};") set(LUA_VERSION_STRING "${LUA_VERSION_MAJOR}.${LUA_VERSION_MINOR}.${LUA_VERSION_PATCH}") else () string(REGEX REPLACE ".*;#define[ \t]+LUA_RELEASE[ \t]+\"Lua ([0-9.]+)\"[ \t]*;.*" "\\1" LUA_VERSION_STRING ";${lua_version_strings};") if (NOT LUA_VERSION_STRING MATCHES "^[0-9.]+$") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*;#define[ \t]+LUA_VERSION[ \t]+\"Lua ([0-9.]+)\"[ \t]*;.*" "\\1" LUA_VERSION_STRING ";${lua_version_strings};") endif () string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.[0-9.]*$" "\\1" LUA_VERSION_MAJOR "${LUA_VERSION_STRING}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+)[0-9.]*$" "\\1" LUA_VERSION_MINOR "${LUA_VERSION_STRING}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.([0-9]).*" "\\1" LUA_VERSION_PATCH "${LUA_VERSION_STRING}") endif () foreach (ver IN LISTS _lua_append_versions) if (ver STREQUAL "${LUA_VERSION_MAJOR}.${LUA_VERSION_MINOR}") set(LUA_VERSION_MAJOR ${LUA_VERSION_MAJOR} PARENT_SCOPE) set(LUA_VERSION_MINOR ${LUA_VERSION_MINOR} PARENT_SCOPE) set(LUA_VERSION_PATCH ${LUA_VERSION_PATCH} PARENT_SCOPE) set(LUA_VERSION_STRING ${LUA_VERSION_STRING} PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif () endforeach () endfunction(_lua_get_header_version) function(_lua_find_header) _lua_set_version_vars() # Initialize as local variable set(CMAKE_IGNORE_PATH ${CMAKE_IGNORE_PATH}) while (TRUE) # Find the next header to test. Check each possible subdir in order # This prefers e.g. higher versions as they are earlier in the list # It is also consistent with previous versions of FindLua foreach (subdir IN LISTS _lua_include_subdirs) find_path(LUA_INCLUDE_DIR lua.h HINTS ${LUA_HINTS} ENV LUA_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES ${subdir} ) if (LUA_INCLUDE_DIR) break() endif() endforeach() # Did not found header -> Fail if (NOT LUA_INCLUDE_DIR) return() endif() _lua_get_header_version() # Found accepted version -> Ok if (LUA_VERSION_STRING) if (LUA_Debug) message(STATUS "Found suitable version ${LUA_VERSION_STRING} in ${LUA_INCLUDE_DIR}/lua.h") endif() return() endif() # Found wrong version -> Ignore this path and retry if (LUA_Debug) message(STATUS "Ignoring unsuitable version in ${LUA_INCLUDE_DIR}") endif() list(APPEND CMAKE_IGNORE_PATH "${LUA_INCLUDE_DIR}") unset(LUA_INCLUDE_DIR CACHE) unset(LUA_INCLUDE_DIR) unset(LUA_INCLUDE_DIR PARENT_SCOPE) endwhile () endfunction() _lua_get_versions() _lua_find_header() _lua_get_header_version() unset(_lua_append_versions) if (LUA_VERSION_STRING) set(_lua_library_names lua${LUA_VERSION_MAJOR}${LUA_VERSION_MINOR} lua${LUA_VERSION_MAJOR}.${LUA_VERSION_MINOR} lua-${LUA_VERSION_MAJOR}.${LUA_VERSION_MINOR} lua.${LUA_VERSION_MAJOR}.${LUA_VERSION_MINOR} ) endif () find_library(LUA_LIBRARY NAMES ${_lua_library_names} lua NAMES_PER_DIR HINTS ${LUA_HINTS} ENV LUA_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES lib ${_lua_library_names} ) unset(_lua_library_names) if (LUA_LIBRARY) # include the math library for Unix if (UNIX AND NOT APPLE AND NOT BEOS) find_library(LUA_MATH_LIBRARY m) mark_as_advanced(LUA_MATH_LIBRARY) set(LUA_LIBRARIES "${LUA_LIBRARY};${LUA_MATH_LIBRARY}") # include dl library for statically-linked Lua library get_filename_component(LUA_LIB_EXT ${LUA_LIBRARY} EXT) if(LUA_LIB_EXT STREQUAL CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX) list(APPEND LUA_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) endif() # For Windows and Mac, don't need to explicitly include the math library else () set(LUA_LIBRARIES "${LUA_LIBRARY}") endif () endif () include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set LUA_FOUND to TRUE if # all listed variables are TRUE FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(Lua REQUIRED_VARS LUA_LIBRARIES LUA_INCLUDE_DIR VERSION_VAR LUA_VERSION_STRING) mark_as_advanced(LUA_INCLUDE_DIR LUA_LIBRARY) cmake_policy(POP) IF(Lua_FOUND) SET( LUA_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LUA_INCLUDE_DIR} ) unset(HAVE_LUA_INTEGER_SIZE CACHE) cmake_push_check_state() include(CheckTypeSize) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${LUA_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES "luaconf.h") check_type_size(LUA_INTEGER LUA_INTEGER_SIZE) cmake_pop_check_state() if (WIN32) set ( LUA_DLL_DIR "${LUA_HINTS}" CACHE PATH "Path to Lua DLL") file( GLOB _lua_dll RELATIVE "${LUA_DLL_DIR}" "${LUA_DLL_DIR}/lua*.dll") set ( LUA_DLL ${_lua_dll} CACHE FILEPATH "Lua DLL file name") mark_as_advanced( LUA_DLL_DIR LUA_DLL ) endif() if(LUA_DLL_DIR MATCHES ".*/lua-.*-unicode-.*") # Do we have Lua with Unicode for Windows patches? # https://github.com/Lekensteyn/lua-unicode # XXX Would be better if it was possible to # detect a Lua-unicode build from C and Lua code # but upstream rejected patches for that so we do # it here. set(HAVE_LUA_UNICODE True) endif() ELSE(Lua_FOUND) SET( LUA_LIBRARIES ) SET( LUA_INCLUDE_DIRS ) SET( LUA_DLL_DIR ) SET( LUA_DLL ) ENDIF(Lua_FOUND)